a slave set free, 62
Abolition Society, the Virginia, 58 n.
Abolitionists, attacks of, 79;
- efforts of, reanimate harsh laws, 174
Adams, John, Mayor of
Richmond, 142.
Adams, Ned, free negro, 153.
Africans, first brought to Virginia, 16.
Anglican church, aid of, to negroes, 40, 41;
- labors to educate them, 138.
Angus, Judith, free negress,
owns two slaves, 93;
- will of, 93.
Anthony, negro in Virginia in 1623,
24, 24 n.
Apprentices, free negro, 40, 41; to be given
instruction, 138, 139;
- opposition to, 149, 149 n.
"Aristocracy," negro, 133-135.Bacon,
Nathaniel. sr., will of, 51.
Bagwell, Jack, free negro sold
into slavery, 175.
Ballagh, Dr. J. C., 18, 18 n., 20.
Bancroft, George, 121
Banishment, penalty upon white persons
marrying negroes, 124;
- of slaves free after 1806, 70;
- spasmodic enforcement of law requiring, 174 35 seq.
Baptism, of free negroes, 12, 12 n;
- of slaves does not bestow freedom, 137.
Baptists, favorable toward manumision, 58;
- offer education and Christianity to negroes, 141-143;
- African churches, 143.
Barbers, free negro, 151.
Barlow, Betsey, manumits and
renames two slaves, 84 n
Barnhouse, Anne, discharges a
negro servant, 48
Barr, John, will of, setting
slaves free, 44.
Beasley, Thomas, petitions to
be allowed to use firelock, 97.
Berkeley, Governor, estimate
of black population of Virginia, 10.
Beverly, Robert, 18;
- defines overseer, 38
Bilberry, Benjamin, slave of, set
free by act of legislature, 44.
Binford, William, last will of, 56 n,
Bird, Samuel, a free mulatto, 65.
Black masters, or free negro slave-owners,
78, 90-94
Bledsoe, A. T., defends slavery, 80
Bowlagh, Lewis, free negro, in War of
1812, 111;
- gave information concerning plot, 169.
Brady, Daniel, free negro,
surrendered by his father to stand trial,
Brodnax, General, on deportation of
free negroes, 90, 172, 173 n;
- on constitutional rights of free negroes, 122
Brown, Titus, free negro, 176.
Bruce, Thomas, 133.
Bruton parish, free negroes in, 12.
Burdett, William, inventory of
estate, 36.
Burk, John history of Virginia, 16;
on emancipation, 75 n
Burnaby, Andrew, observations of, 65;
- on two laws of Virginia, 177 n.
Bushrod, Thomas, purchaser of
mulatto as slave, 31.
Caesar, a slave, set free, 62.
"Calx," on manumission, 81;
- on intermarriage of free negroes and slaves, 132; on illiteracy of free
negroes, 145;
- scheme for reducing free negro population, 16, 159 n.
Cambew, Emanuel, negro, acquires
title to land, 38.
Campbell, history of Virginia, 16.
Capitation tax, on free negroes, 112-116
Carter, John, will of, 51.
Casor, John, negro servant of a
negro, 32; gains his freedom, 32;
- reduced to slavery, 33;
- owned by Anthony Johnson, negro, 93.
Charlton, Stephen, 26, 27.
Christian servants, 21, 31, 37, 39, 91.
Christianity, test of freedom, 22.
Church wardens, care of, for mulatto
bastards, 40, 41, 138.
Citizenship, of free negroes, 120-122;
- Bancroft's opinion concerning, 121;
- Judge Tucker's opinion concerning, 121.
Clark, Bowling, negro, purchases freedom
of wife, 77.
Classes of free negroes, 40, 41.
Clemenze, Scott, free negro, property
tax of, 114 n.
Colonization resolution in legislature
concerning, 65, 73;
- correspondence concerning,
between Monroe and Jefferson, 66;
- becomes an important issue, 71;
- appropriations for, 73;
- failure of, 74 n;
- Brodnax on, 90, 172.
Colonization Society, American, 73;
- Virginia, 73, 157;
- Powhattan, 75;
- Richmond, petition of, 76;
- Fairfax County, memorial of, 171 n;
- misrepresentations of free negroes in memorials, 157, 171;
- tax levied on free negroes for, 115;
- money spent for, 115.
Constitution, state, 668, 122;
- Federal, provisions respecting citizenship, 121.
Cook, Harriet, free negress, petition
on behalf, 153, 154.
Cook, history of Virginia, 16.
Cooper, Phil, petition of 92
Corporal punishment, administered to free
negroes, 105, 161 n.
