Genealogy Express


A Collection of Biographical Sketches of Jews
that Have Distinguished Themselves in
Commercial, Professional and
Religious Endeavor
Published by
S. B. GOODKIND, Publication Manager
403 Gardner Building, Toledo, Ohio.

     The purpose of this work is to perpetuate in the minds of this and coming generations, a knowledge of those sterling traits of character which have distinguished the Jewish race since the first dawn of civilization.
     It has an interesting fact that they are the only people in the world who have been able to mingle with all nations without being absorbed by any of them.
     Although loyal to the various countries of their adoption, sending their sons forth to fight their battles; giving with lavish generosity,  both of time and money, toward the promotion of every worthy national or communal cause, they have yet maintained a distinct racial individuality, which is the wonder of the world.
     Without organized political influence, they have financed Crowned heads and Kingdoms; sent forth across an uncharted waste of waters an expedition which opened the entire western hemisphere to the eyes of an incredulous world.  For it is an established fact that it was Jewish money and influence which enabled Queen Isabella to send forth Christopher Columbus upon his momentous voyage of discovery.
     The Jew is essentially a lover of liberty, of freedom of thought and action, and is always ready to grant these rights to others.  Small wonder, then, that the United States, the most vigorous exponent of freedom of all the nations of the earth, should have attracted to their shores a large body of men and women of Jewish nationality, seeking to escape from the oppression of old world tyranny.
     The story of their experiences forms a unique chapter of national history - a brave narrative replete with help and inspiration for the struggling young men of our land.
     Many of those whose biographies appear in this volume are unknown to fame in the commonly accepted sense of the term.  Their activities have perhaps been confined to their own communities, and only their immediate families and intimate friends realize fully the bitterness of the cup of experience which their lips have touched.
     However, in the life story of each one is found much that is worthy of perpetuation, much that has moulded the commercial and religious thought of their generation, and we offer this volume as a record and tribute to those men who have lived simply, nobly and without ostentation, that America and the Jewish race might maintain their dearest traditions of liberty, charity and equality among men.

     "Advance, then, ye future generations.  We would hail you as you rise in your long succession to fill the places which we now fill.  We bid you welcome to this pleasant land of the fathers.  We bid you welcome to the healthful skies and the verdant fields of our wonderful country.  We greet your accession to the great inheritance which we have enjoyed."
                                                              ~ Daniel Webster


Abenson, Saul 1
Abrich, Abraham 1
Ackerman, William, Rabbi 2
Adler, Ben 2
Adler, Lazar 3
Alderman, Abraham 3
Alderman, Max 3
Alderman, William 3
Alexander, Leo 4
Alper, Meyer Solomon 4
Altschuler, Oscar H. 5
Amron, Jacob 5
