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Edgar County, Illinois
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of Prominent and Representative Citizens
of the Counties.
together with
Portraits and Biographies of all the Governors of
the State, and of the Presidents of the United States.
Vol. 2
Chapman Brothers,

NOTE:  The following Biographical Index has both Vermilion  & Edgar County Biographies.



Abbott, Franklin E. 288
Adams, A. P.  971
Adams, Ellis 200
Adams, John 23
Adams, John Q. 39
Albright, Alanson N. 761
Albright, Samuel 314
Alexander, F. M. 467
Alexander, Milton K., Gen. 808
Alexander, W., Hon. 873
Allen, Benjamin, Jr. 847
Allen, Charles A., Hon. 741
Allen, George 276
Allen, John, Jr. 1071
Allen, Wm. I. 700
Allhands, F. M. 692
Amis, James T. 407
Amis, Nancy, Mrs. 407
Andrew, E. W. 881
Ankrom, Asa 496
Ankrom, George W. 730
Ankrum, A. L. 453
Arbuckle, A. T. 451
Archbold, I. N. 1057
Armantrout, Hiram 195
Armstrong, Thomas 721
Arthur, John 1104
Athon, J. F. 991
Babb, Ira 430
Bacon, George E., Hon. 933
Bacon, L. B. 1020
Baker, C. A. 654
Baldwin, Alexander 848
Baldwin, F. 214
Baldwin, J. R. 208
Ball, S. O. 644
Bandy, John W. 198
Bandy, William 247
Bank, First National  948
Banta, J. H. 509
Banta, W. F. 939
Banta, William F. 490
Bantz, Ezra J. 429
Barnett, F. V. 639
Barnett, Geo. 748 748
Barnett, James  603
Barr, James D. 943
Barr, W. W. 770
Barth, A. J. 879
Bass, Henry 596
Bates, C. C., Dr. 852
Baum, C. C. 505
Baum, Charles M. 199
Baum, Charles W. 456
Baum, Frank A. 518
Baum, G. T. 504
Baum, Jasper N. 1022
Baum, Oliver P. 683
Baum, S. W. 668
Baum, Z. T., M. D. 1070
Beall, W. G. 941
Beauchamp, N. W. 961
Bell, Oliver 1039
Bennefiel, Robert R. 907
Bennett, D. C. 663
Bennett, Henry J. 458
Berkshire, Robert 863
Beveridge, John L. 171
Bissell, William H. 151
Blackburn, M. A. 1099
Blackburn, William 799
Blackstock, W. J. 1074
Blair, E. N. 1044
Blair, Samuel 595
Blakeney, T. W 495
Blakeney, V. R. 227
Boggess, J. W., M. D. 221
Bolden, John E. 489
Bolen, L. W. 1102
Bond, Shadrach 111
Boyce, Henry G. 240
Boyer, John K. 779
Bradley, S. H., Dr. 931
Brady, John 394
Brady, Thomas 676
Branham, A. 528
Brewer, J. W. 413
Brooks, John 557
Brown, T. C. 891
Brown, William 519
Buchanan, James 75
Buchanan, W. W.  300
Buckler, J. C. 1018
Buhl, Charles 197
Burroughs, Wilson, Major 387
Burton, O. K. 1103
Busby, I. N. 575
Bushnell, H. L.  198
Bushu, James - Edgar Co., IL 822
Butler, W. T. 226
Butts, Saul 953
Cadle, Philip 275
Campbell D. 270
Campbell, J. J. 693
Canaday, G. W. 517
Canaday, Henry F. 487
Canaday, William, Sr. 347
Cannon, J. G., Hon. 225
Caraway, C. T. 680
Caraway, J. H. 1023
Carlin, Thomas 135
Carter, Frank 751
Cassell, Eliza S. 476
Cast, Wilbur 589
Cast, William 227
Catherwood, A. T. 219
Catherwood, J. S. 720
Cauble, William B. 281
Cessna, John 313
Cessna, Wm. 372
Chace, Henry L. 246
Chambers, George W. 974
Chandler, W. R. 764
Chandler, Wm. 746
Chapman, Thomas H. 867
Church, Charles 732
Clark, John G. 466
