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(Source: Who's Steuben: A Biographical Record of Many of the Prominent Residents of Steuben County, New York
together with an introductory chapter entitled Steuben's Place in History
By William M. Stuart
Copyright 1935 by
William M. Stewart
Caniseo, N.Y.

Private Transcribing by Sharon Wick

* Portrait in Book


Acker, Francis Melvin 204
Acker, Mary Wilder Clark 36
Adams, Forest Raymond 383
Adams, William Ernest 127
Allen, Alma L. 142
Allen, George H., Jr. 214
Anderson, Harrie O. 283
Andrews, Lester S. 388
Andrus, George H. 252
Annabel, Floyd W. 229
Annas, John Wesley, Jr. 348
Arland, William W. 310
Arnold, Alexander J. 166
Arnold, Frank L. 169
Atherton, Harlo Madison 59
Aulls, Frank R. 225
Auringer, Horace Edward 280
Austin, HEnry Gaylord 161
Austin, James Gaston 392
Babcock, Howard Parkhill 82
Babcock, John Wesley 255
Bailey, Clarence 110
Bailey, Joseph Lawrence 209
Baker, Dale, Duane 145
Baker, Leslie Adrian 80
Baker, Rose Willis 81
Baker, Ross Lee 43
Bantley, Frank Julius 345
Barber, Grattan Brundage 239
Barnes, Murray 170
Barney, Benjamin A. 194
Barney, Emily S. 187
Bates, Herman J. 17
Bayly, Benjamin F. 408
Bean, Stuart H. 278
Beattie, Sherman Grant 185
Benjamin, O. J. 122
Bennett, Louis R. 212
Benson, Charles Richard 451
Berry, Lucien G. 338
Blades, Archie Lee 393
Bonham, Edwin Douglas 284
Bouck, Edgar T. 24
Bowdish, Jackson William 148
Bowes, Thomas M. 236
Bradley, Justin B. 95
Brasted, Walter Henry 90
Bringham, Robert A. 222
Brisco, Clarence H. 303
Brisco, Fred J. 357
Brown, Edwin S. 7
Brown, Harry Karr 128
Brown, Ray S. 268
Brown, William Lee 390
Bruen, Charles Arthur 139
Brush, Henry M. 45
Bryan, Leland B. 316
Buisch, Olive Greenhow 241
Bundy, Nelson O. 171
Burd, George J. 192
Burdett, Charles Archie 419
Burlingame, Charles L. 155
Burnett, Charles Gilbert 143
Burnham, Clarence Sidney 106
Burns, John 23
Burrell, Almon W. 337
Cadogan, Charles 380
Cahill, Michael H. 305
Cameron, Francis M. 138
Cameron, Frederick C. 298
Cameron, Ignatius X. 440
Campbell, Willson R. 217
Candiello, Vedo M. 100
Carder, Frederick 332
Carter, Guyon John 282
Chamberlain, Dorothy Wood 13
Chamberlain, William H. 12
Chapman, Frank T. 432
Charles, William Stuart 447
Cheesman, Glee Warner 164
Cheney, Guy W. 312
Chickering, Frank Edward 131
Childs, Edwin Merritt 20
Clark, Glenn D. 68
Clark, Hattie M. 104
Clark, Louis Mott 228
Clark, Spencer E. 69
Clark, William Walker 2
Coger, Mason B. 330
Cole, Ernest E. 402
Cole, W. Sterling 219
Collins, William L. 10
Comfort, Kenneth Edmund 22
Comstock, Clarissa Belle 87
Comstock, Daniel James 438
Conderman, Grace E. 38
Conner, A. J. 165
Conover, Arlie B. 39
Conway, John A. 173
Cook, Frederick W. 442
Cook, Ross Hancock 250
Cooke, Edward Walker 93
Cornell, Fred A. 5