Aronovsky, Aaron H. 7
Aronson, I. Leonard 7
Aronstein, Walter 8
Babcock, Benjamin 9
Barnett, Joseph 10
Barnett, Samuel (N.Y. City) 10
Barnett, Samuel (Cleveland) 11
Baum, Samuel 12
Bean, Samuel 274
Bear, Max Lee 13
Beck, Sam 13
Beckerman, Sam 12
Belensky, Harry 14
Bellman, Sam 15
Belsky, Charles 15
Benstock, Max 16
Bercovitz, Adolf 16
Beren, Elias 17
Beren, Harry 18
Berger, Abraham 18
Berger, Wolf 20
Berkman, Hyman 19
Berman, Julius 20
Berner, Isaac 22
Bernstein, Jacob 23
Blanck, Philip G. 22
Blasberg, Harry B. 25
Blasberg, Samuel Zelick 24
Blattner, Israel S. 27
Blattner, Mary E. 27
Blickstein, Israel 26
Bloom, Harry 28
Blumberg, Isaac 29
Boff, Moses 29
Bonart, Sam 30
Borofsky, Samuel H. 31
Borowsky, Samuel H. 31
Borowsky, Jacob 30
Botwinik, Harris 32
Botwinik, Hyman 32
Brickman, Barnett 33
Burg, Sigmund Schulem, Burg 34
Burgin, Sam 35
Burnstein, Jacob 36
Caplan, Gutman 37
Caplan, Julius Harry 37
Caplan, Samuel 39
Carnick, Abraham 38
Carnick, Jacob 39
CArnick, Robert 40
Cassel, Isidor M. 41
Chaimowitz, Bernard 40
Chesney, David 42
Cohen, Harry 42
Cohen, Harry I. 43
Cohen, Jacob M. 44
Cohen, Josiah 45
Cohen, Louis 202
Cohen, Max (Cleveland, O) 47
Cohen, Max (Harrisburg, Pa.) 48
Cohen, Max (Chelsea, Mass.) 48
Cohen, Samuel 49
Cohen, Sol 50
Colp, Isaac 50
Cooke, Samuel 51
Cooper, Samuel 52
Corman, Israel 52
Corman, Joseph 53
Cousins, Jacob M. 53
Cousins, Joseph 54
Cremar, samuel 54
Cutler, Oscar 55
Cutler, Philip 33
Cuttler, Benny 56
Cuttler, Hyman 56
Dana, Myer 57
Daniel, Max A. 58
Daniels, Wolf 57
Dannel, Samuel 59
Davidson, Jacob 59
Davis, Samuel 60
Dezen, Nathan 61
Duberstein, Ben 60
Dunn, Joseph 62
Dushman, Benjamin 63
Ehrlich, Louis 36
Eichner, Herman 63
Eidelman, Morris M. 64
Eisendrath, Nathan J. 65
Elkins, Samuel 65
Emerman, Samuel 66
Engler, Abraham 66
Ettinger, Philip 67
Fader, Isidore 68
Fealk, Benjamin 69
Fealk, Israel 69
Fealk, Sam 70
Feinberg, Harris T. E. 76
Feldman, William 70A
Feldstein, Samuel 71
Feldheim, Lyman 71
Ferguson, Herman B. 72
Ficksman, Harry 74
Field, Abraham 73
Fine, Louis 75
Fine, Sam 74
Fine, Samuel 76
Finger, M. 77
Finkelhor, Benjamin 77
Finkelstein, Neal 78
Firstenburg, Jacob 79
Fisher, Jacob 80
Fishman, Abraham 80
Fogelman, Samuel I. 81
Fox, Morris 81
Franks, Louis 82
Fredland, Abraham W. 85
Freedberger, Henry 83
Freedman, Moses B. 84
Freedman, Wolf 84
Freid, David 86
Freyman, Henry L. 86
Friedberg, Charles 87
Friedman, Hyman Albert 88
Friedman, Jacob 89
Friedman, Joseph 89
Friedman, Louis 90
Friedman, Max 91
Friedman, Paul 91
Friedman, Sam 93
Friedman, William 92
Freeman, Jacob 94
Gash, Abraham 94
Gendelman, Isaac 95
Ginsburg, Louis 96
Glosser, Moses 97
Glosser, Wolf Loeb 98
Goell, Jacob 99
Goldberg, A. 15
Goldberg, Abraham (Art Cloak Co., Cleveland, OH) 99
Goldberg, Abraham (Corset Mfr., Cleveland, O) 100
Goldberg, Abraham (Columbus, O.) 101
Goldberg, Isaac Leo 102
Goldberg, Samuel 101
Goldenberg, Morris 103
Goldman, Harris 103
Goldman, Israel 105
Goldstein, David 107
Goldstein, Samuel 106
Golland, Michael, Dr. 104
Goodman, Harry 105
Goodman, Henry 107
Goodman, Theodore 106
Goodwin, Isadore 108
Gordon, Harry M. 109
Gordon, Sol Engle 109
Goren, Jacob 111
Gorman, Israel 110
Graff, David Aaron 111
Grant, Harry S. 112
Greenberg, Harry M. 113
Greenberg, Max 114
Greenberg, Peter 113
Greenblatt, Ben 114
Greenstein, Samuel 115
Greil, Gaston J., Dr. 117
Grodin, Isaac 116
Grosberg, Oscar 118
Gross, Max 118
Grossman, Morris 120
Grunstein, Samuel L. 119
Guber, Aaron 120
Gurevitz, Ely David 121
Halberstein, Louis 121
Harris, Solomon 122
Hayman, Joseph 123
Helper, Harry 124
Herman, Louis 124
Herman, Max 125
Herman, Morris 126
Hirsh, Nathan 127
Hoffman, Harry 129
Hoffman, Jacob 129
Holtsberg, Frank 128
Holtsberg, Theodore 128
Horn, Louis 131
Horowitz, Robert G. 130
Hurwitz, Harry 131
Isaacson, Nathan I. 132
Israel, Max Louis 132
Jackson, William 133
Jacobs, Hyman S. 134
Jacobs, Max 134
Jacobson, Samuel 135
Jaffa, Abraham 136
Joffe, William 136
Kahn, Benjamin F. 138
Kahn, Henry Eli 139
Kahn, Leon I. 139
Kahne, Max 137
Kaminsky, Isaac 141
Kander, Harry 142
Kaplan, Benjamin 143
Kaplan, Isaac 144
Kaplan, Jacob 142
Karp, Joseph 144
Karpel, Max 146
Karpf, Benjamin 145
Kasle, Abe 146
Kasle, Samuel 147
Kastner, Joseph M. 148
Katzenstein, Samuel 147
Kaufmann, Edgar J. 149
Kaufmann, Otto 151
Kemper, Henry 150
Kesselman, Max 151
Kingsbacher, Morris 152
Klein, Ignatz 152
Klein, Simon 153
Kleine, Louis V. 153
Kine, Isidor 155
Klotz, Simon 154
Knofsky, Isador Loeb 157
Knofsky, Jacob 155
Koblitz, Rudolph C. 156
Kohlman, William, Dr. 157
Kohn, Adolph 158
Koppelman, Dave 160
Koppelman, Samuel 159
Kovinsky, Jacob 160
Kovinsky, Joseph 161
Krall, Joseph 162
Kramer, Ben 162
Kramer, Hyman 163
Kurnitsky, Isaac 80
Kusminsky, Solomon Henry 164
Landay, Charles 165
Landskroner, Morris 165
Lapinsky, Abraham 293
Lasdusky, Joseph 166
Lebster, Louis 167
Lebster, Max 168
Lefkofsky, Joseph 168
Legomsky, Abraham H. 169
Leibel, Jonas 169
Leibovitz, Jacob 170
Leibovit, Jacob 171
Leshner, Nathan 172
Levendorf, Herman 173
Levene, Joseph 172
Levenson, Henry H. 173
Levin, Meyer 325
Levine, Jacob 175
Levine, Max 175
Levinger, Herman C. 176
Levinson, Benjamin F. 177
Levy, Jacob 177
Levy, Max M. 178
Levye, Joseph 179
Lewin, Adolph L., Dr. 179
Lewis, max 180
Lichter, Ben 180
Lichtcsien, Ignatz 181
Lichtcsien, Morris 181
Lichtman, Samuel 181
Licofsky, Abe 182
Locofsky, Louis 183
Lieber, Max 183A
Leibman, Jay S., Dr. 184
Liff, Nathan 220
Linder, Solomon 184
Lischkoff, Alex. 185
Loeb, David 186
Loeb, Lucien S. 186
Louis, Herman H. 187
Maier, Sigmund 189
Mallinger, Samuel 190
Maltinsky, Samuel 188
Manes, Morris 1909
Manischewitz, Dave Behr, Rabbi 191
Mann, Aaron 192
Mann, Harry 192
Marcus, William 193
Margulies, Eliezer 195
Maril, Joseph 192
Markowitz, Benjamin 194
Marks, John 196
Marshall, Nathan 195
Masur, Jacob 197
Mayer, Edward Everett 199
Mayer, Otto J. 198
Mehl, George 198
Michelson, Israel 200
Michelson, Philip 297
Miller, Alexander 201
Miller, Jacob 203
Miller, Mike 202
Minsk, Carl 202
Minsker, Eli 204
Mintz, Chauncey A. 204
Mintz, Israel Morris 205
Mintz, Louis 206
Mohr, Michael 207
Morrison, Abraham 207
Moscovitz, Jacob 209
Mostov, Sam 209
Mount, Bernard, Dr. 208
Myers, Simon 210
Norwich, David 211
Novek, Abraham 212
Nowak, Abraham 211
Nurenberg, Samuel 74
Ochs, Lee A. 212
Oppenheim, David 213
Oppenheimer, Louis 214
Ozersky, Louis A. 214
Ozersky, Nathan 215
Palitz, Leonard Mordecai, Dr. 217
Pearlman, Moses 216
Perell, Morris 216
Pfeifer, Simon 218
Pickard, Morris 218
Pinkoson, William A. 219
Plack, Louis 220
Plekansky, Morris 220
Plotkin, Sam 221
Pollock, Charles 222
Pollock, Mayer 222
Pollock, Nathan 223
Portnoy, Barney 223
Present, Philip 224
Rabinovitz, Frank 225
Raff, Berman 225
Rappoport, Louis 226
Rapport, Isaiah 227
Ratner, Morris 228
Rauh, Enoch 229
Rauh, Marcus 228
Rauzin, Aaron 227
Ravinson, Sigmund 232
Rittenberg, Joseph 231
Robinson, David 232
Rockowsky, Ben 233
Roggen Brothers 233
Rosefsky, Samuel 234
Rosen, Abraham 235
Rosen, Thomas 235
Rosenbaum, Samuel (Waterbury, Conn.) 236
Rosenbaum, Samuel (Cambridge, Mass.) 237
Rosenbaum, Walter 237
Rosenberg, Abraham 239
Rosenberg, Ephraim 238
Rosenberg, Harry 239
Rosenberg, Hyman 240
Rosenberg, Samuel 241
Rosenberg, Saul N. 242
Rosenblatt, Arthur 243
Rosenblatt, Louis 242
Rosenbloom, Max 245
Rosenbloom, Sol 243
Rosenfield, Philip 246
Rosenthal, Charles 246
Rosenthal, Joseph 247
Rosenzweig, Simon D. 248
Roth, Jacob 247A
Rotter, Aaron 248
Rozner, Morris 249
Rubenstein, Hyman 48
Rubenstein, Sol. 250
Rubin, A. F. 250
Rubin, Hyman 251
Rudner, Max, Mrs. 252
Rudnick, Joseph 251
Rudolph, Isaac 253
Rudolph, Samuel 253
Ruttenberg, Abraham D. 254
Ruttenberg, George 254
Ruttenberg, John 254
Ruttenberg, Max M. 254
Sabel, Moses 254
Sahpiro, Meyer J. 255
Sakowitz, Simon 256
Sales, Alexander 256
Salle, Herman 257
Salle, Isidor 259
Sanders, Joseph 258
Sandmel, Morris 259
Sands, Ben 260
Schaengold, Charles H. 262
Schaffner, Morris 261
Schonberg, Michael 263
Schorin, Jacob 263
Schreiber, Leon 264
Schwartz, Bernard 264
Schwartz, Benjamin 265
Schwartz, Edward F. 266
Schwartz, Ignace 267
Schwartz, Jacob 267
Schwartz, Nathan 267
Segal, Max 269
Selik, Joseph 268
Selker, Sam W. 268
Sesen, Michell 270
Shane, Morris 270
Shapiro, Moses 271
Shapiro, Samuel 272
Shaw, Abraham 272
Sherman, Joseph 274
Sherman, Louis 273
Shewitz, Abraham 275
Shiff, Isaac 275
Shlain, Jacob 276
Shurberg, Solomon 277
Shure, Max 277
Siegle, Jacob 278
Silberman, Harry 278
Silberman, John 280
Silberman, Joseph J. 279
Silberman, Max 280
Silberstein, Louis 282
Silver, Isaac E. 281
Simon, Harry 282
Simon, Morri 283
Singer, Jacob 285
Singer, Joseph S. 284
Slavin, Sol 285
Smith, Israel 286
Smith, Samuel 286
Snitz, Max 287
Sobel, Isador 288
Sobul, Max 287
Sock, Simon 289
Sohnen, Jacob 290
Solomon, Jacob 290
Solomon, Kaskel 291
Solomont, Simon 292
Somerman, Sumer 293
Spector, Joseph 293
Stein, Jud 295
Stern, Maurice 294
Stober, David 296
Stone, Hyman 297
Strauss, Herman 297
Sunstein, Abraham J. 298
Suwalsky, Henry 299
Swidlow, Frank 300
Tahl, Joseph Arys 300
Tanzer, Alfred 301
Temchin, Daniel 302
Teper, Sam 302
Topolosky, Jacob 303
Topper, Isaac 304
Topper, Max Meier 305
Treichlinger, David 304
Tuch, Herman 307
Ohlendorf, Philip 307
Velick, Goodman 308
Wagman, Louis 309
Wagner, Samuel 309
Weil, Felix 311
Weil, Leon 310
Weinberg, Nathan 311
Weinberger, Charles 312
Weingarten, Harry 313
Weinkle, Marcus J. 315
Weinman, Isaac 314
Weisman, Arthur Hershel 316
Weiss, Herman 318
Weiss, Sol 317
Weitz, Benjamin 317
Weller, Benjamin David 319
Weller, Hyman P. 320
Wernick, Alexander 320
Widzer, David 322
Wilensky, Max 321
Wilkoff, Samuel 322
Wilkoff, William 323
Williams, Max 324
Williams, Sam 325
Windt, Herman 326
Wisman, Harry 327
Wolf, Jacke 327
Wolfson, Louis 328
Wolkowsky, Herman 328
Yarashefsky, Benjamin 330
Yasgur, Abe 331
Yawitz, Joseph J. 329
Zacks, Benjamin A. 331
Zaff, Morris 332
Zeiger, Louis 333
Ziskind, David 334
Zuckerman, Harry M. 334
Zuckerman, Sam 335



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