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Plymouth County, Massachusetts
History & Genealogy


1620 - 1647

By William Bradford
In Two Volumes:
Volume I
Published by
The Massachusetts Historical Society
Note:  There will just be excerpts in this volume mostly upon request



List of Illustrations ix
 - The early church and its trials.
 - Satan introduces ceremonies and unprofitable canons.
 - Kindles flames of contention.
 - Religious exiles to the continent
 - Differences in Queen Mary's time.
 - Persecution for conformity.
 - The name Puritan.
 - The downfall of the Bishops.
 - John Smyth's church.
 - Clifton, Robinson and Brewster.
 - Determination to go to the Low Countries
 - Difficulty of removal.
 - Attempt at Boston and disastrous consequences.
 - The second attempt at Hull, and forced separation of party.
 - The storm at sea.
 - Pitiful situation of the emigrants.
 - Good impression made on the magistrates.
 - Reunion in Holland.
 - Situation in Holland
 - Coming of Robinson and Brewster.
 - Defection of John Smyth.
 - Removal to Leyden.
 - Happy course of the church under Robinson.
 - Slanders raised against the congregation.
 - Comparison with the Walloons.
 - Robinson's public dispute on Arminianism
 - Reasons for removing from Holland.
 - The hard toil and effect on the younger generation.
 - Considerations on America.
 - Cruelty of the natives.
 - Cost of transportation.
 - Reply to objections.
 - End of truce with the Spaniards
 - Place of settlement.
 - Guiana and the Spaniards
 - Virginia favored.
 - Mission to England and the Virginia Company.
 - Permission of the King.
 - Letter of Sir Edwin Sandys.
 - Reply to Robinson and Brewster.
 - Letter and notes to Sir John Wolstenholme.
 - Letter from Sabine Staresmore.
 - Robert Cushman on dissension in the Virginia Company.
 - Blackwell's unfortunate voyage.
 - Staresmore on Blackwell and his own difficulties.
 - Patent to Whincop
 - Agreement as to departure.
 - Appearance of Thomas Weston.
 - Carver and Cushman go to England.
 - Charter for New England.
 - Distraction in the Leyden congregation.
 - Weston makes difficulties.
 - The conditions entered into.
 - Robinson to Carver.
 - Joint letter to the commissioners.
 - Reply by Cushman.
 - Arrangements made by Cushman.
 - Martin and the expenditure of money.
 - Cushman's letter
Departure from Leyden and sailing from Delftshaven.
 - Arrival at Southampton.
 - Alteration of the agreement.
 - Weston's displeasure.
 - Letter to the merchants.
 - Robinson's letters of advice.
 - Embarkation
  - Forced to return by leaky ship.
 - Second sailing and return.
 - Division of the company and final departure of one ship.
 - Cushman turns back.
 - His letter to Southworth
 - Incidents of the voyage.
 - Death of a profane young man.
 - Bowing of a main beam.
 - Experience of John Howland.
 - Death of Butten.
 - Cape Cod sighted.
 - Attempt to sail to the southward.
 - Refuge in Cape Cod harbor.
 - Reflections on their situated.
 - Exploration of the Cape.
 - Appearance of the savages.
 - Discovery of Indian graves and corn.
 - Finding of Pamet River.
 - Importance of the Indians.
 - Seek harbor on advice of Coppin.
 - Heavy storm and refuge in harbor.
 - Determination to settle.


1620.  "Compact" and selection of Governor.
 - Difficult beginnings and discontents.
 - Great mortality in the company.
 - Care of the sick.
 - Conduct of captain and crew
 - Coming of Samoset, Massasoit and Tisquantum.
 - Treaty made with Massasoit.
 - Tisquantum's history.
 - Dermer's experiences in the county.
 - Conjuration by the Powahs.
 - Return of spring and better conditions.
1621.  Return of the Mayflower, and causes of her detention.
 - Planting of Indian corn.
 - Death of Governor Carver.
 - Bradford chosen to the governor.
 - First marriage, a civil contract.
 - Visit to Massasoit.
 - Billington lost in the woods.
 - Hobbamack and Tisquantum attacked by Corbitant.
 - Peace with the Indians
 - Visit to Massachusetts Bay.
 - Harvest and supply of food.
 - Arrival of the Fortune with Cushman.
 - Weston's desertion.
 - Letter from the plantation.
 - Distribution of new-comers.
 - Threatening message from the Narragansetts.
 - Fortifications raised and watches established.
 - Incident of Christmas Day
1622.  Jealouisies of Tisquantum, and rumors of Indian plots.
 - Tisquantum and the plague.
 - Arrival of a shallop from Weston's ship, with passengers.
 - Weston's letter.
 - Failure of supplies.
 - Weston offers a new agreement.
 - Weston on Pickering and Pickering's letter.
 - Cushman on capture of the Fortune and Weston's men.
 - Pierce's letter.
 - Weston's company at New Plymouth.
 - Aid from John Huddleston.
 - Construction of a fort.
 - Want of food and Jones' visit.
 - Letter of John Pory.
 - Weston's company leave New Plymouth.
 - Joint trading of corn.
 - Death of Tisquantum.
 - Treats by Sanders against Indians.
1623.  Reasons for Sanders' necessities.
 - Sufferings and debasements of Weston's men.
 - Sickness of Massasoit.
 - Intelligence of hostile intentions of Indians.
 - End of West's settlement.
 - Arrival of Weston and his troubles.
 - Borrows beaver of New Plymouth and his ill conduct.
 - Allotment of lands in severalty.
 - Comment on communism.
 - Martyr on sufferings of the Spaniards.
 - The fishing boat and its success.
 - Letter from the adventurers.
 - John Peirce and his attempt at planting.
 - Purchase of the Peirce patent.
 - Hardships encountered by the Anne.
 - Arrival of Francis West and sale of supplies.
 - Coming of the Anne.
 - Cushman's letter on quality of emigrants.
 - Letter from the adventurers.
 - Disappointment of the new-comers.
 - Stipulations as to food.
 - Conditions applied to those on their particulars.
 - Robert Gorges and his commission.
 - Charges against Weston.
 - Interference of Bradford, and the return made.
 - Fire in the store-house.
 - Arrest of Weston, and subsequent release.
 - Morrell and his object.
 - Poor results from the pinnace
1624.  Election and number of assistants.
 - Wreck of the pinnace.
 - Factious conduct of particular planters.
 - Winslow's return with cattle.
 - Letters of Sherley and Cushman.
 - Reply to objections.
 - Letters from Robinson.
 - High value placed on Indian corn.
 - Lands given to planters.
 - Failure of fishing at Cape Ann.
 - Death of the ship carpenter.
 - Conduct of the salt maker.
 - Lyford and his reception.
 - Combines with Oldham to raise a faction.
 - Opening of their letters.
 - Exposure of their opposition.
 - Charges contained in Lyford's letters.
 - His repentance.
 - Oldham and Lyford expelled from the plantation, but Lyford re-admitted.
 - Renews his opposition.
 - His letter to the adventurers.
 - Reply by the governor to charges. 
 - Pinnace raised and refitted.
 - The settlement strengthened by its factions.
1625.  Return of Oldham and his expulsion.
 - Coming of Winslow and Peirce.
 - Oldham's removal to Virginia, repentance and death.
 - Lyford's career in Ireland.
 - Attempt to defend him to the adventurers.
 - His removal to Natasco and death in Virginia.
 - Adventurers break over the Lyford matter.
 - Criticisms of the plantations, and reply.
 - Letter from the adventurers.
 - Fishing ventures and their failure.
 - Standish sent to England.
 - Difficulties in borrowing money.
 - Fair situation of the plantation.
1626 - Return of Standish.
 - Death of Pastor Robinson.
 - Letter of Roger White.
 - Death of Cushman and sickness of Sherley.
 - Planting of Indian corn.
 - Trading goods purchased at Monhegan.
 - Wreck of French ship.
 - Remittance to England.
 - Allerton sent to England.
