About three miles
west of Avon on section 22 in Greenbush township, Warren
county, Illinois, on the public highway there is a covered
bridge across a small stream. Up the hill, a short
distance east of this bridge, William Lloyd was
killed, January 21, 1862.
On that day,
James Marshall, who had been engaged in making a sleigh
for himself, was going to Israel Spurgeon's to
return some tools he had borrowed, and had put his shotgun
in the sleigh thinking he would find some prairie chickens
before he returned.
He met his uncle,
William Lloyd, on the hill east of the bridge, and
stopped to talk with him. Lloyd, thinking he
would play a joke on James, reached for the shotgun;
and as he took hold of it, the horses started and the gun
was discharged, killing Mr. Lloyd - the whole
charge striking his head and fracturing the skull.
At the place where
the covered bridge now stands, in October, 1885, Thomas
Crabb was engaged in building a bridge. He had in his
employ Stephen Balderson, who then lived west of Avon
in the edge of Warren county.
They were placing
the stringers or girders across the stream, and Balderson
had placed a prop under one end of a long heavy stick of
timber; this prop slipped out and the timber fell on
Balderson, injuring him so badly that he died the same
day, in the evening.
In the fall of
1888, Charles West was running a steam
threshing-machine in Greenbush township. He had
finished a job of threshing at Simon Sailor's,
and on the eleventh day of September, 1888, he started from
Sailor's to Wm. Smith's to thresh for
him. George Stuckey rode on the engine
with West and Harvey Gordon; Edward
Long and Joseph Balderson rode on the
separator. When they came to the bridge across the stream
where the covered bridge now stands, West got off the
engine and examined the bridge. Stuckey and Gordon
also got off and crossed over the bridge. West
said the bridge was dangerous and told Long and
Balderson to get off. He then mounted his engine
alone and started across.
When the engine
reached the center of the bridge, bridge and engine went
down with a crash, breaking steam pipes and other portions
of the engine. West was caught between the engine and
the tank wagon. He was immediately enveloped in steam,
so that the men could scarcely see him.
They found that one
of West's hands was clinched on the throttle and the
other on the steering-wheel. After removing him from
the engine, they placed him on bed quilts and carried him
east, up the hill, to the residence of
B. C. Welsh.
Drs. Clayberg
and Weaver were called who attended to his injuries.
It was found that one leg was broken and his jaw was also
broken; he had a bad scalp wound, and also injured by in
haling hot steam. This accident occurred about noon,
and West died that night about eight or nine o'clock.
It is said of
Charles West that he had been a good railroad engineer,
and was the man that placed the locomotive vane on top of
the passenger depot of the C., B. & Q. R. R., at Galesburg,