Genealogy Express

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Welcome to
Sangamon County, Illinois
History & Genealogy

Sangamon County, Illinois

Together with Sketches of its Cities, Villages and Townships, Educational,
Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History; Portraits
of Prominent Persons, and Biographies of
Representative Citizens.
Embracing Accounts of the Pre-Historic Races, Aborigines, Winnebago and
Political and Military History
Publ. Chicago:
Interstate Publishing Company

     With the exception of works on fiction, no class of literature is read more, or more sought after in public libraries, than biography.  There is always a desire to know something about those of whom we have heard; something of the life work of individuals.  In response to this general desire, we give short biographical sketches of many of the leading men and women in this county.  These sketches, for convenience of reference, and to save the necessity of indexing, are arranged in alphabetical order.  Representatives of the Bar are found in connection with the Bar history, pages seventy-six to one hundred and thirty-nine.

PLEASE NOTE:  There are additional names in various sections of this Volume.



Abell, Jeremiah 745
Adair, John M., Capt. 635
Ade, Jacob 933
Alexander, Hiram 834
Alexander, Thomas 828
Alkire, Harmonus 901
Alvey, James Wiliam 957
Anderson, James 786
Anderson, Moses K   815
Anderson, Moses K., Gen. 636
Anthony, Jacob 759
Antle, John, Rev. 1012
Archer, Carroll 887
Archer, William 883
Armstrong, Thomas 637
Asbury, I. M., M. D. 637
Babcock, E. R., Dr. 998
BAILEY, Geo. W. 1013
Bain, Edward C., M. D. 818
Baker, Martin   974
Baker, Martin E. 922
Baker, Orlistus R. 661
Baker, William   874
Baker, William   974
Baker, William B. 637
Ball, J. A. 794
Ball, Japhet A. 1059
Ballard, E. D. 819
Ballou, George A. 638
Bancroft, Benjamin 902
Barbre, William 887
Barger, Adam 939
Barkley, James H. 639
Barnes, Henry C. 979
Barrell, George, Capt. 640
Barry, Michael 902
Barton, David S. 941
BATTERTON, William 1014
Baum, Joseph 638
Baumann, George 638
Beach, Edward P. 640
Bean, Joseph 794
Beard, Henry 743
Beatty, William H. 1029
Beechly, John 759
BEERS, Philo 1021
Beerup, Chas. 855
Bell, Benoni 1062
Bell, James H. 998
Bell, James M. 998
Bell, Melvin 999
Bell, Mifflin E. 640
Benjamin, Sigmund 641
Bergen, George 1023
Bergen, J. G. (portrait) 517
Berry, George K. 1050
Bevans, Thomas F. 965
Black, Charles 1041
Black, George N. 642
Black, James 745
Black, Thomas 745
Black, Thomas 746
Black, Thomas 786
Black, Thomas Sr. 760
Blair, Henry Shreve, Capt. 922
Blakey, John W. 979
Bledsoe, Willis 932
Bliss, John L. 1062
Blue, John 853
Bolinger, George W. 645
Bolte, Henry E. 642
Booth, Alfred 642
Boston, Henry 966
Bowen, Zara 939
Boyd, Archibald 922
Boyd, Jacob 876
Boyd, William H. 876
Boynton, C. S. 819
Bradford, John S. 645
Bradish, C. E. 645
Brawner, William T. 884
Breckenridge, Cleophas 877
Breckenridge, Preston 999
Breckenridge, Preston (portrait) 259
Brent, George 737
Bressmer, John 641
Brewer, William M. 646
Brian, William W. 1030
Bridges, William 802
Brinkerhoff, George M. 641
Britton, Evans E. 646
Broadwell, John B. 815
Brothers, Priest 811
Brown, Charles N. 760
Brown, Henry, Rev.  736
Brown, Henry, Rev.  827
Brown, James 647
Brown, Jesse 941
Brown, Joshua 883
Brown, William G. 866
Brownell, John 787
Brownell, William 760
Browning, Addison M., M.D. 941
Brunk, David 788
Brunk, George 787
Bryan, George 1059
Bryant, Larkin 852
Buck, Fred D. 647
Buck, H. B., M. D.  (portrait) 397
Buck, Horatio Bardwell, M. D. 638
Buck, John 761
Bullard, Reuben 1040
Bullard, Wesley 1041
Bullard, Wm. S. 1041
Bumgarner, Leander M. 1030
Bunn, Jacob 647
Bunn, John W. 647
Burcham, Levi J. 866
Burke, John L. 648
Burlingham, E. P. 648
Burns, John Ridgeway 808
Burns, Robert E. 802
Burtle, William  788
Burtle, William, Esq. 761
Burtle, William, Jr. 788
Butler, Speed, Col. 1062
Butler, Wiliam A. 855
Byers, Elizabeth 649
Caldwell Family 888
Caldwell, Ben. F. (portrait 891
Caldwell, E. D. 889
Caldwell, William 746
Calkins, Alanson S., Elder 761
Calliss, Randolph M. 980
Campbell, Joseph 795
Campbell, Lavinah, Mrs. 827
Campbell, Maxwell 814
Campbell, Peter C. 835
Campbell, Samuel R. 809
Campbell, William K. 980
Campbell, William P. 1030
Canfield, Charles W. 890
Canterbury, John T., Capt. 902
Canterbury, Oliver P. 903
Cantrall, Charles S. 923
CANTRALL, Joseph S. 1014
Cantrall, Joshua 923
Cantrall, Joshua M. 903
Cantrall, Levi 898
Cantrall, Levi 898
Capps, Jabez 987
Capps, John 987
Carlock, Isaac 1012
Carpenter, Samuel 903
Carpenter, William 649
Carpenter, Wm. (portrait) 475
Carson, Wm. P. 942
Carter, Platt S., Sr. 942
Cartwright, Peter (portrait) 601
Cass, Alexander 809
Cass, Ambrose Bowen 809
Cass, Robert 803
Chapin, Wm. J., Rev. 836
Chatterton, George W., Jr. 651
Chatterton, George W., Sr. 651
Chenery, John W. 650
Chenoweth, Maria, Mrs. 1051
Cherry, Benjamin 851
Christiance, Cornelius Everett 957
Churchill, C. S. 855
Clark, Henry P. 1000
Clark, James 980
Clarke, David 1046
Clay, James 877
Claypool, Thomas R. 904
Clelland, George 908
Cline, John 898
Clinkinbeard, John S. 923
Cloyd, David 884
Cloyd, John C. 890
Cloyd, Thomas 1059
Cloyd, Thomas   884
Cloyd, Thomas C. 837
Cochran, Henry E. 651
Coe, Ebenezer 1000
Coe, John C. 1000
Colburn, Ebenezer 943
Colburn, Isaac 943
Colburn, Paul 938
Colburn, Samuel P. 943
Cole, George Evans 1030
Colean, Aaron C. 877
Colean, Joseph H. 878
Coleman, Abigail, Mrs. 1011
Coleman, Louis H. 661
Conant, Sullivan 662
Condell, John S. 651
Constant, George W. 1051
Constant, Isaac 1046
Constant, Jacob 953
Constant, John 803
Constant, John E. 810
Constant, John T. 805
Constant, John T. 809
Constant, Thomas 898
Constant, William F. 1051
Converse, Henry 1023
Conway, William H. 651
Coons, J. E. 966
Cooper, Jacob 862
Cooper, John 862
Cooper, Lewis W. 866
Cooper, Meredith 958
Cooper, Meredith 1046
Cooper, William J. 1000
Cormack, Rivers 875
Council, Hardy F. M. 905
Council, John H. 904
Council, John M. 1042
Council, Wesley 1052
Cowen, Charles 1031
Cowgill, William B. 651
Craig, William 944
Crawford, Alex 898
Crite, V. 1012
Cromley, John 855
Cross, Alvin 746
Cross, Francis Marion 878
Crow, Joshua 816
Crow, Robert 746
Crow, Robert 746
Crow, W. D. 795
Crow, William 813
Crowl, Mary Ann 867
Curry, Thomas J. 1024
Dake, S. 924
Dalby, John W. 1024
Danley, Jesse 1031
Danley, Samuel 851
Darneille, John 827
Davidson, Samuel 981
Davis, Buck 816
Davis, Charles F. 933
Davis, George W., M. D. 652
Davis, Henry R. 981
Davis, John 890
Davis, John 1012
Davis, Kenyon B., M. D. 652
Davis, Moses A. 980
Davis, W. Hope, M. D.  (portrait) 344
Davis, William Hope, M. D. 653
Dawson, Bertrand 958
Dawson, Henry, Jr., 762
Dawson, John 852
Dawson, Robert 1001
Day, Ransom F. & Marion I. 652
De Vares, David A. 654
Deardoff 788
DeCamp, John 653
Delaney, Joseph H. 654
Delay, John 988
Deliguy, John Baptiste 654
Dement, Henry D. 655
Derdoff, Peter 788
Derry, William D. 1001
Deyo, George 1001
Dickerman, Henry, Mr. 654
Dickerson, John S. 1002
Dickerson, Joseph 890
Diller, R. W.  (portrait) 62
Diller, Roland Weaver 655
Dirksen, Anton 657
Divelbiss, Noah 658
Dixon, George 974
Dixon, Joseph 875
Dixon, Joseph 974
Dodds, Gilbert 788
Dodds, Gilbert, Rev. 788
Dodds, Joseph 786
Dodds, Richard N. 657
Doenges, Adam 658
Doerfler, John A. 1024
Donner, George 1022
Donner, Jacob 1022
Dorwin, Harry F. 658
Douglass, William J. 933
Downing, Virgil S. 795
Drennan, David A., M. D. 981
Drennan, James A. 795
Drennan, John T. 795
Drennan, Joseph 787
Dresser, Thos. W., M.D. 659
Duff, Abraham 913
Dulf, William H. 738
Duncan, Clark 741
DUNCAN, Francis M. 1014
DUNCAN, Marion M. 1015
Duncan, Marshal 1011
Dunlap, John Ray 905
Dunn, S. W. 893
Dunnick, Margaret, Mrs. 958
Durbin, Joseph 974
Eagan, Andrew 762
Earnest, Jacob 883
Earnest, Thomas 883
Easley, Daniel 790
Easley, Robert H. 796
Edwards, Benjamin F. 810
Elder, Samuel S. 660
Elliott, John F. 934
Elliott, Temp 659
Ellis, Abner Y. 659
Ellis, Henry 930
Ellis, Jacob 745
Ellis, Mary M. 1053
England, Stephen 897
England, William L. 905
Ennis, John J. 1031
Enos, John R. 810
Enos, William S. 810
Enos, Zimri A. 660
Erwin, Hugh 1042
Evans, Thomas 932
Ewell, Isaac L. 893
Fagan, William 853
Fairchild, Charles 1002
Fairchild, James 662
Faith, Balthus 1015
Faro, Mary 742
Faust, Philip 763
Fawcett, Andrew L. 663
Fay, Bryant 934
Fay, Michael 878
Fayart, Hypolite 663
Feitshans, Fred R. 663
Ferguson, Benjamin H. 664
Ferry, Thomas H. 819
Fisher, Abraham H. 664
Fisher, James 1012
Fisher, Stephen D. 664
Fisk, John Moore 906
Flagg, Cornelius 906
Fletcher, James 745
Fletcher, Job 795
Fletcher, Job, Captain 791
Fletcher, Job, Sen. 787
Fletcher, Job, Sr. 786
Fletcher, John R. 764
Fletcher, John R. 789
Fletcher, Nathan 764
Fleury, Frank 665
Floreville, William 736
Flynn, Wright & Milburn, Robert 815
Ford, Aaron C. 924
Ford, William R. 796
Forden, John M. 665
Foster, Benjamin O. 764
Foster, Ivins 884
Foster, James D. 924
Foster, John 665
Foster, John 893
Foster, Leonard 764
Foutch, John 931
Foutch, Thomas 934
Foutch, Thomas (portrait) 643
Fowler, Mason 873
Franz, B. 665
Freeto, James H. 958
French, C. G. 666
Fry, Thomas 743
Fry, William 741
Fugate, John W. 934
Fullenwider, Henry T. 1042
Fullenwider, Samuel 1042
Fullenwider, William A. 1042
Fullinwider, J. T. 959
Fullinwider, Jacob N. 959
Fullinwider, Jacob N. (Portrait) 951
Fulton, L. W. 966
Funderburk, David 878
Funderburk, Henry 873
Fundermark, David 874
Fundermark, Rape 796
Furlong, James 666
Gaines, Richard 814
Garber, J. A. 765
Gardner, John 913
Garvey, Samuel 953
Garvey, Samuel 959
Garvey, Wm. F. 927
Gates, Henry 765
Gatlin, Henry 745
Gattan, Joseph 981
Gearity, Christopher 907
Gehlman, Ernest F. 666
Gehrmann, Charles A. 667
George, Gustavus B. 741
Gibhart, Sigmund 967
Gibson, James H. 935
Gibson, William 829
Giger, Benjaman 863
Giger, Benjamin A. 867
Gillen, George 1015
Glenn, Mr. 932
Godley, Frank 667
Gold, Sedgwic H. 1031
Good, William H. 668
Goodman, John 1012
Goodman, Tobias 1012
Goodwin, Samuel F. 766
Goram, Robert 739
Gorden, William H. 1016
Gordon, A. M. 766
Gordon, George W. M. 668
Gourley, Albert F. 668
Gragg, Harvey 1043
Gragg, William 1043
Graham, Joshua 1002
Graham, Nathaniel 988
Graves, Bluford, S. 669
Gray, Isaac H. 668
Green, Charles W. 669
Green, Josiah 953
Greenawalt, Jacob 789
Greening, Gershom K. 810
Greening, Thomas A. 803
Greenwood, James W. 837
Gregory, George 915
Gregory, John R. 967
Griffith, Benjamin M., M.D. 670
Griggs, Charlotte, Mrs. 981
Grimsley, William P. 670
Grubb, Amos 856
Gubitz, Edward A. 670
Haggard, John Davis 1032
Hahn, Louis H. 671
Haines, Christopher 874
Haines, James M. 879
Haines, John G. 879
Hale, Albert, Rev. 671
Hale, John 1016
Hall & Herrick 671
Hall, David 954
Hall, David H. 1062
Hall, Elizabeth, Mrs. 913
Hall, Henry 939
Hall, O. P. 960
Hall, W. T. 960
Hamer, A. F., Dr. 868
Hamilton, George Knox 913
Hamilton, R. F. 819
Hamilton, Wilson 815
Harbur, Levi 828
Harbur, Levi & Harbour, Samuel 828
Harlan, E. B., Mrs. 672
Harlan, Silas 829
Harmon, Catharine, Mrs. 931
Harnett, Jonathan 820
Harnly, H. H. 766
Harnsberger, H. M. 820
Harris, Charles 944
Harris, George P. 767
Harris, James M. 944
Harris, James R. 767
Harris, Job F. 787
Harris, William 767
Harrison, Fielding 1011
Harrison, George M., M. D. 821
Harrison, John H. 821
Harrison, Peyton L. 820
Hart, George 967
Hart, Henry M. 768
Hart, John W. 767
Hatcher, William 742
Hatfield, Elizabeth J. 672
Hathaway, Captain 1046
Hawes, William 1059
Hawley, Eliphalet 672
Hay, Charles E. 673
Hayden, William H. 673
Hayes, Joseph W. 822
Haynes, Nicholas 1002
Head, William 743
Headly, James 838
Hedges, Josiah 930
Helmle, Carl Albert 674
Helmle, George H. 674
Helweg, Rudolph 674
Henkle, Elijah 875
Henkle, Jacob 982
Henkle, Justus 974
Henkle, Thomas C. 675
Hensley, Simon 930
Hermon, David H. 789
Hermon, William 797
Herndon, Archer G. 852
Herndon, Archer G., Sr. 852
Herndon, R. F. & Co. 675
Herrin, Wm. F. 960
Herrmann, Charles A. 675
Hewitt, Samuel C., M. D. 839
Hickman, Frank 1053
Hickox, Douglas 676
Hickox, L. James 676
Hicks, Sarah A. 868
Hicks, Wm. B. 1003
Higgins, J. A., M.D. 676
Higgins, William 898
Higgins, William 1059
Hiner, Andrew J. 982
Hockenjos, Fredercik 1024
Hodge, Jonathan 898
Hodgerson, William C. 945
Hoffman, Lewis F. 907
Holt, William 741
Hoppin, Daniel T. 982
Hopwood, Marsden 1016
Hopwood, William 1016
Horning, Frank G. 1003
Hotchkins, O. S. 894
Howard, Patrick 982
Hoyt, Charles L. 679
Huber, Lewis 822
Hudson, Lawrence A. 679
Huggins, John T. 945
Humphrey, Daniel 915
Humphrey, William 768
Humphreys, Charles F. 1003
Hunter, William S. 680
Husband, Wm. H. 769
Hussey, William S. 1053
Hutton, Benjamin F. 769
Ide, Albert L. 680
Iles, Elijah  (portrait) 117
Iles, Elijah F. 1062
Iles, Elljah 681
Ingles, Nathan H. 797
Inslee, Joseph 1059
Irwin, A_ B. (portrait) 779
Irwin, Alexander B. 823
Irwin, B.F. 824
Irwin, James 839
Irwin, Robert 681
Irwin, Robert  (portrait) 301
Irwin, Samuel L. 815
Irwin, William F. 1016
Ives, David S. 682
Ives, Edward R. 681
Ives, John G. 682
Jackson, John E. 737
Jameson, Samuel H. 915
Jarvis, Fields 988
Jayme, William 682
Johnson, Edward S. 682
Johnson, John   1003
Johnson, John E. 737
Johnson, Mary W. 1025
Johnson, Samuel 1004
Johnson, William C., M. D. 983
Johnston, James 927
Jones, Alexander J. 797
Jones, Andrew 879
Jones, Clayborn 815
Jones, Drury 797
Jones, E. 932
Jones, George W. 684
Jones, John A. 683
Jones, John R. 1054
Jones, Jonathan F. 1024
Jones, Joseph 945
Jones, Joseph W. 1024
Jones, Louis A. 742
Jones, Moses A. 769
Jones, Samuel H. 683
Jones, William 1059
Jones, William B. 1024
Jones, William H. 983
Jordan, F. J., M. D. 824
Judkins, Alvin B. 684
Kalb, Andrew H. 1004
Kalb, D. G. 1005
Keller, Ferdinand 967
Keltner, John M. 1017
Kendall, John H., Sr. 927
Kennedy, Charles 685
Kenny, Victor M. 1032
Kerns, Andrew K. 684
Kessler, Benjamin 746
Kessler, Benjamin 770
Kessler, Daniel 745
Kessler, Daniel 745
Kessler, Daniel B. 1032
Kessler, Jacob 770
Keyes, J. W. 133
Keyes, James W. 1025
Killion, Thomas 740
Kimble, Peter F. 685
Kincaid, John R. 880
King, John F., Col. 856
King, Stephen 1054
King, Thomas A. 856
Kinney, Henry 840
Knepler, Peter 935
Knights, Ira S. 1054
Knowles, Wiley, Rev. 770
Knox, Thomas J. 851
Kriegh, Eli 685
Kubisch, Albert Lorenzo 983
Lake, John S. 907
Lamb, Charles H. 798
Lamb, George 798
Lamb, James L. 686
Lamb, James L.  (portrait) 207
Lamb, John C. 686
Lamun, James 868
Landon, Austin 1033
Landon, Horace 771
Lanham, Joseph 771
Lanphier, Chas. H.  (portrait) 233
Lard, Josiah 798
Larrabee, H. W. 771
Latham, Allen, Dr. 685
Latham, James 686
Latham, Philip C. 686
Laughlin, Louis 786
Lawley, Stephen T. 1006
Lawley, William B. 798
Lawrence, Rheuma D. 687
Lawrence, Richard M. 1054
Lawrence, Uriah T. 908
Lawson, William P. 803
Lawton, William W. H. 688
Leaf, Mary Ann 811
Ledlie, Joseph 688
Lee, Maurice 968
Leeder, William F. 689
Leland, Horace S. 703
Lewis, James M. 984
Lewis, Obed 689
Lightfoot, Goodrich 1025
Lindley, Simon 828
Lindley, Simon 828
Lindsay, V. T. 690
Little, Samuel M. 1063
Little, Samuel N. 690
Lock, John 988
Lockridge, John M. 772
Lodsdon, Joseph 788
Logan, Stephen T.  (portrait) 81
Long, Charles H. 690
Loose, G. R.  (portrait) 423
Loose, Isaac, Sr. 928
Loose, Jacob G. 1063
Loose, Joseph I. 690
Lott, George 745
Lowder, Geo. W., Sr. (portait) 1035
Lowder, George Washington 1033
Lowder, William 1033
Lowdermilk, W. W. 772
Lowe, Isaac Newton 841
Lowell, Stephen 863
Lowry, John 946
Luckett, Ellen (Hendricks) 811
Luth, William 772
Lyman, Henry P. 915
Lynn, James 803
Lyon, Harrison D. 1025
Lyon, William H. 811
Magill, Hugh S. 842
Maher, Robert 798
Mallory, Valentine R. 851
Mallory, Valentine R. 852
Mann, Michael 1046
Mann, Uriah 853
Mann, Uriah 859
Marsh, William H. 1026
Marshall, David 880
Martin, David M. 773
Martin, Evans 815
Martin, James M. 880
Martin, John 968
Mason, Noah 692
Mason, Noah D. 843
Matheny, Noah W. 693
Mather, Thomas S., Gen. 693
Mathus, Mahlon K., Dr. 1055
Matthews, Frederick L., M. D. 693
Matthews, John M. 799
Maxcy, James R. 694
Maxcy, S. O. 935
Maxey, Joel 931
Mayer, Frank 1017
Mayhew, William 694
McBurnie, W. S., M. D. 648
McCarton, L. B. 762
McClelland, Robert E. 1055
McClelland, Robert M. 1055
McClernand, J. A.  (portrait) 319
McConnaughy, William S. 1034
McConnell, E. F. (portrait)  753
McConnell, Edward F. 844
McCormick, Ann S., Mrs. 691
McCormick, John 691
McCoy, James 987
McCoy, M. D. (portrait) 993
McCoy, Milton D. 1006
McCoy, Royce 762
McCreery, John 691
McDaniels, Samuel 851
McDannald, Reuben 916
McDevitt, Henry 946
McElvain, Samuel 745
McElvain, William A. 763
McGary, Harrison 851
McGary, Hugh 851
McGinnis, David 931
McGinnis, John 968
McGinnis, Zachary T. 844
McGlothlin, John H. 765
McKinnie, Thomas L. 1026
McKinnie, William P. 1026
McMurphy, Lester 691
McMurray, Logan 916
McRoberts, David 909
McTaggart, Jennette, Mrs. 984
McWherter, Joseph 845
Megredy, Archibald J. 799
Megredy, Enoch 984
Mellin, Nelse J. 695
Meredith, Davis 799
Metcalf, Adam 1043
Michael, Richard 695
Millenger, Samuel 909
Miller, Aaron 1012
Miller, Charles 1056
Miller, Edmond 1008
Miller, Geo. H. 859
Miller, George 1012
Miller, Jacob 828
Miller, Jacob 829
Miller, Jacob 1012
Miller, Jacob C. 868
Miller, John A. 1017
Miller, Mathias 916
Miller, Solomon 1011
Million, Ed. A., M. D. 696
Mills, Chas. F., Col. 695
Milslagle, Andrew 881
Mitts, Carlisle 909
Moffitt, George 789
Mohr, John F., Rev. 968
Moody, Chares & Crabb, James M. 696
Moore, Charles 802
Moore, Henry J. 697
Moore, John C. 773
Morgan, Charles 953
Morgan, G. W., M. D. 697
Morgan, Jacob 960
Morgan, Ralph 815
Morrison, James R. 969
Morse, Robert E. 773
Mosteller, Christopher 1012
Mosteller, Martin S., M. D. 824
Moulton, Alferd W. 1034
Mowry, Lewis A. 824
Mulcahy, Johanna 1017
Munce, Thomas 1043
Myers, Frank 697
Nafew, John A. 698
Nailor, Abner 739
Nave, Henry 909
Neal, Daniel 829
Neal, Fielding M. 845
Neer, James W. H. 868
Nees, Dennis 698
Nelson, William 873
Newhouse, Samuel 815
Nicoles, F. M. 774
Nolan, Michael 910
Norcross, William 774
Norred, William 961
North, Alfred A., Major 698
North, John 863
North, John 869
North, Robert 868
North, Robert (Portrait) 857
Nuckolls, James 746
O'Donnell, Peter P. 657
Ogden, Zachariah 789
Oglesby, Monroe T. 738
Olson, Nelson 1018
O'Neal, Samuel 800
Organ, Micajah 745
Orr, Robert 745
Osburn, James W. 800
Ott, Daniel 1008
Paddock, James H. 699
Parker, Homer D. 1008
Parkerson, James J. 699
Parkinson, Daniel 988
Parkinson, James 894
Parvines, A. F., M. D. 1019
Pasfield, George, III 700
Patteson, Alexander A., M.D. 894
Patton, James 746
Patton, W. D. 775
Paulen, Debold 700
Pearce, Solomon 815
Pease, Abram 787
Penny, Hiram 814
Penny, William 814
Perce, William L. 1056
Peter, Zachariah 1059
Peterson, John W. 740
Pfifer, Michael 916
Pfoffenbach, Conrad 1018
Phillips, Moreau J. 700
Phinny, Warren 846
Pickrell, George A. 1044
Pickrell, Jesse A. 1040
Pietz, Henry 701
Pirkins, Edward 813
Pittman, J. A. W. 701
Plowman, William 1037
Plummer, Nelson H. 961
Plunkett, Robert S. 825
Poffenberger, George W., Sen. 1009
Polely, Joseph 747
Poley, Dawson & Co. 775
Poorman, Isaac D. 1056
Poorman, John M. 1056
Popp, John 880
Post, Charles R. 701
Powell, James L. 701
Power, George 910
Power, George (portrait) 449
Power, Nicholas 895
Power, William D.  (portrait) 99
Prather, Elizabeth 869
Prather, John 1057
Price, J. F., M. D. 702
Price, James Ryan 1057
Price, W. B., M. D. 936
Priest, John W. 702
Proctor, William 1046
Purvine, Alexander 816
Purvine, John 816
Purvines, David Simpson 813
Pyle, Nicholas 747
Pyle, Nicholas 1059
Rames, John O. 702
Rape, Henry 874
Rape, James T. 881
Rape, John 874
Rauch, Andrew 776
Rauch, Charles 775
Rauch, Johan Jacob 747
Rauch, John Jacob 747
Rdgely, William 706
Redmond, Mather 895
Reed, Fred. L. 703
Reed, James Frazier 853
Reed, L. W. 704
Reeves, Mo. O. 704
Reid, Samuel H., Jr. 1026
Reid, Samuel H., Sr. 1026
Reilly, John W., M. D. 705
Reisch, Frank & Brothers 704
Reisch, Frank & Brothers 705
Reisch, Leonad 704
Renshaw, G. M. 825
Reynolds, Joseph 969
Rhea, James 931
Rhea, James 931
Rhea, John 969
Rhea, Thomas F. 969
Rhodes, John T. 705
Rhodes, William H. 1019
Richardson, George B., Col. 860
Richardson, Thomas 860
Richert, Christian 984
Richie, Alexander 786
Richie, John 786
Rickard, Henry W. 917
Rickard, James F. 706
Rickard, Simon P. 1027
Ridgely, Henry 706
Ridgely, Nicholas 706
Ridgeway, Samuel 853
Riggins, William 825
Rippon, John 707
Ritter, George   707
Ritter, George B. 707
Roac, John 746
Robbins, Hiram 862
Roberts, Edward R. 708
Roberts, Jesse 932
Roberts, John 930
Roberts, William 987
Roberts, William H. 1037
Roberts, Wm. P. 928
Robinson, Barton 804
Robinson, Henson 708
Robinson, Henson (portrait) 559
Robinson, James T. 803
Robinson, John 803
Robinson, Stephen M. C. 946
Robinson, William B. 812
Roe, Edward T. 708
Roepper, Charles H. 709
Rogers, Leonard P., M. D. 961
Rogers, Timothy 875
Rokker, Henry W. 709
Rollins, Elias 743
Rosenwald, Samuel 709
Ross, H. B. 870
Ross, Joseph E. 870
Ross, William Riley 870
Rourke, Patrick J. 710
Royal, Thomas 788
Ruth, R. F.  (portrait) 363
Ruth, R. Francis 710
Rutz, Edward 710
Ryan, Father D. J. 776
Sampson, William R. 713
Samuel H. Marshall 692
Sanders, Elisha 974
Sanders, Robert W. 875
Sattley, Robert H., Jr. 1009
Saunders, Asbury H. 713
Saunders, J. R. (portrait) 711
Saunders, Jonathan R.  713
Sayles, James 898
Schferf, Frederick W. 1019
Schoeneman, John 714
Schroyer, William J. 714
Schuck, John H. 714
Scott, Dallas 813
Seifert, G. C. 911
Senniger, George 776
Sharp, George 1020
Shelton, Stephen 884
Shelton, William 987
Shephard, Thomas B. 800
Shepherd, Joseph 1064
Shepherd, Roland 815
Shepherd, Thomas C.   1063
Shepherd, Thomas C. (Portrait) 925
Sherwood, Lyman 714
Shields, Alexander, M. D.  (portrait) 189
Shinkle, John 852
Shinn, James, Rev. 1064
Shoosong, Mr. 815
Shoup, S. N. 800
Shrader, William W. 715
Shutt, Jacob W. 776
Sidener, George P., Jr. 1009
Simmons, Frank 715
Simpson, John 1045
Simpson, Richard 789
Sims, James 787
Sinyard, Abraham 815
Skehan, John 1037
Smith & Brother 716
Smith, Clark M. 716
Smith, David 815
Smith, Dewitt W. 970
Smith, Edwin B. 846
Smith, J. D. 1065
Smith, J. Taylor 716
Smith, James D. 936
Smith, Jerry 898
Smith, Jesse Henderson, Dr. 847
Smith, John 851
Smith, John 1065
Smith, John F. 777
Smith, Joseph S. 970
Smith, Lafayette 717
Smith, Lawson H. 1009
Smith, Philip 862
Smith, Thomas C. 716
Smith, Thomas C. 1009
Smith, William B., M. D. 881
Smorowski, Charles 717
Snively, Ethan A. 717
Snodgrass, Joseph 875
Southwick, Andrew 800
Southwick, Jesse 1059
Southwick, William 1065
Sowell, Thomas 946
Spear, Joseph H. 718
Spengler, Hartman 881
Sperry, Frank M. 734
Spires, John R. 1038
Sprague, Joshua B. 718
Springer, Phil M. 718
Sprinkel, Henry 870
Sprinkel, William P. 871
Stafford, Charles 871
Stafford, Christopher B. 988
Stafford, Jewett 988
Staley, Warfield 719
Starkweather, Daniel H. 985
Starne, Alexander, Hon. 719
Starr, Adam 804
Stebbins, Oscar F. 719
Steiger, William 720
Stelte, Ferdinand 971
Stephens, John P. 971
Sterling, Asa 1010
Stevens, George 739
Stone, Henry S. 1038
Stone, James A. 917
Stork, Henry 720
Stout Family 790
Stout, Elihu 777
Stout, George 1059
Stout, Philemon 801
Stout, Samuel J. 801
Strawbridge, Thomas 1065
Streeter, W. N. 928
Sutton, James C. 720
Swigert, Charles P. 721
Talbot, David 917
Talbot, Thomas 917
Taylor,  Walter 1038
Taylor, Edmond 913
Taylor, Francis 971
Taylor, Geo. W. 872
Taylor, Isaac 1045
Taylor, Isaac J. 1058
Taylor, James 1045
Taylor, James 1058
Taylor, John 787
Taylor, John 1045
Taylor, L. C., M.D. 778
Taylor, Ninian R. 1057
Taylor, William   947
Taylor, William P. 778
Ten Brook, John 778
Thaxton, James H. 911
Thayer, William Powell 847
Thomas, Joseph 745
Thomas, Noah 740
Thompson, Andrew T. 962
Thompson, Josiah M. 962
Thompson, Samuel M. 814
Thompson, Thomas J. 721
Thon, J. V. 972
Ticknor, Louis H. 722
Tisdale, Henry S. 1066
Townsend, Justus 722
Tracey, Frank W. 722
Tracy, Frank W. (portrait) 677
Trapp, Albert H., M. D. 723
Trimble, Geo. 895
Trimble, Wm. H. 896
Trott, J. R., M. D. 778
Troxell, Charlton 723
Trumbo, Harness 1066
Trutter, Joseph 723
Turpin, James M. 947
Turpin, John W. G. 929
Ulrich, Edward R. 723
Underwood, John 932
Valentine, Erminia M. 985
Van Deren, Cyrus W.  848
Van Meter, John R. 911
Vance, Bradley 815
Vancil, Samuel 745
VanDeren, Cyrus W. (portrait) 831
Vandergrift, William T. 912
Vasconcellos, John B. 724
Veal, Madison 742
Vetter, John 724
Vigal, Alfred 882
Vigal, Mathias 874
Vigal, William H. 882
Viney, Abraham 874
Vredenburg, J. S. 724
Wadsworth, Daniel 781
WALKER, Enoch 1020
Walker, George J. 948
Walker, Hiram 725
Walker, Hiram W. 801
Wallace, James & George 746
Wallace, James & George 747
Wallace, John 745
Wallace, William A. 781
Warren, William B., M. D. 937
Warren, William M. 972
Warrick, John & Jacob 988
Washburn, Asa R. 937
Washburne, Arthur E. 948
Waters, Daniel 872
Watson, Charles F. 1027
Watts, Edwin 826
Weaver, Jonathan 882
Weber, George P. 986
Weber, Howard K. 725
Weber, John B. 985
Weber, Philip W. 986
Webster, Robert 725
WELLS, James H. 1020
Wenzel, William C. 725
Wenzler, John 986
West, William M. 781
Westenberger, Gerhard 726
Wheeler, M. S., M.D. 781
Whitcomb, C. L. 1027
White, Edward 745
White, James, Colonel 726
White, Richard 882
Whitecraft, George W. 726
Whitecraft, Silas M. 726
Whitesides, William A. 1010
Whittenmore, Floyd K. 726
Wickersham, Dudley 727
Wickersham, James 727
Wiggins, Noble B. 727
Wigginton, John W. 872
Wilcockson, Hardin, M. D. 948
Wilcox, Henry 929
Wilcox, John 851
Wiley, Frank P. 1066
Willett, Samuel J. 729
Williams, Elias 874
Williams, Elias, Sr. 988
Williams, Henry 728
Williams, John  (portrait) 44
Williams, John, Col. 728
Williams, Samuel  (portrait) 171
Wilms, Fred 729
Wilson, Edwin A. 730
Wilson, Jesse 745
Wilson, John 861
Wilson, Thomas 812
Wineman, Sylvanus J. 782
Withey, George 730
Withrow, Joseph 1059
Wohlgemuth, Henry, M. D. 731
Wohlgemuth, Henry, M. D.  (portrait) 153
Wolf, Christian 732
Wolf, William F. 912
Woltz, John C. 861
Wood, Seneca 730
Wood, William 747
Woods, William 745
Woolsey, Joel B. 782
Workman, Benjamin F. 1039
Workman, Isaac 949
Workman, Peter 949
Workman, William B. 949
Worth, William B. 1039
Wright, James T. 733
Wright, Nehemiah, M. D. 850
Wright, Presco 732
Wright, Thomas 739
Wyatt, James M. 782
Yates, Henry 931
Yates, James H., Lt. 972
Yates, Thomas 937
YOAKUM, George H. 1020
Yoakum, William 1011
Yocum, Jacob 1045
Zahn, Fred H. 733
Zimmer, Peter 918
Zimmerman, Robert B. 733






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