Kentucky Genealogy Express

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History & Genealogy


An Account of the Modern Discovery; Settlement; Progressive Improvement; Civil and Military Transactions; and the Present State of the Country.
By H. Marshall
Geo. S. Robinson, Printer


NOTE:  The figures refer to corresponding pages; where hte proper name, or principal word, in the sentence will be found.

 - A -

ACTS, first passed - 12
 - concerning slaves - 66,79
 - unconstitutional - 212
 - ditto - 241
 - concerning lands - 464
Adair, John defeated - 41
Arbitrations authorized - 175
Adet attempts to influence the election - 200
Adams, John president - 206
Aristides, as to Frence - 251
Aliens, their rights - 265
Address to the president - 284
Academy, Winchester - 289
 - appropriations for - 322
Allin, John, his motion - 411
 - candidate, & c. - 457

 - B -
Brown, James secretary - 4
Brown, John, sides with Jefferson - 153
Breckenridge, John, of the faction Ib. his resolutions - 255
Boundary next to Virginia - 176
 - of state &c. - 342, 474
Bullock, Edmond chosen speaker - 182
Bryant's meeting &c. - 292
Bourbon meeting &c. - 325
Burr, Col. in Frankfort - 372
 - his intrigue - 376, 385
 - indicted, and acquitted - 410
 - letter to W. - 424
 - tried and acquitted in Va. - 431
Bank proposed - 374
 - of Kentucky - 420

 - C -
Clay, Henry, his effort - 10
Courts, a system - 23
 - of appeals, county, quarter sessions, oyer and terminer, and district - 24-29-174
Corruption of the system - 26
Courts, subject resumed - 51
 - innovations - 58
 - county, to appoint inspector - 322
 - power limited as to contempts - 228
 - circuit U. S. abolished - 344
 - dist. and general, abolished - 350
 - circuit, characterized - __
Compact discussed - 61
Convention, votes &c. - 234, 246, 252
 - with Virginia - 176
 - one proposed to mend the constitution - 182
 - to amend the constitution - 294
 - proposed - 374
Constitution, new one made - 294
 - its operation, discussed - 327, 365
 - of U. S. quoted, &c. - 256
Caucus - 364
Chase, Judge impeached - 371
Chesapeake affair - 435
Census - 472
Constables civil officers - 75
Counties created -
 - Washington, Scott, Shelby, - 12
 - Logan, Clark, Hardin - 38, 66, 70
 - Green, Harrison - 76, 129
 - Franklin, Campbell - 158, 159
 - Bullitt, Christian, Montgomery, Bracken, Warren, Garrard - 192 - 194
 - Pulaski, Pendleton, Livingston, Henry, Cumberland, Gallatin, Muhlenberg, Ohio, Jesamine, Henderson, Barren - 286 - 89
 - Breckenridge, Floyd - 319
 - Wayne, Adair - 336, 342
 - Greenup, Casey, Clay, Hopkins - 363, 413-15
 - Grayson, Union - 467, 470

 - D -
Democratic Society - 85
 - proceedings - 92
 - special meeting - 116
 - merit discussed - 183
Delinquents - 359
Daveiss, Joseph H. applies for process, &c. - 393, 404
 - Proceeding,  &c. - 396, 400
 - his character - 490
Duces tecum to the President - 432
Divorces regulated - 462
Duelling suppressed - 474

 - E -
Execution - 74
Expenditures - 80
Ellicott on the Mississippi - 219
Emancipation, a topic - 247
Envoys to France rejected - 250
Embargo - 466

 - F -
Frankfort, seat of government - 6
 - residence for secretary &c. - 185
Forfeiture incurred - 20
Funk, John divorced - 244
Faction, what it is - 113
French rupture - 198
France hostile - 206
French decree &c. - 280-1
 - mission of Ellsworth - 294
 - L'Insurgent taken - lb.

