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Black History
& Genealogy

1619 - 1865

By John Henderson Russell

Submitted to the Board of University Studies
of The Johns Hopkins University in Conformity
with the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


pg. 178

     Lack of space necessitates the omission from this list of a large number of secondary authorities having bearing upon, but not contemporary with, some portion of the period treated in this monograph.  Footnote references to the most useful of the works of postbellum writers touching the subject herein treated must suffice to show the extent of the author's indebtedness to authorities.  With the exception of a few county or local histories having special value because of their limited territorial scope, only primary sources are here enumerated.


    Orders, Deeds, Wills, Inventories, and so fourth; certified copies transcribed from the original records in pursuance of an act of the Virginia State Legislature and preserved in the Virginia State Library in Richmond, Virginia.  19 vols., folio.:
  1. Accomac County, 1632 - 1640, 1676 - 1690.
  2. Elizabeth City County, 1684 - 1699
  3. Essex County, 1695 - 1699
  4. Henrico County, 1677 - 1692, 1682 - 1701
  5. Warwick County, 1748 8- 1762
  6. York County, 1633-1694, 1638 - 1648, 1657 - 1662, 1664 - 1672, 1675 - 1684, 1677 - 1693, 1677 - 1699, 1684 - 1687, 1687 - 1691, 1690 - 1694, 1694 - 1702, 1694 - 1697.
B. COUNTY COURT RECORDS, - Orders, Deeds, Wills, and so fourth; original records:
  1. Henrico County, various volumes, 1776 - 1860, in County Court House, Richmond, Virginia
  2. Lower Norfolk and Norfolk County, 1637 - 1646, 1646 - 1651, 1686 - 1695, and various volumes, 1700 - 1860, in Norfolk County Court House, Portsmouth, Virginia.
     In this county free negroes and mulattoes were registered in volumes kept for that purpose only: Vol. I, 1802 - 1852; vol. 2, 1852 - 1861.  Concerning each free negro registered by the county court clerk there was recorded the answer to the following queries:  Name, How free, Age, Height, Complexion, Marks or Scars.  Each negro was numbered and the date of his registration recorded.
  3. Northampton County, 1632 - 1640, 1640 - 1645, 1645 - 1651, 1651 - 1654, 1654 - 1655, 1655 - 1658, 1657 - 1664, 1683 - 1689, 1689 - 1698, 1710 - 1720, and various volumes, 1720 - 1860.
        Records of the Hustings Court, Richmond, Virginia, various volumes, 1782 - 1862
  Ordinances of the City of Richmond, 3 vols., 1802 - 1860
    At Episcopal Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Virginia: 1653 - 1812
  1. Register of Christ's Church, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1653 - 1812
  2. Register of Kingston Parish, Mathews County, Virginia, 1674 - 18--
  3. Vestry Book of Charles Parish, York County, Virginia, 1670 - 1800
  At Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Virginia:
  4. Register of Middletown and Bruton Parishes, 1662 - 1797
  At Library of William and Mary College, Williamsburg.
  5. Register of Abingdon Parish, transcribed by Lyon G. Tyler.
  6. Register of Charles Parish, 1648 - 1800, transcribed for Library of William and Mary College.
D. RECORDS OF FRIENDS' MEETINGS, at Park Avenue Meeting House, Baltimore, Maryland
  1. Minutes of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting held at West River and Third Haven, 3 vols., 1677 - 1758, 1754 - 1764, 1708 - 1821
  2. Condensed record of the action of yearly meetings on questions relating to slavery and the slave trade, 1760 - 1819.
  3. Minutes of the Warrenton and Fairfax Quarterly Meeting of Women Friends, 1775 - 1787.
  4. Minutes of the Warrenton and Fairfax Quarterly Meeting, 1787 - 1801.
  5. Minutes of the Warrenton Quarterly Meeting, 1787 - 1801
  6. Minutes of the Fairfax Quarterly Meeting, 1787 - 1850
  7. Minutes of Crooked Run Monthly Meeting, 1782 - 1789.
  8. Minutes of Fairfax Monthly Meeting: vol. A, 1745 - 1776; vol. B, 1776 - 1802; vol. C, 1802 - 1845
  9. Minutes of Hopewell Monthly Meeting: k. I, 1759 - 1777; bk. 2, 1777 - 1791; bk. 3, 1791 - 1811; bk. 4, 1811 - 1851
  10. Minutes and Proceedings of Goose Creek Monthly Meeting, 1785 - 1818; 1818 - 18--
E. Records of the General Court of Virginia, transcribed by Conway Robinson, 1640 - 1661, 1670 - 1676.  Virginia Historical Society.
F. Legislative Petitions of Virginia, 1776 - 1860
    This collection of original manuscript documents, one of the most important sources of this monograph, is preserved in the archives of the State and is divided into as many groups as there were counties from which the petitions or memorials originated.  The arrangement within the county groups is with reference to chronology.  Fifteen thousand five hundred documents are catalogued and arranged in the archives in upright filing cases, each document being assigned to a stiff folder, folio size, having upon it a letter and a number which distinguishes it from every other document in the files.  The numbers run in two series, A and B.  Series A runs from 1 to 10,000.  Series B is complete from 1 to 5500; and the two series combined cover the counties from Accomac to Orange.  The county groups from P to Y inclusive are wrapped separately in bundles, awaiting the systematic arrangement of the other county groups.  IN most instances double reference by date and by number has been made in the footnotes of this monograph to the petitions that are filed in the cases.  Little if any use had been made up to this time, of this, one of the richest sources for Virginia history during the period of the Commonwealth.  The documents contain invaluable information about almost every subject that was of interest to the people of the various localities of the State within the period covered.
G. Virginia Land Patents, folio, vols. 1 and 2, 1623 - 1643; vol. 3, 1643 - 1651; vol. 4, 1652 - 1655; vol. 5, 1655 - 1664; vol. 6, 1666 - 1679.  Land office, Richmond
H. Tax Books (for various counties), 1656 - 60.  Auditor's Office, Richmond.
I. Transcripts made from original papers in the British Public Record Office, London.  By Angus W. MacDonald, 7 vols., 1619 - 1695; containing abstracts or complete transcripts of 581 documents relating to the settlement and early history of Virginia.  By William Noel Sainsbury, 20 vols., 1606 - 1740; containing abstracts of 5108 documents relating to early Virginia history.  Virginia State Library.
J. Letter Book of the Executive of Virginia, 1844 - 1848, folio.  Virginia State Library.
K. Proclamation Book; containing the proclamations of the Governors of Virginia from 1786 to Aug. 31, 1801.  Virginia State Library.
L. Land Books of the City of Richmond, 1856 - 1860.  City Hall, Richmond.

1. Statutes at Large of Virginia, 13 vols., 1619 - 1792.  By William Waller Hening.  Richmond, 1819 - 1820
2. Statutes at Large of Virginia, 3 vols., 1792-1807.  By Samuel Sheppard.  Richmond, 1835-1836
3.       Acts of the General Assembly of Virgnia, 1807 - 1865
4. Statutes at large of the Confederate States of America, 1862-1864, including both public and private acts and resolutions.
     Edited by James M. Mathews.  Richmond, 1864.
5. Revised Code of Laws of Virginia, 2 vols.  Richmond, 1819.
6. Supplement to the Revised Coe of the Laws of Virginia.  Richmond, 1833.
7. Code of Virginia.  Richmond, 1849.
8. Code of Virginia.  Richmond, 1860.
9. Constitutions of Virginia, 1776, 1830, 1851.
10. Reports of Cases Determined in the General Court and the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia:
  (a) By Thomas Jefferson, 1 vol., 1730-1740 and 1768-1772.
  (b) By Bushrod Washington, 2 vols., 1790-1796.
  (c) By Daniel Call, 6 vols., 1790-1825.
  (d) By William W. Hening and William Munford, 4 vols., 1806-1810.
  (e) By William Munford, 6 vols. 1809-1820
  (f) By Francis W. Gilmer, 1 vol., 1820-1821
  (g) By Peyton Randolph, 6 vols, 1821-1828.
  (h) By Benjamin Watkins Leigh, 12 vols., 1829-1842.
  (i) By Conway Robinson, 2 vols.., 1842-1844
  (j) By Peachy R. Grattan, 16 vols, 1844-1865
  (k) Virginia Colonial Decisons.  The Reports by Sir John Randolph and Edward Barradall of Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, 2 vols, 1728-1741.  Edited by R. T. Barton.  Boston, 1909.

1. Journals of the House of Burgesses, 1727-1776, 8 vols.  Edited by H. R. McIlwaine, 1905-1910
2. Journals of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1776-1865.  [Journals for May session of 1782 and session of 1796 are missing.]  Richmond.
3. Journals of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1778-1865.  [Missing Journals: 1780-1784, 1791-1799, 1802-1828, 1836-1838, 1854-1855, 1856-1860.]  Richmond.
4. Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates for the Counties and Corporations of the Colony of Virginia, held at Richmond Town, in the County of Henrico, 1775.  Richmond, 1816.
5. Proceedings and Debates of teh Virginia State Convention of 1829-1830.  Edited by Richie and Cook.  Richmond, 1830.
6. Journal, Acts, and Proceedings of a General Convention of the State of Virginia, 1850.  Richmond.
7. Journal of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865.  In 7 vols.  Issued as Senate Document No. 234, 58th Congress, 2nd Session.  Washington, 1904.
8. Documents of the House of Delegates, containing the messages of the Governors to the General Assemblies and annual reports of the public officers of the State, and of boards of directors, visitors, superintendents, and other supervisors of public institutions of Virginia, 1814-1865.
9. Documents of the Senate, containing bills introduced and passed by the Senate, reports of commissions and various other state papers, 1831-1865.
10. Colonial Records of Virginia (1619-1680).  Issued as State Senate Document, Extra, 1874.  Richmond
11. A Collection of the Official Publications of the Confederate States Government.  Virginia State Library.
12. The Federal Censuses of the United States, 1790 to 1850, volumes on population.



1. The Richmond Examiner and Argus, August, 1800 - February, 1801.
2. The Virginia Argus, Richmond, February, 1804 - December, 1805.
3. The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, 1852-1865.
4. The Enquirer, Richmond, May, 1804-December, 1864.
5. The Virginia Gazette, Williamsburg, January, 1767-December, 1768; January, 1771-December, 1777; February, 1779-December, 1779.
6. The Virginia Gazette and General Advertizer, Richmond, March, 1791-December, 1809.
7. The Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald, January-December, 1847.
8. The Constitutional Whig and The Daily Richard Whig, Richmond, 1824-1865.
9. The Recorder, Richmond, 1802-1803.


10. The Virginia Gazette and the American Advertizer, Richmond, January, 1782-Decemer, 1794.
11. The Enquirer, Richmond, 1804-1805 [contain numbers examined to supplement files in Virginia State Library].

1. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography.  Edited by R. A. Brock.  Vols. i to v.  Edited by William G. Stanard, vols.  vi-xix.  Richmond, 1893-1911.
2. The William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine.  Edited by Lyon G. Tyler.  Vols. i-xix.  Williamsburg, 1892-1911.
3. Calendar of Virginia State Papers.  Edited by William P. Palmer.  Vols. i-xi.  Richmond, 1875.
4. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society, New Series.
   Edited by R. A. Brock, Vols. i-xx.  Richmond, 1882-1891.
      The above serial publications are really source books of Virginia history.  They make available in published form many original and valuable manuscripts from collections in the Virginia Historical Society, the Virginia State Archives, county archives, and in the possession of private individuals.
5. The Commercial Review of the South and West.  A monthly journal of trade, etc.  Edited by J. D. B. DeBow.  Vols. i-xxxi.  New Orleans, 1846-1861.
6. The Virginia Historical Register and Literary Advertizer.  Edited by William Maxwell.  Vols. i-vi.  Richmond, 1848-18153.
     Contains extracts from "records, journals, diaries, letters, inscriptions and other relics of the 'olden time.' "
7. The Lower Norfolk County Virginia Antiquary.  Edited by Edward Wilson James.  Vols. i-v.  Norfolk, 1897-1906.
     Contains abstracts and gleanings from official records of churches and courts of Lower Norfolk and Princess Anne counties.
8. Virginia County Records.  Published quarterly by the Genealogical Association, New York City.  William Armstrong Crozier, editor.  Vols. i-vii.
     These volumes contain abstracts of wills and extracts from other county and probate court recors such as orders, marriage bonds, and land grants.
9. The African Repository and Colonial Journal.  Vols. i-xxv. 
     Published by the American Colonization Society.  Washington, 1825-1850.

1. The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-1789.  Transcribed and published by C. G. Chamberlayne.  Richmond, 1898.
2. Register of Christ's Church, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1653-1812.  Published by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia.  Richmond, 1897.
3. The Vestry Book of Henrico Parish, Virginia, 1730-1773, from the original MS.  By R. A. Brock.  Richmond, 1874.
4. Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, 1680-1787.  Published by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia.  Richmond, 1904.
5. Vestry Book of Saint Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia.  Published by the National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia.  Richmond, 1904.
6. Papers Relating to the History of the Church in Virginia, 1650-1776.  Edited by William S. Perry.  Privately printed.  1870.
7. BAGBY, REV. ALFRED.  King and Queen County, Virginia.  New York and Washington, 1908.
8. BRUCE, THOMAS.  Southwest Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley.  Richmond, 1891.
9. BURTON, REV. L. W.  Annals of Henrico Parish, Diocese of Virginia and especially of St. John's Church, 1611-1884.  Richmond, 1904.
10. CARTMELL, T. K.  Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and Their Descendant.  A History of Frederick County, Virginia, from its formation in 1738 to 1908.  Compiled mainly from original records of old Frederick County, now Hapshire, Berkeley, Shenandoah, Jefferson, Hardy Clarke, Warren, Morgan, and Frederick.  Privately published by the author, 9109.
11. GOODWIN, REV. W. A. R.  Historical Sketch of Brunton Church, Williamsburg, Virginia.  Williamsburg, 1903.
12. WISE JENNINGS CROPPER.  Ye Kingdome of Accawmacke; or, the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century.
13. WOODS, REV. EDGAR.  Albermarle County in Virginia, giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it.  Charlottesville, 1901.

1. ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD.  A History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa.  Philadelphia, 1849.
2. ANDREWS, E. A.  Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade in the United States.  In a series of letters addressed to the executive committee of the American Union for the relief and improvement of the colored race.  Boston, 1836.
3. ASBURY, REV. FRANCIS, BISHOP OF M. E. CHURCH.  Journal from Aug. 7, 1771-Dec. 7, 1815.  3 vols.  New York, 1821.
4. ASHMUM, J.  History of the African Colony in Liberia, from December, 1821 to 1823.  Compiled from the authentic records of the colony.  Washington, 1826.
5. BEVERLY, ROBERT.  The History and Present State of Virginia, in four parts.  By a native and inhabitant of the place.  London, 1705.
6. BULLOCK, WILLIAM, GENT.  Virginia impartially examined and left to the publick view to be considered by all judicious and honest men, etc.  London, 1649.  Pp. 66
7. BURK, John.  The History of Virginia from its first settlement to the present day.  11 vols.  Petersburg, Virginia, 1804-1816.
8. BURNABY, ANDREW.  Travels Through the Middle settlements of North America, in the years 1759 and 1760.  Pp. 52.
     In Pinkerton, J., Voyages, vol. 13
9. "CALX."  Two Great Evils of Virginia and their one Common Remedy.
     A pamphlet written September 17, 1859, and printed by John W. Randolph of Richmond.  Pp. 18.
     One of the evils referred to was the free negro and the other was the seduction of slaves by abolitionists.  Bound in "Political Pamphlets," vol. 12, in Virginia State Library.
     "Political Pamphlets," vol. 12, in Virginia State Library.
10. CHASE, A. M., and SANBORN, CHARLES W.  A Statistical View of the Condition of the Free and Slave States.  Compiled from official documents.  Boston, 1856.
11.  CHASTELLLUX, FRANҀOIS JEAN.  Travels in North America in the years 1780-82.  Translated from the French by an English gentleman who resided in America at that period.  2 vols.  London, 1787.
12. DABNEY, PROF. ROBERT L.  A Defence of Virginia in Recent and Pending Contests against the Sectional Party.  New York, 1867.
13. DEW, THOMAS R.  Review of the Debates in the Virginia Legislature of 1831-32.  Richmond, 1832.
14. FITZHUGH, GEORGE.  What shall be done with the Free Negroes.  Four essays written for the Fredericksburg Recorder, 1851.
     This is a biased argument in favor of reducing free negroes to slavery.
15. ____ _____.  Sociolgy for the South, or The Failure of Free Society.  Richmond, 1854.
16. FORCE, PETER.  Tracts and Other Papers, relating principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies of North America, from the discovery of the country to the year 1776.  4 vols.  Washington, 1836-1846.
17. GARLAND, HUGH A.  The life of John Randolph of Roanoke.  2 vols.  New YOrk, 1851.
18. GODWYN, MORGAN.  Negro's and Indian's Advocate suing for their Admission into the Church:  For a persuasive to the instructing and baptizing of the Negroes and Indians in our Plantations.  To which is added a brief account of religion in Virginia.  London, 1680.  Pp. 174.
19. ____ ____.  A Supplement to the Negro's and Indian's Advocate, or some further considerations and proposals for the effectual and speedy carrying on of the Negro's Christianity in our plantations without any prejudice to their owners.  London, 1681.  Pp. 12
20. GOODELL, WILLIAM.  The American Slave Code in theory and practice:  Its distinctive features shown by its statutes, judicial decisions and illustrative facts.  Fourth edition, New York, 1853.
21. HAMMOND, JOHN.  Leah and Rachel, or the Two Fruitful Sisters Virginia, and Mary-Land: Their Present Condition, Impartially stated and related.  London, 1656
22. HARTWELL, BLAIR, AND CHILTON.  The Present State of Virginia and the College.  London, 1727.  Pp. 95
23. HILDRETH, RICHARD.  The History of the United States of America from the discovery of the continent to the organization of teh government under the Federal Constitution.  1497-1789.  Revised edition.  3 vols.  New York, 1856.
24. HOWE, HENRY.  Historical Collections of Virginia.  Charleston, S. C., 1852.
25. HOWISON, ROBERT R.  A History of Virginia from its Discovery and Settlement by Europeans to the Present Time.  2 vols.  Richmond, 1848.
26. JAY, WILLIAM.  Miscellaneous writings on Slavery.  Boston, 1853.
27. ____ ____.  Slavery in America: or An Inquiry into the character and tendency of the American Colonization and the American Anti-Slavery Societies.  London, 1835.
28.  JEFFERSON, THOMAS,  Writings.   Edited by P. L. Ford.  10 vols.  New York, 1892 - 1899.
29. ____ ____.  Notes on the State of Virginia with an appendix.  Third American edition.  New York, 1801.
30. LEIGH, BENJAMIN WATKINS.  The letter of Appomattox to the People of Virginia exhibiting a connected view of the recent proceedings in the House of Delegates on the subject of abolition of slavery; and a succinct account of the doctrines broached by the friends of abolition in debate; and the mischievous tendencies of those proceedings and doctrines.  Richmond, 1832.
31. ____ ____.  Virginia Slavery Debate.  Richmond, 1832.
     Contains nine of the speeches delivered by members of the House of Delegates of 1831-1832 on the policy of the State in relation to her colored population, and teh Letter of Appomattox to the People of Virginia.
32. MADISON, JAMES.  Letters and otehr Writings of James Madison.
     In four volumes, published by order of Congress, 1769-1836.  New York, 1884.
33. MONROE, JAMES.  The Writings of James Monroe, including a collection of his public and private papers and correspondence now for the first time printed (1778-1831).  Edited by S. M. Hamilton.  7 vols.  New York, 1898-1903.
34. NEILL, EDWARD D.  History of the Virginia Company of London, with letters to and from the first colony never before printed.  Albany, N. Y., 1859.
35. OLMSTEAD, FREDERICK LAW.  A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, with remarks on their economy.  New York, 1856.
36. ROWLAND, KATE MASON.  The life of George Mason, 1725-1792.
     Including his Speeches, Public Papers, and Correspondence; with an Introduction by General Fitzhugh Lee.  2 vols.  New York, 1892.
37. RUFFIN, EDMUND.  African Colonization Unveiled.  By Edmund Ruffin.  Washington [1859?].  Pp. 32.  Virginia State Library.
38. ____ ____.  The Political Economy of Slavery, or the institution considered in regard to its influence on public wealth and the general welfare, with an appendix on the influence of slavery, or of its absence, on manners, morals and intellect.  1852. Pp. 32
39. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R.  Information respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States.  5 vols.  Philadelphia, 185
40. SLAUGHTER, PHILIP.  Virginia History of African Colonization.  Richmond, 1855.
41. SMITH, CAPT. JOHN.  Works, 1608-1631.  Edited by Edward Arber.  Birmingham, England, 1884.
42. STITH, WILLIAM.  The history of the first discovery and settlement of Virginia: being an essay towards a general history of this colony.  Williamsburg, Virginia, 1747.
43. STRINGFELLOW, B. F.  Negro Slavery no Evil; or the North and the South.  A report to the Platte county self-defence association, St. Louis: 1854. Pp. 38.
     Bound in "Slavery Pamphlets" in  the library of William and Mary College.
44. STROUD, GEORGE M.  A Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the Several States of America.  Philadelphia, 1827.
45. TUCKER, GEORGE.  Progress of The United States in Population and WEalth in fifty years, as exhibited by the decennial Census from 1790 to 1840.  New York 1855.
46. TUCKER, ST. GEORGE.  A Dessertation on Slavery with a proposal for the gradual abolition of it in the State of Virginia.  Philadelphia, 1796.  Pp. 106.
     A second education was printed in 1803 as an appendix to the author's Commentaries on Blackstone.
47. A Dialogue Concerning the Slavery of the Africans; Shewing it to be the Duty and Interest of the American States to emancipate all their African Slaves.  With an Address to the owners of such Slaves, New York, 1785.  Norwich, 1796.
48. Political Pamphlets.
     A collection of 45 bounds volumes of miscellaneous pamphlets, most of which refer to political events immediately preceding or during the Civil War, in Virginia State Library.
49. Views of American Slavery, taken a century ago.  Anthony Benzet, John Wesley, etc.  Philadelphia, 1858.
     This pamphlet contains a miscellaneous collection of views of slavery in the eighteenth century.  It is important on manumission sentiment in Virginia.






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