Chapter XXXI
Richland Township
Pg. 336
Situation and Area - Natural Features - Property Valuation
- A Prosperous Farming Community
Richland township is
situated in the south and eastern portion of the county,
comprising all of congressional township 79, range 17 west,
hence is six miles square and contains thirty-six sections
of choice land. Its chief stream is the Skunk river,
which courses through the territory from north to south,
with a heavy body of natural timber growing in the south
part of the township. In the east part of Sugar creek,
a small stream.
Richland is situated south of Rock creek, west of
Poweshiek county, north of Lynn Grove township and east of
Buena Vista township. The correction line runs on the
southern boundary of Richland township.
Richland was organized in 1860. The population of
this township in 1905 was placed by state reports as being
seven hundred and thirty-nine.
The property valuation - personal and real - in 1877
was $244, 569, on which the taxes amounted to $4,816.
The assessed valuation of all personal property in 1878 was
$43,141, inclusive of 537 head of horses, 40 head of mules
and 1,108 head of taxable cattle. See table of various
townships for 1910, in the chapter on County Government.
At this date there are laid out and well improved
highways on almost every section line in this township.
The chief business of the people in this section of Jasper
county being agriculture, the lands are well tilled and
farmers are in a prosperous condition. There are no
towns within Richland township, but the modern advantages of
both telephones and free rural mail delivery makes farming a
pleasant task instead of a hum-drum life as it was in the
fifties, sixties and seventies.
Richland has its full quota of well conducted public
schools which are mentioned in the Educational chapter of
this volume.