

New York Genealogy Express


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Source: Daily National Intelligencer
Dated: May 30, 1831
     A young man who taught school in Palmyra, Wayne county, New York, was lately hoaxed by a traveller who told him of a rich old man in Ohio, who had a daughter, half Indian, and that he would give a barrel of dollars to any white man who would marry her.  He wrote a letter to the old gentleman, which was answered by a young man in the secret, and teh schoolmaster visited Ohio, was introduced to an elderly man, and after midnight informed of the joke, which sent him home with a heavy heart.
     There are four candidates for the representation of the district in Vermont, lately represented by Mr. MALLARY.  They are William SLADE and Robert B. BATES of Middlebury, and William TEMPLE and Charles WILLIAMS of Rutland.
Source:  Albany Evening Journal - Albany New York - Vol. 15 - Issue 4503 - Page 2
Dated:  Jan. 23, 1845
     The WARREN TRAGEDY, the public will be interested to learn, seems now likely to be fully revealed.  The trial of Peter Parke, indicted as one of the actors in the wholesale butchery, terminated at Belvidere on Friday in the verdict of Guilty.  The case was committed after a long and patient investigation and full argument, in a clear and able charge by Judge Nevious, and the jury was only out about five hours.  The verdict is, we hear, in perfect accordance with public sentiment in Warren county.  Thus two of the murderers, Joseph Carter, Jr. and Peter Parke, his cousin, are identified and stand committed.  Abner Parke, either the father or the uncle of Peter, was tried immediately before on one indictment, and acquitted by the Jury, though circumstances were strongly against him, in consequence of an alibi insisted on by some witnesses - his daughters, we believe - from his own family.  Since that acquittal, farther testimony has been obtained, and he has been brought up and charged under one of the other indictments - for fortunately the Grand Jury found an indictment against each of the prisoners for each of the four persons murdered - so that it is believed his participation in the dreadful tragedy will yet be fully established.  He will be tried at the February term - some three weeks hence - Newark Daily Adv.
Source: Weekly Herald - New York
Dated: Jul. 10, 1852
The Cholera on Board the Steamship Philadelphia - Names of those who died on board &c.
     The steamship Marion, Capt. Berry, arrived on Tuesday from Charleston, whence she sailed on Saturday evening last.
     She brings us the particulars of the ravages of the cholera on board the steamship Philadelphia.
     KEY WEST, FLORIDA, June 30, 1852.
     The steamer Philadelphia, McGowan, is here in quarantine, having the cholera among her passengers, several of whom have died since the departure of the steamer from Aspinwall.  The authorities of Havana would not permit the Philadelphia to remain in the harbor sufficient time for coaling; she was therefore obliged to put into this port, where she arrived on Monday, the 28th inst.  The Island of Sand Key, distant from this place some nine miles, has been assigned to Capt. McGowan by Lieutenant Mende, U. S. A., as a place of retreat until further arrangements can be made.  The steamer is there at anchor, and the well passengers are now being landed on the Key.  The hull of the brig Emeline has been purchased for the accommodation of those sick.  The steamer will be thoroughly purified and cleansed, but will not be able to proceed on her voyage to New Orleans until the arrival of a vessel with coal, she having at present on board only forty tons.  No communication has been held with the steamer, save through the port physician.  Water, fuel, medicines, and every necessary, have been furnished in large quantities, and every facility afforded the steamer compatible with the circumstances of the case.  Great praise is due to Captain McGowan for the energy and gentlemanlike deportment that have characterized him since his arrival in our port.  By a letter received from E. H. Mitchell, Esq., the Purser of the Philadelphia, dated the 28th inst., I learn the following additional particulars: -
     The disease first made its appearance as we made Cape Antonio, at eleven o'clock on the 26th ult., and seemed to come from the island with the land breeze, as when this breeze was first felt, a general languor came over a large number of those on board; and those who died first were immediately taken with vomiting and purging.  The disease has very much abated, and I hope that on the morrow when we all get ashore on our little sandy home, the health of those who have thus far been spared, will be continued to them; and that those who are now sick, (of which there are some eight or ten) will speedily be restored.
     The pilot boat Euphemia has been chartered by twelve of the passengers, to carry them to Mobile.  The Empire City stopped at Sand Key yesterday morning, with a supply of ice and fresh provisions; but theses were declined by Captain McGowan
     The following list, obtained from the Purser, will show the names of all the passengers, together with the number of deaths, and the names of those who have fallen victims to the disease: -



Mrs. Nelson and daughter
L. A. Middleton
S. Osterie
Wm. Pittsford
S. T. Goodwin,
J. B. Clark
Wm. McLain
, of Mo., died June 26, boy,
D. Wilson
H. B. Cook,
of Ky, died June 26
T. E. Ridley of Tenn., died June 27
G. W. Jackson
W. J. Jackson
, of Tenn., died June 27,
J. Bonsell
D. C. Smith
P. R. Smith
G. W. Burkhart
Wm. Morrow,
of Ark., died June 27
A. G. McNeely
R. D. Coleman
Jno. T. Pea
Wm. Moreland
Wm. Felton
P. M. Box
E. F. Bogeman
T. H. Brown
B. Gainer
A. Murphy
Thos. Abels
A. Roundtree
, of Mo., died June 27,
Mr. Gettel
Mr. Anderson
A. Harrell
J. Deed
H. Hendrickson
S. Thomas
E. Beeson
A. Clark
H. Mitchell
Philo Alden
Jno. Schubert
Chas. McDonnell and boy,
H. Shelly
W. S. Barrett
C. Jacobs
M. Gilvery
M. McGinnis
J. T. Metcalf
and friend
M. Kerr
W. Kerr
L. G. Aspers
J. Gilliny
Ned Martin
J. P. Barrie


Henry Gonpillo, of New York, died June 27.
Mr. Doubeski
Mrs. Doubeski
, of New York, died June 27
Walter Mumford
Mr. Bacon
J. S. Jones
F. Bernt
L. F. Jones
Wm. Fitch
E. Osgood
Mr. Walters and brother, L. Wilcoxin, of Kentucky,
died June 28.
B. Millian
Wm. Ellison
D. McCoy
P. L. Bastelle
J. McCasky
H. Wasson
T. Nelson
S. L.  Wheeler
Joseph Rock
Samuel Gibson
D. Short
H. Shurburne
Wm. Gibson
M. L. Bost
W. J. Davis
Mr. Coch_
James Austin
R. B. McCutcheon
D. M. McCutcheon
J. Stanley
L. Vanderberg
Wm. Smith
J. R. Russell
Wm. Russell
J. O. Russell
Charles Pesser
R. C. Conner
L. Russell
H. King
Thomas Coffman
J. Donnald
M. Murphey
D. Mahan
H. Sullivan
R. Cornelius
Thomas Moraud
J. Kinsler
M. Dunnegan
P. Kinsley
Thomas Murray
Richard Wear
S. Johnson
S. Hnds
S. R. Patten
H. Patten
R. Carey
Joseph Grennan,
of New York, died June 27
P. Grennan
Mr. Hudson
D. T. Mulnir
J. Aldrich
H. Dyer
J. H. Stewart
J. Dyer
F. Blaisdell
H. Slacker
William Hutton,
of Iowa, died June 27
E. Fennell, of Iowa, died June 27
Thomas McGowan
Pat Hurley, 2d
, of Cork, Ireland, died June 28
John Whalen
John Maxwell
, of Scotland, died June 25
James Donovan
Barney Brady
John Cowls
Mr. Story and son
Dr. Gallier
E. H. Haywood
, of N. Carolina, died June 27
J. W. Clarke
James Scott
Wm. Doby
J. N. Doby
H. C. Dow
Daniel Hazelton
D. B. Mosely
A. M. Mitchell
, of Mo., died June 26
P. M. Barber
A. Corille
of New York, died June 26
J. R. Casey
J. Phillips
G. W. Owens
W. B. Grimes
A. W. Craigmiles
J. Barton
F. Denan?
J. Totten
W. Ordway
J. P. Tyffe
J. P. McAdams
P. Hickey
C. B. Wright
M. Hall and son
H. D. Frederick
N. B. Webster
Andrew J. Jones
, of Illinois, died June 23,
F. Mayer
J. Dunnegan
F. Preston
J. Preston
B. Dunnegan
E. P. Bassette
, of New York, died June 27
Mr. Bermes
E. Dunning
Isaac Morris
C. A. Gardiner
J. Peeks
C. H. Field
, of New York, died June 27
T. H. Goodman
W. Elliott
W. A. Wood
W. Anderson
A. McFerley
H. Saunders
, of Bremen, died June 28
G. Ulevey
J. W. James
J. C. Tompkins
C. H. Parker
A. Wait
D. C. Bellows
John Shurbir?
Adam Smallback
James Pappa
Pat Kavanagh,
of New York, died June 24
Thomas Foley
, of New York, died June 26
John Newton
R. Thompson, 1st
R. Thompson, 2d
Richard O'Neal
Pat Hurley, 1st
P. Callan
James Grogan
M. Colehan
P. Murphy
M. McDermot
James Broderick
John Colins
Dennis Buckley
W. S. Belser
Wm. Pierce
Mr. Mills
Mr. Clark
Mr. Augustus
J. DeGarro
Mr. Louis
Mr. Frossartr
Mr. Alexander
F. Pichauis
Wm. Lord
Wm. O. Brien
M. Carroll
J. C. Clark


C. Gonzales
Mr. Delgardo
V. Alvanas, of Austria, died June 27


Lewis Baelius, of New Orleans June 26  
Jesse Sinnet, of New York do 26  
Patrick Somers     do do 27  
John Paschell        do do 27  
Edward Rogers       do do 27  
M. McSweeney     do do 27  
Michael Mullen     do do 28  

     All of the above were waiters, with the exception of McSweeney, who acted in the capacity of barber.
     Ira Burdsal, Esq., mail agent in charge of the California Mals, of June 1st, died on the 27th.
     Total number of deaths up to 6 o'clock, P. M. June 28, 32.
     Andrew J. Jones, Pat Kavanagh, John Maxwell, and Thomas Foley died of the Chagres or Isthmus fever - the remainder, of cholera.

Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH)  Page: 6
Dated: Thursday, Apr. 8, 1875
A Prisoner with a Dead Keeper Refuses to Escape, and Informs the Authorities.

From the New York Commercial Advertiser, March 30.
     One of the particulars surrounding the death of Solomon Purdy, keeper of the Harlem Prison, who dropped dead upon seeing Kate Nugent, a prisoner, attempt to burn herself to death by setting fire to her bed, is deserving of mention.  This Kate Nugent is the daughter of a man once well known in Manhattanville as a politician.  At one-time he was worth $15,000 or $10,000, and was looked up as a reputable citizen.  But, becoming addicted to drink, he squandered his property, and his family, becoming reduced, all took to drink.  Kate, his daughter, has spent from ten to eleven months of each year, for the past four years, in the Penitentiary.  As soon as one term would expire she would go on a debauch, be arrested and sentenced again.  Last Saturday she was released from the Penitentiary, but, getting drunk on Sunday, was arraigned yesterday morning, and sentenced to two months.  Her unhappy fate seemed to discourage her, and last evening she endeavored to hang herself.  She was discovered before doing herself any great injury, and was removed to a cell, where it was thought she would not be able to repeat the attempt on her life.  The keeper, Prudy, was in conversation with a prisoner, and observing a light from the cell in which Kate was confined, he proceeded in company with the prisoner, to ascertain its cause.  She had set fire to her bed, and her clothing was all aflame.  The spectacle was so horrifying that Purdy dropped to the floor.  The prisoner took him in his arms, but in a minute he was dead.  The prisoner, who is under $5,000 bail on a charge of false pretenses, instead of escaping, as he might, by taking the keys from the dead man, placed the body on the floor, and went around in One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street to the Twelfth police station, informed the officers what had occurred, and with them returned to the prison, where he permitted himself to be locked up again.  This is one of the most singular occurrences in police history, and seems to go to show that the prisoner is innocent of the offense with which he is charged.  The woman Nugent did herself no injury, and is not at all moved by the terrible death she caused the keeper.
Source: Jackson Citizen - Jackson, MI - pg. 7
Dated July 18, 1882
Death of Dr. Powers.
     Dr. George B. Powers, of Spring Arbor, May 22, 1882, of heart disease, while temporarily absent from home in Larimore, Grand Forks county, D. G.  The remains were brought to Adrian for interment.  Dr. Powers was born Oct. 6th, 1800, in Casanovia, Madison county, N. Y.  When but 9 years of age he united with the Presbyterian church, of which he was ever a consistent, and honored member.  He was married in 1825, received his diploma in 1827 at Fairfield, Herkimer county, N. Y. and commenced his arduous life work.  In 1886 he became a member of the Monroe County Medical society, of Rochester, N. Y., and for twenty years or more continued to practice in the town of Ogden, where he made many warm friends and where he buried his mother, wife and four children.  In 1855 he was again married and leaves a wife to mourn his sudden departure.  Dr. Powers removed to Michigan in 1871, and for the past eight years has been a resident of Spring Arbor, Jackson county.  Although a man of modest pretentions, one more self-sacrificing or more loyal to duty is seldom found.  "Tis said the fragrance of a good life endures forever, and is more convincing than argument, more eloquent than oratory, more persuasive than fine rhetoric and is it own best eulogy.
Source: Irish World
Dated: Aug. 27, 1892
John BLAUVELT, of Blauveltville, N. Y., _at his hand in the feed box in the stable and was badly bitten by a rat.  He thought nothing of it at the time, but it became a severe wound and he is suffering intense pain.  His hand and entire arm are terribly swollen and blood poisoning may ensue.
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH)  Page: 6
Dated: Saturday, Sept. 30, 1893
     Dr. S. Handler
, a well-known physician of Newburg, has been appointed superintendent of the Jewish Orphan Asylum, at Rochester, N. Y., and he removed to that city with his family on Thursday.  The Rochester asylum is as yet in its infancy, having been founded but  few years ago.  It is controlled by the Hebrews of Rochester, Syracuse, and Buffalo, and has about thirty children.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source: New York Herald (New York, NY)  Issue: 275  Page: 9
Dated: Oct. 2, 1895
Both Women Tossed from Their Wagon Into the Air and One Subsequently Decapitated.
     There was a fatal accident yesterday morning on the Jamesburg branch of the Pennsylvania Railraod at Monmouth Junction, a few miles from New Brunswick.
     Mrs. Clara Buckalew, fifty-five years old, and her niece, Miss Griggs, both of Monmouth Junction, were driving across the tracts of the road when they were run into by a fast train for Pennsylvania.
     Mrs. Buckalew was driving the horse and she did not notice the train until it was almost upon her.  The horse seemed to be terror stricken at the sight of the train, and stood still on the track.
Both women were thrown a considerable distance, Miss Griggs falling in front of the train.  The train ran over Miss Griggs, decapitating her.  When Mrs. Buckalew was picked up she was dead.
     Both women were returning home after visiting Dayton, where they had been with farm produce.  There are no gates at the crossing where the two women were run down, and it is alleged that the engineer of the locomotive did not blow his whistle warning persons that he was nearing the crossing.
     The carriage was smashed into splinters, but the horse was just beyond the track and escaped uninjured.  The harness was torn to bits and the animal dashed home.
     Isaac Schenck
, who was driving not far behind Miss Buckalew and Miss Griggs, is authority for the statement that no warning was given them that a train was approaching.
     The train hands, after the accident, picked up the bodies of the two women and removed them from the track.  The county authorities at New Brunswick were notified and an inquest will be held.
     Miss Griggs, who was about seventeen years of age, was the daughter of Matthew Griggs.


     RUTHERFORD, N. J., Oct. 1, 1895 - While crossing the tracks of the Erie Railway at Rutherford to-night the Rev. S. Y. Lum, a Presbyterian clergyman, was instantly killed by an express train from Jersey City.  The deceased was about sixty-five years old, and deaf, but had almost cleared the track when he was struck and thrown a hundred feet.
     Mr. Lum was well known in the southern part of the State and filled a pulpit at Mays Landing a short time ago.  He had lived recently in East Rutherford, where he leaves a widow.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Source:  Springfield Republican
Dated: Sept. 30, 1909
     Joseph Webb,
a negro 46 years old, was arrested at New York Tuesday by central office detectives, charged with the murder of John Osmond at Stonecrusher, Ct., ( Connecticut ) on January 4, 1909.  Webb admitted his identity, and said he was in teh vicinity of the murder at the time it was committed, but denied any part in it.
     State Attorney F. D. Haines of Middleton, Ct., under whose direction the murder was investigated, is somewhat mystified at the arrest.  On the 10th he received word from the New York police that one Joseph Webb, a negro, had been arrested there after confessing to the Asman murder.  The police made inquiries and were told that Joseph Webb, a negro arrested in New York, had committed suicide in his cell without making a confession of any kind.
Source: Springfield Republican - Massachusetts
Dated: Dec. 2, 1917

ALMOST WORTH A MILLION - Starting With Nothing Mrs. Walker Amassed a Fortune in the Hair Tonic Business.
     A genius for business is the possession of no particular race, creed or color.  The case of Mrs. Sarah J. Walker, the wealthiest Negro woman in New York, proves this clearly.  She is now worth almost a million made in the hair tonic business, and she is building a $250,000 home in Irvington-on-the-Hudson.  That she is able to do this is to be attributed to her business a____ and common sense.
     The story of her success reminds one of the Alger books wherein the hero gets his start by selling newspapers, and ends up by marrying the daughter of his wealthy employer.  Mrs. Walker's cases, however, the start was made over the washtub.  She was born 49 years ago, was married at the age of 11 and was left a widow at 20, with a little daughter to support.  Twelve years ago she was a washerwoman and considered a very good one.  At times she also did cooking, but work as hard as she would she could never earn more than $1.50 a day.
     How she got her start is best told by herself.  "I was a my tubs one morning with a heavy wash before me.  As I bent over the washboard and looked at my arms buried in soapsuds, I said to myself: What are you going to do when you grow old and your back gets stiff?  Who is going to take care of your little girl?'  This set me to thinking, but with all my thinking I couldn't see how I, a poor washerwoman, was going to better my condition.
     "Now comes the part of my story that may sound strange, but it is the ____truth.  One night I had a dream, and something told me to start in the business in which I am now engaged.  This I did.  I went to Denver, Col. and began my business career on a capital of $1.25.  I began, of course, in a most modest way.  I made house-to-house canvassed among people of my race, and after a while I got along pretty well, though I naturally encountered many obstacles and discouragements before I finally met with real success.  I am not believe in taking chances, and I have never played the stock market.  I was not a millionaire, but I hope to be some day, not because of the money, but because I could do so much then to help my race.
     Mrs. Walker truly is helping her race for she is paying the expenses of six students at Tus___ institute and she is assisting Negroes in other institutions to get an education.  She numbers among her friends Negro professors, teachers, physicians, lawyers, merchants and preachers, and also has many friends among the poor of the race.  She is self-educated and has developed a remarkable taste for ancient history.
     Although she has made money in her hair tonic business, she has also made it through good investments, especially in real estate.  The home that she is now building also represents a good investment, from her point of view.  The site is in the most exclusive part of Irvington village, and commands a magnificent view of the Hudson and the surrounding country.
     The house itself has been designed by a Negro architect.  It is a three-story and basement affair with roof of red tile, and is in the Italian renaissance style of architecture.  Plans for furnishing the house call for bronze and marble statuary, cut glass candelabra, paintings and tapestries and other luxurious objects.  The grounds around the house will be laid out ion a similarly elaborate plan.  A sunken Italian garden will be one feature.  Nearby is the garage with apartments for the chauffeur and gardener.  Mrs. Walker maintains four automobiles.



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