of the
in Knox County, Maine
Early History of St. George's, Broad Bay,
The Neighboring Settlements
of the
Waldo Patent
By Cyrus Eaton, A.M.
Second Edition
Masters & Livermore, Hallowell.
I. - Situation, natural features, &c., of the town of Warren |
1 |
II. - |
12 |
Discovery and naming of St. George's River, with a glance at the
other discoveries, settlements, and claims made in the vicinity
- Indian war and Sickness of 1615 and '18
- Monhegan, [Mona, in note,] Newharbor, Pemaquid, [Damariscove,] and
- Patent to Beautchamp and Leverett
- Trading-house a St. George's
- The Pantentees
- Earliest settlers
- Changes of jurisdiction
- Condition of the country
- the 1st, (King Philip's,) Indian war. |
II. - |
28 |
Dutch at Newcastle
- The 2d Indian war
- Pemaquid taken
- Settlements east of Falmouth deserted
- Indian chiefs
- New Charter of Massachusetts, and Gov. Phips
- Fort Wm. Henry, and skirmish at Damariscotta.
- Peace
- Death of Madockawando
- Land at St. George's purchased of the Indians
- Suppression of pirates,
- [underground house;]
- Queen Anne's War
- Castine, the younger
- [Monicook]
- Peace, and the Georgetown
- Settlement far east,
- Doings at St. George's
- Seizure of Castine
- The 4th Indian war
- Attacks at Pemsquid and other places
- At St. George's sloop and mill burnt,
- Fort beseiged,
- Made a pubic garrison
- Expedition to Penobscot
- Another attack on St. George's
- Skirmish and death of Winslow
- Naval warfare, and attack on St. George's
- Close of the war.
- Capt. Gyles.
- Dummer's Treat, 1726 |
IV. - |
46 |
Truck-house and agent at St. George's
- Private traders.
- Indian conference, 1727, and truck-masters
- Gyles, justice of the peace
- Gov. Dunbar
- Pierpont, chaplain
- Indian conference, 1732
- Waldo, sole proprietor of St. George's
- Prepares for extensive settlement,
- Commences lime-burning
- Visits St. George's
- Confers with Indians
- Contracts with twenty-seven settlers for the upper town.
- Conditions
- Names.
- Saw-mill rebuilt
- Lots laid out
- Other settlements
- Forbidden by the Indians, above tide waters.
- Action of the Gen. Court thereon.
- Garrison reduced.
- Location of the first settlers
- Their houses, employments, &c.
- Earliest children born [hard times]
- Fears of new rupture with Indians
- Waldo, colonel
- H. Alexander, first militia captain;
- tea, [coffee.]
- Threatening hostilities with Spain, and measures of defence.
- First grist-mill and meeting-house.
- Shipwreck at Mt. Desert.
- First German settlers at Broad Bay.
- Limits of the Waldo and Pemaquid patents settled by compromise.
- Hardships of the German settlers.
- [Hewes' letter, and Waldo's promises.]
- Boice Cooper; [note.]
- L. Parsons, &c.
- 1741 |
V. - |
74 |
New tenor currency.
- Indian disaffection.
- St. Georges's fort rebuilt.
- Bradbury, commander.
- Earliest death in the upper town.
- Lower town extended.
- War with France.
- St. John's Indians hostile.
- Precautions for preserving peace with Tarratines.
- Militia, and scouting parties.
- Louisburg expedition.
- Effect at St. George's,
- At Broad Bay.
- Indians attack St. Georges.
- Block-houses built.
- Province sloop and Capt. Saunders.
- Bounties for Indian scalps.
- Skirmish at St. George's.
- Destruction of Broad Bay.
- Another skirmish at St. George's
- Attacks at Damariscotta, [and the Lermond women and others killed.]
- Attempt to blow up St. George's fort.
- Creighton killed.
- Cooper and Pitcher, captives.
- Scarcity.
- Peace concluded.
- Settlers return. [Calderwood, &c.]
- Kilpatrick, captain.
- Agriculture, potatoes, &c.
- Character, occupations', religion, &c., of the early settlers.
- Settlement at Broad Bay revived.
- Conrad Heyer; [his death, &c]
- Currency
- Indian disturbances allayed.
- Rutherford.
- New Style.
- Indian conference, 1752-3.
- J. Hart.
- Additional German settlers at Broad Bay, 1752-3
- Their disappointment and suffering.
- Scottish settlers at St. George's, 1753 |
VI. - |
94 |
Indians complain.
- Fort rebuilt and block-houses established.
- French and Indian war.
- Settlers go into garrison
- Their condition there.
- Care to conciliate Tarrantines, occasions dissatisfaction.
- Letters of Burton, Kilpatrick, Bradbury, and Indians.
- Cargill's expedition, and death of Margaret.
- Scouts at St. George's.
- Letter of Lieut. Fletcher.
- Aggressions at St. George's
- Death of Rutherford.
- Indians distressed.
- Forces at St. George's and Broad Bay.
- Freeman's Journal.
- Night Skirmish,
- Disasters of the war, Henlys, Watson, Coltson, Elwell, Piper and others.
- Remilly's journal
- North, commander at St. Georges, 1757 |
VII. - |
115 |
- St. George's fort reinforced
- Attacked, and cattle killed.
- Occupation of Penobscot.
- Death of Gen. Waldo.
- Pownal's popularity at St. George's
- Abatement of hostilities.
- [A list of settlers.]
- Condition of the people during the war.
- Sheep introduced.
- H. Libbey.
- Lincoln County established.
- North judge.
- Drought and wild game.
- T. Fluker, proprietor.
- 1st county tax.
- Administration of justice.
- Ulmer.
- [1st meeting-house at Waldoboro'.]
- Dr. Schaefler.
- Saw-mill rebuilt.
- Ship-building attempted in what is now Warren.
- McLean, [and birth of John McLean.]
- Garrison discontinued.
- Location of the Scottish settlers.
- Treaty of peace.
- Death of Burton; [his gravestone.]
- New settlers, Spear, Starret, Wheaton, Coplands, Vose, Counce, Sumner,
- Physicians.
- Locke, Fales, Packards, Hall, Watts, Buckland
- Census.
- Maize introducted, other crops, trace, &c.
- Drown's claim at Broad Bay.
- First regimental muster.
- Death of North
- First framed houses.
- McIntyre's ferry.
- Lermond's mills.
- New settlements, Keag or S. Thomaston.
- Lermond's cove or Rockland.
- Megunticook or Camden.
- Moravians and others leave Broad Bay.
- Comet.
- Duties, & c., 1770. |
VIII. - |
147 |
- New settlers at Broad Bay.
- Ship-building.
- Wreck of the Industry
- Fatal snowstorm in October.
- McIntyre, captain.
- Disuse of British goods.
- Wooden dishes.
- Clothing.
- Fashions.
- Domestic manufactures.
- Superstitions.
- Education.
- Religious privileges.
- Saw-mil at Back River.
- Plantation meetings.
- Fever.
- Waldoboro' incorporated.
- Burton at the tea-party.
- Progress of Politics.
- Privates calamities
- Fort Pownal dismantled.
- The commander's letters to St. George's
- Political views of the people there.
- The Dolphin built.
- Recruits for the army.
- New Government officials.
- Rev. J. Urquhart.
- Revolutionary committee, 1775. |
IX. - |
171 |
New militia officers.
- Declaration of independence.
-Tax in clothing, &c.
- Soldiers for Machias.
-Warren and Thomaston incorporated.
- Stirlingtown or Union.
- First town meeting in Warren.
- Peabody.
- J. Lermond's saw-mill.
- Wyllie.
- Oath of allegiance.
- Coast guards. Scarcity.
- Paskiel.
- Second town meeting.
- Rokes.
- Fishery.
- Town and other taxes.
- Prices.
- Vote on the constitution.
- Proprietors of Waldo patent, absentees.
- District of Maine.
- Difficulties with Mr. Urquhart.
- Rev. T. Whiting.
- Biguyduce expedition.
- Coast defence.
- Drought and fires.
- Currency.
- Payson.
- Gamble drowned.
- First highway.
- First representative .
- Severe winter, 1780 |
X. - |
194 |
Consequences of the defeat.
- Transactions at Camden. Sloops captured.
- Arrest of Long.
- Wadsworth, commander.
- Murder of Soule.
- Execution of Braun.
- Tax in clothing and beef.
- Urquhart's salary.
- First bridge over Oyster R.
- Capture of Wadsworth and Burton,
- Their escape.
- Public burdens
- New Emission of paper.
- Controversy with Stirlingtown.
- Dismission of Urquhart.
- Arrival of his wife, &c.
- Salem presbytery dissolved.
- 1782 |
XI. - |
213 |
- Early run of alewives.
- First pound
- Payson, Sprague, and Africa Peter
- People of color
- Return of peace
- Fisher, McCallum, O'Brien.
- Schools.
- Sufferers from paper money, Patterson, Mathews
- Boggs's Bridge
- Taxes.
- Pebbles, first justice.
- Annis.
- Refugees, Nelson, Dicke
- Scheme of annexation.
- Bosworth
- Peace
- Casualty
- First legal highways voted
- Davis, the hunter, and Barrett
- New settles, Dunbar, Crane,
- First store at head of the tide.
- Wild animals
- Agriculture
- First carts, breaking-up-plow and sleigh.
- 1874 |
XII. - |
226 |
Paper money, Cooper
- Settlers on eastern and western roads to Union, west of N. Pond, east of
- Sloop Warren.
- Fishery
- Weston
- Sloop Friendship
- Tolman
- First legal highway
- Whiting, minister
- First town school
- Militia officers
- Land titles, settlers quieted
- New settlers, Andrews, Davis, Standish.
- Meeting-house
- Mills at upper falls.
- Head
- First child born at the village
- Severe winters and famine.
- T. Robinson, A. Kelloch, jr., Minegerson
- Sloop Jane, mills, &c., at village
- Federal constitution.
- M. Cobb
- Prices.
- Spear, captain
- Votes for Governor, &c.
- Land titles
- Fairbanks, Dodge, Webb
- Cushing incorporated.
- 1789 |
XIII. - |
240 |
Additional settlers, Mero, I. Fuller, Cox, Rogers, Morrison,
Keith, Carven, Alford, &c.
- Tax payers.
- Scho. Industry
- First ox-wagon
- Brackett & Davis.
- Sullivan.
- Meeting house
- Dr. Schaeffer at Warren
- Settlers on middle road to Union
- Frost, Moore
- Wild game.
- Casualties
- Removal of J. Lermond
- First brig.
- First bridge at village
- New meeting house
- Lovett
- Two store houses
- Social library
- Vote on separation
- Sale of pews, &c.
- Burying ground.
- Road through village
- To Barretstown or Hope
- Blake, Lawrence, Page, Buxton, McBeath, Parsons.
- Fulling-mill
- Sloop Polly
- First pleasure carriage
- Mail and post office, [down to 1876, N. Warren post office.]
- Robbery and death of Schaeffer
- Early snow storm.
- 1793 |
XIV. - |
257 |
Oyster R. bridge
- State tax, drafted militia
- Destructive frost
- Bears
- Wilde
- Rev. J. Thaxter
- Settlement of Rev. J. Huse
- Church organized, &c.
- Changes in the town
- Knox at Thomaston
- His works in Warren
- W. H. Webb
- School districts
- Vessels
- Harriman, Brown
- Fatal accidents, [Morison]
- Currency
- Hog-reeves
- Pound
- Overflowing of roads
- Choir
- Military stores and officers
- Company divided
- D. Vose, Vaughan, Leach, F. Jones
- Kelloch neighborhood
- Vessels
- Public bridge at village
- Watsons set off to Thomaston
- Divisions, town and national
- Snow, Emerson, Wells, Dagget
- Vessels
- French spoliatons, Wilde's removal
- Court-house
- Accidents
- Thatcher
- Small pox
- Political parties
- Reg. muster
- Fashions
- 1800 |
XV. - |
276 |
Schools, committee, teachers, and funds.
- Bounty on crows
- Oyster fishery
- Shad and alewives, a town privilege
- Commercial prosperity, and business men
- Light-house and fort
- Buildings and trees
- Pleasure carriages
- C. Reed and M. Smith
- Cobb, J. Fuller, Wilbur Mallett, Hovey, J. Wetherbee, Gates, Stone,
Newcomb, French, Brackett, Comery, A. Russel, Flack, Swift,
Jackson, and Hays
- Martin, Douglass, and Brakely
- Military
- Musical band
- Masonic lodge
- Civil and ecclesiastical changes in the vicinity.
- The Baptist society, [its new house, deacons, &c.]
- Loss by fire
- By freshet
- Canker-rash
- Spruce and hemlock destroyed
- Hoofail
- Aurora borealis
- earthquake
- Eclipse
- Casualties
- Death of Knox.
- 1806 |
XVI. - |
297 |
Commercial embarrassments
- Brig Sumner
- Embargo
- Parties
- Petitions
- Non-intercourse
- Betterment act
- [threat to Thatcher.]
- Parkman
- Attempt to impeach Justice Copeland
- Vote on separation
- Political movements
- Lime inspection.
- Fish-law
- Wolves
- Military stores
- E. Thatcher, Hoar, Thomas,
- Harrington, Maxey, R. Russel, D. Vaughan, Lamson, Watton, Benson, S.
French, Isley, S. Lawrence, Starr, T. Wilson, Burgess, Miller,
McLellan, Noyce, Knowlton, A. Young, and Caswell.
- Warren Academy, [its preceptors to 1867.]
- Sacred music
- Agriculture and manufactures.
- Hard times.
- Casualties
- [Sketch of Granny James, by A. F. J.]
- Physical and meteorological phenomena.
- Second embargo and war.
- Convention at Wincasset.
- 1812 |
XVII. - |
313 |
Effects of war.
- Coasting trade
- High price of provisions
- View of a naval action
- Capture of the Peggy Rubicon.
- The Alexander
- Measures of defence
- Abundant crop, and public burdens.
- The British at St. George's R., [note, Burtons.]
- Militia called out for defence of Camden.
- A false alarm, [its origin.]
- Second expedition to Camden.
- [Rolls of Warren Militia Companies.]
- Trade with the enemy
- Peace
- Its effects.
- Moral societies
- Unpropitious seasons.
- Emigration west
- Bridges petitioned for
- Wolves, and Elephant.
- A. Lermond.
- Paupers.
- Rate of labor.
- Road to Camden, and bridges, [Cornhill name.]
- Meeting-house.
- Separation of the State.
- Party spirit allayed
- Casualties, seasons, & c.
- New corners, Kimball, Rawson, Hodgman, Howard, Hinkley, Jarvis, Howland,
Parker, Carriel, Whitney, Hilt, R. Robinson, Waterman, L. Jones,
Leeds, Joachin, Stetson, and Sawin.
- Traders, J. Thompson, J. Burton.
- First dancing-school, education, improvements, &c.
- Burton's block-house. |
XVIII. - |
331 |
Unanimity at the first State election
- Schools, S. agents, districts, &c.
- Paupers
- Ministerial tax.
- Military matters, Burying-grounds, [the 1st, or Presbyterian, hearse,
&c.] bridges, highways.
- Fishery.
- Inspectors of lime.
- Valuation of 1829
- Receipts and expenditures.
- Surplus revenue.
- Town-house
- Votes for presidential electors.
- On amendments of the constitution & c. |
XIX. - |
343 |
The history of the First and Second Congregational societies,
[Methodist Class in Dist. No. 16,] with other ecclesiastical
matter, from 1820 to 1850 |
XX. - |
353 |
Benevolent and other societies, [note].
- Celebrations.
- Wild animals
- Losses by fire
- Casualties.
- J. G. Lambright
- T. D. Raeburn.
- Weather and meteoric Phenomena.
- Progress of improvement.
- Emigrants to Thatcher.
- Conclusion |
XXI. - |
401 |
Weather of 1851, crops, fish, &c.
- Drs. Buxton, Kennedy, Banks, &c.
- Burglary
- No Sept. election
- Maine law
- The town's plan for high school, vote on roads, to hire money.
- Business, town histories, and J. L. Sibley.
- 2 deaths, weather of 1852.
- loss of exclusive fish privilege
- Grasshoppers, crops, early snow, ship-building
- Revs. C. H. Wheeler, and Granger.
- Vote on school books.
- Election of Congressmen.
- Deaths of Kincaid and S. Counce
- Weather of 1853, winter lightning, sickly spring, Grasshoppers, rose
slug, comet, &c.
- Various town votes, choice of Supervisor of schools, &c.
- Death of the Rev. J. Huse, D. Patterson and R. B. Copeland, of E.
- New bell, ten-hour system, vote for county Register
- Great snow-fall of 1865, drought, and fires, crops and Agricultural
Fair, anthem, &c.
- Lyceum, Ladies' Sewing Circle, Mr. Granger, &c.
- Ships, and ship-builder's bank
- Dea. Page, sudden deaths, D. Dickey.
- New hearse-house. Lincoln county divided 1855, weather, deer, Know-Nothingism,
crops, the first mowing machine.
- Lyceum, Erosophian society.
- Ladies' Social Library, Cong. church spire.
- Warren Bible Society
- Liquor agency
- F. Bapt. conference, Elder Case, S. School picnic, Rev. L. Chase.
- Politics
- Action against assessors
- Indian caps, prices, Stealing.
- House burned.
- Home insurance.
- Small-pox, casualties
- Snowy winter of 1856, wet summer, black knot.
- Organ for Cong. church.
- Pro-slavery outrages, despondency.
- Rev. D. Q. Cushman installed.
- Political lectures, doctors, ship-building, deaths of business men,
cold, and changes of 1857.
- Drowning of A. Leach.
- Vote to petition on the fishery.
- Comet, pearl fishery, wet haying, crops, earthquake, business panic,
falling off of ship-building.
- Mild Jan. of 1858, wet spring, seizure of fish-nets, hail shower,
Donati's comet, gale, &c.
- Vote of inquiring into town expenses, to sustain fish committee, on
license or prohibition.
- Lecture of E. Burritt.
- Hon. M. H. Smith.
- Religious interest.
- Class of Methodists formed.
- Atlantic telegraph
- Dull times, emigration
- Freshet of 1859, cold June, house burned.
- European war.
- Drought, auroras, the Am. Skunk, Sept. gale.
- Shaking or jarring
- Vote to oppose alteration of line of Warren and Thomaston.
- Stage accident.
- Musical festival the Fourth.
- Boy drowned.
- Suicides and other crimes
- Votes to borrow Warren Sch. fund, to build a new pound, &c.
- Weather of 1860, haloes, drought, comet, eclipse, wanderers,
- Band of Hope.
- Knox county organized.
- Wide Awakes, political excitement.
- Kerosene oil.
- house burned. |
XXII. - |
434 |
Woman perished in snow-storm, 1861.
- T. Davis.
- Votes on burying-ground, and bridges.
- Spring, civil war, flag raised, 4th Maine regiment and its Warren
- Enlistments elsewhere, and later in 1861
- 4th of July, comet, national fast.
- Death of Col. Head.
- Diphtheria, barn burned.
- Sons of Temperance
- Drs. Bean and Brown.
- Weather of 1862.
- Sickness, Sterling cemetery, destruction by lightning
- Soldiers in 1st Me. cavalry, in 2d battery mounted artillery, in 15th
and 19th Me. regiments, in 20th Me., and a specimen of
- Town vote on bounties and the draft.
- Volunteers, and history of Co. B, 24th Me. regiment.
- Vote on death of selectman, his successor.
- Bank suspension, change, prices, &c., winter and spring of 1863.
- Aid to families voted
- Drought, sickness, sudden deaths.
- 4th of July celebration.
- Poor crops.
- War and the draft.
- Vote of bounty to conscripts.
- National Thanksgiving, hymn, &c.
- Cong. pulpit, S. S. picnic, Sons of Temperance.
- Union rally, supper to returned soldiers.
- More men, town votes bounty, a recruiting committee, and to borrow money
- Volunteers to 43d Penn. and 2d Maine cavalry.
- Prices rise.
- Warren Powder Manufacturing Co., 1864 winter storm, lizard, cold.
- Stables and barn burned.
- Soldiers' aid.
- W. dramatic club's levees.
- Earthquake, drought, forest fires.
- War troubles, enlistments into 1st reg. District Columbia cavalry
transferred to 1st Me. cavalry.
- Vote for heavy tax, for new loan of school fund, &c.
- Prices.
- National Fast.
- Rev. E. S. Beard installed.
- Votes in view of a draft, &c.
- National Thanksgiving
- Discouragement, political meetings, draft.
- Soldiers in other regiments, to end of war.
- Autumn weather, business, shipping.
- W. Social Library
- Death of town clerk and school committee
- Prayer week, 1865, and weather
- Peace news and rejoicings.
- Death of President, funeral services, fasts.
- Town's first auditor, committee on fish laws, vote to procure 16 more to
fill quota, to reconsider and reduce town stock vote.
- Caterpillers
- 4th of July celebration
- Lightning, sudden death, drought, fires.
- Golden wedding
- Oct. snow, deer, fevers.
- S. S. Christmas tree |
XXIII. - |
468 |
Weather, 1866.
- Meteor, April lightning, ale-wives, hail.
- Police, selectmen's report printed, dog-tax.
- L. Boggs selectman.
- Barque Oneco
- Changes at Cornhill, hotel.
- Fatal accident, 4th of July celebrations, Atlantic telegraph
- Hail shower, wolf, loupcervier, squirrels.
- Organ for Bap. church, the Head mansion, Christmas tree
- Winter 1867, religious interest.
- Rev. A. Prince
- Warren Manufacturing Co.
- Spring geese, lightning, insects, prices, strawberry festival,
diphtheria, &c.
- International telegraph and office
- Vote on amendment of temperance act.
- Knox & Lincoln railroad.
- Coal.
- Sept. snow, fevers, barn burned, shower of meteors.
- Stirling school-house, lyceum and lectures, Winter of 1868.
- Auditor dispensed with
- Town's R. Road committee
- Trouble about town's money and tax collector.
- Vote on amendment to Constitution
- The great fire and loss of the factory buildings
- The great fire and loss of the factory buildings
- A. H. Hodgman
- Measures for rebuilding and vote of the town
- Barn burned
- D. Dickey, 2d.
- Wet spring, horse stolen, 4th of July picnics.
- Bones ploughed up.
- Death of sisters on one day.
- flag raisings.
- Store entered
- Oct. snow, meteoric shower, levees of S. Schools and W. dramatic club.
- Winter weather of 1869.
- Accident on K. & L. R. R., work.
- First steam whistle and rebuilt factory.
- Votes on fishery, unpaid taxes, reports of investigation committees, in
favor of George's Valley R. R., &c.
- Mill burned, and a house.
- School-house moved.
- Weather,
- Great gale.
- Deaths by falls.
- Weather.
- Burglary
- Weather 1870, fog-trumpet, sickness
- Temperance lectures and George's Valley lodge of I. O. of G. Templars.
- Warren cornet band.
- Town's action in relation to uncollected taxes.
- On town house, and builds new one.
- Bapt. revival, Cong. church repaired.
- Electricity
- 4th of July celebrated.
- Drought, cabbage worm, Fair of N. Knox Hor. and Ag. Society, social
gathering in new town house and Glover Hall.
- Cold of Jan. 1871.
- Change in politics of town
- Agent for town house.
- Votes to choose road commissioners
- Selectmen issue town bonds, pay those due.
- Have chare of the Russell estate, &c., to exempt from taxation ten years
all manufactories.
- R. R. Depot, steam saw-mill, built.
- Rev. O. Richardson
- Solar circles, want to snow, draught, hay crop, lunar rainbow, &c.
- Warren Farmer's M. Fire Ins. Co.
- Warren Shoe M. Co., and tenement houses, business.
- R. R. cars and track, changes, stages, &c.
- Autumn weather.
- mill burnt.
- Christmas gathering
- 1872, weather, Death of Mero.
- Failure of W. Powder M. Co.
- Want of hay.
- Loupcervier.
- Votes for auditor, printed reports, town safe, to accept Copeland road,
exchange State for town bonds, aid small districts, pay bill
damage from sidewalk
- Insane man.
- Weather, accidents, excursions, 2 houses burned.
- Road prevented
- Ag. & Hor. Fair.
- Epizootic, weather.
- Death of Col. Thatcher, 1873, lightning, heavy snow fall, freshet.
- Murder of Dr. Baker.
- Early drought.
- Gale, crops.
- Waldoboro' Cen. celebration
- Lad drowned.
- White squirrel, votes "to investigate," to re-district schools, to
introduce salmon in river, to enforce gun-powder statute.
- German American Powder Co.
- Woolen Manu. Co. and other business, new firm.
- Rev. N. T. Dutton and Bapt. church.
- Elmwood Lodge of I. O. of Good Templars, also George's River and
Petersburg Lodges.
- warren Free High School. |
XXIV. - |
497 |
Winter of 1874, resorts, &c., votes to insure Town house, on
County buildings.
- Warren Cheese Factory
- Spring, illness, catterpillars, alwives, currant-worm, comet, 4th of
July, electricity, fatal accident.
- trained bear, tramps, heavy rain, picnics, arctic owl.
- Deaths from coal gas.
- Lectures, &c., business and the Woolen Manu. Co. failing. 1875, winter
severity, store burnt, first car-load of corn.
- extreme cold, levee, revival at Cornhill, &c.
- Votes against High School, for road commissioners, raising grade of S.
Warren bridge, putting town burying-grounds in better condition.
- Cold spring, sickness.
- Freshet and Starrett bridge.
- Fishery and Seizure.
- Taxes
- Business, powder works, frost, baptisms, county lodge, spelling matches.
- High school graduation, deaths at village and at S. Prison.
- Thefts, tramps, gypsies, Indians.
- 4th of July
- Great hay crop, insects.
- Lectures, two funerals in one day.
- Girl drowned
- Eclipse.
- Deaths of E. Smith and H. Mero
- Tiger fire engine
- Rev. L. Goodrich installed, and Hist. Cong. church.
- New hearse, child burned.
- Golden Wedding.
- Nov. severity.
- Loupcervier or wildcats, deer.
- Christmas, suspension Th. savings bank, failure shoe factory.
- 1876, centennial sunrise, bare ground, frost fish.
- Christian band, levees, concert,
- Store burned.
- Elmwood lodge installation
- Warren Reform Club and ladies' aid society
- Sudden death on land and sea..
- Equinoctial gale, freshet.
- Votes for fitting out Tigar Engine F. Co. & c., weather, canker-rash,
girl burned to death.
- N. Warren post office and store destroyed
- Centennial tree planting, June dog-days, building.
- Gif of the O'brien charity fund of the town of Warren.
- resolutions.
- Centennial 4th of July
- Cornet band and Tigers at Rock.
- Great heat, slight rainfall.
- 2 houses burned, Death of town clerk.
- Gatherings.
- Incendiarism, fatal explosion at powder works, &c.
- Other accidents.
- Death of Dr. Buxton.
- House burnt, early snow, horse treatment.
- National elections.
- Celebration of Warren's centennial.
- Weather, meteors, crops.
- High school examination, and W. O. Fletcher.
- Academy burned, Warren Times, (note).
- Weather, to close the year. |
- Index of names.
498 |
- Highways, 1783 to 1872 |
498 |
II. - Valuation, 1790 to 1870 |
655 |
III. - Population, 1790 to 1870 |
656 |
IV. - County Taxes paid by Warren and neighoring |
656 |
- Principal town officers, 1777 to 1876 |
657 |
VI. - Justices of the pea1782 to 1876 |
662 |
VII. - Licenses granted, to residents on St. George's river,
prior to 1777 |
664 |
granted to residents of Warren, 1778 to 1837 |
664 |
VIII. - Votes for Governor, 1788 to 1876 |
665 |
IX. - Taxes raised, proceeds of the fishery, pauper expenses,
&c., 1778 to 1876 |
668 |
- Return of the Superintending School committee, 1850 & 1876 |
669 |
XI. - Return of the Superintending School committee, 1850 & 1876 |
669 |
XII. - Officers of the regiment in which the militia of Warren
has been included |
672 |
XIII. - Vessels Built, 1770 to 1876 |
673 |
XIV. - Deaths, 1797 to 1850 |
678 |
XV. - Vernal progress, 1805 to 1876 |
679 |
of Cyrus Eaton. |
facing the title page. |
Plan of
Warren |
facing Chapter I, page 1 |
Map of
St. George's and vicinity |
facing IV, page 46 |
cut, Conrad Heyer |
facing page IV, page 84 |
Heliotype likeness of an old letter, |
facing Chapter IV, page 61 |
of Gen. Joseph Warren |
facing Chapter IV, page174 |
of Hon. Edward O'Brien. |
facing Chapter IV, page 468 |