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Penn township is situated in the north center of
the county, and is of more recent date as a township than
the other divisions of the county, having been formed in
1854, of parts of Liberty, Reserve and Sugar Creek
townships, and in shape resembles the letter T. It
contains twenty-one full and five half sections (the latter
being situated on the north line.) in T. 15 and 16 N., R. 7
W. Its boundaries are Liberty and Sugar Creek
townships on the north, Howard and Washington on the east,
Adams and Reserve on the south, and on the west Liberty and
Reserve. The two business centers Annapolis and
Bloomingdale, are situated within its borders and attract a
great deal of business from other parts of the county.
A very compact and tenacious white or ash-colored clay is
found Immediately below the coal measures in this
township, which runs by almost imperceptible gradations into
clay shale. It is at present used for making a kind of
Pottery known as stoneware, and produces a very desirable
article. This clay is worked at shops at Annapolis.
If care were taken to select only the fine white kind of
clay and ground felspar used for glazing, in place of salt,
a white ware of durability and beauty might be produced here
equal to that manufactured in eastern cities. The soil
of this township is a rich clay loam, which yields large
crops of wheat, corn and other cereals; the surface being
slightly rolling, with sufficient fall to admit of thorough
drainage, and is fenced off into large and carefully
cultivated farms. The land in the northern part of
each side of Sugar creek is very broken and picturesque.
Hockey Hollow and other favorite resorts of tourists being
in this vicinity. Sugar, Leatherwood and Roaring
creeks, flow through this territory, on the banks of which
numerous mills and other establishments are located.
The construction of the gravel road from Rockville to
Annapolis, and the building of the Indianapolis, Danville &
Southern railroad, which runs across the township, having a
station at Bloomingdale, which have helped greatly in
developing the interests of this neighborhood, which the
addition of a north and south railroad now in process of
construction will greatly increase. Though one of hte
smallest divisions of the county, it ranks fourth in
population according to the census of 1880. The value
of real estate by the same returns is $478,180, and of
personal property $176,885. It is peopled with an
enterprising and intelligent class of citizens, who take
great interest in education and religion, the majority being
members of the Society of Friends.
North Carolina furnished most of the pioneer families
who settled in Penn township and made the wilderness blossom
as a rose. They were men who with strong arms and
stout hearts had been endeavoring to snatch a living from
the poor and stony soil of that state, and struggling
against the adverse influences of slavery, at that time
existing there. That institution interfered to a great
extent with the moral and social comforts of the citizens
who were unable or unwilling to own slaves, while the
slaveholders, being the upper class, wielded such influence
in the legislature, and in the administration of public
affairs, as to make it uncomfortable and embarrassing to
those who objected to it. Hence it was natural that
those freedom-loving citizens should be on the outlook for a
more congenial place of residence, and that the opening of
the northwestern territory which had been dedicated to
freedom by the act of 1787, a large exodus should take
place. So we find them arriving here with all their
possessions in a wagon, happy when they had money enough to
enter a piece of land, even if they had not a cent left for
future use. Among the first arrivals in this
township was that of Perley Mitchell, who came about
1823 and was shortly followed by the Tenbrooks and
others, the great bulk of th settlers arriving in 1824-5,
most of whom were members of the Society of Friends;
prominent among the names of which are those of Simon and
Thomas Rubottom, Payton Wilson, Jacob Hocket, N. N. and
Adam Siler, William and Jonathan Pickard, Jerry
Mote, Mahlon Reynolds, Samuel Kelly and others. In
1829 John Woody and his sons, James and
Thomas, settled here and were good followed by Joseph
Finney, James Nelson, Stephen Kersey, William Hunt and Eli
and James McDaniel.
About 1825 or 1826 the village of Annapolis
was first settled, and shortly afterward the ground was
cleared off by William Maris, an John Moulder.
About the same time Bloomingdale, at that time known as
Bloomfield, was originated. Seeing that the two
villages could not both succeed in the then sparsely settled
state of this country, efforts were made to have the two
unite their interests and locate a new on a natural site;
this however, failed, Annapolis refusing to leave her first
choice. A few years after the laying off of the
village the first store was opened by Thomas Woody,
the first being not started by a company consisting of
Wm. Maris, John Moulder, and Aaron Maris.
The first blacksmith was Thomas Woody, and the first
harness-maker John Moulder, while Dr. Mackey,
father of Dr. Mackey of Russell's Mills, was
the first physician. The first postmaster was either
John Moulder or Wm. Holliday, the
present incumbent being John D. Connelly. The
business interests now comprise two dry-goods and grocery
stores, one drug store, two blacksmith and one harness shop,
two wagon shops, a pump factory, saw and planing mill, a
pottery, and a few other smaller establishments.
