containing maps of
Villages, Cities and Townships
of the County,
Maps of State, United States and World.
County Statistics, Biographies and History of the County
Portraits of Public and Leading Citizens
Compiled and Published by
F. A. Bulleit
Cordon, Ind.
Pg. 69 - Industrial Review,
Biographies and Portraits of Leading Citizens. |

Dr. F. A. Ulen, a
doctor of dental surgery, is a gentleman of high
standing and well and favorably known throughout
Harrison County.
He was born in Caseyville, Kentucky, October 11, 1868,
the son of Benjamin F. and Elizabeth Ulen.
At the age of seventeen he moved to Evansville, Indiana,
where he remained until he graduated from the Louisville
College of Dentistry in May, 1901.
November 26, 1891, he was united in marriage at
Evansville, Indiana, to Miss Clara B. Smith of
that city and two children, Hall and Frank,
have been born.
Dr. Ulen is a Knight Templar and also a leading
member of the Knights of Pythias lodge. He belongs
to the Presbyterian Church and is at the present time
superintendent of the Sunday-school of this church.
Although he has been in Corydon but a few years he is
gaining an enviable business reputation and is a man
that applies himself very closely.
Dr. and Mrs. Ulen are both well known in the
social circles of Corydon society.

An enterprise that has grown
into prominence in Harrison County and one that is
worthy of the patronage of the surrounding territory is
the Sunshine Nursery, located six miles northwest of
Corydon, and is owned by Charles and J. T. McClaren.
It contains forty acres of land, most of which is used
exclusively in growing only the best varieties of
nursery stock. J. T. McClaren, the junior
member of the firm, superintends this nursery
personally, and spares no effort toward supplying each
of their many customers with the best stock of any
variety of fruit trees they choose to purchase. As
evidence of quality of their nursery stock they were
awarded a bronze medal by the International Jury of
Awards at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and World's
Fair at St. Louis on their famous Hosier Cling Peach,
Jonathan and Akin Red apples.
New Middletown, Indiana

A progressive physician that keeps
abreast of the times in the study of his profession, and
with the modern appliances for the treatment of disease,
is a doctor that is sure to make a success of his
vocation, and the subject of this sketch is just such a
physician. Dr. Schoen's offices, which are
attached to his handsome two-story residence in New
Middletown, are among the best equipped in this state.
Aside from the various other apparatus he has installed
a twenty-four disc "Betz" Static Machine with complete
X-Ray attachment, which is propelled by a gasoline
engine. This is the only X-Ray machine in the
county. The number of diseases that can be
successfully treated with a machine of this kind are
almost innumerable, but among those with which it is
especially effective are rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
diseases, cancer and skin diseases.

A prominent
and enterprising business man well known to the people
of his community is George B. Byrum, of Laconia,
a son of Louis and Rebecca J. (Dodd) Byrum, and
was born July 21, 1864, at Laconia. He attended
the common schools of his community and later completed
his education at the New Albany Business College and is
a graduate of that institution. After leaving
school he taught school for two terms. Was married
in 1886 to Ella E. Harbaugh and to them was born
two children, Stanley C. and Wiley E. His
wife died July 25, 1895, and in October 1897, he was
again married to Lula A. Boone. Mr.
Byrum is a member of the Presbyterian Church and the
I. O. O. F. lodge. He has for several years been
engaged in the merchandise business at Laconia, where he
enjoys a prosperous and liberal patronage, the result of
his sound business principles. Mr. Byrum at
all times is putting forth every effort to serve his
customs and always carries a complete line of general
merchandise and his prices are always the lowest
consistent with good business principles.

The people
of Elizabeth are indeed fortunate in having among them
to minister to their needs in time of sickness such a
man and physician as is Dr. Amzi Weaver, son of
William and Louisiana Weaver, born in Harrison
township November, 25, 1873. After graduating from
the Corydon High School in 1894 he served as County
Superintendent from 1897 to 1903 and in 1900 entered the
Kentucky School of Medicine and later graduated from
that institution. In the fall of 1904 he located
at Elizabeth and after receiving his degree as physician
began the practice of medicine and has built up a fine
practice through his close application to business.
Although one of the younger practicioners, he is
already recognized as a skilled physician.
He was married to Miss Dottie Funk on December
9, 1894.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.

Represents good companies; writes Life, Fire, Accident
and Health Insurance. Deals in both farm and town
property. Prompt attention given to all business
entrusted in his care. Office in rear of
Conrad's music store.

The subject
of this sketch, Peter Loew, was born at
Lanesville, Ind., April 23, 1863, and is the son of
Henry and Margaret (Hann) Loew. His early life
was spent working on the farm and attending the
parochial school of Lanesville. In 1887 he engaged
in the cooperage business, which vocation he has since
followed, though of late years he confines his products
to that of lard tierces and pork barrels, for all of
which he finds ready sale at Louisville, Ky.
On September 16, 1890, he was married to Anna M.,
daughter of Godfred and Christina (Lotz) Reising,
and to this union six children were born, five of whom
are living Charles G., Elnora C., Mary L., Clements
J. and Adel E.
Mr. Loew owns the residence in which he resides,
has stock in the Creamery, and is one of Lanesville's
energetic and progressive citizens, always ready to lend
a helping hand in anything that is calculated to be for
the betterment of the community. He belongs to the
Mutual Aid Society and the Catholic Church. |
Trustee of Washington Township

interesting personage is the subject of this sketch,
Mr. Jesse L. Watson of Washington township, who is
now serving as township trustee. He was elected on
the Democratic ticket to his present office in 1904, in
a Republican township of over sixty-five majority.
An incumbent of the office of township trustee he is
serving diligently and faithfully, giving entire
satisfaction to his constituents and winning laurels to
his own credit.
Mr. Watson is a
prosperous and extensive farmer and one of the best
known in Washington township. He owns a rich
and productive farm of 275 acres, with wheat and corn as
the chief products. He is an influential member of
the M. W. a. and I. O. O. F. lodges and holds his
membership in the Congregational Church. In his
earlier days he was a school teacher for ten years and
attained some degree of prominence as a pedogogue.
Mr. Jesse L. Watson is the son of John and Mary
(Gardner) Watson and was born near Central, Indiana,
on March 9, 1864. On March 22, 1887, he was united
in marriage to Miss Ambrosia Tranum, this union
having been blessed with three children, Elsie,
Loren and Floyd. Mr.
Watson is a highly respected citizen and has always
borne a splendid reputation as an honest and upright

To a large
majority of the people of Harrison and adjoining
counties the name of James B. Stewart of New
Albany, Indiana, is extremely well known both in a
business and social way. Mr. Stewart is a
native of Harrison County and is a son of Samuel N.
and Elizabeth (Cathright) Stewart. He was born
in Posey Township, January 22, 1858, reared on a farm
and attended the common schools.
February 12, 1879, he was
married to Miss Laura B. Kron, daughter of
Daniel and Jane (Cooper) Kron and three children,
Ada Lee, Maude and Jesse, are
the fruits of this union.
Mr. Stewart
is a traveling salesman of twelve years' experience and
as such has been most successful. He first engaged
with Brown's Seed Store in 1894 and for two years served
this institution. In 1896 he was employed by the
Borehead Fertilizer Company of Chicago and continued in
their service until 1898, when he went with the Hopkins
Fertilizer Company of New Albany, Indiana, with whom he
remains for two years, and in 1900 he engaged with his
present employers, The Bowker Fertilizer Company
of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Stewart is a hard
worker for the firm and is a pleasant and good natured
gentlemen. He owns forty-six acres of fine river
bottom land near Sugar Grove.

C. E., M.D., physician and surgeon, Depauw, Indiana,
was born near this place August 29, 1876, the son of
Anthony W. and Margaret (Sappenfield) Briscoe. Dr.
Briscoe has been a student all his life, having
first attended the common school of Blue River Township;
he then entered the Valparaiso School, from which
institution he graduated in 1894. He was a teacher
in Harrison County for five years and as such proved him
self most efficient. In 1897 he attended one term
of school at the Indiana University in Bloomington and
then choosing the medical profession he entered the
Kentucky School of Medicine in 1900, and being
determined to gain for himself a thorough knowledge of
the profession, during vacations he assisted Dr.
Henry Orendorf of Louisville, Kentucky, a most noted
specialist in Genito Urinary Venerial and skin diseases.
On July 1, 1903, the doctor graduated with high honors
in his profession, after which he located his home town
of Depauw, Indiana, where he began the practice of
medicine and has since enjoyed a most satisfactory and
increasing patronage. Judging by his past as a
student, his business methods and his gentlemanly and
courteous treatment toward all, we predict for him a
most enviable future.
On July 16, 1902, the doctor was united in marriage to
Mollye R., a daughter of George and Anna
(Curd) Read, and one child, Georgia R., is
the fruit of this union.
Dr. Briscoe is a prominent and influential
member of the K. of H. and M. W. A. lodges and of the
PhiChi Medical fraternity of Louisville.
Pg. 70 - Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of
Leading Citizens. |

George B. Miller,
Franklin township's worthy trustee since January 1,
1905, was born in Harrison township January 1, 1861, the
son of John and Elizabeth (Walter) Miller.
Reared on a farm he attended the common schools and
March 23, 1884, was married to Mollie A. daughter
of Harvey and Nancy A. (Byerley) Johnson, and two
children, Walter C. and Harvey J. have
been born.
Politically Mr. Miller is a democrat and
fraternally belongs to the I. O. F. and K. P. lodges.
He is a leading farmer and is highly respected by his
many acquaintances.
Deputy Clerk of Harrison County

Amos Lemmon, the
subject of this sketch, was born August 3, 1850, in
Franklin Township, Harrison County, Indiana.
He attended the common schools of the county and
received what education they afforded, later
supplementing it with a course at the University of
Hartsville, Inc., after which he was engaged in teaching
school in Harrison County. From 1871 to 1883 he
was engaged as a clerk at Rockport, Inc. Returning
to Corydon he was appointed Deputy Clerk and served for
fourteen years, and was elected and served one term as
County Clerk. At present he is Deputy Clerk and
his past experience makes him a valuable man in his
Mr. Lemmon has twice
been married, his last wife being Miss Dora Sonner,
daughter of John P. Sonnner.
Mr. Lemmon has for
twenty-eight years been a member of the I. O. O. F.
lodge and attends the Presbyterian Church. He owns
the farm of eighty acres on which he resides, two and
one half miles southeast of Corydon. He is well
known throughout the county and affiliates with the
Democratic party.

The town of Depauw is well
represented in the mercantile business, but a concern
that is and always has lent great assistance to the
progress of this vicinity is the firm of S. T.
Briscoe & Company.. this is one of the most
complete stores in the county. Everything that is
ordinarily needed for the home or the farm is carried at
this store. A partial list of the varied stock
that is carried is as follows: Dry goods, ladies'
and gents' furnishings, notions, hats, shoes, clothing,
hardware, queensware, crockery, glassware, groceries,
drugs, patent medicines, farmers' tools, farming
implements, fertilizers, steel fencing, etc., etc.
Every department is complete in itself. The stock
is displayed in a very convenient manner and the patrons
of this store get the very best service possible.
Mr. Briscoe has had a lifetime experience in the
store room and knows the wants of his patrons and sees
to it that they are finished only with the very best
goods and merchandise, which he purchases from the
leading concerns of this country. He also deals in
produce of all kinds and pays the farmers the highest
cash prices for their marketing. The firm formerly
consisted of Sherman T. Briscoe and his father,
Anthony W. Briscoe, but after the death of his
father Sherman became the sole owner.
Sherman T. Briscoe was born at Depauw, Indiana,
October 10, 1866, and is the son of Anthony W. and
Margaret (Sappenfield) Biscoe. In his youth he
worked on the farm and attended the Central Normal
College at Danville, Indiana, and for a time he taught
in the public schools of the county.
He was united in marriage to Miss Emma Smith,
daughter of Hiram and Martha (Tipton) Smith, June
10, 1894, and to them two children, Loran and
Waldo, have been born.
In November 1905, he was appointed to fill out the
unexpired term of the office of trustee of Blue River
township, his predecessor, Mr. John O. Green,
having died in office. In this position Mr.
Briscoe is proving to be a most worthy incumbent and
is dispatching the township's affairs in a capable and
businesslike manner.
He owns a farm of 280 acres in Blue River township, in
which he takes a great deal of interest. Socially,
he is an influential member of the Modern Woodmen lodge,
a leading Democrat of the county and a citizen that is
hightly esteemed in the community in which he

The old
saying of "Sweets to the Sweet" can find many places,
but in none is this idea more readily carried out than
at the confectionary establishment of W. H.
Rosenbarger, located in the business center of town
on the south side of the public square. Here will
be found all varieties of the finest candies, nuts and
fruit, as well as a complete line of the leading brands
of cigars and tobacco. There is also a soda
fountain operated here, and the finest soda water with
the purest and best fruit flavors is found at all times.
Another feature of this establishment is the
manufacture of ice cream where all varieties of the very
best of cream may be had, and at most reasonable prices.
In connection with the confestionary and ice
cream parlor there is a restaurant which adds greatly to
the many desirable features of this resort. There
is no better cooking found in any restaurant in this
part of the state, and the meals are served in a most
appetizing manner. Mr. Rosenbarger is one
of our most progressive and enterprising business men
and believes in quality, cleanliness and quick service
in the efficient management of any eating house.

Dr. I. L.
Neely, physician and surgeon of Corydon, was born in
Scott township, February 6, 1856, and is the son of
Daniel and Rachel (Cunningham) Neely, his parents
being of Scotch-Irish descent.
He graduated from the common schools at the age of
fifteen and followed the vocation of a pedagogue for
thirteen years. His common school education was
supplemented with a teachers' course at the Central
Normal University of Danville, Indiana, from which
institution he graduated in 1877. He entered the
Kentucky School of Medicine in 1881 and 1882, and for
nineteen years practiced his profession in Scott
township. In 1901 he removed his family to
Corydon, took a post graduate course in the same
institution and then opened up his office in this place.
Dr. Neely was elected
trustee of Scott township three times and served in this
capacity for eleven years and four months.
On November, 2, 1879, he was united in marriage to
Mary F. Taylor daughter of Nathon and Harriet
(Applegate) Taylor, and four children have
been born. The three living are Dr. Lonnie S.,
Gertrude L. and Tilford J.
Dr. Neely is a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge and
Lutheran Church, and is one of Corydon's best and most
successful practitioners.

Kintner Jones, one of Corydon's oldest residents, is
a lady who is held in high esteem all over the state of
Indiana, and possesses all those true and womanly
qualities which instantly command respect.
Mrs. Jones was born in Corydon on November 25,
1843. She attended the common schools and later
took a course in the Ohio Female College of Cincinnati.
On November 8, 1881, she was united in marriage to
Major William T. Jones, a noted lawyer of Corydon,
who died a year later. Major Jones served
with the Seventeenth Indiana Volunteers in the war of
the rebellion and at one time was associate justice of
Wyoming Territory. Later he was territorial
delegate to Congress.
Dating back to the year of 1835 we find the name of
Kintner connected with the leading hostelry of
Corydon, of which mention is made in the historical
section of this volume.
The proprietor of this pioneer hotel, Jacob W.
Kintner, was the father of Mrs. Jones.
After the death of Mr. Kintner, her brother
William W. Kintner, continued to run the house until
his death in 1896. Mrs. Jones still owns
the property but is not connected with the management of
the hotel. The business is however, continued
under the old name of the "Kintner House".
In 1899 Mrs. Jones was appointed State
Corresponding Secretary and Organizer for the Christian
Women's Board of Missions of the Christian Church.
this work requires her entire time and takes her to all
parts of this state.
Mrs. Jones is a pleasant conversationalist, a
gifted and forceful writer and is faithful and sincere
in her work, which to her indeed a "labor of love."
She has been an active member of the Christian Church
since 1869 and has always lent her assistance to the
church and Sunday-school work.

B. Ludlow, the present Sheriff of Harrison County,
was born at Rehoboth, Harrison County, Indiana, December
26, 1858, where he grew into manhood. He attended
the public schools of his district and led the life of a
farmer's son until 1880, when he decided that
opportunities were greater in the Great West, and, like
the multitudes to follow Greeley's advice to "Go
West", he cast his lot with them. He finally
located in Kansas, where he prospered and made a start
in life. Leaving the sunflower state in 1882 he
removed to Louisville, Kentucky, and entered the employ
of the Central Passenger Railway Company, and remained
there for six years. In 1888 he returned to
Harrison County and on November 18, 1892 was united in
marriage to Miss Mary Shreck. To this union
were born three children, E. Monzelle, Annie L.
and Mardie Fay. In November, 1904 he was
elected on the Democratic ticket to the Sheriff's
office, which he still holds with credit to himself and
the people he serves. Mr. Ludlow has gained
a reputation as one of the best Sheriff in the history
of the county, which he justly deserves through his
efficient and untiring efforts to perform the duties of
his office. He has never required the assistance
of a deputy except during the term of court.
Mr. Ludlow is a member of the local Tribe Ben
Hur and in political and social life is known as a man
of sound morals and a loyal citizen.

Jenkins was born in Franklin township June 2, 1869,
the son of Leroy, of Clark County, and
Charlotte (Baylor) Jenkins, of Floyd County Indiana.
Mr. Jenkins attended school at Corydon and
Danville, Indiana, and later was engaged as a teacher.
Was married April 12, 1896, to Lizzie Johnson,
daughter of Harvey and Nancy (Byerly) Johnson,
and to them one child, Velsie, was born.
Mr. Jenkins still resides in Franklin township, the
place of his birth, and owns a splendid farm of fifty
acres, well improved and in a good state of cultivation.
He is a highly respected member of the I. O. O. F. lodge
and a sincere worker in the ranks of Odd Fellowship.
Elected by the Township Trustees June 1st, 1905, to the
office of County Superintendent, which position he still
holds and is giving entire satisfaction in this
capacity, which he is well qualified to fill.
Attending strictly to the duties of the office, he has
justly earned a distinction of being one of the best
County Superintendents in the history of Harrison

When you
take your best girl out for a drive, you certainly want
a horse that is capable of holding up his head and a rig
that is stylish and up-to-date in its appointments and
trappings. Many liveries make a habit of foisting
almost any kind of a rig on their patrons claiming that
this is the last one to be had in the stables and that
all the other rigs are out.
This practice may be all right with transients, but
with people who live here permanently, it soon gives
them a bad reputation.
At the stables located on Market Street near the South bridge
everyone is treated alike, and there is no horse or
vehicle in this stable that is not first-class in every
The owner of this stable, William A. Russell,
takes great pride in the care of his horses and rigs and
that especial attention be given each patron.
Mr. Russell is also an Auctioneer of many years
experience and his success as such has been phenomenal.
He has a commanding appearance, is a fluent talker, and
quickly catches the eye of a prospective purchaser,
which enables him to handle a great number of articles
in a reasonable time and to the satisfaction of his
employer. His charges are reasonable and he is
ready to make sale dates with the public on short
William A. Russell, son of William H. and
Martha (Sands) Russell, was born near Laconia,
Indiana, January 10, 1873. In early life he worked
on the farm and graduated from the common schools.
On September 19, 1892, he was united in marriage to
Miss Kittie E. Rosenbarger and to this union three
children have been born, two of whom are now living.
Mr. Russell was assessor of Boone township from
1900 to 1904. Owns eighty acres of land in
Harrison township, is a stockholder in The Corydon
National Bank and is a member of the M. E. Church.
Pg. 71 - Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of
Leading Citizens. |

Among those engaged in the
farming business of Harrison County none is more widely
known than Levi S. Hottell, son of Levi and
Christiana (Snyder) Hottell, born near Corydon
August 5, 1867. Attending the public schools he
grew to manhood on the farm and has since continued to
follow this occupation. Married in August, 1901,
to Effie Conrad, the daughter of David and
Elizabeth Conrad. He owns a fine piece of farm
land in Scott township, consisting of 225 acres.
Was elected by the Democratic party in 1904 to the
office of township trustee and continues to hold the
office and is making a judicious and efficient officer
for his township. Mr. Hottell holds his
membership in the Lutheran Church and is also a most
earnest member of the M. W. A. lodge.
Still actively engaged in farming he enjoys the
reputation of a prosperous and conservative business man
and a spirited and active citizen of Harrison County.

One of the most highly
respected and influential citizens of Elizabeth, this
sketch, Mr. C. J. Treece. He was born at
New Albany, Indiana, Aprli 19, 1852, and is a son of
Jacob and Dianah (Hammond) Treece, the father a
native of Germany, was born June 2, 1824, and the mother
a native of Harrison County, Indiana, was born June 13,
1829. In youth he attended the common schools, and
at the age of twenty engaged at the carpenter and
builders trade, which vocation he followed for a number
of years. During his experience as a builder he
was very successful and many are the evidences of his
skill and workmanship in the surrounding country.
He built the present school building at Elizabeth after
having cut the hill down five feet before laying the
October 20, 1887, he engaged in the furniture business
and as funeral director and embalmer at Elizabeth, where
he has since continued to carry a complete stock of
furniture and a fine line of undertakers goods, making a
specialty of the undertaking and embalming business.
He was the first person in this part of Southern Indiana
to hold State license as an embalmer, and his many years
of experience has gained for him a substantial
On October 4, 1874, he was married to Anna M.,
daughter of Jesse Jr. and Sarah A. (Brinley) Potts,
and to this union two children were born one of whom,
Flora A., wife of Robert C. Best, is living.
Mr. Treece has stock in the Eureka and Harrison
County Telephone Companies and the Elizabeth Creamery.
He is a strong adherent of the Prohibition party, a
member of the I. O. O. F., Ben Hur, M. W. A., Rebecca
and the Golden Cross fraternities and belongs to
the M. E. Church.
Auditor for Harrison County

At New Middletown, Indiana, Frank E. Watson, son
of A. H. and Mary (Hedges) Watson, was born July
11, 1877. Mr. Watson attended Central
Norman College at Danville, Indiana. After leaving
college he gained a livelihood teaching school and
earned a reputation as an instructor. November 18,
1903, he was married to Henrietta, daughter of
Captain John W. and Elizabeth (Seig) Marshall.
From January 1, 1903 to April 14, 1904 he diligently
served as deputy auditor under G. L. Hess, who
died in office. Mr. Watson was at once
appointed to fill the unexpired term and at the last
election was elected by the Democratic party to said
office. After the death of his predecessor he
served for the same salary as he received as deputy and
gave the difference in the proceeds of the office to the
widow of Mr. Hess, and at all times has
contributed liberally to her support. Mr.
Watson is a stockholder in the First National Bank,
a member of the K. of P. and M. W. A. lodges and is a
member of the M. E. Church.
His start in life is due wholly to his own efforts and
today is one of Corydon's most promising and rising
young men, living with an ambition to fulfill the trust
and confidence vested in him. He is a firm
believer and advocate of Democracy and a prominent and
influential citizen. |

Aquila D.,
the son of Abraham and Mary (Burford) Fleshman,
was born in Washington township July 3, 1870, and
remained on the farm until the age of twenty. He
entered the Indiana University and graduated from the
literary department in 1898. He also studied law
during his stay in Bloomington and was admitted to the
Corydon bar in 1899. He was a teacher in the
public schools for seven years, served as deputy
prosecuting attorney for four years and for a time
engaged in the life insurance profession. On
January 1, 1906, he was engaged as traveling sales man
for the Washburn-Crosby Milling Company of Louisville,
Kentucky, and is regarded as one of their most valuable

Among the
professional men of Corydon and one who has built up a
very substantial business is Thomas G. Van Hook,
D. D. S.
Dr. Van Hook was born at Borden, Clark County,
Indiana, June 6, 1869, the son of James M. and Lenora
(Bellows) Van Hook. In early life he attended
the common schools and worked on a farm, and later
attended the normal school at Valparaiso. For four
years we find him engaged in teaching in the common
schools of Clark County. Later he entered the
Louisville Dental College and on June 18, 1896, he
received a gold medal and graduated from that
institution with second highest honors.
On November 9, 1904, he was married to Miss Daisy
Martin, daughter of Charles and Mary Martin.
The doctor is a member of
the Masonic and K. of P. lodges and has always borne a
splendid reputation and is a young man whose future
gives promise of a bright and prosperous career.

A firm which
has been very successful in every way since its
inception among the business enterprises of Corydon is
that of Philip E. Lotich, son of Philip and
Wilhemina (Jacobs) Lotich, born in Harrison County
March 22, 1859. His early boyhood days were spent
on the farm and attending the public schools.
On September 18, 1884, Mr. Lotich was united in
marriage to Miss Cora E., daughter of John H.
and Kate Shields, and to this union six
children were born, five of whom are living,
namely: Elsie K., Alma E., Edna E., J. Stanley
and C. Wayne.
When sixteen years old, Mr. Lotich took up the
trade of blacksmith, which vocation he followed most
successfully for twenty-five years. In the fall of
1900 he was elected on the Democratic ticket to the
office of Sheriff of Harrison County in which office he
served four years in a most proficient and satisfactory
manner. On retiring from office he engaged in his
present business, which is located on the east side of
the public square, and which is equipped with every
convenience necessary to carry on a first class harness,
stove, tin roofing and guttering business.
At this store may be found first a large stock of best
coal and wood heating stoves and a fine assortment of
cook stoves, including coal, oil and gasoline stoves, as
also the noted Jewel Ranges of all patterns, the make
that is rarely equaled and never excelled. In this
department is also found a nice line of cutlery that is
worthy of careful inspection and a comparison of prices.
In connection with this department is a nice line of
granite and tinware, including all articles pertaining
to use in the kitchen.
The tin roofing, guttering and repairing is under the
personal supervision of Mr. Tom Barbee, who needs
no introduction as a first class workman in this branch,
as is evidenced by the numerous jobs requiring none but
a skillful workman, that he has done throughout this
Next will be found a large stock of harness of all
kinds. Mr. John P. Miner, a harness maker
of many years experience (one who is thoroughly familiar
with all the details of the manufacture of harness from
the time hides are taken to the tanner, to the
completion of a set of harness) is kept busy supplying
the increasing demand for harness made here.
Saddles, lap robes and whips of all grades and styles
are also in evidence and at reasonable prices.
Mr. Lotich is a hustling and enterprising
business man and gives his entire attention to his
business. He is a member of the M. W. A. lodge and
is highly respected by all who know him.
Traveling Salesman

Among the
various professions there is none that requires more
skill and general knowledge of human nature than is
required of a traveling salesman, and a man that makes
complete success of this vocation, as has the subject of
this sketch, is deserving of great credit. Mr.
Wolfe entered the employ of The Brinley Hardy
Company of Louisville, Kentucky, eight years since and
during this time has built up an enviable reputation and
ranks among this firm's most valuable men. He is
known throughout his territory as a genial, honest and
conscientious salesman and is always "loaded" with a
number of the latest jokes which he relates to his
patrons in a most pleasing and entertaining manner.
Mel Wolfe, son of
Samuel t. and Magnolia Wolfe, was born in Washington
township, Harrison County, Indiana, July 26, 1869.
Attending the public schools of his township he secured
what education they afforded.
On December 23, 1891, he was united in marriage to
Fairy Windell, and to them one child was born,
Daisy, who is now in her eleventh year.
Mr. Wolfe is an influential member of several
secret orders of the highest standing, of which we might
mention the F. and A. M., K. of P., M. W. A. and U. C.
t., and holds his membership in the Presbyterian Church
of Corydon.

Rev. J. M.
Fowler, whose picture is published herewith, has
been a minister of the United Brethren Church for forty
years. He is a speaker of much eloquence and one
of Harrison County's most prominent preachers. In
1888 he was elected, on the republican ticket, as a
member of the Indiana legislature and served two years,
1889 and 1890, in this capacity.
Restaurant and Confectionery

A popular
young man of Corydon whose enterprise has gained for him
a reputation all over the county as an honest and
conservative business man is George H. Feller,
who operates a restaurant, confectionery and ice cream
manufacturing establishment and has fitted up in the
room adjoining two fine bowling alleys of regulation
length, supplied with all the necessary paraphernalia
used in this popular recreation or pastime. This
business has been in operation for a number of years and
his place is a popular resort.
One of the chief accessories to a good meal is a clean
and healthy, as well as homelike, place in which to eat
it. In this respect there is no superior in
Corydon and the neat appearance the place has on
entering is only augmented by the fine display of the
many good things to eat. Here the man whose time
is limited has the advantage of a first-class lunch
counter where short orders are served at all hours, and
in a manner that invites his continued patronage.
All sorts of candies and confections, pure bon-bons,
fruits, cigars and tobacco, to please the taste of all,
can be found here at all times, and these are offered at
tempting low prices. the building occupied by the
restaurant and confectionary is 19x60 and is
conveniently arranged for the successful operation of
the business.
Mr. Feller is the son of
Gideon and Harriett Feller and was
born in Corydon on September 6, 1878. After
leaving the public schools of Corydon he learned the
carpenter's trade and followed this vocation previous to
embarking in his present enterprise.
October 14, 1902, he was married to Miss Porta Cox,
daughter of Albert Cox, and to this union one
child, Mildred, was born.
Mr. Feller is a member of the I. O. O. F. and M. W.
A. lodges and is recognized as a man of sterling
qualities and his business integrity has gained for him
a reputation enjoyed only by those whose ambition in
life is worthy of recognition.
He holds his membership in the Christian Church and is
a loyal citizen, interested in the progress and
advancement of his community.
Pg. 72 - Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of
Leading Citizens. |

A prominent Democrat of
Harrison County and one who has been actively engaged in
its political affairs for a number of years is Henry
In 1885 he was elected
County Recorder of Harrison County, and served until
1887. Was appointed and served under William
Meyer as Deputy Treasurer from 1894 to 1896.
During his career he has served as deputy in the
Assessor, Clerk, Auditor, Sheriff and Treasurer's
offices and is prefectly familiar with the inside
affairs in the various county offices. He has
settled a great many estates and one of the largest in
the history of Harrison County was that of the estate of
Louis Surkant and two children which he
successfully settled. For eighteen years he taught
school in Harrison County and attained quite a
reputation for himself as a pedagogue. For eight
years he was assistant County Superintendent. He
was one of the original stockholders of the Building and
Loan Association of Corydon, is one of the stockholders
of the Corydon National Bank, and is a member of the
Board of Trustees of Central University, Indianapolis.
Notwithstanding his large reversals he is today a
self-made man and his business ability and moral
integrity is recognized throughout the county. He
owns a splendid farm on the pike worth $6,000, which is
in good state of cultivation.
Mr. Wright is the son of Jackson and Mary A.
Wright, born in Harrison township March 18, 1847.
As a boy he worked for his father on a farm and attended
the common schools and received such education as they
afforded which was later supplemented with a High School
course at Corydon. March 18, 1883, he married
Miss Isabelle Windell, daughter of Phillip D.
Mr. Wright is an influential member of the I. O. O.
F. lodge and holds his membership in the United Brethren
Physician and Sugeon

Dr. John C. Bottorf
was born in Clark county, Indiana, August 9, 1866, and
removed with his father to Harrison County in 1871.
Reared on a farm and attending the common schools, he
later attended the Corydon High School. In 1893 he
entered the University of Louisville, Medical
Department, from which institution he graduated March
30, 1896, and located in Corydon, where he has since
continued in the general practice of medicine.
Physician and Surgeon

The vocation of
physician is a most important one in any community, and
among those most favorably known is the subject of this
Dr. Willliam H. Davis was born near Corydon,
Indiana, October 8, 1849, and is the son of Clemmons
and Amanda (Edmondson) Davis. He was reared on
a farm in Spencer Township and taught school in this
county three years.
The years 1873 and 1874 he took a medical course at Ann
Horbor, Michigan, and in 1875 began the practice of
medicine at New Middletown, Indiana. In 1881 he
entered the University of Medicine at Louisville,
Kentucky, and graduating from this institution in 1882,
he again took up the practice of medicine at New
On April 23, 1879, he was united in marriage to
Sabina J. McRae, daughter of Franklin and Rachel
(Sands) McRae, daughter of Franklin and Rachel
(Sands) McRae, and of this union two children were
born, Pearl H. and Percy L.
On July 1, 1903, he removed
to Corydon, and purchased the drug store of Dr.
Lawson where he now conducts one of the leading drug
stores of the town.
The business management is under the doctor's personal
supervision, and he takes pride in keeping the purest
drugs and chemicals of all kinds of stock.
Dr. Davis is a member of the Harrison Co.
Medical Society and of the Methodist Church. |

Among the
many enterprising and leading citizens of Corydon there
are none who are more generally acquainted and favorably
known than the subject of this sketch, George K.
Mr. Gwartney was born in Mauckport in 1856 and
reared on a farm. After leaving the common schools
he attended the State University at
Bloomington and for a time taught school in Harrison
County. Coming to Corydon Mr. Gwartney read
law in the office of Douglas & Stockslager, was
later admitted to the Harrison County bar and served one
term as prosecuting attorney of this Judicial Circuit,
1886 to 1888, being elected on the Democratic ticket.
For sixteen years he owned and edited the well known
Democratic organ of Harrison County, the Corydon
Mr. Gwartney was first married May 15, 1882, to
Kittie, daughter of Dr. H. S. and Anna (Bence)
Wolfe, and of this union a daughter, Nellie,
wife of Ben S. Applegate, was born. In 1884
Mrs. Gwartney died and six years later, April 13,
1891, Mr. Gwartney was again married, to Rose
B., daughter of J. J. and Harriet Bulleit,
and to them four children have been born, three of whom
are living, Irene, Byron and Mildred.
For a number of years Mr. Gwartney has been
engaged in the practice of law and carries on a general
collection agency, where he receives and collects
accounts for various institutions throughout the
country. Besides his law and collections he also
handles real estate, both town and farm property, and
could point to many who have profited by his advice and
by the bargains he offered, and is ever ready to give
all clients the benefit of his long training in this
line of industry. He also does an insurance
business, and is the local representative of the
following companies: Connecticut, Glens Falls,
Prussian National, Germania, Ohio Farmer and the Union
Central Life.
Fraternally Mr. Gwartney belongs to the
following lodges: Masonic I. O. O. F., K. P., M.
W. A., Maccabee and Ben Hur, and is a member of the M.
E. Church.
Depuy Prosecuting Attorney of Harrison County

H. Roose, the present Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of
Harrison County, appointed under John W. Ewing
January 1, 1905, to serve two years, was born in Taylor
township January 6, 1878, the son of William C. and
Lula G. (Newbill) Roose. He was united in
marriage August 25, 1897, to Miss Louetta Gibner,
daughter of Jesse and Fannie (Cunningham) Gibner,
who bore him three children. On May 11, 1903, he
was admitted to the practise of law at the Corydon bar
and has established a good practise in this county.
In his position as Deputy Prosecuting Attorney he is
handling his duties in a manner worthy of commendation
and is a hard working Democrat, always fighting for the
success of his party.
Mr. Roose is a member of the Presbyterian Church
and belongs to the M. W. A. lodge.

This is a
good likeness of Corydon's efficient town clerk, A.
L. Reynolds, aged 55 years. As an evidence of
Mr. Reynold's popularity suffice it to say that
he has continually been elected to his office since
1892, and received at the last election the largest vote
cast for any candidate. The Judge is a staunch Odd
Fellow, and for twenty-one years has been the Financial
Secretary of Gregg Lodge Number 235 I. O. O. F., of
Harness and Saddlery

In no
department of her many industries has Corydon found a
greater impetus to her progress on modern lines than is
our popular young merchant, Sam P. Vogt, who has
a reputation extending throughout the length and breadth
of Harrison county for honest dealings, gentlemanly
qualities and sound business principles. He has
long been known in our commercial and social circles as
a man of sterling qualities and is a popular member of
the local M. W. A. and K. of P. lodges.
The concern as it now stands, located in its present
commodious quarters, occupies a building covering a
ground space of 30x60 feet and is equipped with all
modern appliances for the handling of his goods and the
manufacture of harness and saddlery. A specialty
of this concern is the making of harness for farm and
driving purposes and the quality, durability and
workmanship in the Construction of their goods is the
best that can be found anywhere at any price.
Buying the very best leather to be used in the
construction of these high grade goods and employing a
thoroughly experienced workman, Mr. George Wahl,
who is perfectly familiar with every detain of harness
making, gives a guarantee that the quality and
durability stands par excellence and the best
recommendation any merchant could desire for his goods
is the words of praise by the many farmers of Harrison
County who are using his harness exclusively. In
fulfilling the requirements of the trade in Harrison
County, dealers have long since ascertained the fact
that it requires a large and varied assortment of goods
and nowhere in the county can a larger number of
different patterns and styles be found than in
Mr. Vogt's store.
In the other branches of
his business are to be found nothing but the best in the
respective lines. Here can always be found a good
stock of stoves including everything desirable in this
line, including hard and soft coal and wood heaters,
gasoline stoves, cook stoves and the famous Peninsula
Ranges which is ever a source of pleasure and comfort to
the housewife. Another feature deserving of
mention is the extensive line of tin and enameled ware
carried by this enterprising merchant. All kinds
of tin work, roofing, guttering, etc. is also done and
this firm has established a reputation for their high
grade work and the first class material they use.
Mr. Vogt employs
the services of Mr. Frank Neely who is a first
class tinner and his work has been favorably commented
on for skill and workmanship.
First engaging in business
in Corydon, Mr. Vogt purchased the business of
V. J. Bulleit and for some time conducted the
business. Later he sold out the Messrs. Lotich
and Barbee who after conducting the business here
for a while, removed it to the east side of the public
square. After being out of the business for nine
months Mr. Vogt bought a new and complete
stock of goods and again engaged in business at old
stand where he is today enjoying a liberal patronage
from old and new customers.
In a brief review of is early history Sam is the
son of Henry and Louise (Snider) Vogt, born in
Franklin township, November 5, 1876. As a boy he
was reared on a farm and attended the common schools of
his district, later attending school at Danville,
Indiana. For ten years he was a teacher in the
public schools of Harrison County and gave entire
satisfaction wherever he taught.
On May 7, 1899, he was united in marriage to Nellie
K., daughter of Ephriam Hickman, and to this
union were born two children, one of whom, S. Harlan,
is living.
Mr. Vogt is a leading
Democrat and holds his membership in the Lutheran

One of
Morgan Township's most progressive and influential
farmers that is worthy of special mention is William
Jacobi, who was born near Bradford, Indiana, Dec.
16, 1869, and is a son of Philip and Catherine (Lagel)
Jacobi, both of whom were natives of Germany.
Reared on a farm and attending the common schools, he
later engaged in farming for himself and today is one of
the most successful farmers of the county. Aside
from his farming interests he is alsoin the undertaker's
business with John F. Gettlefinger, their
location being on the Paoli pike three miles east of
On November 27, 1894, the Rev. Andrew Schaff
united in marriage William Jacobi and Laura L.,
daughter of Martin and Teresa (Sperzel) Naville,
and to them eight children have been born, six of whom
are living, Basil, Joseph, Irma, Violet, Mary and
Hilda C.
Mr. Jacobi is a faithful member and is a trustee of
St. Michael Catholic Church at Bradford, and is
well and favorably known for his high moral standing and
gentlemanly manners. |
Pg. 73 - Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of
Leading Citizens. |

A man with widespread and
popular reputation, a business man of broad experience
and sound ability, prompt and straightforward in all his
dealings, and has long been known in our commercial and
social circles as a gentleman of sterling integrity is
the Honorable Jacob L. O'Bannon, son of
Presley N. and Elizabeth, March 10, 1860, securing
his education from the public schools and the Normals of
Elizabeth and Corydon. Married December 30, 1885,
to Carrie Fox, daughter of George W. and Mary
(Ross) Fox, and has five children. Monnie
N., Nellie F., Zipah M., Hazel B. and Presley N.
For twenty years Mr. O'Bannon taught in the
public schools of Harrison County and in 1890 was
admitted to the bar of Harrison County and served as a
member of the Indiana Legislatures of 1897 and 1899.
At present he is engaged as traveling salesman for the
D. M. Osborne Harvestering Company, of Auburn,
New York, and is held in high esteem by the company he
As a public speaker and orator his services are much in
demand, being the possessor of a clear and forceful
voice a quick and ready with and a natural ability to
entertain and audience.

Cort S. Sharp, of
Harrison County, was born September 19, 1870, at Corydon
and attended the public schools of this county.
Was married to Bettie Eckart September 17, 1891,
and has five children. Mr. Sharp is a
member of the M. W. A. lodge of this place and owns two
tracts of 418 acres of rich farming land in Harrison
township. At present he is engaged as purchasing
agent for the Wood Mosaic Flooring Company, one of the
largest and leading companies of Indiana, and no
contract is too large or too small for his
consideration. A business man of rare executive
ability and in social life he is known as a gentleman
always ready to lend a helping hand to a worthy cause.

