The Length and Breadth of Maine, Augusta, 1946 by Stanley Bearce
Contains basic data on the civil divisions, their prior
designation, date of settlement, date when land was set off from or
annexed to, etc. |
Daughters of the American Revolution Miscellaneous Records. by D. A.
R. -
Typewritten. 1931 - 1966. Each year since
1931 the Maine chapters of D. A. R. have bound one or more books
containing copies of tombstone inscriptions, Bible records, military
records, etc. These very helpful; a set may be found in the
State Library. |
Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Portland. 1928 - 1939 by
Walter Goodwin Davis. This was printed in five parts, but is
usually found bound into one book. This book, the result of
many years of research, attempts to give genealogical data
concerning every family which was established by 1699. |
Privince and Court Records of Maine. 5 vols. 1928 - by Charles
Thornton Libby, ed. and others. All Maine Court Records from
1636 to 1718 are included. As of 1967, Vol. 6 is in process of
being compiled. |
Maine Adjutant General Reports, 1861 - 1866. - Important for the
records of Civil War units and men. The 1866 supplement
contains an alphabetical index of Maine men who served during the
war. |
Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Series I, 10 vols. 1831
- 1891. by Maine Historical Society. - These are
important from the historical point of view.
---Collections and Proceedings of Maine Historical Society, Series
II, 10 vols. 1890 - 1899. Mostly of historical interest.
---Documentary History of the State of Maine. Series II. 24 vols.
1869 - 1916. Contains early history of Maine; The Trelawny
Papers; Baxter Manuscripts; The Farnham Papers.
---Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Series III, 2 vols.
1904 - 1906. Mainly of interest to historians. |
Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Boston. - Boston,
Massachusetts - 1913. This book contains records of Maine
soldiers in the War of 1812.
---Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. 17
Boston, 1896 - 1908. These books contain the records of
service of Maine men. |
Probate Records of Lincoln County, 1760 - 1800 Portland, 1895, by
William Davis Patterson, ed. - This book includes all probate
records for the period. |
Bangor Historical Magazine, Portland. by Joseph W. Porter, ed. - 9
vols. 1885 - 1895. - These magazines contain miscellaneous
items, mostly concerning Bangor and its early settlers. |
York Deeds by Hobart W. Richardson and others. 18 vols. -
These cover the period from 1632 to 1737, and are verbatim. |
Maine Wills by William M. Sargent, ed. - 8 vols. 1887. This
work has every will proved in the Province of Maine from 1640 to
1760, verbatim. However, administrations, inventories, and
other probate records are not included. These records must be
searched at Alfred, the York County seat. The Maine Historical
Society has microfilm of the York Probate records to 1860. |
Sprague's Journal of Maine History by John Francis Sprague - 14
vols. Foxcroft. 1913 - 1926. While these volumes include data
from the State in general, a large percentage concern the County of
Piscataquis. |
Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, by Stephen Marion
Watson. 9 vols. Portland. 1884 - 1898. These volumes contain
town and church records, tombstone inscriptions, claims to land in
Maine after the Indian Wars by Maine exiles, etc. |
Bibliography of the State of Maine, from the Earliest Period to
1891. by Joseph Williamson - 2 vols. Portland. 1896. This work
records over 11,000 books and pamphlets written in or about Maine,
or by Maine authors. |
Province and Court Records of Maine, Vol. IV. - The Court Records of
York County, Maine, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Nov., 1692 -
January, 1710-11. Edited by Neal W. Allen, Jr., Ph.D., Associate
Professor of History, Union College. Portland: Maine Historical
Society, 1958. pp. lxxvii, 427. Indexes |
There are many county histories. |