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Adams, Wilson
Adamson, Edmund
Adamson, Jepe
Adamson, Jonn
Adamson, William
Albin, Joseph
Alexander, Jonas
Alexander, Zachens
Allen, Elihu
Allen, Henry
Allen, James
Allen, John
Allen, John
Alvord, James
Anderson, Archibald
Anderson, Isaac
Anderson, James
Anderson, James
Anderson, Jepe
Anderson, John
Anderson, John W.
Anderson, Joshua
Anderson, Robert
Armstrong, james
Armstrong, John


Bafe, (Bass?), John
Bagwell, Elias
Baily, Charles
Baily, John
Baker, Daniel
Baker, George
Baker, James
Baker, Morris
Baker, Nicholas
Baker, William
Baldwin, Amos H.
Baldwin, Elisha
Baldwin, Elisha
Baldwin, Enoch
Baldwin, Theophilus
Baldwin, William
Bales, Alexander
Bales, Edward
Bales, James
Bales, John
Ballard, William
Banks, Michael
Banks, Thomas
Barclay, Edward
Barclay, Lazarus
Barclay, Robert
Barnet, John J.
Barnhill, William
Barnhill, William, Jr.
Barns, George
Barns, Jepe
Batman, James
Bazzell, William
Bead, Lame
Beaver, Martin
Beazely, Jepe
Beazley, Aaron
Beazley, Edmund
Beazley, Ephraim
Beazley, James
Beazley, Richard
Beck, David
Beck, Preston
Beezley, Isaiah
Beezley, Thomas
Benefield, Robert
Benefield, William
Benefield, William
Benefield, William, Jr.
Biggs, Samuel
Blackwell, E. S.
Blackwell, Ezekiel
Blackwell, Richard
Blackwell, William
Blair, James
Blair, James
Blair, Josiah
Blair, Robert
Blair, Thomas
Blair, William
Bland, William
Blands, William
Bledsor (Bledsee?), John
Blevin, Warren
Blevins, Charles
Blevins, Hezekiah
Blevins, James
Blevins, Samuel
Bogart, Benjn.
Bogart, Levi
Boles, John
Boles, Robert
Boles, William
Bond, John
Bonds, William
Boone, Elijah
Boone, Noah
Boston, Archibald
Boteler, (Butler), Alexander
Box, Thomas
Boyles, David
Branum, John
Brewer, Benjamin
Brewer, Nathaniel
Bridewell, Bailey
Bridewell, Cuthbert
Bridges, Edmund
Bridges, William
Bright, Riley
Brinegar, Benj.
Brinegar, Thomas
Bristow, Edwards
Bristow, Peyton
Bristow, William
Brock, Alen
Brooks, Robert
Brown, Dixon
Brown, Henry
Brown, Jeremiah
Brown, John
Brown, Jonn
Brown, Sam S.
Brown, Sammie
Browning, Nathan
Browning, Richarfd
Bru_s, James
Bruce, William
Bruner, Adam
Bruner, Adam, Jr.
Bruner, Charles
Bruner, Davis
Bruner, Henry
Bruner, Jcob
Bruner, Mason
Bruner, Nicholas
Buchner, Richards
Bunch, Claiborne
Bundy, Jepe
Burson, John 
Burson, William
Busey, Matthew
Butler, John
Butler, Thomas


C_llen, Patrick
Cady, John
Cady, Peter
Cady, William
Caffey, John
Callaway, James
Cally, James
Cambren, Edward
Campbell, William L.
Carlton, Ambrose
Carlton, Robert M.
Caste, Abel
Cathes, William
Chamberlain, Midian
Chapman, George
Chapman, John
Chastain, Daniel
Chep, James
Chesnut, "Benjn.
Chesnut, Jacob
Chesnut, Jacob
Chesnut, John
Chesnut, John
Chestnut, William
Chitty, Benj.
Clark, Jeffrey
Clark, Thomas
Clark, William
Clerk, Alexander
Cline, Jacob
Clodfelter, George
Coates, Sampson
Cobb, Dixon
Cobb, Henry
Cobb, John
Cobb, Lemon
Coh_____r, Jacob
Cohen, Elisha
Col__r, Levi
Cole, Ezra
Cole, Jeremiah
Cole, John
Collins, Randolph
Conelly, Constantine
Conelly, Elijah
Conelly, Joce
Conelly, Josiah
Conelly, William
Conley, James
Conley, John
Conley, Joshua
Connelly, Alexander T.