The subject of this sketch,
S. D. Bartley, was formerly a teacher in the
public schools for ten years and was later a traveling
representative for the Keller Manufacturing Company, of
Corydon, but at present is a salesman for the
Brinley-Hardy Company, of Louisville, Kentucky.
Mr. Bartley attend school at Lebanon, Ohio, and
is a graduate of National Normal University. At
present he is interested in the Corydon Canning Company,
being one of the stockholders. He is an earnest
worker in the K. of P. and W. C. T. lodges and holds
membership in the Christian Church of Corydon.
Bearing a splendid reputation he is held in high esteem
by the business community and is a valuable man to the
firm he represents.

Another prominent and successful physician of Harrison
County is Dr. Frank E. Wolfe, son of
Dr. Z. C. and Martha R. (Gwartney) Wolfe, born March
30, 1876, at Mauckport, Indiana.
Dr. Frank E. Wolfe
attended school at De Pauw University and in 1897
graduated from the Kentucky School of Medicine at
Louisville. January 26, 1898, he was married to
Miss Eva M. Kilker and two children,
Katheleen and Stanley, are the fruit of this
union. The doctor, since graduating, has practised
at Georgetown, Indiana, and Houston, Texas and is now
located at Lanesville this county, and has an office
equipped with all the modern appliances known to the
medical profession and his popular reputation is justly
merited by his enterprising business principles. |
Commissioner of Harrison County

Gleitz, one of Harrison County's largest and most
successful farmers, was born in Elsass, Germany (at that
time under the control of France) on November 7, 1838.
He came to America in 1855 and landed at New Orleans.
Then he came to Franklin township, but later located on
the farm where he now resides.
He was married to Christina Muegler, April 4,
1864, who bore him eight children. She having died
October 27, 1895, he was again married, to Mary
Deitrich on January 17, 1897, and to this union
three children have been born, two of whom are living.
Twice Mr. Gleitz has been elected to the office
of County Commissioner, the first term from 1899 to
1902, and the second term from 1905 to 1908. He
has also served one term as County Coroner, 1891 to
1893, and during this term of office he was Sheriff of
the County for thirty days. He was president of
the Harrison County Fair in 1897. In all of the
above positions "Uncle Mike" has made a sterling
officer, whose integrity has never been questioned.
He stands at all times for what he thinks is
right, it matters not who it hurts or helps, and this
accounts, to a great extent, for his popularity as a
County Commissioner.
Mr. Gleitz owns 520
acres of the best farm land in the county, his farm
being located on the Corydon and New Albany turnpike two
miles east of Corydon. On this farm he has
recently erected a beautiful two-story dwelling in which
he resides. Everything about the place, and in
fact the whole farm, is kept very neat and clean and "Uncle
Mike" takes great pride in keeping it so.
The principal crops he raises are wheat and clover.
He holds his membership in the German Lutheran church
near Lanesville and is recognized as one of the
principal supports of the congregation and an earnest
church worker.
Byrnville, Indiana

Artistic Piano
and Organ Tuner.
Case Polishing.
Business established in 1895.
Piano and Organ Case and action parts made to order.
Musical instruments of all kinds repaired.
Baldwin experienced.

John P.
Riddle, son of Peter and Mary (Netz) Riddle,
was born near New Middletown January 8, 1861.
Reared on a farm and attending the common schools he
later engaged in the wall paper and house painting
business. He carries a complete stock of wall
paper and having many years experience in the business
can furnish and hang paper and paint your house in the
most pleasant styles and colors and at most reasonable
Mr. Riddle was married August 4, 1898 to
Lizzie, daughter of Jacob and Anna M. (Kost) Ging.
He is a prominent member of the M. W. A. lodge and
is one of Corydon's enterprising citizens.

C. W.
Conrad was born in Harrison County, 1857, and
received his education in the public schools of the
county and in the American Conservatory of Music of
Chicago. From his early years he has been devoted
to music in one form or another. His boyhood days
were spent on his mother's farm, his father having died
when he was only eleven months old. His first step
in public life was that of teaching vocal music in the
country churches, but that being too limited, he
preferred traveling and conducting musical conventions
in this and adjoining states, in which he had marked
success, having a direct power of getting people
together and arousing enthusiasm. For eighteen
years he has been engaged in the sale of pianos and
organs, having broken the record of any salesman in the
central states.
Claude H. Conrad was born in 184. He
received his education in the public schools and in the
Ohio Valley Normal College of Corydon. In early
childhood he showed an intense love for music, and
advanced very rapidly. He graduated in the art of
piano tuning in 1904. He is now with his father.
C. W. Conrad, conducting the piano and organ
business at Corydon, Indiana, which was organized
September 1, 1905, under the firm name of Conrad
and Son Music Company, but of whom are without question
the right men in the right place.

Peter s.
Wright, a son of Eli and Phoebe Wright, was
born near Corydon, Indiana, February 4, 1858. In
youth he worked on the farm and attended public school
at Corydon.
He owned the operated the Corydon and New Albany state,
1881 to 1883.
December 2, 1882, he was married to Miss Lizzie
Brown and to them two children were born, of which
Adolph is still living.
He was Coroner of Harrison County from 1897 to 1901 and
again elected in 1904. He also served as Constable
and Jailor. Mr. Wright operates the
blacksmith shop at the old Weaver stand and is an honest
and accommodating gentleman.
Traveling Salesman

D. M.
Rowland, the son of William and Mary (Long)
Rowland, was parents having come from Washington
County. In his early life he secured what
education the public schools afforded and learned the
painter and paper-hangers trades. He conducted a
grocery store in Corydon for a number of years and later
a wall paper store, but in January, 1903, he was engaged
as traveling salesman for Hetterman Bros.,
wholesale cigar dealers of Louisville, Kentucky, the
position he now holds. He has built up an enormous
trade for his employers in his territory and is one of
this firms most valued me.
On January 13, 1880, he was married to Sallie D.
Wright, daughter of Samuel J. and Sarah
(Slaughter) Wright and to them was born one child,
Mary. Mrs. Rowland died April 23,
"Mitch," as he is familiarly known, is a leading
and influential Republican and belongs to the M. W. A.
and T. P. A. lodges.
Pg. 74 -
Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of Leading
Citizens. |
1905 - 1906

Top Row:
L. V. Brown - No. 1, Corydon
Alma Black - No. 4, Corydon
Ambrosia Hurst - No. 18, Corydon
Straude Bulleit - No. 3, Corydon
2nd from Top Row:
Clarence Stonecipher - No. 2, Corydon
Wm. Hauswald - No. 8, Corydon
C. L. Dick - No. 15, Corydon
Sam Windell - No. 6, Corydon
D. C. Kintner - No. 17, Corydon
3rd Row from Top Row:
Dan Sharp - No. 1, Corydon
Thos. A. Patterson, Trustee Harrison Township
D. W. Shaffer - No. 14, Corydon
4th Row from Top:
Hugh Rhodes - No. 9, Corydon
Arvel R. Snyder - No. 20, Corydon
Robert Albin - No. 11, Corydon
Dan Neely - No. 16, Corydon
5th Row from Top:
John Duley - No. 10, Corydon
W. W. Windell - No. 12, Corydon
C.C. Crosby - No. 13, Hill Grove
H. E. Baxley - No. 5, New Middletown
Pg. 75 -
Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of Leading
Citizens. |

Residence of Robert Gibson, Corydon

Ethel Youtsler, No. 4, Mauckport
Mayme Hardsaw, No. 2, Valley City

Horace Sonner, No. 2, Valley City
Elmer Funkhouser, No. 3, Mauckport

Gertrude Hottel
No. 7, New Amsterdam

Harvey Stoner, No. 1, Corydon
Nellie Pitman, No. 8, Corydon |

The Christian Church

Residence of William Mitchell, Corydon

Residence of Charles F. Shaffer, Corydon

Residence of John Loweth, Corydon |

Residence of David Kaylor, Morgan Twp.

Charles H. Stewart, A Leading Farmer of Posey Twp.
John N. Kost, One of the Oldest settlers of Morgan Twp.

John Kannapel, Teacher,
No. 4, Webster Twp., New Middletown
Rev. Paul Bleuel,
Pastor St. Bernard's Church, Frenchtown

Mrs. Julia E. Neely,
Teacher No. 3, Heth Twp., Corydon
Frank Shireman,
Teacher No. 11, Heth Twp., Mauckport

F. M. Bartley,
John W. Lopp,
Veterans of the Civil War. |
Pg. 76 -
Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of Leading
Citizens. |

The present efficient and
accommodating postmaster of Corydon, Mr. Charles H.
Reader, son of William and Catherine (Heth)
Reader, was born in Grassy Valley, Harrison County,
Aug. 25, 1846. His early life was spent on his
father's farm and attending the common schools and when
fourteen years old removed to Corydon where his father
engaged in the drug business. He attended the
Corydon School and the Indiana University at Bloomington
and in 1868 taught school in Scott township after which
he engaged as clerk in his father's drug store with whom
he remained for five years. In 1874 Mr. Reader
engaged in business for himself handling a general line
of insurance, continuing successfully until he took sick
in 1882 which developed in irritation of the spine
affecting his lower limbs and as a result was an invalid
for ten years.
Mr. Reader was a treasurer of Corydon
corporation four years, 1890 to 1894, when he was
elected on the republican ticket as trustee of Harrison
township. For four years he was deputy postmaster
and in the fall of 1905 received the recommendation for
postmaster. He was appointed Jan. 18, 1906 and
entered on official duty Feb. 20, 1906. He has in
his employ two active and painstaking deputies in the
persons of Mrs. Rhea Lamb and Miss Elizabeth
Charles H. Reader was married Dec. 10, 1872, to
Rose B., daughter of George P. R. and Sarah
(Spencer) Wilson and of this union |
two children were born, one of whom,
Laura, wife of Victor J. Bulleit, is
living. Mrs. Reader died Mar. 8, 1882,
since which his home has been with his sister.
Socially Mr. Reader is a man who enjoys the
friendship of many acquaintances, is an honest, upright
citizen, esteemed for his many good qualities by all who
know him.

Baxter, James W., M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon, Lanesville, Indiana was born in
Harrison County May 12, 1873, the son of John R. and
Mary (Applegate) Baxter from Kentucky and Indiana
respectively. Dr. Baxter received his
education in the public schools and at the Valparaiso
and O. V. Normal Colleges, having attended the latter
two schools in the years 1893 and 1894 respectively.
He began teaching at the age of seventeen and for nine
yearrs followed this profession in Harrison County.
Choosing a medical profession he entered the Kentucky
School of Medicine in the fall of 1899 and in 1903
graduated from this institution, after which he went
before the State Board of Medical Registration and
Examination and gained a high per cent of average.
During the same year he located at New Middletown,
Indiana, where he engaged in the practice of medicine,
where in February, 1904, he bought Dr. Frank E. Wolfe's
location at Lanes- |
ville, Indiana, to which place he
removed and has since had a constantly growing
patronage. Dr. Baxter has one of the best
equipped offices in the county and keeps a full and
complete stock of drugs on hand at all times.
On Apr. 4, 1895, he was united in marriage to Miss
Maude, daughter of Samuel T. and Magnolia (Gwartney)
Wolfe, and to this union two children have been
born, Samuel M. and James W.
He is an influential member of several fraternal,
beneficial and medical orders and belongs to the
Methodist Church.
He is an influential member of several fraternal,
beneficial and medical orders and belongs to the
Methodist Church.