The Methodist have a handsome meeting-house here, which
was built abut 1850, Rev. H. Smith being the
organizer of the congregation. The membership is now
over one hundred, with the Rev. McLain as pastor.
The United Bethlehem meeting-house, 30x40 feet, was
erected in 1868 or 1869, the congregation having been
organized in 1840 at a point a mile east of the village, in
Washington township, by Isaac Pickard and John
The upper stories of both of the meeting-houses are
used as lodge-rooms, that over the Methodist church being
occupied by the I. O. O. F. the Masonic fraternity holding
their meetings in the room over the United Brethren meeting
Annapolis Lodge, No. 127, A. F. and A. M., was
chartered May 26, 1852, and in the year of Masonry 5852, the
first officers and charter member being W. M., John M.
Wadding, S. W., Edward D. Laughlin, J. W.,
James P. Tucker, treasurer, John D. Gifford,
secretary, John S. Dare; Simon Vestal, John Kelly,
L. B. Dunigan, C. N. Harding, David Best, William Sweeney,
R. A. Coffin. The society now numbers forty-five
members, and is in a prosperous condition, having now in
office: W. M., Joseph C. Vickery; S. W., John T.
Cole; secretary, John Kelly.
Annapolis Lodge, No. 431, I. O.
O. F. The charter of this organization is dated Jan.
7, 1874. The first officers and charter members are as
follows: N. G., J. D. Connelly; V. G., R. W.
H. McKey; treasurer, Wyatt Morgan; secretary,
John J. Garrigus; warden, Miles Ratcliffe;
William and Samuel Brooks. All of the
above, except the first mentioned, are now members of Pork
Lodge, in Sugar Creek township, they having left to form
that institution. The present officers of this lodge,
which now numbers twenty-three members, are: N. G., James
M. Gossett; V. G., John M. McIntyre; secretary,
Omar O. Hall; treasurer, R. J. Jones.
The society is in splendid working order, with great
interest manifested in the objects of the order.
A graded school is in operation in a handsome two-story
frame building, erected in 1873 during the trusteeship of
Jesse Connelly. The present trustee in
Bloomfield, as it
was first named, was first started about 1825 or 1826, south
of the present site of the village, where the first store
was opened in a log building by William Pickard, his
son John opening a drug store, it being through the
efforts of the latter that the village was begun.
Annapolis gradually took all the trade away from this point,
until the village once more woke up and took a second
growth, rivaling her neighbor on the north, and finally
passed her in the race. The grael road was built in
1864, greatly helping the town, while the construction of
the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad in 1873,
which passed through the township a short distance north of
Bloomingdale, placed her another stride in advance.
Most of the business establishments were moved north to the
railroad, where a station was opened.
This popular
institution of learning of learning was organized in 1846 as
the Western Manual Labor School, to furnish a thorough
education for young persons of both sexes, and give them an
opportunity to pay for their tuition in labor on the farm
and in the workshops of the institution. It originated
with the Society of Friends in this neighborhood, and has
remained a strictly denominational organization throughout
its entire career, never having received a cent of public
money in any shape or form. The school is in charge of
a committee appointed by the Western Quarterly Meeting of
Friends, of which James Siler, Exam Morris,
Willard Pickard, Solomon Allen and Alfred Hadley
have been the most prominent members and were reappointed
for years. The real estate of the institution
originally comprised forty acres, and a suitable building
was erected thereon, which in 1848 was destroyed by fire but
shortly afterward rebuilt. It was soon discovered that
the manual labor system, which was very good in theory, was
to at all practicable on the small scale here tried; so it
was abandoned, the name of the school changed to the
Bloomingdale Academy, and the land, with the exception of
fifteen acres which now form the campus of the academy, was
sold. Those who have filled the position of principal
are B. C. Hobbs, John Chawner, Seth Hasting,
Thomas Armstrong and Josiah P. Edwards, the
latter being the present occupant of the chair. The
staff of teachers has varied from two to five, according to
the number of pupils in attendance being during the winter
months. The buildings are extensive and commodious,
and present a very handsome appearance located in the midst
of the beautiful campus, in the shade of handsome forest
trees. The academy has an extensive and valuable
library, and possesses an endowment fund of between six and
seven thousand dollars.
Penn Lodge, No. 87, Knights of Pythias, was organized
November 1879; the following being the first officers and
charter members: grand chancellor, G. B. Chapman;
vice-chancelor, K. Vickery; keeper of records and
seals, W. H. Nelson; master-at-arms, David Stout;
prelate, J. E. Woodard; master of exchequer, W. F.
Graham; master of finance, H. C. Nelson; J. W.
Chapman, James Nelson. The Lodge now has a
membership of twenty-seven, and considering the short time
it has been in existence has made rapid progress. The
present officers and grand chancellor, K. Vickery;
vice-chancellor, James Nelson; master-at-arms,
David Stout; prelate, J. E. Woodard; master
of finance, H. C. Nelson; keeper of records,
W. H.
The early settlers in this
neighborhood carded and spun their own wool by hand, the
cards being fastened on two pieces of board about a foot
long and five or six inches wide, with handles in the
center. The wool was put on one of them with the hand,
and when carded enough the back was used to take the roll
off. About 1825 Perley Mitchell started a
carding machine, and it was but a short time until several
others were put in operation. The machines in use at
that time were similar to those now existing. The
rolls were about two feet long, and when carded were rolled
up in a sheet or blanket, being pinned together with thorns,
and weighed from ten to forty pounds. These were
generally carried home on the horse in front of the rider,
where they were spun on what was known as the big wheel.
From twelve to forty cuts was a day's work, the pay for
spinning warp being sixteen and two-thirds cents, and for
filling twelve and a half cents per dozen cuts, and for
carding rolls with machinery ten to twelve and a half cents
per pound. The wages paid for weaving were for plain
ten cents per yard; for twilled twelve and a half cents,
from three to five yards being a day's work. Two
hands, with machinery, could easily card and spin 100 dozen
per day of as coarse yarn was was used at that time, and one
girl with a power loom could weave from thirty to sixty
yards per day. Every woman understood the art of
dyeing all colors perfectly, excepting blue, which was more
difficult to manage, and was governed by luck or the sign.
The colors were obtained from various barks, those
principally in use being walnut, which produced the favorite
brown color, yellow from black oak bark, and swamp ash for
drab. About the year 1834 Mahlon Reynolds
erected a fulling establishment in partnership with Jerry
Siler on Sec. 23, on Leatherwood creek. The
machinery, which consisted of a shearing machine, press
plate, screw-press papers, and copper dye kettle, which
would contain about sixty gallons, having been brought from
Dayton, Ohio, a special trip having been made there by
Todd Maxwell, with a two-horse wagon to purchase them,
and who afterward rented the mill and conducted it for
several years. The fulling-mill was run by a water
wheel, and the shearing machine by hand. The following
is a list of the prices charged; fulling, coloring and
dressing cloth, twenty-five cents per yard; without
dressing, twenty cents. Coloring and scouring flannel,
ten cents. Coloring and fulling janes, ten cents.
For several years the dyestuff was hauled in wagons to the
mill from Dayton, Ohio.
About the year 1827 Simon Rubottom built a
grist-mill on Leatherwood creek, on Sec. 23, the millwright
being an old man named Antony. The machinery
consisted of an undershot wheel and one run of burrs, or
nigger-heads, each burr in a single piece without any
plaster about them. The bolt was a single reel, twelve
or fourteen feet long, enclosed in a chest, and was operated
by hand. The flour, middlings and shorts, fell into
the chest, the bran coming out at the end. The miller
separated the flour, middlings and shorts with a wooden
shovel, the former being afterward carried upstairs in a
half-bushel measure to the bolting hopper. The
building was a rough affair, constructed of logs, without
chinking or daubing, and no floor except a little around the
hopper. When a fire was needed it was made on the
ground, and the smoke allowed to escape through the cracks.
The first saw-mill in this vicinity was erected by
Perley Mitchell, on Leatherwood creek, in 1826.
The next by Isaiah Pemberton, half a mile above, on
the same creek, in 1828. The latter was a failure on
account of insufficient fall, and was shortly afterward
removed and rebuilt on the other side of the creek, by
William Pearson, in 1829. The next was constructed
by Adam Siler, in 1831, half a mile above the last
mentioned one, which could be operated about six months in
the year during the first few years, but as the country was
improved and drained the water passed of more rapidly, thus
shortening the sawing season. The mills of
Mitchell and Siler failed about 1845; that of
Pearson was kept in operation until 1862. From 500
to 800 feet per day was considered a good day's work with
those mills, and such was the rush of business that they
were often run all night, and frequently on Sunday.
