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Warren County, Illinois
History & Genealogy


Early days in Greenbush:
with biographical sketches of the old settlers
by William L. Snapp
Springfield, Ill.:  H. W. Rokker Co., Printers and Binders


Source: Early days in Greenbush: with biographical sketches of the old settlers by William L. Snapp - Springfield, Ill.:  H. W. Rokker Co., Printers and Binders - Publ. 1905 -  Page 108


JOHN C. BOND was born in Knox county, Tennessee, Dec. 25, 1799.  He was married to Miss Polly Grimsley in 1818.  To them were born five children, namely:
     Susanna, who was born Aug. 10, 1819; married Walter Johnson, Nov. 25, 1836.  this was the second marriage in Greenbush township.  The ceremony was performed by Moses T. Hand, justice of the peace.  Walter Johnson died Dec. 13, 1876.  Susanna died at the residence of her daughter Arvie Cayton in Youngstown, Illinois, Dec. 26, 1902.
     William G., born April, 1823; married Mrs. Elizabeth Henry, Jan. 25, 1844.  She died Dec. 22, 1864, at the age of 45 years.
     William G. Bond enlisted in the army in the war for the union in 1862; in August of that year was mustered in as captain of Co. H., 83rd regiment Illinois Infantry; and was promoted in 1863 to the office of major, which often he held until he was mustered out in 1865.
     In December, 1874, he was appointed deputy sheriff of Warren county, Illinois.  He filled this position for two years and was then elected sheriff three times in succession, closing his services as sheriff in 1882.
     His last marriage was to Mrs. Mary E. Moore (nee Taylor).  This marriage occurred at Dayton, Ohio, in 1868.  He died Feb. 8,1892.
     Jesse Walton was born in Jackson county, Alabama, Sept. 7, 1825; was married in Swan township, Warren county, Illinois, Feb. 12, 1848, to Sarah E. Terry.  She was born near Belleville in St. Clair county, Illinois, and was a daughter of Andrew and Nancy G. (Stice) Terry.  She died in Sacramento county, California, Jan. 28, 1854.   Jesse W. Bond's second marriage was to Mrs. Anna C. Smith, Oct. 25, 1863.  Her maiden name was Anna C. Harrah.  She was born in Belmont county, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1835, and was a daughter of John N. and Helen (Wharton) Harrah, and sister of Charles A. Harrah, dealer in farm implements at Bushnell, Illinois.
     In 1850, Jesse W. Bond crossed the plains to California in search of gold.  After remaining there two years, he returned.  He afterwards made two more trips to the land of gold where he remained until 1862, when he came back to Warren county, Ill.  He died at Monmouth, Illinois, Apr. 25, 1905.
     Ruby L., born June 30, 1827, in Morgan county, Illinois; was married three times.  Her first husband was Andrew Stice, who died in 1848; her second marriage was to Henry Burson; her last marriage was to Andrew J. Cayton, Feb. 15, 1873.  She was badly bruised and injured in a wind-storm that occurred in Swan township, May 22, 1873.  However, she fully recovered from this, except the bones that were broken in her arm never knit together.  She died June 26, 1901.
     Anna, who died in infancy.
     Major John C. Bond's first wife died about the year 1828, in Morgan county, Illinois.  His second marriage was to Miss Mary Singleton of Morgan county, in May, 1829.  To them were born three children - Fielding, Mary, and Eveline - all of whom are deceased.
     He went to Texas and commenced the practice of law.  When the war broke out he returned to his father's house in Greenbush.  He was elected county superintendent of schools in Warren county, in 1861.  He died Apr. 16, 1862, at the age of 28 years.
     Evaline married Joseph Hartford.  She died in Neosha county, Kansas, in 1871.
     Mary, wife of John C. Bond, died Sept. 1, 1842, at the age of 32 years.  She was a woman highly esteemed by those who knew her.  One night during her last days, she had a dream in which the words of this text came to her: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."  This dream so disturbed her that she arose from her bed, rekindled the fire in the fireplace to make a light, procured her Bible and read from Ec. 9, 10: "Whatsoever they hand findeth to do, do it with they might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."  She closed her Bible and returned to bed, and again dreamed of the same text.  Rev. Peter Downey was called to see her, and by her request he administered baptism.  After her death he was called to preach her funeral which he did, using the same text.
     Major John C. Bond's third marriage was to Mrs. Nancy G. Terry.  Her maiden name was Nancy G. Stice.  This marriage occurred in January, 1844.  Two children were born of this union: Canzada S., wife of Mathew Campbell, now residing in Okalahoma township, Warren county, Illinois.
     Mrs. Nancy Green Bond was born in Warren county, Kentucky, Sept. 23, 1807.  She was a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Wilson) Stice.  Andrew Stice was born in 1768, and died Oct. 18, 1818.  They were married in 1789.  Mr. Bond's grandfather, Andrew Stice, was married to Katran Collins, in Germany, and emigrated to North Carolina before the Revolutionary war.  Mrs. Bond's grandfather Wilson and wife came from Scotland before the Revolutionary war and settled in North Carolina.  He was a captain in the Revolutionary war and fought at the battle of Bunker Hill; was wounded in the right knee and made a cripple for life.  His brother, James Wilson, was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
     Mr. Bond has been blind for over twenty years.  She now resides with her daughter, Cordelia Staat.
     Major John C. Bond
, the subject of the sketch, was a son of James W. and Susanna (Crane) Bond, who were married in Overton county, Tennessee, in 1798.  She was born in Georgia, in 1777.  Of this union, seven children were born: John Crane, Benjamin, Joel, Ruby, William Barnet, Jesse W., and Nathan.
     Jesse W. Bond
, the father of Major John C. Bond, moved to Jackson county, Alabama, in 1819; from there he went to Morgan county, Illinois; and in 1834, came to Warren county, Illinois, and settled on section 18 in Greenbush township, and resided here until his death, which occurred Feb. 26, 1840, at the age of 65 years.  His wife was blind for many years before her death.  She died Jan. 7, 1859, at the age of 85 years.
     Major John C. Bond was commissioner in Warren county in an early day, and was appointed with Samuel Hallam and Robert Gilmore to divide the county into townships, which they did in 1853.  In 1854, when township organization was adopted, he was elected supervisor in Greenbush township and served in that capacity for fourteen successive years.  He was elected justice of the peace in 1835, and held his first court in a smoke-house.  He married the first couple in the township - Moses T. Hand to Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford - Dec. 23, 1835.
     Mr. Bond was assessor in Greenbush township for several years.  He received his title as major in the militia, and was major in Col. John Butler's regiment.  He was also a soldier in the Black Hawk war.
     He purchased from the other heirs the old homestead entered by his father on section 18, where he spent his last years.  His hearing was very defective for several years before his death, which occurred May 20, 1882.  His funeral services were held in the Methodist church in Greenbush, on Sunday afternoon, May 21, 1882, and were conducted by Eld. Isaac N. Van Meter, a minister of the Old-School Baptist church.
Source: Early days in Greenbush: with biographical sketches of the old settlers by William L. Snapp - Springfield, Ill.:  H. W. Rokker Co., Printers and Binders - Publ. 1905 -  Page


