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The great benevolent societies have
representative lodges in all of the
principal villages of the county.
At Neoga, the Masonic Order is
represented by Neoga Lodge, No. 279,
with seventy members. This lodge
meets in a pleasant hall once a month,
and is in a flourishing financial
condition. The Independent Order
of Odd-Fellows has a representative in
Neoga Lodge, No. 347, of bout forty
members. The insurance
organizations, Knights of Honor and
America Legion of Honor, have each a
flourishing lodge here. At Toledo,
the Order of Free and Accepted Masons
has a lodge, organized October, 1868.
It is known as Prairie City Lodge, No.
578, and has some forty or fifty
members. There is also a Chapter
of the Eastern Star, Prairie City Lodge,
No. 179. The Toledo Lodge, No.
355, Independent Order of Odd-Fellows,
also finds a home here. It was
organized in 1868, and now has forty
members. This Order is in a
flourishing condition, and owns the hall
it meets in, valued at some $500.
At Greenup are lodges of both the great
fraternities. Greenup Lodge, No.
125, of Free and Accepted Masons, was
chartered Oct. 3, 1853, with Thomas
Coulson, Charles Nisewanger
and S. W. Huffcut. The
lodge has increased to twenty-two
members. The lodge room is
in the old building on the west end of
Main Street, where the first meetings
were held thirty years ago. Some
twelve years ago, the lodge occupied a
more modern building, but being burned
out, it returned to the old building.
A lodge of the Eastern Star was
chartered here Nov. 13, 1873, with
Lucy P. Nisewanger, Ann M. Quinn,
Elizabeth Jones, Sarah Ewart, Esther B.
Tutewiler, Isabella H. Monohon, Sarah J.
Shull, Martha J. Markwell, Martha E.
Starbuck, Nancy Jones, Mary J. Lee
and others, as charter members.
Atalanta Lodge, No. 116, of the
Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, was
chartered here Oct. 14, 1853. The
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Charter members were James Ewart,
Philip Wolcheimer, Warren Covell, S. M.
Smith, B. C. Talbott and A. N.
Ward. The lodge meets in the
same building with the Masonic Lodge,
and own it in company with that
fraternity. The lodge is in a
flourishing condition, and has
forty-four members.
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