 - A trading vessel constructed


Letter of William Bradford to John Winthrop, April 11, 1638, with draft of reply in Winthrop's writing.  From the Winthrop Papers in the Massachusetts Historical Society.  Printed in 4 Mass. Hist. Collections, vi 156 Frontispiece
Facsimile of Page of the Bradford MS 3
Heretics, 1645.  From John Graunt, Truths Victory.  John Carter Brown Library 5
Signature of Robert Browne 9
Signature of Francis Johnson 9
Signatures of Archbishops Matthew Parker and John Whitgift, and of Bishops Edmund Grindal, Robert Horne, Richard Cox, and John Jewel. P. R. O. 10
Title-Page of Bible, Geneva Version, belonging to Increase Mather.  Original in the Massachusetts Historical Society. 15
Broadside: Reasons of the House of Commons Why Bishops ought not to have votes in Parliament.  B. M. 17
Constitutions and Canons, 1604.  From library of J. H. Benton 21
Signature of John Smith (Se-Baptist) 22
Map of the Scrooby Region.  From the Ordnance Survey 23
Letter of James I. P. R. O. 27
St. Helen's Church, Austerfield 28
Proclamation, "Touching Passengers," 1606 29
Proclamation, Prohibiting Emigration Without License, 1607 31
Map of the East Coast of England, by Philip Lea 33
Proclamation, "For the Preventing and Remedying of the Dearth of Graine, and other Victuals," 1608 35
Map of the Coast of Holland 37
University of Leyden.  From Orler's Beschryving der Stad Leyden, 1614 39
Dutch Weaver, 1610.  From a copperplate by C. Dankerts 41
Plan of the City of Leyden, Seventeenth Century 45
Library of the University of Leyden.  From Orler's Beschryving der Stad Leyden, 1614 47
Signature of Simon Episcopius.  From a ms. in the University of Leyden. 49
Signature of Johan Polyander.  From a ms. in the University of Leyden 50
Amsterdam: Gateway leading to Leyden.  From Orler's Beschryving der Stad Leyden, 1614 51
House and Lot of John Robinson in Leyden 58
Signature of Sir Walter Ralegh.  P. R. O. 61
Title-Page of Harcourt's A Relation of a Voyage to Govian, 1613.  John Carter Brown Library 63
Subscription to the London Company of Virginia, 1610. P. R. O. 65
Letter of Captain John Smith, original in Dorchester House, London 67
Seal of the London Company of Virginia.  From the title-page of Smith's Generall Historie, 1626 69
Seven Articles sent from the Leyden Church, 1617.  P. R. O. 71
Signature of Sir Edwin Sandys. P. R. O. 73
Title-Page of Robinson's The People's Plea, 1618 74
Title-Page of Robinson's Apoliga iusta et necessaria, 1619 75
Signature of Sir John Wolstenholme. P. R. O. 77
Proclamation on the Oath of Allegiance, 1608 81
Signature of George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, P. R. O. 83
Signature of Thomas Smythe. P. R. O. 85
Signature of George Yeardley. P. R. O. 87
Letter of Johan Polyander on Brewer's Types. P. R. O. 91
Signature of John Delbridge. P. R. O. 101
Seal of the New England Company.  From the title-page of Smith's Generall Historie, 1626 102
Merchant Ship of Venice, 1629  From Furttenbach's Architectura Navalis, and Hakluyt Society. 123
Delftshaven.  From a plate in the possession of Mr. Arthur Lord 125
Embarkation of the Pilgrams at Delfthaven.  From an old painting. (Muller, Onse Gouden Ecuw?, II. 377 127
Coins and Medals of the Period, from the cabinet of the American Numismatic Society, New York.
     1. England. Charles I. Silver pound, 1642
     2. Netherlands.  Albert and Isabella of Spain.  Silver ducaton, 1619.
          (The "hand" is the mint-mark of Antwerp.)
