Marymee, M. T., photographer |
Mason, Austin & |
Mason, Austin & Co., meat-market |
Mason, C., butcher |
Mason, C., meat-market |
Maxwell, B. R., carpenter |
Maxwell, Luther, farmer |
McComas, B. F., carpenter |
McComas, M. V., farmer |
McConnaha, S. F., hostler |
McConnell & Co., publishers Charleston Plaindealer |
McCormick, J., painter |
McCrory, W. E., Cashier First Nat. Bk. |
McDermit, M. M., broom-maker |
McDonald, Charles, miller |
McHenry, C. |
McHugh, Francis, R. R. section boss |
McKee, Alexander, farmer |
McKee, Thomas, laborer |
McKinzie, David, farmer |
McKinzie, J. A., farmer |
McLelland, James H., farmer |
McMullen, R., farmer |
McMurtrie, David F., carpenter |
McNutt, G. T., house-furnishing goods |
McNutt, Mary E., widow |
McNutt, R. F., house-furnishing goods |
McNutt, S. M., farmer |
Merritt, Samuel H., blacksmith |
Messick, Thomas W., salesman |
Metzler, Adam, meat market |
Meyer, Solomon, clothing |
Meyers, Christ., farmer |
Miles, T. C., veterinary surgeon |
Miles, John A., Assistant Postmaster |
Millage, James, farmer |
Millege, Henry, farmer |
Miller, Alexander, farmer |
Miller, Charles, farmer |
Miller, James M., dry goods |
Minton, Alvey & Co., City Mills |
Minton, W. S., City Mills |
Mischler, P. P., cigar manufacturer |
Mitchell, A. C., books and stationery |
Mitchell, A. M., boots and shoes |
Mitchell, Alex, C., books and stationery |
Mitchell, G. M., Postmaster |
Mitchell, I. B., groceries and provisions |
Mitchell, J. A., farmer |
Mitchell, J. D., plasterer |
Mitchell, L. C., farmer |
Mock, G., farmer |
Mock, J. W., miller |
Moffitt, Joseph, farmer |
Monfort, W. H., farmer |
Monroe, Hannah, widow |
Monroe, Lewis, flour-mills |
Moore, Alaska, farmer |
Moore, Andrew, jeweler and druggist |
Moore, J. W., laborer |
Moore, John, teamster |
Moore, Levi, farmer |
Morgan, John, farmer |
Morgan, R. P. |
Morris, D. P., bootmaker |
Morris, W. D., blacksmith and wagon-maker |
Morton, F. M. |
Mount, Elizabeth, farmer |
Mullen, James, section boss |
Mullen, Joanah, millinery |
Mullen, Josephine, millinery |
Mumford, L. S., Captain Hose Company |
Myers, Abel, farmer |
Myers, Amos, retired |
Myers, John, farmer |
Myers,, William carpenter |
Nation, G. F., cooper |
National, Samuel, cooper |
Neal, H. A., attorney at law |
Neal, J. F., grocer |
Neal, J. W., physician and surgeon |
Nees, J., farmer |
Nees, Thomas, farmer |
Nesbit, S. H., book-keeper |
Newby, Albert S., carpenter |
Nicholson, Isaac, gardener |
Nixon, M. C., broom-manufactuer |
Noble, Luke, farmer |
Norfolk, Henry E. C., farmer |
Norfolk, Sina |
Norris, J. R., farmer |
North, F. R., farmer |
O'Conor, James, farmer |
O'Grady, D. C., painter |
Oldham, Mary, farmer |
Oliver, Fannie, farmer |
Oliver, J. M., farmer |
Oliver, James A., farmer |
Oliver, S. H., farmer |
Olmsted, Charles, farmer |
Olsen, Ingel, farmer |
Osborne, M., widow |
Overhoalst, B., farmer |
Overholsen, A., farmer |
Overholsen, Aaron, farmer |
Owens, Benjamin, farmer |
Padget, K., widow |
Parker, A. A., farmer |
Parker, B. A., farmer |
Parker, D. M., farmer |
Parker, I. H., farmer |
Parker, J. A., farmer |
Parker, Margaret |
Patterson, Thomas, farmer |
Patton, W. R., physician and surgeon |
Paulding, J. B., carriage-maker |
Peake, W. O., clerk |
Pearcy, J. W., farmer |
Pearman, E., retired |
Perkins, Alexander, grocer |
Perrill, Hugh, plasterer |
Peyton, Charles A., physician |
Pinatel, Charles, retired |
Ping, S. J., dressmaker |
Piper, J. A., Pastor Presb. Church. |
Plank, T. J., clerk |
Plew, J. D., farmer |
Poole, Thomas J., carpenter |
Post, Edwin, farmer |
Poxton & Mitchell, books and stationery |
Prevo, A. H., farmer |
Pugh, James, blacksmith |
Quiggins, H. C., teamster |
Rader, A. L., attorney at law |
Ramsey, A. J., laborer |
Ramsey, A., blacksmith |
Rarodin, J. K., attorney at law |
Ray & Hampton, dry goods |
Ray, L. D., farmer |
Ray, S. E., dry goods |
Reat, Emeline, widow |
Reat, J. W., farmer |
Reat, Robert L., farmer |
Record, S. H., drain-tile manufacturer |
Reid, John L., farmer |
Reprogle, M., farmer |
Reprogle, R. S., farmer |
Reynolds, J. W., farmer |
Reynolds, Joseph B., laborer |
Reynolds, L. C., farmer |
Rhoads, T. B., farmer |
Rice, John, blacksmith |
Ricketts, J. A., marble works |
Ricketts, J. T., marble-cutter |
Ricketts, W. S., clerk |
Ricketts, Wm., real estates and claim ag't. |
Ritchey, A., boots and shoes |
Rix, Samuel, farmer |
Robbins, M. W., clerk |
Roberts, S. M., Mrs., widow |
Robertson, I. M., teamster |
Robertson, W., shoemaker |
Robinson, E. W., farmer |
Robinson, J. W., farmer |
Robinson, W. E., Circuit Clerk |
Rodgers, J. W., laborer |
Rogers, C. C., druggist |
Rogers, S. W., farmer |
Rosebrough, J. B., farmer |
Ross, W. T., farmer |
Ryan, John, painter |
Said, Harvey, miller |
Said, Harvey, miller |
Sallee, E. M., carpenter |
Sampson, Isaac, teamster |
Sanders, Thomas, farmer |
Sarchett, G. B., physician and surgeon |
Sarchett, S. B., dairyman |
Scharer, Dominick, miller |
Scheytt, Christian J., saloon |
Scheytt, Conrad, machinist |
Schnorf, Arthur, farmer |
Scott, James, plasterer |
Sells, William, farmer |
Shackleford, James farmer |
Shafer, L., farmer |
Shafer, Peter, farmer |
Shannahan, Patrick, railroad laborer |
Shasberger, Fred, cooper |
Shaw, A. F., Police Magistrate |
Shaw, John C., broom-maker |
Shoemaker, T. T., farmer |
Shotts, E. A., widow |
Shrier, M. L., tinner |
Shriver, A. C., stoves, tinware and house-furnishing
goods |
Shriver, Charles W., stoves, tinware & house-furnishing
goods |
Shriver, L. B., tinner |
Shriver, L. L., tinner |
Shultz, Housten, farmer |
Sidenstricker, H. R., farmer |