Miscellaneous Newspaper Excerpts
(As extracted from Genealogy Bank)
Transcribed by Sharon Wick
Source: Baltimore Gazette and Daily Advertiser - Maryland
Dated: Oct. 4, 1832
On the 3rd inst. at half past 2 o'clock, P.M. after a
short but painful illness, Capt. Isaac W. MARTIN, in the
38th year of his age.
At this residence in Baltimore county, on the 29th ult.
in the 76th year of his age, after a protracted illness,
William LINEBERGER Senr. a revolutionary patriot, and one of
the oldest inhabitants of the county.
August 30th Rev. Robert ELLIOTT, of Monagan,
Ireland - many years a resident of this county. - His sufferings
were protracted and severe and bore with exemplary fortitude and
At English Kills, Newtown, L. I. on Thursday last, of
cholera, Charles JOHNSON, aged about 50 years, also his
wife Abby JOHNSON, aged about 30, and his eldest daughter
Cornelia Johnson, aged about 16. They all died
within the short space of ten hours and were interred in one
grave. |
Source: Alexandria Gazette - Alexandria, Va. - pg. 1
Dated: Friday, Aug. 28, 1868
In Charles County, Md., on the 22d instant, ROBERT D.
MONTGOMERY, son of James H. and Mary A. E.
MONTGOMERY, in the 16th year of his age. |
Source: Sun (Baltimore, Md.) - Vol. CXII Issue: 133 Page 4
Dated: Thursday Apr. 20, 1893
ADAMS - On Apri 18, 1893, at 11:15 P.M., at No. 1127 Argyle
avenue, Hellen Beatrice, aged 5? years 1 month and _
days, daughter of James A. and Etta ADAMS.
Interment at Emmitsburg, this (Thursday) morning, Apr. 30.
ANDERSON - On April 19, at 3:30 P.M., Emma F.,
aged 14 years 11 months and 12 days, daughter of John H.
and Rebecca ANDERSON.
The funeral will take place from her late residence, No. 306
Courtland street, on Friday afternoon, at two o'clock.
BARRETT - Suddenly, on the 18th April, Michael BARRET,
aged 37 years. Interment private.
BAUMBACH - On April 1_ at 4 o'clock P.M., at her
residence No. __1 West Pratt street, Pauline BAUMBACH,
aged 34 years, beloved wife of Henry BAUMBACH. Due
notice of the funeral.
BONN - At Edgerton, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, 15th? |
Source: Sun - Baltmiore, Maryland
Dated: Oct. 12, 1919
As a writer of popular magazine fiction, Grace
Sartwell Mason needs no introduction. She is already
known to millions of magazine readers, having contributed
stories to the Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, the
Ladies' Home Housekeeping, the Ladies' Home Journal, Everybody's
Munsey's and numerous other periodicals. However, while
practically every reader of modern fiction is acquainted, in a
way, with Mrs. Mason, not very many really know much
about her, hence the main object of this superficial little
sketch is to introduce you personally to Mrs. Mason, who
is as charming as the books and stories which she so cleverly
writes. According to Who's Who, which has a very
disconcerting habit of recording (actually recording in black
and white one's birth year), Mrs. Mason was born in
Port Allegheny, Pa., on Oct. 31, 1877, and the daughter of
Stephen C. and Rosina (Thompson) Sartwell. In 1902 she
married James Redfern Mason of Birmingham, England, but
evidently Mrs. Mason prefers the shores of her own
country, for her present home is Carmel-By-the-Sea, Cal.
"The Shadow of Rosalie Byrnes," which is the latest work from
the pen of this gifted writer, is very disappointing and not at
all like Mrs. Mason. The story has a very tawdry
plot, the "shadow" of Rosalie Byrnes being the evil life of her
sister, which threatened to blast romance and all in her life
that was worth while, and the book generally gives one the
impression of having been "slapped" together. However,
persons who pick up their reading as they do their fancy work,
will no doubt enjoy it. |