H. Bussabarger was born near Corydon, Jan. 28, 1866.
While a boy he worked on the farm and attended the
common schools. On Nov. 6, 1892 he was married to
Miss Sallie C. Hickman, who has borne him one
child, Hazel G.
He is local manager of the Corydon Canning Company
and is purchasing agent for the New Albany Box & Basket
Factory, for whom he buys all kinds of timber.
Mr. Bussabarger is a business hustler, a member
of the K. of P. and Ben Hur lodges and the Lutheran
Church. |
Bulleit, V. J. |
Cashier |
Corydon |
Bulleit, J. J. & Son |
Hardware & Bdg. M'teri'l |
Corydon |
Breeden, Emery H. |
Attorney |
Corydon |
Bender, Joseph |
Frmg. Imp. & Ftlr |
Corydon |
Bussabarger, W. H. |
Purchasing Agent |
Corydon |
Bulleit, V. H. & son |
Frmg. Imp. & Ftlr. |
Corydon |
Brown, Joseph |
Printer |
Corydon |
Bulleit, A. L. |
Blacksmith |
Corydon |
Bartley, Sam D. |
Traveling Salesman |
Corydon |
Bottorff, John, Dr. |
Physician |
Corydon |
Briffett, Geo. W. |
General Passenger Agt. |
Corydon |
Bulleit, J. J. |
Merchant |
Corydon |
Corydon School Board |
S. Tuell, President |
Corydon |
Corydon Democrat |
Corydon |
Corydon Republican |
Corydon |
Conrad, C. W. & Son |
Music Dealers |
Corydon |
Corydon Canning Co. |
Fruit Canners |
Corydon |
Com's of Harrison Co. |
Corydon |
Connor, A. R. |
Insurance |
Corydon |
Daniel, Wm., Dr. |
Physician |
Corydon |
Davis, Elmer |
Packer |
Corydon |
Davis, W. H., Dr. |
Physician and Druggist |
Corydon |
Denbo, Henry W. |
Furniture and Stoves |
Corydon |
Denbo, Henry W. |
Furniture and Stoves |
Corydon |
Douglas, Ed. F. |
Teacher |
Corydon |
Farmers Svgs. & Tst. Co. |
Corydon |
Fisher & Stabler |
Contractors |
Corydon |
Frederick, John |
Engineer |
Corydon |
Funk, M. W. |
Attorney at Law |
Corydon |
Funk, Z. T., Dr. |
Physician |
Corydon |
Griffin & Co., M. |
Merchants |
Corydon |
Gwartney, Geo. K. |
Attorney |
Corydon |
Habermel, John |
County Assessor |
Corydon |
Habermel, John |
County Assessor |
Corydon |
Heth, John H. |
Insurance |
Corydon |
Jenkins, Pleasant |
County Superintendent |
Corydon |
Keller, Ed. |
Manager Wagon Works |
Corydon |
Keller, W. H. |
Wagon Manufacturer |
Corydon |
Kepner, H. F. |
Clerk |
Corydon |
Linder, A. B. |
Jeweler and Milliner |
Corydon |
Lotich, P. E. |
Harness, Stoves, Tinware |
Corydon |
Loweth, John |
Retired |
Corydon |
Ludlow, W. B. |
Sheriff |
Corydon |
Martin, Charles |
Miller |
Corydon |
McKinster, James W. |
Farmer |
Corydon |
McRae, James A. |
County Clerk |
Corydon |
Miller, Alex. |
Salesman |
Corydon |
Miller, C. M. |
Grocer |
Corydon |
Mowrer, Frank S. |
Photographer |
Corydon |
Neely, Daniel |
Teacher |
Corydon |
Neely, I. L., Dr. |
Physician |
Corydon |
O'Bannon, J. L. |
Traveling Salesman |
Corydon |
Perry, Wm. P. |
Teacher |
Corydon |
Pitman, Elmer L. |
Miller |
Corydon |
Pitman, Harrison |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Reader, Chas. H. |
Post Master |
Corydon |
Riddle, John P. |
Wall Paper |
Corydon |
Ridley, Wm. |
Attorney |
Corydon |
Riely, L. A. & Son |
Druggists |
Corydon |
Roose, Wm. H. |
Attorney |
Corydon |
Rosenbarger, W. H. |
Restaurant |
Corydon |
Rowland, D. M. |
Traveling Salesman |
Corydon |
Russell, Wm. A. |
Liveryman |
Corydon |
Svgs. & Loan Associati'n |
Corydon |
John C. F. |
Manufacturer |
Corydon |
Self, Geo. |
Reporter Supreme Court |
Corydon |
Shuck, H. & Son |
Liveryman |
Corydon |
Shuck, W. S. |
Liveryman |
Corydon |
Thomas, C. W. |
Newspaper |
Corydon |
Thornsbury, Rush |
Traveling Salesman |
Corydon |
Trustees Corydon |
Victor Wright, President |
Corydon |
Ulen, F. A. |
Dentist |
Corydon |
Vogt, Sam |
Harness, Stoves, Tinware |
Corydon |
Ward, Alver G. |
Manager Grocery |
Corydon |
Watson, Frank E. |
Auditor |
Corydon |
Watson, James A. |
Timber Dealer |
Corydon |
Wilson, Frank M. |
Recorder |
Corydon |
Wilson, Thomas J. |
Attorney |
Corydon |
Wolfe, Mel |
Traveling Salesman |
Corydon |
Wolfe, Oliver M. |
Clerk |
Corydon |
Wolfe, Sam |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Wolfe, Zelotus C., Dr. |
Physician |
Corydon |
Wright, Frank R. |
Rural Mail Carrier |
Corydon |
Amy, Geo. N. |
Farmer |
Central |
Applegate, W. H. |
Farmer |
Central |
Beanblossom, C. E. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Mauckport R.R. 2 |
Beanblossom, Emmet |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Blake, Wm. F. |
Merchant |
Central |
Best, Amos |
Justice of Peace |
Mauckport |
Deen, H. K., Dr. |
Physician and Farmer |
Central |
Foster, Theo. |
Butcher |
Mauckport |
Flora, W. H. Jr. |
Merchant |
Mauckport |
Frank, Sam H. |
Farmer & Fruit Grower |
Mauckport |
Faith and Beanblossom |
Miller |
Mauckport |
Gwartney, Jesse E. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 2 |
Hays, W. H. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 2 |
Hisey, David |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Kirk, C. E. |
Hotel |
Mauckport |
Lopp, A. J. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Lohmeyer, Arthur E. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Central |
Longbottom, Wm. H. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Central |
Love, Edmond B. |
Com'r and Farmer |
Central |
Lopp, A. G. |
Teacher |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
McBride, Andy |
rural Mail Carrier |
Mauckport |
Pitman, Ed. |
Farmer |
Central |
Reed, John O. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Reagan, B. W. |
Blacksmith |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Rhodes, James S. |
Farmer |
Crisp X Road |
Sherman, Geo. R. |
Agent & Wharf Master |
Mauckport |
Smith, Wm. |
Farmer |
Central |
Shireman, Frank W. |
Teacher No. 11 |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Smith, Wm. A. |
Farmer |
Central |
Tindell, S. D. |
Blacksmith |
Central |
Trotter, H. A. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 2 |
Tindell, S. W. |
Farmer |
Central |
Watson, John H. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 2 |
Windell, Ed. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Yeager, Amos W. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R.R. 1 |
Yeager, Chas. |
Farmer |
Mauckport |
Yeager, John C. |
Farmer |
Mauckport |
Atkins, J. S. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 2 |
Briscoe, Frank |
Farmer and Teacher |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Briscoe, Clarence |
Physician |
Depauw |
Berkshire, Lee |
Farmer |
Depauw |
Connally, Thomas |
Representative |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Creech, Wm. T. |
Carpenter |
Milltown |
Crandall, Geo. W. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 2 |
Churchill, Geo. W. |
Farmer and Saw Mill |
Depauw |
Creech, Elmer |
Quaryman |
Milltown |
Durnil, Chas. W. |
Farmer |
Hancock |
Durnil, J. M. |
Farmer |
Fredericksburg |
Fouts, David C. |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Feioch, Philip |
Farmer |
Fredericksburg |
Green, J. O. (deceased) |
Ex-Trustee |
Depauw |
Hendricks, Geo. W. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Hopper, W. C. & B. |
Farmers |
Milltown |
Jackson, Levi R. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Kennedy, Wm. |
Farmer |
Palmyra |
McKinster, A. J. |
Farmer |
Fredricksburg |
Moore, J. H. |
Farmer |
Fredricksburg |
Moore, J. H. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 2 |
Pennington, J. W. |
Lime Business |
Milltown |
Voyles, Samuel N. |
Farmer |
Hancock |
Smith, C. W. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 2 |
Spencer, Thomas |
Farmer |
Depauw |
Wolfe, Chas. A. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Hancock |
Anderson, A. D. |
Post Master |
Laconia |
Ashton, John T. |
Trustee |
Laconia |
Beanblossom, B. H. |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Barkheimes, Gust A. |
Farmer |
Dogwood |
Boone, Craven T. |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Byrum, Geo. B. |
Merchant |
Laconia |
Brown, Charley |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Bartley, C. T. |
Teacher |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Boone, Samuel |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Boone, Rush C. |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Beckhart, Henry |
Farmer |
Laconia |
Crosier, Ed. |
School Board |
Laconia |
Cunningham, Frank |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Cooper, E. S. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Crosier, Adam T. |
Farmer |
Laconia |
Croxier, Ann E. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Cunningham, Ed. M. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky. |
Crosier, Lafe |
Farmer |
Laconia |
Crosier, Ed. Sr. |
Farmer |
Laconia |
Douglas, Claude |
Teacher |
Laconia |
Davis, Chas. H. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Elbert, Fred |
Farmer and Soldier |
Dogwood |
Friedly, Stanley |
Farmer |
Rehoboth |
Frakes, Samuel D. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Ferree, Lewis C. |
Farmer |
Elbert |
Ferree, Wm. S. |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Greer, Joseph Victor |
Farmer |
Elbert |
Holliday, Junius |
Farmer |
Laconia |
Kraft, Geo. H. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 3 |
Kintner, James P. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Lemmon, D. W. |
Farmer |
Rehoboth |
Lemmon, Jasper |
Farmer |
Rehoboth |
Pg. 77 -
Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of Leading
Citizens. |
TOWNSHIP - continued |
Melton, Claude |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 3 |
McIntire, Walter J. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R.1 |
May, Sidney B. |
Farmer |
Laconia R. R. 1 |
Melton, Clara |
Farmer |
Laconia |
McIntire, Claude |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Miller, G. C. |
Teacher |
Laconia |
McFarland, Robt. |
Farmer |
Rehoboth |
Russell, J. F. |
Farmer |
Laconia R. R. 1 |
Ridgway, Geo. |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Radmacher, W. J. |
Teacher |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Shields, G. L. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Shields, Chas. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Sands, Isaac |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Steele, Wm. A. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Stevens, Alf. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Shields, Eli |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Thompson, J. W. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Williar, Edwin C. |
Farmer |
Laconia R.R. 1 |
Williar, J. E. and E. |
Farmers |
Elbert |
Zimmerman, Hays |
Teacher |
Laconia |
Zimmerman, J. E. |
Farmer |
Rock Haven, Ky., R.R. 1 |
Bickell, John H. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Baelz, J. M. |
Farmer and Treasurer |
Corydon R.R. 6 |
Bence, John |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Crosby, Cort |
Farmer and Teacher |
Hill Grove |
Cunningham, John |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Deutsch, J. V. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Davis, Ira |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Denbro, Willard H. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Fry, Geo. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Fravel, Wm. E. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Gohl, Edward |
Farmer |
Iris |
Gleitz, Michael |
Farmer and Co. Com'r. |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Heisy, C. A. |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Herter, Philip |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Harbinson, Henry |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Hurst, Ambrosia |
Teacher |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Hottell, Clem |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Kintner, Dudley C. |
Teacher |
Corydon R.R. 6 |
Kitterman, J. S. |
Farmer and Carpenter |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Lemay, H. R. |
Farmer & Handle Maker |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Mauck, Chas. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Mosler, Fred G. |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Patterson, T. A. |
Trustee |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Pepper, W. T. S. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Rhodes, Abraham |
Farmer |
Hill Grove |
Rhodes, Hugh A. |
Teacher |
Corydon R R. 2 |
Rhodes, Daniel P. |
Farmer |
Hill Grove |
Ripperdan, Wm. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Shireman, Geo. W. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Stauth, Daniel |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 6 |
Snyder, Joseph H. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Snyder, A. R. |
Teacher & Co. Surveyor |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Stevens, Chas. L. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Shuck, Ora |
Traveling Salesman |
Corydon |
Smith, Aquilla O. |
Farmer |
Iris |
Sharp, Cort S. |
Farmer & Purchas'g Agt. |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Smith, James I. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 5 |
Shaffer, David |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Taylor, Stephen A. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Taylor, Wm. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Watson, Carry S. |
Farmer |
Hill Grove |
Wright, Henry |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Windell, Sam C. |
Farmer |
Hancock |
Wiseman, W. H. P. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Arnold, Wm. J. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Baxter, J. W. |
Secretary |
Lanesville |
Bauer, Herman |
Saloon |
Lanesville |
Baxter, J. W. |
Physician |
Lanesville |
Bckel, Geo. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Dowdle, Geo. J. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Day, Amiel |
Farmer and Teacher |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Elbers, Peter |
Saloon |
Lanesville |
Endris, August |
Saloon |
Lanesville |
Fahinger, Jacob |
Shoe Maker & Harness |
Lanesville |
Gresham, John W. |
Farmer and Mechanic |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Lotich, Philip |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Miller, Geo. B. |
Farmer |
Georgetown R.R. 2 |
Miller, Geo. B. |
Township Trustee |
Georgetown R.R. 2 |
Meuer, Henry |
Plasterer and farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Meyer, Herman |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Meyer, C. & E. F. |
Druggist and Teacher |
Lanesville |
Peckskamp, Rev. A. |
Priest |
Lanesville |
richert, W. P. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Redick, John P. |
Merchant |
Lanesville |
Ringle, John |
Teamster |
Lanesville |
Riley, Woodford W. |
Farmer and Stock Rais'g |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Reinhardt, John C. |
Blacksmith |
Lanesville |
Richert, Clara |
Teacher |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Shaffer, Geo. G. |
Wagon Maker |
Lanesville |
Sims, Frank |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Steilger, Joseph |
Farmer |
Georgetown R.R. 1 |
Thum, Emil |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Tyler, Frank T. |
Teacher |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Thomas, Wm. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Turner, N. M. |
Teacher |
Georgetown R.R. 1 |
Wernert, Andy |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Wolfe, F. E. |
Physician |
Lanesville |
Yochem, Jo. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Yochem, Frank G. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Zolloman, John P. |
Farmer |
Lanesville |
Bierly, Fred |
Teacher |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Bierly, John |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Brewster, Ranklin |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Baur, Eugene |
Farmer |
Locust Point R.R. 1 |
Beeler, Henry |
Farmer |
Locust Point R.R. 1 |
Cromwell, Oliver |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 3 |
Conlee, H. |
Township Assessor |
Elizabeth |
Cooper, Jennie B. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Crump, Chas. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 2 |
Daily, Dan |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Deen, D. S., Dr. |
Physician |
Elizabeth |
Eurton, T. W. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Elizabeth |
Eurton, Peter |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Elizabeth School Board |
Elizabeth |
Farnsley, H. E. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 2 |
Fulner, John Geo. |
Merchant |
Locust Point |
Glaze, George |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Glaze, Andy |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Glaze, Wm. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Green, Fred G. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 2 |
Huffman, Lee H. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Huston, Oscar L. |
Trustee |
Elizabeth |
uston, Oscar L. |
Merchant |
Elizabeth |
Hertling, Christ |
Farmer |
Black Creek |
Johnson, Joseph R. |
Fruit Grower |
Locust Point R.R. 1 |
Kron, Geo. F. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Kessinger, John L. |
Farmer and Ex-Trustee |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Layer, Fredrick |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
McKinney, John |
Farmer & Justice Peace |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Marion, Jonathan |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
McRae, Peter H. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 3 |
McClure, E. E. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Elizabeth R.R. 2 |
Onion, Thomas |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Stewart, Chas. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Stewart, Robert |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Schmiller, John |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Smith, Lovel G. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 2 |
Schoen, Jacob |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 2 |
Stewart, Wm. H. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Treece, C. J. |
Undertaker |
Elizabeth |
Tabler, Virginia E. |
Trained Nurse |
Locust Point |
Winders, L. C., Dr. |
Physician |
Elizabeth |
Weaver, Amzi, Dr. |
Physician |
Elizabeth |
Williams, Robert E. |
Farmer & Blacksmith |
Locust Point |
Wright, Benj. F. |
Post Master & M'chant |
Locust Point |
Yeager, John |
Farmer & Blacksmith |
Elizabeth R. R. 1 |
Alstott, J. M. & Son |
Nurserymen |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Adam, Conrad B. |
Farmer |
Ramsey |
Byrne, C. C. |
Timber Dealer |
Salisbury |
Barrow, Strother |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Bye, Chas. P. |
Teacher and Merchant |
Crandall |
Bringle, L. J. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R. R. 1 |
Crawford, Robert |
Railroad Agent |
Salisbury |
Deitrich, Joseph E. |
Mail Carrier |
Salisbury R. R. 1 |
Dyer, W. H. |
Timber Dealer |
Crandall |
Davis, C. M. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Denhart, John |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Davidson, Samuel |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Eaton, Maud E. |
Teacher School No. 4 |
Ramsey |
Fowler, Harry |
Teacher |
Crandall |
Franck, Frederick |
Farmer and Butcher |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Graves, Wm. T. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Salisbury |
Heuser, C. J. |
Hotel and Saloon |
Salisbury |
Hughes, John H. |
Flour Mill |
Ramsey |
Hurn, David H. |
Farmer |
Salisbury |
Isterling, Jacob |
Hotel and Saloon |
Salisbury |
Krausgrill, Geo. W. |
Farmer and Not'y Pub'c |
Salisbury |
LaFollette, W. P., Dr. |
Physician and Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
McIntosh, A. J. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Richert, Wm. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Radcliff, ,Ottis |
Merchant |
Salisbury |
Stevens, T. J. |
County Commissioner |
Crandall |
Swarens, C. P. |
Teacher |
Ramsey |
Thomas, Wm. A. |
Justice Peace |
Crandall |
Talbott, J. C. |
Farmer and St'k Breed'r |
Crandall |
Wagner, John |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Wagner, L. P. |
Farmer and Miller |
Crandall |
Wagner, Lewis |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 3 |
Walk, J. L. |
Farmer |
Salisbury |
Wright, John C. |
Carpenter |
Crandall |
Wiseman, Pearl |
Teacher School No. 11 |
Ramsey |
Baker, Lewis |
Trustee |
Bradford |
Baker, Olive |
Teacher School No. 7 |
Bradford |
Bopp, George |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Bopp, John |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Buechler, John B. |
Teacher |
Bradford |
Clever, Chas., Rev. |
Priest |
Bradford |
Coleman, James |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Damon, C. C. |
Teacher and Farmer |
Ramsey |
Dietrich, Jacob |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Embs, Wm. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Fessell, Jacob |
Bradford |
Finley, J. F., Dr. |
Physician |
Palmyra |
Geppner, John |
Farmer |
Bradforde |
Gettelfinger, Frank |
Farmer |
Bradford |
Gettelfinger, George |
Farmer |
Bradford |
Gettelfinger, John F. |
Farmer and Undertaker |
Palmyra R. R. 1 |
Harper, David C. |
Piano Tuner & Jeweler |
Byrnville |
Hartman, Wm. C. |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Haub, Fred |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Himes, E. R. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Huff, Wm. P. |
Merchant |
Palmyra |
Jacobi, Philip |
Farmer |
Bradford |
Jacobi, Wm. |
Farmer and Undertaker |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Jesberg, Christ |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Kahl, Louis A. |
Undertaker |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Kaylor, David |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Kiesler, George I. |
Blacksmith and Farmer |
Palmyra R. R. 1 |
Kiesler, Hilary |
Farmer |
Palmyra R. R. 1 |
Langford, Myrtle |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Martin, James M. |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Martin, John S. |
Merchant |
Palmyra |
Quebberman, George B. |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Rochner, George |
Farmer |
Rudolph, A. L. |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Sappenfield, Levi |
Farmer |
Palmyra R.R. 1 |
Smith, Manse |
Farmer |
Palmyra |
Smith, Oliver |
Farmer |
Salisbury R.R. 1 |
Taylor, Ola |
Teacher School No. 3 |
`Palmyra R. R. 1 |
Timperman, Peter |
Farmer |
Palmyra |
Voyles, Otto |
Traveling Salesman |
Palmyra |
Wolfe, A. N. |
Farmer and Miller |
Palmyra |
Arnold, John |
Farmer and Assessor |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Bell, Baywad |
Teacher School No. 2 |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Boldt, G. W. |
Teacher School No. 3 |
Milltown |
Burgess, John S. |
Farmer & Fruit Grower |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Davis, Chesney |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Davis, Dan R. |
Teacher and Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Davis, Jasper N. |
Farmer |
Moberly |
Engleman, Sherman H. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Floc, Jesse O. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Grabill, C. E. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Hass, Joseph L. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Harmon, Geo. A. |
Farmer and Merchant |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Keffey, Joseph |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Louden, Dora E. |
Teacher School No. 5 |
Moberly |
Louden, Florence |
Teacher School No. 10 |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Louden, J. v. G. |
T'w'p Trustee & Farm'r |
Moberly |
Louden, Joe P. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Louden, John R. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Louden, Katie E. |
Teacher School No. 9 |
Moberly |
McClaren, Chas. & Son |
Nurserymen |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Pinmire, A. F. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Pinmire, Geo. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Pinmire, James |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Pinmire, Sherman F. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Pitman, Sallie |
Teacher School No. 12 |
Depauw |
Price, J. H. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Rothrock, Kenneth |
Teacher School No. 6 |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Rothrock, Wm. H. |
Farmer and Saw Mill |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Sauerheber, Henry |
Farmer |
White Cloud |
Seig, Abe S. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Seig, H. F. |
Farmer |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Seig, Vada |
Teacher School No. 11 |
Depauw R.R. 1 |
Shaffer, Corda |
Teacher School No. 7 |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Shuppert, M. & Sons |
Millers |
Depauw |
Swarns, Dan |
Teacher School No. 8 |
Milltown |
Swarns, robert |
Farmer |
Sharps Mills |
Swarens, Wm. L. |
F'm'r, Merch't & P.M. |
Sharps Mills |
Walts, G. E. |
Farmer |
Milltown |
Watson, Ed. L. |
Teacher |
Moberly |
Wolfe, Corte A. |
Farmer and Peddler |
Corydon R. R. 4 |
Wolfe, David W. H. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 4 |
Ansetz, Andy |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Barger, John E. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 3 |
Brown, Frank |
Teacher |
Elizabeth R. R. 1 |
Cunningham, J. D. |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Cunningham, Lonnie |
Farmer and Teacher |
Evans Landing r. R. 1 |
Fink, Jos. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Fink, Peter |
Merchant |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Fox, Jesse |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Gerdon, W. H. Rev. |
Priest |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Hess, Chas. |
Teacher |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Kelly, Henry |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Knight, Tom |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
McCauley, Austin |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Mettling, Henry |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 3 |
Miller, Geo. |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Neel, Bruce |
Justice of the Peace |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Arminda |
Teacher |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
O'Bannon, Ferd. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Russell, W. S. |
Trustee and Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Russell, W. S. |
Trustee |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Reeves, Lawrence |
Teacher |
Elizabeth R.R. 1 |
Sample, John |
Farmer |
Evans Landing r.R. 1 |
Wate, Samuel |
Farmer |
Evans Landing R.R. 1 |
Pg. 78 - Industrial Review, Biographies and Portraits of
Leading Citizens. |
Brown, Grace |
Teacher School No. 3 |
Corydon R.R. 6 |
Davis, Lafayette |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Blanche Elliot |
Teacher School No. 9 |
Corydon |
Feller, John H. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 6 |
Kintner, C. H. |
Farmer and Teacher |
Corydon R.R. 6 |
Mauck, Samuel C. |
Farmer |
Corydon R. R. 2 |
Rothrock, Julius |
Farmer and Miller |
White Cloud |
Sonner, Addie |
Teacher School No. 1 |
White Cloud |
Wolfe, Wm. E. |
Farmer |
Corydon R. R. 2 |
Windell, Perry F. |
Farmer |
Corydon, R. R. 6 |
Amy, Ira |
Farmer |
Corydon R. R. 2 |
Best, Wm. |
Farmer |
Amsterdam |
Cunningham, John M. |
Farmer & Stock Raiser |
Valley City |
Frank, J. C. |
Secretary School Board |
Amsterdam |
Frankhouser, W. E. |
Teacher |
Mauckport |
Hardsaw, Mayme, Mrs. |
Teacher |
Valley City |
Hays, D. W. |
Physician |
Valley City |
Kendall, Harvey E. |
M'ch't & Wharf Masteer |
Amsterdam |
Kemper, D. B. |
M'ch't. Fm'r & Distiller |
Amsterdam |
Lone, Grant |
Farmer |
Amsterdam |
Pitman, W. E. |
Farmer |
Amsterdam |
Potter, Frank L. |
Farmer |
Valley City |
Shaffer, Willard |
Farmer |
Corydon R. R. 2 |
Sonner, Martin |
Farmer |
Amsterdam |
Sherrill, John H. |
Farmer |
Mauckport R. R. 1 |
Sonner, Horace S. |
Teacher and Farmer |
Valley City |
Stoner, Harvey R. |
Teacher School No. 1 |
Corydon R.R. 2 |
Taylor, Alford |
Farmer |
Valley City |
Windell, John L. |
Farmer |
Valley City |
Watson, Jesse L. |
Farmer and Trustee |
Valley City |
Watson, Jesse L. |
Trustee |
Valley City |
Watson, W. A. |
Farmer |
Valley City |
Zenor, C. W. |
Merchant |
Valley City |
Becker, John H. |
Assessor |
Middletown |
Blunk, A. J. |
Carpenter |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Beck, Mikel |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Combs, Thos. I. |
Rural Mail Carrier |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Detrick, Malinda |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Eisenmenger, Wm. |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Ellwanger, Wm. P. |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Foster, Isaac |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Hedges, John H. |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Himmelhaber, Jacob |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Heckleman, Wm. |
Merchant |
Middletown |
Kannapel, A. J. |
Miller |
Middletown |
Kirkham, Oscar D. |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Kannapel, Clarence |
Teacher |
Middletown |
Luther, John H. |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Lottich, Wm. J. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Lillpop, Frederick |
Farmer and Carpenter |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
McRae, Samuel |
Farmer |
Elizabeth |
Marsh, Jesse N. |
Blacksmith |
Middletown |
Resch, John M. |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Roudenbush, Jacob |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Richert, Jacob A. |
Farmer |
Corydon R.R. 1 |
Schoen, P. H., Dr. |
Physician |
Middletown |
Steiner, Frank |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Sharf, Andrew |
Mill |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Shewmaker, James H. |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Seipel, Andy |
Teacher |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Schneider, Jacob |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Shewmaker, Wm. J. |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Shewmaker, Joshua |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Uessler, John W. F. |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Vogt, Jacob |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Weis, Philip |
Farmer |
Middletown R.R. 1 |
Wolfe, John H. |
Farmer |
Middletown |
Zimmerman, W. J. |
Farmer |
Corydon |
Bruce, N. M. |
Real Estate |
Betrand, Neb. |
Bline, C. A. |
Salesman |
Louisville, Ky |
Berry, Edwin |
Supt. Gold & Silver Rfy |
Providence, R. I. |
Cole, Chas. |
Hotel Clerk |
Louisville, Ky |
Connell, Edward |
Builder |
Lafayette, Ind. |
Davis, Julia A. |
Oskaloosa, Iowa |
Deatrich, John W. |
Grocer |
Albany, Ind. |
Elbert, John |
Boiler Maker |
Newton, Kan. |
Ekart, G. W. |
Butcher |
Centralia, Kan. |
Emely, James |
Merchant |
Casey, Ill. |
Farnesly, Thos. R. |
Farmer |
Albany, Ind. |
Fetzer, Lawson |
Salesman |
Louisville, Ky. |
Hand, C. L. |
Clerk, District Court |
Newton, Kan. |
Harmon, Clarence |
Nail Maker |
Kokomo, Ind. |
Hoke, Sam W. |
Sign Maker |
York |
Jenkins, D., Mrs. |
Merchant |
Cape Sandy, Ind. |
Jordan, James H., Hon. |
Judge Supreme Court |
Martinsville, Ind. |
Jordan, Lewis |
Treasury Dept. |
Washington, D. C. |
Kean, J. W., Mr. & Mrs. |
Kansas City, Mo. |
Lewis, Roscoe H. |
Traveling Salesman |
Albany, Ind. |
Pitman, J. D. |
Grain Merchant |
Murray, Neb. |
Read, H. H. |
Paper Maker |
Alexandria, Ind. |
Rothrock, Frank M. |
Mining & Stock Raising |
Spokane, Wash. |
Snow Church Co. |
Collecting Agents |
Louisville, Ky. |
Stilglitz, Martha E., Mrs. |
Louisville, Ky. |
Sibert, James O. |
Prop. Wyandotte Cave |
Wyandotte, Ind. |
Stewart, James B. |
Traveling Salesman |
Albany, Ind. |
Thomas, S. W. |
Physician |
Newbern, Iowa |
Watson, Jesse G. |
Farmer |
Waco, Neb. |
Watson, Mark F. |
Cement Contractor |
Freeland Park, Inc. |
Wright, E. G. |
Treasury Dept. |
Washington, D. C. |