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McLean County, Illinois
History & Genealogy

Twelfth Biennial Report
of the
Trustees, Superintendent, and Treasurer,
of the
Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home,
July 1, 1892

Publ. Springfield, Ill.:
 B. W. Bokker, State Printer and Binder


50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69


No. Name of child. Date of birth Date of admission Residence Father's name Regt. Co. Where
father died
Mother's name.
Town. County.
1 Allen, Frank T. Aug. 3, 1879 Sept. 17, 1881 Gibson City Ford James Allen 129 Illinois G Gibson City, Ill Aug. 16, 1886 Dead Louisa J. Allen
2 Armstrong, Samuel D. Feb. 28, 1880 July 7, 1886 Gibson City Ford Sam. A. Armstrong 16 Wis D Gibson City, Ill Aug. 16, 1886 Alive J. Armstrong
3 Armstrong, Josephine R. Sept. 8, 1881 July 27, 1887 Gibson City Ford Sam. A. Armstrong 16 Wis D Gibson City, Ill Aug. 16, 1886 Alive J. Armstrong
4 Anderson, Fred Aug. 16, 1879 Mar. 14, 1887 Griggsville Pike John H. Anderson 144 Illinois D Valley City Apr. 16, 1886 Alive M. F. Anderson
5 Anderson, Rotha M. May 6, 1883 Mar. 14, 1887 Griggsville Pike John H. Anderson 144 Illinois D Valley City Apr. 16, 1886 Alive M. F. Anderson
6 * Adair, Eddie Jan. 1, 1877 Jun. 2, 1887 Centralia Marion William Adair S.U.S.N. -- Centrailia, Ill. Mar. 1, 1887 Dead Harriet Adair
7 *Armstrong, Charles E. Dec. 4, 1877 Jun. 13, 1887 Gibson City Ford Sam. A. Armstrong 16 Wis D Gibson City, Ill -- Alive J. Armstrong
8 Adams, Harry Sept. 19, 1882 Jun. 15, 1887 Evanston Cook Theodore Adams 51 Illinois E Disabled in svc Alive Dead Abigall Adams
9 * Armstrong, Mollie Nov. 28, 1879 Aug. 17, 1887 Greenville Bond Jos. H. Armstrong 22 Illinois D Disabled in svc Alive Dead N. M. Armstrong
10 * Armstrong, Eddie Jan. 16, 1877 Aug. 17, 1887 Greenville Bond Jos. H. Armstrong 22 Illinois D Disabled in svc Alive Dead N. M. Armstrong
11 * Aikens, Harry I. Nov. 22, 1878 Aug. 24, 1887 Warren JoDaviess Lawrence Aikens 35 Wis F Elgin, Ill Jan. __, 1889 Alive Margaret Aikens
12 Aikens, Robert L. Nov. 2, 1881 Feb. 28, 1890 Warren JoDaviess Lawrence Aikens 35 Wis F Elgin, Ill Jan. __, 1889 Alive Margaret Aikens
13 * Allen, Edgar W. Mar. 23, 1880 Apr. 11, 1888 Terre Haute Henderson Orville B. Allen 28 Illinois H Deserted family Alive Alive Mary C. Allen
14 * Allen, Mary A. Oct. 16, 1882 Apr. 11, 1888 Terre Haute Henderson Orville B. Allen 28 Illinois H Deserted family Alive Alive Mary C. Allen
15 * Allen, James M. Jul. 17, 1877 Jul. 12, 1888 Springfield Sangamon Wm. I. Allen 144 Illinois Ad. Springfield, Ill. Aug. 14, 1884 Alive Catherine Allen
16 * Allen, Arthur Sept. 12, 1880 Jul. 12, 1888 Springfield Sangamon Wm. I. Allen 144 Illinois Ad. Srigfield, Ill. Aug. 14, 1884 Alive Catherine Allen
17 Anderson, John A. Oct. 2, 1886 Sept. 6, 1888 Griggsville Pike John H. Anderson 144 Illinois D Valley City Apr. 15, 1886 Alive M. F. Anderson
18 * Allton, Alma A. Nov. 25, 1878 Feb. 18, 1889 Canton Fulton John E. Alton 2d Pa. Art. K Canton Feb. 21, 1880 Alive Mary B. Allton
19 * Alton, Lewis A. Nov. 2, 1880 Feb. 18, 1889 Canton Fulton John E. Alton 2d Pa. Art. K Canton Feb. 21, 1880 Alive Mary B. Allton
20 Anderson, William Jun. 6, 1881 Oct. 13, 1890 Belleville St. Clair Moses Anderson 117 Illinois K Belleville Apr. 20, 1890 Alive Jane Anderson
21 Anderson, Bertha Jan. 14, 1884 Oct. 13, 1890 Belleville St. Clair Moses Anderson 117 Illinois K Belleville Apr. 20, 1890 Alive Jane Anderson
22 Anderson, Marshall L. Mar. 2, 1887 Oct. 13, 1890 Belleville St. Clair Moses Anderson 117 Illinois K Belleville Apr. 20, 1890 Alive Jane Anderson
23 * Alsop, Adda - (See note 1) Apr. 29, 1878 Jan. 1, 1891 Beecher City Effingham John Alsop 35 Ky. Cap I Beecher City Feb. 22, 1890 Alive Mary I. Alsop
24 * Alsop, Laura - (See note 1) Sept. 22, 1879 Jan. 1, 1891 Beecher City Effingham John Alsop 35 Ky. Cap I Beecher City Feb. 22, 1890 Alive Mary I. Alsop
25 * Barton, George H. Feb. 9, 1877 Oct. 21, 1882 Bloomington McLean George W. Barton 61 Illinois H Bloomington Nov. 29, 1876 Dead Mary S. Barton
26 * Baylor, Thomas J. Feb. 20, 1878 Mar. 19, 1886 Mattoon Coles Elijah M. Baylor 14 Illinois A Disabled in svc Alive Dead Sarah M. Baylor
27 Bridges, James Nov. 4, 1878 Sept. 1, 1886 Streater LaSalle Hiram O. Bridges 122 Illinois F Disabled in svc Alive Alive Alice A. Bridges
28 * Boone, Willie E. Nov. 26, 1876 Sept. 1, 1886 Kinmundy Marion Thomas Boone 29 Ind K Kinmundy Feb. 7, 1883 Alive Marg. J. Boone
29 * Boone, Sarah A. Nov. 26, 1876 Sept. 1, 1886 Kinmundy Marion Thomas Boone 29 Ind. K Kinmundy Feb. 7, 1883 Alive Marg. J. Boone
30 Boone, George L. Apr. 24, 1880 Sept. 1, 1886 Kinmundy Marion Thomas Boone 29 Ind. K Kinmundy Feb. 7, 1883 Alive Marg. J. Boone
31 Buckner, Fred Aug. 24, 1878 Aug. 3, 1887 Hutsonville Crawford Richard Buckner 20 Ind. B Disabled in svc Alive Dead Mary E. Buckner
32 Buckner, Grant Jun. 20, 1882 Aug. 3, 1887 Hutsonville Crawford Richard Buckner 20 Ind. B Disabled in svc Alive Dead Mary E. Buckner
33 * Baldwin, Irvin B. Mar. 22, 1878 Aug. 18, 1887 Atlanta Logan Jeremiah Baldwin 61 Illinois G Disabled in svc Alive Dead Sarah J. Baldwin
34 Baldwin, Ivy B. Nov. 2, 1880 Aug. 18, 1887 Atlanta Logan Jeremiah Baldwin 61 Illinois G Disabled in svc Alive Dead Sarah J. Baldwin
35 Ballowe, Edna M. Jun. 13, 1881 Aug. 24, 1887 Metropolis Massac M. J. Ballowe 9 Illinois F Metropolis May 24, 1882 Alive Lizzie Conner
36 Berryman, Eddie W. Mar. __, 1883 Sept. 14, 1887 Franklin Morgan Geo. Berryman 59 Ind K Disabled in svc Alive Dead Susan Berryman
37 Brown, Daisy M. Feb. 18, 1879 Sept. 23, 1887 Mt. Vernon Jefferson John W. Brown 5 Ill. Cav. D Mt. Vernon Feb. 15, 1887 Dead Mary Brown
38 * Bell, Lavinia Jan. 1, 1878 Jan. 7, 1888 Eureka Woodford Benjamin Bell 26 Illinois K Eureka Nov. 30, 1887 Alive Margaret S. Bell
39 * Bell, Mary E. Oct. 9, 1879 Jan. 7, 1888 Eureka Woodford Benjamin Bell 26 Illinois K Eureka Nov. 30, 1887 Alive Margaret S. Bell
40 * Bell, Emma J. Jan. 18, 1884 Jan. 7, 1888 Eureka Woodford Benjamin Bell 97 Illinois C Gilead Nov. 17, 1883 Dead Mary E. Bull
41 Bull, George W. Jul. 18, 1881 Feb. 1, 1888 Gillead Calhoun George W. Bull 97 Illinois C Gilead Nov. 17, 1883 Dead Mary E. Bull
42 Bull, Asher A. Jul. 26, 1883 Feb. 1, 1888 Gillead Calhoun George W. Bull 97 Illinois C Gillead Nov. 17, 1883 Dead Mary E. Bull
43 Bates, Thomas Jan. 5, 1880 Feb. 1, 1888 Cleone Clark Ipriam A. Bates 58 Indiana -- Indiana ___ __ 1879 Dead Martha A. Bates
44 * Benjamine, Nellie M. Feb. 26, 1887 Aug. 27, 1888 Richview Jefferson Chas. Benjamine 110 Illinois D Jefferson county Mar. 5, 1887 Alive Eliza Benjaine
45 Benjamine, Mary S. Jan. 17, 1880 Aug. 27, 1888 Richview Jefferson Chas. Benjamine 110 Illinois D Jefferson county Mar. 5, 1887 Alive Eliza Benjamine
46 Benjamine, Clarence Oct. 19, 1881 Aug. 27, 1888 Richview Jefferson Chas Benjamine 110 Illinois D Jefferson county Mar. 5, 1887 Alive Eliza Benjamine
47 Benjamine, Alexander Aug. 31, 1883 Jun. 24, 1892 Richview Jefferson Chas. Benjamine 110 Illinois D. Jefferson county Mar. 5, 1887 Alive Eliza Benjamine
48 Benjamine, George L. Oct. 20, 1885 Jun. 24, 1892 Richview Jefferson Chas. Benjamine 110 Illinois D Jefferson county Mar. 5, 1887 Alive Eliza Benjamine
49 Beard, Wallace H. Oct. 3, 1878 Dec. 17, 1888 Streator LaSalle Henry D. Beard 91 Illinois D Disabled in svc Alive Dead Elizabeth Beard
50 Beard, James A. Feb. 16, 1883 Dec. 17, 1888 Streator LaSalle Henry D. Beard 91 Illinois D Disabled in svc Alive Dead Elizabeth Beard
51 Beard, Henry H. Aug. 16, 1884 Feb. 18, 1890 Streator LaSalle Henry D. Beard 91 Illiois D Disabled in svc Alive Dead Elizabeth Beard
52 Bauer, Louis Oct. 19, 1878 Oct. 15, 1889 Decatur Macon Jacob Bauer 9 Illinois B Decatur Jan. 28, 1888 Dead Susan E. Bauer
53 Bauer, Peer Jun. 19, 1881 Oct. 15, 1889 Decatur Macon Jacob Bauer 9 Illinois B Decatur Jan. 28, 1888 Dead Susan E. Bauer
54 Bauer, Edward Oct. 12, 1882 Oct. 15, 1889 Decatur Macon Jacob Bauer 9 Illinois B Decatur Jan. 28, 1888 Dead Susan E. Bauer
55 Burns, David W. Jul. 17, 1878 Feb. 12, 1890 Danville Vermilion Robert L. Burns 2 Ill. Cav. F Disabled in svc. Alive Dead Sarah E. Burns
56 Burns, George E. Aug. 13, 1881 Feb. 12, 1890 Danville Vermilion Robert L. Burns 2 Ill. Cav. F Disabled in svc Alive Dead Sarah E. Burns
57 Brown, Clara B. Sept. 25, 1879 Feb. 13, 1890 Hudson P. O. Woodford Warren W. Brown 4 Ill. Cav. B Hudson Aug. 4, 1889 Alive Agnes Brown
58 Brown, Harry D. Jul. 11, 1883 Feb. 13, 1890 Hudson P. O. Woodford Warren W. Brown 4 Ill. Cav. G Hudson Aug. 4, 1889 Alive Agnes Brown
59 * Brazleton, Frank L. Apr. 30, 1878 Feb. 20, 1890 Biggsville Henderson Geo. N. Brazelton 59 Illinois G Disabled in svc Alive Dead Lou. A. Brazleton

NOTE - Keepers whose names are printed in italics have been engaged since the date of last report.
* No almshouse.





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