Pennsylvania Genealogy Express

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Welcome to
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
History & Genealogy


Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Unsurpassed in Location; Unlimited in Resources;
Unrivalled in the Activity, Intelligence and Patriotism of Her People.

A Review of the Advantages, the Causes of her Prosperity,
and the Unquestioned Superiority of the Inventive
Genius of Her Manufacturers.
Illustrations of the Prominent Buildings and Places of Interest.
Compiled by
The Consolidated Illustrating Co.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Copyright, 1896

If you need anything transcribed, please CONTACT ME ~ Sharon Wick

< Click Here to Go to List of Biographical Index List >

NOTE:  Index references to pages 1-208 (township and borough histories) are to be disregarded, as these pages have not been printed in this edition.

Abbott, Wm. 204
Aber, William J. * 122
Acker, Edward 238
Aeberli, W. A. 152
Ajax Manufacturing Co. 197
Alexander Lumber Co. 220
Allebrand, C. W. 241
Allegheny Express Co. 160
Allegheny Foundry Co. 220
Allegheny High School (picture 153
Allegheny Iron & Machine Co. * 164
Alston, A. & Co. 146
American Oil Tank Line 174
American Spiral Spring Co. 161
Amity, Hotel * 246
Anderson Co., The * 176
Anderson, J. T. & Co. 143
Andriessen, Arthur 247
Armstrong, John H. * 125
Armstrong, Sarah, Mrs. 218
Arnold, Henry & Co. 225
Aschman, F. T. 202
Atkinson, T. O. 117
Bader, John * 188
Baker, D. 183
Baldwin & Graham 207
Ball Chemical Co. * 165
Beazell, W. H. & Co. ** 242
Becker, I. K. 215
Beckert, C. & Co. 194
Beckert, C., Jr. 130
Beckett, John H. 158
Bedell, J. Chas. - Furniture Co. 152
Bedell, Milton & Isaac 209
Beitler, D. & Co. 206
Bender & Alldred 243
Benz, John * 115
Bernstein & Rosenfield 167
Bestwick, J. 230
Birney, J. T. - Keystone Hardware House 151
Black, Ross W. * 189
Blair Brothers 175
Boggs & Buhl 200
Booth & Flinn 155
Booth, George * 108
Born, Adam 207
Boss, Gustave A. 234
Boyce, John 159
Boyd & Thubron 156
Boyd, J. M. 138
Boyle & Co. 241
Boyle, D. J. * 104
Brahm, Simon & Son 168
Braithwait, Wm. 179
Breeze Coke Co. 170
Brettholle, Frank 195
Brophy, T. M. 103
Brown, M. B., Jr. 202
Brown, Thomas 162
Browne Brothers 140
Buckeye Refining Co., The 154
Buettner, Otto A. 166
Bullock, Geo. W. 159
Burgoon, J. A., M.D. 209
Burleigh, Clarence * 107
Burry, W. C. 169
Burt, W. H. - See Enterprise Foundry Co. 151
Byers, A. Z. & Co. 234
Cambria & Westmoreland Natural Gas Co. 231
Carlin, James 228
Carnahan, W. & Co. 166
Carnegie Oil & Power Co. 239
Carnegie Steel Co. * 136
Chaffey, W. T. & Co. 158
Chapman, James 247
Chartiers, Hotel 238
Christiansen, Christ 238
Clark Brothers 172
