
Missouri Genealogy Express

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Welcome to
Daviess County, Missouri
History & Genealogy



NOTE:  If you would like a biography transcribed, please be sure to mention the State and County you found the name in as this website is for the WHOLE Country! 
Thanks, Sharon Wick

Alexander, J. H. 833
Alexander, Joshua W. 521
Allen, George P. 666
Allen, James T. 522
Ashbrook, William H. 570
Atkinson, William C. 627
Bacon, Irwin 791
Bailey, Jasper N. 628
Baldwin, Jesse 666
Barnett, Alfred F. 522
Barngrover, James H. 714
Benjamine, Thomas J. 590
Bennett, F. R. 821
Best, H. B. 629
Bickel, John Milton 700
Black, J. W. 833
Blankenship, Greenville 730
Booram, Isaac W. 715
Bradshaw, Thomas 750
Brennon, William E. 771
Briggs, Henry 667
Bristow, Miles 791
Brosins, Samuel T. 524
Brown, A. T. 591
Brown, Frank B. H. 701
Brown, Moses, Jr. 523
Brown, N. B. 846
Brown, W. S. 667
Brown, William T. 715
Bunker, Horatio 865
Burge, John W. 750
Burrell, Charles W. 715
Burris, Francis M. 750
Burton, John W., Dr. 524
Buzzard, A. L. 591
Buzzard, Samuel W. 592
Callison, Franklin 592
Callison, James 570
Callison, William G. 593
Caraway, Joseph 668
Carlow, Joseph H. 751
Carter, E. C. 447
Carter, James H. 751
Carter, Robert 701
Casebolt, John W. 629
Caster, John J. 792
Chamberlin, E. 668
Chapman, James L. 525
Chenoweth, Joseph S. 594
Christie, E. B. 630
Clagett, Dudley Malcolm 702
Clark, John W. 594
Cole, Charles O. 669
Cole, Charles O. 859
Cole, E. H. 859
Cole, William R. 716
Conner, Allen 669
Corman, Charles A. 593
Coulson, David H. 792
Coulson, John D. 526
Covington, A. M. 772
Cox, Gabriel W. 528
Cox, Samuel P. 527
Crain, Thomas J. 529
Cravens, John 530
Creason, Andrew J. 792
Creekmore, Jesse A. 772
Crews, William H. 716
Critten, James 752
Critten, Joseph 752
Cropper, S. 595
Cruzen, Nathaniel G. 595
Dale, Lawrence T. 821
Day, Jahiel 531
Deering, Henry G. 702
Deskin, W. H. 630
Diestilhorst, George C. 531
Dillon, N. G. 631
Dinsmore, John B. 596
Dinsmore, S. K. 753
Dockery, Alexander M. 532
Donaldson, Enoch S. M. 793
Doty, S. L. 670
Dowell, H. M. 860
Drummond, James P. 753
Dunn, Pines R. 534
Dunnington, William P. 822
Earl, William 632
Eastman, F. C. 703
Eggers, J. S. 772
Elgin, William 793
Ellis, E., Jr. 632
Enyart, John J. 535
Erwin, William P. 633
Estes, J. B. 730
Evans, Lewis 703
Ewing, Frank 536
Ewing, Milt. 536
Feurt, Gabriel 847
Feurt, Joseph D. 670
Fisher, William P. 773
Fitterer, Enos 537
Flint, Thomas J. 538
Flint, William F. 860
Folmsbee, William H. 538
Forth, George R. 730
Forth, James 716
Forth, Joseph T. 717
Fossinger, A. 773
Frost, Elisha 834
Gagan, John 633
Gamble, M. W. 835
Gay, Robert 571
Gillihan, William C. 539
Gillilan, William J. 597
Githens, Henry W. 848
Givens, Isaac 794
Givens, William M. 540
Gooding, John L. 717
Gosnell, Daniel 671
Graham, John A. 718
Grantham, Robert H. 794
Green, James T. 804
Green, Oliver P. 804
Griffith, George A. 718
Grove, Jacob 774
Grove, Robert C. 754
Grove,Simon 774
Gurney, I. B. 795
Guthery, S. B. 671
Hall, Robert S. 822
Hamilton, H. D. 865
Hamilton, Thomas J. 570
Handy, D. W. 848
Hanna, David F. 541
Harden, William 718
Harlow, Jordan L. 805
Harrah, James C. 597
Harris, Frank M. 672
Harrison, Charles 835
Hartman, William H. 775
Head, T. B. 754
Heaston, Daniel 447
Hemry, Stephen 805
Henderson, G. W. 775
Henderson, Isaac J. 731
Hershberger, Noah 823
Heyser, William P. 776
Higdon, J. H. 598
Hightree, J. W. 731
Hill, Charles E. 634
Hill, George W., Jr. 755
Holloway, Henry 598
Howell, S. T. 672
Hubbard, E. 672
Hubbard, Elijah (photo) 460a
Hughes, William T. 837
Hunter, John M. 673
Huston, John A. 755
Hutchison, Charles M. 599
Hutchison, George 599
Irving, Alexander M. 542
Jefferies, T. J. 704
Johnson, William B. 756
Johnson, Wm. P. 755
Jones, I. H. 600
Jones, John J. 805
Jordin, J. F. 600
Kaufman, Jacob 776
Keck, John A. 543
Kelso, Henry C. 704
Kemberling, A. J. 705
Kemp, John H. 673
Keown, Charles W. 849
Keown, Henry T. 848
Kimball, Benjamin G. 674
Kincaid, John 837
Knight, James F. 448
Knight, Sarah Ann, Mrs. 448
Koger, J. 776
Langford, Elias S. 806
Langford, Turner 756
Leard, A. C. 732
Lee, Wesley 838
Leonard, Samuel 757
Lewis, R. S. E. 777
Lewis, William 806
Lierley, Solomon 719
Lile, William P. 449
Litton, George W. 757
Lockwood, Jane, Mrs. 634
Macy, Seth 563
Madden, Francis M. 719
Mallory, Joseph H. 838
Mallory, Joseph Henry 705
Mann, Elwood M. 544
Mann, Independence 601
Mann, William 545
Markey, John 720
Marley, John B. 757
Martin, A. L. 758
Martin, John, Dr. 602
Martin, T. A. 777
Martin, William C. 733
Matchett, Benjamin 778
Matchett, Benjamin, Jr. 778
Matchett, J. T. 839
Mattingly, Thomas J. 635
Maxwell, William P. 571
McClung, M. B. 849
McClung, William H. 545
McCreary, Charles L. 795
McCue, Isaac M. 759
McCulley, Isaac 733
McDonald, W. D. 675
McDougal, Henry Clay 546
McDougal, John F. 720
McDougall, John 779
McFarland, Albert F. 549
McFerran, James H. B. 550
McGee, Joseph H. 551
M'Clure, A. H. 674
McNeill, William S. 676
Meadows, James A. 865
Meadows, Nancy, Mrs. 637
Mettel, Jacob 552
Miller & Isherwood 602
Miller, Benton 553
Miller, David G. 759
Miller, George W. 572
Miller, James W. 552
Miller, John M. 676
Miller, Samuel N. 823
Miller, Simon P. 677
Miller, W. T. 636
Milstead, Campbell 807
Minnick, Alfred C. 760
Minnick, Isaac C. 760
M''Intire, Edward 850
M'Kim, James 807
M'Million, James 635
M'Neel, John A. 572
Morris, George W. 780
Murray, James C. 603
Murray, Michael 572
Myers, Lafayette F. 779
Nance, Charles R. 734
Nation, Wilburn K. 677
Naylor, F. M. 761
Neal, William 796
Needham, Horatio E. 796
Netherton, John L. 862
Netherton, Moses G. 721