Clarkson, George 242
Cleveland, Grover S. 103
Clifton, James 367
Clingan, J. S. 475
Clipson, Wm. 290
Cloyd, J. P., M. D. 478
Coake, David, Rev. 1054
Coffman, D. A. 868
Coffman, S. A., M. D. 368
Cole, John 321
Coles, Edward 115
Collier, Alexander 532
Collins, John 566
Colson, U. O. 903
Condon, John 1027
Cook, A. G. 927
Cook, Amos 516
Cook, J. F. 474
Cook, James P. 528
Cook, Joseph B. 444
Cook, Samuel 236
Cooper, Charles 479
Cooper, John E. 695
Cooper, John N. 783
Cooper, Lucinda, Mrs. 665
Copeland, Wm. 259
Cotton, Henry 484
Cox, Thomas 324
Craig, William 829
Crandall, E. B. 949
Crane, John S. 349
Crane, O. H. 196
Cranson, John B. 239
Crawford, Herod N. 888
Crimmins, John M. 712
Crimmins, Robert E. 1066
Cristman, J. S. 235
Culbertson, W. B. 812
Cullom, shelby M. 175
Cummins, John 787
curren, H. B. 669
Current, Isaac 256
Current, J. M. 657
Current, W. W. 384
Curtis, B. O. 781
Curtis, D. S. 1029
Curtis, Isaac H. 788
Cusick, John T. 1042
Dalbey, Aaron 752
Dalbey, Samuel 447
Daniel, O. M. 362
Darnall, A. J. 522
Davidson, John 1072
Davis, H. V. 393
Davis, Henry 229
Davis, James 337
Davis, Jesse 277
Davis, Jonah M. 674
Davis, O. L., Judge 382
Davis, William 301
Dazey, Jacob 271
Dicken, David S. 548
Dicken, William 1006
Dickinson, William 212
Dickson, David 593
Dickson, S. S. 455
Dickson, Silas 537
Dillon, Geo. 755
Dillon, Jonathan 737
Dinsmore, George O. 807
Dixon, Alfred M. 341
Doak, John W. N. 998
Dodson, Geo. W. 255
Dole, George, Col. 1031
Donovan, S. P. 576
Dougherty, B. F. 689
Douglass, D. B. 515
Douglass, J. M. 238
Downing, C. L. 569
Downs, W. H. 686
Downs, W. H. 1002
Dunavan, A. 567
Duncan, Joseph 131
Eaten, Adam 667
Edens, Geo. Dr. 236
Edwards, Ninian 119
Elder, A. W. 629
Elliott, Clayton B. 538
Elliott, H. C. 549
Elliott, John M. 623
Elliott, Robert 708
Elliott, S. H., Hon. 972
Elliott, Thomas 892
Elliott, Wesley 583
Engelmann, John N. 759
Epperson, J. C., Dr. 968
Evans, David D., Hon. 732
Evans, Geo. M. 272
Ewing, William L. D. 127
Fagner, Christian 652
Fair, George W. 889
Faurot, Ira 250
Fifer, Joseph 183
Fillmore, Millard 67
Finley, M. T.  738
Finley, Watts 441
Fisher, Jno. W. 540
Fisher, Michael 528
Fisk, J. W. 550
Fisk, R. W. 578
Fithian, E. C. B. 666
Fithian, Wm., M. D. 739
Fleming, W. 701
Fletcher, Henry 558
Fletcher, Jno. 521
Folger, John 745
Folger, Uriah 581
Forbes, C. W. 662
Ford, Thomas 139
Forster, James 831
Foutz, Henry H. 801
Frasier, Hiram 772
Frazier, Samuel 704
Freeman, A. C. 734
Frei, Henry 1047
French, Augustus C. 143
French, Ersom 715
Fultz, Jacob 546
Gaines, Francis 539
Galway, John B. 798
Galway, W. B. 853
Gardner, Wm. H. 699
Garfield, James A. 95
Garlaugh, H. 661
Geddes, J. M. 213
Giddings, Albert 344
Giddings, Jno. W. 763
Goings, I. V. 402
Goodwine, J. W. 207
Gossett, M. B. 436
Grant, U. S. 87
Graves, Levi H. 556
Gray, C. F. 635
Gray, William 624
Green, Bingham C. 694
Gritten, Laben 231
Grundy, A. 559
Gumm, Frederick 990
Gurley, Daniel 464
Guthrie, Andrew 604
Guthrie, Thomas 443
Hacker, F. M. 618
Hagley, T. K. 401
Hale, M. W. 963
Hall, J. T., M. D. 840
Hamilton, Jno. M. 179
Hanks, James 911
Hanley, David 1036
Harper, A. 588
Harris, John H. 984
Harris, W. K. 832
Harrison, Benj. F. 107
Harrison, William Henry 51
Hawkins, A. C. 1009
Hawkins, William 357
Haworth, Beriah 726
Haworth, Thos. 468
Haworth, W. B. 510
Hayes, R. B. 91
Hays, James 359
Hayward, Martin 520
Healy, James J. 497
Heffelfinger, T. 1080
Heileman, Geo. 542
Henton, C. D. 380
Herron, William G. 285
Hester, Cassius M. 480
Hester, William 536
Hewes, T. F. 713
Hildreth, John B. 651
Hildreth, William H. 793
Hillman, Charles 379
Hinshaw, D. C., Dr. 560
Hitch, Charles P. 870
Hoagland, Geo.  303
Hole, John, Dr.  743
Holley, C. L. 951
Holloway, Z. C. 232
Holton, Henry C., M.D. 530
Honeywell, A. 713
Honnold, E. H. 994
Honnold, James L. 857
Honnold, John R. 882
Honnold, R. D. 892
Hoopes, Thomas 506
Hopper, Lewis 329
Horne, A., Dr. 1095
Hoult, W. F. 1050
Hoult, William, Jr. 1077
Houston, D. J. 930
Houston, Levi 930
Howard, George F. 929
Howard, Guy C. 262
Howell, Jason W. 981
Huffman, Geo. D. 754
Huffman, Oscar 1014
Hull, C. F. 531
Hull, J. F., M. D. 729
Hull, John C. 824
Humphreys, Thomas B. 454
Humrichous, John 498
Hunter, J. D. 1098
Hurst, Henry H. 864
Igo, Samuel W. 964
Jack, Reuben 363
Jackson, Amos 348
Jackson, Andrew 43
Jackson, J. L. 684
Jackson, Jno. L. 238
James, Firman 977
Jefferson, Thomas 27
Jenkins, L. O. 827
Jeter, George M. 1053
Johnson, Andrew 83
Johnston, David 625
Jones, A. 717
Jones, E. P. 210
Jones, F. 271
Jones, Geo. Wheeler, M. D. 292
Jones, Ira G. 508
Jones, J. H. 1068
Jones, Philip 918
Jones, William 1012
Judy, William 332
Jurgensmeyer, William 3
Kelly, William 414
Kelsheimer, B. D 861
Kent, W. W. 679
Keplinger, Thomas 340
Kerrick, James A. 981
Kerrick, John B. 897
Ketterson, Joseph 828
Keys, M. 921
Keyser, Andrew 860
Kilbourn, Jonathan 744
Killgore, Samuel B. 969
Kimble, George W. 989
Kimbrough, A. H., M. D. 228
Kingsley, V. C. T., M.D. 338
Kinsey, Jno. R. 598
Knight, E. P. 950
Knox, R. M. 445
Lamb, William H. 967
Lange, C. G. 957
Lange, F. W. 957
Langley, Casper J.  697
Larrance, Jonathan 734
Larrance, M. L. 499
Laufman, K. 792
Lauher, William M. 1061
Layton, D. 685
Leach, Benj. F. 538
Lee, Thomas 211
Leeka, Jesse, Dr. 333
Leemon, Jno. 297
Legate, John M. 993
Lemon, Theodore M. D. 715
Lewis, Allen 740
Lewis, Cyrus 942
Ligget, Jesse 442
Lincoln, Abraham 79
Linnabary, O. H. 833
Little, Morris 1007
Lloyd, Henry 304
Long, A. F. 1004
Long, Anthony 656
Lycan, J. V. 776
Lycan, John M 778
Lytle, J. R., M. D. 433
Maddock, F. J. 983
Madison, James 31
Majors, J. W. 851
Makemson, Hiram 718
Makemson, John 583
Mann, A. 671
Mann, W. J. 462
Manning, B. F. 1097
Manning, L. V. 486
Mark, A. W. 937
Marley, W. D. 877
Martinie, Charles W., M.D. 797
Mason, James K. 923
Mason, John - Edgar Co., IL 817
Matkin, T. 580
Matteson, Joel A. 147
McBroom, William 216
McCabe, John M. 265
McCaughey, T. C., M.D. 391
McCaul, Michael 287
McCord, William 883
McCubbins, R. G. 890
McCulloch, James H. 1062
McCulloch, John Y. 878
McCullum, Nelson 859
McDowell, Archibald 477
McDowell, E. C., Mrs. 414
McDowell, J. I. 448
McGee, John F. 331
McKee, Benjamin 1059
McKee, John 887
McKee, T. D. 201
McMellan, James 566
McMillin, William 736
McVay, Jacob 917
McVey, John 210
Mendenhall, John 648
Mendenhall, Silas 610
Merkel, Andrew 775
Merkel, Douglas 784
Merkle, Henry S. 1065
Mgee, John W. 980
Miller, Geo. W. 403
Miller, J. W. 526
Miller, Wiliam 579
Millikin, Andrew 919
Mills, Henry 571
Mills, John, Dr. 909
Mills, Milton 562
Mills, William H. 552
Minor, Gideon 1003
Mitchell, G. D. 1026
Mitchell, James N. 570
Mitchell, Samuel, Capt. 1055
Monroe, James 35
Moore, Jesse 908
Moreland, C. T., Mrs. 673
Moreland, Thomas R. 673
Morgan, S. Ross 559
Morgan, T. M. 750
Morris, O Neal 842
Moses, J. S. 585
Moss, Alex 790
Moss, John 979
Moss, Joseph 703
Murphy, J. H. 1038
Nay, William 1010
Neville, Geo. N. 423
Newcomb, Charles 814
Newell, Henry D. 586
Newkirk, Jno. R. 614
Newlin, Jno. W. 616
Newlon, L. D. 900
Nolan, H. M. 838
Norris, N. J., M. D. 561
Nuckles, William 1048
Oakes, Daniel 628
Oakwood, H. J. 420
Oakwood, J. H., Hon. 637
Oakwood, Michael 266
Odle, Miles 361
Oglesby, Richard J. 163
Olehy, F. M. 418
Olehy, William I. 584
Olmsted, A. G. 766
O'Neal, Perry 435
Orr, James W. 719
Orr, James W. 1111
Owen, Alexander D. 606
Palmer, John C. 810
Palmer, John M. 167
Park, Timothy 339
Parrish John H. 261
Partlow, Asa 351
Partlow, John J. 280
Pasteur, F. J. 572
Pate, B. C. 381
Patrick, W. H. 1013
Patterson, Golden 568
Patterson, Mary, Mrs. 742
Patterson, William 744
Patton, Merrick 730
Pdgitt, John L. 596
Pearson, Gustavus C. 410
Peirce, Wm. P., Hon. 245
Perisho, James M. 1003
Peterson, Philip Y. 268
Pierce, Franklin 71
Pinnell, Joseph R. 996
Pinnell, W. I. S. 952
Pinnell, W. O. 1005
Plumb, H. R. 804
Poettken, F. A., Rev. 600
Polk, James K. 59
Pollard, John 665
Porter, Lysander, M. D. 1051
Poulter, Harrison - Edgar Co., IL 1045
Poulter, Thomas 958
Poulter, William R. 1100
Powell, Z. E. 820
Powers, L. R. 922
Pratt, Thomas 726
Price, W. H. 317
Pugh, Granville 540
Pugh, Martin 525
Puzey, H. 760
Reed, William H. 1103
Rees, William 604
Reid, D. B. 654
Reid, L. A. 582
Reynolds, John 123
Reynolds, Moses 565
Reynolds, Theodore 672
Reynolds, Thomas 655
Rhoads, John 880
Rice, Daniel 710
Rice, J. J. 682
Rice, James M. 1079
Rice, S. S. 869
Rice, T. R. 645
Richardson, F. A. 700
Richardson, Joseph 709
Richardson, Margret 709
Rickart, W. V. 417
Riggs, Luther A. 653
Ringland, George, Dr. 970
Robertson, J. J. 599
Robertson, Zachariah 719
Robinson, H. M. 702
Robinson, Jacob W. 830
Rodrick, William H. 675
Rogers, Miles 897
Roll, John 1045
Ross, Henry - Vermilion Co., IL 819
Ross, John E. 696
Ross, Susan E., Mrs. 696
Ross, William 903
Rouse, Dennis H. 715
Rowand, John F. 633
Rowe, Mark, Dr. 992
Salladay, Jno. C. 369
Sanders, George F. 615
Sandusky, A. 473
Sandusky, Guy 364
Sandusky, J. S. 747
Sandusky, James 493
Sandusky, W. T. 378
Sandusky, William 500
