History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm. LeBaron, Jr., & Co.
East Oakland Twp. -
JOHN H. ZARLEY, miller, Oakland; born in Washington Co.,
Penn., Apr. 25, 1819, where he attended school and engaged in
farming until March 1837, when he located in Morgan Co., Ohio, and
followed farming until 1848, at which date he located in Blackford
Co., Ind., and engaged in farming until 1851, when he removed to
Moultrie Co., Ill., and engaged in farming until 1853, at which time
he returned to Ohio and farmed for eleven years; he then returned to
Moultrie Co., Ill., for two years, and, in 1866, he engaged in the
milling business in Lovington, for one year; in 1867 he erected a
mill in Macon Co., which he ran two years, and, in 1869, he located
upon a farm for one year in Macon Co.; in 1871, he again located in
Moultrie Co. for one year in the lumber business, when he engaged in
milling in Oakland, which he has since successfully followed; his
business card appears in the business directory of Oakland in this
work. He married May 9, 1841, Euphemia Coddington; she
was born in Perry Co., Ohio, Dec. 14, 1822; they have three children
now living, viz., Samuel, Abram W., and Robert H.
Mr. Zarley has invented a corn-planter, receiving his
patent Oct. 29, 1878, which supersedes any planter the writer of
this article has yet seen; he has a full-sized one on hand for
inspection; it is the only planter in the market that cultivates the
soil and drops the corn at the same time; he will sell State rights
or allow them manufactured by paying him a royalty.
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm.
LeBaron, Jr., & Co. - 1879 - Page 582 |
of the firm of Zimmerman & Monroe, dealers in dry goods,
notions, boots, shoes, etc., Ashmore; was born in Augusta County,
Va., Sept. 19, 1836; in 1837, his father, Martin Zimmerman,
removed with his family to Edgar Co., Ill., where he resided one
year, and then settled in the edge of what is now Oakland Township,
in 1838; in common with most of the pioneers, he began life in the
West with an empty pocket, but with that unconquerable determination
to succeed before which all obstacles recede and vanish away; he
entered some land from the Government, to which he added until he
owned a fine farm of 400 acres, and was regarded as one of the most
reliable and substantial farmers in the vicinity; he died in 1852,
leaving a family of eight children. Jacob Zimmerman
remained on the home farm about two years after his father's death,
and then engaged in farming for himself; a few years later, he
started in the mercantile business in Ashmore; he has been the agent
of the American Express Co., for the past eighteen years; he served
about two years on the Board of Supervisors, and a term or two as
Assessor; he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the village of
Ashmore seven terms, and several years, of the Board of School
Directors. He was married in September, 1855, to Miss Sarah
C. Ashmore, a daughter of the late Hezekiah J. Ashmore,
of this town, and has three children - Lillian, Norman L.,
and Vernona.
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm.
LeBaron, Jr., & Co. - 1879 - Page 607 |
farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; a son of Martin and Sarah
Zimmerman; was born in August Co., Va., Dec. 8, 1827, and came
to the State of Illinois with his parents in 1837, at the age of 10
years; his father, after spending one year in Edgar Co., removed to
Coles Co., in 1838, and settled on a farm in the edge of Oakland
Twp.; this farm is now owned and occupied by John B. Zimmerman,
one of his sons. On the 12th of January, 1854, the subject of
this sketch was married to Miss Mary A. McDavitt, a daughter
of Nortlely McDavitt, of Edgar Co., Ill.; she was born in
Hampshire Co., Va., Jan. 13, 1830, and came to Edgar Co. with her
parents in 1832; of seven children of this marriage five are living
- William R., Roley O., Mary I., Ella E. and Cora N.
Mr. Zimmerman began life for himself by working out by the
month, and, in 1853, began improving his present home, which was
then nothing but the raw prairie; he first entered 160 acre of land,
from the Government; to this he has added at various times, until he
now owns some 400 acres of as fine land as is to be found in
Illinois, with good improvements and well-stocked, etc.; he has made
a specialty of stock-raising, raising what grain was necessary to
feed his stock, thus consuming the products of the land upon the
farm; he has never been an office-seeker, nor an office-holder, but
has devoted himself to his business of farming.
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm. LeBaron, Jr., & Co. - 1879 - Page 607 |
East Oakland Twp. -
W. B. ZIMMERMAN, farmer; P. O. Oakland; one of the early
settlers of Coles Co., Ill.; born in Augusta Co., Va., Feb. 4, 1826,
where he lived until eleven years of age, when he emigrated with his
parents to Illinois, and located in Edgar Co., in 1837; in the fall
of 1838, they located in what is now known as East Oakland Tp., near
where Mr. Zimmerman has since lived; he being the
oldest son of Martin Zimmerman who emigrated from
Virginia at the above date with a family of nine children; and the
year following their arrival the whole family was prostrated by
malarial disease with the exception of the subject of this sketch,
who had the labor of managing the forty acres which his father had
purchased, and the following spring found the family largely in
debt; he remained with his father until 20 years of age, when he
worked out five months at $9 per month, giving his father half of
his earnings and being himself soon after prostrated by sickness,
which consumed his own earnings for doctor bills and medicine; the
following year he worked out by the month at $10 per month, and
having saved about $75, and owning a two year colt, he hired a horse
to put in his crops, and commenced farming on his own account; in
1848, he purchased his present place of eighty acres upon time
payments, to which he has added by purchase as he has been able,
until he now owns about 800 acres of land, upon which he has good
buildings; he is also a stockholder of the Oakland National Bank to
the amount of $5,000; all of the above being accumulated by his own
hard labor. He married, Mar. 1, 1848, Louisa J. Black;
she was born in Clark Co., Ill., Mar. 13, 1827; her parents located
in Illinois about 1826; they have two children now living by this
union, viz., Sarah L., born Apr. 16, 1854, and Florence I.,
born Feb. 18, 1859; he has held the office of School Director
several terms, and is one of the Directors of the Oakland National
Bank, of which he is a large stockholder; in 1842 he took by team to
Chicago a load of oats which he sold at 12½
cts. per bushel, receiving his- pay in salt, leather and groceries,
the trip consuming about eighteen days; his father died in the fall
of 1852, in East Oakland Tp.
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm.
LeBaron, Jr., & Co. - 1879 - Page 581 |
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