Clark, George 227
Clarkson, Hotel * 157
Claus, Chas. & Co. 182
Cleveland Stone Co. 235
Cochran & Davis 203
Cochrane, G. A. 223
Cole, H. E. * see Empire Drill Co. 149
Collins, John * 115
Conlin Brothers 216
Conner, Samuel P. * 111
Crawford, Jas. * 145
Crea, Graham & Co. 196
Cruikshank Bros. Co. * 141
Cubbage, Boyd G. 138
Dabbs, B. L. H. * 141
Daugherty Typewriter Co., The. 171
Daum & Helm 227
Davies, John 182
Davis, Harry 228
Davis, J. Turner 178
Degelman, John Co. 238
Delaney, Thomas * 126
DeLong, Julius & Co. 222
Detrick & Mirick 150
Deuter & Fischer 216
Diamond Art Parlors 139
Diamond Milk Co. * 209
Diamond Produce Co. 210
Dietz Brothers 214
Digby, J. E. & Co. 214
Dixon, H. L. 146
Donley, Mark * 125
Donovan, B. 143
Douglas & Mackie 219
Douthitt, John W. * 121
Doyle, John * 116
Doyle, John * 122
Drum, Simon's Ins. Agency 228
Duff Manufacturing Co. 227
Dunbar Fire Brick Company 155
Duquesne Heat, Light & Power Co. 213
Durham, C. T. 215
Durr, Hotel * 142
Durr, J. K. * 130
Dwyer, Michael C. 116
Eagle Drug Store 244
East End Supply Company 203
Eberhardt & Ober Brewing Co. 197
Edie, John B. 208
Edwards, Frank 210
Einstein, Jos. W. 211
Einstein, Morris 160
Eisenschmid, John 198
Elliott, J. S. & Co. 143
Ellsworth Pharmacy 139
Empire Drill Co. 149
Enterprise Sand Co. 233
Entress, A. M. 212
Ereck, C. W. 149
Excelsior Exp. & Standard Cab Co. 144
Farmers & Mechanics Bank 155
Feath & Kerr 161
Feick Brothers 199
Felker & Wilson 170
First National Bank 154
First National Bank 224
First National Bank 230
Fleitz Bros. 238
Fleming, George S. * 112
Ford, Henry P., Hon. * 101
Ford, William R. * 111
Fort Pitt Smelting & Refining Co. 222
Foster, C. A. * 246
Foster, James 117
Fox, Thomas 217
Franklin, Ben, Insurance Co. 235
Freese & Aufderheide  234
Frick, H. C., Coke Co. 134
Fulton, J. K., Sr. 224
Gamble, Samuel 175
Garrity, M. J. 225
Gehb, John 226
George & Davis 179
Gerding, Henry, Jr. * 121
Getty & Morris 203
Geyer, Charles * 104
Gilchrist, M. 158
Givens, C. A. 226
Glock, Chas. J. 170
Goettman, J. & Son 220
Goetz, J. M. 171
Goldsmith's Pharmacy 175
Goodwin, W. F. 213
Gormley, James T. 173
Gracey, Chas. B. & Co. 178
Graf & Niemann * 191
Grayble, D. S. 181
Green, N., & Co. 133
Gripp, John * 108
Groah Brothers 223
Groetzinger, John * 122
Gwinner, Frederick 234
Haefner, Jno. A. 205
Haenel, John 147
Hall, Harry Alvan * 128
Hammond, C. D. & Co. 202
Hannah, Harry W. * 112
Hardsocg, Martin Mfg. Co. 198
Harrison, J. 226
Hartman, Thomas F. * 125
Hasley & Emmert 202
Hastings, Joseph 219
Haymaker, John C. * 104
Hays, Sefton & Co. 195
Healey, H. T. & Sons 191
Heck, E. E. 158
heckel, C. C. & Sons 205
Hemphill, G. E. 240
Hemphill, J. W. 151
Henderson, A. K. 199
Hepline, Joseph * 118
Herbst, Jacob 210
Herd Bakery, U. S. Baking Co. 146