Sayre, J. D. 910
Schance, Theodore 1101
Sconce, Emma, Mrs. 191
Sconce, James S. 191
Sconce, William H. 698
Scott, A. J. 913
Scott, David 1082
Scott, J. D. - Edgar Co. 818
Scott, John  1019
Scott, Samuel 741
Scott, Thomas 854
Scott, William 1067
Shane, Abraham 830
Shane, James 952
Shank, Davis  H. 1001
Shank, George H. - Edgar Co., IL 964
Shaw, E. P., Maj. 774
Shaw, S. S. 707
Sheets, J. M., Col. 789
Shoaff, J. D. 824
Shoaff, L. A. G. 824
Shumaker, Jacob 1024
Sidell, J. J. 251
Sinkhorn, A. J. 323
Skeeters, Joseph, Rev. 959
Slaughter, R. S. 651
Sly, Allen 1107
Smith, David R. 741
Smith, F. P. 620
Smith, Geo. W. 328
Smith, George W. 728
Smith, Jno. E. 218
Smith, Millikin 1078
Smith, R. B. 670
Smith, William 461
Smith, William M. 987
Snow, Abner 749
Snowden, B. F. 309
Snyder, E. 615
Sommerville, James 1075
Southworth, J. J. 258
Sperry, O. 286
Spry, G. M. 399
Stadler, Adam 664
Staff, Jon T. 1041
Stafford, John 944
Stallings, J. 718
Stark, Samuel 373
Stearns, Alvin 422
Stearns, Calvin 452
Steele, James M. 978
Stevens, Jas. H. 579
Stevens, W. T. 609
Stevens,Samuel T. 535
Stewart, James 1008
Stewart, M. 912
Stine, James M. 409
Stipp, Abraham 1043
Stokes, Richard 1064
Stufflebeam, O. P. 693
Sudduth, J. Y. 947
Sullivan, Geo. M. 607
Sunkel, Jacob 928
Swaim, P. H., Dr. 620
Talbott, H. E. P. 463
Tate, John W. 962
Taylor, Buford, M. D. 619
Taylor, Thomas A. 492
Taylor, Zachary 63
Tenbrook, John, M. D. 1058
Thayer, S. W. 1006
Thomas, John 679
Thompson, J. R. 299
Thompson, James 613
Thompson, John E. 289
Thompson, Samuel 743
Thompson, Wiley 899
Tillotson, Buell 755
Tillotson, Luther 318
Tilton, Fred 483
Tilton, G. W. 762
Townson, Ephraim 872
Trimble, M. 627
Triplett, George W. 1110
Trisler, John 545
Trover, W. W. 1035
Truax, Joseph, Capt. 278
Tucker, D. B. 1033
Tucker, G. B. 954
Turner, E. C. 983
Turner, Jno. W., Dr. 327
Tweedy, A. 1015
Tyler, John 55
Vale, J. E. 862
Van Allen, Jno. H. 342
Van Allen, William P. 387
Van Buren, Martin 47
Van Duyn, John 658
Van Houtin, William M. 849
Vanneman, Wm. A. 646
Vanvickle, Enoch 334
Villars, G. M. 398
Vinson, Levin 392
Voorhes, Albert 388
Waldruff, B. F. 832
Walling, H. 776
Ward, David 1028
Warner, C. W. 765
Washington, George 19
Watson, James 894
Webster, Sarah, Miss 727
Westbrook, John 858
Wetzel, Jacob 1025
Wherry, Joseph 712
White, A. L. 343
White, Henry 823
White, James E. 383
White, William 353
Whitton, Chas. E. 260
Wiley, LeRoy, Hon. 1065
Wilkin, W. T. 920
Wilkins, J. W., Judge 608
Williams, J. M. 1081
Williams, Nathan 585
Williams, Thomas 408
Williams, Truman 352
Williams, William 354
Wilson, William N. 1000
Winter, Carl C. 310
Winters, W. V. 643
Witherspoon, W. P. 589
Wood, John 155
Worthington, R. R. 630
Wozencraft, W. A. 918
Wright, Charles A. 731
Wright, Hugh 291
Wyatt, James 995
Wyatt, William 997
Yates, Richard 159
Yerkes, Hiram 307
Young, Charles S. 555
Zeigler, Benjamin 374
Zimmerly, Jacob 844
Zimmerly, William A. 773



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