Louisiana Genealogy Express

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New Orleans, Louisiana
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Source: Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Sep. 13, 1867
SENT DOWN - Jos. Farrell was arraigned before the Recorder of the
First District this morning, charged by Edward McGinans with stealing
a gold watch and chain, valued at $145, from his stateroom on board of the
steamer Sarah while at the landing at Mobile. The accused was
committed to the First District Court for trial, bonds $250.
ATTEMPTED TO COMMIT SUICIDE - A man named W. F. Smith, while
drunk, yesterday evening about __o'clock, attempted to commit suicide by
jumping into the river, at the head of Conti street. Officers
Martin and Lawler rescued him and took him to the Second District
POLICE ITEMS - John A. Nelson, Frank Johnson and WM. Evans
were arrested as vagrants, on the ship landing.
Jessie Pegraves was arrested on Old Levee
street, charged with carrying a revolver.
Lena Veriety, colored, was arrested on Burgundy
street, charged by George Smith with robbery.
Mrs. Serupt?, who resides in the Third District,
ahs to answer for making an assault on Mrs. Gobin.
Chas. Blackmore was arrested on Marigny street for
assaulting and attempting to kill his wife and children.
Henry Pete was arrested on Claiborne street,
charged by Henry Osse with assaulting him with a knife.
Albert B. Halaby, James H. Hagen and Frank
Brooks were arrested at 11 P.M., on Customhouse street, charged by P.
Hanmore with assault and battery with intent to kill. |
Source: Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Oct. 11, 1867
Thos. WRIGHT and Benj. SMITH, five young colored sharers, were
arraigned this morning before Assistant Recorder JONBERT, with having
burglariously entered at an early hour this morning the store of Messrs.
H. STROMBERG & Co., on Tehoupitoulas street, from a back entrance on
Foucher, and feloniously possessed themselves of a lot of can fruit,
condensed milk and other "goodies."
ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. - Sergeant BRAY reports that a woman named Emma
SAUDERS, an inmate of a house of ill fame, corner of Basin and St. Louis
streets, attempted to commit suicide last night about 10 o'clock, by taking
a large dose of laudanum. Medical aid was procured and the woman
foiled in her rash purpose.
RECORDER AHERN. The condition of Recorder Ahern,
yesterday, was such that has numerous friends were pained to learn that
there was no prospects of his recovery. We are pleased to state that a
very favorable change ahs taken place, and he is now in on immediate danger.
SICK AND DESTITUTE - A colored man named Samuel WARD was found
sic and destitute on the levee, and sent to the Marine Hospital.
BURGLARY - Mrs. CONNELL's residence No. 265 Magazine street, corner
of Poeyfarre street, was burglariously entered last night and robbed of a
lot of silver ware, spoons and knives, and also a quantity of wearing
apparel and valuable papers belonging to Mr. W. R. DAVOL.
RECORDER'S AHERN'S COURT - Assistant Recorder J___ Presiding - Jas.
DUNCAN, a colored individual, charged by Andrew D____, with
obtaining goods under false pretences, is to board free of expense in the
Parish Prison for fifteen days.
S_lvery MOORE and Jennie REDDEN, were
fined $10 each for being persons of easy virtue.
Frank JOHNSON, Jas. HEALY and John HOEK?,
who made there beds under the canopy of heaven at the New Basin, were sent
to the Workhouse, there to toil for sixty days.
Elijah BONDS, charged by Jno. Welsh with
larceny, was sent to the Workhouse for fifteen days.
John HURLEY and Pat HAENEY were each
fined $10 for fighting on Grand street, HURLEY was under peace
bonds at the time, and they were declared forfeited.
Chas. CARTER, a negro, falsely represented
himself to be a policeman, on Magazine street, and he was fined $10
Henry ROBINSON was fined $10 for stealing
something from John A. RUSSELL.
POLICE ITEMS: - Officer DUCLAUX reports that he found a dead body of an
Austrian soldier named AUSTOUD? in a house corner of St. Peter and
Basin streets. This is all the report says, and we have not time to
hunt up the particulars concerning the dead Austrian..
Eight youngsters were locked up for stealing
oranges, on Poland street, yesterday evening.
Henry Brarel THOMASON was arrested
in the Fourth District last night at 12 o'clock, for fighting.
Henry PELUSS? was gobbled up last night at 12
o'clock by Officer MIRABIN in Fourth District, charged with being a
vagrant and dangerous character.
John DACY was found under the wharf, at the head
of Canal street "star gazing" and locked up
Source: Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Nov. 3, 1867
COULDN'T STAY AWAY - John Holly, the noted character who
has figured so conspicuously in our courts for the past few years, and who
was always adroit enough to get out of the clutches of the law, was arrested
yesterday in the Second District, and sent up to Recorder Neville for
disposal. Holly a few days ago was released from a charge of
vagrancy upon the condition of leaving the State in forty-eight hours.
