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A Descriptive Work on
Edited by
Daniel E. Wager
The Boston History Company, Publishers
DR. A. A. HUNT, is the owner and
proprietor of the Verona Springs House, and Isadora
B. Payne is the conductor and manager. This is
a noted summer resort, having accommodations for about
eighty guests. The celebrated Verona Mineral
Springs are located on the hotel grounds; these springs
have long been noted for their valuable medical
properties. This hotel is, perhaps, one of the
oldest of its kind in the country, having a reputation
that has been increasing for over half a century.
It is unsurpassed in location and surroundings, and is
one of the pleasantest and best kept summer resorts in
Oneida county, in addition to the valuable curative
properties of its celebrated mineral springs.
Mrs. Dr. Hunt has owned the property for many years.
Source: Our County and It's People - A
Descriptive Work on Oneida County, New York, Edited by
Daniel E. Wager, Published by The Boston History
Company, 1896 - Part III - Page 291 |

James G. Hunt |
D. HUNT, M. D.
The ancestry of Dr. James G. Hunt, of Utica,
belongs to the "Northampton line" and is traced backward
through several generations to Rev. Robert Hunt
and Jonathan Hunt, who emigrated to America from
Northampton, England, in the year 1660, and settled in
Connecticut. It is claimed by many of the family
that there were four (some say three) brothers who came
to this country together. Jonathan
afterward settled in what is now Northampton, Mass., and
Rev. Robert in the township of New London, Conn.
Among their descendants was Timothy Hunt, who was
a soldier in the war of the Revolution under General
Abercrombie in an attack on Fort Ticonderoga, and
who finally located in Tryon county (now Florida,
Montgomery county), N. Y., where he died. During
the Revolutionary period Timothy Hunt and his
family were among the sufferers by the Tories and
Indians under the leadership of William Butler
and Joseph Brant, a Mohawk sachem. On the
morning of Nov. 12, 1778, after the Indians had
accomplished the destruction of Cherry Valley and the
surrounding country, they finally reached the settlement
of Chucktenunde Creek, in the town of Florida.
Mr. Hunt's buildings were burned and most of his
stock was killed, the remainder escaping to the forest,
while himself and family were saved by concealing
themselves in a neighboring ravine, closely filled with
elders, willows, and thick underbrush. His wife,
Susanna Vermilia, was of French descent, and of
their ten children - five sons and five daughters -
Isaac, who was born in Florida, Montgomery county,
married Polly Kinney, of the same place.
Rev. Robert Hunt, 2d, son of this Isaac and
grandfather of Dr. James G., was born in that
town Nov. 25, 1792, being one of twelve children.
He married Margaret Johnson of Columbia, Herkimer
county, N. Y., and began preaching in the Free Will
Baptist denomination as soon as he reached manhood,
first in Warren, Herkimer county, and afterward in
Columbia, Schuyler Lake, Whitmantown and Southville.
In 1852 he removed to Troy, O., and in 1853 to China,
Wyoming county, N. Y., where he remained twelve years.
His health failed and he subsequently made his home in
Hudson, Mich. In 1871 he came to the home of his
son, Dr. Isaac J. Hunt, of Utica, where he died
Dec. 7, 1872. Rev. Robert Hunt had ten
children, five of whom were sons, and all of them became
physicians. One of these, Dr. Isaac J. Hunt,
father of Dr. James G., was born in Warren,
Herkimer county, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1820, and married
Mary, daughter of John Ingersoll, a farmer
and manufacturer of Ilion, Herkimer county, N. Y.
He was graduated from the Castleton (Vt.) Medical
College, became a successful physician, and practiced
his profession for nearly thirty years in the city of
Utica, where he died Jan. 25, 1875. He had two
sons: Dr. James G., the subject of this sketch,
and Loton S., who was born in Utica in 18542,
read law and was admitted to the bar, and was appointed
by President Harrison United States consul to
Guelph, Canada, whence he was subsequently transferred
to Palmerston, Ontario, Canada, where he still resides
and officiates in that capacity.
Dr. James G. Hunt was born in Litchfield,
Herkimer county, N. Y., on the 21st of June, 1845.
His boyhood experience was not materially different from
that of a large majority of American youths, though he
was fortunate in being able to devote nearly the whole
of his early life to study. Beginning with
the district school he continued until he was graduated
from the Utica Free Academy at a comparatively early
age. Shortly afterward he became assistant
bookkeeper in the Ilion Bank at Ilion, N. Y., and
remained there for a year or more, until 1866, when he
accepted a desirable position in the Utica post-office.
In1 867 he went to Buffalo as bookkeeper for Andrews
& Whitney, with whom he remained one year.
Returning to Utica in 1868 he began preparation in his
father's office for the profession that was to be his
life work. Indeed it may be said that he grew up
surrounded by the atmosphere of the medical profession.
After about four years of industrious study under the
careful instruction of his father he entered the medical
department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor,
where he took two courses of lectures and a course in
the laboratory of analytical and applied chemistry.
These were followed by a third course in the Jefferson
Medical College in Philadelphia, from which he was
graduated on the 13th of March, 1871. At the time
of his graduation one of the daily papers spoke of him
as follows. "He received the largest number of
diplomas for clinical instruction in medicine and
surgery from the Quiz Association connected with
Jefferson Medical College of any one oin his class."
During the same year (1871) he attended a course of
clinical lectures in the Philadelphia Hospital (Blockley),
and also a course of lectures in anatomy, operative
surgery, bandaging, and fractures in the Philadelphia
School of Anatomy.
Returning to Utica Dr. Hunt entered immediately
into practice in association with his father. This
partnership continued until 1874, since which time he
has practiced alone, meeting with an unusual degree of
success. In attempting to note the elements of
this success it may, perhaps, be justly said that they
consist chiefly of a thorough knowledge of his
profession, gained by persistent and judicious study,
supplemented by constant reading of the later
developments that have been recorded throughout the
range of medical literature, coupled with a temperament
and manner which happily fit him for his work. His
capacity for professional labor is almost unbounded, and
he never spares his energies in his devotion to his
Dr. Hunt's professional standing as well as the
position he occupies in the community, may be judged to
a certain extent by the various calls that have been
made upon him to stations of honor and responsibility.
He is a member of the Delta Phi Society, Iota Chapter of
the University of Michigan, 1869, and of the Jefferson
Medical College Alumni Association, 1871; was made a
member of the Oneida County Medical Society on Oct. 7,
1872; is a member of the Utica Medical Library
Association and was its president in 1886; was elected a
member of the Oneida County Microscopical Society on
June 19, 1881; is a member of the American Medical
Association and the New York State Medical Association,
and was chosen a member of the American Public Health
Association on Dec. 7, 1880; was appointed by Gov. A.
B. Cornell as commissioner of the State Board of
Health and served from 1880 to 1885; is physician to and
one of the incorporators of the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children, organized Feb. 1,
1881; is a life member and trustee of the Utica
Mechanics Association; was appointed surgeon of the
Board of United States Pension Examiners on Mar. 30,
1889; was made a trustee of the Utica Female Academy on
Feb. 6, 1888, and still holds that position; and is a
director of teh Globe Woolen Mills. Dr. Hunt
has also taken a deep interest in fraternal
organizations and is prominent as a mason, having taken
the 32, and is also a member of the Mystic Shrine, and
an Odd Fellow. It is much to his professional
credit that he was chosen a surgeon for the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company in 185, The New
York, Ontario and Western Railway in 1886, and is acting
in that capacity at the present time; he also held a
similar position on the New York, West Shore and Buffalo
Railroad from 1886 to 1889. On May 2, 1891, eh was
elected a member of the National Association of Railway
Surgeons and on Mar. 8, 1892, a member of the New York
State Association of Railway Surgeons. He was
physician and surgeon in charge of the Masonic Home at
Utica from its opening until two years ago, when a
medical staff was formed, since which time he has been
chairman of the executive committee of the staff.
He has also filled the posts of chief surgeon in Faxton
Hospital (1880 to 1886) and surgeon at St. Luke's
Hospital (1883 to 1893) and St. Elizabeth's Hospital
(1888 to 1894), and is now surgeon on the staff of
Faxton Hospital. He has held the rank of first
lieutenant in the 44th Separate Company National Guard
and assistant surgeon of that organization, and was
president of the Utica Citizens Corps in 1886, 1887, and
1888. It is just to say that in all these various
positions Dr. Hunt has shown his fitness and
capacity for the capable discharge of their duties and
earned the respect and esteem of those with whom he has
been associated.
In politics Dr. Hunt is a Republican. In
November, 1873, he was appointed, by Gov. John A. Dix,
coroner of Oneida county to fill a vacancy and was
elected to that office three consecutive terms, serving
in all nearly ten years. On June 12, 1874, he was
appointed health officer of the city of Utica, in which
capacity he served most efficiently for nearly twenty
years. In passing the Civil Service examination
for that position the Albany Evening Argus of Aug. 18,
1885, said: "Health officer Hunt, of Utica, was
one of the three highest who passed the Civil Service
examination, his standing being 92 9-10 out of a
possible 100. The doctor is an adept at
determining knotty questions, and his brilliant record
is no more than might be expected."
Other newspapers, in commencing at length upon his
record as a health officer, etc., said:
"As health officer he ranks among the first in the
State of New York."
"He has also contributed largely to the annual reports
of the State Board of Health articles of great interest
on public matters. Among his best efforts in this
respect is his report as chairman of the Committee on
Public Institutions in the first annual report of the
State Board of Health of New York for the year 1880.
This is a very lengthy report, and the doctor presents
the results attained in one of the largest and most
useful public buildings, the New York State Hospital, in
a very able and scientific manner, touching upon the
system of ventilation, heating, drainage, and water
In the second annual report of the State Board of
Health of New York, for the year 1881, as chairman of
the Committee on Public Institutions, Dr. Hunt is
thus spoken of in the introduction: "He presents an
outline of results of personal inspection and exact
inquiry in to the present condition and sanitary wants
of school-houses, as shall fitly serve the purposes of
the board to institute and induce needed sanitary
improvements in our school houses and in the schools
themselves, and at the same time to suggest and
stimulate local concern in this matter."
"His lectures to the school
of nurses at St. Luke's Hospital, of Utica, for the past
number of years have been very instructive to the
nurses, and have been read by thousands of those who
have made public health a study; he is known far and
near throughout the United States on all questions
pertaining to public health."
In 1887, Dr. hunt was strongly urged for the
mayoralty of the city of Utica, and received the
unanimous nomination of the convention, but for personal
reasons was compelled to decline the honor.
On the 28th of January, 1874, Dr. Hunt was
married to Miss Ella R. Middleton, daughter of
Robert Middleton, president and superintendent of
the Globe Woolen Company of Utica. They have four
children: Gertrude May, Mabel Lillian, Robert
Middleton, and Ella Louisa.
Source: Our County and It's People - A
Descriptive Work on Oneida County, New York, Edited by
Daniel E. Wager, Published by The Boston History
Company, 1896 - Part II - Page 18 |

Myron W. Hunt |
was born on the family homestead at Lairdsville, in the
town of Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y., on the 24th
of March, 1857. His ancestors were New Englanders, who
for several years had exerted a notable influence in the
civil and business life of the colonies. Capt.
William Hunt, the grand father of Dr.
Hunt, was born in Vermont, but removed in early
life to Sharon, Conn., where he followed the trade of
tanner and currier. In the winter of 1813-14 he moved
with his family to Westmoreland, Oneida county, where he
settled upon a farm on which he died in 1843, at the age
of seventy-three. Here he followed both tanning
and farming. Coming here when the country was new
he experienced all the privations incident to pioneer
life, but he never faltered in the hard work necessary
in clearing his farm and prosecuting his trade.
Soon after his arrival he was called with his company to
Sackett's Harbor, where he was stationed as captain
during the war of 1812-15. The sword he carried on that
occasion is now in the possession of his grandson, the
subject of this sketch. Captain Hunt
was a man of more than ordinary ability. Endowed
with a rugged constitution he possessed talents of high
order and a mind as vigorous as it was broad and
comprehensive. He exerted a large and wholesome
influence in the community, where he was highly
respected for his many excellent qualities. Being
a member of the Methodist church he took a deep interest
in all religious matters and liberally encouraged every
movement which advanced the cause. His home was
always open to the old circuit riders those itinerant
preachers who formed such an important factor in
frontier life three quarters of a century ago. He
married Betsey Calkins, a native of
Sharon, Conn., who died on the homestead in 1848, aged
seventy-three. She was a woman richly endowed with
the sterling characteristics of New Englanders, and like
her husband wielded a marked influence in the community.
Of a lovable disposition, kind, benevolent, and
charitable, she was especially the friend of the sick
and needy, to whom she ministered with a liberal hand.
Their children were William, who died in Kansas;
Elijah, a merchant, who died in Lowell, Oneida
county; Rev. Isaac L., a prominent Methodist
clergyman and presiding elder, who died in Adams, N. Y.,
at the age of eighty-six; Dr. Jacob, born in
Hillsdale, Conn., in 1811, died in Utica in April, 1887;
Luther E., father of Dr. Myron
W.; Rev. Ward W., a graduate of Hamilton
College, class of 1843, and a noted clergyman, who died
in Adams, N. Y., at the age of seventy-four; Polly
(Mrs. William Potter), who died in Westmoreland;
Betsey (Mrs. Joseph Havens), who died in Clinton,
N. Y., in 1875, aged seventy seven; Hettie (Mrs.
Lowden Brainard), who died at Lairdsville in 1890,
aged eighty nine; and Almira (Mrs. George Gardner),
who died in Lowell, Oneida county. Of these Dr.
Jacob Hunt became a well known physician and
surgeon. He practiced for twenty years in Lowell,
N. Y., and in 1852 settled in Utica. He was a
prominent member of the Oneida County and New York State
Medical Societies, a delegate to the American Medical
Society, and twice a delegate to the General Conference
of the M. E. church.
Luther E. Hunt, father of Dr. M. W., was
born on the homestead at Lairdsville on May 17, 1814,
and spent his entire life there, dying April 9, 1895.
He was educated in Cazenovia and Fairfield Seminaries,
and when nineteen became principal of the Rochester
public school, which position he filled several years.
He held a similar position in Oswego until his health
failed, when he returned to Lairdsville and engaged in
the manufacture of brooms. He was a staunch Republican,
took a deep interest in local affairs, and enjoyed the
respect and confidence of the entire community. He was
one of the oldest members of Hampton Lodge F. & A. M. at
the time of his death. In 1846 he married
Harriet M. Warner, of Amsterdam, N. Y., who was born
in Cambridge N. Y., May 27, 1821, and who died April 11,
1895, two days after her husband. She was a
prominent member of the M. E. church, a consistent
Christian throughout life, and a devoted wife and loving
mother. They had five children, of whom three
survived them, viz : Dr. Myron W., of Holland
Patent; S. Olin, of Lairdsville; and Minnie L.,
who was born November 6, 1861, and who died April 16,
1895, making the third death in the family within a
period of one week, all of pneumonia.
Dr. Myron W. Hunt spent his early life on the
family homestead and in attending the district schools.
In 1875 he was graduated in the classical course from
Whites town Seminary and subsequently pursued his
preparatory studies at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute.
Later he entered the class of 1879 of Syracuse
University, but did not complete the course, having
decided in the mean time to adopt medicine as a
profession. In the fall of 1878 he entered the
office of Dr. William M. James, of Whitesboro,
where he pursued his studies with that thoroughness
which has characterized all his undertakings.
Later he read medicine with Dr. Albert Van Da Veer,
a noted surgeon of Albany, and was graduated from the
Albany Medical College on March 4, 1882. He
immediately went to Burlington and took the spring
course at the University of Vermont, graduating
therefrom in June of that year. Afterward he took a
special course in diseases of the heart and lungs under
Dr. George M. Garland, of Boston. In the
fall of 1883 he began the active practice of his
profession in Stittville in the town of Trenton, Oneida
county, and in May, 1888, moved thence to the village of
Holland Patent, in the same town, where he has since
Dr. Hunt has successfully built up an
extensive general practice and stands well among the
leading physicians of Oneida county. He is a
prominent member of the Oneida County Medical Society
and out of town physician to Faxton and St. Elizabeth's
Hospitals of Utica. He has also been health
officer of the town of Floyd for several years. In
politics he is an ardent and active Republican, and in
the councils of his party is one of the recognized local
leaders. In the fall of 1890 he was elected
coroner of Oneida county by a majority of 118, and three
years later was re-elected to this office, running ahead
of the ticket. During his two terms, or nearly six
years, as county coroner he has had much important work,
his territorial jurisdiction being the largest in the
county. Dr. Hunt has been a member
of the Board of Education of Holland Patent since 1888
and is chairman of the teachers' committee. He is
an honorary member of the 117th regiment N. Y. S. V, a
member of Remsen Lodge, No 677, F. & A. M., member of
Utica Lodge No. 33, P. B. O. E., and a charter member of
Trenton Lodge, No. 577, I. O. O. F., and Holland Patent
Lodge, No. 352, K. of M. He was a charter member
and one of the organizers of Holland Patent Lodge, No.
291, K. of P., is district deputy chancellor commander
of the 66th district Knights of Pythias, and was the
organizer and is past chief councillor of Stittville
Council, No. 279, Order of the United Friends. He
also organized Oriskany Council, No. 291, O. U. F., and
has taken a deep interest in the advancement of the
order. Dr. Hunt is a public-spirited
citizen, active in all worthy enterprises, and is
actively identified with the prosperity of his town and
county. He stumped the counties of Herkimer and
Oneida in 1892 and has delivered numerous addresses
before patriotic and other gatherings. He has been
a delegate to county, district, and State political
conventions, and in every capacity has manifested that
loyalty and patriotism and public spirit which
characterize the respected citizen. He is
vestryman of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Holland
Patent, and a member of the United Friends Club of New
York city.
On August 7, 1884, Dr. Hunt was married
to Miss Frances A., daughter of Joseph D.
Newton, of Lowell, Oneida county, and they have two
sons: Newton L., born October 20, 1885, and
Isaac L., born April 16, 1891.
Source: Our County and It's People - A
Descriptive Work on Oneida County, New York, Edited by
Daniel E. Wager, Published by The Boston History
Company, 1896 - Part II - Page 157 with portrait. |
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