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History of Coles County, Illinois
Chicago - Wm. LeBaron, Jr., & Co. -
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)


PAGES 1, 2, 3, 4


Marymee, M. T., photographer
Mason, Austin & 
Mason, Austin & Co., meat-market
Mason, C., butcher
Mason, C., meat-market
Maxwell, B. R., carpenter
Maxwell, Luther, farmer
McComas, B. F., carpenter
McComas, M. V., farmer
McConnaha, S. F., hostler
McConnell & Co., publishers Charleston Plaindealer
McCormick, J., painter
McCrory, W. E., Cashier First Nat. Bk.
McDermit, M. M., broom-maker
McDonald, Charles, miller
McHenry, C.
McHugh, Francis, R. R. section boss
McKee, Alexander, farmer
McKee, Thomas, laborer
McKinzie, David, farmer
McKinzie, J. A., farmer
McLelland, James H., farmer
McMullen, R., farmer
McMurtrie, David F., carpenter
McNutt, G. T., house-furnishing goods
McNutt, Mary E., widow
McNutt, R. F., house-furnishing goods
McNutt, S. M., farmer
Merritt, Samuel H., blacksmith
Messick, Thomas W., salesman
Metzler, Adam, meat market
Meyer, Solomon, clothing
Meyers, Christ., farmer
Miles, T. C., veterinary surgeon
Miles, John A., Assistant Postmaster
Millage, James, farmer
Millege, Henry, farmer
Miller, Alexander, farmer
Miller, Charles, farmer
Miller, James M., dry goods
Minton, Alvey & Co., City Mills
Minton, W. S., City Mills
Mischler, P. P., cigar manufacturer
Mitchell, A. C., books and stationery
Mitchell, A. M., boots and shoes
Mitchell, Alex, C., books and stationery
Mitchell, G. M., Postmaster
Mitchell, I. B., groceries and provisions
Mitchell, J. A., farmer
Mitchell, J. D., plasterer
Mitchell, L. C., farmer
Mock, G., farmer
Mock, J. W., miller
Moffitt, Joseph, farmer
Monfort, W. H., farmer
Monroe, Hannah, widow
Monroe, Lewis, flour-mills
Moore, Alaska, farmer
Moore, Andrew, jeweler and druggist
Moore, J. W., laborer
Moore, John, teamster
Moore, Levi, farmer
Morgan, John, farmer
Morgan, R. P.
Morris, D. P., bootmaker
Morris, W. D., blacksmith and wagon-maker
Morton, F. M.
Mount, Elizabeth, farmer
Mullen, James, section boss
Mullen, Joanah, millinery
Mullen, Josephine, millinery
Mumford, L. S., Captain Hose Company
Myers, Abel, farmer
Myers, Amos, retired
Myers, John, farmer
Myers,, William carpenter
Nation, G. F., cooper
National, Samuel, cooper
Neal, H. A., attorney at law
Neal, J. F., grocer
Neal, J. W., physician and surgeon
Nees, J., farmer
Nees, Thomas, farmer
Nesbit, S. H., book-keeper
Newby, Albert S., carpenter
Nicholson, Isaac, gardener
Nixon, M. C., broom-manufactuer
Noble, Luke, farmer
Norfolk, Henry E. C., farmer
Norfolk, Sina
Norris, J. R., farmer
North, F. R., farmer
O'Conor, James, farmer
O'Grady, D. C., painter
Oldham, Mary, farmer
Oliver, Fannie, farmer
Oliver, J. M., farmer
Oliver, James A., farmer
Oliver, S. H., farmer
Olmsted, Charles, farmer
Olsen, Ingel, farmer
Osborne, M., widow
Overhoalst, B., farmer
Overholsen, A., farmer
Overholsen, Aaron, farmer
Owens, Benjamin, farmer
Padget, K., widow
Parker, A. A., farmer
Parker, B. A., farmer
Parker, D. M., farmer
Parker, I. H., farmer
Parker, J. A., farmer
Parker, Margaret
Patterson, Thomas, farmer
Patton, W. R., physician and surgeon
Paulding, J. B., carriage-maker
Peake, W. O., clerk
Pearcy, J. W., farmer
Pearman, E., retired
Perkins, Alexander, grocer
Perrill, Hugh, plasterer
Peyton, Charles A., physician
Pinatel, Charles, retired
Ping, S. J., dressmaker
Piper, J. A., Pastor Presb. Church.
Plank, T. J., clerk
Plew, J. D., farmer
Poole, Thomas J., carpenter
Post, Edwin, farmer
Poxton & Mitchell, books and stationery
Prevo, A. H., farmer
Pugh, James, blacksmith
Quiggins, H. C., teamster
Rader, A. L., attorney at law
Ramsey, A. J., laborer
Ramsey, A., blacksmith
Rarodin, J. K., attorney at law
Ray & Hampton, dry goods
Ray, L. D., farmer
Ray, S. E., dry goods
Reat, Emeline, widow
Reat, J. W., farmer
Reat, Robert L., farmer
Record, S. H., drain-tile manufacturer
Reid, John L., farmer
Reprogle, M., farmer
Reprogle, R. S., farmer
Reynolds, J. W., farmer
Reynolds, Joseph B., laborer
Reynolds, L. C., farmer
Rhoads, T. B., farmer
Rice, John, blacksmith
Ricketts, J. A., marble works
Ricketts, J. T., marble-cutter
Ricketts, W. S., clerk
Ricketts, Wm., real estates and claim ag't.
Ritchey, A., boots and shoes
Rix, Samuel, farmer
Robbins, M. W., clerk
Roberts, S. M., Mrs., widow
Robertson, I. M., teamster
Robertson, W., shoemaker
Robinson, E. W., farmer
Robinson, J. W., farmer
Robinson, W. E., Circuit Clerk
Rodgers, J. W., laborer
Rogers, C. C., druggist
Rogers, S. W., farmer
Rosebrough, J. B., farmer
Ross, W. T., farmer
Ryan, John, painter
Said, Harvey, miller
Said, Harvey, miller
Sallee, E. M., carpenter
Sampson, Isaac, teamster
Sanders, Thomas, farmer
Sarchett, G. B., physician and surgeon
Sarchett, S. B., dairyman
Scharer, Dominick, miller
Scheytt, Christian J., saloon
Scheytt, Conrad, machinist
Schnorf, Arthur, farmer
Scott, James, plasterer
Sells, William, farmer
Shackleford, James farmer
Shafer, L., farmer
Shafer, Peter, farmer
Shannahan, Patrick, railroad laborer
Shasberger, Fred, cooper
Shaw, A. F., Police Magistrate
Shaw, John C., broom-maker
Shoemaker, T. T., farmer
Shotts, E. A., widow
Shrier, M. L., tinner
Shriver, A. C., stoves, tinware and house-furnishing goods
Shriver, Charles W., stoves, tinware & house-furnishing goods
Shriver, L. B., tinner
Shriver, L. L., tinner
Shultz, Housten, farmer
Sidenstricker, H. R., farmer






This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights