Allen, Charles
Allen, Mary Winifred
Martin Barger
Chamberlain, Mrs. Viola
Clyden, George W.
Harrington, Sadie Ellen |
Hess, Viola Mae
Petry, Louis
Petry, Mrs. Louis
Thompson, L.M.
Thompson, Mrs. L. M. |

OBITUARY of Martin Barger:
Former Associates and Comrades at the
Home Selected for Pallbearers
"Taps" the last act of a soldier's day, was sounded at the funeral
of Col. Martin Barger, late governor of the National Military home,
as the body of veteran was being lowered into the grave at
Springhill cemetery Monday afternoon.
A firing squad of civil war veterans from the home, standing beside
the open grave, performed this last sad rite, As a flitting closed
to a soldier's career.
A dirge of the band from the National Soldier's Home was played as
the body was being lowered into its last resting place.
The band and the firing squad had gathered at the entrance to
Springhill cemetery to await the cortege, and acted as a Guard of
honor to the burial place. The cemetery gate served as a distinct
demarcation between the civil ceremony For the dead and the military
At the family home
At the home, 212 East Williams street, where the funeral was held at
3 o'clock Monday afternoon there was very Little suggestion of
soldiery, except for the gathering of a large number of the comrades
of Co. Barger.
Rev. George H. Simonson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
was in charge of the service there. In compliance with the wishes of
the family the service was short and simple in every detail.
The pallbearers were selected by officers at the Soldiers Home and
were designed to represent the official, the Comradie and the
civilian portions of the Home. They were as follows: Major Joseph
Zeising, treasurer; William H. Platt, adjutant; Lieut. J. M. Wright,
quartermaster sergeant; Capt. H. B. Durham, commandant of Company A
and barracks; M. B. Moffett, clerk to the adjutant and Henry B.
Caldwell, chief gardener.
Mr. And Mrs. Robert Martin of Chicago, and Mr. And Mrs. Walter L. B.
Barger of Fairmount, W. Va., were among the Relatives called here to
attend the funeral. Samuel Barger, a son, last heard of at High
Point, N. C. Could not Be located in time.
(Omitted information regarding military)
After the war Col. Barger returned to Illinois and settled on a farm
near Bismarck and devoted himself to Agricultural pursuits. Married
three times April 19, 1868 to Miss Mary A Stewart. She died August
17, 1870, leaving One son Walter R. Barger. On Sept 25, 1873
married to Miss Margaret Richie, she died March 30, 1891.
The children born of this union were: Anna M., now wife of Robert
W. Martin, Samuel B, and John W. For his third wife, Whom he
married in 1886 Col. Barger chose Miss Laura Belle Leonard of Blount
township, she bore him one child, Helen B., Now wife of Ira Jones of
this city.
Col. Barger removed from Bismarck to this city in 1881 and took a
position as a clothing salesman for the late Joseph Goldsmith in the
Oak Clothing store at the corner of the public square. He remained
elected circuit clerk And recorder of the county. In 1901. He was
appointed treasurer of the National Home with title of major and In
1909 succeeded the late Gov. Isaac Clements as governor. He retired
from governorship four years ago.

Rev. Minnie
[From the Georgetown Newspaper, Tuesday, February 16, 1965]
[contributed by Cindy McCachern,]
Rev. Minnie Sanders, Georgetown Minister, Passes Away at Home
Maybe it was because she always remembered your name.
Born in the backwoods of West Virginia, left motherless at two and lacking formal education after the age of 15,
Minnie seemed indeed an unlikely prospect for doing great work for the Master, However, when she was converted,
she knew that she had to preach.
She had come to Georgetown in 1911 to care for a sister who was ill. She stayed on here and married Lawrence Hollingsworth.
Now she was a married woman, not very well educated and she would attempt to preach in an age when women preachers
were looked down on and considered fanatics. Three years later, when she presented herself to the authorities at
Presbytery and asked for license to preach, a man in the congregation audibly sniffed: "Ain't that pitiful?"
Minnie was called a short time later to West York, Illinois to preach one sermon in the absence of the regular
minister. She was to be the recipient of a "free-will" offering which turned out to be fifty cents. When
the services were over, a church member took her in his buggy to the station to catch a train back to Georgetown.
The good Deacon never inquired about her financial state and the fare home was $2.00. Minnie had only .50 cents.
She walked back and forth on the platform in the dark balmy Sunday night and wondered what to do. Finally, as she
heard the whistle, she decided that she'd ask the conductor to take her as far as the 50 cents would let her ride
and she'd walk the track the rest of the way home.
As the train steamed to a stop, she heard a man come whistling around the corner of the station. "Minnie,"
he said, "I have some tithe money that I got to thinking maybe you could use," and he pressed $2.00 into
her hand.
When she arrived at home the night was deep and the chill air had settled down--but she was locked out. Women preachers
were frowned upon--and home was no exception. Two hounddogs were members of the family, so Minnie aroused them
and took them to the wood shed where she lay down between the two of them for warmth and slept until morning. Not
allowed to have light on after a certain time of the evening, she spent many hours by the window reading her Bible
by moonlight.
It wasn't long until people found that this odd woman-preacher would go anywhere at anytime to help people (a cup
of cold water). More and more she was called upon to officiate at funerals. She passed the 5000 mark in funerals
some time ago. Of weddings, she lost track after 3500.
Once, in a deep February snow, the grave-digger had cleared only a small place in the snow around the burial site,
with a tiny space at the head of the casket for the preacher to stand. A pall-bearer, who didn't like women preachers
and who had been fortifying himself for sometime with alcohold, guided the others of his party to swing the casket
around in such a manner as to knock Minnie over backward into the mound of snow.
Such indignities hurt but never swerved her from her purpose of serving mankind, whom she considered essentially
good. Called upon once to preside at the funeral of a young girl suicide, she was much criticized by members of
the girl's faith who would not permit the girl to be buried in their cemetery because of the questionable circumstances
of her death. Bearing the outside of criticism with courtly dignity, Minnie walked up the steps of her own church
to be met by a woman member who demanded "What are you going to preach about "that" girl?"
Stung by this Phariseeical judgement, Minnie replied: "I will neither preach her to high Heaven nor consign
her to the lower regions. She is in the hand of God. I'll just preach to sinners like you!" Whereupon she
took her text from Jesus' own words "Neither do I condemn thee--go thou, and sin no more!"
Reflecting the love that she preached about, Minnie recognized neither social classes nor color lines. Many times
she was called upon to preach in the local churches which are comprised totally of Negro people. Despite the fact
that she was reared south of the Mason-Dixon, she fellowshipped with all Christian people regardless of their race
or color.
There was always a depth to her sermons which were flavored with homespun but deadly accurate observations. "A
Christian," she would say, "just can't run with the hounds." Or, refusing at any point to rest on
her laurels she would exclaim: "You wash your face today and again tomorrow." Her sermons were apt to
be unorthodox but pithy. She preached a funeral service using the example of Elijah's miracle in making the ax
float and then stood behind the pulpit of her own church and left an indelible memory with her listeners on the
subject of "More than Much," the story of the Widow's Mite. After this she was "as empty as an old
tin bucket which has been turned over and drained dry."
"For them that honor me I will honour." (I Sam. 2:30).
In spite of the indignities and troubles, life was not all difficult. Widowed in 1942, Minnie was married again,
this time to Russell Sanders in 1947. In 1961 she received a gold plaque from the Alumni Association of Georgetown
High School for "Distinguished service to the community." This plaque has occupied an honored place in
her living-room from the day she received it.
So universally loved was she that while in Carle Clinic a nurse was one day moved to ask "Why would an old
woman like that receive so many baskets of mail?" That mail came from people like the young man who had, 4
years before, called her from a tavern to tell her that he was going to take his life. Hastily calling a friend
to take her to the place (she could not drive an automobile) she found the young man and after talking to him for
a long time, he committed himself to psychiatric treatment and today he lives happily--free from such mental compulsions
as self-destruction.
In spite of the honors, Minnie never lost her humility. A short time ago, the local funeral director who has worked
with her countless times, asked her in jest: "Do you think you've done any good in this world, Minnie?"
She answered in all seriousness, "Just a smatterin', Raymon, "Just a smatterin."
The secret of her all-encompassing personality was locked in one word--"Love".
When she announced to her church that she would have to have surgery for a malignant condition, she called her
people around the altar and prayed a prayer of commital to the will of God. She then asked for the recitation of
this poem which summed up her philosophy of life and gave her last instructions to her people:
When I'm through with this Old Clay House of mine
When no more guide-lights through its windows shine
Just box it up and lay it away
With the other clay houses of yesterday.
And with it, my friends, do try, if you can
To bury the wrong since first I began.
Just look in this house, very deep and forget
For I want to be square and out of your debt.
When I meet the Grand Architect, Supreme,
Face to face, I want to be clean.
Of course, I know its too late to men
A badly--built house when you come to the end.
But to you who are building--just look over mine
Then make your alterations
While yet there is time.
Just study this house--no tears should be shed.
Its like any clay house when the tenant has fled.
Don't midunderstand me--this old world's Divine
With love, birds and flowers
And glorious sunshine.
Its a wonderful place and a wonderful plan
And a wonderful, wonderful gift to man.
But somehow, we feel, when the cycle's complete
There are dear ones across that we're anxious to meet.
So open the books and check up the past.
No more forced balances, this is the last.
Each item is checked. Each page must be clean.
Thats the passport we carry
To the Builder Supreme.
So when I am through with this old house of clay
Just lock it up tightly and lay it away.
For the Builder has promised, when this house is spent
To have one all ready with the timber I sent.
You ask what material is best to select?
'Twas told you long since by the Great Architect.
"A new commandment I give unto you
That ye love one another as I have loved you."
So the finest material to send up above
Is clear, straight-grained timber
of Brotherly Love.
Survivors are her husband, Russell Sanders; three step-daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth
Patten of New Port Richey, Fla.; Mrs. Mary Jane Bishop of Kansas, Ill., and Mrs. Hazel Hegedus of Westville, Ill.;
a half-sister, Mrs. Edna Lewis of Indianaola; three half-brothers, Fred James of Daniels, W. Va., Preston James
of Robson, W. Va., and Leonard James of Liberty, W. Va.; four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Two
sisters and four brothers preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held at the Georgetown Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Stanton Lawyer of Charleston officiating
assisted by the Rev. Roy McMahon of Potomac. Ministers of Foster Presbytery served as honorary pall-bearers. Interment
was in the Forest Park Cemetery, Georgetown, with the Houghton Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Robert L.
Robert L. McCrory, 49, 513 W. Lincoln, Hoopeston, died Thursday, July 30, at 9:42
a.m. at Lake View Memorial Hospital, Danville, where he had been a patient since June 1. Funeral services were
conducted Saturday, 1:30 p.m. at the First Christian Church in Hoopeston with Rev. Harry Elwood officiating. Full
military services were conducted by the Buddy Egnew V.F. W. Post 4826. Burial was in Floral Hill Cemetery.
He was born Nov. 23, 1920 near West York, Ill., the son of Harris and Zelpha Clements McCrory. He married Frances
Brown, Oct. 8, 1942 in St. Louis, Mo. She survives. Also surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Michael (Suzanne)
Lawson, Mrs. Barbara Kilgro, Alice Marie and one son Bobby at home; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Crabtree, West Union,
Mrs. Velda Griffith, Hutsonville, Mrs. Myrtle Beabout, Robinson, Mrs. Doris Dolson, Charleston; two brothers, Chancey,
Clay City, Jim, Robinson; and four granddaughters.
He was a member of the Mt. Olive Baptist Chruch of West York; North Fork Conservation Club; Moose Lodge No. 1227;
American Legion No. 384; and Buddy Egnew V. F. W. Post No. 4826. He was also a veteran of W. W. II serving from
Sept. 5, 1942 to Nov. 25, 1945. He was employed by the American Can Company for 28 years and was supervisor of
He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother.
Card of Thanks ..... The family of Robert L. McCrory wishes to express their thanks for prayers, floral offerings,
cards and words of comfort during the illness and death of their loved one.
(Contributed by Cindy McCachern,

Winifred Allen
Hoopeston, Illinois
Thursday – 20 Oct. 1960
Contributed by Mary Paulius
Former Hoopeston Resident's Wife Dies
Mrs. L. V. Petry
received word Wednesday afternoon of the death of her sister-in-law.
Mrs. Winifred Hess Allen, wife of John N. Allen, one of Hoopeston’s
well know native sons. She had been in ill health for several months.
Funeral services will be held at the Funeral Home at 11
a.m. Friday with burial in Floral Hill Cemetery. Services will be
conducted by Mrs. Allen’s pastor, the Rev. Father Waltemede,
Episcopalian minister of LaGrange.
Mrs. Allen passed away about 1 p.m. Wednesday in LaGrange,
IL, where she and her husband have lived since leaving Hoopeston about
two years ago.
Mrs. Allen, who was born in Danville, is survived by her
husband and two daughters, Mary, wife of James W. Riley, Peoria and
Emily, wife of I. R. Jones, LaGrange, and by four grandchildren. Her
parents preceded her in death.
The body is being returned to Hoopeston and will be taken
to the Hamilton Funeral Home, where friends may call from 7-9 p.m.
The Allens also formerly lived in Danville and were well
known both in Danville and Hoopeston |

Charles A.
Chronicle Herald
Wednesday, June 3, 1925
Dean of Vermilion County Law Fraternity and Widely known in Political
Circles Throughout State—Pall of Sorrow Spreads over Hoopeston at News
of Sudden Demise – Members of Family all at Bedside When Eyes of Loved
Resident Close in Sleep of Death
Hon. Charles A. Allen,
native-born citizen and dean of the law fraternity of Vermilion
County, Hoopeston’s most distinguished citizen and widely known in
political circles throughout the entire state of Illinois, died at
9:55 o’clock this forenoon at his residence, 859 East Washington
Street, following a brief illness.
Mr. Allen was suddenly
stricken with what is believed to have been uremia poisoning about 3
o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Earlier in the day he had been feeling
quite well, although his health has been poor for some years, due to
chronic asthma, yet the attack came so sudden that he lost
consciousness, and he remained in this state throughout the day and
most of Monday. He failed to rally from the attack and from the
moment he was taken ill he only regained consciousness at brief
intervals, one of these intervals coming a short time before his
death, when he recognized the loved ones gathered at his bedside
waiting for the end which was appeared inevitable.
The tidings of Mr. Allen’s
death spread rapidly throughout the city, and on all sides were heard
expressions of regret and among his more intimate friends genuine
grief was manifested over the passing of this one man, who was loved
and venerated by practically all the citizens of Hoopeston.
The passing from this life of Mr.
Allen was quiet and peaceful and all the members of his family
were at his bedside when he closed his eyes in the sleep of eternity.
The shock caused by the
death of Hoopeston’s venerable lawyer and citizen was all the more
depressing owing to the fact that only a few short days have elapsed
since he was in our midst, and there was no warning that the reaper
would so soon claim him. Just a few days ago his kindly smile and
cheerfulness radiated upon those who had occasion to meet him, and all
who came in contact with him in his last days of life, are feeling
more keenly their bereavement caused by his death.
No definite arrangements
for the funeral have yet been made. The hour and date will be
announced later, pending receipt of word from Mr. Allen’s
sister, Mrs. Klide Koerner, of Los Angeles, California. In all
probability the funeral will be held Friday afternoon at the family
residence on east Washington Street, conducted by the Rev. C. H.
Young, pastor of the M. E. Church, of which Mr. Allen was a
lifelong member. The Masonic lodge and other fraternal organizations
with which he was affiliated will probably participate in the
obsequies. In the meantime the body will lie in state at the family
residence until the funeral hour.
The name of Charles A.
Allen has for years figured conspicuously upon the pages of the
legislative history of Illinois. An enumeration of the men of the
passing generation who had won honor and public recognition for
themselves and at the same time have honored the state to which they
belong would be incomplete were there failure to make prominent
reference to the one whose life story is here narrated. For eighteen
years Mr. Allen had been a member of the state legislature and had
ever manifested a deep interest in those questions which are to the
statesman and the man of affairs of vital importance to the
commonwealth and to the nation. While undoubtedly he had not been
without that personal ambition which is the spur of energy and without
which little would be accomplished in life, his patriotic attachment
to his country was even greater and he had ever placed the country’s
good before self aggrandizement. Thus, over the record of his public
career there had never had never fallen a shadow of wrong and while he
had awakened envy and criticism such as always comes to the men who
figure prominently before the public the citizens of Hoopeston and
Vermilion county who knew Mr. Allen best had ever manifested
their confidence in his worth and work by repeatedly electing him to
represent them in the council chamber of the state.
Mr. Allen was born in
Danville on July 26, 1851. His father William I. Allen was a
native of Ohio, and a farmer by occupation. Coming to Illinois he
entered land at Hoopeston, having three thousand acres, and upon this
farm took up his abode. Later he became interested in banking and at
the time of the “wildcat” currency his financial affairs became
involved and he lost all that he had made. By profession he was a
lawyer and at an early age he practiced in Danville at the time when
Abraham Lincoln was also often seen in the courts of the city.
He married Miss Emily Newell, a daughter of James Newell,
a prominent early settler of Newell Township, Vermilion County, who
aided in lay the foundation for the progress and development in this
portion of the state. Her father died at an advanced age and was laid
to rest in Grove Cemetery in the town of Newell, in 1846.
Charles A. Allen
was reared upon a farm in Ross Township, Vermilion County and pursued
his education in the common schools of that township. He afterward
engaged in teaching school and in this way provided the money
necessary to defray the expenses of a college education. Determining
to make the practice of law his life work he began reading with this
end in view and later enter eth State University of Michigan, at Ann
Arbor as a student of the law department graduating in the spring of
1875 and that same year he was admitted to the bar. He gained
distinction as a lawyer because of his comprehensive knowledge of
jurisprudence, his careful preparation of cases and his thorough
understanding of technicalities as well as the equity of the suit with
which he connected. It is a noticeable fact that lawyers are more
prominently before the public in connection with official service than
any other class of men. The reason for this is obvious, because the
training which fits them for the practice of law also prepares them
for duties which lie outside the strict path of their profession.
They are apt to look upon a question from many standpoints, to view
judiciously every matter that comes up before them for settlement and
to give a more than fair and unbiased judgment than is often rendered
by men in other walks of life. The native talent and ability of Mr.
Allen won for him the attention of his fellow men and in 1884
he was called upon to represent his district in the state legislature
of the state of Illinois, where he served continuously, covering a
period of eighteen years. His name figured conspicuously and
prominently upon the legislative record and he had been the promoter
of many measures which have found their way to the statue books of
this state. He was a fearless champion of whatever course he believed
to be right and his loyal defense of his honest convictions was one of
the strong elements of his success in political circles. Perhaps his
name came into more general prominence in connection with what is
known as the Allen bill which he promoted giving to the city
councils and boards of supervisors the right of granting franchises
not exceeding fifty years. The bill which Mr. Allen promoted
and fathered was carried by both houses and was signed by the
governor, but was repealed with the next session of the legislature,
Mr. Allen being the only man who voted against the repeal
Vermilion County profited largely by his efforts in its behalf and
upon the floor of the house Mr. Allen was known as an active
working member deeply interested in his party’s success, but placing a
general good before personal partisanship. In 1878 was celebrated the
marriage of Charles A. Allen and Miss Mary T, Thompson a
daughter of L. M. Thompson, of Rossville, and they now have
three children; John Newell and Lawrence T., both of whom are
law students the latter serving one term as county judge of Vermilion
county and is at present Assistant United States district attorney,
and Ester Mary Petry, all whom survive the husband and father.
He is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mary Van Brunt,
who lives at St. Lawrence, South Dakota; Miss Emily N. Allen,
of Atkinson, Nebraska and Mrs. Klide Coerner of Los
Angeles, California.
From 1875 until 1881 Mr.
Allen practiced law at Rossville and then came to Hoopeston
where he had since lived. Mr. Allen was a valued member of the
Masonic Fraternity, the Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of
America. He was generous and a liberal contributor to the churches
and worth institutions, and the poor and needy found in him a warm
friend. During campaigns he did effective work in the interest of the
Republican Party upon the stump and was an orator of ability, a ready
fluent, logical and convincing speaker. While Mr. Allen was
one of the most prosperous and distinguished citizens of Vermilion
County, he deserves to be classed among the honored men who have
achieved their own advancement. His education was acquired as the
result of his own labors and his prominence came to him in direct
recognition of his merit, ability and earnest purpose. Viewed in a
personal light Charles A. Allen was a strong man of excellent
judgment fair in his views and highly honorable in his relations with
his fellow men. His integrity stood as an unquestioned fact in his
career. His life had been manly, his actions sincere, his manner
unaffected and his example is well worthy of emulation.
the legal fraternity of , Vermilion county Mr. Allen stood at
the very head and his home city – Hoopeston – he was beloved by
citizens of walks of life. He loved Hoopeston and Hoopeston loved him
and although limited in their efforts to do him honor nevertheless in
an effort to show their high regard for him he was chosen police judge
of this city by the people, serving a little more than two years in
that capacity.
A Tribute
His sun has set and Hoopeston no more will know the
kindly-hearted Christian gentleman it has honored, revered and
respected under the name of Hon. Chas A. Allen. But with
him down into the valley of the shadow goes the admiration and
love of the entire city that will every keep his memory green in
the hearts of those who numbered him among their friends.
Tender and loving hands will in a few days bear him to his last
resting place in the Illinois soil he loved so well and it is
not until then perhaps, that Hoopeston will come to appreciation
of the worth of the man the city has lost through death’s hand.
One of Hoopeston’s greatest men has passed and although the
years yet unborn may bring others who will win the full measure
of honor that was his, there never can be produced another son
of Hoopeston who can take his place. Illinois’ history bears
his name on its pages and this date – the hour of his death –
will be recorded there. While Hoopeston morns under the pall of
sorrow the news of death has spread, there remains his family,
whose loss as citizens of Hoopeston is double. The have lost
not only a civic leader, as has the rest of Hoopeston, but a
father, or near and dear relative. To these in their hour of
sorrow the Chronicle-Herald and the entire city extend their
deepest sympathy |
(Contributed by Mary Paulius)

Funeral services for
Mrs. Louis V. Petry
will be conducted a: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday at Wood funeral home, with the
Rev. Vern W. Butler, Park Forest, officiating. Burial will Be at Floral
Hill cemetery. Visitation will be from 7:30 p.m. To 8:30 p.m. Tonight
at the Funeral home.
Mrs. Petry died Monday morning at Hoopeston Community Memorial Hospital.
Born Oct. 20, 1897, she was the daughter of Charles A. And Mary
(Thompson) Allen. On April 4, 1919, she married Louis Petry, who
survives. She was a member of the Unitarian Universalist church.
Surviving are the husband, three daughter, Mrs. Galen Seller, Breen Way,
Wis., Mrs. Keith McHenry, Jr. Park Forest; Mrs. Robert W. Gibson, Winter
Park, Fla. And nine Grandchildren. Two brothers are deceased.
C. H. Tuesday, October 31,
Funeral for
Louis Petry
Graveside services were
held Monday at Floral Hill Cemetery for Louis Petry, who died
June 9, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Vicar Robert W. Gibson of St. James
Church of the Guatemala City., and son-in-law of the deceased
Pallbearers were George Petry, Larry Petry, Elmer Erickson, Ed Trego,
Lou Seller,
Robert Petry, John McHenry and Bill McHenry, Wood Funeral Home was in
Charge of
The arrangements.
C.H. June 14, 1977

Rites to
Be Held Tuesday
Funeral services will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 3:30 at the Hamilton Funeral Home For
Mrs. Viola Mae Hess, mother of Mrs.
John Allen, who died at the Lake View hospital In Danville
Sunday evening. Rev. Edson Sheppard minister of the Episcopal
Holy Trinity Church in Danville will officiate. The body will
lie in state at the funeral home until After the services.
She was born on March 8, 1869 at Milford.
She made her home with her daughter, Mrs. John Allen for the
past several years. She was a member of the Episcopal Holy
Trinity church in Danville.
Preceding her in death were her husband, parents and one
Surviving are: one daughter, Mrs. John Allen, of Hoopeston: two
grandchildren and Two great grandchildren.
(Submitted by Mary Paulius)

Chronicle Herald
21 December 1942
Mrs Hon. Chas. Allen’s mother; Mrs. L. M. Thompson,
age about 60 years,
Died at her home in Rossville at six o’clock Tuesday evening.
She had been
Sick about two years. Funeral services will be held today at 11
(Submitted by Mary Paulius)

Hoopeston Chronicle 6 Mar 1890
Grim Reaper Claims Pioneer of
Vermilion County this morning
Colorful Career of Worthy Citizen Terminates
With Acute Attack of Chronic Illness.
Immediate Family at Bedside
Hon. Chas. A. Allen 73, died in
his home, 859 East Washington St., here at 9:55 this morning.
Death followed closely a
Severe attack by chronic ailments with Which the deceased had
been intermittently affected for many years.
Members of his immediate family, not unexpectedly hastily
summoned, were with him during the lapsing hours of life.
As life took its passage a few minutes before 10 o'clock this
morning from the body of Hon. Charles A. Allen, The final
chapter was recorded in a route which destiny had directed
should mark the career of a man who called, and madeHoopeston,
his home. No great heights of national fame had been his - but
a sphere of domination in civic and Political life had extended
itself perforce the power of a brain which directed its
experience and talents until all Illinois and even the people of
other states full well realize its momentum. He made his mark
in the world and had gone On to face the great Beckoner of
earthly achievement.
"Charlie" Allen-Judge Allen- a practicing attorney
throughout, his natural life and during the 34 years he served
as an assemblyman, in the Illinois legislature and during which
time he gained renown as author of the famous "Allen bill" which
related to Chicago's traction system-carried in his appearance
and genial mannerisms that spirit of friendliness for which he
was noted whatever travels directed him, even to a few days
before illness compelled him to take to his bed for the last
This man who answered the final call of the Grim
Reaper today, while since 1908 out of the state legislature in
which he had served contentiously since 1891, was actively
engaged in the pursuit of his profession as an attorney. Death
overtook him as he served as Hoopeston's police magistrate in
the Wildon building. Elected in 1922 he had another year to
Public expression opines he served the people of his community
well-in his official capacity as well as in private and
commercial life.
Charles A. Allen, Born July 26, 1851, in Danville, Ill., the son
of Mr. And Mrs. Wm. I. Allen age at death 73 years, 10Months and
seven days. The father was a native of Plain City, Madison
County, Ohio who devoted his life to farming. It was he,
according to historical data available who sold the land, or
most of it, upon which the city of Hoopeston is Now located to
Thos. Hoopes, to whom the credit for that fact is due.
Hoopeston Evening Times 3-June 1925

M. Thompson Funeral
The funeral of the late L. M. Thompson last Friday morning
was largely attended by friends Of the family and men and women
who had been associated with Mr. Thompson for years and who
Expressed in that way the respect in which he had been held for
the general public. Mr. Lugg Officiated and paid a graceful
tribute to the many good qualities of the deceased and said the
Comforting words that assure eternal life in the world to come
to those who lived the Christian life in this world. The
pallbearers were the five sons-in-law and one son of Mr.
Thompson. The funeral party went to Danville on the noon train
and Interment took place In Springhill. A quartet composed of
Mr. And Mrs. P. M. Warner, Mrs. F. M. Mason and J. W. Mckown
rendered two hymns and a trio of grandsons, Lawrence and John
Allen and Lewis Green sang “Lead Kindly Light.” Rev. K. Lugg
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church conducted the service.
The following obituary was read.
Lewis Milton Thompson, son of Jane and Esher Payne Thompson was
born in Dearborn County, Ind., May 31, 1829, and died in
Rossville, Ill. April 2, 1913. When a small child his parents
moved To Vermilion County near Catlin, Ill., where his early
life was spent. On August 17, 1848 Mr. Thompson was married to
Judith Ann Burroughs and came to the old homestead east of
Rossville Where they lived until 1873. The remainder of his
life was spent in Rossville. The wife and Mother died March 4,
1890. Mr. Thompson was the father of six children all of whom
survive Him are present.
On June 18, 1891, Mr. Thompson was married to Mrs. Belle Rales,
who survives him and who has Tenderly cared for him in his
declining years. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Harriet McElroy
of Decatur.
The following additional facts are also of interest: The names
of the children are Viola, Wife of Prof. W. H. Chamberlain of
Chicago, Mary wife of Hon. Charles A. Allen of Hoopeston, Judge
John G. Thompson of Danville, Esther wife of Alonza P. Green of
Attica, Ind., Lena wife of Arch E. Ray of Madison, Wis., and
Hattie wife of James Morrow of Danville.
In addition to these Mr. Thompson gave fatherly training and
council in C. I. (Roy) and J. F. (Woodie) Bales. The former
lives in Danville and attended the funeral but the latter whose
home is in Spring Butte, N. Dakota was prevented by reason of
long distance.

Rossville Press 10-April 1913
Early Resident of Rossville Dies in Chicago A former Rossville
resident, Mrs. Viola Chamberlain, 83, died in
Woodlawn hospital, Chicago, Wednesday March 8, 1939.
Mrs. Chamberlain had been a resident of Chicago since 1850
and was the widow of William H. Chamberlain who died about 17
years ago.
She was the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. I. M. Thompson, pioneer
residents of Vermilion County, and was born in Rossville,
November 18, 1855. Her husband was a prominent Educator and in
the 80’s was principal of the Catlin and later the Rossville
High school.
Following their marriage in 1888 Mr. And Mrs. Chamberlain
moved to Joliet where he was Superintendent of the school. In
1890 they moved to Chicago where he continued his work in
A daughter, Minnie Chamberlain lives in Chicago. Two sisters,
Mrs. Lena Bay, Attica, Ind., and Mrs. Harriett Morrow, Chicago
also survive.
Funeral services were held in Chicago Friday morning and the
body brought to Danville for interment in Springhill Cemetery.
Short services were held at the grave at 2:30 p.m. Friday.
Mrs. Chamberlain was a school girl friend of Mrs., Margaret
A. Mann.
Source: Commercial Danville
Dated July 25, 1903
(Contributed by Mary Paulius)
George W. Clyden struck by special train
George W. Clyden, residing in the Bethel neighborhood, just this
side of Alvin, was struck by the special train carrying Colonel
Oglesby to Danville Sunday (July 23, 1903) and instantly
killed. The accident happened about 9 am. About 1 half mile south of
West Newell. Clyden and Jasper Goins were
trying to board a north bound freight train. They were on the south
bound line and did not see the approaching train. Goins
happened to step out of the way, but Clyden was struck
squarely and instantly killed. The deceased was about fifty years of
age and had resided in the Bethel neighborhood the greater part of
his life. HE leaves a wife and six children, as follows: James
Clyden, Mrs. Clara Lewin, Mrs.
Nettie Crose, and three small sons. The funeral took
place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services being held in the
Bethel Church by Elder Stanley of this city. The
remains were interred in the cemetery nearby. |
Found in N. A. R. D. Volume 23, Issue 19 - Page 830
Jacob S. Frantz, for more than thirty-five years identified
with the drug business of Danville, Ill., both retail and wholesale,
died January 27th, at Jacksonville, where he was undergoing
treatment at a sanitarium. Mr. Frantz was a native of
Elderton, Armstrong county, Pa., and was born there November 8,
1840. He came west alone in 1868 and settled in the town of Sidney,
Ill. His success in Illinois brought other members of the family
west in later years. Mr. Frantz was united in marriage
at Sidney in1867 to Miss Belle Bocock, and in 1877 went to
Danville and Opened a small drug store on Main street. During his
business career in Danville he bought and sold and traded many drug
stores, and often said that he made more money in establishing and
building up stores and then disposing of them, than he did in his
regular business. News of the death of Mr. Frantz was
received in Danville with much sadness by his many friends. Mr.
Frantz is survived by his widow, who was too ill to go to him
before his death, a daughter, Mrs. Ross Werts, West Fairchild
street, and a son, Elmer Frantz, who is in business in
Epperson, Wash. |