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Knox County, Indiana
History & Genealogy |
Source: History of Knox & Jo Daviss Cos., Indiana -
Publ. 1886
unless otherwise noted
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884 |
Achor, James M., M. D. |
884 |
Allen, Elkanah |
884 |
Chesnut, Abraham |
885 |
Faith, Thomas W. |
886 |
Hastings, Joseph |
887 |
Haynes, Henry C. |
887 |
Keplinger, James W. |
888 |
Littell, John G. |
888 |
Myers, Elias |
889 |
Myers, George W. |
890 |
Ryan, Nicholas |
890 |
Wade, James |
891 |
Wade, Benedict J. |
891 |
Wade, Thomas A. |
893 |
808 |
Allen, Milton L. |
808 |
Banta, Abram T. |
809 |
Beckett, William |
809 |
Bell, Robert R. |
810 |
Brandon, Joseph F. |
810 |
Brewer, James T. |
811 |
Brewer, George W. |
811 |
Carrico, George H. |
812 |
Cunningham, Michael |
812 |
Disser, Michael |
813 |
Evans, William L. |
814 |
Fanning, James H. |
815 |
Graves, John H. |
815 |
Harris, Josiah C. |
816 |
Hays, George T. |
816 |
Hays, John H. |
817 |
Hixon, Orion B. |
818 |
Hopkins, Ezekiel |
818 |
Hopkins, Patrick |
819 |
Kendall, William H. |
820 |
Kennedy, William |
820 |
Kennedy, James |
821 |
Mattingly, John |
821 |
McAtee, George |
822 |
McBriar, Alfred H. |
822 |
McDonald, Green, Capt. |
823 |
McKnight, Samuel |
824 |
Meehan, Lawrence C. |
824 |
Morgan, Abel T. |
825 |
Morgan, John D. |
825 |
Morrison, Edward |
826 |
Myers, Absalom |
826 |
Norris, George E. |
827 |
O'Donaghue, T., Father |
827 |
O'Donaghue, James |
827 |
Perkins, Albert |
828 |
Perkins, John W. |
829 |
Purcell, Judson |
830 |
Raney, Jeremiah |
830 |
Sause, Michael |
830 |
Scott, Samuel M. |
831 |
Shircliff, Robert A. |
832 |
Smith, Sylvester |
832 |
Soeder, Andrew |
833 |
Todd, Elijah |
833 |
Vest, Andrew J. |
834 |
Wedding, John R. |
834 |
Willeford, William C. |
835 |
Wilson, Joseph |
836 |
884 |
Dillon, W. T. |
906 |
Johnson, Samuel |
907 |
Ketchum, Solomon |
908 |
McHastings, Richard |
909 |
Nugent, Martin |
909 |
Stalcup, Amos R. |
910 |
Willson, George |
910 |
858 |
Chapman, Reason S. |
858 |
Clark, John W., Capt. |
858 |
Clark, Jacob W. |
859 |
Clark, Henry C. |
860 |
Colbert, Jesse B. |
860 |
Conley, Alexander Thompson |
861 |
Cosby, Washington |
861 |
Cross, Clarington G. |
862 |
Donnolly, William |
862 |
Johnson, A. M. |
863 |
Jones, William W. |
864 |
Lamb, James |
864 |
McCafferty, Fenwick |
865 |
Porter, James, Jr. |
865 |
Porter, Marion, Rev. |
866 |
Ragsdale, Mark H., Dr. |
867 |
Ragsdale, P. H. |
867 |
Robinson, Reuben |
868 |
Robinson, Hamlet |
868 |
Smoot, C. J. |
869 |
Smoot, Warner G. |
869 |
Steen, Benjamin W. |
870 |
Stephenson, Stephen |
871 |
Ward, Francis Asbury |
871 |
Willeford, George W., Dr. |
872 |
Zinkan, Michael |
872 |
886 |
Abraham, George D. |
836 |
Arford, Albert W., Rev. |
837 |
Arford, Frank B. |
838 |
Burrell, John W. |
838 |
Clinton, William |
839 |
Crooke, James M. |
840 |
Crooke, Howard |
841 |
Dearmin, John, Dr. |
842 |
Garten, William |
843 |
Hindman, John M. |
843 |
Hubbard, William |
844 |
Ketcham, Seth L. |
845 |
Lane, Allan K., M. D. |
846 |
Laughlin, Joseph D. |
846 |
McCarter, Daniel L. |
847 |
McCarter, William H. |
848 |
Neeriemer, William R. |
848 |
Odell, Alexander |
850 |
Odell, Caleb E. |
849 |
Overton, Rezia |
850 |
Pershing, Elijah S. |
851 |
Ritter, William E., Elder |
852 |
Seneff, William |
852 |
Smiley, Harvey |
853 |
Smith, John V. |
854 |
Smith, Daniel J., M. D. |
855 |
Stotts, Robert D. |
856 |
Ward, Philip S. |
857 |
Ward, Leonard C. |
857 |
873 |
Arvin, James P. |
873 |
Baker, W. Daily |
874 |
Curran, Charles, Rev. |
874 |
Fanning, John |
875 |
Hedrick, F. M |
875 |
Hornaday, E. C. |
876 |
Hornaday, Thomas J. |
876 |
Horrall, P. A. |
877 |
Jones, John |
877 |
Mahan, James |
878 |
McCord, J. A. |
879 |
Murphy, Daniel |
879 |
Roarty, John |
880 |
Porter, James W., Sr. |
880 |
Porter, John C. |
881 |
Porter, Steward |
881 |
Rayhill, Alexander |
882 |
Scales, Thomas |
882 |
Walls, William B., Dr. |
883 |
911 |
Clark, John |
911 |
Heinbaugh, James |
912 |
Millis, Edward D., Dr. |
912 |
893 |
Allison, John A. |
893 |
Allison, Joseph C. |
894 |
Barber, Alin |
894 |
Barber, Nelson |
895 |
Coleman, William M. |
896 |
Franklin, John F. |
896 |
Jacobs, Edward G. |
897 |
Jones, Joseph |
897 |
Lett, Hamilton |
898 |
Scudder, John, Hon. |
898 |
White, George W. |
899 |
Willey, Joseph |
900 |
901 |
Casey, T. W. |
901 |
Evans, Euclid H. |
901 |
Hobbs, William P., Dr. |
902 |
Ransbury, J. W. |
903 |
Smiley, Abner G. |
903 |
Spaulding, John B. |
903 |
Taylor, Harvey, Dr. |
904 |
Wadsworth, Thomas, Sr. |
905 |
Wadsworth, Peter |
905 |
Winklepleck, George |
906 |
743 |
Aiken Family |
743 |
Axtell, Thomas J. |
745 |
Bair, John A. |
745 |
Baldwin, E. A. |
746 |
Barr, James M. |
747 |
Barton, Gaylord G. |
747 |
Belding, Stephen |
748 |
Billheimer, John C. |
749 |
Beitman, R. & E. |
749 |
Billings, Jesse |
750 |
Bon Durant, E. G. |
751 |
Bonham & Gill |
752 |
Boone, William H. |
752 |
Boyd, Samuel B. |
753 |
Brett, Matthew L., Hon. |
753 |
Brown, Robert A. |
754 |
Burton, Jesse W. |
755 |
Chomel, Alexander |
756 |
Colbert, A. D. |
756 |
Cruse, Phillip |
757 |
Cunningham, Nelson |
758 |
Dagley, Elias L., M.D. |
759 |
Downey, John |
759 |
Doyle, John W. |
760 |
Eagan, Jeremiah |
761 |
Eskridge, E. R. |
762 |
Eskridge, S. Cicero |
762 |
Gardiner, William R., Judge |
763 |
Geeting, R. E. & Bro. |
764 |
Geeting, George C. W. |
765 |
Gill, Joseph H. |
765 |
Glendening, John J. |
766 |
Graham, Thomas B., Sr. |
766 |
Greenwood, Richard Henry |
767 |
Hardy, Alexander M. |
768 |
Hart, A. J. |
768 |
Hawkins, Charner |
769 |
Haynes, Francis M. |
770 |
Hefron, David J., Hon. |
771 |
Himburg, Herman |
772 |
Hogshead, Hiram |
772 |
Horrall, Albion |
773 |
Hyatt, Elisha |
774 |
Hyatt, John, Hon. |
775 |
Hyatt, George |
776 |
Hyatt, Henry H. |
777 |
Jackson, John |
777 |
Jepson, Nathan H. |
778 |
Johnson, James |
779 |
Johnson, John L. |
780 |
Johnson, Alfred E. |
781 |
Johnson, Nelson |
781 |
Jones, Zachariah, Capt. |
782 |
Jones, William H. |
783 |
Keith, Jarit |
783 |
Kidwell, John H. |
784 |
Lavelle, Thomas J. |
784 |
Levelle, James Callistus |
785 |
Lochridge, H. L. |
786 |
Long, T. A., Rev. |
786 |
Lord, Joseph C. |
787 |
Lynch, Thomas |
788 |
Marmaduke, J. L., Mrs. |
788 |
Menzel, Frederick A. |
789 |
Meredith, Thomas |
789 |
Mulholland, Samuel H., Capt. |
790 |
Myers, Frank A. |
791 |
Neal, John T. |
792 |
Palmer, Josiah C. |
792 |
Perkins, Abraham |
793 |
Read, Nathan G. |
794 |
Right, J. H. |
794 |
Rodarmel, John A. |
795 |
Ruggless, Francis |
796 |
Scudder, John A. |
796 |
Shanks, William |
797 |
Smead, Franklin |
798 |
Smith, Horace A. |
799 |
Soloman, David |
799 |
Spalding, John V. |
800 |
Spencer, John H. |
801 |
Taylor, Samuel H., Hon. |
802 |
Thomas, Eli |
803 |
Veale, Anderson |
803 |
Waller, George A. |
804 |
Wilson, Thomas, Sr. |
805 |
Wilson, Thomas |
805 |
Wilson, Joseph |
806 |
Williams, William |
806 |
Wright, Marion |
807 |
Zinkans, Francis |
807 |