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Plymouth County, Massachusetts
History & Genealogy


Literally transcribed from the original records,
By George Ernest Bowman
Found in The Mayflower Descendants
Vol. I
Pg. 42 - 47



1725 - 1745

     The earliest entries of births, marriages and deaths at Scituate are found in Volume IV of the town records.  This book is subdivided into four parts, paged independently.  Part I contains many marriages between 1700 and 1800, with a few in the preceding century; Part II, the earliest marriages: Part III, births; Part IV, deaths, with a few pages of town accounts.
     Come of the leaves of this volume are so badly worn that many of the entries are illegible.  Fortunately the "Church Book" of the First Church, covering the years 1707-1791, contains many records of marriages and baptisms by Rev. Nathaniel Pitcher and his successors.  A comparison of the two books has enabled the transcriber to perfect every record found on the first four pages of Vol. IV.  The parts supplied from the Church Book are enclosed in parentheses.
     The original paging of teh town record is indicated by numerals enclosed in brackets placed brfore the first word of the page.

[Vol. IV, Pt. I.]

[I] The Following persons were Married together by Shearj Bourn Minis (worn)

Jedediah Dwelly was married to Eliza. House, Octo 7, 1725.
Ensign Cole & Sarah Peaks, Nov. 7, 1726
Abiezer Turner & Grace mott, Feb. 1, 1726
Job Otis Junr & thankful Otis, Feb. 16, 1726
John Merrit Junr & Hannah Peaks, July 10, 1727
John Stutson & Relief Ewel widdow, July 27, 1727
David Lapham & Rebecca King, Dec. 4, 172(7)
Jonathan Merrit the third & Mehitable Damon, Jany 8, 172(7)
Joseph Foster & Abigail Steel, Jan. 11, 1727
Alexander Thorp & Eliza. Balch, Feb. 25, 172(7)
David House & Silence French, Feb. 29, 17(27)
(E)zekiel Vinal & Tabitha Stodder, Apr. 4, 172(8)
James Hyland & Mary Tilden, July 3, 172(8)
Nicholas Powers & Bethia Stutson, Sept. 5, 172(8)
Edward Jenkins & Abigail Merrit widdo, Sept. 12, 17(28)
John Nash & Hannah Buck, Oct. 31, 17(28)
Thomas Tilden & Lettice Turner, Dec. 12, (1728)
Eliab Studly & Mary Briggs, Apr. 1(0, 1729)
Jacob Bailey & Ruth Palmer, June 1(o, 1729)
Joseph Young & Lydia Barrel, Sept. 5, (1729)
Joseph Dwelly & Mary Randall, Oct. (9, 1729)
Stephen Vinal & Sarah Stodder, Nov. 12, (1729)
John Colman & Leah Nichols, N(ovember 12, 1729)
David Taylor & Eliza. Silvester, Nove(mber 20, 1729)
Joshua Rogers & Mehitable Chittenden, Novem(ber 26, 1729)
Nathanael Wade & Hannah Vinal, Dec. (3, 1729)

Jonathan Jackson Sarah Damon, Feb. (16, 1729)
John Vinal ye third & Sarah Cudworth, Feb. (16, 1729)
Solomon Bates & Deborah Whitten, (May 11, 1730)
Joseph Nash & Deborah Merrit, (May 21, 1730)
Elisha woodworth & Anna Clap, (May 21, 1730)
Peter & Cilia Negroes, (June 11, 1730)
(J)acob Lincoln & Mary Holbrook (July 16, 1730)
(J)onathan (Pratt and Hannah Wh(itcomb, Aug. 20, 1730)
Thomas (Jam)es & Hannah (Holbrook, Oct. 8, 1730)
[2] Israel Bailey and Keziah Perry, Nov. 12, 1730
Major Amos Turner & mrs Hannah Clap Widdow, Nov. 19, 1730
Seth Turner and Mehitable Gould, Dec. 10, 1730
Joseph Briggs & Sarah Morey widdow, Jan. 14, 1730
David House & Eliza. Dellys, Feb. 11, 1730
Andrew Halliburton & Abigail Otis, Feb. 22, 1730
Thomas Jenkins and Sarah Bailey, Mar. 4, 1730
Hezekiah Hatch and Patience Elms, Mar. 25, 1731
Samuel Brown and Hannah Nash, April 1, 1731
Timothy Bailey and Sarah Buck, May 27, 1731
Joseph Northey and Elanor Woodworth, September 16, 1731
(Jo)shua Staples and Mary Rogers, October 21, 1731
(J)oohn Cudworth Junr and Mary Briggs, January 13, 1731
Benjamin Tilden and Grace Turner, February 24, 1731
David Hatch and Elizabeth Chittenden, March 7, 1731
(Ed)ward Curloo and Abigail Russel, April 21, 1732
(Josep)h Elms and Eliza. Sutton, May 30, 1732
(James) Litchfield and Ruth Tilden, June 15, 1732
(Josiah Litch)field and Susannah Morey, July 4, 1732
(Ezra Pitc)her and Zeruiah Booth, August, 13, 1732
(Joshua) Young and Eliza. Cudworth, August 22, 1732
(Jeremiah) Pierce & Bathsheba Litchfield, August 24, 1732
(Timothy) White and Sarah Clap, October 26, 1732
(Jonathan) Jackson and Deborah Stutson, October 30, 1732
(David Cole and Sarah) Balch, December 7, 1732
(Solomon Bates and Deb)orah Studley, December 14, 1732
(Joseph Clap and) Hannah Briggs, December 21, 1732
(Jonathan Cole a)nd Sarah Vinal, January 8, 1732
(Martin Cahill) & Ann Hyland, January 18, 1732

(Robert Young and) Margaret Murfie, February 6, 1732
(Joseph Bailey Jr.) and Elizabeth White, March 1, 1732
(John Bates and Abigail) Bailey, May 21, 1733
(Job Cowing & Deborah GA)nnett, May 24, 1733
(Jonathan Hatch & Mar)tha Allen, November 22, 1733
(Thomas Orcutt Jr. &) Thankfull Jenkins, Jany 17, 1733.
(Benjamin Seabury & Reb)ecca Southworth, Jany 24, 1733
(Capt. Israel Cudworth & Martha) Baily, November 12, 1734
(David Little Jr. and Deborah Clap), February 19, 1734
(Ward Holloway & Mary Stud)ley, February 27, 1734
[3] Samuel Litchfield & Fear Turner, March 6, 1734
Caleb Torrey & Mary Clap, May 1, 1735
Benjamin Bailey & Ruth Litchfield, June 12, 1735
Joseph Carter & Sarah Perry, July 24, 1735
Nathanael Goodspeed & Deborah Briggs, August 18, 1735
John Field & Deborah Garrett, November 11, 1735
Thomas Hatch & Lydia Franklin, December 2, 1735
Israel Peaks & Lydia Cowing, January 1, 1735
Samuel Emms & Abigail White, March 15, 1735
Nathanael Studson & Mary Dellis, April 1, 1736
Israel Cudworth, Junr & Mary Merritt, June 24, 1736
Jacob Wade & Eliza. Vinal, July 12, 1736
Seth Bryant and Eliza. Barker, August 17, 1736
Joseph Hamon & Thankful Damon, Novembr 11, 1736
Ebenezer Bailey & Mary White, January 13, 1736
Morris Tubbs & Bethia Holbrook, August 4, 1737
Winsor & Jenny Negroes, August 25, 1737
Josiah Edson & Ruth Baily, September 13, 1737
Samuel Stocbridge Junr & Sarah Tilden, Novembr 1, 1737
Nicholas Litchfield Junr & Sarah Studly, March 23, 1737
Thomas Young & Mary House, April 12, 173(7)
Jonathan Cudworth & Hannah Merrit, May 18, 173(8)
Joseph Tolman and Mary Turner, May 22, 173(8)
Joseph Otis & Eliza. Little, June 6, (1738)
Joseph Battles & Susanna Studly, August 22, 17(38)
John Fobes & Martha Pierce, October 19, 17(38)
John Garrett and Abigail Sutton, Feb. 1, 17(38)
David Francis & Lydia Attiman Indians, Apr. 19, 1(739)
John Caswell & Eliza. Franklin, April 29, (1739)

James Merrit Junr and Eliza. Cole, May 17, (1739)
Joseph Withrel & Lydia Turner, January 3, (173-)
Isaac Lincoln & Jail Garrett, February 7, (1739)
Bristol & Judith Negroes, June 19, (1740)
Lemuel Francis & Meriah Indians, June 2(9, 1740)
Peleg Bryant & Mary Jenkins, July (10, 1740)
Mordecai Ellis & Sarah Otis, September (30, 1740)
Benjamin Cudworth & Mary Little N(ovember 13, 1740)
David Nash & Penelope Merrit, Nov(ember 20, 1740
William Peaks & Priscilla Tur(ner) January 15, 1740)
[4] Joseph Otis & Mercy Little, February 2, 1740
Samuel Jenkins and Rebecca White, March 2, 1740
Jonathan Buck & Rachel Peaks, March 19, 1740
Cornelius Briggs & Lydia Stodder, April 9, 1741
Elisha Merit & Priscilla Holbrook, Septr 17, 1741
Israel Chittenden Junr & Deborah Vinal, Octo 29, 1741
Elisha Curtis & Sarah Chittenden, November 12, 1741
Daniel Damon & Judith Litchfield, Decembr 8, 1741
William Baily & Abigail Clap, December 24, 1741
David Jenkins & Eliza Merrit, January 14, 1741
Jonathan Merrit Junr & Sarah Wade, January 21, 1741
Eleazer Litchfield & Desire White, Jany 21, 1741
Chess & Prudence Negroes, March 11, 1741
Issachar Vinal & Mary Chittenden, March 15, 1741
Ebenezer Keith & Mary Pierce, March 18, 1741
Samuel Litchfield Junr & Priscilla Vinal, April 1, 1742
George Stutson & Eunice Stutson, May 10, 1742
Job Clap & Susannah Litchfield, May 20, 1742
Noah Whitcomb & Mary Franklin, June 10, 1742
(Jo)seph Buck & Leah Peaks, August 22, 1742
Job Stetson & Mary Prouty, September 27, 1742
Joseph Damon & Joanna Damon, Nov4 13, 1742
Thomas Man & Ruth Damon, December 30, 1742
(B)enjamin Woodworth and Hannah Cudworth, Jany 27, 1742
(Ja)cob Vinal ye third & Lydia Holbrook, June 21, 1743
(Ben)jamin Hyland & Sarah Hamon Widdow, July 14, 1743
(Isaac) Litchfield & Lydia Cowing, September 8, 1743
(John Soper) & Anna Woodworth, Octo 13, 1743
(Chess & Pri)scilla Negroes, February 5, 1743

(Josiah Dam)on & Leah Briggs, February 23, 1743
(Jonathan Fish) & Mary Merrit, March 18, 1743
(Seth Bailey) & Rachel Cudworth, April 24, 1744
(Thomas Orcutt) & Margaret Sutton Widdow, May 15, 1744
(John Briggs & Ju)dith Damon, August 19, 1744
(William Dwelly) & Deborah Jones, Nov. 1, 1744
(John Mansel & Leah) Simons, November 29, 1744
(James Cudworth & Rac)hel Simons, Decembr 5, 1745
Wnsor & Content Negroes), December 5, 1745
(George Morton & Sarah) White, January 1, 1745
(Joseph Vinal & Martha Je)nkins, February 13, 1745







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