Settlers & Their Families  
Source: Chapter III - Historical, Descriptive and
Personal of Livermore in Androscoggin (formerly in Oxford Co.
Publ. by Bailey & Noyes. - 1874
NOTE: If you want a biography
transcribed, please
* ABRAM, John
* ATWOOD, Samuel
* BEMIS, John
* BENJAMIN, Samuel
* BOARDMAN, Sylvanus
* BOND, Henry
* BRIGGS, Daniel
* CARVER - Widow
* CHANDLER, George
* CHASE, Thomas
* CHASE, Tristram
* CHILD, Ephraim
* CLARK, Cutting
* COFFIN, Naphtali
* COOLIDGE, Joseph
* COOLIDGE, Thomas
* COOLIDGE, William
* DAILEY, Daniel
* DAILEY, Nathaniel
* DAILEY, Nezer |
* DELANO, Jabez
* ELLIS, Perez
* FISHER, Elijah
* FOSTER, Samuel
* FULLER, Isaac
* GIBBS, Pelatiah
* GODING, Jonathan
* GREVY, Henry
* HAINES, Peter, Capt.
* HILLMAN, Samuel
* HOBBS, Josiah, Capt.
* HOLMAN, Daniel
* HOWARD, Simeon
* JOHN, Abijah
* KIDDER, Jesse
* LEARNED, David
* MERRITT, Richard
* MILLS, Joseph |
* MONROE, Abel
* MONROE, Abijah
* MONROE, John
* NORTON, James
* NORTON, Ransom
* NORTON, Sylvester
* NORTON, Zebulon
* PARK, Benjamin
* PERLEY, Nathaniel, Esq.
* PITTS, Ebenezer
* SAWIN, Samuel
* SMITH, Elisha
* STRICKLAND, Hastings
* TRUE, Benjamin
* TURNER, Abial
* WALKER, John
* WING, Reuben
* WINSLOW, Benjamin
* WYER, Joseph |
BENJAMIN** was born at Watertown, in
the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Feb. 5, 1753. At the
breaking out of the difficulties with the mother country, in the
spring of 1775, he joined the company of Captain David
Whiting, of which he was the first sergeant. He was at
the combat of Lexington, on the ever-memorable morning of the
19th of April, 1775, where the first blood was shed in the great
struggle for Independence. He was also at the battle of
Bunker Hill, on the 17th of June, 1775, and at Monmouth,
Yorktown, and many other battles of lesser note in the
Revolution. His whole term of service was seven years,
three months, and twenty-one days, and it is doubtful if there
was any man in the Revolution who was in more battles, or saw
more or harder service. The following declaration of
Lieutenant Benjamin, made for the purpose of obtaining a
pension, contains a full statement of his service:
"I, Samuel Benjamin, a resident citizen of the
United States of America, an inhabitant of Livermore, in the
County of Oxford, and State of Massachusetts, on oath declare,
that from the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, in which I
was engaged, I was in the Continental service in the
Revolutionary War, without ever leaving said service, even so
much as one day, until the 6th day of August, A. D. 1782.
I served the eight months' service in 1775 at Cambridge, in said
State; in 1776, as soon as the British left Boston, we marched
to Ticonderoga, where my year's service expired; and, on the 1st
of January, 1777, I received from John Hancock, President
of the Continental Congress, an ensign's commission, which is
hereunto annexed, and continued to serve under said commission
in Captain Ebenezer Cleaveland's company, Colonel
Michael Jackson's regiment, in the Massachusetts line, in
the army of the United Colonies on the Continental
establishments, until I received a commission of lieutenant,
dated Oct. 7, 1777, under which commission I served in the same
company above said (which company was now, and had been some
months previous, commanded by Captain Silas Pierce, in
consequence of the resignation of said Captain Cleaveland)
until 6th day of August, A. D. 1782, when I had liberty to
leave the service - a certificate of which, signed by Colonel
Michael Jackson, is also hereunto annexed. My
commission of lieutenant I sent to Washington last winter, and
have it not in my power. I was in the battle at Lexington
above said before I engaged as a Continental soldier; and
afterwards was in the battle of Monmouth, and at the taking of
Cornwallis, and numerous other battles of less magnitude.
I left the service at West Point, as will appear from the
annexed certificate.
is the certificate above referred to:
"This may certify that Lieutenant Samuel Benjamin, of
the Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, has retired from present
service, in consequence of a resolve of congress, passed the 23d
of April, 1782, and is thereby entitled to half pay during life,
by a resolve of congress, passed the 3d and 21st of October,
Given under my hand, in garrison, West Point, this 6th
day of August, 1782.
Colonel Eighth Massachusetts Regiment"
Lieutenant Benjamin
was married to Tabitha Livermore, of Waltham, Mass., by
the Rev. Jacob Cushing, pastor of the Church of Christ,
in Waltham, on the 16gh day of January, 1782. She was the
sister of the venerable Nathaniel Livermore, who is now
living (1858) in Cambridge, Mass., at the advanced age of
eighty-three years; and was a relative of Dea. Elijah
Livermore, the common ancestor being Samuel Livermore,
of Watertown, who died Dec. 5, 1690.
In the fall of 1782, Lieutenant Benjamin made a
trip to the District of Maine, for the purpose of selecting a
location of his future home. On the 10th day of October,
1782, he bought of Dea. Elijah Livermore," of Liverton"†
(now Livermoe)," Cumberland County, Massachusetts," a tract of
about one hundred and twenty acres of land, bounded as follows:
"Southerly on land owned by Josiah Norcross, easterly by
Long Pond (so called), northerly on the last division and
another pond, westerly on said pond and lot No. 55."
On the next day, Benjamin executed a mortgage to
Livermore of the said tract, to secure the payment of the
consideration, viz: twenty-five bushels of corn, and
twenty-five bushels of rye, in twenty-six months, and the same
amount of corn and rye in three years and two months. The
consideration expressed in the deed was thirty pounds.
In October, 1796, Benjamin bought of Otis
Robinson the property at Gibb's Mills, now so called.
In December, 1797, he bought part of lot 11, on the east side of
the Androscoggin Rover (now East Livermore), of Nathaniel
Dailey; and in 1799 he bought the other part of the said lot
from Daniel Stevens. He lived on this place until
the time of his death, on the 14th day of April, 1824. He
was the fourth settler, with a family, in the town of Livermore.
He first occupied a log cabin, built by Major Thomas Fish,
a Revolutionary officer, at what has ever since been known s the
"Fish Meadow." This was in March, 1783.
The remains of Lieutenant Benjamin were buried in the
quiet little country burying-ground, on the western bank of the
Androscoggin River, at what is known as the "Intervale."
He was buried with military honors, and a modest and appropriate
monument marks his last resting place, upon which is the
following inscription:
"This monument is erected to the
memory of Lieutenant Samuel Benjamin, who died April 14,
1824, in the seventy-first year of his age; an officer of the
American Revolution, who fought in the sacred cause of his
country and the rights of mankind, from the ever-memorable
morning of the 19th of April, 1775, to the surrender of Lord
Cornwallis, at Yorktown, on the 19th day of October, 1781,
and from thence to the close of that sanguinary war, which
established the freedom and independence of the United States,
and gave to them a distinguished rank among the nations of the
The widow of Lieutenant Benjamin,
born June 27, 1857, died June 20, 1837, at the residence of her
son, Colonel Billy Benjamin, of Livermore. He left
ten children, seven of whom are now (1858) living in Maine.
The foregoing notice of Lieutenant Benjamin is
copied from a pamphlet containing extracts from a journal which
he kept while in the war.
He was frequently in town office; was one of the
selectmen from 1801 to 1805, inclusive. His children were
Billy, Samuel, Nathaniel, Betsey, Polly and Martha (twins),
David, Charles, Elisha, Ruth. Billy, b. March 13,
1785, d. March 31, 1849, was the second male child born in town.
He married Phebe Wellington, whose family came from
Lincoln, Mass. He was a man of military bearing and
tastes, and was a colonel in the State militia. His
residence was on the Intervale. Samuel b. Sept. 7,
1786, d. April 27, 1871, learnt a cabinet maker's trade and
established the business in Winthrop. He married Olivia
Metcalf, by whom he had twelve children, of whom eight are
now living. Nathaniel, b. May 16, 1788, d. Dec. 19,
1867, married Betsey Chase, by whom he had seven
children, six of whom are living. Betsey, b. Dec.
29, 1790, married Samuel Morrison, of Livermore.
She died Dec. 8, 1860. They had five children.
Polly. b. Oct. 2, 1792, married Samuel Ames, of
Livermore. They had six children, of whom three are living
in 1874. Mr. Ames moved to Sebec, in the County of
Penobscot, now in Piscataquis County, before 1827. He went
in a few years to Hermon near Bangor, and was for one year a
representative of the class, in which Hermon was embraced, in
the State legislature. He died in Hermon April 7, 1862.
He was born May 11, 1789. His widow survived him till
March 6, 1862. He was born May 11, 1789. His widow
survived him till March 6, 1865, when she died at the age of
seventy-three years. Martha (or Patty), twin
of Polly, b. Oct. 4, 1792, married Israel Washburn,
March 30, 182, d. May 6, 1861. David, b. June 3,
1794, married Catherine Stanwood, of Brunswick, and
resides on the "old Benjamin farm," and where once was
Benjamin's Ferry. They have had five children, three
of whom are living. Charles, b. Aug. 2, 1795,
married Lucy Chase, and was a cabinet maker on the
Intervale, in Livermore. He died May 10, 1834. She
survived him several years. They left Betsey, who
married John M. Benjamin, Esq., of Winthrop.
