(Previously Published in 1879 with title: The Underground Railroad)
For many years connected with the Anti-Slavery Office in
Philadelphia, and Chairman of the Acting
Vigilant Committee of the Philadelphia Branch of the Underground
Rail Road.
Illustrated with 70 Fine Engravings
by Bensell, Schell and Others,
and Portraits from Photographs from Life.
Thou shalt not deliver unto his
master the servant that has escaped from his master unto thee. -
Deut. xxiii 16.
pp. 551 - 592
Those who
were interested in the Anti-Slavery cause, and who kept posted with
reference to the frequent cases of kidnapping occurring in different
Free States, especially in Pennsylvania, during the twenty years
previous to emancipation, cannot fail to remember the kidnapping of
Rachel and Elizabeth Parker, and the murder of Joseph C.
Miller who resided in West Nottingham township, Chester county,
Pennsylvania, in the latter part of 1851, and the beginning of 1852.
Both the kidnapping and the murder at the time of the
occurrence shocked and excited the better thinking and humane
classes largely, not only in Pennsylvania, but to a considerable
extent over the Northern States. It may be said, without
contradiction, that Chester county, at least, was never more aroused
by any one single outrage that had taken place within her borders,
than by these occurrences. For a long while the interest was
kept alive, and even as lately as the past year (1870), we find the
case still agitating the citizens of Chester county. Judge
Benjamin I. Passmore, of said county, in defence of truth in an
exhaustive article published in the "Village Record," West Chester,
Oct. 12th, 1870, gives a reliable version of the matter, from
beginning to end, which we feel constrained to give in full, as
possessing great historical value, bearing on kidnapping in general,
especially in Pennsylvania.
EVANS: - I noticed in the "Village Record," a short time since, an
article taken from the Delaware "Transcript," an obituary notice of
the death of the noted character, whose name heads this article, in
which false statements were made, relative to the outrage he
committed in kidnapping Rachel and Elizabeth Parker,
two colored girls who were then, 1851, residing in the southern
portion of Chester county. In your paper of the 13th ult., I
also read an answer to the charges and insinuations made in the
"Transcript," against Joseph C. Miller (whose life was basely
destroyed), and other citizens of Chester county; as the occurrence
took place in my immediate neighborhood, and I was familiar with all
the facts and circumstances, I propose to give a truthful history of
that vile and wicked transaction.
In the winter of 1851, the said McCreary in some
unexplained way, took Elizabeth Parker, one of the said
colored girls, from the house of one Donally, (not
McDonald), in the township of East Nottingham, where she was
living; but little was said about it by Donally, or any one
else. Soon after, McCreary with two or three others of
like proclivities, called at the
house of Joseph C. Miller, in West Nottingham, where
Rachel was living, and seized her, gagged her, and placed her in
a carriage and drove off. The scrams of Mrs. Miller and
her children, soon brought the husband and father to the rescue; he
pursued them on foot, and at a short distance overtook them in a
narrow private road, disputing with James Pollock, the owner
of the land, whose wagon prevented them from passing. They
turned and took another road, and came out at Stubb's Mill,
making for the Maryland line with all possible speed; they arrived
at Perryville before the train for Baltimore. Eli Haines
and a young man named Wiley, who lived near Rising Sun,
Maryland, about two miles from Joseph C. Miller's, arrived at
the same place soon after, intending to go to Philadelphia.
Mr. Haines knew Rachel, and seeing McCreary there,
and her so overwhelmed in sorrow, at once guessed the situation of
affairs, and he and Wiley changed their intentions of going
to Philadelphia, and went in the same car with McCreary and
his victim, to Baltimore, and quietly watched what disposition would
be made of her, as they felt certain pursuit would be made.
As soon as possible, after McCreary had escaped
from West Nottingham, Joseph C. Miller, William Morris, Abner
Richardson, Jesse B. Kirk, and H. G. Coates, started in
pursuit on horseback; when they arrived at Perryville, the train had
gone, with the kidnapper and the girl; they followed in the next
train. Soon after they arrived in Baltimore, they were met by
Haines and Wiley, who had been on the lookout for a
pursuing party, and they gave the information that Rachel was
deposited in Campbell's slave-pen. They were directed
by an acquaintance of one of the party, to Francis S. Cochran,
a prominent member of the Society of Friends. Francis
informed them he was well acquainted with Campbell, and he at
once accompained them. Campbell assured
Friend Cochran that whilst he approved of Slavery and
catching runaway slaves, he despised kidnapping and kidnappers' and
on the arrival of McCreary, he ordered him to removed
Rachel forthwith, which he proceeded to do. Friend
Cochran insisted on going with them, and saw the girl deposited
in jail to await a legal investigation. By this time it was
evening, and the Chester county men all went home with Cochran,
where they had their suppers; the excitement being great, Friend
Cochran did not consider it safe for them to go to the depot
direct; he procured their tickets and had them driven by a
circuitous route to the depot, charging them to keep together, and
take their seats in the cars at once. Soon after they were
seated and before the cars started, Miller stepped out on the
platform to smoke, against the expostulations of his friends.
Jesse B. Kirk, his brother-in-law and Abner Richardson
followed immediately, and although they were right at his heels, he
was gone; they called him by name, and stepped down into the crowd,
but soon became alarmed for their own safety, and returned to their
seats. A consultation was held, and it was agreed that
Wiley, who was least known, and not directly identi-
[Page 553]
fied with the affair, should pass through the train when it started,
and see if Miller had not mistakenly got into another car.
At Stemen's Run station, Wiley returned to the party
with the sad tidings that Joseph C. Miller was not in that
train. On consultation, it was agreed that Jesse B. Kirk
and Abner Richardson should return from Perryville in the
next train, and prosecute further search for Miller.
They did so return, and McCreary also returned to Baltimore
in the same car, he having left Baltimore in the car in the evening
with the Chester county men; they arrived late in the night, and
locked themselves up in a room in the first hotel they came to.
Their search was fruitless, and they were forced to return home with
the sad tidings that Miller could not be found. This
intelligence aroused the whole neighborhood; public meetings were
held to consult about what was best to be done. The writer
presided at one of those meetings, which was largely attended,
and it was with difficulty that the people could be restrained from
organizing an armed force to kidnap and lynch McCreary.
Better counsels, however, finally prevailed and it was resolved to
send a party to Baltimore to prosecute further the search for
Miller. About twenty men volunteered for the service; I
went to the house of Joseph C. Miller, the morning they were
to start, but they had met at Lewis Mellrath's, a
brother-in-law of Miller. I was there endeavoring to
console the aged mother and distracted wife and children of
Joseph C. Miller, when word came that he had been found hanging
to a limb in the bushes near Stemen's Run station, and such a
scene of distress I hope may never again by my lot to witness; it
was heart-reading in the extreme.
The party went to Baltimore, and such was the
excitement that it was considered unsafe for the party to go out in
a body in day-time. Levi K. Brown, who then resided in
Baltimore, went with them by moonlight, and they disinterred the
body, which they found about two feet under the ground, in a rough
box, with a narrow lid that freely admitted the dirt to surround his
body in the box. No undertaker in Baltimore could be found
that would allow the body left at his place of business whilst a
coffin was prepared, and it was deposited in "Friends' " vault; a
coffin was finally procured and William Morris and Abner
Richardson started with it for his home. When they arrived
at Perryville no one would render them any assistance, and they
arrived at Perryville no one would render them any assistance, and
they were compelled to leave the corpse in an old saw mill, and walk
up to Port Deposit, a distance of five miles, in the night, the
weather being extremely cold, and a deep snow on the ground.
There they procured horses and a sled and started with the body, but
when within a short distance of the Pennsylvania line they were
overtaken by a messenger with a requisition from the Governor of
Maryland to return the body to Baltimore county, in order that an
inquisition and post-mortem examination might be held in legal form.
With sorrowful hearts they turned back; (one of these young men told
me that at no place south of Port Deposit could they get any one
[Page 554]
to assist them in handling the corpse0. By this time the
affair had created a great excitement, both in Chester
county and the City of Baltimore. Rev. John M.
Dickey, Hon. Henry S. Evans, then a member of the
Senate, Brinton Darlington, then Sheriff of Chester
county, and very many of the leading men took a deep
interest in the matter in hand, and many other worthy
citizens belonging to the Presbyterian Church and others
lent their aid and influence. Hon. Henry S.
Evans, who was then in the Senate of Pennsylvania,
brought the matter before the Legislature, and the
result was that the Governor appointed Judges
Campbell and Bell, the latter of our county,
to defend these two poor colored girls thus foully
The body of Miller underwent a post-mortem
examination in Baltimore county, at which a great number
of rowdies attended, who occupied their time drinking
whisky and cursing the Pennsylvania Abolitionists; the
body finally reached its distressed home for interment.
Drs. Hutchinson and Dickey were called
upon to make an examination, at which I was present, and
all were clearly of opinion that he had been foully
murdered. His wrists and ankles bore the
unmistakable marks of manacles; across the abdomen was a
black mark as if made by a rope or cord; the end of his
nose bore marks as if held by some instrument of
torture. His funeral took place, and his remains
were followed to the grave by an immense concourse of
sympathizing friends and neighbors.
Such, however, was the excitement, that the public
demanded a further examination; he was disinterred
again, and the same two eminent physicians made a
thorough post-mortem examination, and one of them told
the writer that there were not two ounces of contents in
his stomach and bowels, and that there was abundant
evidence of the present of arsenic. His remains
were again interred and suffered to remain undisturbed.
The theory of his friends was that he had been suddenly
snatched from the platform of the car in the Baltimore
Depot, gagged, stripped, and lashed down by the ankles
and wrists, and a rope across his abdomen, that his nose
had been held by some instrument, and that he was in
this situation drenched with arsenic, and puked and
purged to death, and that McCreary, or some one
for him, had heard Wiley repeat the Stemen's
Run Station, that he was not on the train, conceived the
idea of taking his body there and hanging it to a tree
to convey the idea that he had committed suicide at that
place, and such was the statement published by some of
the Maryland newspapers. His companions said he
eat a very hearty supper that evening at Francis S.
Cochran's, which with the other facts that his
clothing were not soiled, and his stomach and bowels
were empty, goes strongly to substantiate the theory
that he had been stripped and foully murdered, as above
indicated. Never was there a more false assertion
than that the "broad brimmed Quakers in Pennsylvania
were accomplices of McCreary," as it is well
[Page 555]
known that opposition to slavery has been a cardinal
principle of the Society of Friends for a century.
And that Joseph C. Miller committed suicide
because of his being implicated in the kidnapping is a
base fabrication. I knew Joseph C. Miller
from boyhood intimately, and I here take pleasure in
saying that he was an honest, unassuming man, of good
moral character and stern integrity, and would have
spurned the idea of any complication, directly or
indirectly, with slavery or kidnapping.
It appears his foul murder was not sufficient to
satisfy the friends of slavery and kidnapping, but an
attempt is now made, after the victim has slumbered near
twenty year in the grave, to blast his good name by
insinuating that he was a party, or implicated in the
vile transactions here narrated.
Rachelb remained in jail; Elizabeth, who
had been sold to parties in New Orleans, was sent for by
Campbell, ample security having been given that
she should be returned if proved to be a slave.
Their trial finally came on, and after a long and
tedious investigation they were both proven, by hosts of
respectable witnesses to be free. They returned to
their mother, in Chester county, who was still living.
The Grand Jury of Chester county found a true bill
against McCreary for kidnapping, a requisition
was obtained, and B. Darlington, Esq., then High
Sheriff, proceeded with it to Annapolis; but the
Governor of Maryland refused to allow McCreary to be
arrested in that State.
Thus terminated this terrible affair, which cost the
State of Pennsylvania nearly $3000, as well as a heavy
expense to many citizens of Baltimore, and those of this
county who took an active part, and whilst it is to be
hoped that the principal actor in this sad transaction
fully stoned for his evil deeds, whilst living, and his
friends may have had a right to eulogize him after
death, they should not have gone out of their way to
traduce other parties, dead and alive, whose reputations
were known by living witnesses, to be beyond reproach.
reported that he fled from Major Isaac Roney of Dinwiddie
Court-House, Virginia, in the Chrsitmas week prior to his arrival;
that he reached Petersburg and then encountered difficulties of the
most trying nature; he next stopped at City Point, and was equally
unfortunate there. From exposure in the cold he was
severely frost-bitten. While suffering from the frost he was
kept in the poor-house. After partial recovery he made his way
to Baltimore and thence to Philadelphia. Once or twice he
[Page 556]
was captured and carried back. The Committee
suspected that he was a cunning imposter who had learned
how to tell a tale of suffering simply to excite the
sympathies of the benevolent; yet, with the map of
Virginia before them, he proved himself familiar with
localities adjacent to the neighborhood in which he was
raised. Although not satisfied with his statement,
the Committee decided to aid him.