Cotton, George E. 121
Cototn, Thomas Arnold 339
Cottrell, Delano Dempster 197
Countryman, Edwin W. 28
Cowles, Ellsworth C. 290
Crandall, Frank Ralph 178
Crane, Charles L. 273
Crane, Fred Du Bois 105
Crane, Sherman Hendee 83
Craumer, Ernest Werner 318
Crawford, Finla Goff 203
Crawford, William E. 158
Crossman, James Edgar 172
Curtiss, William Hanford 346
Darrin, Delmar Matthews 269
Dascomb, J. Stewart 226
Davidson, Morris 355
Davison, Milton W. 25
Dawkins, Carl Edward 55
Dennis, Almond K. 163
Dennis, Leonard E. 133
Dennis, Ross Woodbury 343
DeWitt, Benjamin C. 196
Dickey, Frank W. 336
Dimick, Fred L. 325
Dodge, Harrison Stowell 6
Donaldson, George E. 180
Drake, James S., Jr. 230
Dunn, Percy Lawrence 425
Erwin, Samuel C. 267
Empey, Franklin C. 208
Edmunds, Webster 32
Elkins, Henry O. 215
Eckess, Abb W. 307
Farley, George Theodore 70
fenner, Donald Olin 340
Flson, John Pierce 184
Finnessy, John James 96
Fish, Harry Albert 54
Flaxington, Ward B. 458
Flohr, Moritz Herman 44
Fogal, Roy E. 124
Folger, George Smith 52
Frei, Henry L. 443
Gage, Henry Phelps 354
Gage, Otis Amsden 363
Galbo, Joseph P. 395
Gardiner, Jerry L. 342
Gardner, Donald M. 89
Garman, Stanley Cortland 49
Gilroy, Edward A. 424
Githler, Charles E. 398
Gleason, Lloyd A. 149
Goff, Almon Pliny 29
Goff, Orpheus B. 374
Goff, Walter M. 275
Goodno, J. Harvey 247
Gore, Ellsworth Ben 437
Gorton, William E., Jr. 359
Gotham, Roy James 152
Grabb, Carl J. 245
Granger, Rice B. 300
Gray, David E. 335
Gray, Herbert Jesse 251
Gregg, Hugh Wendling 292
Griffin, James 328
Grosvenor, George H. 136
Gunderman, Clarence 238
Gunlocke, William H. 57
Hackett, Roy M. 63
Hagadorn, John Bernard 84
Hall, Alexander 426
Hall, Fred R. 130
Hall, Rose Walker 33
Hallahan, James P. 352
Hallock, Chester R. 309
Hallock, Martin Leroy 243
Halninen, John W. 113
Hartman, Elliott M. 410
Hatch, Hyatt C. 266
Hawkes, Samuel 360
Hawkes, Townsend de M. 361
Hawkins, Elmer Dudley 270
Heermans, William J. 324
Heminway, Ella M. Daley 397
Herrington, Roy Walker 253
Hertenstein, Warren E. 423
Hill, Acton Miller 88
Hill, Lewis F. 271
Hoag, Mary Hotchkin 67
Hoagland, Kathryn M. 65
Hollands, George 99
Hollands, Henry Ward 51
Hollands, William G. 455
Hollis, John W. 98
Hollister, F. Harold 202
Hollister, George Buell 399
Hollister, Herbert L. 246
Holly, Robert Piefer 134
Holmes, Anson Bonham 367
Hood, Alfred Gamman 321
Horey, Joseph A. 157
Horton, Casler P. 417
Horton, Robert 263
Hostetter, John Clyde 358
Houghton, Alanson Bigelow 1
Houghton, Amory 334
Houghton, Arthur A., Jr. 350
Howland, Carl Webster 261
Hubbard, Chauncey P. 378
Hug, Hugo J. 441
Humphrey, Frank H. 448
Humphrey, Helen M. Stuart 434
Hunter, W. Edward 120
Hurlbut, Frank 191
Hussey, Virgil H. 154
Husted, Loie Cummins 258
Huy, Emily M. 362
Jackson, Francis Eugene 177
Jackson, Hattie C. Rulofson 40
Jackson, Lyle W. 18
Jackson, Mary Karr 405
Jackson, Stacy Leonard 200
Jacoby, Truman L. 396
Jamison, D. Stearns, Jr. 160
Jenkins, Edson W. 205
Johnson, Mabel Barker 31
Joint, William Erskine 153
Jones, Harold Lewis 444
Jones, John Theodore 341
Karl, Arthur John 85
Keeler, John Raymond 77
Kellogg, William G. 422
Kelly, Francis J. 111
Kellly, J. Raymond 453
Kennedy, John F. 294
Kennedy, John W. 168
Kennedy, Merton F. 186
Killeen, Joseph A. 439
Killigrew, William M. 326
Kimble, Leslie Delos 349
Kimmel, Martin, Jr. 56
King, George A. 302
Kinkaid, Purdy A. 123
Knapp, Wilbur F. 218
Kotsones, James 370
Kysor, Leon M. 193
Lair, John Percy 79
Lake, Vincent C. 382
Landman, Max I. 379
Landon, Merritt M. 436
Lape, Archie R. 403
Larson, Lloyd Winton 207
Latham, Joseph Claude 9
Lathrop, Frank Oel 61
Leavens, Charles C. 179
Lee, George Winance 107
Leet, Robert C. 386
Littleton, Jesse Talbot 333
Look, Ernest E. 206
Loper, Forrest Jeffrey 141
MacDowell, Sidney D. 276
MacFarland, William James 409
Maley, Jeremiah A. 377
Mann, Carland L. 156
Mason, Robert Cameron 30
Matthews, Ernest G. 159
Matthews, Frank V. 433
McAlister, Ray Charles 291
McCall, William Wallace 376
McCarthy, John W. 323
McCauley, George Vest 347
McConnell, Warren C. 71
McHenry, W. Russell 42
McIntire, John C. 213
McKinley, George 373
McNamara, Patrick S. 41
Merrill, Raymond B. 265
Messer, Wilson 299
Miller, Maurice E. 281
Miller, Robert Boyd 182
Miller, Wilbur Tannehill 314
Mills, Mary 132
Millspaugh, Harrie J. 356
Mitchell, Ella Fisher 199
Mizell, Horace Wesley 412
Moore, Charles H., Jr. 387
Moore, John H. 264
Morton, Harry Kemp 37
Mosier, Malcolm B. 288
Murdock, Glen W. 147
Nast, Philip M., Jr. 86
Norton, Clarence H. 413
Oakley, Walter W. 364
O'Connor, Edward 415
O'Hargan, Mary M. 11
Olcott, Marvin 344
Oldfield, Reuben B. 211
Olney, Henry C. 72
O'Neill, Edmond Mark 449
Otto, J. Austin 4
Paddock, Elisha Edson 210
Page, Raymond E. 416
Page, W. Bertram 14
Parkhurst, Fred W. 240
Payne, Ethel L. Gorton 287
Payne, Frederick Rounsville 286
Perry, William Henry 118
Pfeiffer, Frederick F. 351
Phillips, Jesse Snyder 126
Pierce, Hugh Melvin 48
Pixley, Emery Cassius 78
Plail, John 58
Platt, Ira M. 224
Potter, George E. 35
Powell, Milton C. 404
Pratt, George W. 232
Pratt, Ransom 317
Purcell, Justin Vincent 372
Randall, Albert D. 452
Ranger, Harold Henry 407
Redmond, Walter Randall 46
Resue, Bert J. 16
Rex, Myron E. 125
Reynolds, James D. 102
Reynolds, Walter J. 151
Richtmyer, Earl Gibson 418
Richtmyer, William J. 431
Riddell, William G. 91
Robbins, Albert W. 385
Robbins, Fred A. 384
Robbins, Levi George 401
Roblee, Vera Bennet 103
Rockwell, Emory B. 331
Rockwell, L. W. 459
Rosenberg, Isaac Myer 8
Rumsey, Claude B. 424
Ryan, Timothy J. 189
Sanford, Edgar Lewis 234
Sargent, Helen Anstis 183
Schnurle, Leslie Eugene 64
Schwan, Carl G. 450
Scranton, Roy Herbert 76
Scribner, Edward M. 135
Scudder, Ambrose E. 329
Segers, Paul William 34
Searls, John Wesley 174
Sebring, James O. 301
Selleck, Spencer Z. 235
Severn, William Erskine 313
Shannon, Thomas 220
Sharp, Don L. 411
Shearer, William George 297
Shill, Clauade E. 167
Shults, Clyde E. 394
Sill, Cyrus Dennison 353
Simpson, Leerett J. 190
Sisto, Angelo 274
Smith, Asa T. 150
Smith, Calvin U. 289
Smith, Clara L. 15
Smith, Claude R. 216
Smith, E. Charles 421
Smith, Edwin C. 237
Smith, Frank H. 277
Smith, Frank Hallett 435
Smith, Harry Coleman 188
Smith, Hoxie W. 221
Smith, J. Ray 381
Smith, Walter Alvan 257
Smith, William Chase 429
Smith, William Titus 322
Somers, Harry Lee 19
Sorensen, August L. 420
Spencer, John Gilbert 53
Stanton, John Sherman 389
Stephens, Perry E. 198
Stewart,,, Harry Joshua 129
Stewart, Otto James 248
Stewart, Otto K. 50
Stewart, Lancelot L. 162
Stover, S. John 327
Stowell, Claude V. 311
Stuart, Archibald William 115
Stuart, Elmer J. 285
Stuart, George M. 201
Stuart, Roger Winship 116
Stuart, William Morey 114
Suits, Frank H. 308
Sullivan, Eugene Cornelius 400
Sullivan, James Harold 445
Sutton, Clarence Eugene 223
Sweringen, Herbert J. 406
Symonds, William B. 254
Tanner, William F. 306
Taylor, William Chittenden 369
Ten Broeck, Carrie Colvin 259
Thomas, John L. 368
Thwing, Walter Nathaniel 457
timmerman, H. Ward 231
Todd, Daniel Henry 181
Tompkins, Myron W. 92
Torrence, Floyd J. 108
Towne, B. Frank 365
Towner, Ben F. 427
Towsley, John Ransom 140
Tracy, William J. 414
Travis, Andrew David 144
Travis, David H. 75
Travis, Howard M. 109
Travis, Lyn France 21
Travis, Melvin E. 428
Tuttle, Bert Samuel 175
Underhill, Edwin Stewart, Jr. 296
Underhill, William Allen 295
Upson, William Jacob 60
Van Derhoef, W. Howard 227
Varn, Hugh A. 320
Waldo, Otis 66
Walker, Cletus B. 117
Wallace, Myra E. Metcalf 375
Walsh, Lauriston 318
Weatherby, George H. 272
Webb, Ralph 279
Webster, Mary Davis 27
Welch, Vincent John 319
Wellington, Benjamin Wickham 293
Wells, John Harold 195
Wells, Reginald Wentworth 112
Wetmiller, Noah S. 260
Wettlin, William A. 430
Weyand, Leo F. 446
Weynnd, Nicholas 47
Wheatley, Leon F. 94
Wheeler, John Charles 97
Wheeler, Marion Piatt 146
White, Nelia Gardner 3
Whiting, George C. 62
Whiting, Glenn L. 244
Whiting, Oliver M. 74
Wightman, Alton J. 233
Wilcox, Albert Dewey 454
Wilcox, Henry P. 101
Wilder, Charles Josiah 26
Wiliams, Aaron F. 371
Williams, Holland B. 304
Williams, Jesse H. 176
Williams, Maurice H. 256
Willover, Walter Hedden 137
Wilson, Jesse 262
Wilson, Roy M. 456
Wineburg, Charles 391
Wolcott, George T. 366
Wood, William R. 460
Woodbury, E. Walter 249
Worden, Newman G. 119
Wraight, Guy L. 73






This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights