
Chautauqua County Courthouse, Mayville, NY |

Barcelona Lighthouse, Chautauqua County, NY

Historical Barcelona Lighthouse, Chautauqua County, NY |

St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Fredonia, NY |

Dunkirk & Fredonia Telephone Building serving Chautauqua Co.,
Fredonia, NY |

Map of Jamestown, NY
Click on image to make it larger. |

Junior & Senior High School, Jamestown, NY |

East Third & N. Main Street, Jamestown, NY |

These 2 buildings located on Main Street were built in 1878. |

Hotel Jamestown, Jamestown, NY
@ Third & Cherry Streets |
Franklin Street, Sherman, NY (THEN) |

Franklin Street, Sherman, NY (NOW 2015)
It is amazing that those two houses are still there. ~ SW
<<<<< Click picture to make it larger |

Silver Creek, NY
Click on map to make larger |

Patterson Library, Westfield, NY |