Cowen, Philip, defrauded of freedom,
Criminal tendencies of free negroes, 164-167
Cuffee, William Miles, free negro,
intimidated by mob, 173.
Cuffie, James, free negro, licensed
to keep a gun, 96 n.
Dabney, Sally, slave of husband,
- incapable of receiving bequest of property, 93.
Day, James, 110
Debts, free negroes sold for, 82, 83.
Declaration of Independence, 56, 56 n;
- in contradiction of slave laws, 62 n.:
- doctrines of, held not to apply to negroes, 98.
Delony, Henry, negro slave of, set
free, 44.
Dew, Thomas R., defends slavery, 79;
- "Essay on Slavery," 81;
- views regarding criminal tendencies of ree negroes, 158;
- views concerning behavior of free negroes in Virginia, 170 n.
Disenfranchisement, of free negroes, 119.
Dogs, free negroes not allowed to own, 97.
Doyal, Benjamin, grant of land to,
Degis, Emanuel, negro servant, 26,
27, 28, 28 n
Degis, Frances, 27
Degis, Jane, 26, 27
Dungie, John, an Indian, marries
mulatto, 129
Dunmore, Governor, 44.
Dutch, bring in cargo of negroes, 17, 22;
- import duties on slaves assessed upon, 19;
- importers of negroes, 20 n;
- plantation of, 30 n
Edloe, Henry, 89 n.
Education, free negroes forbidden to leave
State to obtain, 107;
- opportunities for, open to free negroes, 137-145;
- of negro apprentices, 138, 139.
Elkonheade, Jane, discharges negro
servant., 29.
Emancipation, progress of, in Virginia,
Maryland, and northern colonies, 55;
- propositions looking to, 59, 60;
- accomplished in Virginia, 42, 42 n
Emanuel, free negro, reveals plot,
Employment of free negroes, 146-156.
Equity courts, open to free negroes, 101.
Ermana, slave woman, escheats to
literary fund, 93.
Ex-slaves, removal of, provided for, 51, 71,
156, 174;
- law of 1806 concerning, not enforced, 174-177
Farnando, Bashasar negro owner of
property, 27, 28.
Farrar, John, last will, 50.
Firearms, free negroes forbidden to
own or carry, 52, 95;
- free negroes licensed to keep, 96, 96 n;
- petition of free negro FARMERS CONCERNING, 97
Fiske, John, 79.
Fitzgerald, John, will of, construed,
87 n
Fitzhugh, George, defends slavery,
Fitzhugh, Giles, frees slaves, 85.
Floyd, Governor, 143 n., 166
"Free niggers." See "Men of Color."
"Free papers," free negroes required to
have, 101, 107;
- prima facie evidence of freedom, 100, 101;
- free negroes imprisoned for want of, 107 n.;
- transferred by free negroes to slaves, 64, 64 n.;
- forged by slaves, 64, 64 n.
Freedom, purchased by slaves, 63, 77, 170.
Freedom dues, negro servants entitled to, 34
n., 39, 49.
Freehold, definition of, 119;
- requirement for voting, 119.
Friends. See Quakers
Fuller, Betsey, owns her husband as
slave, 92 n.
Gabriel Insurrection, 64, 65, 65
n., 69;
- effect of, on negro education, 140;
- no evidence of free negroes in, 167.
Gatch, Philip, liberates slaves, 58.
Geawen, John, negro servant, 28
Giles, Governor William B., procures
reform of criminal lows applicable to free
negroes, 164;
- condemns discriminations against free negroes, 165.
Gingaskin Indians, 128, 128 n.
Glary, John, servant, 47.
Glasgow, Ellen, "The Battle Ground,"
Gooch, Governor, 53 n
Goodell, W., 54
Gowen, Mihil, set free, 48
Grayson, Colonel William, sets free
slaves, 56 n.
Greene, Rev. Charles, 53
Gromes, Frank, purchases freedom of
his family, 91, 92.
Gwyn, Hugh, servants of, 29.
Habeas corpus, free negroes entitled to
writ of, 101, 102, 102 n.
Hailstock, Rosetta, set free, 45 n.;
- purchases freedom of her children, 170.
Hamander, John G., negro servant, 26.
Harmonites, befriend negroes, 140.
Harris, James, free negro, 96.
Harris, John, negro, land deeded to,
Hawkins, Peter, deed of manumission
to his wife Rose, 84.
"Head rights," claimed by negro, 25, 37, 88.
Heth, William, wants free negro
laborers, 147 n.
Hill, James H., free black man, 95.
Hill, Joseph, last will of, 61.
Hiter, Abram, free negro, 100 n.
Hobday, Thomas, 139.
