IT must be borne in mind that this region, when entered by
its pioneers, was remote from other settlements;
consequently without open roads, or convenient passage by
water. Hence some of their greatest hardships.
The lowlands and swamps were miry, and, as the snow usually
fell early, they would not be frozen and passable till deep
snow obstructed traveling. Hence heavy burdens were
brought in on horseback, and on rude "cars", the
transportation of which sledding would have facilitated.
Hence several of the woman, who were the first, to occupy
these wilderness homes, rode with their babes in their arms,
on horseback, their husbands tracing out a spotted line,
which alone marked a dim and winding way. Late in
winter, when settlers would frequently attempt to move in,
the roads would be full of loose snow. Some heavy
articles were boated up the rivers to Brownville and Dover,
but stemming the rapids was laborious, and at the steeper
falls, they were obliged to unlade their boats, and carry
their cargoes around them.
Most of the early settlers from the central and western
parts of Maine, came by way of Skowhegan (then Canaan),
thence to Cornville, Athens, Harmony, Ripley and Dexter.
Those from Massachusetts and New Hampshire sometimes took
passage by water to Bangor, and found a road to Charleston.
By the autumn of 1803, Capt. Ezekiel Chase moved his
family from Carratunk to his opening near the present Sebec
and Atkinson bridge, with teams; but Benjamin Sargent
brought his on horseback from Bangor, at the
Page 29 -
same time. The road through Atkinson to Sebec Mills
was opened early, and many of the settlers of Brownville
came in by this way. As early as 1804, single horse
teams brought families into Amestown; and in 1806 teams came
into Guilford in the winter; and in the autumn of that year,
Capt. John Bennett reached there with a loaded
ox-cart. In the fall of 1807, Capt. Samuel
Chamberlain and Ephraim Baker moved their
families, provisions, and household effects from Bangor to
Foxcroft, on an ox-wagon. They were two days in
getting from Charleston to Foxcroft, fifteen miles, having
to bridge streams and swamps, and often to widen the way
before they could pass. Thus detained, they were under
the necessity of camping out over night, - quite a rough
experience for the women and children, as they had not
expected to do it, and were not prepared for it, - while
their team had but a scanty supply of fodder.
After a few years, a shorter way from Skowhegan to
these parts of Harmony, through the present towns of
Cambridge and Parkman. Probably about 1812 this was
done, but several years elapsed before it became a good
carriage road. Previous to 1814, a road was cut out
from Sangerville to Garland, and this opened a way to
Bangor, for the upper settlements of Piscataquis River.
THE FIRST SETTLERS. It may be interesting to
know who were the first to break into this "howling
wilderness;" to brave the hardships incident to introducing
civilized life and progress into these boundless forests;
which of the towns was first settled; and who was the first
permanent settler of this county. Certainty, in
respect to dates, after so long a period, and after all
these first pioneers have fallen asleep, is not easily
arrived at, on all points, but the more important have been
secured by patient research. The best sustained
conclusion may be stated thus: Abel Blood
felled the first opening on Piscataquis River, in Dover
township, as early as June, 1799. It is not certain
that any beginnings were made the next year. But in
1801, Moses and
Page 30 -
Stephen Snow and Benjamin Sargent felled
openings in the Milo township; Moses Towne on a part
of the Blood purchase; and Col. J. E. Foxcroft
hired Samuel Elkins to fell twenty acres on his newly
purchased township; and it is said that Jonas Parlin
felled a few acres on the Burrill interval, but did
not proceed to occupy it. In 1802, Ezekiel
Chase felled an opening in Sebec, Bylie Lyford,
in Atkinson, and Phineas Aems, in Sangerville
townships, respectively. In 1804, the first openings
were felled in Guilford, by Low and Herring,
and the next year, one in Abbott, by Abraham Moor, Esq.
Abel Blood, with a hired man, spent the summer of
1800 on his clearing, raising and harvesting a crop.
Col. Foxcroft's account of his exploration of Number
Five, Seventh Range, confirms this statement. In the
spring of 1810 the Townes, - Thomas Towne, the
father of Moses, and probably Eli, his sons, -
came to their opening, bringing Moses' wife, who
camped with, cooked and washed for, them. In the fall,
Eli and Mrs. Moses Towne returned to Temple, N. H.,
but Thomas and Moses Towne continued through
the winter, hunting, fishing, and a spring came on, making
maple sugar. In the spring of 1803, Eli Towne,
with his wife and child one year old, started from Temple,
N. H., for the Piscataquis settlement. They reached it
May 8, 1803. This may be confidently set down as the
first family that moved into the county. In the autumn
of 1803, Capt. Ezekiel Chase moved his family into
Sebec; Benjamin Sargent, his, into Milo; and
Phineas Ames, his, into Sangerville. In the spring
of 1804, Bylie Lyford moved into the Atkinson
township, and Lyford Dow and Abel Blood,
probably, brought their families into Dover. These
dates accord with the best data that I have been able to
collect, and with the best recollections of the survivors of
those early families, excepting the Benjamin Sargent
family of Milo. And here the reasons which led to
those conclusions shall be given. That Abel Blood
purchased a square mile of land in the Dover township, and
located it where East Dover village and its surroundings now
are, is unquestioned. The statement that he felled the
first trees on it, in
Page 31 -
June, 1799, was recorded when some of the men employed to do
it, Seth and John Spauding, were present.
