E. B. Come, Cleveland;
F. L. Jenkman, Palmyra, N. Y.;
H. J. Stolz and wife, Milwaukee;
E. Smart and Mr. Marken, Buffalo;
Dr. W. G. Stern and M. . Baer, Cleveland;
E. Phillips and party, New York;
Newman and wife, Chicago;
A. Dieckmann, sister and M. Einstein,
T. James and wife, Detroit;
V. Godfrey and wife, Minneapolis;
E. G. Beales, Boston;
C. P. O. Donnell and wife, Chicago;
E. A. Sherlock, Detroit;
Miss Evans, Pittsburg;
H. Southworth and wife, Chicago;
J. Terrell, Chicago;
Dr. Green and wife, Chicago;
Geo. T. Bishop and wife, Gates Mills, Ohio;
Miss E. J. Case, Kingsville,
T. Stephens and wife, Detroit;
S. Miles, Akron, O.;
J. D. Steen, Philadelphia;
Misses Hoppe, Chelsea, Mich.;
C. J. Lepper and wife, New York;
F. W. Sack and wife, Cleveland;
Colonel Enerst, Chicago;
E. Englander and wife, Wooster;
J. S. Grindell and wife, Chicago;
Miss J. M. Thompson, Boston;
G. Johnston, Duluth;
Geo. C. Barnard, Denver;
Mrs. Spratt, Detroit;
Miss Telafer, Duluth;
F. C. Delahunt, Niagara Falls;
Wm. L. Beall, Albion;
W. E. Neill and wife, New York;
E. A. Miller and Wife; Cleveland;
Frank Huber and wife, New York;
B. C. Spizley and wife, Detroit;
Dr. G. A. May, Ann Arbor, Mich.;
H. F. Ives, Medina;
F. C. Babcock and wife, Medina;
Poundsford and family, Cincinnati;
Dr. Davis, Cleveland;
J. L. Carroll and wife, Chicago;
S. D. Willis and wife, Detroit;
E. Phillips and party, Buffalo;
T. Noyes and wife, Chicago;
W. C. Franz and child, Charleston, W. Va.
L. B. Newberry and wife, Sandusky; |
Mrs. A. Printy and Miss
Connor, Sandusky;
Miss A. Rowland, Cleveland;
J. Kelly and wife, Chicago;
Misses Mitler and Raymond, Akron;
B. Schmidt and wife, Cincinnati;
J. F. Coant and party, Brookline, Mass.;
M. S. Tawson and wife, Cleveland;
Miss J. H. Phelps, Cincinnati;
N. M. Mackey, Alexandria Bay;
Mr. Ronald and wife, Chicago;
F. L. Ruidekoper, Washington, D. C.;
H. K. Wood, Toronto;
H. Linton and party, Detroit;
Dr. R. H. Ferguson, New York;
Walter Lamere, New York;
S. M. Beaer, New York Springs;
C. C. Elyand and party, New York;
W. G. Case and wife, Buffalo;
P. Hawkhurst and party, St. Louis;
Mr. Fenn and party, Chicago;
C. A. Straw, Buffalo;
A. L. Newcombs and friend, New York;
Dr. Boyd and party, New York
W. G. Sharp and wife, Detroit;
Mr. McIntyre and party, Chicago;
J. H. Rhodes and party, New York;
O. M. Baker and wife, baby and nurse, Hamilton;
C. P. Martin and party, Chicago;
O. P. Nicola and wife, Pittsburg;
J. Kelly and party, New York;
B. Winthrop and wife, Washington, D. C.
L. Stevens and party, Detroit;
J. D. Warriner and party, Buffalo;
A. S. Conley and sister, Buffalo;
M. C. Crarey and party, Chicago;
C. Elliott and party, Detroit;
C. F. Adams and wife, Chicago;
E. Sawyer and party, Chicago;
A. Singer, wife and son, Buffalo;
Mrs. M. L. Engel, New York;
Theo H. Price and wife, New York;
E. C. Jones and family, Pittsfield;
E. C. Seward and wife, New York;
Frank Watters and wife, Akron;
S. Silberstein and party, Chicago;
Misses B. Clark and M. Smith, Cleveland;
F. P. Smith and wife, Cleveland;
J. B. Barnes and J. L. Eagle, New York;
Miss a. S. Anderson and party; New York. |