by Luis Fenollosa Emilio
The History Book Company
[Page 105]
EARLY on the
morning of July 19, the men of the fifty-fourth were aroused, and
the regiment marched down the beach, making camp near the southern
front of the island at a point where the higher hills give way to a
low stretch of sand bordering the inlet. On this spot the
regiment remained during its first term of service, at Morris
That day was the saddest in the history of the
Fifty-fourth, for the depleted ranks bore silent witness to the
severe losses of the previous day. Men who had wandered to
other points during the night continued to join their comrades until
some four hundred men were present. A number were without
arms, which had either been destroyed or damaged in their hands by
shot and shell, or were thrown away in the effort to save life.
The officers present for duty were Captain Emilio,
commanding, Surgeon Stone, Quartermaster
Ritchie, and Lieutenants T. W. Appleton, Grace,
Dexter, Jewett, Emerson, Reid, Tucker,
Johnston, Howard, and Higginson.
Some fifty men, slightly wounded, were being treated in
camp. The severely wounded, including seven officers, were
taken on the 19th to hospitals at Beaufort, where every care was
given them by the medical men, General Saxton, his officers,
civilians, and the colored people.
[Page 106]
By order of
General Terry, commanding Morris Island, the regiment
on the 19th was attached to the Third Brigade with the Tenth
Connecticut, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts, Seventh New Hampshire, One
Hundredth New York, and Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania, under
General Stevenson. Upon the 20th the labors of the
siege work began, for in the morning the first detail was furnished.
Late in the afternoon the commanding officer received orders to take
the Fifty-fourth to the front for grand-guard duty. He
reported with all the men in camp — some three hundred — and was
placed at the Beacon house, supporting the Third New Hampshire and
Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania. There was no firing of
consequence that night. In the morning the Fifty-fourth was
moved forward into the trenches.
Capt. D. A. Partridge, left sick in
Massachusetts, joined July 21, and, as senior officer, assumed
Preparations were made for a bombardment of Sumter as
well as for the siege of Wagner. Work began on the artillery
line of July 18, that night, for the first parallel, 1,350 yards
from Wagner. When completed, it mounted eight siege and field
guns, ten mortars, and three Requa rifle batteries. July 23,
the second parallel was established some four hundred yards in front
of the first. Vincent's Creek on its left was obstructed with
floating booms. On its right was the "Surf Battery," armed
with field-pieces. This parallel was made strong for defence
for the purpose of constructing in its rear the "Left Batteries"
against Sumter. It mounted twenty-one light pieces for defence
and three thirty-pounder Parrotts and one Wiard rifle. The two
parallels were connected by zigzag approaches to protect passing
troops. In the construction of these works and the
transportation of siege material, ordnance, and
[Page 107]
quartermaster's stores, the Fifty-fourth was engaged, in common with
all the troops on the island, furnishing large details. So many men
were called for that but a small camp guard could be maintained, and
at times non-commissioned officers volunteered to stand on post.
Col. M. S. Littlefield, Fourth South Carolina
Colored, on July 24, was temporarily assigned to command the
Fifty-fourth. The colonel's own regiment numbered but a few
score of men, and this appointment seemed as if given to secure him
command commensurate with the rank he held. It gave rise to
much criticism in Massachusetts as well as in the regiment, for it
was made contrary to custom and without the knowledge of Governor
Andrew. Though silently dissatisfied, the officers
rendered him cheerful service.
Anticipating a bombardment of Sumter, the enemy were
busy strengthening the gorge or south wall with both cotton-bales
and sand-bags. A partial disarmament of the fort was being
effected. Wagner was kept in repair by constant labor at
night. To strengthen their circle of batteries the enemy were
busy upon new works on James Island. About 10 a. m., on the
24th, the Confederate steamer "Alice" ran down and was met by the
"Cosmopolitan," when thirty-eight Confederates were given up, and we
received one hundred and five wounded, including three officers.
There was complaint by our men that the Confederates had neglected
their wounds, of the unskilful surgical treatment received, and that
unnecessary amputations were suffered. From Col. Edward C.
Anderson it was ascertained that the Fifty-fourth's prisoners
would not be given up, and Colonel Shaw's death was
[Page 108]
Simkins on James Island opened against our trenches for the first
time on the 25th. For the first time also sharpshooters of the enemy
fired on our working parties with long-range rifles. Orders
came on the 26th that, owing to the few officers and lack of arms,
the Fifty-fourth should only furnish fatigue details.
