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of the
in the

Compiled under Orders of
His Excellency Theodore F. Randolph, Governor.
By William S. Stryker, Adjutant General
- printed by Authority of the Legislature -
Trenton, N.J.:
Wm. T. Nicholson & Co. Printers.

in the

     IN THE following resolutions from the Journal of Congress, Oct. 9th, 1775, is the first acll on New Jersey for Continental troops:
     "Resolved, That it be recommended to the Convention of New Jersey that they immediately raise, at the expense of the continent, two battalions, consisting of eight companies each, and each company of sixty-eight privates, officered with one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, for serjeants, and four corporals.
     "That the privates be inlisted for one year, at the rate of five collars per calendar month, liable to be discharged at any time on allowing them one month's pay extraordinary.
     "That each of the privates be allowed, instead of a bounty, one felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings, and a pair of shoes; the men to find their own arms.
     "That the pay of the officers, for the present, be the same as that of the officers in the present Continental Army; and in case of pay of the officers in the army is augmented, the pay of the officers in these battalions shall, in like manner, be augmented from the time of their engaging in the service.
     A copy of the above resolutions was laid before the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, Oct. 13th, 1775, with the following official letter of transmittal.:

MORE TO COME:  (Note:   I am trying to get troops' names on here as it is the most important in genealogy research.  I will include all other things as time allows.  ~ Sharon Wick, Owner & Editor of Genealogy Express.









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William Alexander (Lord Stirlilng)....... Colonel
William Winds....................................... Lieutenant Colonel
William D'Hart...................................... Major
Alexander Clough.................................. Adjutant
Matthias Halsted.................................... Quartermaster
Aaron Ogden.......................................... Paymaster
William M. Barnet................................. Surgeon

     Colonel William Alexander (Lord Stirling), promoted Brigadier General, Continental Army.
     Lieutenant Colonel William Winds, promoted Colonel.
     Matthias Ogden, appointed Lieutenant Colonel.
     Quartermaster Matthias Halsted, resigned.
     Leonidas Chapin, appointed Quartermaster.

First Company:

Joseph Morris....................................... Captain.
Daniel Baldwin.................................... First Lieutenant
Daniel Brown....................................... Second Lieutenant
Jonathan F. Morris............................... Ensign

Second Company

Silas Howell........................................ Captain
John Mercer......................................... First Lieutenant

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Richard Johnson.................................. Second Lieutenant
Jacob Kemper..................................... Ensign.

Third Company

John Conway........................................ Captain
Lewis J. Costigin.................................. First Lieutenant
Peter V. Voorhies................................. Second Lieutenant
Francis Costigin.................................... Ensign

Fourth Company

John Polhemus...................................... Captain
John Van Anglen................................... First Lieutenant
Samuel Axford...................................... Second Lieutenant
Thomas Sickles..................................... Ensign

Fifth Company

Joseph Meeker...................................... Captain
Yellis (or Giles) Mead......................... First Lieutenant
Archibald Dallas................................... Second Lieutenant
George Ross.......................................... Ensign

Sixth Company:

Andrew M'Mires................................... Captain
Isaac Morrison....................................... First Lieutenant
Alexander Clough.................................. Second Lieutenant
Jacob Piatt.............................................. Ensign

Seventh Company:

Daniel Piatt........................................... Captain
Hendrick Fisher..................................... First Lieutenant
John Flahavin........................................ Second Lieutenant
Cyrus D'Hart.......................................... Ensign

Eighth Company:

Elias Longstreet.................................... Captain
Curtenius Schenck................................. First Lieutenant
John Holmes.......................................... Second Lieutenant
Abraham Lane....................................... Ensign

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First Lieutenant Lewis J. Costigin, retired.
Second Lieutenant Alexander Clough, promoted Adjutant
Second Lieutenant Peter V. Voorhies, promoted First Lieutenant.
Ensign Matthias Halsted, promoted Quartermaster.
Ensign John Mercer, promoted First Lieutenant
Ensign John Van Anglen, promoted First Lieutenant.
Robert Robertson, appointed Second Lieutenant.
Cyrus D'Hart, appointed Ensign.
Jacob Kemper, appointed Ensign.
Jonathan F. Morris, appointed Ensign.

     On the 10th day of November, 1775, six companies - all that were completed - of the First and Second Battalions, were ordered to garrison the fort in the Highlands, on the Hudson river.  On November 27th, the rest of the two battalions were ordered into barracks near New York.  On the 8th of December, both battalions were ordered into the city of New York, and on the 26th of said month, the deputy muster-master there was ordered to muster them.  On the 10th of January, 1776, three companies were ordered to report to Colonel Nathaniel Heard, (First Battalion Middlesex Militia), in command of "Minute Men," for duty in arresting tories and disaffected persons in Queens county, New York.  The rest of the battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Winds commanding, were stationed at Perth Amboy and Elizabethtown, New Jersey, until May, 1776. On the 3d of May, with the Third Battalion, they left New York to join an expedition to Canada, and, having been joined by the Second Battalion, took an active part in the operations before Quebec.  At a later day the First and Second Battalions were ordered into barracks at Ticonderoga, and remained at that station until directed by General Sullivan, November 5th, 1776. to return to New Jersey for discharge.

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Silas Howell........................................ Captain
William Maxwell................................. Colonel
Israel Shreve........................................ Lieutenant Colonel
David Rhea.......................................... Major.
Ephraim Anderson................................ Adjutant.
Buddle Shinn........................................ Quartermaster.
William Shute....................................... Paymaster
James Holmes....................................... Surgeon
Abraham Appleton................................ Surgeon's Mate.

     Quartermaster Buddle Shinn, declined.


First Company

William Faulkner................................. Captain
James Dillon........................................ First Lieutenant.
Nathaniel Bowman............................... Second Lieutenant.
John Sparks.......................................... Ensign.

Second Company

Joseph Brearley.................................... Captain.
Thomas Yard........................................ First Lieutenant.
Jonathan Phillips.................................. Second Lieutenant.
Thomas Ryerson................................... Ensign.

Third Company

James Lawrie....................................... Captain
John Hollinshead.................................. First Lieutenant.
James Ashman...................................... Second Lieutenant.
Samuel Hendry..................................... Ensign

Fourth Company.

William Shute....................................... Captain.
Henry Fries........................................... First Lieutenant.
Jeremiah Smith..................................... Second Lieutenant
William Parrot...................................... Ensign

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Fifth Company.

Richard Howell.................................... Captain
John N. Cumming.................................. First Lieutenant.
Seth Bowen........................................... Second Lieutenant.
Samuel Neglee...................................... Ensign.

Sixth Company.

John B. Scott......................................... Captain.
James Maxwell..................................... First Lieutenant
John Higgins......................................... Second Lieutenant
Francis Duclos...................................... Ensign.

Seventh Company.

Joseph Stout.......................................... Captain.
Samuel Reading.................................... First Lieutenant.
Ephraim Anderson................................ Second Lieutenant.
Aaron Lane............................................ Ensign.

Eighth Company.

Archibald Shaw................................... Captain.
Henry Luce........................................... First Lieutenant.
William Helms..................................... Second Lieutenant.
George Reynolds.................................. Ensign.


Captain William Faulkner, died.
Captain Richard Howell, appointed Brigade Major.
Captain William Shute, appointed Paymaster.
Captain John B. Scott, died.
First Lieutenant James Dillon, promoted Captain.
Second Lieutenant Ephraim Anderson, appointed Adjutant.
Second Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowman, promoted First Lieutenant.
Second Lieutenant James Ashman, died.
Second Lieutenant John Higgins, died.
Ensign John Sparks, promoted Second Lieutenant.
Ensign Thomas Ryerson, promoted Second Lieutenant.
Ensign Samuel Hendry, promoted Second Lieutenant.
Shamuel Shute, appointed Ensign.
Andrew Bankson, appointed Ensign.
John Shreve, appointed Ensign.

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     The movements of this battalion in 1775 have previously been given.  On the 8th of January, 1776, it was ordered to Albany, to report to General Schuyler.  The want of sufficient arms and clothing delayed the march of the battalion.


     The authority for the organization of the Third Battalion is given in the followiong minute from the proceedings of Continental Congress, January 10th, 1776:









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Congress, upon receiving certicates as above, are required to make out and deliver.
     "And it is hereby recommended to the inhabitants of this Colony to be aiding and assisting, as far as their influence extends, in raising the aforesaid levies.
     "By order of the Congress.

"SAMUEL TUCKER, President.

     "Attested:  WILLIAM PATTERSON, Secretary

     On the same day, the Provincial Congress unanimously recommended the proper persons for field officers of this battalion.  The same gentlemen were elected by Continental Congress, February 9th.



Silas Howell........................................ Captain



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