HOlmes, William, mulatto, deserter
from Revolutionary Army, 110 n.
Hopes, John, free negro, 153.
House of Burgesses, right of, to manumit
slaves, 45.
Howe, Henry, 174.
Howell, Peggy, children of,
kidnapped, 100.
Hungar's parish, negroes in, 11.
Hunnicutt, Gloister, bequeathers
slaves to Monthly Meeting, 57.
Illiteracy, of free negroes, 145, 146.
Immigration of free negroes forbidden, 64;
- laws concerning, revised, 66.
Indentures of negro servants, 26, 32, 38.
Indians, not to be slaves, 19;
- forbidden to purchase Christian servants, 91;
- presumed at law to be free, 99;
- denied right to hold office, 116;
- not to be admitted as witnesses, 117;
- social and marriage relations with free negroes, 41, 127-130;
- Gingaskins, 128;
- Nottoways, 128;
- Pamunkeys, 129, 129 n.
Infidels, forbidden to purchase Christian
servants, 91 n.
Ingle, Edward, on manumission
sentiment, 80.
Insurrections, negro, feared, 52, 168;
- Gabriel, 64, 65, 65 n., 69, 140, 167;
- Southampton, 80, 144, 168.
Intermarriage, of free negroes and Indians,
- of free negroes and slaves, 130-133;
- of negroes with whites, 123, 124, 126.
Isdel, James, 138.
Jackson, Samuel, free negro, 170.
James City County, free negroes in, 15.
James David, free negro, 138.
Jefferson, Thomas, on status of first
negroes brought to Virginia, 24;
- favors emancipation, 54;
- proposes freedom of manumission, 55, 56 n., 59;
- on colonization, 66;
- concerning freed-men, 75;
- on effect of slavery on character of bondsmen, 160.
Johnson, Anthony, free negro,
exempted from taxation, 24, 24 n., 25, 25
- owner of negro servant, 32, 33;
- land grant to, 88.
Johnson, James, will of, 86 n.
Johnson, John, negro landowner, 37.
Johnson, John, sr., negro, suit
against, 38.
Johnson, Mary, free negress, 24, 24
n., 25 n.
Johnson, Richard, free negro
landowner, 25, 38.
Johnson, Samuel, free negro, 131.
Jones, David A., sells slaves to a
black man, 91, 92.
Jones, Robert, deeds land to negro,
Jubilee, Jane, free negress, wife of
slave, 134 n.
Jury trial, allowed to free negroes, 103;
- denied to them, 104.
Kidnapping of free negroes, penalty for,
- decision relating to, 100;
- reward for offenders, 100.
Kingsmall, Richard, 23 n.
Kitt, set free by legislative act,
44. |
Marquis, slave spy of, 62 n.;
- inquiry of, concerning free negro insurrection, 167.
Landowners, free negro, 25, 37, 38.
Lee, Arthur, slave, purchases freedom
of himself and wife, 170.
Lee, Governor Henry, proclamation of,
Legal rights of free negroes, to own and
alienate property, 88 - 90;
- to own and sell slaves, 90-94;
- limited as to ownership of white servants, 94;
- limited as to ownership of firearms, 95-97;
- limited as to ownership of dogs, 97, 98;
- to freedom from unjust restraint of liberty, 98-102;
- means of asserting, 102-104;
- to go from place to place, 106-108;
- to enslave themselves, 108-109.
Light, George, owns indented negro
servant, 26;
- judgment against, 38.
London Company, servitude in, 23.
Lucas, Charles, defrauds a negro
servant of his freedom, 34.
Ludlowe, Thomas, owner of negroes,
Lynch-law for controlling free negroes, 172,
193.Madison, James, favores
manumission, 81;
- on negro insurrections, 167.
Malacai, mulatto boy, to be taught
trade, 139.
Manumission, free negro population increased
by, 41;
- meaning of term, 42;
- methods of, 42;
- by special acts of the legislature, 43-45;
- precedents found in customs of servitude, 46-60; right of, restricted
by law, 51;
- right denied except for meritorious service, 53;
- unpopular in colony, 53, 53 n.
- growth of sentiment favorable to, 54-59;
- law permitting freedom of, proposed in legislature, 55;
- movement favoring, aided by religious societies, 57-59;
- proposed law enacted, 59, 59 n.;
- produces sudden increase of free negro class 61;
- aided by Revolutionary philosophy, 61, 6;
- evil results of, 64, 65;
- repeal of act of 1782 proposed and debated, 67-69;
- effect of law of 1806 upon, 70, 71;
- proposition relating to, 74; causes of decline in frequency of, 70-82;
- relation of, to economic conditions, 77-82;
- stages in progress of, summarized, 82;
- legal aspects of, 82-87;
- instruments of, 83, 84;
- in futuro, 86.
Marshall, Thomas, in debate of 1832,
90, 158;
- though free negroes a barrier to servile insurrection, 169.
Martin, Nicholas, last will, 49.
Mayo, Joseph, frees slaves, 56.
Medlicott, Richard, Spanish mulatto,
39 n.
"Men of color," and "free niggers"
distinguished, 159.
Mercer, General 157.
Methodists, favor manumission, 57;
- disapprove of slavery, 58, 58 n.;
- petition for gradual abolition 60 n.;
- to be spared by insurgent negroes, 65;
- offer Christianity to negroes, 139, 139 n., 140;
- arouse hostility of slave owenrs, 141.
Military service required of free negroes,
Militia, free negroes in, 95;
- regulation for enlistment of free negroes, 96
Miller, John, free negro,
account of his life, 112 n.
Millers, roguish slave, aid to free
negroes, 162.
Monroe, Governor, on colonization,
- favorable toward manumission, 81.
Moorman, Charles, 56
Moral character of the free negroes, 156-159
Moravians, befriend negroes, 140.
Morgan, Philip, negro lessee, 38.
Morris, Richard, on taxation of
slaves, 78 n.
Moseby, C. L., 157
Moses,free negro, reveals conspiracy,
Mulattoes, Spanish, 39;
- classes of, 40, 41;
- set free, rr;
- detested by whites, 125;
- number in Virginia in 1860, 127;
- distinguished from mustees, 130.
Mundin, William, free mulatto,
apprenticed to free negro, 95 n., 151.
Mustees, 128, 128 n., 130.
Mustizos. See Musttes
Natural rights, philosophy of, 54, 55;
- interpreted to apply to negroes, 56, 59;
- victory for, 61.
Navy, Confederate, free negroes in, 112;
- United States, 112, 112 n.
Nottoway Indians, 128.
Occupations of free negroes, 149, 150.
Offices, free negroes forbidden to hold,
Olmstead, F. L., 157.
Overseers, negro, 38
Overseers of poor, to bind out free negroes,
41, 139;
- to sell free negroes remaining in State in violation of law, 175.
Pamunkey Indians, 129, 129 n.
Parke, Daniell, manumits slave, 50,
51 n.
Parker, Henry, free negro, 153
Parker, Robert, sued by a free negro,
Parrish, Col. Jolly, 110 n.
Payne, John, frees his slave, 56.
Pedro, John, negro, 23 n.
Petition, of ninety-one free negroes, 142;
- right of, belonging to free negroes, 103.
Philosophy of the Revolution, effect on
slavery, 55, 56;
- favorable to freedom, 59.
Pillory, negro compelled to stand in,
124 n.
Pleasants, John, last will, 57.
Pleasants, Jonathan 56 n.
Pleasants, Robert, frees slaves, 61.
Poll tax. See Capitation tax.
Poor whites, unable to compete successfully
with free negroes, 147, 148, 156.
Population, free colored in Virginia,
compared with that of other states, 9-13;
- increase of, 39-41;
- from 1782 to 1810, 61;
- from 1820 to 1840, 80;
- relative to slaves in colonial period, 126.
Pott Francis, 26, 27, 34, 34 n., 138.
Pott John, 34, 34 n.
Preachers, negro, forbidden to preach, 144.
Presbyterians, favorable toward manumission,
Prostitution among free negroes, how dealt
with, 172.
Pryne, Francis, negro discharged from
servitude, 29.
Punch, John, negro servant, 29, 30.
Punishments, prescribed by law for free
negroes, 104-106.
Quakers, favor manumission, 57, 58, 58
- urged to free slaves, 62;
- condemn slavery and the slave trade, 62 n.;
- to be spared by insurgent negroes, 65;
- offer instruction to free negroes, 139, 140, 141.
Quickley, Mary, free black woman,
owns slave, 94.
Rachel, free negress, wife of
slave, 131.
Radford, George, negro, purchases a
slave, 91.
Radford, James, sells slave to a
black freeman, 91.
Randolph, John, of Roanoke, liberated
slaves of, driven from Ohio, 72;
- will of, 76, 85, 85 n.
Reginald, Mr., runaway negro of, 30
Registers. See "Free papers."
Registration of free negroes, 101, 108, 178.
Revolutionary War, service in, by slaves
rewarded with freedom, 62, 62 n.;
- free negroes in, 110, 110 n.
Rew, Richard, purchases free negro,
Richmond Enquirer, attitude toward
manumission in 1805, 68;
- on variance of laws and sentiment, 173.
Richmond Recorder, manumission opposed by,
Richmond Whig, on free negro labor, 149.
Rolfe, Master John, 22.
Rowan, Pleasant, free negro
carpenter, 153.
Ruffin, Edmund, defends slavery, 80;
- views in regard to manumission, 85.
Sabb, John, free negro, purchased
and manumitted father-in-law, 92.
Sampson, Jacob, free negro,
license of, to keep an ordinary revoked, 149
Santo Domingo, negro insurrection in, 67, 67
n., 167.
Schools, free colored, not allowed by law,
144, 145.
Schwartz, J. A., nuncupartive will
of, concerning his slaves, 85 n.
Servitude, distinguished from slavery, 18;
- white, or indented, beginning of, 22;
- negro servitude, 25-31, 38;
- encroachments of slavery upon, 31-34.
Shakers, befriend negroes, 140.
Sheepraising, free negroes and dogs a menace
to, 97, 97 n.
Sheppard, Robert, 28.
Slavery debate of 1832, 135.
Slavery, what is evidence of, 18;
- distinguished from servitude, 18;
- developed in customary law, 18, 19;
- servitude the historic basis of, 18 n.;
- first act concerning, 19;
- Indian, 19;
- legislative sanction of, 21-22;
ballagh's history of, 20;
- earliest records of, 34-37;
- abolished in Virginia, 42 n.
Slaves, permitted to give testimony against
free negroes, 66;
- owned by free negroes, 77, 91-95;
- social relations with free negroes, 130-137.
Smith, Colonel William, 31.
Smith, Governor on free negro labor,
147, 148;
- characterizes free negroes, 157, 157 n.;
- opinion concerning lack of industry among free negroes, 171.
Smyth, of Wythe County, opposes
manumission, 67.
Stafford, Christopher, 48.
Stephens, Rice, free negro, 131.
Stringfellow, Rev. Dr. Thornton,
defends slavery, 80.
Suffrage, rights shared by free negroes,
117-119; denied to free negroes, 119, 120.
Taxation, of free negroes, 112-116.
Taxpayers, free negroes as, 115 n.
Taylor, John E., will of, 86 n.
Testimony, free negroes not allowed to give,
against a white man, 116, 117;
- slaves permitted to give, against free negroes, 66.
Thacker, Samuel, gift to servant, 47.
Thomas, Fortune, free negress,
petition in behalf of, 154.
Tidewater, free negro population of, 13, 14,
Trans-Allegheny, free negro population of,
13, 14.
Trial of free negroes, method of, 102-106.
Tucker, St. George, 11, 12, 17;
- on progress of manumission in Virginia, 61 n.;
- decision of, in suit for freedom, 98, 98 n.; on citizenship of negroes,
Turner, Nat, insurrection, 144.
Tyner, Uriah, free negro, petition in
behalf of, 152.
Unlawful meetings of negroes, 52;
- of slaves, 141 n.
Vagrants, free negroes as, 107, 107 n.;
- liable to arrest, 155.
Valley of Virginia, free negro population
of, 13, 14.
Vaughan, Richard, discharge of negro,
47; last will and testament of, 49, 49 n.
Vaughn, Craddock, quadroon children
of, 135.
Viney, Joseph and James, free
negroes, petition to keep firelocks, 97.
Voting. See Suffrage.
Walker, Major Peter, inventory of
slaves of, 36.
Wall, Anne, banished from colony,
War of 1812, free negroes serve in, 111;
- poll-tax on free negroes to support, 114.
Warner, Daniel, free negro barber,
Warwick, Hannah, 38.
Washington, George, on slaves as
property, 78.
West, Reuben, free negro slaveowner,
95 n.;
- property tax on, 113 n.;
- occupation as barber, 151.
West, Richard, on free negro
suffrage, 119.
Whitehead, Thomas, last will of, 49,
50, 89 n.
Whittaker, William petition of, 35.
Whittington, William, sold negro
slave, 34.
Will, negro slave, set free by
legislature, 43, 52.
Wilson, Henry, on introduction of
negroes into Virginia, 17;
- in error concerning manumission laws of Virginia, 82 n.
Wise, Governor Henry A., on need of
free negro labor, 155;
- on general character of free negroes, 166;
- on banishment of free negroes, 177.
Witness, limited ability of free negroes to
become, 116, 117;
- charge administered to free negro witnesses, 117.
- See also Testimony.
Wood, Janette, free negress, 92.
Wyatt, Sir Francis, 24.
Wythe, George, decision of, as
chancellor, 98
Yates, William, free negro, will
of, 89 n.
Yeardly, George, 23 n.