Connelly, John
Cook, William
Cook, Willis
Cooley, Reuben
Cooper, Janathan
Cooper, Jonathan, Jr.
Cooper, Robert
Cosner, Henry
Cosner, Joseph
Coulter, Gideon
Coulter, John
Coulter, Lemuel
Cox, Harmon
Cox, John
Cox, Oliver
Cox, Terrell
Cox, William
Cra_g, John
Crabtree, William
Crawford, James
Crawford, William
Crider, _____
Crider, Leonard
Crook, John A.?
Crop, Eli
Culbertson, Joseph
Cummings, David
Cummings, Malachi
Cup_s, J___
Curry, Elijah
Curry, William


Dale, Mathew
Dale, William
Daugherty, John
Daugherty, Robert
Daugherty, William
Daugherty, William
Davis, Aaron
Davis, Daniel
Davis, Enoch
Davis, Jepe
Davis, Jepe
Davis, Reuben
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Valentine
Davis, Warren
Davis, William
Dawson, Benjn.
Dawson, Burdett
Dawson, John
Dawson, Joshua
Dayton, Ezekise?
Dean, John
Denny, William
Denny, Zachariah
Dewey, Rolllin C. (O.?)
Dilly, Stephen
Dilly, Uriah
Dishman, John
Dixon, James
Dixon, Ozi
Dixon, Silas
Dixon, Thadrik
Dixon, Thomas
Dixon, William
Dixon, William, Jr.
Doan, John
Dobbs, William
Dodson, George _
Dodson, Lambert
Donahoe, Henry
Donahoe, William
Donaldson, John
Donica?, H____?
Donica?, Thomas
Donson, James
Dotson, Thomas
Dotson, William
Dowlin, John
Dryden, John
Duffle, Robert
Dunn, William
Dye, John E.
Dye, Kenneth


East, John
Edwards, David
Edwards, Edward
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, William
Elliott, William
Ellison, James
Ellixon, Jeremiah
Elrod, Thomas
Erwin, James
Erwin, Robert
Erwin, William
Evans, Caleb
Evans, Calvin
Evans, Edward
Evans, Hatfield
Evans, John
Evans, John
Evans, Richard
Evans, William
Evans, William


F__, Daniel
F__der, Abasalom
F__l, Moses?
F__nn, Thomas
F__te, Winthrop
F_lford, W__lom
Fairley, John
Fait, Henry
Faris, Paul
Farmer, Michael
Farries, David
Fender, David
Fender, Nimrod
Fenton, Richard
Ferguson, David
Ferrel, John
Fiah, William
Fields, Absalom
Fields, Jeremiah
Fields, Joseph
Fields, William
Finger, John
Fipps (Phills?), Benjamin
Fipps, Lewis
Fish, Isaac
Fisher, David
Fisher, David, Jr.
Fisher, Paul
Fisher, Thomas
Fitzpatrick, Henry
Flinn, Aaron
Flinn, George
Flinn, Jacob, Jr.
Flinn, Jacob, Sr.
Flinn, John
Flinn, Martin?
Flinn, Mathew
Flinn, Moses
Flinn, Robert
Flinn, William
Flinn, William, Jr.
Floyds, John
Foot, Francis
Foot, John
Foot, William
Ford, John
Fordyce, Fertius
Forster (Foster), William
Forster, Samuel
Freed, Jacob
Freed, John
Freed, Joseph
Freeman, James W.
Freeman, John
Frost, Dennis
Frost, Israel
Fry, George
Fry, Henry
Fu_ker___, James
Fulton, James
Funston, George J.


Gabbart, Peter
Gainey, Aden
Gallion, Gilbert
Gallion, Thomas
Garrison, Edmund
Garrison, James
Gartan, Elijah
Gartan, Elijah, Jr.
Gartan, James
Gartan, Robert
Gartan, William
Garter, (Garten?), Price
Gidens, William
Gilbert, Simon
Giles, John
Gilstrap, David
Gilstrap, Jepe
Glenn, David
Glenn, Lame
Glover, Joseph
Glover, Weir
Gooldy, William
Gowins, Canaan
Gray, John
Green, Alexander
Green, Nathaniel
Green, Wm. David
Greggs, Joseph
Gregory, Beverly
Gregory, Dangerfield
Grimes, Theodrick
Grop, Coonrod
Gullet, John
Gullett, Joshua
Gunn, John
Guthrie, Daniel
Guthrie, Hugh
Guthrie, John
Guthrie, William
Gyger, George
Hackler, John
Halfacre, Frederick
Halfacre, Jacob
Hall, Isom
Hall, Joseph
Hall, Michael
Hall, Richard
Hall, Robert, Sr.
Hall, Willialm
Hall, William
Halland (Holland), William
Hamer, George
Hamer, Hugh
Hamersley, John
Hamilton, Jamison
Hamilton, John
Hammer, Frederick
Hanson, John
Hardick, George
Hardin, Bledsin
Harding, John
Harding, William
Harris, Debney
Harris, Moses
Harris, Silas
Harris, Silas, Jr.
Hart, Absalom
Hart, Andrew
Harvey, Hiram
Hastings, Arthur
Hastings, Joseph
Hatfield, William
Hattabaugh, Andrew
Hawkins, Abraham
Hawkins, John
Haws, Azareel
Head, John
Heath, Richard
Heather, Joseph
Heather, William
Hedrick, Abraham
Hedrick, Isaac
Helton, Adam
Helton, Arnold
Helton, John
Henderson, John
Henderson, John
Henderson, Jonas
Henderson, Joseph
Henderson, Robert
Henderson, Samuel
Hendricks, Henry
Henry, John
Hensley, Benjn.
Herring, Alexander
Herring, Isaac
Herring, Isaac, Jr.
Herring, James
Higginbottom, James
Hill, Jepe
Hill, Thomas
Hind, William
Hnter, Francis
Hoage, John
Hodges, Gentry
Hodges, Jepe
Hoggatt, Stephanus
Holland, Austin
Holler, Danice
Holler, Goerge
Holmes, John
Homes, William
Hoopengarner, Jacob
Hoopingarner, John
Hopengarner, Howard
Hord, William
Horner, William
Hoskins, Samuel
Hostetler, Jonas
House, Adam
Hover, Jacob
Hovious, Jacob
Hovious, John
Hovious, Stephen
Howard, Elbert
Howard, Julius
Howard, Sanders
Howel, James
Hubbard, Benjn. 
Huffman, Richard
Hughes, James
Hunnel, John
Hunter, Robert
Hurt, James
Hurt, John
Hutchison, John
Hutton, Abel
Ikerd, John
Ikerd, Phillip
Ikerd, Lorance
Ikerd, Jonas
James, Joseph
James, Thomas
Jamison, Isaac
Jarvis, Daniel
Jarvis, John
Jennings, James
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, David
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, George
Johnson, Homer
Johnson, James
Johnson, James
Johnson, James
Johnsn, John
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Michael
Johnson, William
Jolly, Thomas
Jonas, Thomas
Jones, Abraham
Judah, Martin
Julien, Raney
Kilgore, Reuben
Kethley, Henry
Kilgore, Charles
Kilgore, Hiram
Kelsey, William
Knight, Marquis
Kimbley, John
Keithley, Willis
Kinnick, William
Kern, William
Kern, Abraham
Kilgore, Simpson
King, Cornelius
Kinkaice, Thomas
Koory, Nicholas
Krows, Vinson
King, William
Kerby, William
Kecans, Aron
Kecans, John
Lackey, John
Lacky, Barry
Lakey, William
Lamb, Benjamin
Langdon, Thomas
Laughlin, John
Leatherman, Geo.
Leatherman, Henry
Leatherman, Jacob
Lecep, Amos
Lee, Enoch
Lee, John
Lee, Johnon
Lee, Joseph
Lee, Moses
Leming, John
Lemno, Mathias
Lentz, David
Lewis, Jeremiah
Lewis, Joshua
Lewis, Robert
Lewis, William
Likins, Mark
Littere, Joseph
Lockart, John
Lockart, Samuel
Lockhart, Samuel
Lorance, Peter
Lourey, John
Lous, William
Love, Edward
Lowder, Ralph
Lucas, Richard
Luttrell, John
Luttrell, Miah
Mahan, Samuel
Maiden, Alfred
Maiden, Isaac
Maiden, James
Mann, John
Manson, John
Maper, George
Mapey, John (Massey?)
Mapie, Gamabill
Marlay, Henry
Marley, Benjn.
Marley, David
Martin, Abraham
Martin, Isaac
Martin, Jacob
Martin, John
Martin, Shadrick
Martin, William
Mason, George
Mason, John, Jr.
Mason, Samuel
Matat, Otho
Mathis, Aaron
Mathis, James
Mathis, James
Mathis, Littleton
Mathis, Matthew
Mathis, Thomas
Mathis, William
Maxwell, John
Maxwell, William
Mayfield, Reuben
McAfee, Thomas
McBride, Francis
McBride, John
McBride, Mopes
McBride, Samuel
McClellan, Thomas
McClelland, John
McClelland, Robert
McClelland, Samuel
McClelland, William
McClure, Zachariah
McCormick, William
McCoy, John
McDaniel, William
McDemrid, Charles
McDonough, James
McDowell, James
McDowell, John
McFall, Barnabas
McGee, Elijah
McGlemre, John
McKeig, Robert
McKnight, Christopher
McKnight, George
McKorkel, Andrw
McLean, John
McMahan, Michael
McManas, Thomas
McManus, Patrick
McPherson, George
McPherson, Joseph
Meadows, Jubal
Meadows, Williaml
Meek, Lawrence
Melten, Nathan
Melvin, Levi
Miller, George
Miller, Isaac
Miller, John
Milligan, Thomas
Millsap, Gamaliel
Millsap, James
Millsap, Robert
Milroy, John
Mitchell, Abm., Jr.
Mitchell, Abraham
Mitchell, Alexander
Mitchell, Charles
Mitchell, Isaac
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Levi
Mitchell, Robert
Mitchell, Robert
Mitchell, Robert, Jr.
Mitchell, Robert, Jr.
Mitchell, Rupele
Mitchell, Thomas
Mitchell, William
Mitchell, William
Mitchell, William
Mize, William
Mobley, Dewey
Mobley, John
Montgomery, John
Moore, Amas
Moore, Daniel
Moore, Thomas
Moore, William
Moore, Wilson
Morris, Moses
Moses, Edwin
Mounce, Smith
Mtichell, Samuel
Mullis, Jacob
Mulloy, James
Mundle, Isaiah
Mundle, James
Murphey, John
Murry, Abel
Murry, Timothy
Myers, Andrew
Myers, Jacob
Nail, John
Nail, Thomas
Neal, Arthur
Neal, John
Neal, thomas
Newkirk, Benjn.
Newkirk, Henry
Newkirk, Isaac
Newkirk, John 
Newland, John
Nicholas, Benjn.
Nicholas, Henry
Nicholas, John
Nugent, Enos
Nugent, Levi
Nugin, Edward
Nunnamker, John
Oaks, Daniel
Oaks, David
Oaks, Samuel
Odell, Nehemiah
Oglesby, William
Osborn, Nicholas
Owens, Andrew
Owens, James
Owens, John
Owens, John, Jr.
Owens, Samuel
Owens, William
Owens, William
Pace, James
Pairsee, Jacob
Pairsol, Henry
Parks, Ambrose
Parks, Pleasant
Payne, John
Pender, Thomas
Pender, William
Perkins, William
Peters, John
Petty, John
Peyton, Augustus
Peyton, Washington
Philips, John
Philips, Lewis
Piekins?, Levi
Piersol, John
Pill, Daniel
Pill, Jacob
Pleasant, Thomas
Poe, Alexander
Poe, John
Polly, John
Poole, Micajah
Porter, Robert
Powers, Daniel
Quackenbush, John
Quackenbush, Peter
Quick, John
Rains, John
Ramsey, John
Raney, George
Raney, Joseph
Raney, Reuben
Rawlins, Joseph
Ray, Alexander
Ray, John
Raynolds, Abraham
Raynolds, Thomas
Reckin, Jeremiah
Rector, Jepe
Rector, Joseph
Reddick, Hamilton
Redfield, Henry
Reed, Alexander
Reed, Hugh
Reed, John
Reed, John C.