 - G -
Government commenced - 1
 - on what founded - 115
 - its use - 212
Genet arrived, his intrigue - 87, 93
Governor communicates correspondence with J. Innis - 170
Green river settlers - 178
Garrard, James Gov. his speech - 189
 - quotations from it - 266, 276, 282
 - his communications - 333, 368
Gracchus on convention - 248

 - H -
Hardin, John Col. killed - 41
 - his biography - 42
Hardin, William wounded - 135
Hawkins, Martin, proposals &c. - 317
Harrison governor of Indiana, makes war &c. - 480
 - his account of the battle - 494
 - examined - 507

 - I -
Innis, James, his mission - 153
Interest on damages - 475
Indian hostilities - 40
 - depredations - 81
Impeachments &c. - 73
Innis, Harry appointed judge - 78
 - sends Spaniards to Wilkinson - 154
 - proceedings in the legislature - 447
Innis, Harry, reasons - 224
Insurance company - 348

 - J -
Justices of the peace, their fees - 34
Jefferson, Thomas secretary U. S. - 88
Jefferson to Washington - 201
 - to Mazzei - 204
 - made president - 340
Jefferson and Burr - 339
 - jurisdiction - 473

 - K -
Kenton, Simon, further particulars of his life - 149
Kentucky Adademy - 158

 - L -
Legislature first assembled - 1
 - proceedings - 12
Lands subjected to execution - 71
Lachaise and Democrats - 120
Lexington resolves - 121
Logsdon, Joseph, adventure - 134
Legislative proceedings, 173, 194, 207, 233, 254, 316, 330, 342, 348, 358, 363, 370, 412, 454, 459, 472.
Libraries incorporated - 336
Louisiana purchased - 362

 - M -
Muter, George - 78
 - his pension - 415
Miller sent to the Indians - 137
Marshall, H. elected to the senate - 161
 - instructed how to vote - 172
Monroe, James sent to Paris - 361
Madison, James, a candidate for presidency - 457

 - N -
Nicholas, George, attorney general - 4
 - his letter - 223
Navigable waters noticed - 70

 - O -
Offices incompatible - 65
Otter Lifter characterized - 145
Owens, Richard killed - 154
Occupying claimants - 208
Opinions in Kentucky - 250
Orleans' port shut - 360
Observer - 386
Ohio canal - 416
Occupant law - 473

 - P -
Party, its character - 113
Parties of different kinds - 188
Power, Thomas, his agency  - 219
Penitentiary established 238
Penal code - Ib.
President's proclamation - 411
 - his conduct reviewed - 422

 - Q -
Quarter session justices excluded from the legislature - 170

 - R -
Relief system commenced - 15
Revenue tax &c. - 18, 20, 23
Replevy allowed - 71
Recovery Fort besieged - 136
Resolutions of the legislature - 159
 - For an address to remove Judges Muter and Sebastian - 161
Revenue deficient - 237
Representation apportioned - 185, 453, 476
Rogers, Commodore - 472

 - S -
Shelby, Isaac, first governor - 1
 - his speech - 2
 - his conduct - 94
 - correspondence - 99
 - his letter, &c. - 150
Salaries of governor, &c. - 79
Scott, General - 83
 - at Georgetown - 136
 - elected governor - 453
 - his communications - Ib
 - his valedictory - 522
Sheriffs declared ineligible - 169
Suffrage, right discussed - 212
Sebastian, Innis, &c. intrigue - 219
Salaries increased - 241
State sovereignty discussed - 270
Seminary Transylvania - 290
 - may move - 358
Salaries of judges abatable - 337
Street assaulted - 378
Sebastian's pension - 379
Sergeant, new officer - 465

 - T -
Todd, Robert, &c. commissioners, fix the seat of government - 5
Taxes laid - 18
 - on spiritous liquors - 123
Treaty with the British - 148
Treaty with the Indians - 149
 - with Spain - Ib.
Titheables - 217
Toasts - 278
Tecumseh, Indian chief - 482
Tippecanoe battle - 489

 - U -
Unsound minds provided for - 128

 - V -
Vineyard Society - 319

 - W -
Wilkinson, General - 41
 - receipt of pension - 155
 - implicated - 422
Warrants civil list - 76
Wayne, General - 82
 - instructed - 117
 - on the frontier - 132
 - marches, fights - 137-39
 - correspondence - 140
Whitley, William, biography - 141
Wages of legislators raised - 185
Washington still held the confidence of a majority - 123
 - but an object of abuse - 126
Washington to Jefferson - 201
Wood and Street arrive - 375
"Western World" established - 377
War - 477





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