In the year 1851
the citizens of Greenbush and vicinity began to talk about
erecting a building for a high school or academy, but there
was nothing definite done until early in January, 1852, when
notices were posted calling for a meeting.
The minutes of that
meeting are here given:
Pursuant to notice,
the citizens of Greenbush and vicinity met at the
schoolhouse in Greenbush, Tuesday evening, Jan. 27, 1852, to
take measures for building a house for a high school or
academy in Greenbush. On motion of J. c. Bond,
Alfred Osborn was appointed chairman, J. C. Bond
stated the object of the meeting, enforcing its laudableness
in a brief and interesting address. When Dr. N. B.
McKay offered the following, viz.:
Proposition for a
building in Greenbush for a high school, to be from 26 to 30
feet by 40 to 48 feet or more, two story, one room, to be
used by different denominations for religious meetings, when
the school in not in session , subject to the same rules
observed in cases of district houses. The whole to be
under the control of trustees elected by the stockholders,
each share having a vote in the election. Shares to be
ten dollars each.
In consideration of
the above we, the undersigned, agree to pay to the said
trustee the sums set opposite our respective names in
installments, as follows: One quarter of each share by
the first day of April next, and as much at the expiration
of every three months from that time, till all is paid to be
offered for subscription.
Wm. B. Bond
moved that the following words be erased from the above
proposition, viz.: "subject to the same rules as
observed in cases of district schoolhouses," which, after an
interesting discussion, when the above proposition was
adopted and submitted for subscribers.
Elijah Lieurance
advocated the building of a house worth $1,500.
Stephen Lieurance motion that we organize when $1,000 of
stock should be subscribed, but not to commence building
until $1,500 shall have been subscribed. J. C. Bond
offered as an amendment that we commence building when
$1,000 of stock is subscribed, which was carried and the
original motion lost. On motion of Stephen
Lieurance, the chairman appointed the following persons
to solicit stock, viz: John C. Bond, John M. Hoisington,
N. B. McKay, A. W. Simmons, and
Stephen Lieurance.
On motion of J.
M. Hoisington, the chairman appointed the following
persons to draft a constitution and by-laws to present for
adoption at the next meeting of the stockholders:
J. C. Bond, John Butler, and
N. B. McKay.
Adjourned to meet
next Tuesday evening at the schoolhouse at early candle
At a meeting of the
stockholders held Feb. 3, 1852 a subscription of $1,042.50
was reported, and the constitution and by-laws were adopted
and the following-named persons were elected by ballot for
trustees: John M. Hoisington, Eliphalet C. Lewis, and
Alfred Osborn for the term of three years;
Dr. N. B. McKay, Julius Lathrop,
and Andrew W. Simmons for the term of two years;
Hanson H. Hewett, John C. Bond, and Stephen Lieurance
for the term of one year; Squire J. Buzan,
treasurer; Frederic H. Merrill, secretary.
The academy
building was erected in 1853. The contract was let to
Levi Lincoln. He was assisted in the work by
his brothers Clinton and Omar. The
building committee were N. B. McKay, J. T. Lathrop,
and Alfred Osborn; John M. Housington was afterwards
added to this committee.
Very heavy timbers
were used in the construction of the building, and on the
day of raising many persons gathered to assist in raising
the timbers. Levi Lincoln first began to give
orders but his voice was not strong enough; so David
Armstrong took his place and gave orders both loud and
After the building
was finished, it was decided to dedicate it with a grand
supper. So everybody was invited and nearly everybody
came, and they came prepared, many of them bringing baked
chickens. After the tables were all set, David
Young was appointed carver. Clinton Lincoln,
who was present on the occasion, says David
dispatched his work swiftly and dextrously.
During the year of
1853, the legislature granted a charter to the school under
the name of The Greenbush Academy.
The first teacher
employed as principal in the Academy was W. W. Happy
of Jacksonville, Illinois. He was assisted by Miss
Margaret Gaines. They received the tuition fees
for their services.
In January, 1854,
Mr. Happy reported to the trustees that there were
only about twenty students and that he wished to resign at
the expiration of the term, but the school gained in
attendance and was for a long time in a prosperous
condition. At one time when Daniel Negley was
principal, there were nearly one hundred students attending.
In 1854, the
Academy had a belfry but no bell. The women of
Greenbush and vicinity took an active part in procuring one.
Miss Jane Mather, Mrs. Alfreda Crissey, Mrs. Mary Buzan
and others were engaged in soliciting subscription.
They found it a difficult business as the people had been
often called on for subscriptions in the building of the
Academy. But the women were persistent and the bell
was procured. Year after year it was heard by the
people, sometimes at a distance of three or four miles, as
it rang for school, literary society, Sunday school, and
entertainments of different kinds.
Different religious
denominations used this bell to call the people together,
where the minister exhorted them to a better life.
Often as the years went by, it tolled the years of departed
ones in tones that were received in sadness and sorrow.
In 1855,
Alexander Campbell, the founder of the Christian church,
preached in the Academy. It was here that Luccoc
and Westfall held their debate on endless
The school has been
abandoned for many years, and the building is going to