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History & Genealogy


Asa Earl Martin
Assistant Professor of American History
The Pennsylvania State College
Publ. The Standard Printing Company of Louisville

Pgs. 148-158

Abolition, Immediate (see Garrisonian Abolition) 10, 31, 47, 48, 63, 70f
Abolition Intelligencer and Missionary Magazine 46, 47
African Repository 53, 54
Agriculture in Kentucky 7, 8, 9
Alexander, J. R. 85
Alien and Sedition Acts 30
American Anti-Slavery Society 73ff
American Colonization Society for the Free People of Color 50-62
     Birney and The 70
American Convention of Delegates for the Promotion of the
     Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the
     African Race
24, 25, 50, 51
     Activity in the Baptist Church 19ff, 37-42, 79-82
     Activity in the Methodist Church 20, 21,34, 35, 79ff
     Activity in the Presbyterian Church 21-25, 36, 37, 82-87
     Newspapers note 64, 46
     Pioneers in 12
     Sentiment in 1830 64f
Ashmun Association 71, 72
Ballard, Bland note 57, 123
Baptist Associations:  
     Association of Baptists, Friends of Humanity 41, 42
     Baptized Licking Locust, Friends of Humanity 39, 40
     Bracken 38
     Cumberland 38
     Elkhorn 19, 37, 38
     Miami of Ohio 40, 41
     North District 38
     Salem 19
Baptist Banner 76, 82, 120
Baptist Church:  
     Anti-Slavery Resolutions of the General Committee of Virginia 19
     Attitude Toward Garrisonian Abolition 76ff
     Attitude Toward the Domestic Slave Trade 91
     Attitude Toward Slavery Before 1800, 19f
     Attitude Toward Slavery 1830 37-42
     Attitude Toward Slavery 1830-1850 79-82
     Divisions in 82
     Vote of Ministers in Convention of 1792 17
Baptized Licking Locust Association, Friends of Humanity 39, 40
Barrow, David 20, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 47
Bell, W. C. 115
Birney, James G. 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 85, 102
Blue Grass Region, Slave Population of 7
Boone, Daniel note 3, 6
Boyle, T. J. 132
Breckinridge, Robert J. 31, 32, 54, 58, 84, 92, 96, 100,
Note 32, 108, 129, 130, 132, 133
Breckinridge, W. L. 85, 125
Bryant Station Convention 29, 30
Buchanan, Professor 74
Burch, James K. 85
Carmen, Joshua 20
Cartwright, Peter 36
Chronicle, ,The 123
Clark, George 92
Clarke, J. F. 66
Clay, Brutus J. 118
Clay, Cassius M. 56, 95, 96, 111f, 130, 132, 133
Clay, Henry 27, 28, 31, 32, 34, 49, 51, 55, 57, 58, 69, 81, 105, 107, 108, 109, 113, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132
Clay, James B. 116f, 128
Coffin, Levi note 36, 110
Colonization of Free Negroes 45, 48, 50ff, 84, 123, 126, 127
Commonwealth, The 106
Constitutional Convention of 1792 13-17
Constitutional Convention of 1799:  
     Slave Clause 31, 32
     Slavery Discussion 31, 32
     Vote for Calling 25, 26
Constitutional Convention of 1849 120-137
Cowan, A. M. 59, 60
Crosley, F. 118
Crowe, John Finlay 45
Cunningham, Charles N. 85
Danville Political Club 9, 10
     Opposition to Slavery 12
Democrats 113f, 122, 132, 135
Domestic Slave Trade:  
     Attitude of the Danville Political Club 12
     Attitude of the Kentucky Abolition Society 43-47
     Attitude of the Methodist Church 35, 36, 91
     Attitude of the Presbyterian Church 36, 91
     Early Legislation 89
     Extent of 88, 89
     Slave Clause in the Constitution of 1792 note 14, 14
     Slave Clause in the Constitution of 1799 31, 32
Dorchester, Lord (Sir Guy Carleton) 7
Dudley, Ambrose 41
     American Convention of Delegates 50ff
     American Colonization Society 50ff
     Ashmun Association 71, 72
     Baptist Church 19ff, 37-42
     Bryant Station Convention 29, 30
     Clay's Plan of, 1849 126
     Constitutional Convention of 1799 31, 32
     Demand for Constitutional Emancipation 1800-1850 33, 98-11
     Discussion in Legislature of 67
     Emancipation Churches 20ff
     Gradual Emancipation Societies 68ff
     Kentucky Abolition Society 42, 43
     Kentucky Anti-Slavery Society 74
     Kentucky Society for the Relief of the State from Slavery 70, 71
     Methodist Church 21, 36
     Presbyterian Church 22, 23, 85ff
     Sentiment 1840-50 112ff, 122
     South and Emancipation in Kentucky 105f
     Voluntary 53, 57
Emancipation Convention:  
     Frankfort Convention 129-131, 133, 134
     Frankfort Platform 131, 134
     Plans for 115ff
Emancipator, The 105, 106, 107
Examiner, The 118, 119ff, 134, 137
Fee, John G. 123, 124, 130
Filson, John 12
Frankfort Commonwealth 130
Frankfort Convention.  Se Emancipation Convention  
Frankfort Platform 131, 134
Free Negro 25, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51-62
Fugitive Slaves.  See Underground Railroad  
Garrard, James 41
Garrisonian Abolition 72, 73
     Attitude of Churches 76-80
     Attitude of the Kentucky Press 76-78, 98-111
Garrison, William Lloyd 73, 95, 106, 115, 128
Genius of Universal Emancipation 46, note 64, 46, 64
Green, John 58, 67, 85, 91, 92
Griggs, Jacob 20
Hall, Nathan H. 85
Harrison, Carter R. note 86, 130
Harrodsburg, Census of 1777 note 5, 6
Helm, J. M. 102
Hickman, William 20, 41
Hints of Slavery 100f
Holmes, Donald 20
Hopkins, Samuel note 61, 30
Johnson, M. C. note 86, 130
Jouett, George P. note 86, 130
Kendall, Amos 75
Kentucky Abolition Society 40, 42ff
Kentucky Colonization Society 53ff, 84
Kentucky, Settlement of 6
     Number of Slaves in, 1790 6, 7
     Products of, 1789, 1818, 7, 8; 1840 8
     Population of 1800-1830 6, 7
Kentucky Resolutions 30
Kentucky Society for the Relief of the State from Slavery 70, 71
Lasley, Thomas 80
Legislature of Kentucky  
     Demand for a Constitutional Convention 33, 98ff, 120ff
     Discussion of Slavery in 1828 67
     Memorial of the Kentucky Abolition Society to 455
     Non-importation Law of 1833 88-97
     Petition for Colonization 60, 61
     Petition of Danville Colonization Soxiety 52, 55
     Pro-Slavery Feeling in 88
Eletcher, Ex-Governor 122
Lewis, H. P. note 86, 130
Lexington Atlas 122
Lexington Observer 104
Liberia 51ff
     Kentucky in 59f
Local Option 121
Logan, Daniel 29
Louisville Courier 120, 121, 122, 124
Louisville Journal 56, 120, 122
Louisville Public Advertiser 56
Lundy, Benjamin 46, 47, 64
Mahan, John B. note 36, 110
Marshall, M. P. 136
Marshall, Thomas 96, 132
Maryland 67, 68
McClung, John A. 61
McIntyre, John note 61, 30
Methodist Church:  
     Attitude Toward Domestic Slave Trade 91
     Attitude Toward Garrisonian Abolitionism 76
     Attitude Toward Slavery of General Conferences  
          1792-1800 20, 21
          1800-1830 34, 35
          1830-1850 79f
     Colonization 53
     Divisions in 80, 81
     Vote of Ministers in Convention of 179_ 17
Mexican War 118
     Controversy Over Admission of _5, 34
Modern Abolitionism.  See Garrisonian Abolition  
Morehead, James T. _07
Nicholas, George 13, 14, 15, 16, 29, 30
Nicholas, S. S. note 57, 123
Non-Importation Law of 1833 88-97
     Attitude of Churches 91, 114
Ohio 67, 68, 109, 110
Patterson, Robert 22
Pendleton, James M. note 37, 119
Philanthropist, The 74, 75
Prindell, Richard 126
Presbyterian Church:  
     Attitude Toward Domestic Slave Trade 91
     Attitude Toward Garrisonian Abolitionism 77
     Anti-Slavery Controversy in 21, 22, 23, 24, 36, 37, 82, 83-87
     Colonization 53, 60
     David Rice 12f
     Vote of Ministers in Convention of 1792 17
Presbyterian Herald 52, 96
     Transylvania 22
     West Lexington 23, 83
Pro-Slavery 33, 51
     Opposition to Emancipation, 1849 132, 135f
     Opposition to Constitutional Convention 13-17, 25-32; 98, 120-137
     Opposition to Non-Importation Law of 1833 96, 97
     Opposition to The True American 116-117
Rice, David:  
     Pioneer Leader in Kentucky 12, 13
     Delegate to the Convention of 1792 13
     Opposition to Slave Clause in Constitution of 1792 14, 15; 22-25, 119
Robert, John 128
Russellville Messenger 64
Shelby, Governor 27
Skillman, Thomas T. 64, 70
     Number of 1790 6, 7
     Number of 1792 17
     Education of 37, 83ff
     See Domestic Slave Trade  
Smith, Elisha 93
Smith, Gerrit 74, 114
Smith, Thomas Porter 85
Societies, Anti-Slavery:  
     American Anti-Slavery Society 73ff
     Ashmun Association 71, 72
     Gradual Emancipation Societies 68, 69
     Kentucky Abolition Society 40, 42ff, 47
     Kentucky Anti-Slavery Societies 1797-98 24, 25
     Kentucky Anti-Slavery Society 74
     Kentucky Colonization 53ff, 84
     Kentucky Society for the Relief of the State from Slavery 70
Speed, James note 57, 123
Stuart, Robert 85
Sutton, John 20
Tappan, Lewis 102
Tarrant, Carter 20, 39, 40, 41
Texas, Annexation of 112, 117, note 28, 118
Thornton, J. R. 130
Tobacco 7, 8, 9, 10, 67, 68
True American, The 114, 115, 116
Turner, James note 86, 130
Turner, May Squire note 31, 94
Underground Railroad System 109-110
Underwood, Joseph R. 55, 61, 130, 132
Vaughan, John C. 118, 120
     Constitutional Convention of 1829 63
Wallace, William K. note 86, 130
Waters, T. H. 117
Western Luminary 37, 52, 64, 86
Western Presbyterian Herald 77, 78
Whigs 113f, 122, 132, 135
White, Moses 45
Wickliffe, Howard 95
Wickliffe, Robert 56, 89, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 114
Wingate, Henry 131
Worsley, W. W. note 70, 125
Young, J. C. 54, 74, 85








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