
California Genealogy Express

A Part of Genealogy Express

Welcome to
San Jose,
Santa Clara County,
History & Genealogy

and Surroundings

of Early Settlers
Frederick Hall
Author of the "Life of Maximilan"
Illustrated with Map and Engravings on Stone

San Francisco
Printing House of A. L. Bancroft and Company
No. 21 Market Street


CHAPTER I. - 1708 - 1770 1 - 6
   - Civilization of the America
 - American Colonies; Their Conflict with Great Britain
 - Adventures of the Spaniards
 - Charles III; His Character
 - The Aztecs; Their Traditions
 - Indian Traditions of Upper and Lower California
 - The Californias considered as an Island a entury ago.
CHAPTER II. - 1707 - 1780 7 - 24
   - The Viceroy
 - Junipero Serra
 - First Settlement in Upper California; San Diego, San Carlos, San Francisco and Santa Clara.
 - Topography of the Valley of Santa Clara
 - Error in "Natural Wealth of California."
 - Astronomical Position of San Jose
 - First Settlement of San Jose
 - Comandancia-General of the Northern Provinces of Mexico
 - Instructions of Viceroy
 - Approval by the King of the Founding of San Jose
CHAPTER III. - 1782 - 1785 25 - 35
   - Gov. Fages
 - First Grants of Lots and Possession Given in San Jose
 - Form of Grants; Conditions Therein
 - Slow Growth of Pueblo
 - Solicitations for Large Tracts of Land within the Pueblo; Refusal Thereof.
 - Wood and Pasture Lands o Pueblo not to be granted to Individuals
 - Four Square Leagues area of a Pueblo
CHAPTER IV. - 1792 - 1842 36 - 45
   - Vancouver's Opinion of Santa Clara Valley in 1791
 - The Indians of this Vicinity; Their Name, Language, Habits, Mode of Living, Mechanical Skill, Implements
CHAPTER V. - 1778 - 1840 46 - 56
   - Ancient Site of Pueblo
 - Removal to the Present Site
 - Different Classes of Lands in a Pueblo
 - Propios, Ejidos, Dehesas, Bienes Concejiles
 - Temporary Occupancy of Pueblo Lands.
 - Governor's Statement that Ejidos were not measured off
CHAPTER VI. - 1797 - 1801 57 - 81
   - Dispute as to the Boundary Line between the Pueblo of San Jose and Mission of Santa Clara; Letters in Relation thereto from Governors, Missionaries, Military Officers, and the Viceroy
 - Guadalupe River Declared to be the Boundary
 - Juzgado
CHAPTER VII. - 1799 - 1809 82 - 101
   - The Alameda
 - Mission and Pueblo of San Jose
 - Land Dispute about La Calera
 - First Church in San Jose
 - Ceremony of Laying  its Corner-store, 1803
 - Peach Brandy
 - Dispute about the Land called Las Calaveras; its Location; why so named.
 - Boundary of Pueblo by Mariano Castro
 - Schools
CHAPTER VIII. - 1812 - 1813 102 - 111
   - Laws of 1812-1813, pertaining to Pueblos  
CHAPTER IX. - 1814 - 1830 112 - 124
   - Gilroy
 - First Foreign Settler
 - Livermore
 - Suñol
 - Commerce in Grain, Hides and Tallow
 - Food
 - Earthquake
 - Change of Imperial to Republican Government
 - William Willis
 - Colonization Law
 - Population, 1831
 - Settlers in 1833
 - Law of California Deputation, 1834
 - Petition of Rancheros to Change Jurisdiction
 - Revolution, 1836
 - Gov. Alvarado
CHAPTER X. - 1837 - '38 125 - 132
   - Applications for Grants
 - Commission Appointed to Survey Pueblo; Survey Made; Report thereof to Ayuntamientos; No Action of Government thereon.
CHAPTER XI. - 1842 - 1846 133 - 153
   - Bickerings between Alvarado and Castro
 - Arrival of Gov. Nicheltorena from Mexico; his Overthrow (and Departure.
 - List of American and Foreign Settlers
 - Fremont's Movements.
 - Pio Pico favors Annexation to England
 - Bear Flag
 - Castro's Proclamations
 - Com Sloat's Proclamation
 - The Taking of San Jose by Capt. Fallon
 - First U. S. Flag raised in the Valley
 - Letters to Fallon from Capt. Montgomery
 - Fallon's Departure
CHAPTER XII. - 1846 - '47 154 - 166
   - Arrival of Force under Purser Watmough
 - Weber and Aram form companies
 - Arrival of Lieutenant Pinckney's command.
 - Prisoners taken by the enemy
 - Demand of a surrender of San Jose
 - Refusal thereof
 - Bartlett delivered to English Consul by the enemy
 - Movements of U. S. forces
 - Battle, American victory
 - Armistice
 - Surrender of the enemy.
 - Their loss
CHAPTER XIII. - 1847 167 - 175
   - Executive Judicial, and Legislative Forms of Government
 - Jurisdiction of Courts
 - John Burton, Alcalde; His Court
 - Judgments Rendered Therein
 - Burton's Committee
CHAPTER XIV. - 1847 176 - 187
   - Survey of the Pueblo Lots
 - Claims to the Lands under Old Titles; Rejection thereof
 - Re-survey of the Pueblo
 - Survey of the Five-Hundred-Acre Lots; Titles therefor
 - Burying Grounds
 - Re-survey under City Authority; Maps thereof
 - Unimproved Park
CHAPTER XV. - _____ 188 - 200
   - Improvements
 - Discovery of Gold
 - Exit of Population to the Mines
 - Peralta's Opinion of the Gold; his Life
 - John M. Murphy's Success
 - Crimes, Convictions, and Executions
 - Aspect of the Pueblo
CHAPTER XVI. - 1849. 201 - 208
   - San Jose Delegates to State Convention
 - Influence of White and Reed in making San Jose the Capital
 - Vote of San Jose for Governor
 - Governor Burnett's Family
 - Legislative House; Difficulties in Obtaining One; How Obtained; Its Description; Its Destruction by Fire
CHAPTER XVII. - 1840 - 50 209 - 216
   - City Hotel; Its Character
 - Mansion House; Its Character; Tricks Played Thereon; Its Destruction by Fire
CHAPTER XVIII. - 1849 - 50 217 - 235
   - Legislature
 - Governors
 - Candidates for United States Senate; Their Election
 - Bill to Remove Capital
 - Party given to Legislature
 - Pueblo Grants
 - Governor's Proclamation prohibiting Grants
 - Delegates from Desert
 - Ayuntamiento
 - Trial before Court of First Instance
 - District Court
 - Amusements
 - Gold Excitement
 - Fourth of July
 - Escape of Hernandez
 - Crimes
CHAPTER XIX. - 1850 - 1851 236 - 248
   - Roads, Travel and State Fare
 - Railroad Meeting
 - Newspapers; "State Journal;" "San Jose Daily Argus;"  "Weekly Visitor."
 - Improvements, 1850
 - Churches
 - Schools
 - Cholera
 - Legislature, 1851
 - State Serip
 - Removal of Capital
 - Dullness of the City
 - Crimes and Executions
 - Meeting for Division of State, and Delegates Elected
 - Court-House
CHAPTER XX. - 1852 - 1860 249 - 282
   - Crimes
 - Punishment
 - Execution for Grand Larceny
 - Murder of Smith
 - Express Company
 - Suit of City against County
 - San Jose Academy
 - "Santa Clara Register."
 - Fire
 - Election
 - Dedication of Methodist Church
 - Civil and Military School
 - Principal Hotels
 - Treasury Robbed
 - Bascom Institute
 - Common Schools
 - Explosion of Jenny Lind
 - Mrs. Hensley's Premises
 - Santa Clara Street Improvements
 - City Vote
 - Telegraph Line
 - Improvements
 - College of Notre Dame
 - Advance of Real Estate
 - St. James Square Granted for Depot
 - "Semi-Weekly Tribune."
 - Artesian Wells
 - Money for Indigent Sick
 - San Jose the Capital
 -Removal of Supreme Court to San Jose
 - Agricultural Society Organized
 - Stage Fare to San Francisco
 - Church Burned.
 - Bell Purchased for Hook and Ladder Company
 - Engine Company Organized
 - Berreyessa Executed.
 - Fire Engine Purchased
 - Engine House
 - Vote
 - City Hall
 - Indebtedness of City
 - City Loan
 - County Jail
 - School by Gates
 - Improvements
 - "San Jose Telegraph."
 - Omnibusses to Santa Clara
 - Bells tolled for King of William
 - Public Meetings on Vigilance Committees
 - Earthquakes
 - Reincorporation of City
 - Fire
 - Execution of Cardoza
 - Organization of Fire Department, and of Torrent Engine Company, No. 2
 - Railroad Meeting
 - Rules of Cemetery by Ordinance
 - Improvements
 - Crosby Shot
 - Fire
 - Election
 - Squatter Meeting
 - Dedication of Baptist Church
 - City Expenditures
 - Notice of Land Company and Commissioners of Funded Debt.
 - Horace Greeley
 - theater
 - Incorporation of Agricultural Society
 - "Daily Reporter."
 - Mass Meeting
 - "Weekly Reporter"
 - School Fund
 - Court House
CHAPTER XXI. - 1861 - 1865 283 - 298
   - Gas
 - Settler's Parade
 - Refusal of the Posse Comitatus to obey Sheriff
 - Adjournment of the District Court in Consequence Thereof
 - Fire
 - Votes
 - Alameda Turnpike
 - Indebtedness of City
 - Fourth of July
 - A Smith Executed
 - "Weekly Patriot"
 - Improvements
 - City Census of Children
 - Gen. Naglee's Premises
 - Earthquake
 - Bridge
 - "Courier."
 - City out of Debt
 - Civil War
CHAPTER XXII. - 1866 - 1870 299 - 332
   - Growth and Industry
 - "Daily Patriot"
 - "San Jose Weekly Argus."
 - Earthquakes
 - Death of Hendricks
 - City Grants
 - Bank of Knox and Beans
 - Re-incorporation of City
 - Sale of Part of Market Square
 - Court-house
 - Methodist Church
 - City Vote
 - Silkworms and Silk Looms
 - San Jose Water Company
 Purchase of School Premises by City
 - Building thereon
 - Young Men's Christian Association
 - County Bonds Purchased by the City
 - City Vote
 - New York Hotel
 - Improvements
 - Fall Vote
 - Market Street Extended
 - Bank of San Jose
 - San Jose Savings Bank
 - City Vote
 - Daily Argus."
 - Horse Railroad to Santa Clara
 - Severe Earthquake
 - Railroad extended to Fifteen-Mile House
 - Methodist Church Ground Sold
 - Engine-house Lot purchased by City.
 - Methodist Church burned
 - Railroad extended to Gilroy
 - Receipts of Railroad Company for four years
 - Improvement of Washington Square
 - Murder of Mrs. Hauser
 - Erection of Methodist Church
 - Number of Scholars in the City
 - Directory of City
 - Location of Normal School
 - City Funds
 - City Vote
 - "Daily Independent."
 - Consumption of Gas and Coal
 - Number of City Consumers
 - Woolen Manufacturing Company
 - Opera House; Opening Address and Play
 - Normal School Building
 - Laying of its Corner Stone
 - Music Hall
 - Jail
 - Hose Company
 - Present Condition of the City
 - Schools
 - Value of Property
 - Assessments
 - Fiscal condition of the City
 - General Appearance and Health of the City.
   - Law Defining Pueblos
 - Act of Congress, Mar. 3d, 1851.
 - Action of the Board of Land Commissioners
 - Testimony
 - Confirmation of Four Square Leagues to the City
 - Appeal to U. S. District Court, and Reversal
 - Appeal to U. S. Supreme Court
 - Final Decree of Confirmation to the City of Amount Claimed
 - The Land Company's Claim to the Pueblo Lands.
 - Survey of Pueblo Lands
 - Map
   - Hon. Peter H. Burnett
 - Gen. H. M. Naglee
 - Maj. S. J. Hensley
 - Jacob D.  Hoppe
 - Charles White
 - Joseph Aram
 - Isaac Branham
 - James F. Reed
 - Thomas Fallon
 - Adolph Pfister
 - Peter Quivey
 - Hon. James M. Jones
 - Hon. C. P. Hester
 - Hon. W. T. Wallace
 - Hon. A. L. Rhodes
 - Andrew J. Grayson
   - Discovery of the New Almaden; Working of the Mine in 1824 by Suñol and the Robles; Experiments by Andres Castilero, in 1845; Denouncement of the Mine by him; his Proceedings to acquire Title thereto; his Working of the Mine; his Sale to Messrs. Barron, Forbes & Co.; their Possession and Work; Furnaces and Process of Working therewith; Geological Character and Chemical Analysis of the Ore; Mode of Obtaining and Transporting Ores; Products of the Mine; Sale thereof
 - Almaden Mine in Spain; Comparison between the two Mines
 - Enrequita Mine
 - Title to the New Almaden
 - Guadalupe Mine
CHAPTER XXVI. - Missions of Santa Clara and San Jose - Santa Clara College, and University of the Pacific 415 - 441
   - Comandante of San Diego and Father Pena make the first Visit to Santa Clara Valley in 176; their Visit to San Francisco
 - Father Pena returns to Santa Clara; he Builds a Cross, and says the first Mass under it.
 - Founding of Santa Clara Mission
 - Death of Father Murguia
 - Dedication of Mission Church
 - Vancouver's Visit to, and Description of, the Mission
 - Earthquakes
 - Building of the present Mission Church
 - Description of the Mission by a Spanish writer in 1822
 - Population and Stock of Missions in 1834 and 1842
 - Description of Missions by De Mofras
 - Colonization of California
 - Laws and Regulations for the Secularization of the Missions
 - Possession by the Priests under United States authority
 - Possession of Santa Clara Mission by Redman and Clayton; Suits by and against them.
 - Missions Confirmed to Roman Catholic Church
 - Opinion of Court on the Nature of Missions
 - Santa Clara College
 - San Jose Mission
 - University of the Pacific
   - Area of County; Population in 1852, 1860, and 1870; Number of Children; Rate of Assessment on Property; County Indebtedness; Value of Property in the County; Number of Live Stock; Productions
 - Augora Goats
 - Adaptability of Soil and Climate to all Plants
 - Health of Climate
 - Temperature in each Month
 - Philosophy of the Pacific Climate
 - Climate of Santa Clara Valley
 - Bayard Taylor's Description of the Valley
APPENDIX NO. 1. 455 - 457
   - Colonial Governors of California
 - Treaty with Mexico; when Ratified
 - State Constitution; when Adopted
APPENDIX NO. 2. 458 - 459
   - Pueblo Officers
 - Mayor of City, and President of Board of Trustees
APPENDIX NO. 3. 460 - 473
   - Regulations under Spain for Government of Pueblos in California  
APPENDIX NO. 4. 474 - 479
   - Suit of Land Company against Cit of San Jose  
APPENDIX NO. 5. 480 - 183
   - Boundaries of the Pueblo of San Jose  
APPENDIX NO. 6. 484 - 488
   - Private Land Grants in the County of Santa Clara  
APPENDIX NO. 7. 489 - 537
   - Laws for California, passed by the Mexican Congress in 1837  




This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights