Part of Genealogy Express

Welcome to
Mercer County, Illinois
History & Genealogy


Together With
Gathered From Matters Furnished By the Mercer County Historical
Society, Interviews With Old Settlers, County, Township
and Other Records, and Extracts Frm Files of
Papers, Pamphlets, and Such Other Sources
As Have Been Available.

containing also
H. H. Hill and Company, Publishers


Bear, Jacob 321
Bear, Martin 285
Bear, Martin, Mrs. 303
Brown, Harison 627
Cabeen, J. C. 429
Cabeen, S. P. 447
Cabeen, Samuel 159
Candor, Thomas 375
Clark, Samuel 735
Drury, William 33
Drury, Vashti 61
Emerson, J. M. 69
Everett, S. F. 717
Frazier, H. B. 699
Frick, Frederick 87
Gayle,  William 123
Glancey, John 249
Glancey, Joseph 519
Heaton, James 177
Knox, Asa 235
Johnston, Lorimer 609
Jones, Daniel 555
Kimel, J. W. 591
Kiddoo, Richard 231
Lafferty, John 663
Likely, Thomas 645
McPherren, George 357
Miller, G. D. 339
Mowry, Daniel 141
Murto, Dennis 195
Petrie, A. P. 771
Retherford, William 501
Seaton, John 465
Sedwick, Dan W. 393
Streeter, A. J. 753
Stuart, William 681
Taliaferro, B. C. 105
Vernon, James 249


Abington Township 512
Adams, John B. 740
Additional Matter 820
Aledo, Mercer County 539
Aledo Public Schools 564
"Aledo Weekly Record," 552
Allen, John S. 204
Alyea, Thomas 99
Anderson, Joseph 505
Ansley, J. M., Dr. 738
A Scrap of Ancient History 99
Associate Reformed Branch,
   Suez Township
Attig, Nicholas 510
Baker,  Jacob Russell, Dr. 529
Banking in Keithsurg 152
Bassett, Isaac Newton 832
Bay, James E. 293
Bear, Jacob 293
Bear, Martin 287
Bell, John 252
Bell, John 263
Bentley, James L. 604
Beverlin, Thomas 293
Biographical -  
 - Abington Township 515
 - Duncan Township 498
 - Eliza Township 287
 - Greene Township 671
 - Keithsburg Township 118
 - Ohio Grove Township 444
 - Millersburg Township 205
 - Mercer Township 583
 - New Boston Township 72
 - North Henderson Township 809
 - Perryton Township 324
 - Preemption Township 713
 - Richland Grove Township 737
 - Rivoli Township 763
 - Suez Township 634
Bishop, Edwin 289
Bissell, Ammi 690
Black Haw War 23
Blue, George A. 813
Boise, Milton S. 618
Boone, George 248
Boone, Hopkins 659
Boone, Washington 607
Bopes, David 327
Boruff, Milton 506
Boyd, Joseph P. 251
Boyd, Martin 597
Boyd, William C. 259
Bradford, W. W. 336
Brady, John, Jr. 242
Brain, William 326
Bras, Charles W. 111
Braucht, Jacob 247
Braucht, John 503
Breckenridge, Hugh 748
Breckenridge, William C. 691
Brewer, Louis Waldo 527
Bridger, G. W. 116
Bridger, Henry T. 644
Bridger, James 742
Bridgford, Oliver A. 241
Bridgford, W. A. 238
Brooks, Isaac 782
Brown, Allen S. 811
Brown, Benjamin F. 809
Brown, Harrison 637
Brown, John H. 451
Brown, Joshua H. 643
Brown, Loami 622
Brown, Samuel 622
Brownlee, David S. 650
Brownlee, James H. 648
Brownlee, William C. 461
Briggs, William 723
Bristol, C. Beecher 738
Bruington, George 648
Bruington, Gus 643
Bullock, John V. 529
Burgett, Frederick P. 154
Business of Aledo 548
Cabeen, Robert J., Hon. 525
Cabeen, John W. 445
Cabeen, Samuel 445
Cabeen, Samuel P. 444
Cabeen, Thomas B. 153
Cable, Richland Grove, Township 737
Calhoun, Henry G. 180
Campbell, Alexander 202
Campbell, James A., Dr. 616
Campbell, Matthew S. 639
Campbell, Robert 647
Campbells, The 199
Cameron, Peter 725
Candor, Daniel M., Capt. 334
Candor, Josiah 334
Candor, Thomas 446
Cannum, Mark 603
Carver, Jesse 720
Carver, Redding L. 720
Castle, Edward M. 504
Cemeteries of Ohio Grove Township 443
Cemetery of Green Township 668
Cemetery of Suez Township 632
Chidester, Nelson 745
Chidester, Sidney 100
Childs, Augustus B. 823
Chowning, John P., Dr. 264
Church, Beard 472
Churches of Aledo 575
Churches of Duncan Township 495
Churches of Millersburg 217
Churches of New Boston 86
Churches of Rivoli Township 755
Clark, James G. 739
Clark, Samuel 737
Clark, Sarah 737
Clarke, David Andrew 719
Clarke, G. R. 20
Cofflan, Martin L. 605
Cole, William Anderson 620
Coleman, John 780
Collins, J. H. 510
Collins, William P. 674
Commissioners' Record 56
Cook, Henry C. 188
Cool, George M. 616
Cooper, David H. 329
Cooper, Hamlet 329
Cooper, Levi 338
Company E, 9th Regiment 701
Company A and G, 13th Regiment 788
Company I, 17th Regiment 730
Company C, 26h Infantry 703
Company G, 27th Regiment 787
Company C, 36th Regiment 729
Company A, 37th Regiment 729
Company D, 83d Regiment 794
Company D, 83 Regiment 854
Company G, 124th Regiment 794
Company G, 124th Regiment 856
Company B, 126th Regiment 795
Company B, 126th Regiment 858
Company F, 140th Regiment 796
Company F, 140th Regiment 859
Company C, 11th Cavalry 859
Company H, 11th Cavalry 860
Connell, James H. 833
Connollly, William 722
Conway, Joseph 721
Corns, Warner 344
Cox, Richad 744
Crabs, George D. 325
Cramer, R. S. 112
Crane, J. H. 244
Creighton, Samuel M. 460
Crosby, Edwin T. 680
Criswell, M., Dr. 333
Cummins, Thomas S. 190
Cullison, William B. 778
Damp, Michael 341
David, E. B., Dr. 619
Davison, D. A. 260
Deets, Joseph 819
Denison Family 73
Denison, Henery W. 92
Democratic Press in Aledo 554
Description of Mercer County 31
Detwiler, Charlds W. 622
Detwiler, Lewis Cass 621
Dilley, John Webster 620
Dilley, William 458
Dingwell, John 647
Discoveries 17
Ditto, John W. 522
Doak, Daniel f. 174
Doak, William 345
Dool, John 262
Dool, Robert 343
Doughty, Lucien B. 613
Doughty, Thomas L. 103
Doughty, T. H. 111
Douglass, Andrew J. 517
Downey, Joseph A. 259
Downing, John 265
Drury, Courtney 94
Drury, Silas 289
Drury, William 93
Dryden, Cary 252
Duncan, Jonathan 454
Duncan Township 492
Dunlap, Isaac N. 593
Dunn, Henry 498
Dunn, John 191
Dunn, J. M. 336
Durston, Charles F. 597
Durston, Samuel L. 775
Durston, Sidney 774
Early Courts 820
Early History of Richland Grove Township 732
Early Settlement of Greene Township 656
Early Settlement of Suez Township 623
Early Settlements 45
Eckley, George 738
Edgar, Richard S. 247
Education in Perryton Township 347
Edwards, Nicholas 590
Egbert, W. W. 261
Eighty-fourth Reg. Ill. Inf. 363
Election - Ohio Grove Township 439
Eliza Township 269
Ellett, Benjamin D. 172
Emerson, Edward L., Dr. 780
Emerson, James M. 822
Emerson, Oliver P. 175
Emerson, William S. 179
Engle, Charles 741
Episcopal Church 711
Episodes - Greene Township 665
Epperlly, William 499
Evangelical Lutheran Church 734
Evans, George M. 641
Everett, Samuel F. 719
Faran, John 255
Feather, James 480
Felix, M. F. 617
Felton, Herchel 234
Felton, J. B. 343
Fender, Jonas 500
Fires in Greene Township 662
First Settles in Duncan Township 493
Fisk, H. W. 338
Fleharty Family 802
Fleharty, Bennett E. 809
Fleharty, Govert S. 805
Fleharty, H. C. 804
Fleharty, J. Q. A. 804
Fleharty, J. J., Rev. 805
Feharty, S. F. 805
Fleharty, Stephen W. 803
Fleharty, S. W., Wm. D., Mary A., and William 806
Fleharty, William L. 804
Fleming, Marshall 116
Flory, Moses K. 675
Forsyth, Elijah 480
Foster, Robert 728
Frazier, Jesse V. 671
Frazier, Hugh B. 673
Frazier, Amanda E., Miss 354
Frew, William B. 607
Frick, Clarence 192
Frick, Frederick 516
Fuller, Jefferson 234
Fuller, William 638
Garber, Leonad 507
Gardner, John C. 688
Garrett, Richard 819
Garrett, William C. 775
Gaunt, Jonathan 332
Gayle, William 128
Geiger, John 586
Geology of Greene Township 652
Gilmore, Edwin 241
Glmore Family 588
Gilmore, J. G. 326
Gilmore, J. M. 244
Gilmore, Joseph C. 511
Gingles, James 342
Gilbert, John G. 688
Gillespie, William C. 690
Gladman, William H. 834
Glancey, John 292
Glancey, Joseph 515
Glover, Allen F. 184
Goding, Joseph A. 676
Gore, George 117
Gorman, James 337
Graham, James 459
Graham, William F. 639
Gray, George 336
Green Bower Nursery 669
Greene Township 652
Greenwood, Thomas J. 644
Greer, Minerva A. 518
Griffin Brothers' Tile Works, Richland Gove Township 734
Griffin, John 695
Griffith, Edward 233
Gruwell, Benjamin F. 174
Guffy, Theodore 346
Gustin, Lemuel 479
Guthrie, Jacob 474
Guthrie, Robert 678
Habits and Customs of Pioneers 36
Halstead, C. B. 327
Hamilton, Robert 470
Hamlet, Perryton Township 317
Hammond, William 726
Hardin, Alvis 190
Hardin, Benjamin L. 179
Harison, W. H. 22
Harriott, Van R. 676
Harroun, J. E. 570
Hartman, Frederick 328
Hartson, John L. 108
Harvey, J. F. 230
Hawkins, John J. 188
Heaton, James 185
Heaton, William H. 140
Helwig, John 203
Henderson, William 457
Henry, John 525
Henry, Wesley 521
Heriford, John 467
Hicks, Robert 725
Hindman, Daniel T. 600
Historical Society 66
History of Henderson County 863
Hoagland, Francis A. 677
Holsted, David M. 193
Holister, Lee 325
Holmes, Louis D. 615
Holmes, William Henry 600
Howe, Lucien B. 240
Hoye, John F., Rev. 621
Huffman, Henry 256
Humbert, Robert 191
Humes, Joseph H. 813
Humphrey, John C. 192
Indian Implements 29
I. O. O. F., Rivoli township 761
Irvin, George, Dr. 611
Ives, Gideon 111
Jackson, Isom 115
Jackson, Thomas J. 115
Jenne, Lansing K. 204
Jewel, Zachariah 264
Johnston, D. R., Dr. 615
Johnston, John Y. 721
Johnston, John Y. 722
Johnston, Lorimer 635
Johnston, M. H. 814
Johnston, Peter W. 816