Hermes, Peter * 115
Herst, E. & Co. * 251
Hespenheide, H. W. 162
Hess, Lindsay & Co. Ltd. 233
Hesson, Dennis 243
Hetzel, John C. * 104
Hieber, F. H. * 244
Higgins & Son 159
Hixenbaugh, W. S. 236
Hoerr, P. 179
Hoffner, Geo. 222
Hofmeister, A. C. L. * 118
Hogg, George 162
Holden's Pharmacy 245
Holliday, George L.* 118
Holzheimer & Bock 225
Hook, Chas. & Son 190
Hotel, Enterprise * 245
Hotel, Merchants, The 216
Humphreys, Miles S. 128
Humphreys, Miles S. * 111
Ingham, John B. Sons 211
Iron City Dish Washer Co. * 240
Island Avenue House * 241
Jackson, F. R. 164
Jahn, A. 186
Johns, W. H. 126
Johnson, G. R. C. 137
Jones, G. W. * 250
Jones, John C. F., Co., The 185
Junge, Albert 182
Kaercher, A. J.'s Pharmacy 220
Kant, Mayer 226
Kapner, Bros. & Duga 207
Kearns, P. B. * 118
Kennedy, F. H. (portrait only) 113
Kennedy, James & Sons 165
Kennedy, John A. 159
Kepp Gear Wheel & Foundry Co. 204
Keppler, Hotel * 183
Kidd Steel Wire Co. 184
Kimberlin, G. C. 235
Kirkbride & Sanford 199
Kitsch, George 247
Kleber, H. & Bro. 189
Klumpp, F. J. * 122
Knipp, Henry 206
Knox, J. P. & E. A. 169
Koehler Bros. 253
Krey, L. A. 235
Kurz & Co. 235
Lacock, A. J. & Co. 227
Lambie, John S. * 115
Lang, Edward G. 221
Latimore, D. C. & Bro. 212
Lee, John 154
Leidemann, M. 237
Leighton, H. S. 204
Lewis & C. 157
Ley & Geiselhart 218
Loeffert, George & Son 221
Loheyde, A. 167
Lohrey, Henrey 150
Lowry, Harvey A. * 102
Luek, Franz F. * 188
Malloy, J. H. * 138
Mansfield & Co. 165
Mansfield Valley Co-operative Assn. * 152
Mansmann Brothres 194
Marine Oil Co. 199
Martin, Gilbert 236
Marx, M. * 189
Mayer, C. P. * 245
McAfee, Robert * 108
McAlister Bros. * 217
McAyeal, James 213
McCaughan & Co. 182
McCauley, P. 195
McClure, Alexancer & Co. * 133
McClure, D. R. & Co. * 173
McClure, M. L. 140
McClurg, Jas. & Co. 165
McConnell Asbestos Co. 184
McCreery, John H. 178
McDowell, Heber, Hon. * 103
McEldowney, W. C. * 117
McElroy & Co. 229
McGee, T. J., Dr. 252
McHenry, Thos. 214
McKay, H. 207
McKee 198
McKee, Alexander E. 117
McKee, J. K. Co. 232
McKee's Rocks Pharmach 222
McKeesport Hardware Co. 223
McKeesport Light Co. 217
McKeesport Machine Co. 225
McKeesport Wharfboat Co. 229
McKinley, Robert & Sons 181
McKinley, William C. * 112
McLaughlin, James A. * 107
McMaster, S. C. & Co. 173
McNall, A. 232
McNaugher & Co. 198
McQuitty, A. J. * 108
Meess, Julius & Co. 239
Menke, George 208
Menke, George * 252
Meyer, Gregor * 168
Meyer, Henry J. * 232
Meyer, J. Martin 156
Meyer, Victor 226
Meyer, W. H. 229
Miller, August 137
Miller, George W. * 128
Moore, Thomas * 134
Morgan, Hotel * 213
Morgan, W. J. - Slope Mine Coal Co. 150
Morrow, Geo. A. & Co. 251
Morrow, T. M. 204
Mucker, Henry W. 206
Munden & Eddy 211
Murphy, John R. * 128


Musselman, D. Z. & Co. 230
Muth, Henry * 107
Mutzig, L. 182
Myers, A. N. 229
Myers, John H. 200
National Bank of McKeesport * 191
National Hotel 237
National Wall Paper Co. 195
Neimann, J. H. 195
Nelson, August 240
Nelson, Speer C. 206
Neupert, Robert 253
O'Donnell, John C. * 104
Old, James 193
Owens, Howard J. * 125
Panner, L. & P. 167
Parry, T. L. 231
Patrick & Kennihan 238
Patterson & Co. 228
Pedder, Charles J. * 116
Pence & Erwin, Misses 172
Perfection Manufacturing Co. 156
Perry, Thomas E. * 112
Piccardo, P. * 144
Pitcairn, A. J. * 122
Pittsburg Block Coal Company 180
Pittsburg Clay Pot Co. 163
Pittsburg Desk Co. * 160
Pittsburg Feed Water Heater & Eng. Co. 178
Pittsburg Filter Co., The 211
Pittsburg Mould Manf. Co. * 216
Pittsburg Steel Hollowware Co. 163
Pittsurg Iron Paint Co. 223
Poellot, H. & Sons 183
Poke, Henry * 121
Powell, Wm. T. 177
Prager, P. & Sons 214
Pressing, J. G. 236
Price, Michael J. * 121
Rahe, George A. * 115
Randolph & McClements 188
Rattigan, J. J. * 139
Reel, Chas. C. 147
Reel, Chas. C. * 252
Reiter, Henry * 201
Reithel, Chas. * 148
Renkin, W. W. & Co. 214
Reno, C. L. & Co. * 186
Rese, Henry G. 227
Richards, James F. * 107
Rieseck, P. 146
Riesmeyer, A. H. 214
Robertson, A. C. * 111
Robinson, J. A. 203
Roeder, P. * 250
Rose, Thomas H. 253
Roth, C. 222
Rott, Louis, Drug Company 143
Rottkay, J. H. 205
Royal Laundry Co. 184
Rudert, Paul 224
ruggeman, J. F. 205
Ruhlandt, John W. 112
Saint, Will J. T. 200
Sample & Jenkins 220
Sauer, F. C. 218
Scaife, Wm. B. & Sons 205
Scarborough & Klauss 159
Schad, Otto A. 218
Schilling, P. C. & Co. 165
Schlelein, L. & J.  194
Schluederberg & Perrot 149
Schmidt, Hotel 193
Schmidt, John H. 175
Schomaker & Co. 167
Schulze & Emanuel 148
Schulze, John F. 250
Scott, J. M. & Co. 219
Seipp, H. C. Iron & Wire Works, The 219
Serena, John & Co. * 181
Shannon, P. M. 215
Shenkel, John J. * 126
Siebert, Chas. T. 190
Siebert, Elmer E. * 122
Simmendinger, Wm. 231
Singer, Louis 168
Sipe, James B. & Co. 194
Skinner, Geoge W. * 107
Skirboll's Shoe House 237
Smith, Chas. W. Cafe & Bar * 243
Smith, G. W. & Brother 233
Smith, Henry & Sons 236
Smith, J. P. 221
Smith, Jos. J. 157
Smith, W. U. 237
Snively, J. S. 182
Somers, Brother & Co. * 193
South Pittsburg Planing Mill Co. 171
Staving, W. C. * 177
Stayton, Isaac R. * 111
Steiner & Voegtly * 152
Steinmann, J. P. 221
Sterrett, John P. * 121
Stevener, F. 174
Stevens Chair Co. 185
Stitely, D. H. 170
Stroup, George 158
Sumner Brick & Tile Co. 215
Suydam, M. B. & Co. 164
Swearingen, Clarence H. 229
Tarentum Glass Co. 175
Tarentum Mirror & Art Glass Works 172
Thubron Hose Stables 239
Tibby Brothers 254
Tilghman, G. W. 151
Tinker, Francis 170
Torrence, David R., Hon. * 101
Totten, R. M. 231
Tremont Stove Works 180
Ulrich & Spencer 234
Union American Cigar Co. 155
United States Radiator Co. 154
Vaught, Phillips & Co. 237
Verona Tool Works 162
Vogeley, J. G. * 137
Von Bonnhorst, Geo. M. * 102
Wagner Brothers 171
Wagner, Hotel - Advertisement 255
Wainwright, John E. * 125
Walsh, M. & R. 167
Walter, Geo. L. & Co. * 233
Walther, Ernest T. & Co. 221
Walton, William 179
Warmcastle, C. A. 174
Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co. 230
Watson, James 206
Wehner, John A. 174
Weihe, William * 118
Weinmann, Charles * 224
Werneburg Bros. 249
Wernke, F. W. * 212
Wertz & Beck 208
Wertz, P. 230
West & Brown 176
White, John 201
Whyte, James & Co. 147
Wild, A. J. * 249
Williams, Joseph 190
Williams, Nathan S. * 108
Wilson, George W. * 126
Wilson, R. H. 231
Wilson, T. H. * 126
Wise Brothers 203
Wolf, M. 201
Young, Philip H. 183
Yunker, John 239
Zeuger, Joseph 117
Zinkhan, John 193
Zoller, Louis 210
Zollinger, Charles L. 130
Zumpft, Chas. & Co. 160






This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights