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Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, IN) Page 8
Dated: Aug. 9 & 16, 1894
The following list of deaths of pioneers of Elkhart and
Cass counties was prepared and read by C. H.
Chase, at the picnic of the Pioneers'
Association of Northern Indiana and Southern
Michigan, at Simonton Lake, Thursday, August 9,
MARIA N. HUBBELL, widow of A. L. HUBBELL, died
at her home in Goshen, August 24, 1893, at the age
of 78. She came to this State with her first
husband, Mr. Whittlesey, in 1837.
EDGAR H. STILLMAN came to this county at an
early age with his parents, who lived on a farm a
short distance west of Elkhart. He was a
citizen of Key West, Florida, at the time of his
death, which occurred at the home of his niece.
Mrs. M. K. Weaver, in Elkhart, Sept. 8, 1893.
MRS. FRANCES DAVENPORT, widow of the late B.
L. Davenport, died Sept. 9, 1893. She was
born in 1832, and had the distinction of being the
first white child born on the present site of
Elkhart city. She was the daughter of Dr.
Havilah Beardsley, founder of Elkhart, and was a
woman of rare virtues.
DANIEL HEATON, who came to this county in 1835,
died at his home in Bristol, Sept. 13, 1893, aged 78
SAMUEL HOAGLAND, Cleveland township, came to
this county in 1835, from Ohio. Died Sept. 21,
MRS. MARIA R. ALLEN, widow of DR. J. W. ALLEN,
came to this county in 1858, died Oct. 12, 1893, at
her home in Elkhart, greatly beloved.
many years a resident of Osolo township, died at the
home of her son, in Mishawaka, Oct. 31, 1893.
MRS. ISAAC B. SYPHERT, born in Urbana, Ohio,
Dec. 17, 1820, came to this county at an early day
with her parents. Died at her home in Elkhart,
Oct. 30, 1893.
JOEL HERRING, an old resident of Cleveland
township, died at the home of his son-in-law, Ad.
Whitmyer, Nov. 13, 1893.
WILLIAM BEANE, late editor of the Goshen
Democrat, was born in Preble county, Ohio, in 1829,
came to this county with his parents, in 1836,
married in 1854, and died suddenly at his home in
Goshen, Nov. 14, 1893. His genial disposition
endeared him to everybody who knew him.
AMELIA, wife of Frederick Herring, born
in Germany, many years a resident of Goshen, died in
that city, Nov. 20, 1893, aged 78 years.
MRS. MARGARET L. BRODRICK, widow of the late
N. F. BRODRICK, born in Urbana, Ohio, Aug. 11,
1809, married Aug. 31, 1831, at Sidney; came to
Elkhart in 1835; died at the home of her son, C.
B. Brodrick, in Elkhart, Dec. 1, 1893. She
was a lady of sterling virtues and sunny
Hullinger, a resident of Elkhart county for over
45 years, died at the home of her son, in Jefferson
township, Dec. 11, 1893.
FREDERICK LANDIS, an old resident of the county,
died at his home five miles southwest of Goshen,
Dec. 6, 1893.
MRS. LUCY CARLTON, widow of the late J. D.
Carlton, who with her husband came to this
county in the thirties, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. L. VanAlstine, in Petoskey,
Mich., Dec. 17, 1893, ripe in years and greatly
MRS. ANNIE M. HARTUNG, who with her late husband
resided many years in Cleveland township, died at
the home of her son, Frank Hartung, in
Elkhart, Feb. 2, 1894, aged 81 years and 5 months.
CHARLES S. DUNBAR, who was a resident of Goshen
some 50 years ago, died at St. Paul, Minnesota, Jan.
23, 1894, in the 7th year of his age. He was a
native of Fredonia, N. Y.
SAMUEL SWINEHART, born in Union township, Pa.,
in 1817, and for many years a resident of Osolo
township, died Feb. 9, 1894. Was married to
Sarah Weyrick, who survives him, in 1843.
MRS. CAROLINE, wife of Theron DALEY, for
over forty years a resident of Washington township,
died at her home in Bristol, Mar. 22, 1894, at the
age of 72 years.
SOLOMON HIXON, of Middlebury township, who came
to this county in 1833, died at his home in
Middlebury, the latter part of March, 1894, at the
advanced age of 89 years. He was one of the
sturdy pioneers who have done so much for Elkhart
MRS. ALBERT COVERT came to Elkhart in 1838 from
New York State with her first husband Charles
Harris, who died shortly afterward. She
was married to her late husband, Albert Covert,
in 1854. He died the following year.
After living in widowhood forty-one years she died
at the home of her son, Charles Harris, in
Elkhart, Mar. 31, 1894, in her eighty-first year.
MRS. MARY OUDERKIRK, widow of John Ouderkirk,
for over half a century a resident of Osolo
township, died at her home, three miles north of
Elkhart, May 7, 1894, in her 80th year.
WILLIAM A. THOMAS, born in Virginia, March,
1816, a resident of Elkhart county for 63 yeas, and
its first deputy clerk, died at his home in Goshen,
June 4, 1894.
BALSER HESS, was born in Columbus, Ohio, in
1817, came to this county with his father's family
in 1828, and has continued to live here since.
Died at Goshen, June 12, 1894.
many years a resident of Olive township, died at the
home of her grandson, in Elkhart, July 2, 1894, at
the age of 83.
TRACY H. EVANS, born at Pawlet, Vt., May 21,
1803, married Lucinda Hughes in 1826, came to
Elkhart county ten years afterward, settling
in Cleveland township. Died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Asa B. Clark, in
Elkhart, July 5, 1894.
JAMES ALCORN, many years a resident of Cleveland
township, died at his home in East Elkhart, July 17,
MRS. E. M. WINEGAR, of York township, one of
Elkhart county's oldest residents died at her home,
July 29, 1894.
OSCAR F. DEWEY, for many years a prosperous
farmer of Clinton township, later a resident of
Goshen and a member of the legislature, died at his
home in Goshen, July 29, 1894.
MRS. MARY SHREINER, widow of George Shreiner
and for many years a resident of Cleveland township,
died at her old homestead, Aug. 6, 1894, aged nearly
83 years. |
Source: Elkhart Weekly Review -
Dated: May 5, 1897
Rebecca WEYRICK nee DREHER, earthly
consort of J. J. WEYRICK, was born in
Schuylkill county, Pa., June 29 1830, and died
suddenly, of parallysis, at their home, 109 Hickory
street, May 2, 1897, aged 66 years, 10 months and 3
The deceased spent her youth in Wayne county, Ohio.
She was married to her sorrowing and aged companion
in Summit county, Ohio, in the year 1852.
After ten years' residence in Williams county, Ohio
they located in Elkhart county where they have since
resided. For nineteen years they resided in
this city.
Five children were born to them, of whom three survive,
namely, Beorge F. and Mrs. Nora HATFIELD, of
this city, and Mrs. Orpha MAURER, of New
Paris. Besides seven grandchildren, two aged
sisters, of Summit county, Ohio and a brother,
Dr. J. C. Dreher, of Plainwell, Mich., remain to
mourn her sudden demise.
Sister WEYRICK was converted to God in 1852, and
had since then been a beloved and faithful member of
the Evangelical association. She had a
peaceable and quiet disposition. It is safe to
say she died without an enemy. Her devotion to
her family and to her God was admirable. Her
family and all her friends will call her blessed.
Her memory is blessed. Indeed a mother in
Israel has fallen.----------------------
In Memoriam.
Mrs. Rosana Kenyon PETTIT was born in County Downs,
Ireland, July, 1842, died April 27, 1897, at their
home, 501 St. Joe Street, this city.
She came to America with her parents when about three
years old. She had the misfortune to lose her
parents three years later. She was then taken
to raise by Hiram and Eunice Ryan, of
Rochester, N. Y. She removed to St.
