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State of Massachusetts
History & Genealogy

Miscellaneous Newspaper Excerpts
(As extracted from Genealogy Bank)

Source:  Boston Evening Post - Massachusetts
Dated: May 2, 1774

- Mr. Robert Love, aged 77
- Mr. Daniel Furzur, Surgeon of His Majesty's Schooner, Halifax.
- Mr. Wall, Taylor
- Mrs. Fessenden
- Mrs. Gill, Consort of Mr. Jacob Gill, Hatter
- Mrs. Gatty, aged  77, Widow of Capt. Gatty, deceased
- Mr. Hewitson, Lieutenant of Marines on board his Majesty's Ship Captain.
- Daniel Woodward aged 18, Apprentice to Mr. Waterman, Cooper.
On Friday Morning April 22d, departed this Life, in the 50th year of her age, Mrs. Mary Bridgham, the amiable Consort of the Rev. Mr. James Bridgham, of Brimfield.
     Mrs. Bridgham was a Person of superior understanding and discernment, of a sweet obliging natural disposition, which being improved by eminent degrees of divine Grace, engaged the love and esteem of all her Acquaintances.
     The particular Relations which she sustained of a Wife, a Mother, a Mistress, a Neighbour and a Friend, she discharged with a Grace and Propriety that is hardly to be equalled "she opened her Mouth with Wisdom, and in her Tongue was the law of Kindness."  At __greatest remove from all appearance of Vanity and Ostentation, she was in illustrious example of Modesty and Humbleness of mind.  Her "adorning was not that outward adorning of plating the Hair, and of wearing of Gold, and of putting on of Apparel, but the hidden Man of the Heart, even the ornament of the meek and quiet Spirit." - Her last Sickness which was long and distressing, she bore with remarkable Christian Patience appeared to be, by the Faith of the Son of God," so her latter End was Peace,  she finished her course with Joy, in confident hope of a glorious Immortality. - The Monday following, she was carried into the Meeting-house at Brimfield, where an excellent Sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Ephraim Ward of Brookfield, from Philippians' the first Chapter, 21st verse "For me to live is Christ, and to die is Gain," after which she was interred in the Burial Place there.
     Daughters of Eve, -
     Feel with what Force the bright Example shines,
     She was, what you should be -
Source:  Boston Post-Boy - Massachusetts
Dated: May 2, 1774
Source: Boston Evening Transport - Massachusetts
Dated: Aug. 4, 1846
     In this city, 29th ult.  Theodore, only son of Mr. Josiah ELLENWOOD, 6 mos.
     Yesterday afternoon, of consumption, Henry DAVIS, Jr. 22, eldest son of Mr. Henry DAVIS.
   Aug. 1, Amelia E., only child of John F. and Elizabeth BROWN, 3 1/2 mos.
     Wm. Henry JOHNSON, youngest child of John A. JOHNSON, 11 mos.
     At Charlestown, on Monday afternoon, Charle Edwin, son of Alfred B. and Abby J. HALL, 5 yrs. and 4 1/2 mos., Aug. 4, Cornelia FESSENDEN, daughter of Cha's F. and Sarah B. JONES, 6 yrs.
     At Roxbury, on Saturday, Samuel PERKINS, 75, till within a few years a resident of Boston.
     At Dorchester, July 30th, John IGNATIUS only child of Capt. John WHITE.
     At Dorchester, Elijah BLAKE youngest child of Theophilus C. CLAPP, 2 yrs. 3 mos.
     At Lexington, 29th ult., Levi HARRINGTON, Esq., 86.
     At Fitchburg, Mr. Frederic HOY, of Charlestown, age 35.
     At Augusta, Me., July 28,Henry LELAND, formerly of Templeton, Mass, 22.
     At Hallowell, Me., Emeline, daughter of Capt. Andrew Brown, 16.
     At Harford, Ct., 31st ult.  Mr. George RISLEY, 63, a soldier of the revolution.
     At New York, 2d inst. Nathaniel BOSWORTH, Civil and Military Engineer, a native of Massachusetts.
     At Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 3d, Anna ROLLINS, eldest daughter of Rev. F. A. FARLEY, 9 1/2 yrs.
     At Louisville, Ky., 24th ult. (at the residence of Dr. COBB) suddenly, of apoplexy.  Mrs. Isabella BOURNE, 48, daughter of the late Nahum MORRILL, of Wells, Me.
     At the U. S. Barracks, Baton Rouge, La., 4th of July, Arthur De Noon, second son of  Capt. O. CROSS, U. S. Army, 6 yrs.
     At River du Loup, District of Three Rivers, Candada, Mr. Francis PAILLE, the oldest and one of the most respecable cultivators of the parish, 94.
     At Panella, March 1st, 1845, on board whaling ship Triton, Mr. John MORSE, of Boston, 28.
Source: Daily Atlas - Massachusetts
Dated: Sep. 3, 1845
     In this city, on 30th ult. William B. ADAMS, Esq., 55, a native of New Jersey.
     At Milton, 31st ut., Mrs. Susanna, relict of the late Chas. PIERCE, aged 50
     At Lynn 30th ult., Cornelia Elizabeth, daughter of Otis and Virginia Johnson, 6 weeks.
     At Worcester, 28th ult., Miss Elizabeth WALDO, 79, sister of the late Hon. Daniel WALDO.
     At Portland, 31st ult., Sohpia Ostinelli?, daughter of the late Jas. HEWITT, Esq., of New York.
     At Freeport, Me., 25th ult., Nathan Nye, son of Mr. Elisha P. CUTLER of Boston, 3 yrs.
     At Fairfield, Vt., 13th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth PUTNAM, daughter of the late Joseph PIERCE, Esq., of this city.
     At York, New York, 21st ult., Mr. Ebenezer DEAN, a native of Raynham, Mass., 81.
Source: Springfield Republican - Massachusetts
Dated: Oct. 27, 1860
     In this city, 23d, by H. C. Lee, Esq., city clerk, Albert GATES of Wilbraham, and Mary HAYES of New York; 24th, George H. MELLEN and Martha RICE of Greenfield; 24th, Madison E. WILLEY and Mary A. KING; 25th, by Rev. J. Drummond, Edward L. ALLEN of East Granby, and Jennie C. WELLS of Northampton.
     At North Adams, 21st, J. W. P. Buck and Angelia BOWEN; 19th Henry HOFFMASTER and Elizabeth BUCHAN.
     At Pittsfield, 16th, Leonard D. F. THAYER of Clarksburg, and Frances E. Brooks of Stamford, Vt.; 27th, H. F. RICHARDS and Clara A. LAWRENCE.
     At South Hadley Falls, 24th, by Rev. Henry MILLS, Frank W. HAZLEWOOD and Emily F. GOODMAN.
     At Brimfield, 23d, by Rev. S. S. SMITH of Warren, Lorenzo ROGERS of Palmer, and Ellen M. BURBANK of Brimfield.
     At Westfield, 17th, by Rev. J. S. BINGHAM, Frederick C. CURTIS and Carrie L. LYMAN
     In this city, 24th, Amy B. WOOD, 70
     Funeral from her late residence, 24 Charles street, at half past one o'clock this afternoon.
     At Warren, 25th, Daniel T. HITCHCOCK, 38.
     Funeral at his late residence in Warren, Saturday, at 10 o'clock a.m.
     At Lanesboro, 19th, Amy Ann, 28, wife of George GOVE.
     At South Brigton, Me., 30th ult., Sarah, 78, widow of Gen. John PERLEY.
     At Franklin, Wis., 23d ult., Hiram C., 15, son of N. E. BREWER, formerly of Tyringham, Mass.
     At Racine, Wis., 13th, Eddie, infant son of H. H. PHETTYPLACE.
     At Cummington, 26th, Augusta V. PACKARD, 29, wife of Henry A. COLE.
     At Waltham, 23d, Dr. Charles Dana DAWSE.
     At North Adams, 23d, a son to Homer A. SMITH; 19th, a daughter to Charles MARSH, conductor on the Pittsfield and North Adams railroad.
     BLISS & HAWES, on West State street, have some fine celery for sale.
     Prof. YOUNG, a great "American magician,' will discourse ventriloquism at Music Hall next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
     Mrs. Henry TINKHAM, on Water street, who was so severely burned by the fluid lamp explosion, on Monday evening, is getting better of her injuries and will probably recover.
     The prizes for the best shooting by the members of the National Horse Guards, at their target excursion last week, have been awarded to the successful competitors as follows: -
          First, a heavy silver pitcher, to sergent George R. VINING;
          Second, a silver goblet, to private H. C. TAFT;
          Third, a silver cigar holder, to sergeant C. H. HUBBARD;
          Fourth, a silver goblet to private C. L. BAILEY;
          Fifth, a silver saltcellar, to sergeant Sylvester ASHLEY;
          Sixth, a bronze cigar duster, to private W. N. STACY.



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