Johnston, Thomas L. 722
Jones, Daniel 747
Jones, Milton M. 523
Jones, Orson 747
Jordan, John A., Capt 741
Keithsburg Township 118
Kellogg, James 521
Kellogg, Jams A. 477
Kelly, Potter 724
Kelly, Samuel 199
Kendall, A. 330
Kennedy, Matthew K. 679
Kiddoo, John S. 243
Kiddoo, Richard 236
Kiddoo, William 243
Kiddoo, William 233
Kimel, Henry 601
Kinsley, Samuel 516
Kirlin, David 102
Kitzmiller, Frank E. 679
Krause, Jacob 689
Lafferty, James H. 649
Lafferty, John 642
Lafferty, John B. 639
Lafferty, William A. 639
Lair, Joseph 605
Lakes, Eliza Township 283
Lamert, Francis 288
Landes, John W. 521
Landreth, Lewis 509
Landreth, Thomas 251
Larue, William B. 824
La Salle 18
Lathrop, Urban D. 695
Latter Day Saints 220
Leary, Thomas 680
Lee, Graham 331
Lee, Jams M. 651
Leech, John Humphries 294
Lemon, Francis 614
Lemon, W. R. 266
Leuze, George 507
Lewis, William 109
Likely, Thomas 636
Little, David W. 723
Livingston, David H. 499
Lloyd, Benijah 173
Lloyd, James 503
Looser, Jacob 110
Longshore, Jams H. 260
Lorimer, William A. 594
Lunblad, Joseph Oscar 606
Lunn, Charles Elsworth 500
Lutz, O. C. 113
Mack, Daniel 727
Maddux, Thomas 599
Main, William Riley 517
Manners and customs of Indians 28
Mannon, James M. 96
Marder, Michael 506
Mardock, Michael 506
Markee, Jesse 611
Marlatt, Thomas 189
Marquette 18
Marquiss, Samuel 832
Marrow, John A. 640
Marsh, Mordecai L. 595
Marsh, William A. 523
Marshall, Elisha L. 835
Martin, Eliza, Mrs. 296
Mason, John 292
Masonic, Preemption Township 712
Masons, Rivoli Township 760
Mauk, Henry W. 647
Mauk, John 642
Maxwell, John A. 777
Mayhew, D. S. 508
McArthur, Alexander 593
McBride, Alexander 477
McBride, James 450
McBride, John F. 617
McClannahan, William S. 692
McClellen, John 455
McClellen, Richard C. 643
McClure, Warren B. 528
McCreight, John W. 678
McCutchan, James F. C., Dr. 651
McGee, John 478
McGinnis, John T. 242
McGuffin, John G. 595
McHard, William 346
McIntire, John B. 473
McIntire, Moses 473
McKee, Joseph 604
McKee, William 603
McKinney, John, Sr. 824
McKinnie, Ebenezer L., Dr. 648
McLaughlin, James R. 639
McLaughlin, John L. 650
McMullen, Major 746
McPherren, George 449
McPherren, Jesse W. 612
McWhorter, Tyler 618
Mercer County Agricultural Board 489
Mercer County Poor Farm 481
Mercer Township - Partially finished 581
Merritt, J. Y. 290
Merryman, Alert D. 740
Merryman, David D. 740
Merryman, Henry 739
Merryman, Timothy D. 785
Mertz, Charles A. 200
Methodist Episcopal Church, Preemption 709
Methodist Episcopal Church, Suez Township 634
Methodist Episcopal Church, Swedona 734
Miller, Abraham 48
Miller, G. D. 344
Miller, William M. 258
Miller, William M. 258
Millersburg Township 205
Milligan, David 476
Mills, Eliza township 277
Moore, George 288
Moore, Joseph B. 598
Montgomery, John 333
Morey, Benjamin F. 691
Morford, John T. 818
Morgan, William P. 643
Morris, Edward 598
Morris, Geoerge W. 697
Morris, John 698
Morrow, James K. 251
Mowry, Daniel 740
Murray, William T. 109
Murto, Dennis 202
Natural History 68
Nelson, Alfred W. 815
Nesbitt, Henry 606
Nevius, William I. 452
New Boston Township 72
Newspapers of Keithsburg 137
Nigger Ridge, Greene Township 62
Noble Family 183
Noble, Daniel 274
Noble, D. F. 290
Noble, D. J. 95
Noble, Ira 296
Noble, L. D. 297
Noble, Harriet, Mrs. 296
Noonan, Timothy 262
North Henderson Township 796
Odd-Fellows of Millersburg 221
Odd-Fellows, North Henderson 799
Ogle, Jasper 528
Ogle, Joseph D. 528
Ogle, Lewis F. 527
Ohio Grove Township - Partially finished 424
O'Leary, Cornelius 154
Oliver, S. A. 266
One Hundred and Second Regiment 386
Organizations in Greene Township 665
Organization of Duncan Township 497
Organization of Eliza Township 281
Organization of Greene Township 660
Organization of Keithsburg Township 165
Organization of Mercer Township 49
Organization of Millersburg Township 227
Organization of Preemption Township 713
Organization of Suez Township 626
Orth, C. S. 197
Ott, Edward 189
Otto, Julius E. 725
Page, James 638
Pardee, David 176
Park, Russell 684
Parkerson, Robert D. 478
Parks, John 475
Patterson, Moses 471
Patterson, William T. 453
Pease, A. 649
Pease, John A. 649
Pease, Joseph 649
Pease, Martin 648
Pepper, John C., Hon. 607
Pepper, John C. 834
Pepper, William 456
Perryton Township 298
Peterson, Peter 470
Petrie, Cornelius L. 773
Petrie, Alexander P., Hon. 767
Pickup, G. W. 266
Pinkerton, Albert M. 678
Pinkerton, George W. 695
Pinkerton, John C. 687
Pinkerton, Joseph 686
Pinkerton, Wallace W. 693
Pinkerton, William M. 683
Pioneer Log Cabin 41
Pioneer Settlements of Millersburg 207
Pollock, Samuel 518
Postlewait, Matthew S. 779
Potter's Clay in Greene township 654
Powley, James P. 116
Pratt, John 97
Pratt, John 297
Prentiss, S. V. 92
Prouty, William M. 102
Preemption Township 704
Presbyterian Church, Suez 532
Public Improvements, Keithsburg 166
Quaintance, James S. 739
Railroads 62
Ramsey, James H. 616
Randall, Stephen 113
Range, William L. 198
Ransom, Asa W. 637
Rathbun, John B., Dr. 781
Religion in Keithsburg 148
Religious Meetings, Eliza Township 284
Religious, Ohio Grove Township 442
Republican Party in Mercer County 60
Retherford, William 509
Reynolds, Gov. 25
Reynolds, J. Warren 778
Reynolds, William D. 188
Richey, Cornelius Springer 828
Richland Grove Township 732
Riddell, S. H. 255
Riggs, H. M. 238
Riggs, William H. 229
Rivoli Township 742
Roads, Eliza Township 281
Robb, Thomas S. 455
Roberts, Henry H. 100
Robinson, George L. F. 686
Rosenberry, James S., Dr. 742
Rosenbum, Andrw J. 777
Rubert, John 261
Russell, Samuel E. 689
Rural Places in Eliza Township 282
Sapp, George B. 203
Schools of Eliza Township 284
Schools of Greene Township 667
Schools of Keithsburg 144
Schools of Millersburg 228
Schools of New Boston 85
Schools of Preemption Township 713
Schools of Rioli Township 749
Schrader, August 293
Scott, Notlely 817
Scott, Samuel 197
Scudder, Lyman H. 114
Seastone, John 110
Seat of Justice, Mercer County 572
Seaton, Duncan 523
Seaton, John 459
Seaton, John J. 524
Secret Societies of New Boston 89
Sedwick, Dan E. 634
Sedwick, George W. 620
Sexton, John G. 774
Sexton, Roswell C. 694
Shafer, Aaron P. 258
Sharer, Christian 468
Shaw, Clinton 776
Shearer, George A. 634
Shearer, Nicholas 472
Sheese, Samuel 500
Sherer, A. A. 254
Sheriff, Paul 173
Sherrard, David 739
Sheyler, James H., Dr. 726
Sields, William 291
Shingledecker, P. D. 263
Shroyer, A. P. 786
Signor, George H. 117
Simpson, William H. 640
Slocumb, Charles G. 203
Smith, Alfred H. 337
Smith, D. C. C. 467
Smith, George 727
Smith, Hugh 194
Smith, John B. 693
Smith, Lucius E. 698
Smith, Nathan P. 784
Smith, Stephen 745
Smith, Warren L. 697
Smith, William H. H. 477
Societies of Aledo 581
Societies of Keithsurg 155
Soldiers of Eliza Township 282
Soldiers' Monument 837
Southern, Charles W. 696
Speculators, Eliza Township 279
Spicer, Reuben H., Sr. 763
Spicer, Thomas 638
Sprowl, Samuel 475
Steam Mill, Greene Township 670
Steele, David A. 246
Stephens, Alex., Prof. 569
Stewart, William L. 644
St. Joseph Catholic Church 711
Stratton, J. D. 254
Streeter, Alson J., Hon. 769
Strong, Luke 616
Stuart, William 685
Suez Postoffice 626
Suez Township 623
Swafford, Jacob H. 99
Swartout, Cornelius 331
Swezy, Jerome A. 187
Talliaferro, Benjamin Coleman 830
Terry, William 696
Thede, C. F. 608
Thirtieth Regiment 791
Thornton, H. W. 235
Thornton, J. D. 245
Thompson, Benjamin F. 621
Timber in Eliza Township 282
Townsley, Benjamin F. 594
Townsley's Tile and Brick Factory 583
Tracy, Victoria C. M. 783
Tragedies in Keithsburg 162
Trask, Andrew 638
Turnbull, Thomas B., Rev. 617
Unangst, Jacob Wilson 605
United Brethren, Richland 734
United Presbyterians, Suez Township 629
Valentine, William 257
Vance, James 524
Vance, William R. 474
Vandalsem, W. C. 335
Vater, George 503
Venable, Joseph 182
Vernon, Caleb 505
Vernon, James 239
Vetter, Michael 328
Villages of Millersburg 211
Village of Swedona 733
Viola, Greene Township 661
Viola Vineyard 668
Volkel, Joseph 508
Wade, Josephus 176
Wait, F. G. 330
Wait, Meigs 324
Walter, George 343
War Record of Greene Township 670
Watson, Abram 746
Webster, Hammond 458
Werts, George W. 469
West End Creamery, Millersburg 583
White, Snowden K. 605
Whitehall, Thomas 526
Whitham, Kenneth M. 615
Whiting, George W. 197
Whitsitt, John 715
Willits, T., Dr. 97
Willits, Isaiah 171
Willits, Levi 583
Willits, Mary D. 101
Willits, Milton L. 96
Willits, Sarah G., Mrs. 527
Willits, Thomas 114
Willits, Thomas 254
Willits, Thomas T. 836
Willits, William M. 523
Willis, J. M. 621
Wilmerton, Williaml 714
Wilson, David 741
Wilson, James McCormick 829
Wilson, William A. 94
Winchester, W. A. 526
Windes, William 596
Wirt, Martin 176
Wolf, George S. 823
Wolfe, Jacob 181
Wood, J. W. 246
Wood, W. A. 345
Woodhams, T. G. 786
Woods, Alexander M. 608
Wordin, Charles C. 599
Wright, George A. 607
Wright, James C. 596
Wycoff, J. P. 192
York, Charles 240
Zentmire, Wilson P. 257





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