He did leave and went to Mobile. But it appears he could not remain
away and returned to the city after an absence of but two days. He
will doubtless be committed to the Workhouse. He is a dangerous
RECORDER NEVILLE'S COURT - Conrad Hecker, who battered the
head piece of John Gleeck No 414 Dryades street, has to pay $10 for
indulging in such amusement. Gleeck didn't get a cent of the
amount to heal his wounded face and honor.
R. McConnell and L. C. McCoy were each
required to fork over $5 for fighting on Common street.
Mary Henry and colored Enlalia Francois
and Jane Baptiste who reside at 191 Burgundy street, were arraigned,
charged by Miss Mary Davis, who resides at 181 Julia street, with
stealing a large amount of household articles and a magnificent waterfall.
The case was fixed for the 9th, bail $200 each.
Thomas J. Cox and colored David Phillips
had to answer for maliciously running their wagons into a city car on
Tehonpitonlas street, near Thalia. Each were fined $10 and Cox
in addition required to furnish peace bonds.
Geo. Tate, a negro driver, for committing a
similar offence on teh same street, had to pay a like sum.
Dominick Fluix who assaulted Kate Fluix
at 250 Poydras street, ahd to give bonds not to repeat the infliction for
six months.
Jeff Baker, a negro, paid $5 for whipping
Adele Green, colored, on Franklin street.
James Tracey who was arrested on St. Charles
street, charged by Wm. Christopher with obtaining money by
false pretences, was given a free permit to board in the Workhouse for
thirty days. Lucky devil.
Martin Sykes, who was arrested on a mixed charge
of larceny and vagrancy, was gently deposited in the Workhouse, there to
remain for six months.
Joe Coleman a negro, was sent before the First
District Court, charged by Mrs. Mary Haar with stealing $85 worth of
clothing from her residence, 189 Camp street. Bonds $259.
E. C. Palton was arraigned, charged by Louis
Me____ with receiving $300 which was stolen from him on the night of the
28th day of October by one Sarah Sylix, a colored damsel, in a house
at the corner of Pardido and Dryades street. The case was continued
till the 4th inst. Bail $500.
POLICE ITEMS - J. A. Gurnards was arrested on a warrant, charged by
Wm. Noble with trespass.
Mary Louise was arrested at 6 P.M. yesterday on
Canal street, charged by Officer Cummings with insult and abuse and
resisting him in the discharge of his duty.
J. A. Christian was arrested yesterday on the
Levee for carrying a revolver.
James Clairy was arrested at 12 o'clock last
night, on Marais street, charged by Officer Dasam with assault with
intent to kill.
Mary Carrigan and Juana Poncha were
locked up for pilfering cotton on the Levee.
Policeman C. Pernel was locked up, charged by
Adoie De Souvent with assault and battery.
John Labiate was arrested yesterday in Magazine
Market, because he refused to remove his stand when ordered to do so by the
Farmer of the market, Mr. Regan.
James Condon was gathered up by Officer K__y,
charged with stealing a dog worth $20, from V. Finegan.
Peter Bensel to accused by Arthur Levy with
making a violent assault upon him.
David Reagan and Patrick Fitzgerald were
arrested in the Fourth, for assaulting John H. Landwher. |
Source: The Chronicle (Columbiana, Ala.) Vol.
IX., Number 32
Dated: Thursday, Feb. 7, 1895
The Cold Weatehr Results in Bereaving Many a Home.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 9 - Mrs. Jacobs and
her six year old child Stella, were fatally burned yesterday at their
home on St. Thomas street. The child's dress was ignited by a grate
fire and the mother, in endeavoring to quench the flames, was also badly
burned. The charred remains of Charles Seymour, an aged
stableman, were founed in the ruins of a fire that occurred
yesterday. He was not missed until the body was found. |
Source: Times-Picayune - La.
Dated: July 10, 1897
Brings About an Exciting Sequel to the Sauvage Robbery.
Angelo Rodriguez, a Well-Known Character, Led Into a Trap.
Through a Tale Told by a Cripple Who Wanted the Reward.
A Barkeeper Nearly Loses His Life in the Execution.
J. D. Hawthorn and Albert Laplace, Relatives of the Doctor
Save the Man, but All Four Land in Jail.
Rodriguez Charged With the Robbery by the Detectives - A Fruitless Search of His
The nine days allowed for wonder, curiosity and gossip over the robbery of Dr.
Sauvage, at the corner of Canal and Basin streets had not yet elapsed when fresh
has been given to wagging (can't read the rest) |
Source: Times-Picayune - La
Dated: Nov. 21, 1909
Well Known Citizen Dies Suddenly Last Night.
Dr. Raymond Sauvage, one of the leading druggists and physicians of the city,
died last evening at 8:30. He had been in very good health; went to the opera
last Sunday and left the American drug store, of which he was proprietor, about
4 o'clock yesterday. He died suddenly of apoplexy while visiting friends.
Dr. Sauvage was a native of this city and was 66 years old. He was a brother of
the late Mrs. Basil LaPlace and leaves a brother, Henry Sauvage, and nephews and
nieces, children of the late Mrs. LaPlace.
Dr. Sauvage practiced medicine many years ago actively, but since starting the
American Drug store, twenty years ago, ahs devoted his attention to that alone.
He was a director and active man in the People's Bank.
Dr. Sauvage was a man of quiet and unassuming disposition and lived only for his
family and his work. He was charitable in a quiet way and had a very large
circle of acquaintances in the city. |
Source: Times-Picayune - La
Dated: May 25, 1910
A Runaway Horse Knocks Down Deaf and Dumb Capitalist.
Henry Sauvage, a deaf and dumb capitalist, narrowly escaped being killed at 7:30
o'clock last night within a few feet of his home at Canal and Telemachus
Streets, when he was knocked down by a runaway horse. He was assisted by two
young men whose names were not learned by the family Physicians were called and
they examined his injuries and pronounced them painful but not serious. The
family stated that the doctors said there were no fractures.
Mr. Sauvage was walking down the shelled walk which leads from the palatial
residence to the sidewalk when he saw an Esplanade Belt coming. He hurried
across the street with the intention of catching the car. From his description
of the accident the horse came upon him suddenly and he could not get out of the
How he escaped being trampled under the hoofs of the animal and sustaining a
fractured skull his family regards as miraculous. The first information the
family had of the accident was when the young men brought Mr. Sauvage into the
After the doctors verdict the old gentleman wrote on his pad that he was pleased
that his life had been spared. He was told that it would be necessary from him
to remain in bed quietly for a few days. His answer showed that he was content
that he had not sustained more serious injury. |
Source: Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Jan. 9, 1913
JACK KATZENMEYER Found Dead by Companions at Base of Bank Where He Slipped.
VICKSBURG, MISS. Jan. 8 - Relatives and friends were shocked this
afternoon upon the return her of a hunting party to hear that Jack
KATZENMEYER, one of the young men of the party, had accidentally shot
the top of his head off dying instantly. The hunting party consisted
of John ZIMMERMAN, George MILLER, H. H. HOSSLEY and the unfortunate
young man. They left the city early in the week in a gasoline boat and
went to Diamond Island, near which point the accident happened. There
were no witnesses to Mr. KATZENMEYER's death, but the young men
believe from what they could see when the body was found that Mr.
KATZENMEYER had slipped down a bank and the gun was in some manner
discharged, sending the load through the top of his head.
KATZENMEYER was interested in the KATZENMEYER Brothers' Bakery.
Source: Times-Picayune - La.
Dated: Apr. 14, 1916
Nephew of Deceased Druggist Permitted to Retain Heritage.
In litigation over the succession of the late G. R. H. Sauvage, Judge King of
the Civil District Court rendered a decision Thursday in favor of Albert J.
Laplace and against Mrs. Bertha F. Lehmann.
G. R. H. Sauvage, who died February 17, 1815, at the age of 67 years, was owner
of the American Drug Store and other property.
When Sauvage died he left Mrs. Lehman, who was employed in the drug store, a
cottage and $10,000, and made her his universal legatee. To his nephew, Laplace,
he left the drug store and a residence and its contents. The entire estate was
appraised at $125,000. After a legal fight, the demand for an audit of the drug
store books was granted, and Elkin Moses, the auditor, found a defalcation of
$44,049.70 on the part of the bookkeeper, Salaun. Judge King ordered this
account homologated.
The disputants look over the available legacies. The delivery of the drug store
and the home of Laplace was ruled by Judge King to take them out of the
succession as subject to the debts of the estate. After the division, a
provisional account was filed. Mrs. Lehman opposed the account's approval. She
contended that the legacy of the drug store was a nullity, that it is a running
business subject to liabilities of over $57,000, defalcation, and that she
should not be called upon to pay more than a pro rata of the deficit. Judge King
took up these and other grounds. He held that the language of the will points to
the drug store as a clear legacy of a specific thing and relieved the legatee of
liability for the debts of the succession, unless there was a mortgage on the
The legacy of the lot, residence and contents carried with it everything about
the property, including the limousine, which Mrs. Lehman had disputed. In the
matter of the defalcation, as well as notes which Sauvage had given Laplace for
uncollected salary and profits, Judge King maintained Sauvage responsible for
the shortage and Laplace entitled to the notes. Sauvage was a deaf mute and
attended to the accounting and financial part of the business. Laplace was the
outside manager, built up the business and relied on the books supervised by
Sauvage. By failing to exercise diligence, Sauvage put Laplace in the position
of believing he was entitled to the money attributed to him in the settlements,
and that his service were being recompensed in accordance with their contracts.
Neither Sauvage, if alive, nor his heirs can be heard to say that the obligation
neglected by Sauvage, resulting in what will now be a very serious loss to
Laplace, can be avoided by his failure to do his duty. Mrs. Lehman's $10,000
cannot go into the account because there are no funds. So she gets the cottage
particularly willed to her, and Laplace the drug store and the residence and
contents. |

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