Newcom, Mary A., Mrs. 637
Nickell, George K. 678
Nickell, William N. 677
Nighswonger, Peter 721
Noah, George N. 797
Noah, Lucien B. 780
Offield, Joseph 761
Orcutt, Charles E. 605
Osborn, R. S. 840
Otterman, Elijah 735
Oxford, John 762
Palmer, Mason M. 736
Parker, Francis M. 605
Patterson, Harvey H. 449
Peniston, Theodore 762
Persinger, Obadiah 638
Phillips, K. J. 678
Poage, S. D. B. 563
Powell, James L. 736
Powers, Seth H. 606
Pugh, Benjamin Franklin 679
Pugh, William J. 850
Rader, Joseph 722
Raley, John N. 679
Ramsbottom, Obadiah 824
Ray, George W. 450
Rea, David F. 574
Reed, A. 680
Reed, Abraham 807
Reid, H. T. 780
Reno, C. 737
Retzlaff, Herman E. 797
Richardson, Samuel A. 554
Robertson, R. H. 680
Rodgers, T. F. 680
Rogers, J. S. 781
Roper, John C. 738
Rorabaugh, John 797
Rupe, J. W. 851
Ryan, S. S. 739
Sandidge, Tifny 574
Sawyer, John W. 808
Scott, A. K. 681
Scott, Caleb 722
Scott, Martin 862
Scott, Martin G. 863
Searcy, John H. 840
Shaffer, George W. 606
Shanklin, Orville M. 556
Shaw, C. R. 638
Shaw, Philip 740
Shaw, Thomas R. 556
Siple, A. O. 681
Slone, Levi 682
Smalley, Oliver A. 557
Smith, Austin 682
Smith, David M. 639
Smith, Eben T. 450
Smith, Ezra 451
Smith, Gideon 861
Smith, Jonathan 861
Smith, Sanford 683
Smith, William B. 763
Smith, William E. 740
Sneed,Sebron 764
Sparks, William R. 723
Speaker, Joseph 683
Staats, Farington B. 575
Stapp, H. T. 741
Stecker, Samuel 705
Stewart, George G. 808
Stewart, William G. 808
Stigers, J. A. 781
Stovall, W. T. 683
Taylor, Wright 841
Terry, John 723
Terry, R. J. 764
Thomas, George Brethard 557
Thomas, I. N. 684
Thompson, H. C. 782
Thurlow, Wesley 607
Tingler, Jacob 781
Tourney, Ferdinand 864
Townsend, John H. 558
Trosper, Gilley N. 825
Trosper, James B. 824
Trotter, George M. 825
Troxel, Martin A. 684
Tuggle, George 558
Tuggle, John A. 809
Tuggle, William S. 809
Utz, George M. 639
Vallandigham, R. L. 782
Venable, F. E. 640
Vicrey, G. R. 685
Walker, Thomas 641
Walls, Eli J. 864
Wample, John J. 783
Ward, Henry 640
Ward, William 641
Warner, William 451
Watkins, Arthur 575
Watson, John 642
Waugh, James 685
Weldon, James H. 826
Weldon, James L. 851
Weldon, W. G. 642
West, Ebenezer, Hon. 559
White, Daniel 798
Whiteaker, Aaron B. 798
Whitt, Henry A. 810
Wickham, Joseph A. 560
Williams, John B. 561
Williams, Robert C. 607
Williams, William M. 643
Wilson, James V. 741
Wilson, Samuel 784
Wilson, William 783
Witten, Charles F. 724
Witten, Charles h. 724
Witten, Robert R., Rev. 644
Witten, William M. 723
Wood, John W. 810
Wood, Thomas J. 706
Woodruff, A. E. 742
Woodruff, Joab 561
Woodward, G. F. 645
Worden, Charles A. 784
Wynn, Hamlet 685
Wynn, James 687
Wynn, Samuel 686
Yates, H. L. 687
Yates, Thomas B. 562
Yontsey, A. S. 451
Yost, E. A. 646
Young, Michael W. 706
Youtsey, David E. 742






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