Vermilion County, Illinois

1879 Business Directory

Contributed by Mary Paulius
Aug. 21st, 2006
Akers, Geo. W. Physician and surgeon
Bartges, S. I. Dealer in drugs, cigars wines, etc.
Bartges, Mrs. S. I. Dealer in millinery and fancy goods
Williams, J. A.  Dealer in lumber, hardware, time, etc. etc.
Grundy & Bushnell Dealers in general merchandise, live stock and grain
Peters, Ezra Physician and surgeon; specialty consulting and operating surgeon for diseases of the eye and ear.
Jones Bros. Dealers in groceries and provisions
Payne & Crutchley Dealers in dry-goods and groceries
Tilton, G. W. Dealer in dry-goods and 
Tilton, Samuel R. Dealer in drugs, groceries and millinery goods.
Abdill Bros. Dealers in hardware, stoves, tinware, paints. Etc., 57 Vermilion St.
Abdill, L. B. Bookseller, stationer and music dealer, 55 Vermilion St.
Aetna House W. B. Sherman, Proprietor
Amber Mills D. Gregg, Proprietor
Arkansas and Texas Railway Land Co. 2nd floor, 105 Main St.
Brandy, Wm. Money broker, 41 Vermilion St.
Baldwin, C. V. Dentist, Opera House, Vermilion St.
Bahls, Wm. Dealer in boots and shoes, 166 Main St.
Baum, W. F. Dealer in drugs, fancy goods, etc., North side of square
Beard, John Dealer in groceries, provisions and glassware, corner South and College Sts.
Bever, Peter Manufacturer and dealer in boots, shoes and hides, 73 Main St.
Black & Blackburn Attorneys-in-law, 99 Main St.
Black Bros. Dealers in dry goods and groceries, 109 Main St.
Blankenburg & Bro. Proprietors of the Etna House billiard hall and saloon
Blankenburg, A. Dlr. in watches, clocks and jewelry, 60 Vermilion
Bowers, Samuel Proprietor City Mills
Bowman, Alex. Surveyor and civil engineer, adjoining courthouse, Main st.
Brand, Wm. F. Dealer in millinery notions, 54 Vermilion St.
Brandenberger, Matthias Plain and ornamental painter
Breedhoft Bros. Dealers in groceries and provisions, 153 E. Main St.
Brown, W. A. Physician and surgeon
Burroughs, Eph. Blacksmith
Button, F. W. Manufacturer of steam boilers, office and factory near Wabash depot.
Carnahan, W. M. Dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Mill and Bridge Sts.
Clark, H. H. Physician and surgeon specialties: surgery and diseases of the eye, Gernand's block
Clark, Joshua M. Dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 66 Vermilion St.
Clements, W. A. Dealer in groceries and provisions, 54 Vermilion St.
Coffee & Pollock Successors to H. A. Coffeen, booksellers and stationers, 101 Main St.
Cox, A. J. Proprietor of the Globe Shoeing Shop
Danforth, E. R. & Co. Dealers in groceries and provisions, 36 Vermilion St.
Danville Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works William Stewart, proprietor, office and works at Danville Junction
Danville Lumber and Manufacturing E. A. Leonard, President
Danville Wollen Mills Corner Mill and Madison sets., Riggs & Menig, proprietors
Dickason & English Dealers in grain and railroad timber
Dent & Black Attorneys-at-law, Major Block, cor. Madison and LaSalle Sts., Chicago
Doll, E. J. Manufacturer of pegged and sewed boots, 121 E. Main St.
Donnelly, F. J. Dealers in groceries and provisions
Draper, E. J. Dealers in groceries and provisions
Dudenhofer, Geo. Dealer in cigars and tobacco, 76 Main St.
Dwight, C. R. Dentist, Lincoln Opera House block
Elliott, Thomas J. Dealer in dry-goods and notions, 70 Main St.
Ellsworth Coal Co. A. C. Daniel, Superintendent
Evans, D. D. Attorney-in-law, over First National Bank
Feldkamp, Charles U. Manufacturing confectioner and dealer in fruits and tobacco, Vermilion St.
Fenton, C. B. Dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware
Field, J. E. Merchant tailor, Main Street
First National Bank J. G. English, President
Fithian, Wm. Physician and surgeon, Lincoln Opera House building
Frantz, J. S. Druggist and apothecary, 135 East Main St.
Ganor, M. Dealer in Delphi, white lime, cement, etc., cor. Main and Hazel Sts.
Garland, A. C. Prop. of stone saw-mill and tile factory
Giddings & Patterson Dealers in iron, steel, carriage and wagon stock, corner Main and Franklin Streets
Gilliam, I. N. Physician and surgeon

Gillett, R. W., Physician, Etna Block house

Glindmeier, C. & H. Cooperage and cooper's stock, near Wabash railway depot.
Good & Cowan Dealers in harness and saddles, 38 Vermilion St.
Guy, Asa H. & C. V. Abstracts, courthouse
Hall, J. A. & Son Druggist and pharmacists, 68 Vermilion St.
Hankey & Hooton Dealers in lumber, west end of Main St.
Hacker, C. F. & Bro. Dealers in dry goods and groceries, 141 Main St.
Hawes & Willialms China, Glass and Queensware, 78 Main St.
Henton, C. D. Physician
Hesse, Chas. Contractor and proprietor of the Hesse House
Hill, J. L. Contractor and builder
Holden, John G. Lumber merchant, East side of Hazel, between Main and North
Hollaway, S. B. Proprietor of the Oninibus line, half square north of Etna House
Holton, G. L. Gardner and coal operator, west side of Fork, one mile from courthouse
Hull & Hulce Dealers in agricultural implements and seeds, 125 and 127 Main st.
Irvin, F. G. Druggist, cor. Main and Hazel Sts.
James, L. Contractor and builder
Johns & Giddings Dealers in groceries and queenware, 115 Main St.
Jones, Geo. Wheeler Physician, 26 West North St.
Joslin, A. J. Photographer, 112 Main St.
Kaufmann & Bachrach Manufacturers of Men's and boys clothing
Kahn, H. & Co. Clothiers and gent's furnishers, 51 Vermilion St.
Kamper, Geo. Newsdealers and stationer, rear First National Bank
Kimball, N. A. Undertaker, 59 Main St.
Kimball, H. M. Dealer in groceries and miners supplies, 61 Vermilion St.
Kimbrough, A. H. Physician and surgeon, cor. North and Vermilion Sts.
Kingenspor, Gustav Florist, East end of Main St.
Klugel, G. L. Manufacturer of galvanized iron cornices, West end of Main St.
Kuykendall Bros. & Craig Props. Etna House livery stable
Lawrence, W. R. Attorney-at-Law, Main St., East of courthouse
Leseure, C. F. & C. Dealers in hardware and cutlery, Main St.
Lemon, Theo Physician and surgeon
Leseure O. Homoeopathic physician, Short's block
Leverenz, Carl Dealer in boots and shoes, 69 Vermilion St.
Lewis, J. A. Contractor and bldr.
Lindsey & Kimbrough Attorney's-in-law, over First National Bank
Long, John Proprietor of Long's Gaiety Theatre, 147 Main St.
Lowell, John W. Attorney-at-law, opp. First National Bank
Mabin, G. G. Attorney-at-law, Giddings Block
Mann, Wm. & Co. Dry-goods and carpets, 74 Main St.
Mann, Calhoun & Frazier Attorneys-at-law, 53 Vermilion st.
Maier, Gottlieb Leather, hides and shoe findings, 145 Main St.
Martin, E. B. & Co. Wholesale and retain grocers, 91 Main St.
Martin, A. Abstracts of title and real estate, courthouse
Mater, R. H. Contractor and blddr.
McDonald,  R. D. Attorney-at-law, 82 Main St.
McDonald, M. A. Hardware and cutlery, Main St.
Mengle, John C. Deler in fresh meats, cor. North and Vermilion Sts.
Miller, & Sons Manufacturers of organs, 204 and 206 East Main St.
Miller, X. Saloon and billiard room, 108 Main St.
Moore, Alex. Saloon and billiard hall, Main St., Opp. Courthouse
Morgan, William Physician and surgeon Lincoln Opera building
Moran, CHarles Groceries, provisions and caned goods
Myers & Hess Staple and fancy groceries, 68 Main St.
Oberdorfer, A. Dealer in dry-goods, carpets and oil cloths, Schmitt's block
Outland, James A. Attorney-at-law, First National building
Palmer, L. T. & C. Money loan and note brokers, First National Bank Building
Phillips, J. A. Photographer, 85 Southwest corner square
Pollock, A. A physician and surgeon
Porter, Isaac Dry-goods and notions, Short's block, Main St.
Porter, R. L. Physician and surgeon
Price Bros. Proprietors of livery stable, southwest of Wabash depot.
Raimer, H. Merchant tailor, public square
Rudolph, A. Saloon and restaurant
Schario, J. Dealer in guns, pistols, fishing tackle, etc.
Shipner, Jos. & Son Dealers in groceries and provisions, 67 Vermilion St.
Sieferman, A. Manufacturer and dlr. in cigars, Tremont House, Main St.
Sirpless, J. M. Dealer in groceries and provisions, corner Pine and Madison
Smith & Giddings Props. of the Lustro Mills, and dealers in grain
Stein, John Proprietor of City Brewery
Thompson & Pollard Props. of the Great Western Machine Wks., and manufacturers of portable and stationary steam engines.
Timm, John Dealer in Groceries, College St., bet. South and Main
Tincher, Joe Hats, caps and gent's furnishing goods, Main St.
Tuttle, J. E. Physician and surgeon, Metropolitan block, opposite Clerks office.
Vaughn, D. C. Dealer in and manufacturer of hardwood lumbar
Vermilion Co. Bank William P. Cannon, President
Villars Bros. & Co. Proprietors of the Chicago Store, and dealers in dry-goods, shoes, etc., 53 Vermilion St.
Walsh, Peter Attorneys-at-law, 99 Main St.
Walz, George Manufacturer and dealer in furniture, coffins, etc., opposite the Arlington house
Watson, Bros. Proprietors of the Western Meat Market, and sausage manufacturers, 45 Vermilion St.
Webster, A. G. Dealer in groceries and provisions
White, J. H. Wholesale dealer in fish, oysters, confectioneries, etc. etc., 56 and 58 Vermilion St.
Whitehill, Wm. Carriage and wagon manufacturer.
Bradway, C. F. Dealer in drugs, paints and oils
Dougherty, A. H. Dealer in grain and proprietor of the Fairmount mill
Jack, Reuben Manufacturer of boots and shoes and justice of the peace
Mott, B. F. Physician and surgeon
Ray, Robert B. Physician and surgeon
Rice, W. J. Buyer and shipper of stock
Stalons, Z. Dealer in groceries and provisions
Simpson, Isaac Manufacturer and repairer of wagons
Tilton, Charles Dealer in general merchandise
Wilcox, I. N. Dealer in dry-goods and groceries and grain-buyer
Wilkins, J. M. Physician and surgeon
Alexander, Wm. H. Grocer
Citizens Bank E. Henderson, President; William Henderson, cashier
Cloyd, J. P. Physician
Cook House S. J. Cook, Proprietor
Cowan, W. B. Grocer
Cowan & Cloyd Druggist
Frazier, A. & Son Dealers in general merchandise
Hawes, A. M. Physician
Holloway Dealer in general merchandise
Jumps Bros. Dealer in general merchandise
Leseure, A.  Grocer
Lockett, J. H. Miller
Mendenhall, P. H.  Physician
Mendenhall, W. O'Neall Physician
Morris, Z. Grain dealer
Richie & Thompson Dealers in general merchandise
Shepler, J. D. Miller
Yapp & West Dealers in Hardware, lumber, etc.
Anderson, L. W. Physician and surgeon
Bedell, David & Co. Dealers in general merchandise
Clark, W. R. Dealer in general hardware and agricultural implements.  Main st.
Cunningham, James A. Stockdealer
Dallstream, J. Dealer in manufacturer of boots and shoes, 51 Main st.
Dyer, H. H. Attorney and counselor-in-law
Frankenberger, Henry Dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, etc.
Glaze, Wm. Money loaner and dealer in flaxseed and other grain.
McDowell, A. E. Attorney and counselor-in-law
McFerren, J. S. Banker, correspondents, First National Bank, Chicago, and Geo. Opdyke & Co., New York
Stites, B. F. Cabinet maker and undertaker, N. Market St.
Taylor, R. R.  Dealer in general hardware  
Trego & Jones Dealers in lumber and coal
Wallace, Dale Publisher of the Hoopeston Chronicle and proprietor of job office.
Adams, W. H. Tile manufacturer
Ralston, J. W.  Physician
Allen, Chas. A. Attorney-at-Law
Armstrong, Thos. Manufacturer of drain tile Factory, one half mile west of Rossville.
Davis, Addison M. Justice of the Peace and collecting agent
Davidson, John Justice of the Peace and collecting agent
Demaree, Wm. S. Dealer in agricultural implements, garden seeds, etc. etc.
Gilbert, Elias M. Proprietor of livery and feed stable
Hacker, Wm. M. Manufacturer and dealer in harness, saddles, bridles, etc. etc.
Henderson, W. J. Dlr. In stock, grain, drygoods, clothing boots and shoes, groceries, etc.
Lee & Lamb Dlr in dry-goods clothing, hats and caps, groceries, etc.
Lefever & Cunningham Dlers in general merchandise
Livingood, John R. Physician, offices on Chicago Ave.
Livingood, M. T. Physician and surgeon
McElroy, John J. Physician and surgeon
Milligan, John Grain dealer
Phillips, W. W. Dealer in lumber, lime and coal
Ross, Charley M. Dealer in drugs, medicines, fancy goods and notions
Salmans, G. W. Attorney-at-Law
Shannon, Harry Insurance agent and notary public
Thomas, Wm. M. Manufacturer of drain tile  
Thompson, Louis M. Dealer in live-stock
Williams, R. A. S. Teacher of vocal and instrumental music and piano and organ tuner and agent
Watson, W. & Co. Bankers insurance agents and loaners of money
Vining, Wm. Fruit grower
Bonebrake, Benjamin F. Dealer in general merchandise
Marple, B. F. Dealer in drugs, groceries, schoolbooks, wallpaper, etc.
Duke, John Buyer and shipper of grain
Lockett, J. W. & Bro. General store
Burgoyne, J. H. Brickmaker, kiln two miles northwest of Danville
Campbell, Corydon H. Breeder of blooded horses, short-horn cattle and fine breeds of hogs, six miles northeast of Danville.
Norris, Nathan J. Physician and surgeon, one mile south of twp miles east of Bismark.


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