THIS township is seven miles wide and eight
and one-half miles in length, thus containing fifty-nine and
one-half sections of land. Almost the entire township is
prairie land, a few groves in the southern part being about all
natural timber the township contains. With the exception of
the extreme southwestern and northwestern corners of the township
the land seems perfectly flat, it being just slightly rolling,
however, in the parts mentioned. The main drainage of the land
is toward the south. A small branch of the Okaw rises in the
southwestern part of the township and flows southeast. Cerro
Gordo township is composed of good rich farming land. It
already contains some of the most productive farms of the county;
and now that a great deal of artificial draining is being done, it
will soon contain a goodly number of the best farms that the county
[pg. 462]
Early settlement - The
Cunninghams settled at seven mile or Cunningham grove at
quite an early day, at least previous to the sudden -freeze in 1836,
and they had some neighbors whose names we could not learn.
This grove alluded to is near La Place. Messrs Joseph,
Isaac and Daniel Howell, and John Sea, were the
first people who settled in the vicinity of Cerro Gordo. With
the exception of these people, there were not many who came to the
township before the railroad was built. Soon after the
building of this road, settlements began to be made at Cerro Gordo.
One of the first deaths in the township was that of Wm. Lee,
who lived near Mr. Jos. Howell's.
[pg. 463] Presbyterian church - This Presbyterian church was really organized across the river, in Willow Branch township, and in a school building, by Father Kingsbury, of Danville, and the church was known as the Liberty Prairie church. Meetings continued to be held there until Wesley chapel, in Macon county, was built, when the society met in that. About this time most of the members moved into Cerro Gordo and in a little while after the church, in that town was started. For a time the meetings were held in the school-house, but ere long land was bought and the present building was erected about 1860. Originally the congregation was of good size, but now there are probably not over twenty-five members. There is no regular minister, but Mr. Ringland, from Bement, preaches occasionally. Mr. J. C. Campbell was the first located minister of the church, and he was followed by Mr. McMurray. The Presbyterian church building was used by various denominations. Mr. John McKinney was largely instrumental in the building of the church. Methodist church - This church building was erected about 1866 by Mr. John Smith, and elder Buck dedicated it. At present it is a part of a circuit and has a membership of nearly one hundred persons. Mr. Smart is the minister, and his circuit includes in addition Ridge
[pg. 464] Temperance society - The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized about May 20, 1881, by Miss Pitts, of Mansfield, Illinois. The officers elected were Mrs. E. H. Jeffres, president; Mrs. J. Garver, vice-president; Mrs. J. A. Replogle, secretary, and Mrs. W. F. Donaldson, treasurer. The Union held four meetings and then adjourned during the hot weather. Smallpox broke out at this time in the town and withal the society was so affected that few meetings have been held since. Mrs. Villars lectuured May 3. Good work, however, it is anticipated will be done.
German Baptists. - This sect
appeared in America in 1719. About twenty families landed in
Philadelphia at this time and settled in various parts of
Pennsylvania. This society is similar to the Friends, in that
they use great plainness of dress, take no oaths and do not go to
war. A member of this church told us that "the Testament is
our discipline," and that their belief is "faith, repentance and
baptism," and that upon this salvation is dependent. They
believe in triune immersion and in observing all the commandments in
the New Testament. The ministers are elected from the
congregation, as are also visiting members or deacons, who attend to
the church matters and make preparation for communion service.
The elders are the heads of the church. There are three
degrees in the ministry, and when a man is to be installed in the
first degree he is brought forward with his wife and installed by
the men with hand and kiss and the wife with the hand to the
minister and hand and kiss to the women. The minister of the
first degree has only the power to preach, while he of the second
degree is installed in the same manner and has power to preach,
baptize and marry. An elder is installed by the laying on of
hands and prayer by other elders, has power to preach, baptize and
marry, and liberty to go where he pleases. An elder, only, can
organize a church. the number of elders of a church varies
according to circumstances. The Lord's supper is commemorated
yearly, is memory of the coming of Christ; and as a commandment at
these meetings, they first have feet washing, then the Lord's supper
of bread and wine. The occasion is a somewhat sociable one,
and not necessarily solemn.
[pg. 465]
[pg. 466] La Place - This town was laid off in 1873, and was named by G. W. Stoner. Before this name was decided upon the place was called indiscriminately Gatewood and Stoner. Eighty acres of land are laid off into town lots in a very attractive section of the township. The ground is rolling and a small stream, Bonnie Brook, runs through the town and into the west branch of the Okaw. In fact the location for the town is as pretty as any spot in the county. La Place is considered a very healthy place. In the year of 881, however, there probably occurred more deaths than in any previous year. The first house on the section upon which the town is located was built about 1860 by Tho. B. Warfield, and is now owned by the Gatewood heirs. The hotel kept by William Eicholtz was the first house built within the limits of the town. The barn was first erected and the family lived init until the hotel building was erected about 1874. Jacob Reedy was the first postmaster of the town, and A. H. Locke is the present postmaster. Dr Pierson was the first physician of the town, and he and Miss Reedy were the first couple married. The town contains about 250 inhabitants, and the business firms number about a dozen. There are a number of good farms in the vicinity. Bonnie Brook farm owned by G. W. Stoner, is especially noted for its stock. The trotting horses are of the Hambletonian, Clay, trotting Normans, and mambrino stock. The introduction of these horses has done very much to advance the grade of horses in the county. Mr. Stoner also keeps a good grade of hogs. Churches - According to Mr. A. S. Hawthorne, the Methodist Episcopal church was organized in the fall of 1874, at the school-house near La Place. Five persons - Henry L. Kuns and wife, William Carter, and A. S. Hawthorn and wife - constituted the membership. La Place circuit was formed at the annual conference of 1876, and W. A. Reynolds was sent as minister. During the revival held by him the membership became eighty-five instead of five. The Methodist Episcopal church was erected in 1877, and dedicated in June by Rev. Barnes. It is Mr. George C. Wagner's opinion that the present Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1873, by Mr. Austin, of
[pg. 467] Milmine or Farnsworth - The town of Farnsworth was laid out by Enos Farnsworth, and surveyed by Mr. C. D. Moore. It received its name in honor of the former person, who owned the town plat, a good deal of land in the vicinity, and who put up the first residence in the town. Mr. Farnsworth sold the whole town plot to Messrs. Geo. Milmine and David Kuns, and made the deed to Emma G. Milmine and Margaret Kuns, their wives. Milmine and Bodman owned the first store which was kept by Mr. E. B. Sprague, now of Bement. The post-office, which is now kept by Hiram Barber, is named Milmine, we suppose in honor of Mr. George Milmine, and of late years the name is used to designate the town more than Farnsworth is. Mr. Kuns own a warehouse and an elevator in the place. Mr. J. O. Sparks has the principal grain office of the town. The town has a population of about 200, contains several business houses, a union church and a fine brick school-building which was built about 1872, and which contains two large rooms. Milmine was the scene of quite a serious railroad accident in the summer of 1882. A freight train ran into another train right at the station. Several cars and the depot building were badly damaged, a number of cattle were killed and several of the train men were so severely injured that they died. Milmine church - The Milmine Christian church was organized in the spring of 1879, and the meetings are held in the union church of the village. At the time of the organization there were fifteen charter members, but before the meeting closed there were fifty-six in membership, and now the number is increased to about ninety-six. The church owns a parsonage in Milmine, a half interest in the Ridge chapel, and the Sangamon church on Willow Branch. Mr. Robert Harris is the first regular minister. John Biebinger and Henry Taylor are deacons, Isaac Peck is clerk, and John Biebinger, Isaac Peck and Mr. B. Middleton are trustees of the parsonage.
Lintner - This is a small
station on the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad.
It was named for William Lintner, of Decatur, who owned some
800 acres of land in the vicinity. It has a postoffice and a
good general merchandise store, and being in the center of a good
farming district, a great deal of grain is shipped from the station. |
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