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(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Source:  Providence Patriot, Providence, Rhode Island - Vol. 22 Issue 1441  Page 2
Dated: May 5, 1824
A letter from a gentleman in Parke county, Indiana, contains the following information: "It was told me yesterday, that there had just been discovered, in this county, an extensive body of Gold and Silver Ore, on land belonging to the government.  The individuals who made this fortunate discovery have departed for the purpose of entering the land at the Land Office."
Nat. Int.
Source: New Hampshire Patriot
Dated: May 1, 1851
Judge Ashley Harris was killed by lightning near Montezuma, Ind., a few days ago.  His wife was also struck, but the stroke did not prove fatal.
Source: Dailey Alabama - Alabama
Dated May 2, 1851
KILLED BY LIGHTNING - Judge Ashley Harris was killed by lightning, near Montezuma, Indiana, a few days ago.  His wife was also struck, but the stroke did not prove fatal.  They were together in a stable engaged in milking the cows when the stroke fell, killing Mr. Harris, seriously injuring Mrs. Harris, and killing two cows and calves.
Source: Lowell Daily Citizen & News - Massachusetts
Dated: July 29, 1858
A child of Judge Donaldson,  of Montezuma, Indiana, came to his death from the bite of a spider on its arm while asleep in its cradle.
Source: Sun - Massachusetts
Dated: August 5, 1858
Last week, on the farm of Hon. John G. Davis, near Montezuma, Indiana, two large springs burst forth from the earth, and continued to throw off such volumes of water that large fields in the neighborhood have been covered with standing pools and ponds.
Source:  The Republican - Rockville, Parke Co., OH - Vol. XI. - Number 34.
Dated: April 19, 1965
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Noah R. Miller, late of Parke county, deceased, will sell at public sale on Saturday, May 6th, 1865, at his residence in Jackson township near Richardson's School House, 5 miles east of Mansfield, and 1 mile west of Smith's saw mill, all the personal property of the decedent not take by the widow, consisting of one horse, one hog, one cow, household and kitchen furniture, &c.
     Terms - Sums of three dollars and under cash in hand; over three dollars a credit till next Christmas, the purchaser giving note, at interest, with approved security, waiving benefit of valuation and appraisement laws.

y virtue of an execution to me directed from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder on Saturday, the 6th day of May, A. D., 1865, between the hours of 10 o'clock, the door of the Court House in Rockville town, Parke County, the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years, the following described real estate,to-wit:
Lot No. Twenty-Eight, (28) in the town of Montezuma, county of Parke and State of Indiana.
and on failure to realize the full amount of judgment, interest and cost, I will at the same time and place expose at public sale the fee simple of said real estate.
     Taken as the property of John Couchman, at the suit of E. M. Benzen and John G. Davis
     Said sale will be made without any relief whatever from valostion or appraisement laws, as to the sum of $585.75.
                                                       GEOR. B. INGE, Sheriff Parke Co.
                                                            By Jas. M. Phelon, Deputy
April 18, 1865.
Wm. H. Nye, Att'y for Pl'ff  (prg fee $6.00.
Taken up by William Lewis, of Reserve Township, Parke County, Indiana, and Estray Heffer, described as follows:  She is a red with some white on the belly, with the tip end of both horns off; no ear marks or brands perceivable, and supposed to be two years old.  Appraised by Eli Frazier and William Harvey as twentyfive ($25) dollars, before me this 23d day of March, 1865.
                                THOS. C. HAYTH, J. P.
Attest:                     SAM MAGILL,
March 29, 1865.

Executor's Sale,
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, Executor of the last Will of William Cooke, deceased, will offer for sale at public outcry, at the late residence of the Testator, in Reserve township, one mile east of Montezuma, Parke county, Ind., Apr. 21, 1865, the personal property of said estate, consisting of horses, cattle, cows, hogs, wagons, one-half interest in Reaper & Mower, one wheat drill, one Threshing Machine, farming implements, &c.  Sale to begin at 10 o'clock.
     TERMS: - Sums of three dollars and under-cash; over three dollars a credit until the 1st day of January, 1866, the purchaser giving --nie, waiving benefit of valuation, with good security.
                    JOSEPH C. COOK, Executor.
April 5, 1865.

Dissalution of Co-Partnership.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing between John Wilson and E. G. Wilson, under the style of J. & E. G. wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.  The books and accounts of the firm will be found at the old stand, where all persons knowing them selves indebted are requested to call and make settlement.
                                           E. G. WILSON

March 8, 1865.

     Having purchased the interest of J. Wilson in the late firm of J. & E. G. Wilson,  begs leave to inform the public generally, that he will continue the business as heretofore, hoping by constant attention to the same to merit, a liberal share of patronage.
                    E. G. WILSON
March 16, 1865.

Mrs. Mary M. Whitted
Will open a school at her residence, (the house formerly occupied by Mr. Garrigus) for small children, on Monday, April 17.
     Terms, $1.00 per month, payable monthly - No deduction except in case of protracted illness.     April 12, 1865.

STATE OF INDIANA, Parke County,} SS.
Parke Court Common Pleas, May Term, 1865

Phobe Owens,
Elizabeth Durham &
Samuel Durham
Complaint to reform and satisfy
Mortgage, &.

COMES now the plaintiff, by D. H. Maxwell, her attorney, and files her complaint, in- gether with the affidavit of the competent person that the defendants are non-residents of the State of Indiana.  Notice is therefore hereby given to said defendants of the filing and pendency of said complaint, and that unless they plea, answer or demur thereto, the same will be heard and determined in their absence, at the May Term, 1865, of the Parke Court of Common Pleas, commencing on the third Monday in May next
     Witness my hand and the seal [SEAL], said Court affixed at Rockville, this [Stamp 20th day of March, 1865.
                    SAMUEL MAGILL, Clerk
March 22, 1865

Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of George W. Jones, late of Parke county, Indiana, deceased.
     The estate is supposed to be insolvent.
                    HENRY C. F. RANDOLPH.
April 12, 1865.

Administrator's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of George W. Jones, deceased, will sell at public outcry, at the late residence of the decedent, at Waterman, Parke County, Ind., on Saturday the 6th day of May, 1865, the personal property of the decedent, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Cows, Hogs, Sheep, 1 wagon, farming implements, household and kitchen furniture, etc.
     TERMS: - Sums of three dollars and under, cash, over three dollars a credit of nine months will be given, the purchaser giving note at interest, waiving benefit of valuation laws, with good freehold surety.  Sale to begin at 10:o'clock, A. M.
                    HENRY O. F. RANDOLPH, Adm'r.
April 12, 1865.

     Persons indebted to M. Albeitz, either by Note or Book account, are requested to call and settle.     M. ALBEITZ.
     Montezuma, Jan. 19, 1865.

Sheriff's Sale.
     BY virtue of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Parke Circuit Court, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder on Saturday, the 29th day of April, A. D., 1865, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the door of the Court House in Rockville town, Parke County, the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years, the following described real estate, to-wit:
     One Saw Mill, in the town of Catlin, County of Parke, and State of Indiana, situated opposite the depot of the E. & C. R. R., at that place, together with all the defendant's right, title, interest and estate in and to the tract or lot of land that said Mill stands on, including the Boiler Engine Mill and all fixtures belonging or in any manner appertaining thereto, and on failure to realize the full amount of judgment, interest and cost, I will at the same time and place expose at public sale the fee simple of said real estate.
     Taken as the property of James Ray, at the suit of Henry M. Woodard
Said sale will be made without any relief whatever from valuation or appraisement laws.
                    GEO. B. INGE, Sheriff Parke Co.
                         By Jas. M. Phelco, Deputy.
March 29, 1865
Wm. H. Nye, att'y for Pl'ff.  [prs fee $6,40.

Source:  Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Cincinnati, OH  Page 3
Dated Aug. 29, 1867
Parke County - Rockville, its Business, etc. -
Crop News.
Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette.
                    ROCKVILLE, IND., Aug. 27.
     Parke county, of which this town is the county seat, lies in the best wheat growing district of the State.  It has considerable mineral wealth, including coal fields, which although but poorly developed, are yielding largely.  Politically, this county is sound to the core.  It has standing republican majority of about one thousand.


It is a quiet old town, noted more for good morals than commercial enterprise.  It is, however, making a start in manufacturing, this year.  A woolen factory has just been completed, at a cost of about $30,000.  A sash and door factory is in successful operation.  Several fine business houses have gone up this summer; one, built by the proprietors of the First National Bank, is a three story house, 48 feet front by 75 deep.  It will cost about $25,000.  Three or four handsome private residences have also been built this summer.
     This place has communication with the outer world by but one railroad, the Evansville & Crawfordsville of which it is the northern terminus, the road between here and Crawfordsville never having been built.  Just at this time there is considerable interest manifested by the citizens of this county in road matters.  The Rockville and Bellmore gravel road will be completed this fall.
     The first sensation of the season occurred in this town last Saturday.  A traveling vender of beer and ale established his headquarters a short distance outside the corporation limits, and had about sold out when a shower of rotten eggs set in that completely drenched the man of beer.  Of course he vamosed the ranch and shook the Rockville dust from his feet.  Persons who saw him, say that he looked very much as if he had been swimming in a river of egg-nogg.  An old citizen of this place was fined $50 a few weeks since for giving a boy two drinks of whisky while out fishing.


     Of this section did not come up to expectation.  The yield of wheat is not nearly so good as its appearance in the spring promised.  Corn has suffered very much from the drouth.  On the uplands it will in no event be more than half a crop.  There has been no rain here, to amount to anything, since the 4th of July.  The ground is parched, and nearly all the small creeks are dried up.

Source:  Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Cincinnati, OH  Page 4
Dated Feb. 11, 1879
     Our correspondent "Hanson" presents a picture of life in a representative county in Indiana that is quite the reverse of gloomy.  It shows that the rural classes in a large portion of that State enjoy their full share of wealth and intennigence.  It is a little surprising to learn that in Parke County from which "Hanson" writes, there are $500 in property for every person, or $2,500 for every family.  This wealth is very evenly distributed among the people, there being but one man in the county worth more than $100,000, and the farmers are comparatively prosperous and happy.  But it is sad to know that the majority of them still year for cheap money and high prices.
Source:  Indianapolis Sentinel, Indianapolis, IN - Vol: XXXI - Issue: 87 - Page 4
Dated: Mar. 28, 1882
Return of the Parke County Witnesses - Why They Left.
     It will be remembered that when the second trial of Albert Neff, charged with an attempt to blackmail, was called in the Criminal Court, the prosecuting witness was missing.  It was learned that Nevins, of Parke County, and his wife, had suddenly left the State, and gone to Missouri.  This having the appearance of an attempt to trifle with the Court, the case was continued until the 31st ist., and steps were taken to discover the whereabouts of the State's witnesses.  On Thursday of last week Sheriff Adams started for Missouri in search of Nevins and his wife.  His trip was successful, as they were after some difficulty located at Centralia, Mo., and returned to this city yesterday to await trial.  They tell a somewhat strange story.  Nevins says his house in Parke County was broken into and dire threats made against them.  They had contemplated removing to Missouri, and when these hostile demonstrations begun, out of regard for their personal safety, they stood not upon the order of the going, but hastily departed.  They were willing to return upon a promise that they should have protection.  It is expected there will be some unexpected and perhaps unpleasant developments during the progress of the coming trial.
Source: Arizona Weekly Journal Miner - Arizona
Dated: Dec. 28, 1892
Wm. Dulin, of the Montezuma, left this morning for a visit to his old home in Indiana.  He expects to be almost about six weeks.
Source: Indiana State Journal
Dated: Mar. 25, 1896
ROCKVILLE, IND., Mar. 21 - Howard Maxwell, of Rockville, was re-nominated for prosecutor at Montgomery today.  He had no opposition.

ROCKVILLE, IND., Mar. 21 - Mrs. Mary Harlan, the oldest woman in Parke county, celebrated her one hundredth anniversary yesterday.  She was born in Warren county, Maryland, March 20, 1796, twenty miles from Hagerestown, Mercersburg being the nearest town.  Her home was at the foot of South mountain.  Her father was a soldier in the revolutionary war, being a British subject until captured.  He fought for America in 1812.  Her parents moved to Warren county, Ohio, when she was eight years old, settling near Dayton.  She married Silas Harlan Feb. 12, 1818, and moved to Illinois, then finally settled at New Discover, Parke county, Indiana, ten miles southeast of Rockville.  From this union ten children were born, four still living.

Source: Aberdeen Daily News - South Dakota
Dated: Apr. 27, 1896
He Killed Five the Awful Work of an Insane Man near Rockville, Indiana.  Shot Mrs. Hoske and Two Children, and Then Killed Two Officers.
ROCKVILLE, Ind., April 27. - Peter Egbert shot and killed Aggie and Herman Haske, children, together with Sheriff Mull and Deputy Sheriff William SweemMrs. Haske was also shot.  She is still living but will die.  Egbert, who is insane, is still at large, but he is being hunted by a posse.  Sheriff Mull and Deputy Sweem lost their lives while trying to place Egbert under arrest.
     The posse came up with Egbert at the fair grounds.  He refused to surrender, and was fired on.  He did not return the fire, but ran into a stall and sent a load of buckshot into his breast, dying instantly.  He was found to have received one slight bullet wound in the fusillade which had been going on.  Egbert's sister, at the same hour he killed himself, died at the family home of typhoid fever.
Source: Indiana State Journal
Dated: Mar. 16, 1898
Bloomfield, Ind., March 10. - Wallace A. Erganbright, aged twenty-nine, was found guilty of embezzelment today in the Greene Circuit court and given a punishment of imprisonment at the Reformatory from one to three years and fined $400.  Erganbright was an operator of the Linton Exchange Bank, which closed its doors running an insolvent bank, doing business with little or no capital stock.  A number of depositors lost money in the bank, only 44 percent being paid Ergenbright came to Linton from Montezuma, where he was associated with one Pritchard in the banking business, and who is now serving sentence in prison for a similar transaction.  A stubborn fight was made on both sides.
Source: Indiana State Journal
Dated: November 23, 1898
Nathan Morris, Pioneer, Dead.
ANNAPOLIS, Ind. Nov. 21 - Nathan Morris, a pioneer of Park county, aged eighty-one years died at his home in Bloomingdale, Ind., Nov. 18.  Mr. Morris was a Quaker by birth, and lived for more than sixty years in Parke county, coming from North Carolina.  He was once a prominent Mason and give $300 two years ago to Lodge No. 127, to help in building a lodgeroom at Bloomingdale.  He owned a thousand acres of the most fertile land in Western Indiana and had a cash deposit of $20,000 in the national bank at Rockville, besides other valuable property.  He had been in the mercantile and grocery business in Rockville, Montezuma and Leatherwood, a small station on the Indiana, Decatur & Western Railroad.  Before and since the death of his second wife he had been in business at Bloomingdale, and since her death he had lived alone in part of his business house.  Last Tuesday he went to Rockville and made a deposit of $2,300, having sold his new crop of corn.  Returning home he was seen late Wednesday evening.  Friday the station agent found Mr. Morris lying on the floor, partly dressed, unconscious and chilled, with a gash an inch in length in the forehead just between the eyes.  Some small change, bank deposit slips, books and papers were scattered over the floor, giving rise to wild stories of a probably murder and robbery.  Dr. Goldsberry was called, and after a close examination, pronounced Mr. Morris suffering from concussion of the brain, caused by falling against the stove or some hard body.  After a few hours of careful nursing he was able to recognize his friends but could not talk well enough to tell how he had been hurt.  He died at 8 o'clock Friday night.  Five hundred dollars was found in the cupboard, and nothing being missing, the murder and robbery theory was exploded.  He leaves four grandchildren.  The Masonic order took charge of his body which was interred in the Linebarger Cemetery.
Source: St. Albans Daily Messenger - Vermont
Dated: May 10, 1906
Killed by Brother, President of Indiana Bank Shot in his Home
Montezuma Scene of the Affair
W. H. Sylvester
the Victim - It is Believed that the Brother's Mind was Unbalanced.
     Montezuma, Ind., May 10 - W. H. Sylvester, president of the First National Bank of Montezuma, was shot and killed today in his home by his brother, whose mind is believed to be affected.
Source: Perry Republican - Oklahoma
Dated: Feb. 5, 1920
Leonard McCandless, of Sand Springs, Oklahoma and Mrs. Wm. McCandless of Montezuma, Indiana visited their aunt Mrs. Van Pelt during the week.


This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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