Alabama Genealogy Express

A Part of Genealogy Express

Welcome to
Limestone County, Alabama
History & Genealogy

Lawrence County, Ala.
By his Granddaughter
New Orleans, La.
New Orleans,
L. Graham & Son, Ltd., Printers, 207-211 Baronne St.


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     To live parallel with a century is rarely allotted the span of any one human existence; but, to have appeared in the down, and lingered (with every faculty alert) late into the evening of the present era, in which men have grappled with such Titanic forces as our Civil War, and the intricacies of the age's magic progress, denotes a rare and virile ichor coursing the veins - a gift, perhaps, of some heroic ancestor - distinguishing the honored octogenarian, bravely battling with the storms of fate and militant even with time - to whom he is the noble hostage from all the ages.  Such, alas, are fast waning with the century.
     Such, alas, are fast waning with the century they have so illumined.  The spent eagle - still gazing at the sun - dreams, yet, of loftier heights upon which to die - and the lonely altitude of grand old age lifts it quite into the vanishing point of heaven.
     James Edmonds Saunders was born in Brunswick county, Virginia, 7th of May, 1806.  His ancestor, Edward Saunders, "Chirurgeon," was already seated in Northumberland county, Virginia, in 1658; and, in 1669, as one of the justices for the county, was administering both medicine and law, pari passu, and in drastic doses, no doubt.  His commission from the Royal Governor Lord Berkeley as "one of the king's justices for Northumberland county" is yet preserved in the old Records at Heathsville.  His descendants lived, later, in the adjoining county of Lancaster on the Wicomico river, in Wicomico parish (which was included in both counties), and record of thebe is preserved at Lancaster C. H.
     His great-grandson, Thomas Saunders (born 1739), removed to Brunswick county, after the Revolution, in which, he, and four brothers, served with great credit in the American army, in Virginia and North Carolina.
     Rev. Turner Saunders, of Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi (born 1782), was second son of Thomas, and father of the subject of this sketch.  He removed in 1808 to Franklin, Williamson county, Tenn., and with him came his brother-in-law, Maj. David Dunn, of Brunswick county, and other Virginia families, who soon formed a refined and energetic community.  Descendants of some of these are, to the present day, busy making noble history for the South.
     Old Harpeth Academy was near by, and here the famous Dr. Gideon Blackburn, Presbyterian minister and educator, armoured restless young energies for the stupendous battles of the new world - an hitherto unexplored realm.
     And here, in the old Tennessee forest, roamed, with his boyish classmates, the young midshipman, Matthew Fontaine Maury, also a son of Virginia; the potent "God-within" enthusiasm, impelling him to speak, even thus early, of his one life dream, whispered him by old ocean, night and day, when his hammock swung on the sea-god's tremulous breast.  Did no prophetic vision warn these lads, in their morning existence, of that hot current of life-blood which was to stain their fair land, and, unlike the warm "Gulf Stream," make desolate the hearths by which it flowed - each playing his heroic part - and one lifted to the very climax of fame while the world applauded?
     Alabama, dusky maiden - lovely Pocahontas among her sister States - stepping out from the dawn, now beckoned evermore the weary emigrant to her "Happy Valley," where the silver Tennessee trailed its sparkling waters past wooded islands, and laughing shoals, ever crowned by the great forest monarchs!  To Lawrence county, and near to the great river, came the Rev. Turner Saunders in 1821, building a commodious home between Town creek and Courtland.  Other planters came - an easy-going, courteous class.  Content as theirs.  The morning and evening songs of their slaves, nature's merriest children (for when is the negro not a child?) echoed thousands of happy hearts.

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     The University of Georgia (then Franklin College) was the Southern Salamanca, and light-hearted students caracoled gaily to and from its learned shrine.  (There were no railways.)  The Rev. Moses Waddell was its president in 1819, another famous Presbyterian educator.  The influence of Princeton College was potent at this time in the South, throwing its searchlight of knowledge far and near.  To this College came young Saunders, in 1822, the spell of old Harpeth academy still upon him, and so slight, so boyish, his comrades dubbed him "Slim Jimmy."
     The University published in Latin, in 1858, a catalogue from the beginning (1785), in which year its curatores were: Joannus Houston, Jacobus Habersham, Gulielmus Pew, Josephus Clay, Abramus Baldwin, Nathan Brownson, Joannus Habersham, Abile Holmes, Gulielmus Houston, Jenkin Davis, Hugo Lawson, Gulielmus Glascock and Benjaminus Taliaferro.
     Its first president was Josiah Meigs, LL. D., 1801; the second, Joannus Brown, D. D., 1811; the third, Robertus Finley, D. D., 1816, and fourth Moses Waddell, D. D., 1819.
     Its alumni, beginning in 1804, include a long list of names famouus in the South.
     It was of the class of 1825 that the venerable president wrote so proudly, to the Rev. Turner Saunders.  There names are here given (retaining the quaint Latin nomenclature of the old catalogue): Edmondus Atkinson, A. M.; Joannus Campbell; Gulielmus Dougherty, A. M., curator; Joannus Hillyer, A. M.; Hugo A. Haralson A. M., Res. pub. Foed. E. Cong.; Kinchen L. Haralson, A. M.; Jacobus W. Harris, A. M.; Gulielmus L. Harris, A. M.; Georgius Graves, A. M.; Joannus J. Hunt, A. M.; Gulielmus L. Mitchell, A. M., Tutor, Curator; Henricus H. Means, A. M.; Gulielmus C. Micon, A. M.; Adrianus N. Mayor, A. M.; Henricus J. Pope; Benuaminus C. Pope; Joannus Saukey, A. M.; Reuben G. Reynolds, A. M., et Univ. Penn, M. D.; Fernandus Sims; Albertus C. Torrence, A. M.; Edmundus R. Ware, A.M., of Univ. Penn., M.D.; Georgius J. S. Walker, A. M.; Jacobus B. Walker, A. M., et Univ. Penn., M. D.; Gulielmus E. Walker, A. M.; Gulielmus N. Walker, Edwardus H. Wingfield, A. M.; Middleton Witt.  This was the class of James E. Saunders.

ATHENS, 6th November, 1823.
     Rev. and Dear Sir - On the 9th of April last your son, James Saunders, was entered as a student in the Sophomore Class of the University of Georgia.  On the 1st August, his examination on the studies of the Sophomore year having been cheerfully sustained, he was cordially admitted by the Faculty to enter the Junior Class.
     Since August he has been assiduously employed in pursuing the study of Belles Lettres and Criticism under my own direction, and Geometry and Mathematics under Professor Church.
     It gives me great pleasure to say, with unaffected sincerity, that, although his class is a large one, thirty-five in number, his rank in scholarship is equal to that of any member in it.  I have never known a class in my life which included so much intellectual talent as the present Junior Class in this institution, to which he is attached.  But, as from your character and standing in society, I presume you would rather see your son a good than a great man, I feel a superior gratification in assuring you that his general deportment and behavior, since he has been ehre, has merited and met with the unqualified approbation of the members of the Faculty, as well as of the discreet citizens of this village who know him.  By persisting in that course of applicaiton to study and modest conformity to the laws of College which he has hitherto pursued, until August, 1825, he can not fail to graduate with much credit to himself and to this institution, as well as with the fairest prospects of gratifying his friends, and proving highly useful to his country.  This is no exaggeration.  I believe that flattery is not often considered as belonging to the list of my infirmities.  In a word, I estimate James as a youth.  I have experienced much pleasure and occasional pain in the management of minds of every

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kind.  How long I shall continue in the arduous employment is, at present, very uncertain.
     I should be very glad to see you here, but if that pleasure be denied, a letter occasionally would gratly gratify.
                  Your sincere friend,   M. WADDEL

     Rev. Turner Saunders.

     Other college mates were Alfred Vernon Scott, Judge Wyley W. Mason, Eugene A. Nisbet, M. C., Iverson L. Harris, Thomas J. Merriwether, James Scott, James S. Sims, M. D., Claiborne A. Watkins, M. D., Judge Augustus B. Longstreet, Judge Joseph Lumpkin, Governor George W. Crawford, Thos. A. Matthews, M. D. Hines Holt, M. C., Wm. H. Crawford, U. S. Senator, James Rembert, Abraham Walker, Judge John A. Campbell of New Orleans, Daniel Chandler, of Mobile, Judge Robert Dougherty of Alabama, Dr. Paul F. Eve, of Nashville, Tenn., Wm. E. Jones, M. C., Richard and James Meriwether, M. C., Wm. H. Reynolds and other illustrious names, constellations no mists may yet obscure.
     Many of these formed life-long friendships with young SaundersNone now survive; only a few faded letters yet remain to attest the lost fragrance of their early association.  Alabama has embalmed the names of some of these in "amber immotalization" and now "silent they rest in solemn salvatory!"
     The years, like strong athletes, now ran rapid race, and into the old college curriculum, and into the heart of the dreaming youth, glided a study not put into the catalogue by those "most potent grave and reverend seigniors."  It was the tender passion, whose light eclipses all other schools or courts of learning, for -

"When all is done, all tried, all counted here *  *  *
  This Love just puts his hand out in a dram
  And straight out stretches all things!"

     A Georgia maiden's dark eyes "held him from his rest!"  The Rev. Doctor wrote to the Rev. father anxious letters, pleading for delay; but love conquers all!

ATHENS, GA., March 31, 1824.
     REVEREND AND DEAR SIR - Your son is about to leave us, and depart to yourself and his home.  Never did I part with a pupil with more regret.  We have conversed on the subject with the familiarity of confidential friends; and, I presume, he has disclosed to me the weightiest of all the reasons which urge him to the measure.   Notwithstanding would result from returning hither, and remaining until August, 1825.  In that event, his classical and scientific education would be equal to that of any man of his age in the Southern or Western States, and the highest honors of the University of Georgia would await him.  His mind would then be sufficiently mature, as well as cultivated, to enter on the study of a profession with the greatest advantage.  His age would also be exactly suited to that purpose.  Could he be persuaded to adopt that course, and rescind the resolution to which at present he appears so partial, I feel a confidence that he would, undoubtedly, be among the most brilliant and useful men, whose minds I have ever had the honor and pleasure of conducting.  In all these assertions I am sincere.  You can advise him as you think proper, as he is your son.
     I am sure I wish him well; and I am confident he will, sooner or later, be convinced of the soundness of the advice I have freely and repeatedly given him on the subject.
     I should be very much gratified to receive a letter from you, when you find it agreeable and convenient to write; and I am very sincerely,
                              Your friend, in the best bonds,
                                                                           M. Waddel.
     P. S. - I inclose an extra certificate for the satisfaction of yourself and his friends.
Rev. Turner Saunders.

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     July 14, 1824, when eighteen years of age, he married Mary Frances Watkins (aged fifteen), eldest daughter of his neighbor, Maj. Robert H. Watkins, who had recently removed from Petersburg, Broad River, Georgia (and before that from Prince Edward county, Virginia).  Major Watkins bought much land from the government through its office at Huntsville, Ala., and patents, on parchment, of many original tracts, signed by Presidents Monroe and Jackson are preserved in the family.



When a young man.
Born in Virginia 1806, died 1896.

Born 1809, died 1889


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     Then came the War Governor's call for troops for one year.  It sent Alabamians cheering to the front, and to the gulf coast.  Close upon this followed an appeal for volunteers "to the citizens of North Alabama," from their representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:






     Editors are requested not to publish, but to use every other means, to circulate.

R. M. Patton (afterward
J. A. Witherspoon, Gov.)
Wm. M. Jackson,
O. O. Nelson,
A. A. Hughes,
R. Jemison, Jr.,
Wm. H. Jemison,
F. W. Sykes (afterward U. S. C.  Posey, S. Senator)
Wm M. Griffin,
A. Snodgrass,
G. W. Malone,
John D. Miller,
A. R. Brindley,
J. B. Talley,
L. W. Lynch,
J. C. Orr,
T. M. Hardwick
Francis W. Rice,
Jonathan Latham,
T. T. Cotnam,
Thomas J. McLelland,
J. P. Coman,
James Shelton,
S. D. Cabaniss,
T. L. Hammond,
Cannaday Butler,
W. W. Little,
T. A. Walker,
S. M. Carruth,
S. D. McClellan,
W. B. Martin,
R. Ellis,
E. Aldridge,
W. N. Crump,
A. J. Coleman,
James Middleton,
J. W. Logan,
M. L. Davis,
J. A. Hill,
Wm. Gravlee,
L. W. Lawler,
Geo. S. Waden,
Chas. Carter,
B. W. Groce,
R. O. Pickett

     Montgomery, Ala., December 1, 1861.

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E. A. Ross, Company A., Texas Rangers (Milam county);
Scott Green, Texas Rangers, Hailton county;
Wm. D. Morse, Chapel Hill, Washington county, Texas;
Wm. Dallas, Cave Spring, Georgia;
Dr. Williams, killed 13th of July;
Henry J. Morris, of Georgia;
William Hale, Georgia.


Wooten Williams, Georgia Cavalry, 14th of July, 1863;
F. M. Faris, Second Georgia, died 15th of July, 1863;
Samuel Mimms, Texas Rangers;
Oscar Mumford, R. D. Buckner Parker, First Georgia, Vann's Valley;
A. J. Duron, Georgia
Thomas Higdon, Georgia;
Jas. Hicks, Second Georgia, Randolph county;
Captain Searight, Dr. H. Witcher, First Georgia, Cedar Town;
R. Scarborough, Company C, Texas Rangers;
T. B. Ivie, First or Second Georgia Regiment, Russell county;
Captain Crabb, died at Dr. Avent's, and removed;
A. A. Thurman Georgia Cavalry, Carable's company, 15th July;
Fred. Koeper, of Memphis, died 14th July, 1862 (one of Forrest's ten picked men.
Graves without names,
seven in number.

     Among Colonel Saunders' war correspondence a few notes, telegrams and letters relating to the invasion of the Tennessee Valley have been selected at random with some others in the order of their dates (1861 - 1865), as throwing light on the rapidly-transpiring events of that time, and giving some additional data to the history of the Civil War.
     They begin with a letter from Col. Edward Mumford, of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston's staff relative to the general's requisition for Alabama volunteers, followed by a  complication with Major J. W. Robertson, of the Military Academy, Marrietta, ga., as to the calling out of his "battalion of cadets," followed by letters from various officers at different posts, but always looking to the defense of his beloved valley.  After

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By Telegraph from Huntsville, Ala., Mar. 13, 1863.

To Jas. E. Saunders:
I find it necessary for me to see General Bragg.  I may return on first train.  I am trying to get General Bragg to allow me to remain in vallely with my brigade.  I may return to Athens.  Meet me there with my staff Friday or Saturday.
                                                       N. B. FORREST, Brig. Gen.


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By Telegraph from Tuscumbia, May 28, 1863.





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