Saw-logs were generally hauled during the winter on sleds
drawn by oxen, some few of the settlers having horse teams,
the harness upon them being the most primitive description,
consisting of shuch collars, home-made rope harness,
destitute of iron, with the exception of the bridle-bits;
also a rope log chain(?). The prices for sawing were
twenty-five cents per one hundred feet for poplar and
thirty-seven and a half for hard timber. Lumber sold
at the mills at from fifty to sixty-two and a half cents per
one hundred feet, and had a dull sale at that, until the
prairies west of the Wabash began to be settled, when large
quantities were sold. The first steam saw-mill was
built by Jeremiah Siler, one-fourth of a mile south
of Bloomingdale, about 1860.
In 1848 a mill was erected at the Devil's Den, on Sugar
creek, in Sec. 36, by Prior Wright, whose store at
the Narrows had been washed away by the freshet of the
previous year. A large business was done at this point
during the operation of the canal, the boats reaching this
point by the feeder. The large mill of Deer, Canine &
Coy is now situated at this place, known as Rockport mills.
About 1837 William G. Coffin erected a foundry
on Leatherwood creek, two and one half miles northwest of
Bloomingdale, where he manufactured the first cast plow used
in this part of the state. Owing to its being heavy
and clumsy it never became a favorite, and was soon driven
out of the market.
Another of the leading industries in this part of the
country was flatboat building. The first built was in
the winter of 1833-34, at the narrows of Sugar creek, and
immediately afterward at Cox's boat-yard three miles below.
The next established was Campbell & Tenbrooks, at
what is now known as Rockport ill, then going by the name of
the Devil's Den. A few years later the business was
carried on extensively at Jessup's mill, on Mill creek, at
Coffin's boat-yard, where the old foundry
stood, and at several other points above the narrows of
Sugar creek. At the time Mr. John Kelly, to
whom we are indebted for the most of the information on this
subject, engaged in the business, in 1833, at Cox's
boat-yard, the usual dimensions of boats was sixty-feet long
and sixteen feet wide. He was advised by old boat
buildings not to exceed that size on account of the danger
and difficulty of getting them out of Sugar creek, it being
a crooked and rapid stream. This advice, coming from
men older and of more experience than himself, he accepted
as sound doctrine until his own experience taught him
different. Mr. Kelly states that the most
difficult boat to manage he ever handled was fifty feet long
and twelve feet in width, while the easiest one he ever run
out of Sugar creek was eighty-five feet long by eighteen in
width. About the average price of a boat sixty feet
long, delivered in the
Wabash, was $100, the size of the gunnels, to secure a ready
sale, being thirty inches at the bow-rake, which was the
largest part, and ten inches thick. A tree suitable
for gunnels used to cost from $1 to $5, according to
distance form the yard, the tree being split into the
necessary size where felled, and the gunnel logs hauled by
oxen to the boat yard. When the boat is framed and
ready for the bottom, the planks are fastened in their
places with wooden pins, it requiring from $1,000 to 1,200
of them to complete the job. It requires 7,000 feet of
lumber to build a sixty-foot flatboat, and this must be all
first class, as there is no place where inferior lumber can
be used except in the false floor. From twelve to
twenty pounds
of hemp are required to calk a boat of this size, after
which was done the vessel was ready for launching. The
boats were built from three and a half to four feet above
the gunnel, and sided up with two-inch plank, the same as
the bottom, the roof, which had a pitch of sixteen inches,
being covered with five-eighths-inch boards. The
vessels were run out of the creek with two oars, one at the
bow and one at the stern, none being used on the side while
in the creek except upon going over dams when the water was
low, when it was necessary to get up as much headway as
possible, that being the safest method. The steering
oar is made the same length as the boat, and so constructed
as to balance in the middle. The steersman stands, or
rather walks, on a bridge in the center of the vessel, so
that by the time he reached New Orleans he world walk a
great many miles form one side of the boat to the other
while steering her on her course. At the date of the
first construction of flatboats here the cargoes consisted
entirely of corn and pork,, but a few years later freights
of wheat, flour, lumber, staves, hoop-poles, potatoes,
poultry and live hogs became common. The amount of ear
corn which a sixty-foot boat would carry was 1,800 bushels,
but there was a constantly increasing demand for larger
boats, and before the business went out of existence boats
were built which would carry double that amount.
Among the first blacksmiths in the township were
Jack Husband, a colored man, John Rubottom, and
Thomas Woody. At that early period the common
smith was expected to make edged tools, such as axes,
chisels, drawing-knives, adzes, etc., besides making
horse-shoes, and repairing all kinds of ironwork.
Rigid economy was practiced with iron and steel in those
days; wagons were constructed with as little of it as
possible, those most in use being the North Carolina and
Virginia vehicles. Horse-shoes were manufactured by
splitting wide bars of iron into pieces one inch wide,
oneh-half inch thick and seven inches long for small, and
eight inches long for large horse-shoes, which were afterward rounded and
fitted. There was great care exercised in collection
scraps of iron to be welded together from which to make
shoes, the nails being usually made from worn-out shoes and
discarded tires. The price for shoeing a horse all
round was 62½ cents, if the owner furnished the iron; if
supplied by the smith the price was $1 or $1.25. Up to
1849 all smith-work was performed with charcoal, and the
introduction of stone-coal was closely watched by the
smiths, the idea being that its intense heat and sulphurous
flames would damage the metal to such an extent that it
would be impossible to make horse-shoe nails from the worn
implements which had been forged with it. In this
year, 1849, it was proved that steel could be welded by heat
form stone-coal without damaging the metal, and that one
bushel of it would produce as much heat as four bushels of
the other. This was a great step forward, the process of
making charcoal being a slow and laborious system.
For the following
information regarding the Society of Friends we are indebted
to the Hon. Robert Kelly, who has devoted a great
deal of time and thought to the subject.
The first meeting of Friends held in Parke county took
place at the residence of Adam Siler in 1825, and
were kept up at that point for about a year, when the
settlement at Bloomfield and Rocky Run began to assume
shape; then the place of meeting was changed to the house of
Simon Rubottom, where they continued until 6th month,
5th, 1826. At this date the first meeting-house was
erected and a preparative meeting established by the
authority of the Honey Creek monthly meeting.
Jerimiah Siler and Mary Kelly were the clerks of
this preparative meeting, the records of which up to the
12th month, 1st, 1827, have been lost.
Bloomfield monthly meeting was established 12th month,
1st, 1827, by an order of the Blue River quarterly meeting,
dated at Lick Creek, Orange county, 10th month, 27th, 1827.
The committee having charge of its establishment were
John Bray, J. Jones, James Rhodes, J. Hadley, and C.
Hill who appointed the first 7th day in each month for
meeting. At this meeting M. Kelly, Payton Wilson,
N. Newlin, S. Allen, and Isaiah Pemberton were
appointed to have the meeting-house grounds surveyed, and a
graveyard staked off, and M. Reynolds, John Newlin,
and Isaiah Pemberton were appointed trustees of the
house. The first representatives to the yearly meeting
from this point were Jesse Hockett, James Siler, and
M. Reynolds. At the monthly meeting held 2d
month, 2d, 1828, M. Kelly and J. Siler were
appointed to receive and report accounts of sufferings to
the meeting. The sufferings here alluded to were such
as originated form fines collected by law from members in
indigent circumstances for non-conformity to the military
laws of the state, which at that time, and for several years
afterward, required every able-bodied citizen between the
ages of eighteen and forty-five to muster at stated periods,
or on the call of the proper officers, failure to respond
being punished by fine. Friends to be consistent with
their well known peace principles, refused to pay, or
directly or indirectly to give up property, hence they were
more or less annoyed, and sometimes distressed, by the loss
of indispensable articles which the poorer members could not
of themselves replace. This being brought to the
notice of the yearly meeting, it, true to its principles,
came to the relief of the distressed, and itself bore the
burdens; and the more successfully to accomplish this it
required each monthly meeting to appoint a committee to take
cognizance of all cases of distress within their respective
limits, and report, when they were forwarded to the meeting
for sufferings, which furnished the proper relief.
Another serious trouble which the early Friends had to
contend with was that difference of opinion on a doctrinal
phase denominated Hicksism, which resulted in a widespread
and damaging separation under the leadership of Elias
Hicks. On the peculiar doctrine set forth by this
new sect the following article on the subject, by Prof.
B. C. Hobbs, of Bloomingdale, is very explicit:
"Sixty years ago
the New Testament was common as a school book, but a
complete copy of the Bible was not often to be found in the
families of Friends. When read it was not expected to
be explained except by ministers, and as a consequence that
was a great indefiniteness in the religious opinions of too
many on doctrinal subjects.
"They accepted the opinions of those in whom they had
confidence when they were positively asserted, and capable
and plausible men had great influence in society.
"The Society of Friends at this time was distinguished,
as it ever has been, for benevolence, temperance and the
social virtues. They were practical christians.
This lack of establishment in christian faith renders the
hearts of too many a favorable soil for the seeds of heresy
to take root and bring forth evil.
"About the years 1818 to 1825-8 Elias Hicks, a
man who embraced in his character the appearance,
language and manners of the straightest of his sect, and was
most sympathetic and benevolent toward the poor, the
afflicted and the oppressed, was known to advance sentiments
which undervalued the mediatorial offices and stoning merits
of Christ. He often spoke of Him as only a good man.
That the Holy Spirit was in Him as it is in us; that His
death and sufferings on Calvary were of no value to us only
as an example in a devoted life; that His blood was only a
metaphor meaning His life or the life of the Holy Spirit.
He denied the existence of a devil or an evil
agent apart from man's passions, and taught that we are all
by nature like Adam in the creation, and fall like he did;
that the account in Genesis of the creation, the fall of our
first parents, and the garden of Eden, were figurative and
unreal; that we must be saved alone by the Holy Spirit in
us; and that the scriptures were not all inspired; such as
were written by inspiration of God are to be believed; such
as were not are of no more binding authority than other
books; and that each must judge for himself.
"His plausible and winning manners and persuasive
eloquence led many unsuspecting men and women astray.
Many saw the error of his teaching from the beginning, and
gave timely warning. Some took one side and some the
other. The controversy waxed earnest, and culminated
in a separation, in 1828, in several yearly meeting in
America, beginning in New York and ending in Indiana.
Meetings, families and friends were divided. wounds
were made never to be healed. Some were led on in the
separation by their love of a libertine faith, while others
were influenced by the strong tiles of friendship and social
are some still living who can remember the work of the dark
angel. Such recur to it with the hearts.
" The effects of this separation were, however,
not without some good. It stirred up this whole
society to an earnest searching for the faith once delivered
to the saints , and from that day to this the Society of
Friends have held a sound faith in the doctrines of
redemption by the blood of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit
of our God."
Although the date
of the beginning of this trouble in the United States was
some years prior to the settlement of Friends here, yet its
first appearance in this part of Indiana was not until 1828.
A paper was prepared that year by the Indiana yearly meeting
directed to each monthly meeting on this subject, in which,
among other things, the doctrine of Friends was clearly and
fully set forth. This paper was read at Bloomfield
monthly meeting, 3d month, 1st, 1828, which endorsed it and
took action, confirming its acceptance by an order that it
be spread upon the record, and by the appointment of a
standing com-

mittee to look after certain spurious books and pamphlets,
purporting to contain the doctrines of Friends, which were
being circulated. It is a fact worthy of note that
while almost every section of the country, from Canada to
Virginia and from Vermont to Illinois, was convulsed with
the elements of Hicksism, within the limits of Parke county
proper there was scarcely a ripple. In the monthly
meeting held 5th month. 2d, 1829, the representatives of the
quarterly meeting produced three copies of Evans' Exposition
and the testament as a donation form Philadelphia yearly
meeting, and other books having accumulated which were
intended for the use of the members, a committee was
appointed to establish a library and appoint a librarian,
they recommending Wm. Pickard for the position.
Rules were afterward adopted for the government of the
library, and at various times valuable additions have been
made to it by purchase and donation, among others being a
present of several important works and pamphlets from
England and Philadelphia, consisting of 140 volumes, and 15
volumes purchased by the library, Philip Siler.
The establishment of White Lick
quarterly was made on the third 7th day in 2d month, 1831.
White Lick, Fairfield, Bloomfield and Vermilion monthly
meetings joining in the request.
The first proposition for the establishment of the
Western quarterly meeting came from Sugar River and
Vermilion monthly meetings, 3d month, 5th, 1834. A
committee of the above mentioned and Bloomfield meetings was
appointed and met at the latter place on 8th of 4th month,
1834, which agreed to ask for a meeting to be known as the
Western quarterly meeting, and that its assemblies take
place on the second 7th day in the 2d, 5th, 8ith and 11th
months. The report was adopted by the yearly meeting,
which answered the request of the committee by establishing
it as desired, on the second 7th day of 2d month, 1836,
nearly two years after the proposition was first made.
The first meeting held in in the quarterly
meeting-house, built by Reuben Holden in 1834, was on
the 8th day of 6th month of that year, only one end of the
building being completed. At this meeting Exam
Outland, Stephen Kersey, Jesse
Hobson, and Lot Lindley were appointed as
the first representatives of the Western quarterly meeting.