Elisha, b. Oct. 10, 1797, went South and died in New
Orleans., December, 1852, at the age of fifty-five years.
Ruth married Jonathan Lovejoy - was a lieutenant
in the civil war. She was b. May 20, 1797, and d. Feb. 3,
1869. Two children survive her, Elisha B., whose
home is in Livermore, and Charles B., a resident of
Portland. |
CARVER was the second settler. She had seven
children, William, James, Amos, and Nathan, and
three daughters, one of whom married Cutting Clark, one
John Winter, and one was unmarried. The family was
originally from Duxbury, and William settled in 1780 on
the lot now occupied as a farm by George Gibbs, son of
John Gibbs. Mrs. Carver made the first clearing
and lived for a short time on the farm where Col. Lewis
Hunton now lives. |
CLARK was a brother of Hannah Clark, Dea.
Livermore's first wife. He lived on the northerly part of
Fuller's Hill. He came from Waltham soon after the
settlement of Livermore. He was born Feb. 24, 1754, and
lived to an advanced age. He was a man of fertile
imagination, and a famous hunter in his day. He device for
preserving the life of an Indian boy, who was with him on a
hunting expedition, from the severity of the cold, is among the
traditions of the town, and was at once unique and effective. |
DAILEY settled on the farm on the east side of the river,
now owned by Col. Lewis Hunton. He was in town at a
very early date. |
DAILEY (son of Daniel) was among the first
settlers in Livermore. He cleared the farm on the east
side of the river afterwards owned by Lieut. Benjamin,
and on which David Bejamin now lives. |
The sketches of early settlers and
their families, which can be given, must be brief, and limited,
as a rule, to those who were in the town before the date of its
The first settler and principal proprietor of the town,
and in whose honor it was named, was, as has been already
who was born in Waltham, Mass., March 4, 1730-1. He was
the son of Samuel Livermore, a prominent citizen of that
town and who had for a long time (we are told in Bond's
Genealogies) "the greatest share of the municipal business
of the town." He was selectman from 1743 to 1764;
representative from 1845 to 1763, and town clerk and treasurer
twenty-six years. Elijah was an elder brother of
the Hon. Samuel Livermore, who was born 1732, and
graduated at Nassau Hall in 1752, settled in Holderness, N. H.,
about 1780, and of whom Bond gives the following
record: "He studied law with Judge Trowbridge and
was made King's attorney-general for New Hampshire by
Governor Wentworth in 1769. Soon after the breaking
out of the Revolution he was made the State attorney-general;
was several times delegate to the Continental Congress, and was
made chief justice of the State 1782; was member of the
convention for adopting the Federal constitution, upon the
adoption of which he was elected representative to congress; at
the end of two years he was elected United States senator,
which office he held nine years until he resigned in 1800."
The Hon. Samuel Livermore was the father of Edward St.
Loe and Arthur Livermore, both of whom were judges of
the supreme court of New Hampshire, and members of congress.
Elijah Livermore inherited his father's
homestead; was a lieutenant in the militia of Massachusetts, and
was chosen deacon of the Congregationalist Church in Waltham
upon the death of his father. He removed to Livermore in
1779, where he died August 5, 1808. Good sense, integrity,
kindness, and a genial humor were traits which most distinctly
marked his character. When he died he was mourned as a
good man and friend by the people of the town which he had
planted with so much care and wisdom. The children of
Deacon Livermore were as follows: Abigail, b.
November 20, 1758, d. 1817. She married Rev. Elisha
Williams, a graduate of Yale College. Mr. Williams
moved to Livermore about 1790 and was the first school-master in
the town. About 1798 he became pastor of the Baptist
Church in Brunswick. He died in Cambridge in 1845.
He had eleven children. A daughter, Sophia, married
John Appleton, at one time a resident of Portland.
William. b. Jan. 9, 1763, d. in Louisiana in 1832. He
was bred a merchant in Boston; traded some time on Roccomeco
Point in Jay (now Canton), and afterwards in Hallowell, and was
a major in militia. Danforth P. Livermore and the
wife of Col. Andrew Masters, of Hallowell, were his
children. Hannah, b. Nov. 22, 1764, d. Jan. 1785.
Isaac, b. May 7, 1768, d. Oct., 1820; was bred a merchant
in Boston; was in trade a short time in Hallowell, Maine, and
then settled in Livermore as a farmer, and were he was a justice
of the peace. His children were Hannah. b. 1796, d.
1836; Granville Putnam, b. 1798, now of St. Joseph,
Missouri; Eliza, b. 1801; Elijah, b. 1804;
Horatio Gates, b. 1807, a prominent citizen of San
Francisco; Abigail Williams, Alma Louisa, and
Julia Snow. Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 1770, married
Robert Pierpont, of Roxbury, and d. Feb. 19, 1847. He
lived on the old Livermore farm, and died Dec. 9, 1811, at the
age of forty two years. His children were Hannah,
b. 1797, d. 1819; Robert, b. 1798, a resident of
Livermore; George Washington, b. Jan. 17, 1800, a
resident of Livermore Falls; Elijah, b. 1803, d. 1818;
Charles Henry, b. 1801, d. very suddenly at Memphis, Tenn.,
Oct. 6, 1850; John Murdock, b. 1808, d. 1818.
Anna, b. April 6, 1775, married Dec. 14, 1797, Dr. Cyrus
Hamlin, to whom reference will be made hereafter.
Samuel, the youngest child, was born April 6, 1778, married
Lura Chase, daughter of Thomas Chase. He
died Nov. 26, 1823. He was quite frequently a town
officer, and at several times represented the town in the
Massachusetts legislature. Betsey, his oldest
child, was b. in 1803, d. 1822; Emery, his only son, was
born Feb. 18, 1809, and after residing in Bangor for several
years moved to St. Joseph, Mo.; Lura, the youngest child,
born Oct. 25, 1815, married Levi B. Young, of
Livermore. |
WALKER, whose wife was a sister of Dea. Gibbs, was
one of the first settlers and lived where Gilbert Hathanway
(who came from Freetown, Mass.) afterwards lived and died.
Walker was one of Arnold's men in the expedition
by the Kennebec River to Quebec in 1775. He was the father
of Colonel Dexter Walker, and of Elijah, Levi, and
Rufus Walker. |
WING came from Harwich,
Mass., and married a daughter of Elisha Smith. He
died in 1861 on the farm on which he had lived for more than
sixty-five years. He was a good man and much respected. |
WYER, the third settler and fifth with a family, was born
in Watertown in 1749 and moved to Livermore, or Port Royal, as
it was then called, in 1779. He married Rebecca
Brackett, of Falmouth, Me., in 1782. He died July 7,
1827. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and
orderly sergeant, and was in the battle at Bunker Hill. He
was buried with military honors. Mr. Wyer resided
on the road leading towards North Turner Bridge from the old
Methodist meeting-house, on the farm now occupied by Amos
Beckler. His widow died June 18, 1836. Their
children were Nancy, b. Oct. 1, 1786, who married
Nathaniel Soper, and d. Sept. 29, 1871. She was the
first female child born in the town. Her husband, who
survives her, came from Pembroke, Mass., in 1806. He is
now (1874) eighty-seven years old. Isaac, b. May
23, 1788, d. in the East Indies. William, b. Mar.
30, 1790, married Lucy Baker, and d. in Livermore Dec.
30, 1858. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812, and his
son, Otis was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion.
Betsey, b. April 30, 1791, married David Brickett.
Sally, b. Sept. 7, 1792, married Thomas Haskell,
d. in Livermore. Nathaniel, b. April 19, 1794, d.
in Livermore. Rebekah, b. Sept. 30, 1795, married
Job Haskell, d. in East Livermore. George, b.
April 2, 1800, d. in Livermore. Charles, b. Oct.
26, 1804, married Sophronia Shaw. |
* John Livermore, probably the ancestor of
all the Livermores in the United States, embarked at Ipswich,
England, for New England in April, 1634, then aged twenty-eight, in
the Francis, John Cutting, master. He was admitted
freeman May 6, 1635, and was in Watertown as early as 1642. He
was repeatedly a selectman and held other offices of trust. He
was by trade a potter. His parentage has not been conclusively
ascertained; but there is reason to suppose that he came from Little
Thurloe, county of Suffolk. - Bond's Genealogies.
** Mr. Benjamin was a descendant, in the
fifth generation, of John Benjamin, who married in the ship
Lion, Sept. 16, 1632, and was admitted freeman the subsequent
November; was a proprietor of Cambridge and perhaps first settled
there. If so, it was only for a short time, at his house, with
goods to the amount of £100, was burnt in Watertown April 7, 1836.
Gov. Winthrop designated him as "Mr. Benjamin," and in
1642 he had the largest homestall in Watertown. He died June
14, 1845 - Bond's Genealogies.
† This name,
given to the township by Maj. Thomas Fish, did not
permanently supplant that by which it had been generally known -
Port Royal.