Source: Early days in Greenbush: with biographical sketches of the old settlers by William L. Snapp - Springfield, Ill.:  H. W. Rokker Co., Printers and Binders - Publ. 1905 -  Page 82


Source: Early days in Greenbush: with biographical sketches of the old settlers by William L. Snapp - Springfield, Ill.:  H. W. Rokker Co., Printers and Binders - Publ. 1905 -  Pages 12 & 13


'SQUIRE JENKINS BUZANS. J. Buzan was born in La Rue county, Kentucky, September 21, 1829. La Rue county was named after Jacob La Rue, who was a grandfather of S. J. Buzan.
     Mr. Buzan came with his parents to Monmouth, Illinois, in 1831. In 1843, he went to Macomb, Illinois, where he was engaged as clerk or salesman in the store of N. P. Tinsley until the fall of 1849, when he came to Greenbush and commenced business for himself, running a general store the most of the time up to 1862, when he went west and settled in Missouri.
     He was married to Mary E. Walker, August 4, 1854.  She was born September 25, 1834, and was a daughter of Abner and Jane (Damron) Walker who kept hotel in Greenbush for many years. To Mr. Buzan and wife the following-named children were born:
     Harry Arthur, born September 4, 1856; died February 27, 1879.
     Eva, born March 10, 1860; married Galen B. Anderson, November 12, 1884. She died February 12, 1885.
     Chauncey, born June 27, 1862.
     Nellie, born September 1, 1866; married Charles E. Spooner, October 8, 1902.
     Frank, born October 6, 1870.
     Pearl, born October 11, 1873 ; married Frederic W. Kaster, February 10, 1894.
     In politics Mr. Buzan was a republican.
     He died at St. Joseph, Missouri, June 30, 1893.
Source: Early days in Greenbush: with biographical sketches of the old settlers by William L. Snapp - Springfield, Ill.:  H. W. Rokker Co., Printers and Binders - Publ. 1905 -  Page 55








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