Passmore Williamson, who had taken a deep
interest in the examination of his case, in order to
ascertain the facts, addressed the following note to
Major Roney, using as his signature the name of his
friend, Wm. J. Canby:
1854. |
DEAR SIR: - Within a few days past a colored man has
been traversing the streets of this city, exciting the
sympathies of the benevolent by the recital of a tale of the
hardships he has lately passed through. He represents
himself to be Tucker White, your slave, a carpenter by
trade, and that he escaped from your service last Christmas.
He is quite dark in complexion, rather over the medium size, and
a little lame; the latter, probably, from the effects of frost
on his feet, from which, he alleges, he suffered severely.
He seems to be well acquainted with the adjoining
localities, but altogether his narrative is almost incredible,
and I am therefore induced to make the inquiry whether such a
man has escaped from your service or lately left your
neighborhood. We are perfectly flooded with such vagrants.
It would be a great relief if some measures could be resorted to
to keep them under legal restraint. An answer addressed to
No. 73 South 4th Street, above Walnut, will reach me, and
Yours, &c. WM.
passed, but no answer came from the Major. All hope was
abandoned of obtaining a more satisfactory clue to the history
of Tucker White. About three months, however, after
Mr. Williamson had written, the appended note came as an
Major Roney received a letter from you relative to
his boy, Tucker White, and has sent me here to inquire of
you his whereabouts now. If you known anything concerning
him and will give me such information so I can get him, you will
be rewarded for your trouble. You will please address,
Major would have sent on sooner but he has been sick, and the
letter laid in Office several days.
Canby was at the time ill, and no attention was paid to the
communication. After a day's delay the following note came
to hand, but, as in the former instance, no answer was returned.
You will confer a great favor on me by writing me
whether you were really the author of a letter to Major Isaac
Roney, of Dinwiddie Court, Va., relative to his boy
Tucker White, and if you were the author, please let me know
when you last saw him, and where. I called at your office
yesterday to see you, but your cousin (I think he said he was)
told me you had the cholera, and if you felt well enough you
were going to the
[Page 557]
country to-morrow. I hope you will excuse my
writing to you to-day, on that account. I would
not know where to direct a letter if I were to wait
until to-morrow. If you known anything concerning
him and will let me know it, so that I can find and
arrest him, you will very much oblige.
Yours, &c.,
write an answer to-day, so I may know how to proceeed
to-morrow. If I find him I will be very happy to see you
before I leave in behalf of Major Roney, in whose business I am
now engaged.
I. M. T.
Some one, however, who had a hand in the first letter, referred
the Major to Passmore Williamson, Seventh and Arch
Streets. To Mr. Williamson's surprise the
individual who had addressed Mr. C. appeared at his
office with the identical letter in his hand that had been
addressed him by Mr. W.(with W. J. C.'s
signature.) On addressing Mr. W. he held out the
letter and inquired: "Are you the author of this letter,
sir?" Mr. W. looked at it and remarked that it
appeared to have been written by a man named Canby.
"My name is Williamson, but if you will walk in and take
a seat I will attend to you in a few moments."
Accordingly, after occupying a little time in adjusting some
papers, he signified to the stranger that he was ready to answer
any of his questions. Said Mr. W., "I say frankly
that I am the author of that letter." He then paused for a
reply. The stranger then said "I have come from Virginia
in behalf of Major Roney, in search of his boy, Tucker
White; the Major was very anxious to recover him, and he
would gladly reward Mr. W. or anybody else who would aid
him in the matter." He then asked Mr. W. if he knew
anything of his whereabouts. Mr. W. replied:
"I do not at present; for a long time I have heard nothing of
him. I must tell you that I am very sorry that Major
Roney gave himself the trouble to send all the way to
Philadelphia to re-capture his 'boy Tucker White,' and
with regard to giving information or assistance, I know of but
one or two men in this city who would be mean enough to stoop to
do such dirty work. Geo. F. Alberti, a notorious
kidnapper, and E. D. Ingraham, equally as notorious as a
counsel of slave-hunters whom everybody here despises, might
have served you in this matter. I know no others to
recommend; if anybody can find the 'boy,' they can. But
should they find him they will be obliged to take legal steps in
arresting him before they can proceed. In such a case,
instead of assisting Major Roney, I should feel bound to
assist Tucker White by throwing every obstacle that I
possibly could in the way of his being carried back to Virginia;
and to close the matter I wish it to be understood that I do not
desire to hold any further correspondence with Major Roney,
of Dinwiddie, Virginia, about his 'boy,'
Tucker White."
[Page 558]

Neither in
personal appearance, manners, nor language, were any
traces of the Peculiar Institution visible in Mary
Millburn. On the contrary, she represented a
young lady, with a passable education, and very refund
in her deportment. She had eaten the white bread
of Slavery, under the Misses Chapman and they had
been singularly kind to her, taking special pains with
her in regard to the company she should keep, a point
important to young girls, so liable to exposure as were
the unprotected young females of the South. She
being naturally of a a happy disposition, obliging,
competent, there was but little room for any jars in the
household., so far as Mary was concerned.
Notwithstanding all this, she was not satisfaied;
Slavery in its most dreaded aspect, was all around her,
continually causing the heart to bleed and eyes to weep
of both young and old. The auction-block and
slave-pen were daily in view. Young girls as
promising as herself, she well knew, had to be exposed,
examined, and sold to the vilest slave-holders living.
With her knowledge of the practical wickedness of the
system, how could she be satisfied? It was
impossible! She determined to escape. She
could be accommodated, but with no favored mode of
travel. No flowery beds of ease could be provided
in her case, any more than in the case of others.
Mary took the Underground Rail Road enterprise
into consideration. The opportunity of a passage
on a steamer was before her to accept or refuse.
The spirit of freedom dictated that she should accept
the offer and leave by the first boat. Admonished
that she could reach the boat and also travel more
safely in male attire she at once said, "Any way so I
succeed." It is not to be supposed for a moment,
that the effort could be made without encountering a
great "fight of affliction." When the hour arrived
for the boat to start, Mary was nicely secreted
in a box (place), where she was not discovered when the
officers made their usual search. On arriving in
Philadelphia, she mingled her rejoicings with the
Committee in testifying to the great advantage of the
Underground Rail Road, and to the care-
[Page 559]
fulness of its agents in guarding against accidents.
After remaining a short time in Philadelphia, she made
choice of Boston as her future residence, and with a
letter of introduction to William Lloyd
Garrison, she proceeded thitherward. How she
was received, and what she thought of the place and
people, may be gleaned from this letter (written by
Boston, May 15th, 1858.
DEAR FRIEND: -I have selected this oppotunity to write
you a few lines, hopeing thay may find you and yours
enjoying helth and happiness. I arrived hear on
Thirsday last, and had a lettor of intoduction giving to
me by one of the gentlemen at the Antoslavery office in
New York, to Mr. Garrison in Boston, I found him
and his lady both to bee very clever. I stopped
with them the first day of my arrivel hear, since that
Time I have been living with Mrs. Hilliard
I have met with so menny of my acquaintances hear, that
I all most immagion my self to bee in the old country.
I have not been to Canaday yet, as you expected. I
had the pleasure of seeing the lettor that you wrote to
them on the subject. I suffored much on the road
with head ake but since that time I have no reason to
complain, please do not for git to send the degarritips
in the Shaimpain basket with Dr. Lundys,
Mr. Lesley said he will send them by
express. tell Julia kelly, that through
mistake, I took one of her pocket handkerchift, that was
laying on the table, but I shall keep it in remembranc
of the onner. I must bring my lettor to a close as
I have nothing more to say, and believe me to be your
faithfull friend.
P. S. Remember me to each and every member of your
familly and all Enquiring Friends.
Being of an industrious turn she found a situation
immediately, and from that day to the present, she has
sustained an excellent character in every respect, and
as a fashionable dressmaker does a good business.
WINFIELD SCOTT, and three children.
About the 4th of July, 1856, a message reached the
Secretary that a schooner containing fifteen Underground
Rail Road passengers, from Norfolk, Virginia, would be
landed near League Island, directly at the foot of Broad
street, that evening at a late hour, and a request
accompanied the message, to the effect that the
Committee would be on hand to receive them.
Accordingly the Secretary procured three carriages, with
trustworthy drivers, and between ten and eleven o'clock
at night arrived on the banks of the Schuylkill, where
all was quiet as a “country grave-yard.” The moon
[Page 560]
shining and soon the mast of a schooner was discovered.
No sign of any other vessel was then in sight. On
approaching the bank, in the direction of the discovered
mast, the schooner was also discovered. the hearts
of those on board were swelling with unutterable joy;
yet even at that dead hour of night, far away from all
appearance of foes, no one felt at liberty to give vent
to his feelings other than in a whisper. The name
of the captain and schooner being at once recognized,
the first impulse was to jump down on the deck.
Upon second view it was seen that the descent was too
great to admit of such a feat. In a moment we
concluded that we could pull them up the embankment from
the deck by taking hold of their hands as they stood on
tip toe.
One after another was pulled up, and warmly greeted,
until it came the turn of a large object, weighing about
two hundred and sixty pounds, full large enough to make
two ordinary women. The captain, who had
experienced much inconvenience with her on the voyage,
owing to the space she required chuckled over the fact
that the Committee would have their hands full for once.
Poor Mrs. Walker, however, stretched out her
large arms, we seized her hands vigorously; the captain
laughing heartily as did the other passengers at the tug
now being made. We pulled with a will, but Mrs.
Walker remained on the deck. A one horse power
was needed. The pullers took breath, and again
took hold, this time calling upon the captain to lay-to
a helping hand; the captain prepared to do so, and as
she was being raised, he having a good foot-hold, placed
himself in a position for pushing to the full extent of
his powers, and thus she was safely landed. All
being placed in the carriages, they were driven to the
station and comfortably provided for.
On the voyage they had encountered more than the usual
dangers. Indeed troubles begun with them before
they had set sail from Norfolk. The first
indication of danger manifested itself as they stood on
the bank of the river awaiting the arrival of a small
boat which had been engaged to row them to the schooner.
Although they had sought as they supposed a safe place,
sufficiently farm from _he _ounds usually traversed by
the police; still, in the darkness, they imagined they
heard watchmen coming. Just on the edge of the
river, opposite where they were waiting, a boat under
repairs was in the stocks. In order to evade the
advancing foe, they all marched into the river, the
water being shallow, and with the vessel for a
breastwork hiding them from the shore, there they
remained for an hour and a half. They were
thoroughly soaked if nothing more. However, about
ten o'clock a small oyster boat came to their relief,
and all were soon placed aboard the schooner, which was
loaded with corn, etc. All, with the exception of
the large woman above referred to, and one other female,
were required to enter a hole apparently leading through
the bottom of the boat, but in reality only a department
which had been expressly con-

(Fifteen escaped in this schooner)
[Page 561]
structed for the Underground Rail Road business, at the
expense of the captain, and in accordance with his own
The entrance was not sufficiently large to admit Mrs.
Walker, so she with another female who was
thought "too fat" to endure the close confinement, was
secreted behind some corn back of the cabin, a place so
secluded that none save the well-experienced searchers
would be likely to find it. In this way the
Captain put out to sea. After some fifteen hours
he deemed it safe to bring his passengers up on deck
where they could inhale pure air which was greatly
needed, as they had been next-door to suffocation and
death. The change of air had such an effect on one
of the passengers (Scott) that, in his
excitement, he refused to conform to the orders
required; for prudential reasons the Captain, threatened
to thrown him over-board. Whereupon Scott
lowered his tone. Before reaching the lock
the Captain supposing that they might be in danger from
contact with boats, men, etc., again called upon them
"to go into their hole" under the deck. Not even
the big woman was excused now. She pleaded that
she could not get through, her fellow-sufferers said
that she must be got through urging the matter on the
ground that they would have great danger to face.
The big woman again tried to effect an entrance, but in
vain. Said one of the more resolute sisters "she
must take off her clothes then, it will never do to have
her staying up on deck to betray all the rest;" thus
this resolute stand being unanimous, the poor woman had
to comply, and except a single garment she was as
destitute of raiment as was Mother Eve before she
induced Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit in the
garden of Eden. With the help of passengers below,
she was squeezed through, but not without bruising and
breaking the skin considerably where the rub was
severest. All were now beneath the deck, the
well-fitting oil-cloth was put over the hole covering
the cabin-floor snugly, and a heavy table was set ever
the hole. They were within sight of the lock, but
no human beings are visible about the schooner save the
Captain, the mate and a small boy, the son of the
Captain. At the lock not unexpectedly three
officers came on board of the boat and stopped her.
The Captain was told that they had received a
telegraphic dispatch from Norfolk to the effect that his
boat was suspected of having slaves secreted thereon.
They talked with the Captain and mate separately for a
considerable while, and more closely did they examine
the boy, but gained no information except that "the
yellow-fever had been raging very bad in Norfolk."
At this fever news the officers were not a little
alarmed, and they now lost no time in attending to their
official errand. They searched the cabin where the
two fat women were first secreted, and other parts of
the boat pretty thoroughly. They then commenced
taking up the hatchways, but the place seemed so
shockingly perfumed with foul air that the men started
back and declared that nobody could live in such a
place, and swore that it smelt like the yellow-fever;
[Page 562]
the Captain laughed at them, and signified that they
were perfectly welcome to search to their hearts'
content. The officers concluded that there were no
slaves on that boat, that nobody could live there, etc.,
etc., asked for their charges ($3), and discharged the
Captain. The children had been put under the
influence of liquor to keep them still, so they made no
noise; the others endured their hour of agony patiently
until the lock was safely passed, and the river reached.
Fresh air was then allowed them, and the great danger
was considered overcome. The Captain, however, far
from deeming it advisable to land his live cargo at the
wharves of Philadelphia, delivered them at League
Island. The passengers testified that Captain B,
was very kind. They were noticed thus:
ISAAC, was about fifty years of
age, dark, tall, well-made, intelligent, and was owned
by George Brown, who resided at Deep Creek.
Isaac testified that said Brown had
invariably treated him cruelly. For thirty years
Isaac had hired his time, found himself in food,
clothing, and everything, yet as he advanced in years,
neither his task, nor his hire was diminished, but on
the contrary his hire of late years had been increased.
He winced under the pressure, and gave himself up to the
study of the Underground Rail Road. While
arrangements for fleeing where pending, he broke the
secret to his wife, Polly, in whom he trusted;
she being true to freedom, although sorrowing to part
with him, threw no obstacle in his way. Besides
his wife, he had also two daughters, Amanda A.
and Mary Jane, both slaves. Nevertheless,
having made up his mind not to die a slave, he resolved
to escape at all hazards.
HENDERSON belonged to the estate
of A. Briggs, which was about to be settled, and
knowing that he was accounted on the inventory as
personal property, he saw that he too would be sold with
the rest of the movables, if he was not found among the
He began to consider what he had endured as a slave,
and came to the conclusion that he had had a "rugged
road to hoe all the way along" and that he might have it
much worse if he waited to be sold. The voice of
reason admonished him to escape for his life. In
obeying this call he suffered the loss of his wife,
Julia, and two children, who were fortunately free.
Henderson was about thirty-one years of age,
stout, and of healthy appearance, worth in cash perhaps
WILLIAM was thirty-four years of
age, of a chestnut color, substantial physical
structure, and of good faculties. The man who
professed to own him he called William Taylor,
and “he was a very hard man, one of the kind which could
not be pleased, nor give a slave a pleasant answer one
time in fifty.” Being thoroughly sick of
William Taylor, he fell in love with the
Underground Rail Road and Canada.
MRS. WALKER, the big fat woman,
was thirty-eight years of age, and a pleasant-looking
person, of a very dark hue. Besides the struggles
[Page 563]
alluded to, she was obliged to leave her husband.
Of her master she declared that she could “say nothing
good.” His name was Arthur Cooper,
of Georgetown; she had never lived with him, however;
for twenty years she had hired her time, paying five
dollars per month. When young she scarcely thought
of the gross wrongs that were heaped upon her; but as
she grew older, and thought more about her condition,
she scouted the idea that God had designed her to
be a slave, and decided that she would be one to leave
Dixey in the first Underground Rail Road train
that might afford her the chance. She determined
not to remain even for the sake of her husband, who was
a slave. With such a will, therefore, she started.
Upon leaving Philadelphia, she went with the most of her
company to Boston, and thence to New Bedford, where she
was living when last heard from.
REBECCA LEWEY was the wife of a
man, who was familiarly known by the name of “Blue
Beard,” his proper name being Henry
Lewey. For a long time, although a slave
himself, he was one of the most dexterous managers in
the Underground Rail Road agency in Norfolk. No
single chapter in this work could be more interesting
than a chapter of his exploits in this respect.
The appearing of Mrs. Lewey, was a matter
of unusual interest. Although she had worn the
yoke, she was gentle in her manners, and
healthy-looking, so much so that no life insurance agent
would have had need to subject her to medical
examination before insuring her. She was
twenty-eight years of age, but had never known personal
abuse as a slave; she was none the less anxious,
however, to secure her freedom. Her husband,
Blue Beard, judging from certain signs,
that he was suspected by slave-holders, and might at any
time be caged, (indeed he had recently been in the
lions' den, but got out); in order to save his wife,
sent her on in advance as he had decided to follow her
soon in a similar manner. Rebecca was not without
hope of again meeting her husband. This desire was
gratified before many months had passed, as he was
fortunate enough to make his way to Canada.
single woman, twenty-six years of age, dark, stout, and
of pleasing manners; she complained of having been used
SARAH SAUNDERS had been claimed
as the property of Richard Gatewood, a
clerk in the naval service. According to Sarah
he was a very clever slave-holder, and had never abused
her. Nor was she aware that he had ever treated
any of his servants cruelly. Sarah,
however, had not lived in Gatewood's immediate
family, but had been allowed to remain with her
grandmother, rather as a privileged character. She
was young, fair, and prepossessing. Having a
sister living in Philadelphia, who was known to the
agent in Norfolk, Sarah was asked one day if she
would not like to see her sister. She at once
answered “Yes." After further conver-
[Page 564]
sation the agent told her that if she would keep the
matter entirely private, he would arrange for her to go
by the Underground Rail Road. Being willing and
anxious to go, she promised due obedience to the rules;
she was not told, however, how much she would have to
pass through on the way, else, according to her own
admission, she never would have come as she did; her
heart would have failed her. But when the goal was
gained, like all others, she soon forgot her sufferings,
and rejoiced heartily at getting out of Slavery, even
though her condition had not been so bad as that of many
SOPHIA GRAY, with her son and daughter,
Henry and Mary, was from Portsmouth. The mother was a
tall, yellow woman, with well cut features, about
thirty-three years of age, with manners indicative of
more than ordinary intelligence. The son and
daughter were between twelve and four teen years of age;
well-developed for their age, modest, and finely-formed
mulattoes. All the material necessary for a story
of great interest, might have readily been found in the
story of the mother and her children. They were
sent with others to New Bedford, Massachusetts. It
was not long after being in New Bedford, before the boy
was put to a trade, and the daughter was sent to Boston,
where she had an aunt (a fugitive), living in the family
of the Hon. George S. Hilliard. Mr. and
Mrs. Hilliard were so impressed by Mary's
intelligent countenance and her appearance gene rally,
that they decided that she must have a chance for an
education, and opened their hearts and home to her.
On a visit to Boston, in 1859, the writer found Mary
at Mr. Hilliard's, and in an article
written for the “Anti-Slavery Standard,” upon the
condition of fugitive slaves in Boston and New Bedford,
allusion was made particularly to her and several
others, under this hospitable roof, in the following
“On arriving in Boston, the first persons I had the
pleasure to converse with, were four or five uncommonly
interesting Underground Rail Road passengers, who had
only been out of bondage between three and five years.
Their intelligent appearance contradicted the idea that
they had ever been an hour in Slavery, or a mile on an
Underground Rail Road. Two of them were filling
trustworthy posts, where they were respected and well
paid for their services. Two others were young
people (one two, and the other three years out of
Slavery ), a girl of fifteen, and a boy of twelve, whose
interesting appearance induced a noble-hearted
Anti-Slavery lady to receive them into her own family,
expressly to educate them; and thus, almost ever since
their arrival, they have been enjoying this lady's
kindness, as well as the excellent equal Free School
privileges of Boston. The girl, in the Grammar
School (chiefly composed of whites), has already
distinguished herself, having received a diploma, with
an excellent certificate of character; and the boy,
naturally very apt, has made astonishing progress.
[Page 565]
The “boy of
twelve," alluded to, was not Mary's brother.
He was quite a genius of his age, who had escaped from
Norfolk, stowed away in a schooner and was known by the
name of "Dick Page.”
On arriving in Philadelphia, Dick was delivered,
as usual, into the hands of the Committee. The
extraordinary smartness of the little fellow (only ten
years old), astonished all who saw him. The
sympathies of a kind hearted gentleman and his wife,
living in Philadelphia, had been deeply awakened in his
behalf, through their relative and friend, Mrs.
Hilliard, in whose family, as has been already
stated, the boy's aunt lived. So much were these
friends interested to secure Dick's freedom, that
they often con templated buying him, although they did
not like the idea of buying, as the money would go into
the pocket of the master, who they considered had no
just right to deprive any individual of his freedom.
So when Dick arrived the Committee felt that it
was as little as they could do, to give these friends
the pleasure of seeing the little Underground Rail Road
passenger. He was therefore conveyed to the
residence of Prof. J. P. Lesley. He could
not have been sent to a house in the great city of
Brotherly Love, where he would have found a more cordial
and sincere reception. After passing an hour or so
with them, Dick was brought away, but he had been
so touched by their kindness, that he felt that he must
see them again, before leaving the city; so just before
sundown, one evening, he was missed; search was made for
him, but in vain. Great anxiety was felt for him,
fearing that he was lost. During the early part of
the evening, the writer, with a bell in hand, passed up
one street and down another, in quest of the stranger,
but no one could give any information of him.
Finally about ten o'clock, the mayor's office was
visited with a view of having the police stations
telegraphed. Soon the mystery was solved; one of
the policemen stated that he had noticed a strange
colored boy with Professor Lesley's
children. Hastening to the residence of the
professor, sure enough, Dick was there, happy in
bed and asleep.
From that time to this, it has been a mystery to know
how a boy, a perfect stranger, could make his way alone,
(having passed over the route but once), without getting
lost, so circuitous was the road that he had to travel,
in order to reach Professor Lesley's
house. Having said this much, the way is now open
to refer to him again, in Boston at school. He was
generously assisted through his education and trade, and
was prepared to commence life at his majority, an
intelligent mechanic, and a man of promise.
[Page 566]
Scarcely had the infamous statute been in existence six
months, ere the worst predictions of the friends of the
slave were fulfilled in different Northern States.
It is hardly too much to say, that Pennsylvania was
considered wholly unsafe to nine-tenths of her colored
population. The kidnapper is fully shown in the
case of Rachel and Elizabeth Parker
as he appeared on the soil of Pennsylvania, doing his
vile work in the dead of night, entering the homes of
unprotected females and children, therefore:
The case of Euphemia Williams will serve
to represent the milder form of kidnapping in open day,
in the name of the law, by professed Christians in the
city of Brotherly Love, and the home of William
Penn. Feb. 6, 1851, Euphemia
Williams, the mother of six children, the
youngest at the breast, was arrested in the upper part
of the city (Philadelphia), and hurried before Edward
D. Ingraham, a United States commissioner, upon the
charge of being a fugitive from labor. She was
claimed by William T. J. Purnell, of Worcester
county, Maryland, who admitted that she had been away
from him for twenty-two years, or since 1829. Her
off spring were born on the soil of Pennsylvania, and
the eldest daughter was seventeen years of age.
EUPHEMIA was living in her own house, and had
been a member of church, in good and regular standing,
for about seventeen years, and was about forty years of
age. When the arrest was made, Euphemia had
just risen from her bed, and was only partly dressed,
when a little after daylight, several persons entered
her room, and arrested her. Murder! murder! was
cried lustily, and awakened the house. Her
children screamed lamentably, and her eldest daughter
cried “They've got my mother! they've got my mother!”
“For God's sake, save me,” cried Euphemia,
to a woman in the second story, who was an eye-witness
to this monstrous outrage. But despite the piteous
appeals of the mother and children, the poor woman was
hastened into a cab, and borne to the marshall's office.
Through the vigilance of J. M. McKim and
Passmore Williamson, a writ of habeas corpus
returnable forthwith was obtained at about one o'clock.
The heart-roken mother was surrounded by five of her
children, three of whom were infants. It was a
dark and dreadful hour. When her children were
brought into the room where she was detained, great
drops of sweat standing on her face plainly indicated
her agony. By mutual arrangement between the
claimants and the prisoner's counsel the hearing was
fixed for the next day, at the hour of three o'clock.