Col. Foxcroft's statement, that he found Blood
there in the autumn of 1800, and that he had raised a crop
of corn and other vegetables that year, corroborates that
date. Col. Foxcroft also stated that it was in
June, 1801, that Samuel Elkins felled the first
opening in his township. This is confirmed by the
statement of two writers, who give the early history of
Dexter, to wit: that Samuel Elkins spent the summer
of 1801 in building the first mills in Dexter, and that in
1802, his health failed, and his brother Daniel came
and finished the mills, and put them into operation.
Messrs. Foxcroft and Johnson, when they came to explore
Number Five, left their horses with Samuel Elkins in
Cornville; and as he was at Dexter during the summer of
1801, he could quite conveniently repair to the Foxcroft
township, and do that job with his workmen, at the proper
Reliable records show that Alvin Towne, the
child which Eli Towne and wife brought to their home
on horseback, was born in Temple, N. H., Apr. 24, 1802,
confirming the date of his incoming to be, as Mr. Towne
always gave it when living, May 8, 1803.
Ezekiel Chase, jr. affirmed that he was five
years old when their family moved to Sebec; that it was in
the fall of that year; that the Sergent family was at
their log-house when they reached it; and that Bylie
Lyford's family came the next spring. He also
recollected that his older brother Francis, and Moses
Towne made maple sugar together, near Towne's
opening, the spring before the Chase family
moved in, living upon boiled corn and maple syrup. If
this was the spring of 1803, Moses Towne and
his father had been camping there all winter, but not the
year before, and had raised a crop of corn the previous
summer. Mr. Ezekiel Chase was born Mar. 6,
1798, and died in Sebec, July 25, 1879, aged eighty-one
years and four months, - the last survivor of those families
which entered this county in 1803. His brother,
Page 32 -
Charles V. Chase, was born in Sebec, July 15, 1804,
and this affords us another reliable date.
Bylie Lyford's son, Thomas, was born in
Atkinson, Nov. 11, 1804, and the family, it is said, moved
there the March previous, making Lyford's removal,
March, 1804, and Chase's, in the fall of 1803.
But Mr. Henry B. Sargent, son of Benjamin, and
other members of that family, were quite confident that
their removal to Milo was in 1802, but they had no early
records that established it. They rested upon the
family tradition, that their brother Nathan, the
youngest of the family, was then but two years old. If it
was in 1802, he would have been two and a half; if in 1803,
three and a half; large, to be sure, to be brought in his
mother's arms. But as she came on horseback from
Bangor, and the other children walked, that was the only way
that he could come, even if three and a half years old.
And Mr. Henry B. Sargent, then five or six years old,
recollected that they were at Chase's log-house when
the Chase family arrived, as stated by Ezekiel
Chase, jr. So the two families must have come the
same year, and the same month. The balance of proof,
then, evidently gravitates to 1803; and Mr. Sargent's
first entrance to fell his trees and make a beginning, is
known to have been when his son Nathan was about two
years old. In the records written by one of the
Sargent family, several years afterward, it is stated,
that on the eighth day of May, 1802, snow fell in this
region to the depth of eight inches. Eli Towne
and wife were wont to relate that, on their last day's
journey to their new home, that same depth of snow fell.
This was assuredly May 8, 1803. Though this is not
certain proof, it verily looks as if the Sargents
antedated their record one year, and that they, like many
others, were honestly mistaken.
Phineas Ames had a child born in Harmony, in
March, 1803; so he had not removed to Sangerville then; and
as the tradition runs that his wife did not see a white
woman for more than a year after her removal, and as
Weymouth and
Page 33 -
Brockway moved in by sledding, early in the winter of
1804-5, Ames evidently came in the same autumn as
Chase and Sargent, to wit, 1803. And their
family tradition was, that Mrs. Ames rode in on
horseback, with a babe in her arms, her husband leading the
horse from the Dexter settlement, guided by a spotted line
A descriptive and historical sketch of the towns
constituting this county will now be given, arranged
according to the dates of their settlement. The
situation and boundaries of each can be learned from the
accompanying map.