To the Year 1850.
Published by the
New-England Historic Genealogical Society,
at the Charge of
The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass.,
To the Year 1850
Date of Death |
Name of Deceased |
Comments |
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Abbitt, Abbot,Abbott,
Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit, Abitt, Abut |
1716 May 24 |
Samuel, |
Samuel and Goyce |
Abbit, Abbot, Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit, |
1712 Mar. 10 |
Martha, |
d/o Samuel and
Joyce |
Abbit, Abbitt, Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit,
Abitt, Abut) |
1756 Apr. 14 |
Abijah, |
Sam[ue]ll and Abigail |
1770 Aug. 25, |
Abner, |
s/o Ephraim and
Sarah |
1771 Oct. 29 |
Alpha, |
s/o Ephraim and
Sarah |
1774 Oct. 20 |
Joel, |
s/o Ephraim and
Sarah |
1773 Mar. 17 |
Joseph, |
s/o Ephraim and
Sarah |
1760 Dec. 15 |
d/o John and
Mary |
1781 Oct. 20 |
Sarah, |
Ephraim and Sarah |
Abbitt, Abbot, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit, Abitt, Abut |
1854 Jan. 11 |
Abraham, |
s/o Samuel and
Abigail |
1740 May 27 |
Ephraim, |
s/o Sam[ue]ll
Jr. and Abigal |
1738 Jun. 5 |
John, |
s/o Sam]ue]ll
and Abigal |
1748-9 Mar. 19 |
Rebekah, |
Samuel and Abigail |
1744-5 Feb. 27 |
Sarah, |
d/o Samuel and
Abitail |
Abbitt, Abbot, Abbott, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit, Abitt, Abut) |
1751 May 7 |
Abigail, |
d/o Samuel and
Abigail |
Abbit, Abbit, Abbot,
Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abit, Abitt, Abut) |
1706 Aug. 13 |
Joyce, |
Sam[ue]ll and Joyce |
ABIT, (See
Abbitt, Abbot, Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abitt,
Abut), |
1699 Oct. 10 |
Jemimah, |
d/o John and
Jemimah |
1701 Oct. 3 |
John, |
s/o John and
Gemimah |
Page 10 - |
ABITT (see
Abbit, Abbitt, Abbot, Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit,
Abut) |
1713-14 Feb. 25 |
Sam[ue]ll, |
s/o Sam[ue]ll (Abbitt)
and Joyce |
ABUT, (see
Abbit, Abbitt, Abbot, Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit,
Abitt) |
1704 Sep. 10 |
Mary, |
John and Jemima |
ABUT (see
Abbit, Abbitt, Abbot, Abbott, Abbut, Abbutt, Abeit, Abit, |
Mary, |
d/o John and
Jemima |
ADAMS (see Addams) |
1825 Jul. 21 |
Coroline Haward, |
d/o Josiah H.
and Esther. |
[16]85 Nov. 21 |
Daniel, |
s/o John and
Hannah M. R. |
[16]88 Mar. 4 |
Daniel, |
s/o Rich[ar[d
and Rebekah. M. R. |
[16]87-8 |
Hannah, |
John and Hannah
M. R. |
[16]74 mAR. 31 |
James, |
W[illia]m and Elizab[eth].
M. R. |
[16[75 Mar. 8, |
Jo[h]n, |
ch/o W[illia]m
and Elizab[eth]. M. R. |
1686 Oct.26 |
John, |
s/o Rich[ar]d
and Rebe[c]k[a] M. R. |
1827 May 1 |
John, |
s/o Josiah H.
[and] Ester. |
1759 Mar. 10 |
Joseph, |
s/o John and
Abigail. |
1830 May 26 |
Joseph Brighom, |
s/o Josiah H.
and Ester |
1765 Oct. 11 |
Judith, |
d/o John and
Abigail |
1761 May 5 |
Mary, |
d/o John and
Abigail |
1682 Feb. 3 |
Rebekah, |
d/ Rich[ar]d
and Rebe[c]k[a]. M. R. |
1680 Apr. 11 |
Richard, |
s/o Rich[ar]d
and Rebe[c]k[a]. M. R. |
1678 Aug. 22 |
Ri[chard], |
ch/o W[illia]m
and Elizab[eth]. M. R. |
1683 May 8 |
Sarah, |
d/o Rich[ar[d
and Rebec]k[a]. M. R. |
1768 Oct. 10 |
Seth, |
s/o John and
Abigail |
Adams) |
1670 Jun. 20 |
Charles, |
John and Hannah.
M. R. |
[16]83 Mar. 12 |
John, |
ch. Jo[h]n and
Hannah. M. R. |
1706 Oct. 21 |
Thomas, |
John and Sarah |
1689-90 Jan. 29 |
William, |
Richard and Rebecka.
M. R. |
1723 May 27 |
John, |
s/o James and
Mercy |
ALEN, (see
Allen, Allin) |
1736-7 Mar. 4 |
Dorethy, |
d/o Zebediah
and Mary |
ALLEN (see
Alen, Allin), |
1702 Nov. 25 |
Aann, |
d/o Elnathan
and Marcy. |
1834 Jun. 8 |
Abby Ann, |
d/o John P. and
Sibella, |
1710 Mar. 14 |
Abegail, |
d/o Samuel and
Abegail. |
1690 Mar. 2 |
Abigail, |
d/o Joseph and
Abigail. M. R. |
1707 Dec. [31?] |
Aron, |
s/o Sam[ue]ll
and Abegail. |
1775 Jan. 15 |
Arte, |
s/o Epherem and
Thankful |
1766 Jun. 12 |
Asa, |
s/o Isaac and
Thankful |
1686 Mar. 29 |
Daniel, |
s/o Daniel and
Elizab[eth], M. R. |
1715 Oct. 5 |
Daniel, |
s/o Thomas and
Sarah |
1724 Sep. 7 |
Daniel, |
s/o John and
Sarah |
1772 Jun. 10 |
Daniel, |
s/o Epherem and
Thankful |
1745-6 Mar. 9 |
Ephraim, |
s/o Thomas and
Beulah |
1765 Nov. 21 |
Eunice, |
d/o John and
Eunice |
1753 Feb. 11 |
Ezekiel, |
s/o Thomas and
Beulah |
1830 Jan. 5 |
Franklin Segar, |
s/o John P. and
Sibbella |
[17]12 Oct. 20 |
Janne, |
d/o John and
Sarah |
[16]86 Jul. 5 |
s/o Samuel and
Jane. M. R. |
1715 aUG. 2 |
John, |
s/o John and
Sarah |
1740 Jul. 1 |
John, |
s/o Zebediah
and Mary (Allin) |
1763 Jul. 27 |
John, |
s/o John and
Eunice |
1776 Aug. 21 |
John, |
s/o Josiah and
Deborah |
1729-30 |
Jonathan, |
s/o Zebediah
and Mary |
1717 Aug. 28 |
Josiah, |
s/o John and
Sarah |
1742 May 25 |
Josiah, |
s/o Zebbediah
and Mary |
1771 Jan. 14 |
s/o Josiah and
Deborah |
1742 Jun. 14 |
Lusea, |
d/o Thomas and
Bulal |
1832 Feb. 8 |
Margaret Mariah |
d/o John P. and
Sibbella |
1707-8 Feb. 28 |
Mary, |
d/o Elnathan
and Marcy |