[Page 567]
ing to said arrangement, at three o'clock Euphemia
was brought face to face with her claimant, William
T. J. Purnell. The news had already gone out
that the trial would come off at the time fixed; hence a
multitude were on hand to witness the proceedings in the
case. The sympathy of anti slavery ladies was
excited, and many were present in the court-room to
manifest their feelings in behalf of the stricken woman.
The eloquent David Paul Brown (the terror of
slave-hunters) and William S. Pierce, Esqrs.,
appeared for Euphemia, R. C. McMurtrie, Esq.,
for the claimant.
Mr. McMurtrie in the outset, arose and said,
that it was with extreme regret that he saw an attempt
to influence the decision of this case by tumult and
agitation. The sympathy shown by so many friendly
ladies, was not a favorable sign for the slave-holder.
Notwithstanding, Mr. McMurtrie said that
he would "prove that Mahala, sometimes called
Mahala Purnell, was born and bred a slave of Dr.
George W. Purnell, of Worcester county, Maryland,
who was in the habit of hiring her to the neighbors, and
while under a contract of hiring, she escaped with a
boy, with whom she had taken up, belonging to the person
who hired her. ”The present claimant claimed her as the
administrator of Dr. George W. Purnell.
In order to sustain this claim many witnesses and much
positive swearing were called forth. Robert F.
Bowen, the first witness, swore that he knew both
Mahala and her master perfectly well, that he had
worked as a carpenter in helping to build a house for
the latter, and also had hired the former directly from
her owner.
Definite time and circumstances, were all harmoniously
fixed by this leading witness. One of the
important circumstances which afforded him ground for
being positive was, as he testified on
cross-examination, that he was from home at a
camp-meeting (when she run away); "our camp-meetings,”
said the witness, “are held in the last of August or the
first of September; the year I fix by founding it upon
knowledge; the year before she ran away, I professed
religion; I have something at home to fix the year; she
was with me a part of a year. I hired her for the
year 1848 as a house servant; I hired her directly from
Dr. George W. Purnell. When she ran away I
proceeded after her. I advertised, in Delware in
written advertisements, in Georgetown, Milford and
Millsborough, and described her and the boy; her general
features. I have not the advertisement and can't
tell how she was described; Dr. George Purnell
united with me in the advertisement. I followed
her to Delaware City; that's all I have done since,
about inquiring after them. I came, after
twenty-two years' absence, to seek my own rights, and as
an evidence for my friend. I have not seen her
more than once since she ran away, until she was
arrested; I saw her two or three times in court. I
saw her first in a wretched-looking room, at Fifth and
Germantown Road; it was yesterday morning; it was the
evening before at
[Page 568]
Congress Hall; I arrived here last Tuesday a week; a man
told me where she was" _ “ I beg the court,” — here
Mr. McMurtrie interposed an objection to his
mentioning the person. The court, however, said
the question could be put.
Witness. - I was pledged not to tell the name;
the person signed her name Louisa Truit;
the information was got by letter; the reason I did not
tell, because I thought she might be murdered; I have
not the letters, and can't tell the contents; the letter
that I received required a pledge that I would not tell:
I was directed to send my letter to the post-office
without any definite place; the representative of
Louisa Truit was a man; I saw him in Market
street between Third and Fourth, at Taylor and
Paulding's store, in the course of last week; I was
brought into contact with the representative of
Louisa by appointment in the letter, to get the
information; I never heard him tell his name; he was
neither colored nor white; we call them with us mixed
blood; (I should take you to be colored, said the
witness to Mr. Brown.) I suppose he
lives somewhere up there; I saw him at my room the next
morning; I did not learn from him who wrote the letter;
he did not describe the person of the woman in the
letter written to me, only her general appearance;
Purnell said he burnt the letter.
Mr. Brown demanded the letter, or the
proof of its destruction.
I never wrote myself, but my friend, Mr.
Henry did; he said so; I never received a letter; it
was written to Robert J. Henry; part of the
letter was written to me, but not directed to me; the
Louisa Truit, who wrote, stated, that for the
information he wanted $100 for one of the fugitives; he
was referred to the store of Taylor & Paulding,
and Mr. Henry would meet him there; when I
got to the store, some of the concern let Mr.
Henry know that a man wanted to see him; I heard
this at the store, the man was there; he was a mulatto
man, middle-aged, and middling tall; he is not here,
that I know of; can't tell when I last saw him.
His name I understood to be Gloucester.
Under the severe cross - examination that the witness
had been subjected to under D. P. Brown, he
became very faint, and called for water. Large
drops of sweat stood upon his forehead, and he was
obliged to sit down, lest he should fall down. “Take a
seat,” said Mr. Brown tauntingly, “and
enjoy yourself, while I proceed with my interrogations.”
But the witness was completely used up, and was allowed
to withdraw to another room, where fresh air was more
plentiful. The cause of the poor slave woman was
greatly strengthened by this failure.
Another witness, named Zachariah Bowen,
for the claimants, swore positively that he knew the
prisoner well, that she had been hired to his brother
for three years by Dr. Purnell, whose
slave she was; also he swore that he knew her parents,
who were slaves to the said Doctor P.;
that he last saw her in 1827, etc. On
cross-examination be swore thus: “I last saw
[Page 569]
her in 1827, she was about sixteen or seventeen; she was
about an ordinary size, not the smallest size, nor the
largest; she was neither thick nor thin; there was
nothing remarkable in her more than is common; nothing
in her speech; she was about the same color as the woman
here; I never saw a great deal of change in a nigger,
from sixteen to thirty-five or forty, some times they
grow fatter, and sometimes leaner. As to
recognizing her in Philadelphia, he had not the
slightest difficulty. He went on to swear, that he
first saw her in a cab, in the city; I knew her
yesterday; if you could see the rest of the family you
could pick her out yourself in thirty: I knew her by her
general favor, and have no particular mark; I would not
attempt to describe features; her favor is familiar to
me; I never saw any marks upon her.”
Here Mr. Brown said he would not examine
this witness further until he had concluded the
examination of the witness, who had become sick.
The court then adjourned till nine o'clock the next
The avenues to the court were filled with anxious
persons, and in the front and rear of the state house
the crowd was very great.
The next morning, at an early hour, the court -room,
and all the avenues to it were densely crowded by people
interested in behalf of the woman whose case was under
trial. A large number of respectable ladies formed
a part of the large gathering.
Robert F. Bowen, the witness, who became sick,
was recalled.
Witness.-- " I saw the colored person, who gave
the information, the next evening; after I saw him in
Market street, at Congress Hall, in our room; the
gentleman who keeps the hotel we did not wish to place
under any responsibility, as he might be accused of
currying on the business. (Of kid napping,
suggested Mr. Brown.) No, said
witness, that is what you call it; the woman would have
run away if it had gone out; I heard his name was
Gloucester, that gave the information; I saw him three
times; once on the street; I have never been in his
house; I have been to a house where I heard he lived; I
gave a pledge not to disclose the matter; I made a
personal pledge to Gloucester in our room last week at
Congress Hall; he said he was afraid of being abused by
the population of his own color for telling that this
girl run away from Dr. Purnell; I
understood that Louisa Truit was
Gloucester's wife.
Under this searching cross-examination, Mr.
Brown constrained him not only to tell all and more
than he knew in favor of his friend, the claimant, but
wrung from him the secrets which he stood pledged never
to disclose.
Witness. - I know no marks; she was in the
condition of a married woman when she left me; it was
the particular favor of her father and mother that made
me recognize her; nothing else; she was pretty well
built for her size.”
While this witness remembered every thing so accurately
occurring in re-
[Page 570]
lation to the life and escape of the girl of sixteen,
and was prepared to swear to her identity simply "by her
favor," as he termed it, he was found sadly deficient in
memory touching the owner, whom he had known much
longer, and more intimately than he had the girl, as
will be seen from the following facts in this witness'
Witness.— “ I don't know when Dr. P.
died; I can't tell the year; I should suppose about
fourteen years ago; I was at the funeral, and helped to
make his coffin; it was in the fall, I think; it was
after the camp-meeting I spoke of; at that time I went
regularly, but not of late; I have no certain
recollection of the year he died; I kept a record of the
event of my conversion, and have referred to it often.
It has been a reference every year, and perhaps a
thousand times a year; it was in the Bible, and I was in
the habit of looking into it; I was in the habit of
turning over the leaves of this precious book; I think
it was eighteen years ago; can't say I'm certain; can't
say it was more than twelve years; Dr. P. left
six children; two remain in our country, and one in
Louisiana, and the one, who is here, making four; I have
no interest in the fugitive; I made no contract in
regard to this case; there was an offer; are you waiting
for an answer? the offer was this, that I was to come on
after my fugitive, and if I did not get him they were to
pay my expenses; I hesitated about coming; it was a long
time before I made up my mind; they said they would pay
my expenses if I didn't succeed in getting mine out of
In this way the above witness completely darkened
counsel, and added to the weakness of his cause in a
marked degree.
Bowen recalled.— “I didn't come here on any terms; I
hardly understand what you mean by terms; I made no
contract; I came upon my own hook; there was no
contract; I have no expectations; I don't know that
Dr. P. ever manumitted any female slaves; I never
knew that she was in the family way when she ran away; I
heard of it about that time; she ran off in the fall of
1828. Dr. P. told me so; in the fall of
1828; in 1825, '26, '27, she lived with my brother; in
1825 I lived there; in 1827 and '28 I lived with Dr.
P. I moved there and was overseer for him; I
was over seer for fifteen years for him; two years at
his house; I ceased to be his overseer in 1841, I think;
he was living in 1841; I am certain of that year, I
think; Dr. Purnell died in 1844, I feel
certain; I said to Mr. Purnell that I did
not know what ailed the other Mr. Bowen,
for the doctor died in 1844; he died in the latter part
of the Spring of 1844; Mr. Bowen made a
mistake in saying it was eighteen years ago; if you
recall him he will rectify the mistake, I think; several
slaves escaped from Dr. Purnell; a boy,
that lived with my brother, ran away in 1827; the others
were not hired to my brother; I don't know that I could
tell the exact time, nor the
[Page 571]
year; the doctor used to say to us, there is another of
my niggers ran away; the reason that I can tell when
Mahala ran away, is because she took a husband and
ran away; I was married that year; the reason I cannot
tell about the others is, because they went at different
times in five years; the first who ran away before
Mahala, was named Grace; she went in 1827; I don't
know when the last went, or who it was.
* *
* *
* * *
said they had raised a mob on him, on account of this
case, and he would have to leave the city; the case of
this woman or these proceedings was not spoken of there;
he staid but a short time; he said one of the witnesses
had betrayed him in court, yesterday, and they attacked
him last night; I asked him how he escaped from so many;
he said very few were in the city who could outrun him;
I asked him where he was going, he replied he had a
notion to put for Canada; some of the gentlemen proposed
his going to Baltimore; he said that would not do, as
the laws of Maryland would catch him; he was going to
get a boat and go to New Jersey, and then to New York;
Mr. Purnell gave him just thirty - five
dollars last night; he paused a while, and Mr. P.
told him to hand it back; he then took out his money and
put some more to it, and said: “Here is fifty dollars.”
Mr. P. said that if he got the slave he would
leave fifty dollars more with a per son in the city.
* *
* * *
* * *
Question by the
judge.- "You have spoken of a conversation in which
Mr. P. told you of certain letters or
correspondence, and that they had reference to this
alleged fugitive. I want you to give me, to the
best of your recollection, everything he said the
letters contained.”
Witness. - Mr P. told me when he first
mentioned it to me, he said that he was going to mention
something to me, that he did not want anything said, in
regard to some negroes that had run away from his
father; he said he wanted me to come on here, and he did
not want me to tell any person before we left our
county; that if the negroes heard of it, they could get
information to the parties before he could get here; I
told him I would not tell any person except my wife; he
then said he had correspondence with a person here, for
a month or two, and he had no doubt but that several of
his negroes were here, from what he had heard from his
correspondent; he asked me if I could recognize the
favor of this Mahala? I told him I didn't
know; he then said if anybody would know her, I would,
as she had lived with my brother three years; he then
said that he would want to start the next week, but he
would see me again at that time; that was all he said at
that time, only we turned into a hotel, and he said
don't breathe this to anybody; on Saturday before we
left home, he came to my house, and said: well, I shall
want you to start for Philadelphia, on Monday morning; I
suppose you will go? I told him I would rather
not, if he could do with-
[Page 572]
out me; but as I told him before, I would go, if he
still requested it, I would go; that's all, sir, except
that I said I would be along in the stage.
* *
* * *
* * *
J. T.
Hammond was then called, a young man who admitted he
had never seen the respondent till he came to the
court-house, but was ready to swear that he would have
known her by her resemblance to Dr. Purnell's
set of negroes. “His whole set?” said Mr.
Brown. “Yes, sir." (Derisive laughter).
* *
* * *
* * *
Mr. McMurtrie offered to
prove, by persons who had known the two witnesses who
had testified in this case, from their youth, that they
were respectable and worthy men. D. P. Brown,
said that if the gentleman found it necessary to sustain
his witnesses' reputation, in consequence of the
peculiar dilemma they had got into, he would object, and
if he supposed that he was about to contradict them in
some point in the defence, he certainly was right, but
as the case could not be concluded today, he would like
to have the matter adjourned over until Tuesday next.
Mr. McMurtrie objected, by saying, that
his client was anxious to have the matter disposed of as
soon as possible, as he had been subjected to numerous
insults since the matter had been before the court.
Judge Kane
intimated that no weight was to be attached to this
consideration, as the full power of the court was at his
disposal for the purpose of protecting his client from
Mr. McMurtrie replied that he did not know
whether words spoken came within the meaning of the act
of Congress, in such matters.
The court took a recess until a quarter to three
The court met again at a quarter to three o'clock.
Mr. McMurtrie asked that the witnesses for
the defence be excluded from the court room, except the
one upon the stand.
This was objected to by Mr. Brown, as the
witnesses for the prosecution had not been required so
to do; but he afterwards withdrew his objections, and
notified Mr. McMurtrie that he would
require any witnesses he might have in addition, should
retire also; as he would object to any of them being
heard if they remained.
The Defence. - Mr. Pierce opened
the case by saying that the testimony for the defence
would be clear and conclusive; that the witnesses for
the prosecution are mistaken in the identity of the
alleged fugitive. That at the time they allege her
to have been in Maryland, on the plantation of Dr.
Purnell, she was in Chester county, and in the
year Lafayette visited this country, she was in this
city. He would confine the testimony exclusively
to these two counties, and show that she is not the
alleged slave.
Henry C. Cornish, sworn. I live in this city,
and am a shoemaker; I came here in the year 1830; before
that I lived in Chester county, East
[Page 573]
Whiteland township, with Wm. Latta; my
father lived with Mr. Latta six or eight
years; I lived there three years before that time, and
was familiar with the place for more than six years
before 1830; I saw the alleged fugitive some five years
before 1830, at George Amos’, in Uwchland
township, some eight or ten miles from our house; I fix
the time from a meeting being held on the Valley Hill by
a minister, named Nathan D. Tierney; that must
have been in 1825; I am positive it was before the
beginning of the year 1828; I have not the least doubt;
I joined church about that time; it was the first of my
uniting with the church; it was in 1825; I joined the
Methodist Episcopal Church; before they built a church
they held meetings alternately at people's houses; I met
her at Amos' house, I recollect my father going to dig
the foundation of the church: I saw her there before the
church was built; I knew her before she was married; and
since I left there I have met her at the annual meetings
of the church; I have kept up the acquaintance ever
since; I knew that she had two children, that were
buried as long as twenty-one or twenty-two years ago; if
the boy had lived he would have been twenty-three or
twenty-four years old; he was the oldest; she was not
married when I first saw her in 1827; she did not appear
to be anything but a girl, and was not married, and she
of course could not be in the condition of a married
woman; I was not at her wedding; if I had not continued
to know her, I would not now know her; she was then a
small person; age and flesh would change her a little;
her complexion has not changed; I think she worked for
Mrs. Amos; a church record is now kept
very correct; but when I first went into the church,
colored men could not read and write; I acted as the
clerk of the church; I united with the church after I
first saw her; I have seen her very often since I left
Chester; five hundred times to speak safely; I worship
down town and she up in Brown street; to the best of my
recollection they moved over Schuylkill about twelve
years ago; she has lived here about nine years; she has
six children, I have heard; I have seen five; the oldest
is eighteen or nineteen; the youngest a sucking babe; I
have visited her house since I have been here; I was not
sent for by my uncle, who was employed by Joseph
Smith & Co., next to the Girard Bank; I was with
Edward Biddle for four years, until he was
elected President of the Morris Canal and Banking
Company, and then I went to learn shoemaking under
instructions, since which time I have been in business
for myself; my father burnt limestone for Mr.
Latta; he and his wife are dead; I was there a day
or two ago for witnesses to testify in this case.
Cross-examined. - I was born in 1814, and
am thirty-seven years of age; when I first knew her I
suppose she was fifteen years old; she was married about
three years afterwards; her husband's name is Micajah
Williams; I heard he was in prison for stealing;
her name before marriage was Phamie Coates;
I didn't know her husband before they were married;
don't know
[Page 574]
whether they came from Maryland; I never knew of
Mahala Richardson before last evening in
court; the difference in her appearance is a natural
one, that every body is acquainted with; I mean that a
little boy is not a man, and a growing girl is not a
woman; age and flesh and size make a difference; if I
had not conversed with her during the twenty-one years,
I would not have known her; I never changed a word with
her about the case, except to say I was sorry to see her
here; I knew her the moment I saw her; her arrest could
not have been in the newspapers of the morning as she
was not arrested until seven o'clock that day; I went to
Chester to look for witnesses; I came to the court
because I am a vigilant man, and my principle is to save
any person whose liberty is in danger; I had heard that
a woman was arrested; her business is to get work
wherever she can.
Deborah Ann Boyer, sworn. I was
thirty -three last January; I live within one mile of
West Chester; I am a married woman; I have lived there
since 1835. I went there with my mother; I can
read; I have seen the alleged fugitive before this; I
first knew her at Downingtown, when she came to my
mother's house; that was before I had gone to West
Chester with my mother; you can tell how long it was,
for it was in 1826; my brother was born in that year; I
was quite small then; don't know how she came there; she
was with my mother during her confinement; my brother is
dead; it is written down in our Testament; and I took an
epitaph from it to put on the tombstone; the last time I
saw it was when the fellow killed the school-mistress. I
looked because about 1830, a man killed a woman, and was
hung, and I wanted to see how long ago it was. I
have seen her more or less ever since, until within two
years. I don't remember when she went from mother,
but I saw her at Mr. Latta’s afterwards.
I have no doubt she is the woman; she was then a slim,
tall girl, larger than myself; she is not darker now,
but heavier set every way.
* *
* * *
* * *
Gayly affirmed. - I am between forty-seven and
forty-eight years of age. I live in the city at
this time. I was raised in Chester county, in
1824, and have been here about five years. I lived
in Downingtown nine or I lived awhile in West Chester,
and lived in Chester county until about five years ago.
I know the alleged fugitive. I first saw her in the
neighborhood of Downingtown, at a place they call
Downing's old stage office; she worked in the house with
me; it was somewhere near 1824, just before Lafayette
came about; she worked off and on days' work, to wash
dishes; she was a small girl then, very thin, and
younger than me. I met with her, as near as I can tell
you, down in the valley, at a place called the Valley
Inn. I used to see her off and on at church, in
1826. I visited her at Mr. Latta's,
after she lived at the Valley Inn. I don't know
when she left that county. I know the alleged
fugitive is the same person; she belonged to the same
church, Ebenezer. I
[Page 575]
know the brothers Cornish, and have whipped them
many a time. I lived with Latta myself, and
the Cornish, who is now a minister, lived there;
he lived there before I did, and so did the alleged
fugitive. I was then between twenty-three and
twenty-five years old; she was a strip of a girl; she
was not in the family way when she came there.
Cross-examined. - I have not seen her since 1826, until
I saw her here in the court-room; I recognized her when
I first saw her here without any body pointing her out,
and she recognized me; I have reason to know her,
because she has the same sort of a scar on her forehead
that I have; we used to make fun of each other about the
marks; she went by the name of Fanny Coates.
I know nothing about her husband; she did not do the
work of a woman in 1826; she washed dishes, scrubbed,
etc. I heard her say her father and mother were
dead, and that they lived somewhere in that
neighborhood; she at that time made her home with a
family named Amos.
The Judge asked to see the scar on the witness forehead
and that on the forehead of the respondent. They
were brought near the bench, and the marks inspected,
which were plainly seen on both. During this time
the infant of the respondent was entrusted to another
colored woman. The child, who, up to this time,
had been quiet, raised a piteous cry and would not be
pacified. The whole scene excited a great
* *
* * *
* * *
Brown then rose in reply to the plaintiff's counsel,
and said: If I consulted my own views, I should not say
one syllable, in answer to the arguments of the learned
counsel upon the other side, and relying as I do upon
the evidence, and out of respect to the convenience of
your honor, I shall say very little as it is. The
views of the counsel it appears to me, are most
extraordinary indeed. He seems to take it for
granted that every thing that is said on the part of the
witnesses for the claimant is gospel, and that what is
said on the part of the witnesses for the respondent, is
to be considered matter of suspicion. Now I rate
no man by his size, color, or position, but I appeal to
you in looking at the testimony that has been produced
here, on the different sides of the question, and
judging it by its intrinsic worth, whether there is the
slightest possible comparison between the witnesses on
the part of the plaintiff, and those of the defendant,
either in intelligence, memory, language, thought, or
anything else. This is a fine commentary upon the
disparagement of color! Looking at the men as they
are, as you will, I say that the testimony exhibited on
the part of the respondent would outweigh a whole
theatre of such men as are exhibited on the part of the
complainant. I say nothing here about their
respectability. It would have been proper for the
learned counsel on the part of the plain tiff, if he
thought the witnesses on the part of the respondent
unworthy of belief, to have proved them so; but instead
of that, he attempts to bolster up men, who, whether
respectable or otherwise, from their inconsistency,
[Page 576]
involutions and tergiversations in regard to this case,
produce no possible effect upon the judicial mind, but
that which is unfavorable to themselves. Impartial
men, are they? How do they appear before you?
They appear under cover from first to last; standing
upon their right to resist inquiries legitimately
propounded to them; burning up letters since they have
arrived, calculated to shed light upon this subject; and
before they come here, corresponding with and deriving
information from a man, an evident kidnapper, who dare
not sign his name and gets his wife to sign hers.
This is the character these men exhibit here before you;
clandestinely meeting together at the tavern, and that
to consult in regard to the identity of a person about
whom they know nothing. Can they refer to any
marks by which to identify this person? Nothing at
all of the kind. Do they, with the exception of
the first witness examined, state even the time when she
left? Have they produced the letter written by
this kidnapper, showing how he described her? Why,
let me ask, is not the full light allowed to shine on
this case? But even with the light they have shed
upon it, I would have been perfectly content to have
rested it, relying upon their testimony alone, for a
just decision.
* *
* * *
* * *
Now, what man
among them, professes to have seen this woman for
twenty-one years? Not one. The learned
gentleman attempts to sustain his case, because one of
our witnesses, certainly not more than one, has not seen
this woman for about the same length of time: but don't
you perceive, that in this case they all lived in the
same State, if not in the same county they had
intercourse with persons mutually acquainted with her,
and three out of four of them, met her for several
months at the same church; and one witness, who had long
been in her society, and in close association with her,
knew she had a mark upon her forehead corresponding to
the one she bore on her own. And by dint of all
these matters, this long continued acquaintance only
reviving the impressions received in early life, they
had no doubt of the identity of the person. Was
there ever a more perfect train of evidence exhibited to
prove the identity of a person, than on the present
* *
* * *
* * *
We have called
witnesses on this point alone, and have more than
counter poised the evidence produced upon the opposite
side. And we have not only made it manifest that
she was a free woman, but we have confirmed her charter
by separate proof. What does the gentleman say further?
Do I understand him to say we have no right to determine
this matter judicially? Now what is all this
about? Why is it before you, taking your time day
after day? According to this argument, you have
nothing to do but to give the master the flesh he
claims. But you are to be satisfied that you have
sufficient reason to believe that these claims are well
founded. And
[Page 577]
if you leave that matter in a state of doubt, it does
not require a single wit ness to be called on the part
of the respondent, to prove on the opposite side of the
question. But we have come in with a weight of
evidence demolishing the structure he has raised,
restoring the woman to her original position in the
estimation of the law. Well,” says the gentleman,
“it is like the case of a fugitive from justice.”
