a. - age
abt. - about
b. - born
ch. - child
chn. - children
Co. - county
C.R.I. - church record, First Congregational Church
C.R.2. - church record, Second Congregational Church
d. - daughter; died; day
Dea. - deacon
dup. - duplicate entry
G.R.I. - gravestone record - Chester Center Cemetery
G.R.2 - gravestone record - Huntington Street Cemetery
G.R.3 - gravestone record - Pine Hill Cemetery
G.R.4 - gravestone record - Littleville Cemetery
G.R.5 - gravestone record - Ingell Cemetery, Chester
G.R.6 - gravestone record - North Chester Cemetery
G.R.7 - gravestone record - Round Hill Cemetery
G.R.8 - gravestone record - Fisk Cemetery
G.R.9 - gravestone record - Moor Cemetery
G.R.10 - gravestone record - Bell Cemetery, Chester Hill
G.R.11 - gravestone record - R. L. Bromley Cemetery
G.R.12 - gravestone record - Horatio Lyman Cemetery
G.R.13 - gravestone record - from a tomb in a
pasture northeast of Chester Center
h. - husband
hrs. - hours
inf. - infant
int. - publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. - junior
m. - married; month
min. - minutes
rec. - recorded
d/o - daughter of
s/o - son of
Sr. - senior
w. - wife; week
wid. - widow
widr. - widower
y. - year |
P.R.I. - private record, from the
Taylor family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Abby
L. (Taylor) Plunkett of Hinsdale
P.R.I. - private record, from the Wait family Bible, now
in the possession of Mrs. Spencer (Delight Wait) Knox of
P.R.3. - private record, from the Henry Bible, now in
the possession of Mrs. Eliza W. (Henry) Phinney of
P.R. 4. - private record, from the Wilcox Bible, now in
the possession of Mrs. George (Marietta Wilcox) Hapgood
of Chester.
P.R. - 5 - private record, from the Churchill family
Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. George N. Cone of
P.R. - 6 - private record, from the Stevens family
Bible, now in the possession of William Stevens of
Chester of Chester
P.R. - 7 - private record, from the Snow family Bible,
now in the possession of Major A. Snow of Chester
P.R. - 8 - private record, from the Knox family Bible,
now in the possession of Charles Henry Knox of Chester
P.R. - 9 - private record, from the Hamilton of Chester
P.R. - 10 - private record, from the Foot family Bible,
now in the possession of Frank M. Foote of Chester.
P.R. - 11 - private record, from the Moore Bible, now in
the possession of Harry R. Bromley of Chester
P.R. - 12 - private record, from the Holcomb Bible, now
in the possession of Mrs. Willis F. Stevens of Chester
P.R. - 13 - private record, from the Wright family
Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. C. E. Clark of Lees
P.R. - 14 - private record, from the Bell family Bible,
now in the possession of Mrs. Merrick Bell of Chester.
P.R. - 15 - private record, from the Smith family Bible,
now in the possession of Miss Jennie Smith of Huntington
P.R. - 16 - private record, from the Elder family Bible,
now in the possession of Mrs. Dinah (Tucker) Elder of
P.R. - 17 - private record, from the Benton family
Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Nathan Johnson of
P.R. - 18 - private record, from the Lyman family Bible,
now in the possession of George Thrasher of Worthington