Quartermaster Ritchie, who was sent to Hilton Head,
returned on the 29th with the officers, men, and camp equipage from
St. Helena, and tents were put up the succeeding day. Some six
hundred men were then present with the colors, including the sick.
The number of sick in camp was very large, owing to the severe work
and terrible heat. About nineteen hundred were reported on
August 1 in the whole command. The sight of so many pale,
enfeebled men about the hospitals and company streets was
dispiriting. As an offset, some of those who had recovered
from wounds returned, and Brig.-Gen. Edward A. Wild's brigade
of the First North Carolina and Fifty-fifth Massachusetts, both
colored, arrived and camped on Folly Island.
Mr. De Mortie, the regimental
sutler, about this time brought a supply of goods. After
August 2 the details were somewhat smaller, as the colored brigade
on Folly-Island began to send over working parties. But calls
were filled from the regiment daily for work about the landing and
the front. Two men from each company reported as sharpshooters
in conjunction with those from other regiments.
The famous battery known as the "Swamp Angel" was begun
August 4, and built under direction of Col. E. W. Serrell,
First New York Engineers, and was situated in the marsh between
Morris and James islands. It was constructed upon a foundation
of timber, with sand-bags
[Page 109]
filled upon Morris Island and taken out in boats. A
two-hundred-pounder Parrott gun was lightered out to the work at
night with great difficulty. Its fire reached Charleston, a
distance of 8,800 yards. This gun burst after the first few
discharges. Later, two mortars were mounted in the work in
place of the gun. Capt. Lewis S. Payne, One Hundredth
New York, the most daring scout of our forces, at night, August 3,
while at Payne's dock, was captured with a few men.
August 5 the men were informed that the Government was
ready to pay them $10 per month, less $3 deducted for clothing.
The offer was refused, although many had suffering families.
About this time a number of men were detached, or detailed, as
clerks, butchers, and as hands on the steamers "Escort" and
"Planter." Work was begun on the third parallel within four
hundred yards of Wagner on the night of the 9th. When
completed, it was one hundred yards in length, as the island
narrowed. Water was struck at a slight depth. The
weather was excessively hot, and flies and sand-fleas tormenting.
Only sea-bathing and cooler nights made living endurable. The
Fifty-fourth was excused from turning out at reveille in consequence
of excessive work, for we were daily furnishing parties reporting to
Lieut. P S. Michie, United States Engineers, at the Left
Batteries, and to Colonel Serrell at the " Lookout."
Fancied security of the Fifty-fourth camp so far from
the front was rudely dispelled at dark on August 13 by a shell from
James Island bursting near Surgeon Stone's tent.
These unpleasant visits were not frequent, seemingly being efforts
of the enemy to try the extreme range of their guns.
Reinforcements, consisting of Gen. George H. Gor
[Page 110]
don's division from the Eleventh Corps, arrived on the 13th
and landed on the 15th upon Folly Island. No rain fell from
July 18 until August 13, which was favorable for the siege work, as
the sand handled was dry and light. This dryness, however,
rendered it easily displaced by the wind, requiring constant labor
in re-covering magazines, bombproofs, and the slopes. The air
too was full of the gritty particles, blinding the men and covering
everything in camp.
By this date twelve batteries were nearly ready for
action, mounting in all twenty-eight heavy rifles, from thirty to
three hundred pounders, besides twelve ten-inch mortars. Those
for breaching Sumter were at an average distance of 3,900 yards.
Detachments from the First United States Artillery, Third Rhode
Island Artillery, One Hundredth New York, Seventh Connecticut,
Eleventh Maine, and the fleet, served the guns. These works
had been completed under fire from Sumter, Gregg, Wagner, and the
James Island batteries, as well as the missiles of sharpshooters.
Most of the work had been done at night. Day and night heavy
guard details lay in the trenches to repel attack. The labor
of transporting the heavy guns to the front was very great, as the
sinking of the sling-carts deep into the sand made progress slow.
Tons of powder, shot, and shell had been brought up, and stored in
the service-magazines. It was hoped by General
Gillmore that the demolition of Sumter would necessitate the
abandonment of Morris Island, for that accomplished, the enemy could
be prevented from further relief of the Morris Island garrison.
Sumter was then commanded by Col. Alfred Rhett, First South
Carolina Artillery; and the garrison was of his regiment. In
all this work preparatory to breaching Sumter the Fifty-
[Page 111]
fourth had borne more than its share of labor, for it was
exclusively employed on fatigue duty, which was not the case with
the white troops. There had been no time for drill or
discipline. Every moment in camp was needed to rest the
exhausted men and officers. The faces and forms of all showed
plainly at what cost this labor was done. Clothes were in
rags, shoes worn out, and haversacks full of holes. On the
16th the medical staff was increased by the arrival of Asst.-Surg.
G. M. Pease. Lieut. Charles Silva, Fourth South
Carolina (colored), was detached to the Fifty-fourth on the 21st,
doing duty until November 6.
Shortly after daybreak, August 17, the first
bombardment of Sumter began from the land batteries, the navy soon
joining in action. The fire of certain guns was directed
against Wagner and Gregg. Capt. J. M. Wampler, the engineer
officer at Wagner, and Capt. George W. Rodgers and
Paymaster Woodbury of the monitor "Catskill" were killed.
Sumter was pierced time and again until the walls looked like a
honeycomb. All the guns on the northwest face were disabled,
besides seven others. A heavy gale came on the 18th, causing a
sand-storm on the island and seriously interfering with gun
practice. Wagner and Gregg replied slowly. Lieut.
Henry Holbrook, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery,
was mortally wounded by a shell.
By premature explosion of one of our shells, Lieut.
A. F. Webb, Fortieth Massachusetts, was killed and several men
wounded at night on the 19th. The water stood in some of the
trenches a foot and a half deep. Our sap was run from the left
of the third parallel that morning. The One Hundredth New
York, Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania, and
[Page 112]
Third New Hampshire were detailed as the guard of the advance
trenches. An event of the 20th was the firing for the first
time of the great three-hundred-pounder Parrott. It broke down
three sling-carts, and required a total of 2,500 days' labor before
it was mounted. While in transit it was only moved at night,
and covered with a tarpaulin and grass during the daytime. The
enemy fired one hundred and sixteen shots at the Swamp Angel from
James Island, but only one struck. Sumter's flag was shot away
twice on the 20th. All the guns on the south face were
disabled. Heavy fire from land and sea continued on the 21st,
and Sumter suffered terribly.
A letter from Gillmore to Beauregard was
sent on the 21st, demanding the surrender of Morris Island and
Sumter, under penalty, if not complied with, of the city being
shelled. The latter replied, threatening retaliation.
Our fourth parallel was opened that night 350 yards from Wagner, and
the One Hundredth New York unsuccessfully attempted to drive the
enemy's pickets from a small ridge two hundred yards in front of
Wagner. The Swamp Angel opened on Charleston at 1.30 a. m. on
the 22d. By one shell a small fire was started there.
Many non-combatants left the city. Wagner now daily gave a
sharp fire on our advanced works to delay progress. The "New
Ironsides" as often engaged that work with great effect. Late
on the 22d a truce boat came from Charleston, causing firing to be
temporarily suspended.
Although almost daily the Fifty-fourth had more or less
men at the front, it had suffered no casualties. The men were
employed at this period in throwing up parapets, enlarging the
trenches, covering the slopes, turfing the batteries, filling
sand-bags, and other labors incident to the
[Page 113]
operations. In the daytime two men were stationed on higher
points to watch the enemy's batteries. Whenever a puff of
smoke was seen these "lookouts" called loudly, "Cover!" adding the
name by which that particular battery was known. Instantly the
workers dropped shovels and tools, jumped into the trench, and,
close-covered, waited the coming of the shot or shell, which having
exploded, passed, or struck, the work was again resumed. Some
of the newer batteries of the enemy were known by peculiar or
characteristic names, as "Bull in the Woods," "Mud Digger," and
"Peanut Battery." At night the men, worked better, for the
shells could be seen by reason of the burning fuses, and their
direction taken; unless coming in the direction of the toilers, the
work went on. Becoming accustomed to their exposure, in a
short time this "dodging shells" was reduced almost to a scientific
calculation by the men. Most of all they dreaded
mortar-shells, which, describing a curved course in the sky, poised
for a moment apparently, then, bursting, dropped their fragments
from, directly overhead. Bomb or splinter proofs alone
protected the men from such missiles, but most of the work was in
open trenches. Occasionally solid shot were thrown, which at
times could be distinctly seen bounding over the sand hills, or
burying themselves in the parapets.
Our batteries and the navy were still beating down the
walls of Sumter on the 23d, their shots sweeping through it.
That day Colonel Rhett, the commander, and four other
officers were there wounded. With Sumter in ruins, the breaching
fire ceased that evening, and General Gillmore
reported that he "considered the fort no longer a fit work from
which to use artillery." He then deemed his part of the work
against Charleston accomplished, and ex
[Page 114]
pected that the navy would run past the batteries into the harbor.
Admiral Dahlgren and the Navy Department thought
otherwise, declining to risk the vessels in the attempt.
Captain Partridge about August 23 applied
for sick leave and shortly went north. In consequence
Captain Emilio again became the senior officer and was at
times in charge of the regiment until the middle of October.
On the 23d the brigade was reviewed on the beach by General
Gillmore, accompanied by General Terry.
The latter complimented the Fifty-fourth on its appearance.
That evening Captain Emilio and Lieutenant
Higginson took one hundred and fifty men for grand guard,
reporting to Col. Jos. R. Hawley, Seventh Connecticut,
field-officer of the trenches. This was the first detail other
than fatigue since July 21. The detachment relieved troops in
the second parallel. During the night it was very stormy, the
rain standing in pools in the trenches. But few shots were
fired. Charleston's bells could be heard when all was still.
At midnight the Swamp Angel again opened on the city. About 10
a.m., on the 24th, Wagner and Johnson both opened on us, the former
with grape and canister sweeping the advanced works. In the
camp, by reason of rain and high tides, the water was several inches
deep in the tents on lowest ground. A new brigade — the Fourth
— was formed on the 24th, composed of the Second South Carolina,
Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, and Third United States Colored Troops
(the latter a new regiment from the north), under Colonel
About dark on the 25th a force was again advanced
against the enemy's picket, but was repulsed. It was found
that a determined effort must be made to carry the sand ridge
crowned by the enemy's rifle-pits. Just before dark
[Page 115]
the next day, therefore, a concentrated fire was maintained against
this position for some time. Col. F. A. Osborn,
Twenty-fourth Massachusetts, with his regiment, supported by the
Third New Hampshire, Capt. Jas. F. Randlett, then advanced
and gallantly took the line in an instant, the enemy only having
time to deliver one volley. They captured sixty-seven men of
the Sixty-first North Carolina. Cover was soon made, a task in
which the prisoners assisted to insure their own safety. The
Twenty-fourth lost Lieut. Jas. A. Perkins and two enlisted
men killed, and five wounded. Upon this ridge, two hundred
yards from Wagner, the fifth parallel was immediately opened.
Beyond it the works, when constructed, were a succession of short
zigzags because of the narrow breadth of the island and the flanking
and near fire of the Confederates. Our fire was being more
directed at Wagner, which forced its garrison to close their
embrasures in the daytime. It had also become more difficult
to send their customary relieving force every third day to Morris
Island. Fire upon us from the James Island batteries on the
left became very troublesome, occasioning numerous casualties.
Our own mortar-shells, on the 27th, in the evening killed seven men,
and wounded two of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania.
That night there was a severe thunder-storm drenching
everything in camp and leaving pools of water in the tents. A
warm drying sun came out on the 28th. In the evening there was
some disturbance, soon suppressed, in consequence of ill feeling
toward the regimental sutler. In the approaches work was slow
by reason of the high tides and rain. Moonlight nights
interfered also, disclosing our working parties to the enemy.
Colonel Montgomery, commanding the brigade, on the
29th established his head
[Page 116]
quarters near the right of our camp. It was learned that a
list of prisoners recently received from the enemy contained no
names of Fifty-fourth men. On the 30th Lieut.-Col. Henry A.
Purviance, Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania, was killed by the
premature explosion of one of our own shells. The enemy's
steamer "Sumter," returning from Morris Island early on the 31st
with six hundred officers and men, was fired into by Fort Moultrie,
and four men were killed or drowned.
With our capture of the ridge on the 26th the last
natural cover was attained. Beyond for two hundred yards
stretched a strip of sand over which the besiegers must advance.
It seemed impossible to progress far, as each attempt to do so
resulted in severe losses. Every detail at the front
maintained its position only at the cost of life. So numerous
were the dead at this period of the siege that at almost any hour
throughout the day the sound of funeral music could be heard in the
camps. Such was the depressing effect upon the men that
finally orders were issued to dispense with music at burials.
The troops were dispirited by such losses without adequate results.
That the strain was great was manifested by an enormous sick list.
It was the opinion of experienced officers that the losses by
casualties and sickness were greater than might be expected from
another assault.
Success or defeat seemed to hang in the balance.
Under no greater difficulties and losses many a siege had been
raised. General Gillmore, however, was equal to
the emergency. He ordered the fifth parallel enlarged and
strengthened, the cover increased, and a line of rifle trench run in
front of it. New positions were constructed for the
sharpshooters. All his light mortars were moved to the
[Page 117]
front, and his guns trained on Wagner. A powerful calcium
light was arranged to illumine the enemy's work, that our fire might
be continuous and effective. Changes were also made in the
regiments furnishing permanent details in the trenches and advanced
works, and an important part, requiring courage and constancy, was
now assigned to our regiment. It is indicated in the following
order: —
S. C, Aug. 31, 1863.
Special Orders No. 131.
II. The Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers, Col. M.
S. Littlefield, Fourth South Carolina Volunteers, commanding, are
hereby detailed for special duty in the trenches under the direction
of Maj. T. B. Brooks, A. D. C. and Assistant Engineer.
The whole of the available force of the regiment will be divided
into four equal reliefs, which will relieve each other at intervals
of eight hours each. The first relief will report to Major
Brooks at the second parallel at 8 a. m. this day. No
other details will be made from the regiment until further orders.
By order of
Captain, and Assistant Adjutant-General.
Major Brooks, in his journal
of the siege under date of August 31, thus writes, —
"The Third United States Colored Troops, who have been on fatigue
duty in the advance trenches since the 20th inst., were relieved
to-day by the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers (colored), it
being desirable to have older troops for the important and hazardous
duty required at this period." Throughout the whole siege the
First New York Engineers held the post of honor. Their sapping
brigades took
[Page 118]
the lead in the advance trench opening the ground, followed by
fatigue details which widened the cut and threw up the enlarged
cover. These workers were without arms, but were supported by
the guard of the trenches. Upon this fatigue work with the
engineers, the Fifty-fourth at once engaged. During the night
of the 31st work went on rapidly, as the enemy fired but little.
Out of a detail of forty men from the One Hundred and Fourth
Pennsylvania, one was killed and six were wounded. One of the
guard was killed by a torpedo. A man of Company K, of our
regiment, was mortally wounded that night.
Early on September 1 our land batteries opened on
Sumter, and the monitors on Wagner. Four arches in the north
face of Sumter with platforms and guns were carried away.
Lieut. P. S. Michie, United States Engineers, was temporarily in
charge of the advance works on the right. Much work was done
in strengthening the parapets and revetting the slopes. Our
Fifty-fourth detail went out under Lieutenant Higginson that
morning, and had one man wounded. Rev. Samuel Harrison,
of Pittsfield, Mass., commissioned chaplain of the regiment, arrived
that day.
September 2 the land batteries were throwing some few
shots at Sumter and more at Wagner. Capt. Jos. Walker,
First New York Engineers, started the sap at 7 p. m. in a new
direction under heavy fire. Considering that the trench was
but eighty yards from Wagner, good progress was made. The
sap-roller could not be used, because of torpedoes planted
thereabout. Our fire was concentrated upon Wagner on the 3d,
to protect sapping. But little success resulted, for the
enemy's sharpshooters on the left enfiladed our trench at from one
hundred to three hundred yards. At this time the narrowest
development in the
[Page 119]
whole approach was encountered, — but twenty-five yards; and the
least depth of sand, — but two feet. Everywhere torpedoes were
found planted, arranged with delicate explosive mechanism.
Arrangements were made to use a calcium light at night. From
August 19 to this date, when the three regiments serving as guards
of the trenches were relieved by fresher troops, their loss
aggregated ten per cent of their whole force, mainly from artillery
On the night of the 3d, "Wagner fired steadily,
and the James Island batteries now and then. Our detail at the
front had George Vanderpool killed and Alexander
Hunter of the same company — H — wounded. Throughout
the 4th we fired at Wagner, and in the afternoon received its
last shot in daylight. Captain Walker ran the
sap twenty-five feet in the morning before he was compelled to
When the south end of Morris Island was captured,
Maj. O. S. Sanford, Seventh Connecticut, was placed in charge of
two hundred men to act as "boat infantry." From their camp on
the creek, near the Left Batteries, details from this force were
sent out in boats carrying six oarsmen and six armed men each.
They scoured and patrolled the waters about Morris Island.
Throughout the whole siege of Charleston this boat infantry was kept
up, under various commanders. It was thought that could
Gregg be first taken, Wagner's garrison might be captured
entire; and an attempt to do so was arranged for the night of
September 4. Details for the enterprise, which was to be a
surprise, were made from four regiments under command of Major
Sanford. The admiral was to send boats with howitzers
as support. When all was ready, the boats started toward
Gregg. Nearing that work, several musketshots were heard.
A navy-boat had fired into and cap-
[Page 120]
tured a barge of the enemy with Maj. F. F. Warley, a surgeon,
and ten men. This firing aroused Gregg's garrison; our
boats were discovered and fired upon. Thus the surprise was a
failure, and the attack given up.
Wagner was now in extremis, and the garrison
enduring indescribable misery. A pen picture of the state of
things there is given by a Southerner as follows : —
"Each day, often from early dawn, the 'New Ironsides'
or the monitors, sometimes all together, steamed up and delivered
their terrific fire, shaking the fort to its centre. The
noiseless Cohorn shells, falling vertically, searched out the secret
recesses, almost invariably claiming victims. The burning sun
of a Southern summer, its heat intensified by the reflection of the
white sand, scorched and blistered the unprotected garrison, or the
more welcome rain and storm wet them to the skin. An
intolerable stench from the unearthed dead of the previous conflict,
the carcasses of cavalry horses lying where they fell in the rear,
and barrels of putrid meat thrown out on the beach sickened the
defenders. A large and brilliantly colored fly, attracted by
the feast and unseen before, inflicted wounds more painful though
less dangerous than the shot of the enemy. Water was scarcer
than whiskey. The food, however good when it started for its
destination, by exposure, first, on the wharf in Charleston, then on
the beach at Cumming's Point, being often forty-eight hours in
transitu, was unfit to eat. The unventilated bombproofs,
filled with smoke of lamps and smell of blood, were intolerable, so
that one endured the risk of shot and shell rather than seek their
shelter. The incessant din of its own artillery, as well as
the bursting shell of the foe, prevented sleep. . . ."
Beauregard on September 4 ordered Sumter's garrison reduced
to one company of artillery and two of infantry under Maj.
Stephen Elliott. Early on the 5th
[Page 121]
the land batteries, "Ironsides," and two monitors opened a terrific
bombardment on Wagner which lasted forty-two hours. Under its
protection our sap progressed in safety. Wagner dared not show
a man, while the approaches were so close that the more distant
batteries of the enemy feared to injure their own men. Our
working parties moved about freely. Captain Walker
ran some one hundred and fifty yards of sap; and by noon the flag,
planted at the head of the trench to apprise the naval vessels of
our position, was within one hundred yards of the fort. The
Fifty-fourth detail at work there on this day had Corp.
Aaron Spencer of Company A mortally wounded by one of our
own shells, and Private Chas. Van Allen
of the same company killed. Gregg's capture was again
attempted that night by Major Sanford's command.
When the boats approached near, some musket-shots were exchanged;
and as the defenders were alert, we again retired with slight loss.
Daylight dawned upon the last day of Wagner's memorable
siege on September 6. The work was swept by our searching fire
from land and water, before which its traverses were hurled down in
avalanches covering the entrances to magazines and bombproofs.
Gregg was also heavily bombarded. As on the previous day our
sappers worked rapidly and exposed themselves with impunity.
The greatest danger was from our own shells, by which one man was
wounded. Lieutenant McGuire, U. S. A., was in charge a
part of the day. He caused the trenches to be prepared for
holding a large number of troops, with means for easy egress to the
front. Late that evening General Gillmore issued
orders for an assault at nine o'clock the next morning, the hour of
low tide, by three storming columns under General
[Page 122]
Terry, with proper reserves. Artillery fire was to be
kept up until the stormers mounted the parapet. At night the
gallant Captain Walker, who was assisted by Captain Pratt,
Fifty-fifth Massachusetts, observed that the enemy's sharpshooters
fired but scatteringly, and that but one inortar-shell was thrown
from Wagner. About 10 P. M. he passed into the ditch and
examined it thoroughly. He found a fraise of spears and
stakes, of which he pulled up some two hundred. Returning, a flying
sap was run along the crest of the glacis, throwing the earth level,
to enable assailants to pass over readily.
From early morning Col. L. M. Keitt, the
Confederate commander of Morris Island, had been signalling that his
force was terribly reduced, the enemy about to assault, and that to
save the garrison there should be transportation ready by nightfall
of the 6th. He reported his casualties on the 5th as one
hundred out of nine hundred; that a repetition of that day's
bombardment would leave the work a ruin. He had but four
hundred effectives, exclusive of artillerymen. His negro
laborers could not be made to work; and thirty or forty soldiers had
been wounded that day in attempting to repair damages.
General Beauregard, who had been, since the 4th at least,
jeopardizing the safety of the brave garrison, then gave the
necessary order for evacuation.
A picket detail of one hundred men went out from the
Fifty-fourth camp at 5 P.M. on the 6th. Our usual detail was
at work in the front under the engineers. It was not until two
o'clock on the morning of September 7 that the officers and men of
the regiment remaining in camp were aroused, fell into line, and
with the colored brigade marched up over the beach line to a point
just south of the Beacon
[Page 123]
house, where these regiments rested, constituting the reserve of
infantry in the anticipated assault. Many of the regiments were
arriving or in position, and the advance trenches were full of
troops. Soon came the gray of early morning, and with it
rumors that Wagner was evacuated. By and by the rumors were
confirmed, and the glad tidings spread from regiment to regiment .
Up and down through the trenches and the parallels rolled repeated
cheers and shouts of victory. It was a joyous time our
men threw up their hats, dancing in their gladness. Officers
shook hands enthusiastically. Wagner was ours at last.
In accordance with instructions, at dark on the 6th the
Confederate ironclads took position near Sumter. Some
transport vessels were run close in, and forty barges under
Lieutenant Ward, C. S. N., were at Cumming's Point.
A courier reported to Colonel Keitt that everything
was prepared, whereupon his troops were gradually withdrawn, and
embarked after suffering a few casualties in the movement. By
midnight Wagner was deserted by all but Capt. T. A. Huguenin,
a few officers, and thirty-five men. The guns were partially
spiked, and fuses prepared to explode the powder-magazine and burst
the guns. At Gregg the heavy guns and three howitzers were
spiked, and the magazine was to be blown up. The evacuation
was complete at 1.30 A.M. on the 7th. At a signal the fuses
were lighted in both forts; but the expected explosion did not occur
in either work, probably on account of defective matches.
Just after midnight one of the enemy, a young Irishman,
deserted from Wagner and gained our lines. Taken before
Lieut.-Col. O. L. Mann, Thirty-ninth Illinois, general officer
of the trenches, he reported the work abandoned and the enemy
retired to Gregg. Half an hour later all the guns
[Page 124]
were turned upon Wagner for twenty minutes, after which Sergeant
Vermillion, a corporal, and four privates of the Thirty-ninth
Illinois, all volunteers, went out. In a short time they
returned, reporting no one in Wagner and only a few men in a boat
rowing toward Gregg. On the receipt of this news the flag of
the sappers and the regimental color of the. Thirty-ninth
Illinois were both planted on the earthwork. A hasty
examination was made of Wagner, in the course of which a line of
fuse connecting with two magazines was cut. Every precaution was
taken, and guards posted at all dangerous points.
A few moments after our troops first entered Wagner two
companies of the Third New Hampshire under Captain Randlett
were pushed toward Gregg. Capt. C. R. Brayton, Third
Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, and some Fifty-fourth men started for
the same point. Amid the sand-hills the Third New Hampshire
men stopped to take charge of some prisoners, while Captain
Brayton kept on, and was the first to enter Gregg, closely
followed by the Fifty-fourth men. In Wagner eighteen pieces of
ordnance were found, and in Gregg, seven pieces. All about the
former work muskets, boarding-pikes, spears, and boards filled with
spikes were found arranged to repel assaults. Inside and all around,
the stench was nauseating from the buried and unburied bodies of men
and animals. The bombproof was indescribably filthy. One
terribly wounded man was found who lived to tell of his sufferings,
but died on the way to hospital. Everywhere were evidences of
the terrific bombardment beyond the power of pen to describe.
About half a dozen stragglers from the retiring enemy
were taken on the island. Our boats captured two of the enemy's
barges containing a surgeon and fifty-five men,
[Page 125]
and a boat of the ram "Chicora" with an officer and seven sailors.
Wagner's siege lasted fifty-eight days. During
that period 8,395 soldiers' day's work of six hours each had been
done on the approaches; eighteen bomb or splinter proof
service-magazines made, as well as eighty-nine emplace ments for
guns, — a total of 23,500 days' work. In addition, forty-six
thousand sand-bags had been filled, hundreds of gabions and fascines
made, and wharves and landings constructed. Of the nineteen
thousand days' work performed by infantry, the colored troops had
done one half, though numerically they were to white troops as one
to ten. Three quarters of all the work was at night, and nine
tenths under artillery and sharpshooters' fire or both combined.
Regarding colored troops, Major Brooks, Assistant Engi
neer, in his report, says, —
"It is
probable that in no military operations of the war have negro troops
done so large a proportion, and so important and hazardous fatigue
duty, as in the siege operations on the island."
The colored
regiments participating were the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth
Massachusetts, First North Carolina, Second South Carolina, and
Third United States Colored Troops. Officers serving in charge
of the approaches, when called upon by Major Brooks to
report specifically upon the comparative value of white and colored
details under their charge for fatigue duty during the period under
consideration, gave testimony that for perseverance, docility,
steadiness, endurance, and amount of work performed, the blacks more
than equalled their white brothers. Their average of sick was
but 13.97, while that of the whites was 20.10
[Page 126]
The percentage of duty performed by the blacks as compared with the
whites was as fifty-six to forty-one.
Major Brooks further says, —
"Of the
numerous infantry regiments which furnished fatigue parties, the
Fourth New Hampshire did the most and best work, next follow the
blacks, — the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts and Third United States
Colored Troops."
Beauregard reports his loss during the siege as a total of
296, exclusive of his captured. But the official "War Records"
show that from July 18 to September 7 the Confederate loss was a
total of 690. The Federal loss during the same period by the
same authority was but 358.
Despite the exposure of the Fifty-fourth details day
and night with more or less officers and men at the front, the
casualties in the regiment during the siege as given by the
Adjutant-General of Massachusetts were but four killed and four
Shortly after the fall of Wagner the following order
was issued to the troops.
Sept. 15, 1863.
It is with no
ordinary feelings of gratification and pride that the
brigadier-general commanding is enabled to congratulate this army
upon the signal success which has crowned the enterprise in which it
has been engaged. Fort Sumter is destroyed. The scene
where our country's flag suffered its first dishonor you have made
the theatre of one of its proudest triumphs.
The fort has been in the possession of the enemy for
more than two years, has been his pride and boast, has been
strengthened by every appliance known to military science, and has
defied the assaults of the most powerful fleet the world ever saw.
[Page 127]
Bat it has yielded to your courage and patient labor. Its
walls are now crumbled to ruins, its formidable batteries are
silenced, and though a hostile flag still floats over it, the fort
is a harm less and helpless wreck.
Forts Wagner and Gregg, works rendered memorable by
their protracted resistance and the sacrifice of life they have
cost, have also been wrested from the enemy by your persevering
courage and skill, and the graves of your fallen comrades rescued
from desecration and contumely.
You now hold in undisputed possession the whole of
Morris Island; and the city and harbor of Charleston lie at the
mercy of your artillery from the very spot where the first shot was
fired at your country's flag and the Rebellion itself was
To you, the officers and soldiers of this command, and
to the gallant navy which has co-operated with you are due the
thanks of your commander and your country. You were called
upon to encounter untold privations and dangers, to undergo
unremitting and exhausting labors, to sustain severe and
disheartening reverses. How nobly your patriotism and zeal
have responded to the call the results of the campaign will show and
your commanding general gratefully bears witness.
Q. A. Gillmore,
Brigadier- General Commanding.