But it is not, and if it were, it would not benefit his
case. The case of a fugitive from justice is one
in which the prisoner is remanded to the custody of the
law, handed over for legal pur poses. The case of
a fugitive from labor is a case in which the individual
is handed over sometimes to a merciless master, and very
rarely to a charitable one. Does the counsel mean
to say that in the case of a fugitive from justice he is
not bound to satisfy the judge before whom the question
is heard? He should prove our witnesses unworthy
of belief. As Judge Grier said, upon
a former occasion, “You can choose your own time; you
have full and abundant opportunities on every side to
prepare against any contingency. "Why don't they
do so? He is not to come here and force on a case,
and say, I suppose you take every thing for granted.
He is to come prepared to prove the justice of his claim
before the tribunal who is to decide upon it. That
he has not done successfully, and I would, therefore,
ask your Honor, after the elaborate argument on the part
of the plaintiff, to discharge this woman: for after
such an abundance of testimony unbroken and
incontestable as that we have exhibited here, it would
be a monstrous perversion of reason to suppose that
anything more could be required.
Mr. McMurtrie replied by reasserting his
positions. It was a grave question for the court
to consider what evidence was required. He thought
that this decision might be the turning case to show
whether the act of Congress would be carried out or
whether we were to return in fact to the state of
affairs under the old laws.
Judge Kane said, in reference to the
remarks at the close of Mr. McMurtrie's
speech: So long as I retain my seat on this bench, I
shall endeavor to enforce this law without reference to
my own sympathies, or the sympathies and opinions of
others. I do not think, in the cases under this
act of Congress, or a treaty, or constitutional, or
legal provision for the extradition of fugitives from
justice, that it is possible to imagine that conclusive
proof of identity could be established by depositions.
From the nature of the case and the facts to be proved,
proof cannot be made in anticipation of the identity of
the party. That being established, it is the
office of the judge, to determine whether a prima
facie case indicates the identity of the party
charged, with the party before him.
* *
* * *
* * *
On the other
hand, the evidence of the claimant has been met, and
regarding the bearing of the witnesses for the
respondent, met by witnesses who testified, with
apparent candor and great intelligence. If they
[Page 578]
believed, then the witnesses for the claimant are
mistaken. The question is, whether two witnesses
for the claimant, who have not seen the respondent for
twenty-three, one for twenty-four years, are to be
believed in preference to four witnesses on the other
side, three of whom have seen her frequently since 1826,
and known her as Euphemia Williams, and
the fourth, who has not seen her for a quarter of a
century, but testifies that when they were children,
they used to jest each other about scars, which they
still bear upon their persons; I am bound to say that
the proof by the four witnesses bas not been overthrown
by the contrary evidence of the two who only recognized
her when they called on her with the marshall. One
says he called her Mahala Purnell as soon
as he saw her. He might be mistaken. He
inferred he would find her at the place to which he
went. There were three persons in the room, one
was Mahala Richardson, whom he knew, a
young girl, and the prisoner. If she had been
alone, his recognition would have been of no avail.
The fact is obvious to this court, that the respondent
has no peculiar physiognomy or gait. It has been
shown she has no peculiarity of voice; I cannot but feel
that the fact alleged by the claimant is very doubtful,
when the witnesses, without mark or peculiarity, testify
that they can readily recognize the girl of fifteen in
the woman of forty. The prisoner is therefore
A slight attempt at applause in the court room was
promptly suppressed. The intelligence of the
discharge of the woman, was quickly spread to those
without, who raised shouts of joy. The woman, with
her children, were hurried into a carriage, which was
driven first to the Anti-slavery office and then to the
Philadelphia Institute, in Lombard Street above Seventh.
Here she was introduced to a large audience of colored
people, who hailed her appearance with lively joy;
several excited speeches were made, and great enthusiasm
was manifested in and outside of the building and the
adjacent streets. When Euphemia came out,
the horses were taken out of the carriage, and a long
rope was attached, which was taken by as many colored
people as could get hold of it, and the woman and her
children thus conveyed to her home.
The procession was accompanied by several hundreds of
men, women and boys. They dragged the carriage
past the residence of the counsel for the respondent,
cheering them by huzzas of the wildest kind, and then
took the vehicle and its contents to the residence of
the woman, Germantown Road near Fifth street, beguiling
the way with songs and shouts. The whole scene was
one of wild, ungovernable excitement, produced by
exuberance of joy.
The masterly management of abolitionists in connection
with the counsel, saved poor Euphemia from being
dragged from her children into hopeless bondage.
While the victory was a source of great momentary
rejoicing on the part of the friends of the slave it was
nevertheless quite manifest that
[Page 579]
she was only released by the "skin of her teeth.”
“A scar on her forehead ” saved her. Relative to this
important mark, a few of Euphemia's friends
enjoyed a very pleasing anecdote, which, at the time,
they were obliged to withhold from the public; it is too
good to be kept any longer. For a time, Euphemia
was kept in durance vile, up in the done of Independence
Hall, partly in the custody of Lieutenant
Gouldy of the Mayor's police, (who was the right man
in the right place), whose sympathies were secretly on
the side of the slave. While his pitying eyes
gazed on Euphemia's sad face, he observed a very
large scar on her forehead, and was immediately struck
with the idea that that old scar might be used with
damaging effect by the witnesses and counsel against
her. At once he decided that the scar must be
concealed, at least, until after the examination of the
claimant's witnesses. Accordingly a large turban
was procured and placed on Euphemia's head in
such a manner as to hide the scar completely, without
exciting the least suspicion in the minds of any.
So when the witnesses against her swore that she had no
particular mark, David Paul Brown
made them clinch this part of their testimony
irrevocably. Now, when Sarah Gayly
affirmed (on the part of the prisoner) that "I have
reason to know her because she has the same sort of a
scar on her forehead that I have, we used to make fun of
each other about the marks,” etc., if it was not evident
to all, it was to some, that she had "stolen their
thunder," as the " chop-fallen ” countenances of the
slave-holder's witnesses indicated in a moment.
Despair was depicted on all faces sympathizing with the
With heavy pecuniary losses, sad damage of character,
and comfort less, the unhappy claimant and his witnesses
were compelled to return to Maryland, wiser if not
better men. The account of this interesting trial,
we have condensed from a very careful and elaborate
report of it published in the “Pennsylvania Freeman,”
Jan. 13th, 1857.
Apparently, the vigilance of slave-hunters was not
slackened by this defeat, as the records show that many
exciting cases took place in Philadelphia and
Pennsylvania, and if the records of the old Abolitionist
Society could be published, as they should be, it would
appear that many hard fought battles have taken place
between Freedom and Slavery on this soil.
Here in
conclusion touching the Fugitive Slave Law, arrests
under it, etc., as a fitting sequel we copy two extracts
from high authority. The first is from the able
and graphic pen of James Miller McKim,
who was well known to stand in the front ranks of both
the Anti-slavery Society and the Underground Rail Road
cause through all the long and trying contest, during
which the country was agitated by the question of
immediate emancipation, and shared the full confidence
and respect of Abolitionists of all classes throughout
the United States and Great Britain.
The letter from which we have made this extract was
written to Hon.
[Page 580]
George Thompson, the distinguished
abolitionist of England, and speaks for itself.
The other quotation is from the pen of a highly
respectable and intelligent lady, belonging to the
Society of Friends, or Quakers, and a most devoted
friend of the slave, whose statement obviously is
literally true.
“ The
accompanying parcel of extracts will give you a full
account of the different slave cases tried in this city,
under the new Fugitive Slave Law up to this time.
Full and accurate as these reports are, they will afford
you but a faint idea of the anguish and confusion that
have been produced in this part of the country by this
infamous statute. It has turned South eastern
Pennsylvania into another Guinea Coast, and caused a
large portion of the inhabitants to feel as insecure
from the brutal violence and diabolical acts of the
kidnapper, as are the unhappy creatures who people the
shores of Africa. Ruffians from the other side of
the Slave-line, aided by professional kidnappers on our
own soil, a class of men whose 'occupation' until
lately, had been 'gone,' are continually prowling
through the community, and every now and then seizing
and carrying away their prey. As a specimen of the
boldness, though fortunately, not of the success always
with which these wretches prosecute their nefarious
trade, read the enclosed article, which I cut from the
Freeman, of January 2d, and bear in mind that in no
respect are the facts here mentioned over- stated.
This affair occurred in Chester county, one of the most
orderly and intelligent counties in the State, a county
settled principally by Quakers. A week or two
after this occurrence, and not far from the same place,
a farm house was entered by a band of armed ruffians, in
the evening, and at a time when all the able-bodied
occupants, save one, were known to be absent. This
was a colored man, who was seated by the kitchen fire,
and in the act of taking off his shoes. He was
instantly knocked down and gagged; but, still resisting,
he was beaten most unmercifully. There was a
woman, and also a feeble old man, in the house, who were
attracted to the spot by the scuffle; but they could
neither render any assistance, nor (the light being put
out), could they recognize the parties engaged in it.
The unhappy victim being fairly overcome, was dragged
like a slain beast to a wagon, which was about a hundred
yards distant, waiting to receive him. In this he
was placed, and conveyed across the line, which was
about twenty miles further south; and that was the last,
so far as I know, that has ever been heard of him.
The alarm was given, of course, as soon as possible, and
the neighbors were quickly in pursuit; but the
kidnappers had got the start of them. The next
morning the trail between the house, and the place where
the wagon stood, was distinctly visible, and deeply
marked with blood.
[Page 581]
About a
fortnight since, a letter was brought to our office, from a
well-known friend, the contents of which were in substance as
follows: A case of kidnapping had occurred in the vicinity of West
Caln Township, Chester county, at about half past one on Sunday
morning, the 16th March. A black man, by the name of Thomas
Hall, an honest, sober, and industrious individual, living in
the midst of a settlement of farmers, had been stolen by persons who
knocked at his door, and told him that his nearest neighbor wanted
him to come to his house, one of his children being sick.
Hall, not immediately opening his door, it was burst in, and
three men rushed into his house; Hall was felled by the
bludgeons of the men. His wife received several severe blows,
and on making for the door was told, that if she attempted to go out
or halloo, she would have her brains blown out. She, however,
escaped through a back window, and gave the alarm; but before any
person arrived upon the ground, they had fled with their victim.
He was taken without any clothing, except his night clothes. A
six-barrelled revolver, heavily loaded, was dropped in the scuffle,
and left; also a silk handkerchief, and some old advertisement of a
bear bait, that was to take place in Emmittsburg, Maryland. In
how many cases the persons stolen are legally liable to capture, it
is impossible to state. The law, you know, authorizes arrests
to be made, with or without process, and nothing is easier under
such circumstances than to kidnap persons who are free born.
The very same day that I received the above mentioned
letter, and while our hearts were still aching over its contents,
another was brought us from Thomas Garrett, of Wilmington,
Delaware, announcing the abduction, a night or two before, of a free
colored man of that city. The outrage was committed by an
ex-policeman, who, pretending to be acting under the commission
which he had been known to hold, entered, near the hour of midnight,
the house of the victim, and alleging against him some petty act of
disorder, seized him, handcuffed him in the presence of his dismayed
family, and carried him off to Maryland. The cheat that had
been practised was not discovered by the family until next evening;
but it was too late, the man was gone.
At the time Mr. Garrett's handed to me,
narrating the foregoing case of man stealing, I was listening to the
sad tales of two colored women, who had come to the office for
advice and assistance. One of them was an elderly person,
whose son had been pursued by the marshal's deputies, and who had
just escaped with 'the skin of his teeth.' She did not come on
her own account, however; her heart was too full of joy for that.
She came to accompany the young woman who was with her. This
young woman was a remarkably intelligent, lady-like person, and her
story made a strong appeal to my feelings. She is a resident
of Washington, and her errand here was, to procure the liberation of
a sister-in-law, who is confined in that city, under very peculiar
circumstances. The sister-in-law had absconded
[Page 582]
from her mistress about nine months since, and was
secreted in the room of an acquaintance, who was cook in
a distinguished slave-holding family in Washington; her
intention being, there to wait until all search should
be over, and an opportunity offer of escape to the
North, Bt, as yet, no such opportunity had
presented itself; at least none that was available, and
for nine long months had that poor girl been confined in
the narrow limits of the cook's chamber, watched over
day and night by that faithful friend with a vigilance
as sleepless as it was disinterested. The time had
now come, however, when something must be done.
The family in whose house she is hid is about to be
broken up, and the house to be vacated, and the girl
must either be rescued from her peril, or she, and all
her accomplices must be exposed. What to do under
these circumstances was the question which brought this
woman to Philadelphia. I advised her to the bet of
my ability, and sent her away hopeful, if not rejoicing.
But in many of these cases we can render no aid
whatever. All we can do is to commend them to the
God of the oppressed, and labor on for the day of
general deliverance. But, oh! the horrors of
this hell-born system, and the havoc made by this, its
last foul offspring, the Fugitive Slave law. The
anguish, the terror, the agony inflicted by this
infamous statute, must be witnessed to be fully
appreciated. You must hear the tale of the
broken-hearted mother, who has just received tidings
that her son is in the hands of man-thieves. You
must listen to the impassioned appeal of the wife, whose
husband's retreat has been discovered, and whose
footsteps are dogged by the blood-hounds of Slavery.
You must hear the husband, as I did, a few weeks ago,
himself bound and helpless, beg you for God's sake to
save his wife. You must see such a woman as
Hannah Dellam, with her noble-looking boy at her
side, pleading in vain before a pro-slavery judge, that
she is of right free; that her son is entitled to his
freedom; and above all, that her babe, about to be born,
should be permitted to open its eyes upon the light of
liberty. You must hear the judge's decision,
remorselessly giving up the woman and her children born
and unborn, into the hands of their claimants - by them
to be carried to the slave prison, and thence to be sold
to a returnless from the remaining but scattered
fragments of her once happy family. These things
you must see and hear for yourself before you can form
any adequate idea of the bitterness of this cup which
the unhappy children of oppression along this southern
border are called upon to drink. Manifestations
like these have we been obliged either to witness
ourselves, or hear the recital of from others, almost
daily, for weeks together. Our aching hearts of
late, have known but little respite. A shadow has
been cast over our home circles, and a check been given
to the wonted cheerfulness of our families. One
night, the night that the woman and the boy and the
unborn babe received their doom, my wife, long after
midnight, literally wept herself to sleep. For the
last fortnight we have had to new
[Page 583]
cases; out even now, when I go home in the evening, if I
happen to look more serious than usual, my wife notices
it, and asks "Is there another slave case?" and my
little girls look up anxiously for my reply.
Daring outrage! burglary and kidnapping! The following letter
tells its own startling and most painful story. Every manly
and generous heart must burn with indignation at the villainy it
describes, and bleed with sympathy for the almost broken-hearted
"DOWNTOWN, 19th, 4th mo.,
1848. |
"MY DEAR FRIEND: - This morning our family was aroused
by the screams of a young colored girl, who has been
giving with u nearly a year past; but we were awakened
only in time to see her borne off by three white men,
ruffians indeed, to a carriage at our door, and in an
instant she was on her way to the South. I feel so
much excited by the attendant circumstances of this
daring and atrocious deed, as scarcely to be able to
give you a coherent account of it, but I know that it is
a duty to make it known, and, I therefore write this
"As soon as the house was opened in the morning, these
men who were lurking without, having a carriage in
waiting in the street, entered on their horrid errand.
They encountered no one in their entrance, except a
colored boy, who was making the fire; and who, being
frightened at their approach, ran and hid himself;
taking a lighted candle from the kitchen, and carrying
it up stairs, they went directly to the chamber in which
the poor girl lay in a sound sleep. They lifted
her from her bed and carried her down stairs. In
the entry of the second floor they met one of my
sisters, who, hearing an unusual noise, had sprung from
her bed. Her screams, and those of the poor girl,
who was now thoroughly awakened to the dreadful truth,
aroused my father, who hurried undressed from his
chamber, on the ground floor. My father's efforts
were powerless against the three; they threw him off,
and with frightful imprecations hurried the girl to the
carriage. Quickly as possible my father started in
pursuit, and reached West Chester only to learn that the
carriage had driven through the borough at full speed,
about half an hour before. They had two horses to
their vehicle, and there were three men besides those in
the house. These particulars we gather from the
colored boy Ned, who, from his hiding place, was
watching them in the road.
"Can anything be done for the rescue of this girl from
the kidnappers? We are surprised and alarmed!
This deliberate invasion of our house, is a thing
unimagined. There must be come informer, who is
acquainted with our house and its arrangements, or they
never would have come so boldly
[Page 584]
through. Truly, there is no need to preach about
Slavery in the abstract, this individual case combines
every wickedness by which human nature can be degraded.
Truly, they friend,
In a subsequent letter, our friend says:
"As to detail, the whole transaction was like a flash to those who
saw the miserable ending. I was impelled to write without
delay, by the thought that it would be in time for the 'Freeman,'
and that any procrastination on my part, might jeopard others of
these suffering people, who are living, as was this poor girl, in
fancied security. Our consternation was inexpressible;
our sorrow and indignation deepen daily, as the thought returns of
the awful announcement with which we were awakened: they have
carried Martha to the South. To do what will be of most
service to the cause - not their cause - ours - that of our race, is
our burning desire."
The necessities of the Committee for the relief of the
destitute and way-worn travelers bound freedom-ward,
were met mainly by friends of the cause in Philadelphia.
Generous-hearted abolitionists nobly gave their gold in
this work. They gave not only material, but
likewise whole-souled aid and sympathy in times of need,
to a degree well worthy of commemoration while the name
of slave is remembered. The Shipleys, Hoppers,
Parrishes, Motts, Whites, Copes, Wistars, Pennocks,
Sellers, Davis, Prices, Hallowells, Sharpless, Williams,
Coates, Morris, Browns, Townsends, Taylors, Jones, Grews,
Wises, Lindseys, Barkers, Earles, Pughs, Rogers,
Whartons, Barnes, Willsons, Wrights, Peirces, Justices,
Smiths, Cavenders, Stackhouses, Nealls, Dawsons, Evans,
Lees, Childs, Clothiers, Harveys, Laings, Middletons,
etc., are among the names well-known in the days
which tried men's souls, as being most true to the
bondman, whether on the Underground Rail Road, before a
Fugitive Slave-Law Court, or on a rice or cotton
plantation in the South. Nor would we pass over
the indefatigable labors of the Ladies' Anti-slavery
Societies and Sewing Circles of Philadelphia, whose
surpassing fidelity to the slave in the face of
prejudice, calumny and reproach, year in and year out,
should be held in lasting remembrance. In the
hours of darkness they cheered the cause. While we
thus honor the home-guards and coadjutors in our
immediate neighborhood, we cannot forget other earnest
and faithful friends of the slave, in distant parts of
the country and the world, who
[Page 585]
volunteered timely aid and sympathy to the Vigilance
Committee of Philadelphia. Not to mention any of
this class would be to fail to bestow honor where honor
is due. We have only to allow the friends to whom
we allude, to speak for themselves through their
correspondence when their hearts were stirred in the
interest of the escaping slave, and they were
practically doing unto others as they would have others
do unto them.
Here, truly, is pure philanthropy, that vital
Christianity, that True and Undefiled Religion before
God and the Father, which is to visit the father less
and widow in their affliction, and to undo the heavy
burden, and let the oppressed go free. The
posterity of the oppressed at least, will need such
evidences of tender regard and love as here evinced.
In those days, such expressions of Christian benevolence
were cheering in the extreme. From his able
contribution to Anti-slavery papers, and his fearless
and eloquent advocacy of the cause of the down-trodden
slave in the pulpit, on the platform, and in the social
circle, the name of Rev. N. R. Johnston, Reformed
Presbyterian (of the old Covenanter faith), will be
familiar to many. But we think it safe to say that
his fidelity and devotion to the slave are nowhere more
fully portrayed than in the appended Underground Rail
Road letters.
TOPSHAM, VT. September
1st, 1855. |
WM. STILL, MY DEAR FRIEND: - I have the heart, but not
the time, to write you a long letter. It is Saturday
evening, and I am preparing to preach to-morrow afternoon from
Heb. xiii. 3, "Remember them that are in bonds as bound with
them." This will be my second sermon from this text.
Sabbath before last I preached from it, arguing and illustrating
the proposition , deduced from it, that "the great work to which
we are now called is the abolition of Slavery, or the
emancipation of the slave," showing our duty as
philanthropists. To-morrow I intend to point out our
duty as citizens. Some to whom I minister, I know,
will call it a political speech; but I have long since
determined to speak for the dumb what is in my heart and in my
Bible, let men hear or forebear. I am accountable to the
God of the oppressed, not to man. If I have his favor, why
need I regard man’s disfavor. Many besides the members of
my own church come out regularly to hear me. Some of them
are pro-slavery politicians. The consequence is, I preach
much on the subject of Slavery. And while I have a tongue
to speak, and lips to pray, they shall never be sealed or silent
so long as millions of dumb have so few to speak for them.
But poor Passmore Williamson is in bonds.
Let us also remember him, as bound with him. He has many
sympathizers. I am glad you did not share the same fate.
For some reasons I am sorry you have fallen into the hands of
thieves. For some others I am glad. It will make you
more devoted to your good work. Persecution always
brightens the Christian,
[Page 586]
and gives more zeal to the true philanthropist. I
hope you will come off victorious. I pray for you and
your co-laborers and co-sufferers.
My good brother, I am greatly indebted to you for
your continued kindness. The Lord reward you.
I have a scholarship in an Ohio College, Geneva Hall,
which will entitle me - any one I may send - to six
years tuition. It is an Anti-slavery institution,
and wholly under Anti-slavery control and influence.
They want colored students to prepare them for the great
field of labor open to men of talent and piety of that
class. When I last saw you I purposed talking to
you about this matter but was disappointed very
much in not getting to take tea with you, as I
partly promised. Have you a son ready for college?
or for the grammar school? Do you know any
promising young man who would accept my scholarship?
Or would your brother's son, Peter or Levin,
like to have the benefit of it? If so, you are at
liberty to promise it to any one whom you think I would
be willing to educate. Write me at your earliest
convenience about this matter.
* *
* * *
* * *
I presume
the Standard will contain full accounts of the Norristown meeting,
the Williamson case, and your own and those connected.
If it does not, I will thank you to write me fully.
* *
* * *
* * *
What causes the delay of that book, the History of Peter
Still’s Family, etc? I long to see it.
The Lord bless you in your labors for the slave.
Yours, etc., N. R.
TOPSHAM, VT. December
26th, 1855. |
STILL, MY DEAR FRIEND: - I wrote to you some two or three
weeks ago, enclosing the letter to the care of a friend in
Philadelphia, whom I wished to introduce to you. I have
had no answer to that letter, and I am afraid you have not
received it, or that you have written me, and I have not
received yours. In that letter I wished to receive
information respecting the best way to expend money for the aid
of fugitives. Lest you may not have received it, I write
you again, though briefly.
A few of the Anti-slavery friends, mostly ladies, in
our village have formed an Anti-slavery Society and sewing
circle, the proceeds of which are to go to aid needy or
destitute fugitive slaves. They have appointed me
corresponding secretary. In obedience to my instructions,
and that I may fulfill my promises, I want to find out from you
the desired information. We want to give the little money
raised, in such a way that fugitives who are really needy will
be benefited by it. Write me as soon as possible, where
and to whom we should send the funds when raised. I have
thought that you of the Vigilance Committee, in Philadelphia had
need of it. Or, if not,
[Page 587]
you can tell us where money is needed. Probably you know
of some one in Canada who acts for the needy there. So
many impositions have been palmed off upon charitable
abolitionists, I am afraid to act in such a case without the
directions of one who knows all about these things. Is
money needed to help those escaping? If so, should we send to
New York, Philadelphia, or where else? When I was in New
York last, a young man from Richmond, Va., assuming the name of
Robert Johnston, who had come by steamboat to
Philadelphia, and whom you had directed to the Anti-slavery
office in New York, had only one dollar in money. His fare
had to be paid by a friend there, the treasurer of the fund
being absent. I know that they nearly all need money, or
clothing. We want to send our money wherever it is most
needed, to help the destitute, or those in danger, and where it
will be faithfully applied. Write me fully, giving
specific directions; and I will read your letter to the society.
And as I have been waiting anxiously, for some two weeks or
more, for an answer to my previous letter, but am disappointed
unless you have written very recently, I will be much obliged if
you will write on the reception of this. Any informa tion
you may communicate, respecting the doing of your section of the
Underground Railway will be read before the society with much
If you known the address of any one in Canada, who
would be a good correspondent respecting this matter, please
give me his name.
* *
* * *
* * *
My dear
brother, go on in your good work; and the God of the
oppressed sustain and reward you, is my earnest prayer.
Yours, Fraternally, in our common cause, N. R. JOHNSTON.
TOPSHAM, VT. December
18th, 1856. |
WM. STILL, VERY DEAR FRIEND: - I will be much
pleased to hear from you and our common cause in
Pennsylvania. I am so far removed, away here in
Yankeedom, that I hear nothing from that quarter but by
the public prints. And as for the Underground
Railway, of course, I hear nothing, except now and then.
I would be greatly pleased if you would write me the
state of its funds and progress. Whatever you
write will be interesting.
The Topsham Sewing Circle has begun its feeble
operations again. Owing to much opposition, a very
few attend, consequently little is made. The
ladies, however, have some articles on hand unsold,
which will bring some money ere long. I wish you
would write me another long letter in detail of
interesting fugitives, etc., such as you wrote last
winter, and I will have it read before the circle.
Your letter last winter was heard by the ladies with
great interest. You are probably not aware that
fugitives are never seen here. Indeed the one half
of the people have never seen more than a half- dozen of
colored people. There are none in all this region.
[Page 588]
I am
lending Peter Still - the book - to my neighbors. It is
devoured with great interest. It does good. I think,
however, if I had been writing such a book, I would have wedged in
much more testimony against slavery and its horrid accompaniments
and consequences.
I would be glad to hear how Peter and his family
are prospering.
Do you see my friends, Mr. Orr and Rev.
Willson, now-a-days? Do they help in the good cause?
If the ladies here should make up fine shirts for men,
or children's clothes of various kinds, would they be of use at
Philadelphia, or New York, to fugitives? Or would it not be
advisable to send them there? The ladies here complain that
they cannot sell what they make.
My dear brother, be not discouraged in your work, your
labor of love. The prospect before the poor slave is indeed
dark, dark! But the power shall not always be on the side of
the oppressor. God reigns. A day of vengeance will come,
and that soon.
Mrs. Stowe makes Dred utter many a truth.
Would that God would write it indelibly on the heart of the
nation. But the people will not hear, and the cup of iniquity
will soon fill to overflowing; and whose cars will not be made to
tingle when the God of Sabaoth awakes to plead the cause of
the dumb?
Yours, very
P. S. When I was in New York last Fall, October, I was
in the Anti Slavery office one day, when a friend in the
office showed me a dispatch just received from
Philadelphia, signed W. S., which gave notice of
“ six parcels’’ coming by the train, etc. And
before I left the office the “parcels” (name in, each on
two legs. Strange parcels, that would run away on
My heart leaped for joy at seeing these rescued ones.
O that God would arise and break the yoke of
oppression! Let us labor on and ever, until our
work is done, until all are free.
Since the late Republican farce has closed I hope to
get some more subscribers for the Standard. Honest
men’s eyes will be opened after a while, and the
standard of right and expediency be elevated. Let
us “hope on and ever.”
Yours, for
the right, |
N. R. J. |
VT., April 3d, 1858. |
- I entreat you not to infer from my tardiness
or neglect, that I am forgetful of my dear
friend in Philadelphia. For some time past
I have done injustice to many of my friends, in
not paying my debts in epistolary
correspondence. Some of my dearest friends
have cause to censure me. But you must
pardon me. I have two letters of yours on
hand, unanswered. One of them I read to
the Sewing Circle; and part of the other.
For them I most heartily thank you. You
are far kinder to me than I deserve. May
God reward you.
I long to see you. My head and heart is full of
the cause of the slave.
[Page 589]
I fear I give the subject too much relative
importance. Is this possible?
I preach, lecture, and write for the slave continually.
And yet I don't do enough. Still I fear I
neglect the great concerns of religion at home, in
my own heart, in my congregation, and in the
I wish we were located near to each other. We are
far separated. I am almost isolated. You
are surrounded by many friends of the cause.
Still we are laboring on the same wall, though far
apart. Are we not near in spirit?
You see by the papers that we have been trying to do
something in our Green Mountain State.
The campaign has fairly begun. We will
carry the battle to the gate.
I see our friend, Miss Watkins, is still
pleading for the dumb. Noble girl! I
love her for her devotedness to a good cause.
Oh, that her voice could be heard by the millions!
I hope that we can have her again in Vermont.
Give my kind regards to our mutual friend, Miller
McKim. Will I not see him and you at
the anniversary in New York?
Do you ever see Rev. Willson? Is he
doing anything for the cause? I wish I could
peep into your house two-night, and see if there are
any “packages” on hand. God bless you in your
labors of love.
Yours, truly,
for the slave, |
N. R.
While it was not in the power of Mr. Johnston
and his coadjutors, to render any great amount of
material aid to the Committee, as they had not been
largely blessed with this world’s goods, nevertheless,
the sympathy shown was as highly valued, as if they had
given thousands of dollars. Not unfrequently has
the image of this singularly faithful minister entered
the writer’s mind as he once appeared when visiting the
Synod of his church in Philadelphia. Having the
Underground Rail Road cause at heart, he brought with
him - all the way from Vermont - his trunk well filled
with new shirts and under-clothing for the passengers on
that Road. It was characteristic of the man, and
has ever since been remembered with, pleasure.
From another quarter, hundreds of miles from
Philadelphia, similar tokens of interest in the cause of
the fleeing bondmen were manifested by a Ladies’
Anti-slavery Society, in Western New York, which we must
here record. As the proffered aid was wholly
unsolicited, and as the Committee had no previous
knowledge whatever of the existence of the society, or
any of its members, and withal, as the favors conferred,
came at times when the cause was peculiarly in need (the
Committee oft-times being destitute of clothing or
money), the idea that the Underground Rail Road was
providentially favored, in this respect, was
[Page 590]
therefore take great pleasure in commemorating the good deeds of the
society, by copying the following letters from its president,
Mrs. Dr. Brooks:
ELLINGTON, Nov. 21st,
1859. |
WILLIAM STILL: - Dear Sir: - In the above-named place, some five
years since there was formed a Ladies’ Anti-slavery Society,
which has put forth its feeble endeavors to aid the cause of
“breaking every yoke and letting the oppressed go free,” and we
trust, through our means, others have been made glad of heart.
Every year we have sent a box of clothing, bedding, etc., to the
aid of the fugitive, and wishing to send it where it would be of
the most service, we have it suggested to us, to send to you the
box we have at present. You would confer a favor upon the
members of our society, by writing us, giving a detail of that
which would be the most service to you, and whether or no it
would be more advantageous to you than some nearer station, and
we will send or endeavor to, that which would benefit you most.
William Wells Brown visited our
place a short time since, recommending us to send to you in
preference to Syracuse, where we sent our last box.
Please write, letting me know what most is needed to
aid you in your glorious work, a work which will surely meet its
reward. Direct, Ellington, Chautauqua county, N. Y.
Your sister, in the
cause, |
Mrs. M. BROOKS |
ELLINGTON, Chautauqua
Co., N.Y., Dec. 7th, 1859 |
MR. STILL: - Dear Sir: - Yours of the 29th, was duly and
gratefully received, although the greater portion of
your epistle, of a necessity, portrayed the darker side
of the picture, yet we have great reason to be thankful
for the growing interest there is for the cause
throughout the free States, for it certainly is on the
increase, even in our own locality. There are
those who, five years since, were (ashamed, must I say
it!) to bear the appellation of “Anti-slavery,”
who can now manfully bear the one then still more
repellant of Abolitionist. All this we wish
to feel thankful for, and wish their number may never
grow less.
The excitement relative to the heroic John
Brown, now in his grave, has affected the whole
North, or at least every one who has a heart in his
breast, particularly this portion of the State, which is
so decidedly Anti-slavery.
At a meeting of our Society, to-day, at which your
letter was read, it was thought best that I should reply
to it, a request with which I cheerfully comply.
We would like to hear from you, and learn the directions
to be given to our box, which will be ready to send as
soon as we can hear from you. Please give us all
necessary information, and oblige our Society.
You have the kind wishes and prayers of all the
members, that you may be the instrument of doing much
good to those in bonds, and may God speed the time when
every yoke shall be broken, and let the oppressed go
Yours, truly, |
Mrs. DR. BROOKS. |
[Page 591]
P. S. I have just
learned that John Brown's body passed through Dunkirk, a few
miles from this place, yesterday. A funeral sermon is to be
preached in this place one week from next Sabbath, for the good old
1860. |
WILLIAM STILL :—Dear Sir : - Enclosed are $2.00, to
pay freightage on the box of bedding, wearing apparel, etc.,
that has been sent to your address. It has been thought
best to send you a schedule of the contents of said box.
Trusting it will be acceptable, and be the means of assisting
the poor fugitive on his perilous way, you have the prayers of
our Society, that you may be prospered in your work of mercy,
and you surely will meet with your reward according to your
merciful acts.
Two bed quilts, 32, $8,00; five bed quilts, 24, $15,00;
one bed quilt, 28, $3,50; two pairs cotton socks, 3, 75 cents;
three pairs cotton stockings, 4, $1,50; one pair Woolen
stockings, 6, 75 cents; one pair woolen stockings, 4, 50 cents;
three pair woolen socks, 2, 75 cents; five pair woolen socks, 3,
$1.88; eight chemise, 32, $4,50; thirteen men’s shirts, 66
cents, $8,58; one pair pants, 12, $1,50 six
pair overall pants, 80 cents, $4,80; three pair pillow cases,
$1,00; three calico aprons, 2, 75 cents; three sun-bonnets, 2,
75 cents; two small aprons, 1, 25 cents; one alpaca cape, 8,
$1,00 ; two capes, 1, 25 cents; one black shawl, 4, 50 cents.
Total, $56,51.
The foregoing is a correct list of the articles and the
appraisal of the same. Please acknowledge the receipt of
the letter and box, and oblige the Anti slavery Society of
The road was
doing a flourishing business during the short time that this station
received aid and sympathy from the Ladies' Anti-slavery Society of
Ellington, and little did we dream that its existence would so soon
be rendered null and void by the utter overthrow of Slavery.
We have great pleasure in stating that beyond our
borders also, across the ocean, there came help to a laudable degree
in the hour of need. The numbers of those who aided in this
special work, however, were very few and far between, a hundred per
cent. less (so far as the receipts of the Philadelphia
Committee were concerned), than was supposed by slave-holders and
their sympathizers, judging from their oft repeated allegations on
this subject.
It is true, that the American Anti-slavery Society and
kindred associations, received liberal contributions from a few
warm-hearted and staunch abolitionists abroad, to aid the great work
of abolishing Slavery. In reference to the Philadelphia
Vigilance Committee, we are safe in saying, that, except from a few
sources, no direct aid came. How true this was of other
stations, we do not pretend to know or speak, but in the directions
above alluded to, we feel that the cause was placed under lasting
obligations. The Webbs of
[Page 592]
Dublin, and the Misses Wighams, of Scotland, representatives
of the Edinburgh Ladies' Emancipation Society, were constantly in
correspondence with leading abolitionists in different parts of the
country, manifesting a deep interest in the general cause, and were
likewise special stockholders of the Underground Rail Road of
Philadelphia. In common with stockholders at home, these
trans-atlantic investors were willing to receive their shares of
dividends in the answer of a good conscience, or, in other words,
from the satisfaction and pleasure derivable from a consciousness of
having done what they could to alleviate the sufferings of the
oppressed struggling to be free. Having thus shown their faith
by their works it would be unjust not to make honorable mention of
Last, though not least, at the risk of wounding the
feelings of one who preferred not to let the left hand know what the
right hand doeth, we may contemplate the philanthropic labors of
one, whose generosity and benevolence knew no bounds; whose
friendship devotion and liberality, were felt in all the principal
stations of the Underground Rail Road; whose heart went out after
the millions in fetters, the fleeing fugitive, the free, proscribed,
the ignorant deprived of education; whose house was the home of the
advocate of the slave from the United States, especially if he wore
a colored skin or had been a slave. We would not venture to
say how many of the enslaved this kind hand helped to purchase (Frederick
Douglass and many others, being of the number.)
How many were assisted in procuring an education, how
many who pined in slave prisons were aided, how many fleeing over
the perilous Under ground Rail Road were benefited, the All-seeing
Eye alone knoweth; nevertheless, we are happy to be able to give our
readers some idea of the unwearied labors of the friend to whom we
allude. Here again we are compelled to resort to private
correspondence which took place when Cotton was King, and the
Slave-power of the South could boastingly say, in the language of
the apocalyptic woman, “I sit as a queen, and shall see no sorrow,”
when that power was maddened to desperation, by the heroism of the
martyr, John Brown, and the fettered bondmen were ever
and anon traveling over the Underground Rail Road. In this
“darkest hour, just before the break of day,” the heart of the
friend of whom we speak, was greatly moved to consider the wants of
the oppressed in various directions.
How worthily and successfully her labors gave evidence
of an earnest devotion to freedom, the mode and measures adopted by
her, to awaken sympathy in the breast of the benevolent of her own
countrymen, and how noble her example, may be learned from a small
pamphlet and explanatory letters which, when written, were intended
especially for private use, but which we now feel constrained to
copy from a sense of justice to disinterested philanthropy.
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