Alabama Genealogy Express

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~ Source:
VOL. 1
Compiled by Kathleen Paul Jones & Pauline Jones Gendrud

1809 - 1818

No returns are given in this first book - nothing but date the license was issued.

added 1/6/2025
I will add more as I find them - Sharon Wick

_____, Levicey Black, John S. 1815 Apr. 20 193
Adair, John Myers, Sarah 1814 Mar. 9 138
Adare, James Graves, Caty 1809 May 7 3
Adkins, Thomas Jones, Elizabeth 1811 Oct. 17 51
Ady, Brathier Phillips, Letity 1813 Aug. 31 121
Aldridge, Felix Hill, Patsy 1817 Dec. 17 367
Alford, John B. Bailey, Temperence 1817 Oct. 21 352
Allen, Darling Maddox, Caroline S. 1817 Dec. 20 369
Allen, Elizabeth S. Allen, Sutton F. 1817 Jul. 11 330
Allen, Samuel A. Arnold, Nancy 1817 Sep. 2 344
Allen, Sutton F. Allen, Elizabeth S. 1817 Jul. 11 330
Allen, William Laurence, Elizabeth 1816 Feb. 28 234
Allison, James Davis, Polly 1814 Apr. 4 142
Allison, John Harrison, Elizabeth 1812 Mar. 17 70
Allison, William Criss, Polly 1814 Apr. 15 145
Anderson, Joseph Bolley, Rosella 1817 Apr. 7 312
Anderson, Louis Jaggers, Mary 1815 Jul. 16 203
Arbough, Jacob Winn, Sally 1817 Sep. 6 344
Armbrister, Michael Simmons, Sarah 1816 Jul. 10 252
Armonet, James Jones, Jinny 1815 Jan. 26 180
Armstrong, Andrew Rey, Jane 1816 Mar. 13 237
Arnold, John Webb, Elizabeth 1816 Sep. 28 276
Arnold, Nancy Allen, Samuel A. 1817 Sep. 2 344
Ashburn, Aden Rhea, Mary Glover 1814 Oct. 25 169
Ashen, John C. Cotton, Martha 1816 Feb. 24 234
Atkins, Daniel Welthall, Marth 1816 Jan. 12 223
Atkins, Thomas Tait, Rebecca 1817 Dec. 15 365
Austin, William McMahan, Polly 1815 Dec. 2 219
Aylor, Elizabeth Burlison, Joseph 1815 Jan. 25 180
Badgers, Robert Hopkins, Sally 1817 Jan. 14 299
Bailey, Edward Edmunds, Anne 1810 Jul. 21 26
Bailey, Temperence Alford, John B. 1817 Oct. 21 352
Bailey, William Street, Susannah 1810 Jan. 10 15
Baker, John Wilson, Nancy 1811 Apr. 17 41
Baker, Joseph Ellison, Nancy 1811 Feb. 26 67
Baker, Samuel Edwards, Rebecca 1817 Mar. 24 308
Ball, Lucinda Boon, Isaac 1817 Jul. 2 329
Ballin, David Logan, Malinda 1813 Jun. 9 111
Balt, Samuel Horton, Nancy 1814 Aug. 15 157
Balue, Nicholas Ramie, Catherine 1814 Jul. 2 149
Bansley, John Gooden, Betsey 1815 Oct. 31 216
Barnett, Vency Baugherm, William 1811 Feb. 19 35
Barney, James Dilworth, Abby 1812 Jan. 20 63
Bass, William C. Price, Eliza C. 1817 Jan. 17 302
Baugherm, William Barnett, Vency 1811 Feb. 19 35
Baxter, Alexander Fitzgerald, Nancy 1812 Jan. 17 62
Bell, Andrew Nicholson, Levicey 1810 Dec. 6 31
Bell, Elijah Bennette, Cynthia 1816 Feb. 4 230
Bennette, Cynthia Bell, Elijah 1816 Feb. 4 230
Benson, James Burton, Pamelia 1812 May 11 75
Benton, John Hill, Tabitha S. 1816 Jul. 25 227
Berry, Rife Timmerson, Betsy 1816 Oct. 26 280
Bevelson, James Stringfield, Delilah 1816 Nov. 3 286
Biley, William Vance, Peggy 1810 Feb. 27 21
Bird, Michel Logan, Patsy 1810 Jul. 11 26
Black, Alexander Jones, Rebecca 1817 Jun. 21 326
Black, John S. _____, Levicey 1815 Apr. 20 193
Black, William Moore, Pollly 1810 Oct. 21 29
Black, William Jordan, Winney 1811 Dec. 28 60
Blank, William Kiser, Elizabeth 1812 Feb. 17 66
Blankenship, Edmund Frost, Hannah 1809 Apr. 15 1
Blanton, Benjamin Langston, Polly 1817 Aug. 6 337
Blassengame, Jesse Walker, Polly 1817 Jun. 13 323
Blevins, William Phillips, Matilda 1817 Jan. 15 302
Blythe, Patsy Byram, S. C. 1816 Sep. 9 270
Bob, Bemima Box, James 1817 Jul. 15 334
Bolley, Rosella Anderson, Joseph 1817 Apr. 7 312
Bollin, Mortica Sanderson, Nancy 1816 Aug. 8 261
Bolly, George L. Robinson, Winney 1816 Aug. 7 259
Bond, Bannister Sively, Peggy 1813 May 12 105
Boon, Isaac Ball, Lucinda 1817 Jul. 2 329
Bordon, David Skidmore, Polly 1817 May 8 313
Boshart, David Canameare, Rachel 1811 Jun. 8 44
Bowlers, Wiley Freeman, Elizabeth 1816 Jan. 16 224
Box, James Bob, Bemima 1817 Jul. 15 334
Bragg, Joseph Johnston, Nancy 1811 Feb. 18 35
Brandon, William Crawford, Sarah 1817 May 26 319
Breedlove, William Hair__, Anna (m/b Hairston) 1814 May 14 143
Brown, Hardy Lowry, Isabel 1815 Feb. 15 184
Brown, James Kelly, Matilda 1817 Jul. 14 332
Brown, Noble Dunning, Margaret 1817 May 30 321
Brunt, Henry Pounders, Levina 1813 Oct. 14 125
Bryant, John Thompson, Jane 1809 Jun. 3 3
Bullard, Joseph Campbell, Lucy 1810 Jul. 26 28
Burdwell, George Cornish, Matilda 1814 Jul. 12 152
Burdwell, Moses Duncan, Sarah 1815 Sep. 8 210
Burges, Robert Rodgers, Sally 1811 Nov. 23 54
Burleson, John Pride, Peggy 1814 Feb. 4 134
Burlison, Joseph Aylor, Elizabeth 1815 Jan. 25 180
Burliston, Jonathan Byrd, Elizabeth 1813 Sep. 15 122
Burton, Pamelia Benson, James 1812 May 11 75
Butler, Benjamin Childress, Rachel 1816 Jul. 19 255
Byram, S. C. Blythe, Patsy 1816 Sep. 9 270
Byrd, Elizabeth Burliston, Jonathan 1813 Sep. 15 122
Byrd, Isaiah Walls, Asenah 1815 Sep. 11 211
Campbell, Lucy Bullard, Joseph 1810 Jul. 26 28
Canameare, Rachel Boshart, David 1811 Jun. 8 44
Childress, Rachel Butler, Benjamin 1816 Jul. 19 255
Cornish, Matilda Burdwell, George 1814 Jul. 12 152
Cotton, Martha Ashen, John C. 1816 Feb. 24 234
Crawford, Sarah Brandon, William 1817 May 26 319
Criss, Polly Allison, William 1814 Apr. 15 145
Davis, Polly Allison, James 1814 Apr. 4 142
Dilworth, Abby Barney, James 1812 Jan. 20 63
Duncan, Sarah Burdwell, Moses 1815 Sep. 8 210
Dunning, Margaret Brown, Noble 1817 May 30 321
Edmunds, Anne Bailey, Edward 1810 Jul. 21 26
Edwards, Rebecca Baker, Samuel 1817 Mar. 24 308
Ellison, Nancy Baker, Joseph 1811 Feb. 26 67
Fitzgerald, Nancy Baxter, Alexander 1812 Jan. 17 62
Freeman, Elizabeth Bowlers, Wiley 1816 Jan. 16 224
Frost, Hannah Blankenship, Edmund 1809 Apr. 15 1
Gooden, Betsey Bansley, John 1815 Oct. 31 216
Graves, Caty Adare, James 1809 May 7 3
Hair__, Anna (m/b Hairston) Breedlove, William 1814 May 14 143
Harrison, Elizabeth Allison, John 1812 Mar. 17 70
Hill, Patsy Aldridge, Felix 1817 Dec. 17 367
Hill, Tabitha S. Benton, John 1816 Jul. 25 227
Hopkins, Sally Badgers, Robert 1817 Jan. 14 299
Horton, Nancy Balt, Samuel 1814 Aug. 15 157
Jaggers, Mary Anderson, Louis 1815 Jul. 16 203
Johnston, Nancy Bragg, Joseph 1811 Feb. 18 35
Jones, Elizabeth Adkins, Thomas 1811 Oct. 17 51
Jones, Jinny Armonet, James 1815 Jan. 16 180
Jones, Rebecca Black, Alexander 1817 Jun. 21 326
Jordan, Winney Black, William 1811 Dec. 28 60
Kelly, Matilda Brown, James 1817 Jul. 14 332
Kiser, Elizabeth Blank, William 1812 Feb. 17 66
Langston, Polly Blanton, Benjamin 1817 Aug. 6 337
Laurence, Elizabeth Allen, William 1816 Feb. 28 234
Logan, Malinda Ballin, David 1813 Jun. 9 111
Logan, Patsy Bird, Michel 1810 Jul. 11 26
Lowry, Isabel Brown, Hardy 1815 Feb. 15 184
Maddox, Caroline S. Allen, Darling 1817 Dec. 20 369
McMahan, Polly Austin, William 1815 Dec. 2 219
Moore, Pollly Black, William 1810 Oct. 21 29
Myers, Sarah Adair, John 1814 Mar. 9 138
Nicholson, Levicey Bell, Andrew 1810 Dec. 6 31
Phillips, Letity Ady, Brathier 1813 Aug. 31 121
Phillips, Matilda Blevins, William 1817 Jan. 15 302
Pounders, Levina Brunt, Henry 1813 Oct. 14 125
Price, Eliza C. Bass, William C. 1817 Jan. 17 302
Pride, Peggy Burleson, John 1814 Feb. 4 134
Ramie, Catherine Balue, Nicholas 1814 Jul. 2 149
Rey, Jane Armstrong, Andrew 1816 Mar. 13 237
Rhea, Mary Glover Ashburn, Aden 1814 Oct. 25 169
Robinson, Winney Bolly, George L. 1816 Aug. 7 259
Rodgers, Sally Burges, Robert 1811 Nov. 23 54
Sanderson, Nancy Bollin, Mortica 1816 Aug. 8 261
Simmons, Sarah Armbrister, Michael 1816 Jul. 10 252
Sively, Peggy Bond, Bannister 1813 May 12 105
Skidmore, Polly Bordon, David 1817 May 8 313
Street, Susannah Bailey, William 1810 Jan. 10 15
Stringfield, Delilah Bevelson, James 1816 Nov. 3 286
Tait, Rebecca Atkins, Thomas 1817 Dec. 15 365
Thompson, Jane Bryant, John 1809 Jun. 3 3
Timmerson, Betsy Berry, Rife 1816 Oct. 26 280
Vance, Peggy Biley, William 1810 Feb. 27 21
Walker, Polly Blassengame, Jesse 1817 Jun. 13 323
Walls, Asenah Byrd, Isaiah 1815 Sep. 11 211
Walthall, Martha Atkins, Daniel 1816 Jan. 12 223
Webb, Elizabeth Arnold, John 1816 Sep. 28 276
Wilson, Nancy Baker, John 1811 Apr. 17 41
Winn, Sally Arbough, Jacob 1817 Sep. 6 344






This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights
