History of
Delaware County, Iowa
And Its People
- Illustrated -
Vol. II
Publ. Chicago: The S. J. Clark Publishing Company
E. LEE owns and operates an excellent farm of one
hundred and sixty acres in Coffins Grove township, this
county, and has been identified with the welfare of this
part of the state during his entire life as he was born in
Delaware county. His birth occurred May 18, 1877, and
his parents were James and Mary (Rowe) Lee, the
former a native of Ireland, born Apr. 10, 1834, and the
latter born in Apple River, Illinois, Jan. 22, 1842.
George E. Lee is one of a family of thirteen
children, of whom mention is made on another page of this
work in connection with the sketch of the father.
George E. Lee attended the public schools
in the acquirement of his formal schooling and in the
meantime aided by father in the work of the farm, thus
familiarizing himself with practical methods of agriculture.
When a young man of twenty-three he started out in life for
himself and has during his independent career followed the
occupation of which he was reared. In the fall of 1907
he was enabled to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of
land situated on Section 20, Coffins Grove township.
He raises grains and also graded stock and as he is located
but two and one-half miles from Masonville he has a
convenient market, which facilitates the disposal of the
products of his farm. As his land is fertile and as he
uses modern methods of cultivation his yield of grain per
acre is high and since he understands the raising of stock
his cattle and hogs are in fine condition and bring a good
price upon the market.
On the 13th of March, 1901, Mr. Lee was united
in marriage to Miss Lois Smith, a daughter of John
N. and Anna (Keith) Smith. Her father was a native
of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and her mother of this county,
their marriage occurring in Hazel green township. To
Mr. and Mrs. Lee have been born two children,
George H. and Mildred H.
Mr. Lee is a member of Camp No. 587, I. O. O. F.,
of Masonville and is popular not only in that organization
but in the community at large. He is prospering as the
years pass and his resources are constantly increasing and
all who know him concede that his success is due entirely to
his able management and tireless labor.
History of
Delaware County, Iowa And Its People
- Illustrated -
Vol. II
Publ. Chicago: The S. J. Clark Publishing Company
1914 - Page 510 |

Mr. & Mrs. James Lee |
For many years James Lee was a well known resident of
Delaware county and witnessed much of its growth and
development, taking an active part in the work of
improvement especially along agricultural lines. He
was born in Ireland on the 10th of April, 1834, and the
following year was brought by his parents to the United
States, the family home being established in Illinois, where
he was reared and educated. The Black Hawk war had
occurred only three years before their arrival in that state
and there was every evidence of pioneer life with its
attendant hardships, privations and difficulties. Amid
such surroundings James Lee was united in marriage to
Miss Mary Rowe, who was born in Apple River, that
state, Jan. 22, 1842. Not long after their marriage
they removed to Iowa, settling in Delaware county, and in
November, 1874, took up their abode upon a farm near
Masonville, where they resided until 1909, or for a period
of thirty-five years. Mr. Lee bent his energies
to the development of the place and succeeded in bringing
his fields under a high state of cultivation. Year
after year he carefully tilled the soil, and the abundant
harvests which rewarded his labors brought to him a
substantial competence, enabling him at length to live
retired. Accordingly, in the year 1909, he left the
farm and removed to a comfortable home in Manchester, where
his remaining days were passed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee became the parents of thirteen
children, as follows: Henry, who lives in
Minnesota; Edward, who passed away in Portland,
Oregon, June, 28, 1914; Thomas, who is engaged in
farming in Delaware county; Elmer J., residing at
Harris, this state; Eliza, the wife of Robert J.
Robinson, of Nebraska; Emma, the wife of
Charles Morris, residing near Dundee, this state;
Etta, who was a twin to Emma and died in infancy;
Alfred, who was drowned June 4, 1887; Lorena,
the wife of Alfred Tripp, residing near Dundee;
George E., a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this
work; Mattie, who married Jesse Rigney, of
Wyoming; Clara, the wife of Verne Livesay, of
Oregon; and Nevada Pearl, who lives in Portland,
Mr. Lee made every effort to provide a
comfortable living for his family and equip them for life's
practical and responsible duties. He deserves much
credit for what he accomplished in a business way, for he
started out in life without any special advantages and
worked his way upward through persistency of purpose
intelligently directed. His many sterling traits of
character gained for him the high regard of a large circle
of friends. He died at his home in Manchester, June
30, 1910, and was survived by his wife until June 28, 1911.
History of
Delaware County, Iowa And Its People
- Illustrated -
Vol. II
Publ. Chicago: The S. J. Clark Publishing Company
1914 - Page 398 |