Joseph county in 1850. At the age of 15 she
became the wife of E. F. PETTIT, of
Mishawaka. Her husband and eight children
survive her, all living in this city. She was
a kind and affectionate wife and a good mother to
her children. She was a member of the Episcopal
church at Mishawaka for twenty-five years. |
Source: Elkhart Truth
Dated: July 30, 1904
Body Will Be Brought Here For Burial - Funeral
Sunday Sunday Afternoon at 2 O'clock
Jacob CRULL dead at 8 o'clock last night at the
Soldier's Home at Marion. He went there two
weeks ago after spending most of the summer in
Elkhart at the home of his son, Elliott CRULL.
Old age was the cause. Mr. CRULL was in
his 83rd year, having been born May 31, 1821.
He was a native of Ohio, and had been a resident of
Elkhart county for 60 years.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the residence of Misses Emma and Alice
CRULL, 1001 Lafayette Street. The body
will be buried south of Osceola.
Besides the widow, Louisa, the deceased is
survived by four sons, Elliott and Frank
of Elkhart, Jacob of Chicago, and Cyrus
of Helena, Mont., and two daughters, Misses
Emma and Alice of Elkhart.
Jacob CRULL was a farmer prior to the civil war,
owning farms in Elkhart and St. Joe counties.
He served three years with the 100th Indiana
infantry. He was incapacited by being shot in
the foot at Missionary Ridge. He was a cripple
after that and walked with a cane. Shiloh
Field Post, of which he was a member, will have
charge of the funeral, Rev. Ogilvie will
conduct the religious service.
Former Elkhart Citizen Passes Away At New Paris.
J. J. WEYRICK, for many years a resident of
Elkhart, died at 12:30 o'clock last night at his
home in New Paris where he lived since moving from
this city six years ago. Mrs. Willis
HATFIELD of 801 South Main street, a daughter of
Mr. WYRICK, went this morning to New Paris to
arrange for the funeral, which will be held in
Elkhart the fore part of next week.
Mr. WEYRICK, who was 76 years of age had
suffered for the last 18 years with a complication
of diseases, but was only compelled to take to his
bed five weeks ago. Since that time his death
was only a matter of time. Mr. WEYRICK
was a retired farmer, and belonged the the Watch
Tower Evangelical church, having been for many years
its sexton. His first wife died seven years
ago. Besides his daughter, Mrs. HATFIELD,
Mr. WEYRICK is survived by his second wife ,
a daughter Mrs. Orpha MAURER of South Bend
and a son, George WEYRICK of Syracuse.
Caught Big Lot of Frogs.
Tom MONSCHERN? caught over 50 bull frogs in a
swamp just over the Michigan state line ten miles
north of here Wednesday night. Nearly all of
"the greeners: weighted between a half pound and a
The frogs were sent to Harry BURKHARDT, at
Cincinnati, O., this morning.
Visitors will Sing High Mass.
Rev. Charles COLLINS, O. S. B., of Assumption
College, Sandswich, Ontario, will sing High mass and
preach at St. Vincent's church tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Carlton CLARKE, a baggageman, had his foot mashed
at Chicago last evening.
Lake Shore Engineer Frank Johnson had his right
arm and shoulder scalded while oiling his engine
last evening. |
Source: Elkhart Truth -
Elkhart, Ind.
Dated: May 17, 1920
Mrs. Barbara LONGACHER succumbs to
Paralysis at Home of Daughter Here.
Mrs. Barbara LONGACHER, aged 74 years, died at
the home of a daughter, Mrs. W. W. LERUE of
1035 South Third street, at 4 o'clock Saturday
afternoon. Her death was the result of a
stroke of paralysis which she suffered about two
weeks ago. She was unable to speak after she
was stricken but at times seemed to realize what was
being said to her.
Funeral services will be held at the First Evangelical
church at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow, Rev. J. F. FUNK
of the Mennonite church, and Rev. F. C.
BERGER of the First Evangelical church
officiating. The body may be seen this evening
at the home and in the foyer of the church from
11:30 to 2:30 tomorrow.
Mrs. LONGACHER was born on a farm near Berne, Adams
county, this state on May 10, 1846, one of 12
children of Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. MOSER,
early settlers in Adams county. Their trip
from Wayne County, Ohio was made in a covered wagon
drawn by an ox team and they settled on the banks of
the Wabash river on land taken from the government.
For a time they lived in their covered wagon, later
moving into a log cabin which they built in the then
unbroken forest.
Mrs. LONGACHER grew to womanhood on this farm;
and on Aug. 2, 1866, was married to Jacob L.
LONGACHER of near Ft. Wayne and then returned to
Adams county settling on a part of the home farm.
Five sons and four daughters were born to them, all
of whom grew to maturity. All married and all
of whom grew to maturity. All married and all
are living today except a daughter, Fannie
who at her death was Mrs. L. L. LERUE.
Those living are Mrs. Frank RICHARDS of near
Bristol; Mrs. W. W. LERUE and Mrs. N. J.
FREDERICK of this city; Peter T., Jacob J.
and Lee LONGACHER of this city; Christian
C. LONGACHER of Lansing, Mich., Joseph W.
LONGACHER of Morrice, Mich.; also, fourteen
grandchildren, on grandchild; two brothers, Peter
M. and Joseph D. MOSER, and four sisters,
Mrs. Katherine MUSSER, Mrs. Celest DOLD, Mrs.
Peter YODER, and Mrs. Charles MARTIN, all
of Berne.
Mrs. LONGACHER came here 20 years ago and since the
death of her husband on Dec. 2, 1913, had made her
home with Mrs. LERUE. Feeling
that her work was done Mrs. LONGACHER,
awaited her end with Christian fortitude. She
was a member of the Prairie street Mennonite church,
and often attended the First Evangelical church, of
which nearly all of her children are members.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. CAR, OF 1537
South Main street was quarantined yesterday for
scarlet fever, the daughter, Alice, being the
patient. Mr. CARR is staying at the
D. M. HOOVER residence, 1204 South Main street.
Mrs. Mae W. SCHMID of Chicago has accepted the
position offered her by the Goshen Presbyterian
church as assistant to the pastor, Rev. W. H.
Gleiser. Mrs. Schmid, who is a graduate of
the Presbyterian Training School of Chicago, will
arrive in Goshen in time to begin her work the first
of September. |
Source: Elkhart Truth -
Elkhart, Indiana - Page 2
Dated Mar. 22, 1922
Former Service Man Ends Life With Bullet
Word was received today by relatives here of the
suicide yesterday of Edward Oswalt, about 32
years of age,, who resided on a farm a mile west of
Hastings, 22 miles south of Elkhart.
Despondency is ascribed as the motive for the deed.
No particulars were stated except that death was
caused by shooting.
Oswalt was in service for two years during the
World War, serving a part of the time in France,
where he took part in some of the big battles.
Upon his return four years ago, he was married, the
young couple taking up their residence in Leesburg,
where Mr. Oswalt owned a meat market.
About two years ago he sold the business and moved
to the farm.
Surviving Oswalt are his wife; three
daughters, the oldest of whom is about three years
of age; his mother, Mrs. Sarah Oswalt, and
three sisters, all of Constantine; four brothers,
Jesse Oswalt of Elkhart and John, Claude
and Percy Oswalt, all of Constantine; five
cousins, Mrs. Verne Shriver, Mrs. A. E. Doering,
Mrs. Alex Hoover, Serman Swan and Owen Oswalt,
all of Elkhart, and three uncles, Frank, Edward
and Charles Fields, all of Elkhart. His
father, Michael Oswalt, died a year ago in
The funeral will be held tomorrow with service and
burial at Stony Point church.-----------
In the matter of the minor heirs of Daniel S.
Berkey, Benjamin F. Berry, guardian, a report
was filed showing of the death of Clarice
Richmond, an heir, and that her estate is less
than $500. The guardian was ordered to
administer the estate.
Noah S. Miller, guardian of the minor heirs of
Catherine Mast, filed his current report
showing a balance of 1,761.1.
In the estate of Sadie Miller, the
administrator, Sylvanus Cripe, filed a final
report showing the estate to be free from
inheritance tax. He was discharged.
Martin Fisher administrator of the estate of
Elizabeth Neff filed an inventory showing
John A. Lower was appointed administrator of the
estate of George A. Rhodes under $10,000
bond. |