     3. England.  Charles I. Medal: Dominion of the Sea, 1630, by Nicholas Briot (silver)
     4. England.  James I.  Peace with Spain, 1604  (silver)
     5. Holand.  Maurice, Prince of Orange, 1624, by J. V. Bylaer (silver).
     6. Holland.  Deventer, 1609.  Medal on twelve years' truce with Spain.
     7. England.  James I.  Gold sovereign, without date.
     8. Holland.  Gold rijder of Overyssel, 1616.
     9. England.  Charles I.  Gold triple unite, or three-pound piece, 1643.
Title-Page of Sandys'. A relation of the State of Religion, 1605, with Signature of John Robinson 133
English Merchant Ship, 1585.  From White''s drawing in British Museum 137
Title-Page of Smith's Description of New England, 1616.  John Carter Brown Library 139
The South Coast of England, by Philip Lea 141
Merchant Ship of Venice, 1629, Measurements.  See above,  p. 123 143, 147
Signature of John Howland 151
Part of Champlain's Map, 1612, Cape Mallebarre 153
Part of Lescarbot's Map, 1609.  Cape Mallebare 157
Signature of Nathaniel Morton, M. H. S. 159
Map laid before the States General, August, 1616.  Royal Archives at The Hague 161
Dexter's Map of the Explorations 1620.  From Mourt's Relation, 1865 163
Pring's Barricade at Patuxet, 1603.  After Van der Aa 169
Indian Shell Heaps on Cape Code.  From Smithsonian Report, 1883 172
Welles' Survey of Clark's Island, New Plymouth Harbour, 1688.  M. H. S. 175
Pring's Harbor, New Plymouth, 1603.  After Van der Aa 181
Champlain's Port du Cap St. Louis (New Plymouth), 1605 183
Smith's Map of New England (State 2).  New York Public Library 189
Bradford's Plan of the Meersteads and Garden Plots, New Plymouth 1620.  From Records at Plymouth 194
Map of New Plymouth Harbor.  From Dexter's Edition of Mourt's Relation, 1865. 195
Algonkin Indians, by Champlain 197
Signatures of Ousamekin (Massasoit), Wambutta and Tasomockon. M. H. S. 200
Title-Page of a Brief Relation of the Discovery and Plantation of New England, 1622.  John Carter Brown Library 205
Signature of Passaconaway.  M. H. S. 211
Printing Office, England, Seventeenth Century.  From Green's History of England. 212
Title-Page of A most humble Supplication, 1621 217
Sowams, Residence of Ousamekn.  From a ms. Map of Ezra Stiles, M. H. S. 221
Champlain's Map of Mallerbarre. Nauset Harbor) 223
Title-Page of Cushman's Sermon preached at Plimmoth in New England, 1622 237
Signature of William Hilton.  From the Wintrhop Papers, M. H. S. 240
Title-Page of Winslow's Good Newes from New-England, 1624 243
Patent Issued to John Peirce, 1621.  From the original at Plymouth, Mass. 246
Title-Page of Smith's Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of New England, 1631.  John Carter Brown Library 261
Signature of John Pory.  British Museum 278
Title-Page of Ainsworth's Annotations upon the Fourth Book of Moses,  1619.  Boston Public Library 279
Title-Page of Mourt's Relation, 1622.  John Carter Brown Library 285
Portion of John Winthrop's Map of New England, Showing the Wessagusset Settlement. 289
Signature of Phinehas Pratt 293
Signature of William Peirce.  From the Wintrhop Papers, M. H. S. 309
Signature of Francis West.  P. R. O. 311
Proclamation prohibiting interloping and disorderly trading to New England in America, 1622.  P. R. O. 313
The Black Pynnes [Pinnace].  From Hakluyt's Principal Navigations, Hakluyt Society, XI 401 315
Signature of Christopher Levett 328
Title-Page of Levett's Voyage into New England, 1608.  John Carter Brown Library 329
Signature of Sir Ferdinando Gorges 337
Signature of Samuel Maverick.  From the Winthrop Papers, M. H. S. 337
Title-Page of Morrell's New-England, 1625. M. H. S. 339
Signature of John Bridge. P. R. O. 351
Champlain's Map of Le Beau Port (Cape Ann) 358
Champlain's Drawings of New England Fruits and Plants, with notes by Prof. Merritt L. Fernald 358
Title-Page of John White's The Planters Plea, 1630.  John Carter Brown Library 359
Signature of John White.  From the Winthrop Papers, M. H. S. 361
Proclamation for Suppressing insolent Abuses, 1621. P. R. O. 365
Signature of Myles Standish.  Boston Public Library 368
Map showing the Division of Territory to the Members of the Council for Nw England.  From Purchas His Pilgrimes, IV. 1782 375
Title-Page of The Book of Common Prayer,  1605.  Benton Collection `387
Signature of Emanuel Altham.  P. R. O. 404
Patent for Cape Ann, 1623.  From the original in the Essex Institute, Salem 407
Proclamation for Settling the Plantation of Virginia, 1625 415
Petition of Roger Conant, 1671.  M. H. S. 418
View of a Fishing Stage.  From Keith's History of the British Plantations in America., 1738 421
Title-Page of Robinson's A Just and Necessarie Apologie of Certain Christians . . . called Brownists or Barrowists.  1625.  John Carter Brown Library 425
Proclamation "For a Generall and Publike Thankesgiuing," on the Plague.  P. R. O. 429
Title-Page of A Forme of Prayer, Necessary to bee used in these dangerous times, of Warre and Pestilence, 1626. 437
Title-Page of Robinson's Essayes, 1638.  John Carter Brown Library 441
Signature of Charles I as Prince of Wales. M. H. S. 443
Certificate of Antonius Walaeus and Festus Hommius on John Robinson, 1628.  Boston Public Library 445
Memorial Tablet to John Robinson placed on St. Peter's Church in Leyden, in 1891, by the National Council of Congregational Churches of the United States 446
Signature of Abraham Shurt.  From the Winthrop Papers, M. H. S. 447







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