Reed, Levi
Reeves, William
Ribelin, David
Rich, George
Ridge, Jhon
Riggins, James
Riley, George
Riley, William
Ring, Solomon
Roark, Reuben
Roark, Thomas
Roark, William
Robers, Lewis
Robertrs, Lewis
Roberts, Evan
Roberts, Jacob
Roberts, John
Roberts, John
Roberts, Robert R.
Robinett, Henry
Rosenbaum, Charles
Rubbottom, Samuel
Rubottom, George
Rubottom, Simon
Rubottom, Thomas
Rubottom, William
Rudyard, Isaiah
Sargeant, Joseph
Scannel, Jeremiah
Scritchfield, Arthur
Sears, David
Sears, Matthaiz
Sentany, Leis
Shaggs, Robert
Shaggs, Wesley
Sharky, Henry
Sharp, John
Sheeks, George
Sheeks, John
Shepler, Jacob
Shipman, John
Short, Ezekiel
Short, Hanford
Short, John
Short, John L.
Short, John W.
Short, Thomas
Short, Wesley
Shrake, John
Shryer, Absalom
Silver, George
Simms, Jepe
Simms, Langhorne
Simms, Starling
Simms, William
Simons, Samuel
Simpson, Elisha
Sipes, William
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Jacob
Smith, John A.
Smith, Martin
Smith, Peter
Smith, Solomon
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas S.
Smith, William
Smith, William
Sparks, James
Sparks, Moses
Speaks, Thomas
Spear (Speer), Joseph
Speer, Richard
Speers, Robert
Spurlin, Zachariah
Stapp, Clement
Stark, Asa
Stark, Samuel
Starr, Philip
Stavers, John
Steet, William
Stephenson, Dobson
Stewart, Daniel
Stewart, John
Stewart, William
Stipp, John
Stipp, Michael
Stone, James
Stuts, John
Sullivan, James
Sutton, John
Swain, Richard
Swain, William
Taggart, James
Taggart, James, Jr.
Tato, Thomas
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, James
Taylor, Matthew
Taylor, Parzilliah
Templeson, William
Terrel, Hezekiah
Terrel, John
Terrel, Timothy
Terrell, Edmund
Terrell, Robert
Terrell, William
Terrell, William
Tetrick, Henry
Thatcher, Bartholomew
Thomas, William
Thompson, Andrew
Thompson, Ebenezer
Thompson, John
Thorn, Anthony
Tincher, Francis
Tincher, Obadiah
Tincher, William
Todd, Jonathan
Todd, Thomas
Toliver, Charles
Toliver, James
Toliver, John
Toliver, John W.
Toney, James
Toon, Hillary
Trimble, Elisha
Trimble, James
Trimble, Joseph
Trimble, Stephen
Trinkel, Adam
Trosper, John
Trueblood, Josiah
Trueblood, Mark
Truett, Jepe
Truett, Jepe
Turley, Aaron
Turley, Benjn.
Turley, Charles
Turley, Jacob
Turley, John
Tyler, John
Vest, Moses
Vest, Obadiah
Vestal, John
Vert, Jacob
Vontrees, Jacob
Vorus, William
Wade, Evan
Waggoner, Henry
Waggoner, Henry
Waggoner, Jacob
Walker, Guy C.
Walker, Joseph
Wall, Schofield
Wallace, Flower
Ward, Job
Ward, Timothy
Watson, Job
White, Samuel
Whited, John
Whited, William
Whitely, Robert
Whitted, Joseph
Willialms, Henry
Willialms, John
Williams, Eli
Williams, Francis
Williams, Isaac
Williams, Isaac
Williams, John
Williams, Matthias
Williams, Richard
Williams, Winson
Williamson, Thomas
Wilson, Obadiah
Winder, Henry
Wistman, Jacob
Wood, Robert
Wood, Zebedel
Woodroffe, Moses
Woodrum, Archibald
Woodrum, William
Woody, James
Woody, James
Woody, James, Jr.
Woody, Joseph
Woody, Robert
Workman, John




This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights